The Huckalove Keeps Rolling In
Now National Review is on the “WTF just happened?” bandwagon, and has highlighted several “expert opinions” on the question of “what Huckabee means for conservatism.” The one thing all the “experts” seem to have in common is the unshakable belief that Huckabee’s win is somehow good for their preferred candidate. I wish there were a catchy, easy-to-remember name for this phenomenon….
Bonus points to Daniel Casse for calling those of us snickering over this “the angry Left.” Why, Mr. Casse, I don’t think we’re angry at all. I haven’t laughed this hard in weeks, in fact.
Gavin adds: I’m still out of town on a fitful dialup connection, but I want to say, comedywise, how much I enjoyed the perfect deadpan routine by NBC’s political director, Chuck Todd, when he explained after the caucuses, on MSNBC, that Obama’s win was a harbinger of harder times for the Obama campaign, Clinton’s third-place finish was a resounding defeat for the Clinton campaign, and Edwards’s slim second-place margin was, in turn, bad for the Edwards campaign.
I didn’t watch all the coverage, so I probably missed a consummate segment where he pronounced a decisive win for Huckabee in tandem with a very strong showing by Romney and burgeoning breakout performances by McCain, Thompson, and Giuliani, the latter of whose strengths, after all, are in their refusal to pander to voters.
As an American television viewer, my prediction at this point is that the Democratic challengers will lose the Democratic primary, with the biggest losses suffered by Clinton, Obama, and Edwards (respectively), not to mention Dodd, that other guy, and Biden, who will have the biggest losses of all, except for Kucinich, who will lose the biggest except for Edwards and several other challengers. Respectively, all of the Republican challengers except Ron Paul will win both primaries, necessitating a runoff of some sort between Romney, Huckabee, McCain, Romney, Giuliani, Romney, Thompson, and Huckabee, with Duncan Hunter and that other guy pulling a strong second, and featuring a surprisingly strong run by Alan Keyes.
The general election will be between Romney and Romney, with Huckabee also strongly in the lead (taking into account a possible third-party spoiler by Ron “Dennis Kucinich” Paul). The challenger will be an eternal and abstract Hitlery KKKlinton, possibly in the physical form of Barack Obama or John Edwards.
I don’t know what Huckabee means for conservatism. But it promises a helluva party for the angry Left.
Are we angry, or are we partying?
It’s an angry party! We all sit around saying “grr!” and then we smash things.
Then we dance!
That VodkaPundit guy two threads down sounds angrier than anyone on the left. Do I still get to smash plates?
Jillian: That is the best party idea ever.
Shorter NRO:
Holy shit! This guy takes the Jebus stuff seriously! Uh, I mean, he’s bad for conservatism, ’cause he’s a liberal. This is actually good for <insert favorite candidate here>
The Angry Party sounds like a greek wedding
What’s the word you use when people constantly say that their political opponents are traitors, or they are helping the terrorists?
Because, apparently, “angry” ain’t it.
We are very very angry. As angry lefties, we want you to know that Huckabee makes us very very angry, so as Republicans you should nominate Huckabee and make us angry enough to, you know, get out and angrily vote and angrily assure a Democrat wins by a margin larger than you can cheat by.
So, yeah. Smashing things and dancing. Into the White House. Angrily. Bitches.
Is an angry party anything like a punk show? If so, count me in.
I just think it’s so cute the way they try to sound inteliigent.
I’m angry as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!
I’ll DO something about my anger – why, I’ll go to freeperville!.
Ahh, much better. Now I’m chuckling uncontrollably. They’ve turned into complete spasmos. Go go go! Eat another of your brethren! Ahhhhhh that feels so good.
“Giuliani is now back in it, thanks to Huck.”
I want whatever he’s smoking.
I think I’ve DJed angry parties before.
I wish there were a catchy, easy to remember name for this phenomenon….
Cranial-rectal inversion?
Does anybody remember anger?
David Limbaugh
“I believe a Huckabee nomination would be a major step backward for conservatism, given his liberalism, apart from social issues. It’s true that George Bush isn’t completely conservative either”
Wow!! Listen to them spin.
It like a mosh pit over here in Leftyville.
While large percentages of Republican voters are Christians, they are also conservatives and eventually, Huckabee’s dubious conservative bona fides and record should sink his bid. But I admit that could be wishful thinking on my part.
