That European Socialism Is So Horrible
It’s such a shame that EU countries can’t enjoy the same standard of living that we do here in….what’s that?
UK standard of living rises above that in America for the first time in a century
For the first time in more than 100 years, British living standards have risen above those of Americans, a report has declared.
Increasing incomes, longer holidays and “free” healthcare have all contributed to making Britons better off than our friends across the Atlantic, according to the respected Oxford Economics consultancy.
Keep telling us how great this economy is doing under Republican administration, guys. And tell us again about how that evil socialized medicine is going to ruin our country.
I’m looking for the joke here, but I’m just not finding teh funny this time. Maybe some of you guys can find it for me.
I still don’t see how per capita GDP is a useful indicator of general “standard of living.” An obscenely wealthy top few percent, as in the US, will throw that off completely.
Are there any standard of living / quality of life indexes that eschew GDP, or at least weigh how it’s distributed?
They probably include standard of living for all people in that atheistocommunoEurofascist-o poll. Here in America we only poll regarding the standard of living of people that matter: rich people. I hear the average standard of living amongst CEO’s is kicking Europe’s ass! We should reward with a tax cut these exemplars of the American standard of living!!
We’re number 1! Number 1!
Mehrika roolz!
um…it’s funny how people who vote for the republicans are the ones who get fucked hardest by their stupid policies of “reward my greedy scumbag friends.”
at least it seems funny. and it will seem funnier when we (that is all rational people here) drop out of “jesusland” and let those fuckers have their little country of god.
yup its funny in a pound your head against the wall in frustration kinda way.
They think they’re better off…but they’ve lost the precious ***freedom*** to die without health care. The poor, poor bastards.
I say a better indicator would be the volume and quality of a society’s garbage. Right now our’s averages 4.6 pounds per person per day. Can’t find anything on the quality of what we throw away, though.
We still have better teeth than they do, damnit!!
And who are they kidding? I’d like to see a “report” from an impartial source, not “Oxford Ecomonics” something. Harumpf!!
I’m looking for the joke here, but I’m just not finding teh funny this time. Maybe some of you guys can find it for me.
Don’t ask me. I got distracted by the Magic Pants article listed in the right sidebar.
I blame Ken Shabby.
Hey, we throw away stuff that works perfectly, just because we got a newer, bigger, “better” one! Our garbage is the best! We waste shit that those fools would still be using!
Aw, no link?
“After five years, they give you a brush!”
How can they really be happy without they loves Jeebus as much as Amerika?
It’s a sad kind of happy that knows not the joy of human meat flavored unleavened wafers and enchanted screwcap wine.
It’s a rollicking, frolicking cornucopia of laughs! A once great nation slipping into penury, a looming recession, callous incompetents in charge of public policy… it’s a great big recipe for giggles. WHAAHaHahahahahahaaaarrrggh.
The fact is, I would rather die sick and free than live coddled by socialism taking away any incentive for profit and damaging the market and capitalism USA freedom.
I’ve always felt that we’ve cooked the books when it came to unemployment (and lots of other figures, like “core inflation”). If you can’t find a job for a year then you don’t count as unemployed? That’s ridiculous. The unemployment rate went down under Bush but so did the employment rate. Of course they never mentioned the latter when bragging about the former.
If this blog entry is correct, we actually have a larger unemployment rate than Germany. Interesting what you find when you actually compare apples to apples.
Maybe we can take that whole War for Independence thing back … you know, forgive and forget?
BTW, Dr. O, I think they still have habeas corpus over there …
I sure do wish these right-wing nuts that honestly believe everything is wonderful in the US would put their money where their mouth is and contribute to deporting my ass to Europe…
Not a nation on the face of this earth more deserving.
Last Summer, when I was in Britian, my English counterparts frequently spoke of “the top five percent” when discussing their famously impenetrable Upper Crust. Ha! We Americans would NEVER tolerate having that many people own 99% of OUR wealth! When it comes to concentrating wealth, rewarding incompetence, and frittering away an Empire, we have easily displaced our British cousins in every one of these vital indicators of civilization.
“And tell us again about how that evil socialized medicine is going to ruin our country.”
Michael Moore is fat!!1! So there!!!1!
*Sorry I coughed on your rug*
Perhaps, but that’s damn cold comfort.
LOL @ “And tell us again about how that evil socialized medicine is going to ruin our country.” Michael Moore is fat!!1! So there!!!1!
Hey, when my house’s value went upside-down in relation to the principal of my adjustable-rate subprime mortgage, I was able to land on my feet (after trashing the place, of course). Granted, I don’t have as much room in this two-bedroom apartment, but we needed to be closer together anyway. And so what if my boat was repossessed? How many Brits have a boat anyway???
Now, if I only had caller ID so I could screen out the bill collector calls…
Right on, Mr. PhD-man. When I contemplate the majesty of American capitalism, I too become so moved that I lose the ability to construct coherent sentences.
That report is biased and you moonbats know it! Europe has been in a steep and steady decline since the end of ww2 because in the name of leftwing lunacy they have all but scrapped there militaries, implemented socialist nannystate government which doesn’t leave private citizens with any choice on how to run their own lives, birth rates below replacement levels and multi-culturalism. America on the other hand has Traditional American Judeo-Christian values, Capitalism, Private Enterprise, low taxes, a first rate military and private gunowership. America is superior in everyway to Europe morally, economically and militarily.
