The future, Donald?
Conan O’Brien isn’t the only one who can look into the future. As we learned today, it turns out that one Donald Hank can as well:
The choice between these two must be made quickly and decisively in America, because time is running out, as we can gauge by the breathtaking speed at which our European counterparts lost their nationhood.
Yes, Donald argues that we in Europe lost our nationhood.
Another result [of the EU, or Marxists, or some other bad people or thing] was wealth redistribution, with European farmers, for example, losing their livelihood[.]
Yes — the EU’s common agricultural policy is definitely a bad deal for farmers in Europe:
The CAP guarantees a minimum price to producers, imposes import tariffs and quotas on certain goods from outside the EU and provides a direct subsidy payment for cultivated land.
What else has the EU done to us lately?
…a provision of EU law bans criticism of the EU…
As best we can tell, Donald’s source for this particular claim is Simonsview. You may remember him from such internet comments as:
We have in this day and age a Brussels junta which is planning (if it has not done so already) to introduce a law to ban criticism of the EU.
Well, there’s no arguing with that!
The notoroius Marxist Frankfurt School is lurking in the background and is involved surreptitiously.
No… no… notoroius! So now Jürgen Habermas is lurking in the background of the EU’s banana quotas? Now there’s a surprise.
Final words, Donald?
This saga has all the earmarks of a good thriller, with one exception: it’s less realistic than fiction.
Why yes, yes it is.
As Nigel Farage says: you can’t make this up.
If by “you,” he means me, then he’s technically correct.
.. Because once you loose your potato farmers, that’s IT, your sovereignty is gone.
Ohhh, that scary scary socialism.
Help me out here, is losing one’s nationhood like losing one’s maidenhood?
Sounds like someone has a subscription to “The Daily Mail”.
“Brussels junta”
THAT’S who’s behind that horrible vegetable !
All your sovereignty are belong to us.
No no, you just need to prepare it right. Steam them gently, then smother them in garlic butter, and add some caramelised onions, and just a dab of bureaucracy on top.
The guy makes a plug for Alan Keyes. Well, that cinches it for me. I, for one, welcome our Transnational Overlords.
We get enough of this whiny TEH FORRINERZ ARE TAKING AWAY OUR SOVERINTEEZ! shit here in Britain, thanks.
even Italian Seasoning can’t “fix” a Brussels Sprout my friend. That’s central to my point.
What else has the EU done to us lately?
I heard the EU once shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
But Italian Seasoning AND cookie dough… well that solves everything.
I’d rather have the brussels sprouts than the Daily Mail thank you very much. Much more palatable.
If nature had intended for anything to eat brussels sprouts, it would have made them smell like food instead of shite.
That is a fun site to visit, I never knew that there were so many books about Teri Schaivo out there.
What else has the EU done to us lately?
I….. this is hard to say.
I was near the UN the other day, and as it was unseasonably warm I decided to stop by a lovely little park nearby.
I turned a corner to a private nook in the park, and the lights went out.
When I came to……. the EU was raping me. And the UN was watching, and laughing.
I’m sorry, I can’t keep talking about this.
Not only do the book ads on renewamerica contain no less than three Terry Schiavo books, as someone noted in a comment I can’t find right now, there’s also a plug for an old friend:
Hmm… What is that wacky catchphrase of yours, again?
a different brad – I feel your pain, bro.
And while I’m fiddling with the links, Dustbin is kind enough to bring up the book ads in this thread. This is the closest I’ve ever been to being on topic.
Oh, Donald!
I wish our European counterparts would just stop shoving their smug superiority down my throat. Where are my matches and that EU flag….?
I’ll tell you what. I shall let all you foreign chaps in on the secret. The EU is actually a British plot, started by that well known wall eyed old soak, Maggie Thatcher, to bring down the price of French wine. She needed to support her 10 magnum a day Brut Champagne addiction.
The Daily Mail are against it all of course, since they are getting kickbacks from Argentinian vintners, who are naturally quite pissed off at the iron lady, because she thwarted their attempts to take over the Falkland islands, to breed kangaroos on all that open space. You see, kangaroos need lots of space, and their urine is the primary ingredient in lager, and with that many kangaroos the Argentinians would have a stranglehold on the world lager market. Of course, they gave up in short order when the British government threatened to salt their vinyards with budweiser.