What kind of trauma could make a Limbaugh admit to wishful thinking? Or even to recognize something for what it actually is?
I love the claim that Christianist fundies are conservatives; they themselves love to crow about their ultra-reactionary goals.
This is the best laughter I’ve had in a while!
Would that be angry liberal fascists or liberal angry fascists? And would we be poisoning the tree or the fruit? That is central to my point.
i wish there were a catchy, easy to remember name for this phenomenon….
Yeah, me too. I’m sure there’s a DSM-IV designation, but those don’t flow as nicely as, say, “The Coalition of the Wild-Eyed.”
Check out the comments on this baby. Its been said already, but BWHAHAHAHAHAAHH
Has anyone used “Hucka-Hucka burning love” yet?
If not, dibs. Must credit John Moltz.
Remember, Casse, we’re not laughing at you, we’re laughing near you.
I’m thinking the right wing is all going “HuckaPOO!”
(If you’re older than 40, you’ll get the reference)
It’s an angry party! We all sit around saying “grr!” and then we smash things.
Then we dance!
Bailan todos, o no baila nadie!
I love you a bushel and a peck
A bushel and a peck and a Huck around the neck
“It’s an angry party! We all sit around saying “grr!” and then we smash things. Then we dance!”
Sounds like a great party but ummm, nobody mentioned booze. I will fix that…
“It’s an angry party! We all sit around saying “grr!, drink lots of booze and then we smash things. Then we dance angrily!”
All fixed.
Party ON!
I think Dave flipped a coin whenever he needed to insert “conservative” or “liberal”.
It’s an angry party! We all sit around saying “grr!” and then we smash things.
Then we dance!
Our angry, fearless leader.
But how will this affect Governor Bucketmop? Why are you Sadlynauts trying to minimize his candidacy by posting more about Mike Huckabee? It’s almost as if you want the Huckster to win the nomination of God’s Only Party over Governor Bucketmop!
The really funny thing about this election is that the GOP candidates seem to be taking meltdowns in shifts. Yeah, Huckabee might look viable right now through these losers’ political beer goggles, but so did Giuliani and McCain at certain points. To be fair, this is far more than can be said for Fred Thompson, the Amazing Narcoleptic President.
smash… smash….
“To be fair, this is far more than can be said for Fred Thompson, the Amazing Narcoleptic President.”
Fredergooper did amazingly well and he is well liked by many on the right. Maybe he doesn’t have to work that hard. The RNC is sitting on a great pile of cash waiting to award it to whom ever wins the nomination. Obama vs Thomson, I’ll take that race any day.
To be fair, this is far more than can be said for Fred Thompson, the Amazing Narcoleptic President.
Have you already forgotten Grandpa’s 3rd place finish? Grandpa has Big Mo! FredMania will rise again!
Only Gov. Bucketmop could go to Gilead.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, smash…glug glug, Tarantella……..grrrrrrrrrrr, SMASH!
Will there be brussel sprouts served at the angry party? Nothing sez anger like a smelly brussel sprout…
this from RedState comments pretty much sums it up …
“Who gave the evangelicals the “right to first refusal”?
We did. In 2000 and 2004 (and 1992) we needed those evangelicals to get over the hump. We’ve pandered to them, flattered them, pretended that those “social values” were more important than anything else. And when they found out that Conservatives are human too, that we cheat on our wives, get divorced, some of us more than once, they found us wanting. They were unhappy that some of us didn’t rush to abandon science. They hated that some of us believed that government didn’t have the right to tell women they had to carry fetuses to term. They even hated that some of us USED to believe that.
Chickens, meet roost.”
If I was more resourceful, I’d score a ‘I HEART Huckabee’ bumper sticker.
That’s how angry I am.
Although he is really my second choice, because Brownback would have been even funnier.
An angry party? Sounds like a “Milk and Cheese” comic…
I prefer “Huckabeelzebub”, but maybe that’s just me.
There’s also “Huckabaloo”, but that reminds me of “Shindig” which then calls up an image of Bobby Sherman which somehow reminds me of Catholic priests and I’d rather not think about that right now.
The fact is, both Obama and Huckabee stole their caucuses using Musical Chairs.
Ah, poor Gary doesn’t understand how a causus works. Must too much of a “heartland” thing for him to wrap his little mind around.