The fact is, I would rather die sick and free than live coddled by socialism taking away any incentive for profit and damaging the market and capitalism USA freedom.
Also, you’re mixing your stock-characters there, Gary.
the report is biased: they take into account vacation time? Don’t they know that what’s important in this world is what you make and what you own, not how much of a life you have to enjoy it? Sheesh!
I might have accepted using the size of the military as a metric for your state of living, but sleeping in late? how are the burgers going to get flipped? Who wins then?
So lemme get this straight.
It goes something like this.
I pay my taxes happily, as long as they are only used to destroy other people’s lives and infrastructure and kill people in other countries.
As soon as you socialists start thinking about using those same tax dollars for Americans, taking care of them, educating them, building infrastructure for them, creating wealth for them, nope, that shit ain’t gonna fly.
Has there ever been a more stupid, self destructive, unreasonable, angry, selfish society? Somebody help me understand how we got here….
The fact is, I would rather die sick and free than live coddled
Be my guest, Herr Doktor! Here’s wishing for a speedy one for you!
I will assume that new friend Doctor Doctor(ow!) has the same IP address as B. Booger & Saul.
Parody trolls all. I’m starting to miss that guy who was always “mowing his mother’s lawn” (“Paging Dr. Freud! Dr. Freud! Dr. Howard! Dr.. Fine!”) at least he really believed all his crap.
Who woke up Bastion?
“Has there ever been a more stupid, self destructive, unreasonable, angry, selfish society? Somebody help me understand how we got here….”
That is the logical result of the “…Traditional American Judeo-Christian values, Capitalism, Private Enterprise, low taxes, a first rate military and private gunowership…” that Booger was boasting about.
Malignant Bouffant said,
January 7, 2008 at 4:08
I will assume that new friend Doctor Doctor(ow!) has the same IP address as B. Booger & Saul.
Parody trolls all. I’m starting to miss that guy who was always “mowing his mother’s lawn” (”Paging Dr. Freud! Dr. Freud! Dr. Howard! Dr.. Fine!”) at least he really believed all his crap.
Kevin is a place where nothing ever happens.
P.S. I would not be surprised to find that Kevin’s IP addy is the same as booger+saul, but only the sad proprietors here could tell you for sure.
Yeah, but you have bad teeth.
European = bedwetting pussy faggot.
It’s human nature, given free rein by a society that has laws & regulations only for the worst-off among us. After all, only bad people need to be governed, & God makes sure that only good people have wealth & power.
My theory is that around 1980 or so, someone dumped about 800 bazillion tons of quaaludes in the nation’s water supply.
“fuck you, booger”
Jean Claude van Damme
What scares me sometimes is that I wonder if American hasn’t been _here_ for much of it’s history and the rise of the middle class and the ’60s weren’t the anomaly that we’re trying to cling to.
God, that’s a chilling thought….
Did I forget to mention that Europe has abandoned God with their tolerance for abortion, homosexuality, prostitution, pornography and their lack of regular church attendace? There are now more non-religious people in Europe than Christians! In Sweden for example 85% of the population doesn’t believe in God! Compare that to America where 90% of people believe in God. God will soon do to Europe what he did to Sodom and Gommorah 4000 years ago you mark my words!
“reward my greedy scumbag friends.” I resemble that statement!!! More respect for us scumbags you rascals.
Booger has never been to Europe.
Booger had never met a European.
So That’s why sweden is so much more liked and repected in the world
As opposed to America’s tolerance for its 400 billion-dollar porn industry.
OK, dude, but how do you Europize somebody? Is that a practice we have yet to invent, or is it a new dirty word for the missionary position?
Or does it mean becoming a pillar of salt and being licked into submission?
Shit, I shouldn’t be drinking Gonzo Porter and posting….
Not gonzo Porter, maybe Brass MonKey
European = bedwetting pussy faggot
Hey! That’s not an anagram. But this is:
Bastion Booger = Rabies Gob Onto
Sounds kinky.
Hey… I’m drinking prosecco mixed with port. That’s sort of the same, isn’t it? 😛
God will soon do to Europe what he did to Sodom and Gommorah 4000 years ago you mark my words!
Indiscriminately kill an entire population of people? Nice god ya’ got there. I guess it ain’t genocide if it’s god’s will.
Are you a member of the 700 Club?
Plz remember booger is a parody troll.
Insults = attention = gude.
Also, wouldn’t killing all of Europe be kind of a step up from Sodom and Gomorrah? Or do you think Europe’s just one big city?
No, I haven’t been to Europe g, and I never plan to. I have however met Europeans, one was a lady from Holland who was a very ignorant, anti-American, anti-Semetic athiest who didn’t care that her own Country was being overridden by muslim immigrant hordes or that her Countries birth rate was below replacement level. She said to me that all that matters in life is pleasure and that Patriotism and God are not important.
I totally want to meet that woman from holland
Yeah, that sounds like a slightly watered down version of the gonzo porter… 🙂
do you have that dutch woman’s number?
…and because cities were much, much smaller then (Athens was the hub of civilization in ancient Greece, but its population was around 50,000), that would be a huge step indeed.
I only met her once and that was in the year 2000 right before the Presidential election. She ironically said she didn’t like either Bush or Gore which really surprised me because I thought all leftys loved algore.