My mom used to boil brussels sprouts…she was absent-minded and usually scorched them. To “fix” the flavor we were urged to cover them with mayonase. Ah! If only we’d had Velveta and Italian Seasoning. As it was, one could put 2 sprouts in a half-glass of milk, feed a couple to the dog (dogs will eat anything), cram 3 into the mouth and run to the bathroom to spit them out. Best of all, say or do something ‘bad’ and be ordered to one’s room without dinner! Oddly enough, I like Brussels Sprouts, when cooked just right. No seasoning or condiment needed.
If you look at this pic closely you can see a diff brad’s crumpled form in background.
Stupid UN…
I’ll tell you what. I shall let all you foreign chaps in on the secret. The EU is actually a British plot, started by that well known wall eyed old soak, Maggie Thatcher, to bring down the price of French wine. She needed to support her 10 magnum a day Brut Champagne addiction.
The Daily Mail are against it all of course, since they are getting kickbacks from Argentinian vintners, who are naturally quite pissed off at the iron lady, because she thwarted their attempts to take over the Falkland islands, to breed kangaroos on all that open space. You see, kangaroos need lots of space, and their urine is the primary ingredient in lager, and with that many kangaroos the Argentinians would have a stranglehold on the world lager market. Of course, they gave up in short order when the British government threatened to salt their vinyards with budweiser.
That is so good, I am wetting myself over here.
I also suspect it’s true. That’s how good it is.
awesome shot kingubu !
I notice Conservatives are starting to say things like “Religion should be personal”. Next, they’ll be saying the Constitution should be the Law of the Land. And then what?
I notice Conservatives are starting to say things like “Religion should be personal”. Next, they’ll be saying the Constitution should be the Law of the Land. And then what?
Teh Liberal Fascists will rulez!!!1!
Nelle said “I also suspect it’s true. That’s how good it is.”
Of course it is true! There is evidence everywhere! Ever watched one of Maggie’s speeches? Pissed up to her eyeballs I tell you! She is a mean drunk too.. I once saw her break a coal miners arm in a pub in Wales.
And those rumours about her being a man? TOTALLY false. That suspicious bulge was just the bottle of gin she habitually kept in her knickers.
“This saga has all the earmarks of a good thriller…”
Does he really stay up late, briskly turing pages whilst reading razor-sharp fiction about bureaucrats in Brussels, and their evil farm-subsidy plans for world domination? What next, the perfidy of open-skies aviation rules between the EU and US?
Ann Marie said,
January 3, 2008 at 1:35
Oh, Donald!
I may be the only person reading this thread who is both a) old enough and b) enough of a TV dork to get this reference. Just didn’t want you to think it went unappreciated.
Smiling Mortician: I got it too. I’m also old and dorky.
Oh, I just got it too.
It’s kind of like when I hear Condi Rice talk, I always expect to hear her say “Oh, Mr. Grant!”
that is quite a post over there.
so this guy is advocating…what? i feel like it ends in -icide, however.
wow. that’s a lot of hate. nice example of good christian ministry. JESUS. CHRIST.IS.GOING.TO.FUCKING.KILL.YOU. seems to be the message. that’s nice and probably honest for many people.
As a recent comedian recently proclaimed (I forget his name), Europe has an incredible past, but it has no future.
Robert Green, I don’t know why they don’t just put that on a t-shirt and be done with it.
While I’m sure that Brussels is a nice, albeit frou frou europey city, one must admit that the brussels sprout is a crime against nature. At least the Brits were good enough to export AbFab, instead of an inedible vegetable.
Veuve Bourbs all around, sweeties!
“This saga has all the earmarks of a good thriller…”
SHE was a simple Adjunct to the Assistant Head of French Milk Quotas.
HE was a cynical British Agent ( To the Vice Secretary of Ministry of Agriculture – Sweet Lupins Department )
IT was the Animal Feed Stuffs Legislation that came between then!
HOT spreadsheet action!
BRUSSELS at night with all its EXOTIC DANGER
BE HORRIFIED by the SAVAGE and FORBIDDEN Sugar Regime Reform!
WARNING! No one will be seating during the climatic: “The Point of Order Clarification on Item #234.5 B: Soy Byproducts and Leavings”
… we can gauge by the breathtaking speed at which our European counterparts lost their nationhood.
Oh man, she was so fast and easy. I met her while on vacation. She was gorgeous and what a rack. I never did get her address or her picture. She was real though. I swear.
i dont know why all of you are hatin on the brussels sprouts. for those of you who dislike them plain, there is an incredibly easy way to make them palatable or even delicious. no, it is not “italian seasoning” (and im not sure what precisely that is, either), but it is rather something divine, heavenly, one of the most exalted members of one of the four primary food groups*
i’m talking about bacon.
*pork, cheese, fried, and booze.