Greatest moment of the caucus coverage last night came on KCCI, Des Moines CBS affiliate, when local political commentator Dennis Goldford referred to Huckabee as “Huckabilly”. My partner and I were literally rolling around laughing. Goldford, the two anchors, and a CBS political big wig all kept straight faces, but it must have been a bitch for them. Goldford’s cheeks were beet red and stayed that way.
I’m guessing Goldford has been blog cruising.
You sleep with dogs…
Huckabee’s massive weight-loss is an obvious indicator that he exercised and ate health food, thus making him a liberal fascist, and not a true conservative.
Gary, we’re going to be honest with you because we feel we owe you that. We’re seeing somebody new. His name is Booger and he’s approximately 40,000 times more awesome than you. I’m sorry if it hurts you to hear that, but this “fact is” schtick just doesn’t look like much compared to pussy Anti-Christ faggots breaking wind across the landscape.
We think it would be best if you left, or at the very least if the person pretending to be you switches back to pretending to be Booger.
The fact is, both Obama and Huckabee stole their caucuses using Musical Chairs.
I heard on the News that the Dems use a rilly, rilly complicated process that involves, like, talking about a candidate’s policies and other insignificant stuff.
Whereas, teh Republicans just vote and leave – apparently also pretty complicated for them. It’s no wonder they screwed it up.
BTW – this “Gary” character . . . he’s a made up thing, right? So that Sadly, No! can have it’s own counterpart to Alan Colmes?
Sadly, Gary, Obama won the caucuses because he had the most people show up. That’s kinda how it works, if you don’t have the Supreme Court to interfere.
the fun part of my caucus – incidentally held at my son’s high school, home of the Tinker decision, was watching the collection of elderly women in the Hillary section look more and more sour as the evening progressed. It was priceless.
I was surprised Edwards didn’t do better in our neighborhood. Obama had (I think) 234, Edwards had 137, and Hillary had 107. We had a good sized handfull of Kucinich people show up, but nowhere near enough for viability. They mostly moved to Edwards. Some of the undeclareds went to Obama. Almost none of the non-viable groups moved to Hillary, as near as I could tell from my vantage point. Maybe a couple of the Biden people did. Her supporters like her, but no one else seems to.
Interestingly, there were no Dodd supporters. At all. I feel kinda sorry for Dodd.
Huckabee’s massive weight-loss is an obvious indicator that he exercised and ate health food, thus making him a liberal fascist, and not a true conservative.
The real-life Jonah Goldberg went with the suggestion of possible gastric bypass surgery.
You were at the home of the Rough Riders last night? Did I see you on C-Span?
BTW – this “Gary” character . . . he’s a made up thing, right?
I’ve never been able to figure that one out either.
He might be a prankster, but if so it’s a really, really long, stupid, boring prank. Maybe he’s a bored seventh grader? Or a server running Troll 7.0? Or an old woman typing in a shack in the wilds of North Dakota? Who knows?
I call fake Gary. Thatwas actually funny. 🙂
We all loved the Christmas Resolution. Now from the U.S. House of Representatives comes a heartwarming tale of Christian Nationhood. A heartwarming tail of half truths, quarter truths and no truths at all….and, paid for by our tax dollars.
All praise the Huckajesus!
Classic Gary—the Gary Ruppert who posted in the months and weeks before the November 2006 elections—was distant, amusing, and grounded in either Drudge or GOP talking points. Since then, Classic Gary seems to have reduced his presence here while the Gary doppelgängers have proliferated.
Since I obviously don’t know how to tag a link here, I’ve put a link to in my URL (to Chris Rodda’s Think the “Christmas Resolution” was Bad? Check Out H. Res. 888).
Liberal anger differs from classical anger; indeed, this is central to my point.
So have Timmeh and the other Very Serious people declared all of this to be good for the Republicans yet? Have they told the Dems to stop standing for things and stuff?
Hmmmm . . .
Perhaps there should be a History of Gary. I mean, besides the numerous literary tomes about the Bhopal of Indiana.
” . . . at long last, a detailed examination of the evolution of a blog avatar . . .”
Oh, wait. Can it be said that someone like Gary has “evolved”?
Molly Ivins is looking down, laughing and pointing to the cover of her book, You Got to Dance With Them What Brung You. Dance, Casse and co, dance!
Gavin adds: I’m still out of town on a fitful dialup connection
I think Gavin should add some 56-pixel black and white photoshop work.