Holy shit, you mean Europeans didn’t care about American politicians?I am outraged! OUTRAGED at the implication that the sun does not revolve around America.
So, wait, Bastion – you’ve never been to Europe, and the only time you ever met a European was a Dutch hooker once in 2000 – and you’re an authority?
I am very happy the bar has been lowered. I now proclaim myself to be an expert in particle physics!
What were you doing with a Dutch hooker in 2000, anyway? “research”?
Did I forget to mention that Europe has abandoned God with their tolerance for abortion, homosexuality, prostitution, pornography and their lack of regular church attendace? There are now more non-religious people in Europe than Christians! In Sweden for example 85% of the population doesn’t believe in God! Compare that to America where 90% of people believe in God.
and that is a bad thing, how?
European = bedwetting pussy faggot.
what, all at once (oh and by the way, ‘faggot’ means cigarette in Eurabia, get your insults sorted out, man)
Also, if he’s never been to Europe, how’d he meet a Dutch hooker? Shouldn’t she have been hooking in Dutchland? Is there a hooker foreign exchange program I’m unaware of? Are there, even now, toothless crack-whores from Baltimore offering to suck dick in the Hague?
She wasn’t a hooker, I was driving for a limo company at the time and she happened to be my passanger.
niles, weren’t you listening? She wasn’t dutch, she was hollandaise!
So tell me… who’s the PM of the UK? Did you really care when Sarkosky got elected in France recently? How about the tight election between Obrador and Calderon in Mexico?
Wait… you mean to tell me that people don’t give a shit about politics outside their own country?!?! Well, stop the motherfucking presses!
Also, the home lets you drive, Booger? Does the DMV know about this?
I will assume that new friend Doctor Doctor(ow!) has the same IP address as B. Booger & Saul
The fact is that a Dr. Osher Doctorow (Ph.D) does seem to exist, according to the Great Gazoogle, and some of his contributions to various maths & science use-groups are hilarious. He provides his own bizarro versions of quantum gravity and string theory and so forth, which only make sense if you accept that a “+” in an equation indicates a cause whereas a “-” indicates a consequence. Or perhaps it was the other way around.
From time to time he complains about the hostility within universities towards people with genuinely radical ideas, and how they are unjustly labeled as ‘crackpots’.
It may be that he’s actually a sociologist who’s trying to get his bullshit taken seriously in a respected journal so as to bring theoretical physics into disrepute, in sociology’s revenge for the Sokal Hoax.
This is not to say that the actual Dr. Osher Doctorow (Ph.D) of Doctorow Associates is the same person who’s commenting here. Our resident troll could have come across his oeuvre and decided to borrow the identity.
Bastion must be one of those cabbies that famously guide the policy statements of conservative politicians and pundits.
So let me see if I have this right.
You know all about Europe, its culture and economics and moral life, without ever having visited there, or without ever having spoken with a single European human being except for a Dutch hooker during a 15 minute limo ride while she was probably rolling her eyes, telling herself, “My god, let me just say a few polite things so that this asshole doesn’t talk my ear off!” And your groundbreaking news from all this is that it’s very surprising that Europeans don’t know anything about American politics?
I will be sure to take this background in consideration every time I assess your statements.
Although – actually, it’s nice to have my suspicions confirmed so accurately across the board.
Dr. Osher Doctorow
Doesn’t that name have a lot in common with Pam Atlas?
Goldberg has responded to Greenwald’s discussion of Goldberg’s “They’re gonna riot if Obama loses” post of last Friday.
If you remember, in his original post Goldberg posited that the fear social unrest in the event of an Obama loss might help shore up support for Obama if he were the candidate:
So now the “social unraveling” purportedly feared would actually be angry blog posts by people like Greenwald and Klein. I had no idea lefto bloggers, or the fear of their rants, enjoyed such influence on national politics, or that Goldberg would recognize such power.
Also, who wants to play Guess the Codeword/Match the Dog with the Whistle with “Ikea throw-pillows,” or is it too easy?
Doctor Doctor(ow!)
Can’t you see I’m burning, burning(ow!)
Somebody was going to say it. I decided to take the responsibility m’own self.
I know a lot about Europe one of my friends is a professor who has traveled to Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Yugoslavia and she told me just how liberal and anti-American the people of Europe are.
One of our hosts/enablers (Gavin? He seems to do all the real work.) typed a few days ago that Booger-Eater & “Rebbe” Saul come to us from the same address in Atlanta. I know that Pussywhipped Kevin comes from a hellhole in Louisiana. (I know which one too, but I’m not telling, as long as he stays away.)
Most of Lawnmowing Boy’s babble was jealousy of the “you pot-smoking hippies live on welfare & get high all the time,” as opposed to the right-wing boiler plate that the Atlanta asshole types, most of which is so transparently idiotic that even Jonah Goldberg couldn’t repeat it.
The Prime Minister of Great Britian is Gordon Brown of the Labor Party. Current French President Nicolas Sarkozy of the UMP was elected French President last May.
“Also, my other friend, who is totally famous and wealthy and pretty and agrees with everything I think, went to France, and the wait staff was rude to her when she complained her soup was cold! Also, you could ask her yourself, but she moved to Canada. Like my girlfriend I also totally have.”
Americans need a revolution just to get back to what you had before Bush came to power.