I don’t think one needs the Holy Bacon to make brussels sprouts taste delicious.
Just good brussels sprouts…they look like this when fresh.
I used to get them like that at the farmer’s market at Union Square in NYC in the fall.
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Instant Holiday Classic! Well done, Robert Green.
I like Brussel sprouts pretty good. Even the store brand frozen boxes. Because frozen vegetables heated in a microwave or quick steamed and not boiled, just until hot and not overdone, with some salt and pepper and a bit of mild oil (like vegetable oil) are easy and very good tasting. Same way with spinach, turnip greens, and sometimes even collard greens if you’ve got a strong enough main course.
The question that is not addressed is whether they are of the left.
An italian american friend of mine from santa cruz told me his family made its money in the early 20th century growing brussels sprouts and shipping them to the NY italians, who actually LIKED them.
Guess they didn’t realize we woulda GIVEN them away if nobody paid for them.
But not the artichokes. If you live west of Salt Lake City, you’re never gonna know the truth about artichokes…
I’m treating my infection with alcohol…
I for one welcome our new North American Union Overlords
Dude, you can put bacon on a rusted car bumper, and it would taste good.
I….. this is difficult to say.
Last fall, I was in Union Square just as the farmer’s market was breaking down for the day, walking north towards the Petco at the northeast corner of the square. I walked behind a truck being loaded, and the lights went out.
When I came to, I was in the back of the truck, and brussel sprouts were raping me. Broccoli was in the corner, laughing.
I…. seem to have bad luck in very public places.
It’s because those Italians have Italian Seasoning.
garlic butter is NOT “italian seasoning”. “italian seasoning” is an overpriced little glass pot of greenish herbs bought at supermarkets by people that can’t ruddy cook.
Garlic butter. That’s all you need on sprouts if you think you don’t like em.
Dude, you can put bacon on a rusted car bumper, and it would taste good.
At the risk of sounding like a hard core libral fascist, I just got exposed to organic bacon this weekend.
OMG. I would lick Cheney’s face if he a strip of it on his forehead.
Dude, you can put bacon on a rusted car bumper, and it would taste good.
Dude, as it were, add a blob of cream cheese and that’s straight out of Amber Pawlik’s cookbook.
A different brad, did you know Petco used to be the Underground?
At least I’m pretty sure that’s it. I went into it as Petco far more than I did when it was the Underground (in fact the latter total might actually be zero, but details are sketchy).
Is it a coincidence that Brussel Sprouts cooking smell precisely like any town that has a paper mill operation? Think about it.
Broccoli was in the corner, laughing.
Oh, SNAP, biznatch!
I’ve heard of people serving broccoli; this is the first time I’ve heard of anyone getting served by broccoli.
I actually like Brussels sprouts. with bacon.
ittdgty- Don’t think so. That article says Broadway n 17th, Petco is on the corner of University. Must be one of those many clothing stores I’ve never been in, or a bank.
Did someone mention bacon? Sweet, sweet, no italian season and/or mayo needed, hickory smoked bacon?
This Petco, adb.
I used to go in and donate to the homeless kittehs.
Mmm…Brussels sprouts and bacon. Damn you all, now I’ve got a hankerin’ for ’em both…
*totters away, grumbling*
D’oh, right.
I dunno why I’m thinking of University.
“…our European counterparts lost their nationhood.”
And what a tragedy! No more World Wars, no more Iron Curtains, no more having to change currencies and show a passport after every hour of travel — it makes one nostalgic for the Congress of Vienna. (If one is a wingnut moron, that is.)
We get enough of this whiny TEH FORRINERZ ARE TAKING AWAY OUR SOVERINTEEZ! shit here in Britain, thanks.
and they are killing our Swans…… the swarthy bastards….
I’m treating my infection with alcohol…
Dang. I should have known I had it wrong. I’ve been infecting my treatment with alcohol.
Before that, I was rejecting my alcohol with treatment, which didn’t go well.
I once tried inspecting my alcohol with revetments, but that was just silly…
No, no, right there with you, billy.
I have been known, in the past, to infect my alcohol with treatment.
Specifically, track lighting….
You too can like Brussels sprouts. Cut each sprout in half, remove the first couple outer leaves, saute in olive oil with garlic until soft. Fucking miraculous, I tell ya.
In other news, the wages of sin is death, but they have a good benefits plan.
Trailer Trash love to slather everything in Velveeta. It’s not cheese, it’s Advanced Cheese Substitute! (ACS). If you mix ACS and real cheese together, the Universe ends. Seriously. It’s like holding Tea and No-Tea at the same time.