Fake Gary is not yet self-aware. When that happens ….
So am I to understand that, while Fake Gary is merely a troll in himself, Classic Gary was a troll for himself?
” . . . a troll in himself . . .”
Isn’t that really what we all wish for him . . ., er, them?
Fake Gary did not rise like the sun at an appointed time. He was present at his own making.
The real Gary Ruppert lived at Eschaton for many months, where the serial squatting of trolls over the punchbowl is, if not exactly smiled upon, tolerated to the nth degree by the proprietor. Whereas, mentions of certain French revolution-era devices used for executions are not (tolerated, that is), even when mentioned in a very general way and not in connection with any person. Because, you know, that constitutes a “threat”, unlike mentions of “tar and feathering” or “fucking sideways with a rusty chainsaw”…all of which would require the person making the reference to single-handedly muscle past phalanxes of security personnel to abduct the target of the “threat” and then bodily drag him/her to that French revolution-era device, or vat of tar and pile of feathers, or rusty chainsaw…and then perform the actions suggested in the form of each all while remaining unmolested by the phalanx of security personnel or other agents of law enforcement. Which in short, is why I ain’t over there no more.
But I digress. Ruppert remains welcome there, as always.
Wait a minute. People actually read the comments at Eschaton? I thought they just piled up like detritus.
well, if you dig through all the shit over there, you occassionally do find a pony. Though S-N! definitely has a much higher pony-to-shit ratio.
I miss Classic Gary. There was no malice in him. He would pop up in the middle of a thread, deposit his talking-point (wrapped in one or two standard frame sentences — ‘The Fact Is’, or “I notice that you’re not talking about the fact that…”), and disappear back to the digital boiler-room from whence he operated, while we stared at one another and wondered ‘Who was that masked troll?’
He would never hang around and argue with people, or try to make his talking-points sound convincing. Clearly not being paid enough. That won him our sympathy.
I wish the Fake Garys would stop sullying my memory of Classic Gary.
People actually read the comments at Eschaton?
I’m surprised, too. They pegged the vapidometer long before FDL did.
“I wish there were a catchy, easy-to-remember name for this phenomenon….” Easy one. “Sweet lemons,” the opposite of “Sour grapes.” Psych 101.
Estachon has a recent comment thread, making fun of Fred Thompson by putting his name into various movie titles. I laughed aloud at “No Country for Old Fred”, which also happens to describe Iowa’s results nicely.
Well they’re under starter’s orders for this very valuable Huckabee Handicap. And they’re off, and Huckabee got a clean jump off, followed by Huckabee, Huckabee and Huckabee. It’s Huckabee from Huckabee and Huckabee. It’s Huckabee making the early running on the inside. And at the back Huckabee already a couple of lengths behind the leaders. Huckabee has now moved up to challenge Huckabee with Huckabee losing ground. Huckabee tucked in neatly on the stand side with a clear view. Huckabee still the back marker as they approach the halfway mark, but making ground now, suddenly past Huckabee with Huckabee, Huckabee and Huckabee still well placed as they approach the first fence. And at the first fence it’s Huckabee just ahead of Huckabee and Huckabee falling away in third place. And Huckabee in the lead as they …
I’m pretty sure that Classic Gary would hit multiple sites with the same cut and pasted GOP talking point blurb, and then sweetly disappear into the night, leaving you with the lingering question:
Did somebody fart?
Gary was around as far back as early 2005 at Eschaton, and was quite astounding in his absurdity. May have been earlier, but that’s when I noticed him.
In defense of the Eschaton commenters (I was one of them for some time), there are some good folks there. The Online BlogIntegrity site was run by Atriots and, if I may be so bold, did some hella good work on behalf of Spocko in the KSFO Snuff Radio debacle of early 2007. The original EschaCon was a pretty decent gathering of liberal minded folks and drew some good people – EschaCon ’08 is looking pretty righteous, as well (check out the panel members).
That said…
Huck! Huck!
He’s our man!
If he can’t do it
I’ll laugh and laugh and laugh
Classic Gary would hit multiple sites with the same cut and pasted GOP talking point blurb
Nooo! Gary was ours alone! He would never spread himself around! It’s all lies!
[inconsolable sobbing].
I always heard original garys sudden talking points blurtations in my head in this droning, mechanical monotone. Almost text-to-speech, but with JUST enough human timbre to make you uncertain.
