Shorter Warner Todd “I Has A Bucket”* Huston
Posted on January 10th, 2008 by Gavin M.
Electing Obama A Slap In The Face To Muslims Everywhere?
Above: Totally looked better
with the cookie scrubber
- Hey, here’s one (ahem): I truly regret mentioning the fact that Barack Obama is a Muslim, for all men are indeed brethren to me; but is it wise for America to elect a man who, as an apostate — heh heh, wait for it — is marked for immediate death by the hate-maddened Islamic murder religion?
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
* Q.v.
Say what?
LIke Dinesh, Huston’s advice is, “Cave to the Islamofascistmuslim hordes! Do what he say! Do what he say!”
I’ve done the Howard Lederer and Paul Sorvino having a child together joke, right? Sorry, checking the old thread, I had Howard Lederer eating Stephen King. So many goddamn Howard Lederer jokes out there.
I read about two paragraphs of that screed and had to quit. I love the toobz but gavin; from now on I’m going to let you venture into that muck. Bleech!
I has a trebucket!
Completely OT, but I’ve been wanting to say that for a long time. Indeed, TICTMP.
cookie scrubber? please tell me you’re using cookie literally.
TICT MP, baby. Tict to the m to the p.
Shalom, gentlemen.
homosexual = pedophile
Concern trolling for the feelings of the ragheads? I guess we’re in full swing of “Say anything. Do Anything. Win.” mode for the wingnuts.
Everyday I read this site and the wingnut crap and think, “Jeebus Christ! What a world we are living in.”
There’s too much wingnuteese in that column for me to comment on, so I’ll just focus on the somewhat-petty-but-always-salient wingnut grammer/spelling issues: “none-the-less”???? *sigh*
Seriously, what *is* it with the spelling and grammar with these folks. Is it all the homeschooling?
Truth is, liberals will do anything to surrender to the terrorists, including voting against their own interests, for Dems who are de facto weak on security and will not hold the line, secure the borders or lock up traiters and seditionists. We need the laws on the books about this to be enforced, to keep us safe and to show those libscum they can be disposed of very easily. I am proud to be an American.
Hey! I’ve got a cool idea for next year after President Hitlery is elected and us good old liberal fascists get to totally rewrite the laws of the land, forcing our gay abortions and vegetarian health food upon a helpless population..
How cool is this? What if we made it iso without any habeus corpus, Health Enforcement Squads would be able to snatch fat fuckers like Warner Todd right off the street, check their BMI and if it’s too high, just put ’em straight into Diet Camp?
He’d be all like “Let me out, let me out! I want a sammich.”
And we’d be like, “Nyah, nyah, can’t hear you, brother… call us when your pant size is in the thirties.”
GAH! I mispelled “grammar” in my second sentence above! I’m pwned!
Barrack Obama is a black racsist whose “church” supports black seperatism.
If a White Man running for President belonged to a church that believed such things about the White Race you liberals would cry racsism and you know it!
Sometimes a cookie is just a cookie. But not in this case. Now I have THAT image seared onto my frontal lobe.
Also, if this is a vote then I give thumbs-up to Todds’ KKKrazy, ‘Merka-lovin’ Apple Dumplin’ Princess pose.
Those goddam muslims.
Always tryin to….
I am not afraid to debate Osam.. Obama, a muslim man. Now, there was this one time in my life that I was afraid. Can you guess it?
Okay, Saul and the other troll is too much at once.
You two need to figure out who’s on duty tonight.
eeep. I was just working on a different WTH piece. Be done w/it in a little bit.
It’s Hustonpalooza!
Gavin if you don’t shut up I’ll call all my buddies at the Free Republic over here. We’d all have one hell of a time!
banning time.
Good idea, Booger, but why don’t you go play with your Freeper friends over at their place? You could have a nice circle jerk.
Oh, that would be unprecedented.
Isn’t ‘black racist’ sorta like jumbo shrimp or civil war? or cocksuckin’ homophobe? Oh, that one doesn’t really work does it?
Best loclat ever. But it reminds me:
Not only that, what happened to Sifu Tweety? This is, like, our chance to pick him up as a closing pitcher.
Jonah was right about another thing, libeals always exuse black racsism as “only” multi-culturalism. Where as they accuse Whites who are proud of their Race and Country of being racsist, when in reality we are just Patriots.
Shorter Booger: (Now there’s some words I never thought I’d type together!)
I do TOO know some other dudes on my WoW server who will hang out with me. Sometimes. If I give them money….
The last post at the institute was titled, “This Blog Sucks.” It was up for about a day and then the whole site was down. You can find Sifu commenting over at Unfogged.