Now where’s my North American Union? I want my shiny new Amero’s! You know, the coins with “Viva, Gordita!” on the reverse. And some hockey dude on the obverse.
Not the local, thin stuff mind you. The bacon in Brussels is the big, Corellian type bacon.
“You too can like Brussels sprouts. Cut each sprout in half, remove the first couple outer leaves, saute in olive oil with garlic until soft. Fucking miraculous, I tell ya.”
You can cut them and sautee them all you want and they still smell like stewed, dirty, stinky socks. And I wouldn’t eat that–even if it was wrapped in bacon.
No sir, no thank you. Do not want…
“And I wouldn’t eat that–even if it was wrapped in bacon.”
Would you eat it if it was wrapped in Play-Doh and Bacon?
Jeez, what IS it with you people and bacon?
If you mix [Velveeta] and real cheese together, the Universe ends.
Nuh-uh. I mix shredded Velveeta® with shredded sharp Cheddar cheese when I make my homemade pimento cheese, and far as I can tell the world’s still spinnin’ around. Plus all the gals at the sewing circle are just dying for the recipe.
What color play-doh?
Hitler was a vegetarian, and here we have a bunch of you fascists discussing how to devirginate the European Fatherland with salty cooking. And while that’s irrelevant, it is indeed still central to my point.
Plus, Brussels sprouts stink and are an abomination.
“Hitler was a vegetarian”
…and I like bacon. Ispo facto, I am not a fascist! Yeah me.
we can gauge by the breathtaking speed at which our European counterparts lost their nationhood
Goldurn, it’s just when we lost our statehood here in ol’ Kintuck. Once we were states, then suddenly we signed this here Constitution and we were were all part of the Yewnited States. Goddam Yankee lawyers.
(fires sixguns in air).
Miznicky, all I can say is it’s a complete shame that we never met before you were taken and I gave up.
‘Cause it might have been really funny. Or amazing.
Or something….
Possibly. Unless you think it’s important that people like bacon, or that bacon may be good for you, in which case you are likely a liberal fascist. In that case bacon could be the poisoned fruit of the poisoned tree of wanting-ism, which is also fascism, but not of the classical variety of soil.
Wow, two Seb posts in less than an hour. Are you going to be a regular here again, Mr. Sadly, No!?
Jonah is *happy* because someone/thing called Vox Day likes his book, tho it/they gave him “back-handed compliments”. Heh. I know all about those kinds of compliments. Its the kind of compliment you get when making Anne’s potato casserole with mayo and velveta and Italian seasoning. But no bacon.
El Cid–
I can assure you that I suffer no such delusions. If anything, I could be accused of eatism. Therefore, I do believe that I can polish my fascist-busters badge with a swell of pride tonight.
Not only is that central to my point, it is, in fact, my entire reason for being.
aw mikey.
Jonah is *happy* because someone/thing called Vox Day likes his book, tho it/they gave him “back-handed compliments”.
His mom told him to expect no other kind of compliments, ’cause the overlap between (a) persons who can type coherently and (b) persons who would see his ‘book’ as something other than a stinking pile of name-calling garbage is effectively zero. Jonah accepts pity compliments the same way all guys like him accept pity sex — eagerly, on those rare occasions when they can actually get some.
But Pity Money is a whole nuther thing, right?
All Sadly, No! can be divided into
threetwo parts: the brussels sprouts lovers, and the brussels sprouts haters.And then there’s bacon.
P.S. This example of liberal fascism is central to my point.
I….. this is hard to say.
One time, while I was visiting my parents in Florida, we had to stop at a Wal*Mart on the mainland.
In this particular Wal*Mart the meat section of the groceries was right next to the Toys department. I walked through the toys and turned into the meats, and the lights went out.
When I came to…… Play-doh and bacon were raping me, and Velveeta and CheezWhiz were standing nearby, laughing.
I quite like brussels sprouts myself, in moderation & with a good cheese sauce. But I can’t quite understand how the first person decided the Sprout might be a good thing to put in one’s mouth. I mean, have you seen what those things look like in the garden? I have a friend who refers to them as Teh Belgian Ticklers…
Jonah is *happy* because someone/thing called Vox Day likes his book, tho it/they gave him “back-handed compliments”.