Always wanted to write something about the pod bay doors…
The Gary Rupperts who posted at other sites were all Fake Garies (Garys?). Classic Gary posted here and here alone!
Don’t take my comment about Eschaton commentland as a sweeping condemnation of all things Eschatonian or Atriosite. I’m just being a comment asshole and a Sadly, No! snob.
And once again, so that it sticks, only Fake Garies (Garys?) comment outside of Sadly, No! sovereign territory.
In defense of the Eschaton commenters…
Apologies, Ripley – I was (kind of) kidding. I agree with Jennifer that there are goodies in the Atriots’ comments and it sounds like the community has done good stuff, but I’m not that patient digging through it all.
Interestingly, I was just about to write what Gavin wrote, verbatim, but I was going to write it in a Sid Caesar German accent while pounding my fist into a lemon meringue pie I had forgotten I left on the table.
Should I? Or should we just move on?
But Sam, you always clown those whose comments are too vapid.
Remember the first FDL t-Bogg thread? Good times, good times.
Move on Mr., move on.
I wish the Fake Garys would stop sullying my memory of Classic Gary.
The fact of the matter is, you better shut the hell up! I’m Garying the place around here now, and I’ve got a whole bag of facts…with your name on it.
Certainly fakeGary. Way too funny.
MrWonderful – Hmmm, can’t answer that one. I’m just relieved to hear that you didn’t suddenly black out, and when you came to, found you were being raped by lemon meringue pie while Sid Caesar watched and laughed.
Which I meant to bring up earlier w/r/t Jillian’s angry party – the EU, brussels sprouts, Play-doh and bacon are NOT invited, out of sensitivity to another brad’s feelings.
No offense taken, Sam – just wanted to make mention of the good folks there.
While I’m glad to see some of them getting some recognition (Thers, Molly Ivors, I had my brief moment) it’s a shame that some of them aren’t getting a little more cowbell. (Phila, who’s an incredible writer; Eli, great photographer and comic; Rorshach, great writer and great thinker; I could go on)
What’s somewhat odd to me is that it takes a big issue or a cause in the blogosphere to bring out the best of the liberal bloggers – the KSFO deal; Stark v. O’Reilly (wtf is Stark, btw?); the 8-6-01 project brought a lot of bloggers onto my screen. I don’t know – I’d like to see more Z-listers getting some attention (assuming they want it) but I’ve lost my blogging bug, lately, so I haven’t been very good with the PR.
Anyhoo – yeah, the comments are a bit much to wade thru at E-Town, but it’s more of a social club than an activist meeting. People need to vent and, for the most part, it’s an easy lay there. Or maybe I was an easy lay…. shit!
Ok, if the angry party requires deferance to DiffBrad’s feelings, I guess I won’t come wearing a fat suit.
This time…
The fact is, liberals refuse to understand basic logic and reason. Huckabee must now build a national campaign on an organization which was focused only on Iowa. Romney cannot spend his way out of his flip-flopping past. Clinton is saddled with her husband’s and her own history of tacking with the political winds. Plus, losing as the front-runner looks really bad. Nobody really believes that Americans will elect an inexperienced novice or a crooked trial lawyer as their President. John McCain has no money. Giuliani’s strategy of waiting for Florida is hare-brained.
The only candidate who really speaks for America is Fred Thompson.
The fact of the matter is, you better shut the hell up! I’m Garying the place around here now, and I’ve got a whole bag of facts…with your name on it.
I’m still laughing out loud…. literally…
You, sir and/or madam, have truly taken Thalia as your submissive. Never let her leave the confines of your brain… the blogosphere will be the poorer for it.
But Sam, you always clown those whose comments are too vapid.
Yes, I do. Partly it’s because I’m frustrated that the good stuff gets buried. It’s also because I’m kind of a dick.
SamFromUtah said,
January 5, 2008 at 1:41
People actually read the comments at Eschaton?
I’m surprised, too. They pegged the vapidometer long before FDL did.
The only candidate who really speaks for America is Fred Thompson.
The fact is, [dung-dunngg!].
The fact is all of this is central to my point.
“The only candidate who really speaks for America is Fred Thompson.”
America sounds like Foghorn Leghorn on quaaludes?
Although I’ll admit he and the author of the Declaration of Independence had a similar thing for women young enough to be their daughters.
Say, why you wanna have an Angry Party when you can have a World Party?