Ah, I need to make use of my EU passport. Not least because it will ensure I never run into the lame troll.
And the Prime Minister of Spain the socialist coward Zapetero who was elected because the cowardly pussy faggots of Spain blamed their own Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar (one of the few Europeans left with any spine) for the train bombings instead of al-queada. Maybe they were just scared little bed-wetters.
it sounds like goldberg is saying that people will be scared to vote against obama because obama supporters are unhinged madmen. Or something like this.
Oh, man, by this logic, Huckabee will be a shoo-in, will he not?
NB: I am not saying Huckabee is the craziest candidate. I am saying he is the candidate with the most stereotypically crazy followers.
Oh sure, if you forget the CEREBRAL PAUL-SY!
Crazy straight into the White House, bee-yotch! Riding the crankcase gold standard straight to motherfuckin’ bank!
birth rates per 1000 population
Yes, the Netherlands’ birthrate at 10.7 is lower than the US at 14.16.
But as for its placement in birthrate for all of Europe, it’s well above:
United Kingdom
You want to check out who’s on the bottom of the list?
Hong Kong.
Actually, I don’t know why these guys are so freaked out by birthrate. Doesn’t the relatively low birthrate of Germany (8.2 births per 1000 population) include all the births to immigrants in those countries?
I imagine the relatively higher birthrate in the US (14.16 per 1000) is largely accounted for by births to all those brown-skinned foreign-language speaking immigrants here.
I hope that keeps you up at night, Bastion.
As a matter of fact, the way it looks to me as I read these statistics, is that when the starved and huddling masses of Niger, Somalia, Yemen, and all those countries that have high birth rates – when the people from those countries immigrate to places like Germany or Sweden, or – dare I say – the US, they dramatically reduce the number of children they have.
This should be good news, Bastion! I think you guys should promote making immigration to the US easier, so that these African and South Asian people would come here and produce fewer brown-skinned children than they would if they remained in their own cities.
Aw, snap! That’s my kind of humor. And I considered using Paul’s name, but I didn’t. Wacko theocratic Christians bothered me more than free-market racists at that moment in time. YRMV (and so may mine, depending on who pissed me off today)
Because if we’re not packing everybody in like sardines, completely stripping this planet bare like locusts before rocketing away in our rocket ships, then pussy coward environmentalists win!
Yes, we have 7 billion people already and don’t need that high a birthrate. And Booger will never be contributing to the birth rate at all, but we need to panic over it anyway!
No actually White Christians in the Red States such as Utah, Alabama, Texas and Mississippi have very high birth rates which gives America its relatively high birth rate. Now only if the godless heathens on the coasts contributed our Nation’s birth rate would be even higher. On second thought let the liberals age and the next generation of young people will be 100% Red State Conservative Christian Patritots.
“…most of which is so transparently idiotic that even Jonah Goldberg couldn’t repeat it.”
Oh, com’on now. Do you seriously believe that there is any sort of absurdity that Goldberg would refuse to spout? I mean, you did read the whole “Liberal Fascism” thing, right?
niles: what about Ron Paul? Both the craziest (we’ll leave Gravel out of this) & the craziest supporters. Or are we limiting this to presidential hopefuls w/ more than a Sno-Kone’s chance in hell?
Oh, that shithead Purvis Mushypants of Pakistan is saying on 60 Minutes that it was completely Benazir Bhutto’s fault, she shouldn’t have stuck her head out of her car. (Apparently the bomber & shooter wouldn’t have existed if she hadn’t stuck her head out.)
And Booger will never be contributing to the birth rate at all, but we need to panic over it anyway!
Hee hee
It’s not the number of people, it’s the proportion, I’m guessing. If THEY have more of THEM than WE have of US, THEY WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Which is why wingnuts hate hearing that the world is about 95% Not American.
Nice try, AKA Mike Shaw, but the Spanish tale goes a little something like this: The Aznar government tried to blame the 3/11/04 Madrid train bombings on ETA. Spanish voters, already unhappy with Aznar’s decision to join the Coalition of the Willing and wanting to end their country’s military engagement in Iraq, saw through this, didn’t appreciate being lied to so shamelessly, and voted the PP out of office three days later.
“Whatever Glenn. For the record, I’m not talking about black people at all. I’m talking about conspiracy-minded, paranoid, nearest-weapon-to-hand debating, financially secure white bloggers and other members of the lefty-blogosphere like, you know, Glenn Greenwald.”
Glenn must have really gotten under Goldberg’s fat with that one! That’s a puerile rant, even by the standards of someone lugging half of Lucianne’s DNA around everywhere.
For bonus points, he takes a cheap shot at Greenwald’s law degree. I wonder how many law schools simply laughed at Goldberg’s application?
“Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar (one of the few Europeans left with any spine) for the train bombings instead of al-queada.
But hey, there haven’t been any more major al-Qa’eda bombings in Spain, so obviously the Spanish strategy is working, just like the Bush strategy, right?
And the Prime Minister of Spain the socialist coward Zapetero who was elected because the cowardly pussy faggots of Spain blamed their own Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar (one of the few Europeans left with any spine) for the train bombings instead of al-queada. Maybe they were just scared little bed-wetters.
what is it with you and bed-wetting, man, something you want to tell us…
Anyway, you low rent troll, the above is bollocks, the Spanish voted for Zapatero because he tried to pin the attack on ETA for electoral reasons (Zapatero supported dialog with ETA, Anzar did not). Try researching outside of townhall and LGF, you fool.