IIRC, Vox Day, defender of rape as a method of socialization and Wingnut Welfare Wanker, is Ted Beale. His daddy is currently being tried in federal court for not paying his income tax, because Daddy didn’t think the IRS had jurisdiction over Republicans, or some argument along those lines. But the rest of the family managed to vote Daddy off the
islandboard of trustees before the feds could catch him, so Teddy can still avoid workng for a living. I’m going to assume what Vox doesn’t like about Pantload’s magnum Dopus is that Jonah’s mommy is a better agent than Teddy’s daddy, because I just ate and I’m not going to go trolling in the WND sewers.Aw, Jeez.
I am now back from a family wedding in Cold Country (Chicago), andI gotta say, there’s nothing like revisiting your dysfunctional family for a real holiday cheer-up.
Actually, the only dysfunctional member of my family is the born-again Christian one that doesn’t drink. The other members are just fine.
What’s up with this?
My Christian brother is the most selfish, most manipulative, most exploitative person in our family. He’s got two verging-on-womanhood daughters, one of whom is a Total Slut, and the other who has been dumped on for years because she wasn’t as cute and smart and outgoing as Total Slut – so of course that means that now she’s going away to college, she’s going to Out-Slut her sister.
He mooches on everyone in the family, and never says Thank You, and adds insult to injury with each encounter.
For this wedding, he really exceeded himself. My other brother, Brother 3, is the father of the groom, and the wedding was in his hometown at a quaint B & B. Brother 3 and Wife were comped rooms at the B & B due to bringing so much custom to the joint. So my Christian Brother, Brother 2 sez he can’t afford the B & B, can they stay at Brother 3’s house? Sure, sez B3, if you feed the cats.
So B2, his wife & 2 girls AND their maid (!!!!) stay in B3’s place for 4 days.
On the 3rd day – what, maybe on the day after the rehearsal dinner? – B2 takes B3 aside and sez, “You know, Brother, we ran out of toilet paper, and we looked in all the cupboards and couldn’t find any.”
Expectant pause.
He actually expected Brother 3, in the midst of marrying off his kid, to go BUY TOILET PAPER FOR HIM!!!!
The truth is, that Britian and the nations of Europe have already lost there National Soverignty under the european union. The liberals in this Country would like nothing better than a north american union so that you traitorous scum can finally have the abolition of America that you have been envisioning in your dark hearts since the sixties. Us Patriots will not let your diabolical plan succeed, if you leftists try to destroy this Great Nation by merging America with Canada and mexico you will be met with iron and with blood. You leftist pigs have already tried to destroy America with your open borders policy and homosexual agenda. God and those of us who love Him will punish you liebrals for your treachery.
I hope your bad brother fed the cats! I left my Bad sister to house/cat sit while I was away a week. When I arrived home a couple of days early I found she’d locked the cat out the whole time, blocking the cat-door and leaving him food (which I expect the squirrels and opossums ate). Damm, I was furious. She really couldnt see why I was angry! There is a person with no empathy or honor.
So, g, your Christian Brother? Are you saying he acts like a conservative?
I gripe about my conservative Mom, but at least I have a brother who sometimes calls me and says things like “DID YOU HEAR WHAT THAT ASSHOLE CHENEY SAID!!!!!”
He used to say I was too radical in my views. He don’t say that no more. A lot of people I’ve known for over years are like that.
Uh-oh! Bastard Boogey has found us. Better start a new thread.
You liebrals want to weaken America with your plan for globalism. Which is why I only buy products that are made in America. I own an American made truck a Ford F-350, all the clothes I wear were made in America, all the food I eat was grown, raised, killed, caught on American soil or in American waters. I do this because I fully support the American economy and the American worker who made this Country the Greatest Land the World has ever Beholden.
This past summer, Christian Brother was staying with my mildly agoraphobic mom when her ailing sister was on her deathbed, some 100 miles away.
Mom doesn’t like to travel too far from home alone (she wasn’t up to traveling to the wedding).
When her sister finally passed, Christian Brother agreed to drive her in her own car the 100 miles to the funeral, where the remaining elderly members of her family were assembled.
When they got there, he informed Mom that he actually had an appointment with a member of his church in the next town over, and he was taking Mom’s car to his meeting. He said he’d arranged for one of Mom’s relatives to drive her home. Of course, it was 100 miles back to her home, and out of the way for the relative, and Mom had to make up a bed and host her driver overnight because it was too far for him to drive home the same day.
This is my Christian brother.
You people aren’t taking this seriously enough. Look, the Donald is on to something important here. The contrast vis-a-vis the US and Europe he presents is frightening, as when he points out:
“Another result was wealth redistribution, with European farmers, for example, losing their livelihood,….”