World Shut Your Mouth
The HTML is really screwy in here. You should be able to right-click and save, though, if you want a copy.
Well, that didn’t work at all…
As a southerner, I believe Foghorn Leghorn could be a viable presidential candidate if he were devoted to lower taxes and fiscal conservatism, unlike Mike Huckabee.
The word “projection” gets thrown around a lot. But Daniel Casse’s screed is the poster child of projection.
Can we get the angry party going? I’m getting really pissed…
Fred Thompson is being cast as Huckabee Hound.
Shorter National Review: FuXing Xtianists Don’t Know Their Role!1one1!!
Hey Fred. Can I get a couple ‘ludes?
Cool. Thanks man.
Guess that pretty much does it for me tonight…
Can we get the angry party going? I’m getting really pissed…
I’m eating a Happy Meal yet I’m filled with rage….
We should feel sorry for wealthy people who abuse prescription drugs, because they suffer from a sickness.
What are you holding (obviously fake) Gary?
Immediately after the final results they scratched their heads and said What the Huck? Then they began to shout Huck you and the horse you rode in on! at the Republicans of Iowa so I would describe their condition as being Hucked off.
I believe it was at that point, Arky, that St. Rudy! of 9/11 said:
Huck a bunch of this shit
IIRC, Gary Ruppert was scared off Eschaton for good when he was caught mocking dead Marines and one of the regulars saved those comments and played them back at him whenever he showed up. Or was he the guy who was busted for child molestation? I can never remember.
The Angry Party sounds like a greek wedding
Nay, it’s an Irish Wake, featuring the rotten corpse of the Greedy Old Perverts’ bidniz/warmonger/godbotherer coalition! And the Dubliners singing “Finnegans Wake” to start the soundtrack…
Q: What’s the difference between an Irish wake and an Irish wedding?
A; One less drunk.
I like the idea of the Angry Party. Do we all pogo about and bash each other?
Hey, mikey, are you still beset with storms? Cause we’re getting the first wave of it now. There’s some serious precipitation going on now.
What with the 3 top news stories in LA – Iowa, Britney and RAIN!!!!! – I am very excited.
The Angry Party sounds like a greek wedding
I went to a Greek Weeding once. Everyone drank retsina and threw bulbs against the wall.
The challenger will be an eternal and abstract Hitlery KKKlinton,
A/K/A Emmanuel Goldstein.
The only candidate who really speaks for the trees is Fred Lorax..
It’s not letting up up here, g. You’re in for a bit of H2O, but it doesn’t seem to be the end of the world, once again…
I’m having a hard time getting a good rage going what with enjoying the schadenfreudinous goings-on here.
On the other hand, I guess I could get good and angry about how you’re keeping me from getting good and angry. You damn kids get off my lawn!
Okay, now do I get to break things?
MileHi, I would have been the lady in red, with a long tall teenage kid in tow. A kid, I might add, who got off the best line of the evening. When a Hill supporter was haranguing us, he said, “No, thanks, we don’t want Hillary. We’ve already had a republican president the last few years.”
Gee, I’m just not that angry. I guess it’s because my head would’ve exploded if Mitt the Shit would’ve won anything. One of them had to win this round, and one of the yucky ones did win. No Republican has to win in November though.
I thought I could stay snarky, but dammit, I’m just too happy about Obama! Wow, I wonder what Michelle Malkin has to say about this? I never go to her site. I did notice this morning that at least one person is very, very, very upset about the winners last night. Very upset. Humorously upset.
To think I could still be editing that blog without actually noticing content; ignorance can be bliss. Then I ate a bite of the apple, ended up orphaned here on the doorstep of Sadly, No, and I’m quite happier, even if I do now occasionally read the content of certain blogs and have to bang my head on the keyboard.
Oh, thank you again for having me, Sadlies! Forgive my uncharacteristic cheerfulness, I can’t explain it either.
OK, now I must go dispute this claim that MY Barack Obama (.com) looks like Mr. Potato Head. Dammit!! Now I’m angry again. It’s in one of the “very”s, the Mr. PotatoHead thing. Ugh.
Sounds like you’ve got a fine, intellegent, young Iowan there. Good on you!
Was this his first caucus? I haven’t picked a horse in this race yet, but I truly enjoyed when they were discussing motions to send to the Democratic County Convention. Grass root politics at its finest.