The Editors is probably gone. Sucks. Two of my three favorite blogs have disappeared into the Google-cached ether (the one remaining being here, and the other two being Billmon’s Whiskey Bar and The Poorman Institute).
Oh well, was excellent when it lasted.
I dabbled in a lot of creeds in my day, but I think I would remember accepting a mantle. Will radical bent muslims still want a shooting war? I was practically a womb baby
Bastion won the dumbest award last thread HANDS DOWN!
But that was only the first round!
Bastion and Saul are both off to good starts.
Who wants it more?
Two of my three favorite blogs have disappeared into the Google-cached ether
Yeah, I also have to mourn the loss of Steve Gilliard.
Yeah, Saul. Are you going to be aced out by this greenhorn newcomer?
As obsessed as the pukes are with people speaking murrikan english, you’d think they themselves would like, take the time to, erm, learn it. Or something. Whatever it is, it is in fact central to my point.
And welcome back Bastion of Buggery! You still smell like poo.
One thing that I’m always noticing about the difference between liberals and conservatives is that a liberal will quote a real statement by a conservative and then discuss the real, live statement. And that way you notice whether the quote is made by a nutcase living under a freeway overpass or an influential pundit or the president.
On the other hand a conservative will say something like:
but they won’t have any citations, so you don’t know if it was a Senator or a commentator on CNN or Al Sharpton or if it’s just something the average conservative pulls out of his butt on a regular basis.
This is what is known as a straw man argument, where, instead of actually engaging your opponent, you just make up something nonsensical that’s easy to refute.
One of the reasons that conservatives resort to straw man arguments and other logical fallacies is that they just don’t have the goods. They don’t have the facts, they don’t have the integrity, they don’t have the character to play fair.
If you DO have any honest, decent, reasonable arguments, it’s way past time to start using them.
GAH! I mispelled “grammar” in my second sentence above! I’m pwned!
Oddly, no – “grammer” is the correct spelling of grammar when you’re criticizing someone else’s spelling and grammar.
Well, at least there are 3204982304981 examples of that on the toobz, so it must be true.
With the Poor Man gone, can we do some equivalent of the Golden Winger awards here?
Dude, we got a frakkin’ contest going on here!
If you want to play Obama Kumbaya and give them a chance to act like humans, save it for a more appropriate time!
Maybe we should go to the Long Thread and post there until the trolls go away.
Kind of like a storm cellar.
M’grammer’s poorly, and m’gramper ain’t doin’ too good neither.
C’mon now. Warner Todd as a point in hiz bucket. As well as elsewhere, but never mind. It’s not polite to point at points.
Those Muslim extremists will not honor a woman. Or a man who enjoys dressing in drag and bunking with gay roommates. Or a man who belongs to a religion that improves on “The Book” with translations from gold plates that were never seen by anyone other than Joseph Smith.
Nope. If we give the proper recognition to insanely extremist Muslims, it’s a battle among Huckabee, Ron Paul, McCain, and Edwards.
So shall we close ranks around Democratic candidates?
To a serious Muslim, once a person accepts the practices of Islam they are a Muslim. Such a person doesn’t ever have to become a seriously practicing Muslim. Just accepting the mantle, no matter how brief, solidifies that person as a Muslim permanently. Further, there is no such thing as a “lapsed” Muslim, or one who quit the religion.
I knew it! Islam = the CIA! (You never leave the Company.)
Once you’re a Jet you’re a Jet all the way, from your first cigarette to your last dying day!
you aren’t permitted to criticize barack obama.
Whatever porcoisesandtuna is on, I would like some, though I would prefer to adjust the mixture to include more heroin and less amphetamine.
Dan Someone:
I have known people who believe the same thing about Mormons.
I think it’s just a general slander, like almost everything else they try to bash Muslims with.
Well, you know a lot of religions have a rule that you can’t really leave, or at least can’t choose to leave. Of course, once you stop believing in that religion, you wouldn’t really care what they say. Unless, of course, the religion contains a substantial number of violent busybodies.
Speaking of Mormons, I wonder if there’s a way to legally prevent them from converting you after you’ve died.
Speaking of Mormons, I wonder if there’s a way to legally prevent them from converting you after you’ve died.
Let me suggest once more that we gay-marry conservatives after they’ve died. Thus, I now declare Jerry Falwell and Fred Thompson married. Enjoy!
Let me suggest once more that we gay-marry conservatives after they’ve died. Thus, I now declare Jerry Falwell and Fred Thompson married. Enjoy!
Thompson only looks dead.