Image the UN taking over the good ole USA. Jesus Christ, our farmers might lose their livelihood. Shit, only 95% of the farm production in this country is produced by corporate farming. Imagine those millions and millions of farmers represented in the remaining 5% (or at least those thousands represented) (ok I guess I also gotta admit the percentage drops every year under good old Red, White, & Blue Capitalism) loosing their livelihoods.
I just drove from Chicago to Baltimore and I’m pretty sure I saw a couple family farms along the way. They might have been quaint B&B’s, but there were American Gothic type people with pitchforks baling hay so I’m pretty sure they were real farms.
Imagine the black helicopters swooping in and taking away our rural heritage. Donald and I won’t stand for it! Will you?
You going to be OK, g?
I hope Brother 3 didn’t go to teh Wal-Mart for that toilet paper! I hear some really horrible things happen there.
I own an American made truck a Ford F-350, all the clothes I wear were made in America, all the food I eat was grown, raised, killed, caught on American soil or in American waters.
Uh huh. So – No shopping at Wal-Mart? organic, sustainable foods?
Sounds like you’re a Fascist, Booger. A LIBERAL fascist.
Hey g, your brother sounds like a good Patriotic Christian man you should listen to him more often, who knows you might learn something like maybe the importance of the salvation offered by Jesus Christ.
I agree with Bastion Booger. The sad part is, we’re gradually caving in to the plan to weaken our nation with all of this globalism stuff. We’re allowing ourselves to become part of the lowest common denominator.
When we become as weak as them, then Europe will try to be like we once were, and they will succeed. Then they will laugh in our faces when we urge them to join us in equalizing the differential opportunity structures that they then will then be basking in.
Urging the U.S. towards globalism is like a person lagging behind in a race urging the winning runner to allow them to catch up. Then, if the winning runner is foolish enough to capitulate, you make a dash for the finish line.
You going to be OK, g?
Thanks, I’m going to be fine. The only lasting side effect is the tendency to rant while drunk.
I just support America and love this Country with all my heart which is why I buy and eat only American made products and food. That and because everything produced in America is superior to that overseas.
everything produced in America is superior to that overseas.
So, Basty – you don’t shop at Wal-Mart?
Where do you shop?
Local farmers markets.
For your toilet paper?
I’m a hard core Conservative, however I oppose free trade because it weakens America’s economy and ships our manufacturing and other jobs overseas. Imagine if during ww2 our manufacturning jobs were overseas instead of in the Heartland States such as Michigan? We would not have been able to produce enough tanks, aircraft, guns and weapons to win the war and would have lost. All of this is why I oppose free trade it will hurt America instead of help us in a war and it helps foreigners at the expense of Americans.
All of this is why I oppose free trade
Ah. So you oppose the Republican position on this. You agree with labor unions, then.
Well obviously I have to make some compromises for bare neccesities such as toilet paper so I shop at Wal Mart for those things however when it comes to food and trucks only American made for me.
Actually fair trade has historically been a Conservative and Republican principle up until very recently just ask Presidential Candidate Duncan Hunter.
Nonsense. You compromise your principles because you’re too squeamish to use an American-made product to wipe your ass?
You’re a lightweight.
You should use brown paper bags from Georgia Pacific to wipe your ass.
Bastion Booger is a fair-weather conservative.
You probably buy your kids Chinese toys with lead paint.
Gotta know – if bacon wrapped round an oyster is “Angels on Horseback”, and bacon wrapped round a prune is “Devils on Horseback”, what’s bacon wrapped round a Brussels sprout?
Paddy Mac:
But Paddy Mac, they are, they are. ‘Cos they’re scared spitless that in fifty years time a united Europe, and a resurgent China, and a booming India, are going to leave USA! USA! USA! fighting with Tsar Putin VII for a distant and unappealing fourth place. Mix equal parts fear and jealousy.
“Long live the fat chick!” That can’t be right!
All of this is central to my pointy head.
I also support raising tarrifs on foreign nations who trade unfairly or who do the same to USA.
Compromising on the bare necessities differs from a classical lowered standard of living, I don’t deny this, indeed, it is central to my point.
Fair trade has historically been the Conservative Republican principle, actually it was liberals democrats who first proposed free trade.
Hey, g, seems to me a toilet paper shortfall will ultimately be self correcting.
At least I HOPE so….
leave it. though it is funny. there’s a diner in vermont that does this–only buys locally sourced food available within a 50 mile radius of his restaurant. i think it is in…shit, i can’t remember. point is, the guy who runs it can’t even get some of his stuff that he needs (sugar, say) so he has to bend the rules.
not BB though–he wipes his ass with his hand and it comes out smelling like…
Yeah, because we all know when Reagan proposed NAFTA he was a liberal democrat fascist hippy vegetable..
also tonight i had the brussles sprouts at osteria mozza and they rocked so hard it hurt my whole family. in a good way. since this is a chowhound thread now, no?
there’s a diner in vermont that does this–only buys locally sourced food available within a 50 mile radius of his restaurant.