I am a bit tired of explaining that Iowa isn’t flat, isn’t 106% white and not everyone is a pig-farmer. It’s like explaining reality to a wingnut.
Wow, we’re doing Southern California neighbor connections on the next thread over – how nice you are doing Iowa connections here!
At NRO, Richard Brookheiser sez, of Huckabee:
Unlike Robertson (and the host of tyro candidates who have run recently) he would know the way to the bathroom.
Where he will assume a wide stance, no doubt.
Even Pat Buchannan was snickering at Todd’s inanity.
Is is just me, or does anyone else immediately picture Chuck going off and trying to run some scam on Reuben Kincaid every time his face pops up on MSNBC?
I suppose this means Gravel’s the Democratic nominee?
The only candidate who really speaks for America is Fred Thompson.
Great! Another bad actor who can’t bother to learn his lines…
You go to troll with the garys you have, not the garys you want.
I always heard original garys sudden talking points blurtations in my head in this droning, mechanical monotone. Almost text-to-speech, but with JUST enough human timbre to make you uncertain.
Yah, that’s kind of how I hear Gary. Either that, or a kind of simpering, wimpy, yet angry, man’s voice. I sometimes hear that too.
Oh, yes, MileHi, I know what you mean. I used to know a New Yorker who would say, “There’s New York over here, and Los Angeles over there, and everything in between is Iowa.” So annoying! Oh, and don’t forget the folks who say, “Iowa? Isn’t that where they grow all the potatoes?” My ex-bf from Ohio said he used to hear that one, too.
My son is only fifteen, but he’s been dragged around to political events all his life. Bill Clinton once tickled him in the ribs and called him a “Fine little fella.” His first caucus with me was actually 96, and as a political junkie, I attended it although Clinton was running unopposed. I think there were six people there. A wee bit different this time. The kid doesn’t remember that one. His only complaint is that you can’t attend any kind of Iowa Democratic event without being bombarded by Tom Petty music.
g, remember when we were talking about drinking at the E on the Ave. in the U in Seattle? LOL. America really is a village. That’s the thing I love about the ‘net.
Yah, that’s kind of how I hear Gary. Either that, or a kind of simpering, wimpy, yet angry, man’s voice.
I hear the Gare-bear as a teenager I once sat near in a restaurant. I never saw the kid, and I’m glad – he sounded like a majorly annoying little shit. From what I overheard, it sounded like he and his dad were there on dad’s custody day and the boy was not at all enthused about it. He had the most petulant, mopey, passive-aggressive whine I’ve ever heard and I was amazed his dad managed not to throttle him.
I used to know a New Yorker who would say, “There’s New York over here, and Los Angeles over there, and everything in between is Iowa.”
That’s unusually cosmopolitan for a NYer – acknowledging that LA and the spaces in between exist.
But seriously, I know what you mean. Look where I come from.
Yeah, I had to give the great Armando a stern talking to about the whole coastal liberal elitist thing. Then there are the nut-jobs talking about how all of the new Democratic caucus-goers where probably Repubs trying to swing it for Obama because they think he’s the one they can beat. Grrr. They just don’t understand that Iowans, on he whole, are truly honest, up-standing, wonderful people whole and won’t do such things!
Was the Clinton aggitator who was hassling you a guy named George by any chance?
Speaking of the U District, I am still saddened to find that my favorite little Russian place is gone and I can’t get a decent porogi in Seattle anymore. I blame the liberal fascists or something.
The fact is that every time a fake Gary Ruppert posts two fake Garys spring forth from the debris.
No, the vocal Hillary supporter was a woman.
I think a lot of things have changed in Seattle in the five years since I lived in the area. I wish I could get back out there for a visit. I haven’t been in a long time. Oh, for some good seafood – or even some nice greasy Ivar’s fish ‘n chips. Hey! On the bright side, we have some decent sushi places here in Dead Moines now. Not that I can afford it right now, but at least the option exists.
The liberal fascists may be to blame for the loss of the Russian place. For everything else there’s Tim Eyman . . . ;-).
Yeah, Sam, I feel your pain. Heck, people from Iowa make fun of Utah. Nah, just kidding. The state Iowans make fun of is Missouri.
Hey now–I happen to love some fresh-out-of-the grease Ivar’s! Nothing like eating lava hot, greasy fish outside with the seagulls whilst keeping on eye on the viaduct so that it doesn’t fall on your head for a truly fine dining experience.