And please, please stop using ‘faggot’ as an insult.
yea, well if Big Media is allowed to continue to hide and distort the truth, and sell lies as truth, nothing will change whether we’re ruled by democrats or republicans – its still a plutocracy ripping off America to enrich the already wealthy.
No actually White Christians in the Red States such as Utah, Alabama, Texas and Mississippi have very high birth rates which gives America its relatively high birth rate
Right. Cause there’s no Latinos in Texas, Alabama, and Mississippi.
Or black folks, either.
financially secure white bloggers
The segment of our population most liable to take to the streets and burn baby burn!
Well, yeah, of course it’d still be a plutocracy. However, the Democratic plutocrats don’t seem to be monsters. There’s no such evidence as far as Republican plutocrats go.
“it sounds like goldberg is saying that people will be scared to vote against obama because obama supporters are unhinged madmen.”
No, no, no… people will be scared to vote against Obama because he’s black and all his supporters are too, and we all know that whenever black folks don’t get their own way (like Rodney King getting all uppity about his brutal beating) they riot and damage valuable real estate in the retail centers of our cities.
I don’t think Goldberg was exactly being subtle here…
The segment of our population most liable to take to the streets and burn baby burn!
And Glennzilla seems like such a nice guy! But boy, does he have an arm on him – I saw him hurl a cinder block right through the windshield of a cop car thirty feet away. No, really. Just ask Jonah! He was there too.
People, please don’t feed the trolls. Really, if you don’t stop right now I’m going to pull this car over and then you’ll be sorry. And stop making faces at your sister.
but goldberg denied that. goldberg wouldn’t lie, would he?
I’m horrified; I need to sit down.
I’m sorry, noen. I hang my head in shame.
Why is it I suppose that the majority of Spainards opposed the war in Iraq? Beacuse they are cowards thats why, you proved my point exactly my liberal friend.
Well, you can’t believe that Goldberg would type something like this:
can you?
Or that he (or anyone) would believe that just because one’s parents are “100% Red State Conservative Christian Patritots [sic]” all their children will follow in their footsteps? Of course Jonah hasn’t the intellect to question or reject the bullshit inculcated by his mama, but not everybody is as dense.
I’m sorry, noen. I hang my head in shame.
Me too. I just get carried away sometimes – barrel-fish shooting is a hoot.
We’re not friends, Booger.
LOL @ “Cause there’s no Latinos in Texas, Alabama, and Mississippi.”
I rather suspect Booger has never been to any of those places either. Virtually the entire birthrate of Texas is the Latino population, the well-to-do Whites aren’t breeding at all. This is why the big-money Cons(ervatives) from Texas – like the Bush klan – are very Latino friendly: they know where the next generation of Church-going cheap laborers is going to come from (Mexico).
And no, I’m not necessarily saying that in a bad way, I just think it is funny how the racist element of the Republican party has really shot their party in the foot. Anyone who knows many Mexicans (not the kids, but the grown-ups) know tht they are very conservative in almost all respects (very Catholic, very much against women, very homophobic, &c.) and there for a while it was beginning to look like Bush would successfully turn this into a natural Republican constituency. Thank all the gods & goddesses that the racist element of the GOP was strong enough to shoot that whole plan to hell.
Yeah, actually, you’d think that conditions are highly more likely for the offspring of 100% Red State Conservatives to run off to San Francisco or NYC, get tattoos and go Teh Gay, and become leftists.
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There is classical social unravelling, which involves barricades in the streets and molotov cocktails and looting of the nice shops. This should not be confused with liberal social unravelling, where financially secure white members of the lefty blogosphere write acerbic comments on their blogs. Social unravelling takes these different forms when it sprouts from different societies. Nevertheless, both forms are equally capable of causing such fear and trembling that people will vote for Obama to prevent them. This is c. to my p.
“…to run off to San Francisco or NYC, get tattoos and go Teh Gay, and become leftists.”
You have to admit that sounds like much more fun than staying at home and living as 100% Red State Conservatives. Party on Red State children!
The truth is, I am not anti-hispanic nor am I racsist, I just don’t like social change including demographic change. This Nation has historically been majority White and I would like it to remain that way.
sorry, neon, just can’t help it, Bastion now eats pie…..
BTW, you don’t need no fancy video downloaders to to save youtube videos to your PC. If you’re using Firefox, and you should be anyway, just navigate over to the firefox cache. Most likely here (on Windows):
C:\Documents and Settings\your loging name here\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\bunch of numbers here.default\Cache
Set the folder view to details and order by date modified. The file you’ll want will be the big one with just a bunch of numbers for a name. Right click and drag to copy it to your desktop and rename it to blahblah. flv. Use VideoLan or Media Player Classic to play.
This is c. to my p.
“You have to admit that sounds like much more fun than staying at home and living as 100% Red State Conservatives. Party on Red State children!”
It’s the Red State boys who make the bestest and most flaming queens. Go to any SF drag show and the biggest queen there will be an Okie. And her boyfriend in the chains and leathers will be from Ohio.
The truth is, I am not anti-hispanic nor am I racsist, I just don’t like social change including demographic change. This Nation has historically been majority White and I would like it to remain that way.