Yeah, but I bet he’s a Liebrul Fascist.
Robert, are you in LA?
Dr BLT, Ex-Troll said,
January 3, 2008 at 7:02
I agree with Bastion Booger.
Dr BLT, do you realize you’re agreeing with a parody troll?
Bill Clinton was the one who proposed and signed nafta into law, the Great President Ronald Reagan had nothing to do with it.
The truth is, I am not a parody troll, I am real Red Blooded American Conservative Patriot who believes 100% of everything that I say.
“Bill Clinton was the one who proposed and signed nafta into law, the Great President Ronald Reagan had nothing to do with it.”
That’s a little over the top, you gotta tone it down, or the magic dissapears.
“Bill Clinton was the one who proposed and signed nafta into law, the Great President Ronald Reagan had nothing to do with it.”
Sadly, no.
From Wikipedia:
NAFTA was initially pursued by corporate interest in the United States and Canada supportive of free trade, led by Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, and the Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari. The three countries signed NAFTA in December 1992, subject to ratification by the legislatures of the three countries. There was considerable opposition in all three countries, especially among intellectuals who stated that it was an ill-conceived initiative. In the United States, NAFTA was able to secure passage after Bill Clinton made its passage a major legislative priority in 1993.
From this here link:
The agreement was pursued by the conservative governments in the US and Canada. In Canada, the Government was led by Brian Mulroney of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. The Canadian government worked aggressively with Republican President George H. W. Bush to create and sign the agreement.
Anyway, can we get back to talking about Bastion Booger’s support of Fascist organic farmers? And American Trade Unionists?
Yes but my main point was the Great Ronald Reagan had nothing to do with it.
November 13, 1979
“While officially declaring his candidacy for President, Ronald Reagan proposes a “North American Agreement” which will produce “a North American continent in which the goods and people of the three countries will cross boundaries more freely.”
OK, now that we’re done with teh facts…back to the Boogers.
Yes but my main point was the Great Ronald Reagan had nothing to do with it.
Well, technically, you’re right. Because he was probably drooling into his oatmeal when it was being discussed.
I think I ought to send my Christian Brother to Bastion Booger. Bastion, wouldn’t you like to host a foreign missionary who’s doing the Lord’s Work bringing the Word o’ God to the heathens?
Hold onto your wallet, though.
Bill Clinton does the Lord’s Work, foreign missionaries have nothing to do with it.
I support any and all American farmers. America was blessed by God with a natural bounty of wild game, fish, native fruits and vegtables and mineral rich lands with which to raise livestock and grow crops. Europeans and the French in particular think they have a better cuisine than the United States, they couldn’t be more wrong. American cuisine has a very rich history beginning in Colonial times with the First Thanksgiving. In the New England region we have an abundance of fresh seafood including Maine Lobsters, Clams, Atlantic Salmon and many other native fishes. Theres the Clam bake and the Lobster bake and of course the ubitquitious Clam Chowder. In the South we have of course barbaque made traditionally with pork but in Texas were I live we use beef briskets and in Kentucky mutton is often used. The South also has its wild game such as alligator, rattlesnake, venison and armadillo which we make into chilli hear in Texas. In the Heartland States of the Midwest such as Nebraska, Wyoming adn Kansas beef is king. The best steaks in the world are found there. Midwestern cuisine is wholesome and includes meat pies, meat loaf and many other types of wholesome good solid American fare. In the Pacific Northwest and Alaska there is an abundance of fresh seafood such as pacific salmon, Alaskan king crab and halibut. In the Southwest states such as New Mexico, Arizona and Utah chilli is supreme as is New Mexican cuisine and other American specialties. So you see my liberal friends American cuisine is as good if not superior to the so called “haute” cuisines of Europe and DO NOT FORGET IT!
Hey Booger, you forgot to mention the tacos and burritos native to our Southwestern states. As a native SoCal I’m deeply offended by these very egregious omissions.
Ah yes tacos and burritos are very good American cuisine as is potatos which I forgot to mention also.
American cuisine do to the quality of its local ingredients is the best cuisine in the world.
but in Texas were I live we use beef briskets
You said before you lived in Oklahoma. Caught you in a lie….