We Coloradians are the ones who make fun of Utah. The fact is, some are waiting for the day when Grand Junction becomes the new left coast. I’n not saying I’m one of those people mind you–but I do like me some large bodies of water.
Huck Fuckabee.
The fact is, some are waiting for the day when Grand Junction becomes the new left coast. I’n not saying I’m one of those people mind you–but I do like me some large bodies of water.
Reminds me of that Tool song . . . learn to swim!
Okay, now I’m craving a bag of fried clams from Ivar’s. Dang it. Long John Silver’s doesn’t do it for me.
When eating outdoors in Seattle, you really have to watch out for those damned gulls. Everyone in Seattle has a scary gull story.
I couldn’t even tell you where the nearest LJS’s is to me. Not many of those out here–or even a frickin’ Skipper’s.
I’m craving some oyster soup–wonder if Emmet Watson’s delivers.
Or a scary slug story. Seagulls are why god created Alka-Seltzer.
I happen to love some fresh-out-of-the grease Ivar’s!
Me too – I spent some childhood in Seattle, haven’t lived there since the 70s, and still crave that stuff. Mmmm.
We Coloradians are the ones who make fun of Utah.
Everyone makes fun of Utah. I do too, so I don’t take any offense at it. On the whole I like living somewhere unimportant, being a big believer in that “interesting times” cliché.
Yeah, but Utah has Escalante, Bryce Canyon, and Zion. I covet those places.
I don’t know as much about Huckabee as I should. Assuming the NRO is accurate – and you should never assume this – then it would seem that Huckabee’s platform is the same as William Jennings Bryan’s a hundred years ago. On social issues, social conservatism consistent with Protestant Christian values. On economics, opposition to Wall Street and the inhumanity of capitalism (which means actual, as opposed to rhetorical as with one of the NRO authors, “economics for the little guy”). On foreign policy, opposition to unnecessary imperial ventures.
In other words, Huckabee was the only populist (in the American sense) in this campaign. Very interesting. Even more interesting is the fact that he’s lax on immigration and has tried to reach across the aisle to the Latinos and other minorities, eschewing thirty years in which the Christian Right was nothing but a fraternity of unreconstructed segregationists.
Assuming this portrait is accurate, then if Huckabee’s movement can take over the Republican Party and remake it in his image, the same way William Jennings Bryan did to the Democrats in 1896… then let’s just say I’d be okay with that. I do not like or approve of his views on social issues, but if a party governed by the Christian Right means eschewing racism, imperialism and Gilded Age capitalism, it’s more than worth the trade. (And the Democrats will always be there as a counterbalance to their most extreme tendencies). Perversely, I of all people am now hoping Huckabee succeeds.
Understand this; the Republican Party and the Republican (and now teabagger) base are conservative first, American second, Christian a very distant third, however much they might pretend otherwise. They interpret and adapt their religion in order to fit it into their politics, not the other way around. How else do you end up preaching the gospel of Ayn Rand in the name of the God who told you to care for your brother? How else do you end up preaching such a narrow, violent nationalist ideology in the name of the person whose entire purpose on earth was to bring a universal message to mankind? The religious right, by its very nature, was an attempt to shove conservative values into American Christianity and not Christian values into American politics.
Now, the problem with Huckabee isn’t that he’s not conservative. He is. The problem is that he’s a Christian first, a conservative second. His religious views are mostly in line with Modern American Conservative political theories, but on the rare occasions where his politics and his religion conflict, he’ll choose his religion first, as he did with that prisoner whose sentence he commuted and with his outreach to the Hispanic community. That is the one thing the conservative movement absolutely cannot tolerate.
Worse from their point of view, if Huckabee’s perspective (that you should be a Christian first and a conservative second) wins out, the door is open to people much less conservative than he finding a way to express themselves in the GOP later on down the line; particularly the members of the new generation of evangelicals, who care about things like the environment, social justice and peace overseas as well as abortion and gay marriage. In short, the risk is that a Huckabee victory will remake the GOP from a right wing party into a Christian Democratic party like the ones that exist in Europe and Latin America.
It’s a very remote possibility for sure. But it’s real enough that the conservative elite spent so much of the campaign trying to sink him, and that significant factions are now calling for pro-life and traditional marriage issues to take a backseat to the values of that abortion of a movement calling itself the Tea Party.
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