Heh. Reminds me of an ex-pat German I know here in (major western US city). He’s miltarist, ultra-conservative, reactionary, believes in an ancient international Jewish conspiracy, and will happily (ok, angrily) discuss any of these at length. But FIRST he will go to great pains to inform you that he is not a Nazi.
implemented socialist nannystate government which doesn’t leave private citizens with any choice on how to run their own lives,
Q: How do you say “don’t taze me, bro” in French?
A: Who cares – you don’t have to…
All that indicates is that the Pound has gone up relative to the US Dollar. Means nothing by itself.
have however met Europeans, one was a lady from Holland who was a very ignorant, […] She ironically said she didn’t like either Bush or Gore which really surprised me because I thought all leftys loved algore.
Spot the irony. For bonus points, what’s the chances this idiot knows the name of the Dutch PM?
“It’s the Red State boys who make the bestest and most flaming queens. Go to any SF drag show and the biggest queen there will be an Okie. And her boyfriend in the chains and leathers will be from Ohio.”
LOL, I completely believe you. All that Red State repression has rather obvious consequences. I’m in Denver which is the GLBT center for much of the middle of the country: lots and lots of each (G,L,B,T) people here from all over Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, the Dakotas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, et al.
No actually White Christians in the Red States such as Utah, Alabama, Texas and Mississippi have very high birth rates which gives America its relatively high birth rate.
So…the good news is that the dumb Americans are outbreeding the smart ones and bringing down the average IQ?
What’s the bad news?
…White Christians in the Red States such as Utah…
Wait, Dough-Head here is counting Mormons as Christians? Is it because they vote Republican?
[…] Update: Speaking of socialized medicine. […]
LiberalFascistLover – Yeah, I’m from Minneapolis (and I’m GLBT myself) which is a big magnet for teh gays from outstate Minn. Rural Minn isn’t nearly as liberal as many people might think it is. One of my best friends from a few years ago was drag queen from Indiana. I went with her and her partner on a road trip back home once. Miles, and miles and miles of nothing but corn. My god. I’ve lost touch with her though and I believe she may have passed on. She sewed her own dresses and was a goddamned size eight to boot. I hated her for that.
I look for Jonah Goldberg to declare that the Europeans have started a nasty race to the bottom to see who can make their citizens feel more comfy and happy, making them fat and lazy and neglecting such vital duties as war on Muslims and war on the poor; a terrible game of one-upsmanship that can only lead to things like yoga and alfalfa sprouts. Mussolini smiles down beautifically from beyond the grave as Dennis Kucinich sends up the moonbat signal into the night sky.
noen – That’s cool. I’m actually straight, but get taken for gay – by girls & guys alike – all the time, live in a gay neighborhood, and have lots of various GLBT friends here. So, despite being straight, very gay friendly and a card-carrying member of the HRC. As MN, I know it isn’t as liberal as everyone seems to think and I was in St. Paul, so a city as opposed to the country-side.
The very first comment asked for some measure of how income is distributed. There is such a thing, it is called the Gini Index, you can read about it here.
There is a bunch of math and stuff you can skip……..
The essence is that the US has the least “equitable” distribution of income among developed economies. Lots of countries have worse income distribution than the US, but it is pretty much “developing countries”, where the lower echelons of the population really suffer.
So, if you care about stuff like that, you can draw your conclusions…..
Yoga and alfalfa sprouts Obnox? You are obviously being left behind in the leftist technology race. The latest to come out of the research labs is Physical Chi Quong and no more alfalfa sprouts, that is so 1990’s. It’s wheat grass sprouts today. Get with the program.
Glenn Beck.
St Paul huh? Then you know the GOP is going to defile the Excel Center and hold their convention there right? Mickey’s Diner will never be the same now that I know some fat repub ass sat in it’s seats.
Noen – “Then you know the GOP is going to defile the Excel Center and hold their convention there right? Mickey’s Diner will never be the same now that I know some fat repub ass sat in it’s seats.”
Oh yeah, and we’re getting the DNC here in Denver: we’re already organizing the protests (e.g. ).
Personally, I think its funny that the GOP will be in Minn/St.Paul because that is where Craig got caught playing footsies (or something-asies) in the men’s room & it is where the bridge collapsed (just to highlight how seriously they take “securing the homeland”). These are the most recent national stories out of the town (at least that I noticed) so just imagine all the writers that will tie these two events to the Convention. LOL. Frankly, I can’t think of a better place the the GOP to hold their 2008 convention.
New Orleans would be a great choice! Considering they chose NYC for 2004, why not pick the next biggest catastrofuck that happened after the ’04 election on their watch.
“New Orleans would be a great choice!” LOL… you’re right, that would be a better choice, but you have to admit it isn’t Minn/St.Paul isn’t bad either.
Excellent!!! Thanks, Noen – this is just what I was looking for. I had used a fancy-pants video downloader on YouTube videos, but the sound quality sucked so bad I gave up on it. This is a lot easier and sounds much better.
Okay, sorry about the “isn’t” trip…
LOL… you’re right, that would be a better choice, but you have to admit Minn/St.Paul is pretty good too.
I just moved to Stockholm from the U.S. precisely for the quality of life and standard of living here. In the U.S. I spent all my time saving my money for the proverbial rainy day. Here I just enjoy life and how wonderful it is these days.
“I had used a fancy-pants video downloader on YouTube videos, but the sound quality sucked so bad I gave up on it. This is a lot easier and sounds much better.”
“Unpluged” is an addon for FireFox and it works just fine but I got tired of waiting for it to reload the entire video all over again. So I did some hunting and found out where they are cached. Now I have a shortcut on my desktop that goes right to my cache folder. I wait for the whole video to load and then double click and open it up. The file I want is usually the big one, around 6 to 10 megs. If it is a web video it is almost always in FLV format. There is a free FLV player but Media Player Classic works fine for me.
I don’t do much with them. I just play songs or videos that I like because it’s a pain to download them all over again. You can also save SWF files this way too. You would need to know what format the media is in. It’s usually one of those two. Quicktime I can “save as source” but it is stored in the cache too.
There are a bunch of little files in there too. Mostly SWF and mostly ads. If you are not sure what format the file is you can sometimes figure it out by opening it in a decent editor. I use Cream which is a varient of Vim. The file’s format is sometimes in the header information, not always. MPC will play any file that it can even if it doesn’t have the correct file type name. Some other players will balk at that.
I also use the Combined Community Codec Pack. Which every card carrying fascist liberal should have.
The UK hasn’t spent about a bazillion dollars they didn’t have to fuck up a country that never threatened them, and then try to pick up the pieces. Maybe the whole Iraq clusterfuck going on seven years now has something to do with it? Ya think?
Let’s face the facts: if the next President (whoever s/he may be) and Congress (red or blue) doesn’t stop the slow motion self-destruct of the Bushwhacker and his neo-“cons”, then ObL and Al Qaeda have won, and they won’t have to fire another shot.
“I also use the Combined Community Codec Pack. Which every card carrying fascist liberal should have.”
That’s Win-d’ohs soft. Everyone knows that ‘Murkah-hatin’, capitalism-despisin’, free-loadin’ hippy moonbat librulz use only Linux. Cuz you never have to actually buy your soft.
Sorry, but you let the cat out of the bag, and you’ll have to turn in your fascist liberal card.
I like Bastion’s “equals” shtick. It’s like his trademark. Let’s try to deconstruct the Wildean comedy subtleties that make it work:
1: “You = poopy head”.
2: ???
3: Funny!
Sadly no! We’ve also spent billions of dollars on fucking up Iraq . Remember the “Coalition of the Willing”?
And we’re helping to fuck up Afghanistan too!
so besides the roads, the aqueducts, sewers, the public schools and universities, courts, safe to walk the streets at night, public parks and monuments, public armies, public hospitals and health programs, immunization programs, public transportation, unemployment insurance, old age pension and social security, aid to families with dependent children, air and sea navigational aids, space and telecommunication programs, high tech and medical research grants leading to most of our scientific discoveries, food and medicine safety inspections
what have the Romans, oops I mean, what has socialism done for us? NOTHING!
With apologies to the Pythons.
I know I missed my que with the whole god destroying the Europe and stuff, but you have to note the time difference, and that I work so I have very little time to post online nowadays.
Anyway, it puzzles me that the those who expect gods wrath to strike down on any minute upon those who they see as sinners always look towards far away places for it to happen.Yet they ignore what is happening around them. The God striking down Europe for abandoning him mentioned here by the boogertroll (must be a subspecies of foresttroll, propably with very big nose) is a perfect example. Yet, when storms, floods, cold and overall bad weather hits US they keep quiet as for the cause. Now, as any self respecting wingnut is quick to mention, global warming is a liberal conspiracy to force gay marriages on normal kids (Honestly speaking, I haven’t quite figured out how that works out) so said storms must be gods punishment. Meanwhile, I think Europeans have enjoyed a rather warm winter, lowering heating costs when oil is at record price.
Now, I must ask, is god just really poor at aiming (missing by about half the world), or has he just decided in his mysterious ways to torment (for mysterious reasons) those who claim to believe in him? Instead of punishing the liberal wrongdoers? You would think that with all that alledged concentrated sin in Europe he would do something bad for them? Or are these events all non-divine in nature?
Second point, the whole picture of european elites sipping wine and walking with their noses up is getting old. I am sure that not all americans are 400lbs. coach potatoes who wear a T-shirt with confederate flag on it, wave bible in one hand andgun in another, ready to shoot anyone telling them their country is not the best in the world, assuming of course that it doesn’t actually require any kind of hard work like walking to front door on their part. So we can drop the stereotypes on both sides, it is only making people using them look stupid.
Booger and Co just HAD to be from Atlanta. Fuck.
I seriously wish the co. my hubby works for would open offices out west someplace. He’s been looking for work in CA,OR,and WA but nothing pays enough to support a family and have a house(not to mention trying to sell this one in this market,yipes).
“Beacuse they are cowards thats why”
I’ve got a friend in the Spanish Armed Forces, and if you said that shit to his face, he’d knock you on your ass.
A high standard of living cannot possibly makeup for not living in the Greatest Country on Earth&tm;
For the first time in more than 100 years, British living standards have risen above those of Americans, a report has declared.
What this means is that ol’ Bob Cratchit had a better standard of living than we did, and that Bob Cratchit’s at the door again.
I always love it when right wingers talk about Europeans. They always think Europeans are total assholes and hate America. Then they let on that they have had discussions with Europeans and explained to them how Europe is going into the toilet with the “Moslem” hordes and strong safety net. They explain how Europeans are idiots not to see what is going on and wonder out loud why they are not doing anything about it.
Yea, buster, its the Europeans who are the assholes.
The more I think about it, the more puzzled I am about what Jonah meant in his original post.
Jonah’s nightmare:
Was he just kidding about the imagined reaction to an Obama defeat influencing the outcome of the election?
Jonah’s nightmare revisited:
Fear of being pummeled with pillows from the Big Blue Box, and using the same internet where bloggers are engaging in tooth-gnashing while destroying their own clothing will scare people into voting for Obama? The same fears should have boosted Kerry into the White House with a big margin. There isn’t anything different about Obama that would make Jonah think he could get away with a code message implying that Obama’s base is violent and scary, is there? I can’t think of anything.
Maybe Jonah’s just acknowledging that four more years of Bush has created so much anger that even financially secure white bloggers are ready to riot in the streets for change. He might be on to something there.
I really needed a laugh (no joke) after this. I think the alleged “John Cleese Letter to America” (Notice of Revocation of Independence) is just the right fit, at least for those of us not too compromised by jingoistic chauvinisms.
[…] you read this “sadly no!” post which I’ll just cut and paste – read an Al Mascitti rebuke of David Andersen in the […]
Americans spend 15 % of gdp for health care, Europeans 10% or less (the highest is Germany with 10%). Europeans live at least 2 years longer. Reason is the better quality of life in Europe. And better health care.
At the beginning of the 20th century Americans where 5-7cm taler than Europeans, now the average American is 1.69 cm, the talles are Dutch man with 1.82 cm. Reason is the better quality of life in Europe. And better health care.
A United Nation Study compares the quality of life in cities around the world (it has 39 different factors). 8 of the top 10 cities are in Europe. Top 3 cities are Swiss 4th is Frankfurt. New York has highest quality of life in the US. Rank # 33.
Almost the same result was published by the Mercer consulting group. In their study Honolulu was best US City (Rank #28).
Education: 40% of American adults have the reading ability of an 11 year old or worse.
Infrastructure: Many former communist/socialist countries in Europe have a better infrastructure than the US. Some areas in the US have an infrastructure of a 3rd world country (remember Katarina).
What is European Socialism anyway? Which EU member is socialist?
Best regards from NYC
Which many countries are you talking about?
yeah right bring all mexicans and US negro to european how they look like after that….the scums of the earth
Democrats so corrupt immoral party.
Queen of crook.
This is QUEEN PELOSI’S NEW JET!!! And the Democrats talk about Sarah’s dresses???
Queen Pelosi wasn’t happy with the small USAF C-20B jet, Gulfstream III that comes with the Speaker’s job … OH NO!
Queen Pelosi was aggravated that this little jet had to stop to refuel, so she ordered a Big Fat, 200-seat, USAF C-32, Boeing 757 jet that could get her back toCalifornia without stopping!
I understand that a former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, flew commercial most of the time.
Many, many legislators walked by and grinned with glee as Joe informed everyone of what Queen Nancy’s Big Fat Jet costs us, the hard working American tax payers, literally thousands of gallons of fuel every week.
Since she only works 3 days a week, this gas guzzling jet gets fueled and she flies home to California every Friday and returns every Monday, at a cost to the taxpayers (YOU and ME are those taxpayers!) of about $60,000, one way!
As Joe put it ….”Unfortunately we have to pay to bring her back on Monday night and that costs us another $60,000!” Taxpayers, that is $480,000 per month and that is an annual cost to us of $5,760,000!!!
No wonder she complains about the cost of this war … it might cramp her style and she is styling on my back and yours.
I think of the military families in this country doing without and this woman, who heads up the most corrupt Congress in the history of our country, keeps fueling that jet while doing nothing.
Queen Pelosi wants you and me to conserve our carbon footprint. She wants us to buy smaller cars and Obama wants us to get a bicycle pump and air up our tires. Who do these people think they are??? Their motto is … Don’t do as I do … JUST DO AS I SAY!
This is outrageous, forward it to all those on your email list! Keep in mind the figures abovedo NOT include the cost of plane or crew … just the fuel!!! One has to wonder what the total package costs us?
And on top of that … now she wants to tax our IRA’s & 401K’s!
Screw you all anti-americans! I live in Denmark. According to a BRITISH study, we are the happiest people on earth. I am NOT happy, and the people here seem very unhappy too, compared to America. In Denmark the Danes don’t like to be called socialist, because it’s the shocking truth. And I understand why. We have been manipulated to think that this is the best country in the world. People here actually believe that health care is free, and that students get money for attending a college. The most hard working and as you would consider, the rich people here pay 60% of their income to the evil and greedy atheist government. And they have NO choice. How can we be happy? Kids are being manipulated with serious propaganda in every school. Am I really the only Dane to have opened the eyes? I go to church, because it’s the only place I still feel protected, and I pretty much think, I am the only 18 year old, who goes to church in this country. It won’t take too long, before this country would be like atheist Sweden, because all my classmates allready hate all kinds of religion. That’s what this shitty communism has done. DANES, OPEN YOUR EYES!!!
Well, forget the multi-year, data-driven scientific study, peeps, eric’s got ANECDATA.
Dude, so much AD here, why not clean them all?
So many different opinions, i don’t know who should to follow, seems all have their reasons.