In the New England region we have an abundance of fresh seafood
But.. New England isn’t the Heartland!!! It’s the decadant coast!
In the Pacific Northwest and Alaska there is an abundance of fresh seafood
Also not in the Heartland.
Yes, tacos and burritos are the true Heartland cuisine. As is Gneral Tso’s chicken and Mu Shu Pork, Pho dac biet, and blintzes.
My buddy Saul was born in Oklahoma I was born and raised and still live in Texas.
Bastion’s a liar.
The more we find out he knows the less we find out he knows.
You must have confused one of Saul’s posts with one of my own considering that he also regularly posts here to try and show you liberals the light as does my other fellow Patriots Gary Ruppert and Kevin.
I live in Oklahoma, and not only did my Sooners get their asses kicked, I use brisquit, Whole Chickens, Pork Loin, and Pork ribs in my massive smoker – oh, and my sliced potatos/Pepper Jack Cheese/Onion wrapped in aluminum foil concoction.
And if you must have sauce, I gotta use Selmons.
Yeah, it’s all unhealthy, but whatta you gonna do, eat brussel sprouts?
Well, Bastion, goodnight. Enjoy your armadillo chili and don’t let your Georgia pine paper pulp toilet paper chafe your ass too much.
Sadly noughts – I raise my glass to you all. Happy New Year!
You liebruls have four Patriotic Conservative Americans from the Heartland regularly posting on your foolish site to try and show you the light, we are all from the Heartland the centre of Patriotism. I’m from Texas, Saul’s from Oklahoma, Gary Ruppert I believe mentioned he was from Kentucky and I think Kevin mentioned he was from Alabama. There you have it four Patriots from four different yet all Patriotic Heartland States here to show you liberals the light and remove the darkness from your eyes.
I mix shredded Velveeta® with shredded sharp Cheddar cheese when I make my homemade pimento cheese
Trailer folk like Velveeta. Us liberal fascists prefer Fontina.
Now who ya sidin with, Britney’s mom or us coastal elites?!
Here, have some brussels sprouts while you think it over!
“Trailer folk like Velveeta. Us liberal fascists prefer Fontina.”
Now you know here in the south Jimmy Dean Hot sausage, Velveeta and a can of Rotel diced tomatoes with jalapenos crocked potted until done and a bag of bite sized Tostidos are the shit.
Fontina doesn’t sound like something I can afford after filling my SUV.
doesn’t he mean “lose their continenthood”?
Ha ha, my sister’s husband made this over Thanksgiving. He is from Texas. That was his EXACT recipe.
It was pretty good. I still pefer brie and crackers though. Go team East Coast liberal elitist!
I’m sorry I even mentioned Brussels Sprouts earlier. Now there’s this horrible “meeting of the minds” taking place here that could mean the end of us all !
Would you conservative nitwits stop speaking for me?
It is embarrassing!
We’re not all a bunch of dumbasses. I swear.
And where the Hell did Bush get that accent? It sounds like the way those slick city folks talk when they’re making fun of Texans because they think they’re stupid.
(Which answers my question.)
And where the Hell did Bush get that accent?
He bought it.
just like he bought the fake cowboy hat, fake ranch, and fake machismo…
Straight up Northeastern bred rich boy Yale elitist chickenshit momma’s boy all the way.
random idiot said,
January 3, 2008 at 3:20
garlic butter is NOT “italian seasoning”. “italian seasoning” is an overpriced little glass pot of greenish herbs bought at supermarkets by people that can’t ruddy cook.
Garlic butter. That’s all you need on sprouts if you think you don’t like em.
You don’t really need the garlic … not that I don’t like garlic … but just butter … mmmm … butter….
Mmmm… pasteurised prepared cheese product.
IAmerica was blessed by God with a natural bounty of wild game, fish, native fruits and vegtables and mineral rich lands with which to raise livestock and grow crops.
Who exactly blessed America with the guns and germs needed to exterminate those who originally owned these mineral-rich lands?
In the South we have of course barbaque made traditionally with pork
Pigs came from Europe.
but in Texas were I live we use beef briskets
Cows from Europe.
and in Kentucky mutton is often used.
Sheep – the Middle East, dude.
Midwestern cuisine is wholesome and includes meat pies, meat loaf and many other types of wholesome good solid American fare.
Why exactly then are Americans, and MidWesterners in particular, such unhealthy lard-asses?
So you see my liberal friends American cuisine is as good if not superior to the so called “haute” cuisines of Europe and DO NOT FORGET IT!
The iconic American cuisine is excreted daily through the golden arches…
“This saga has all the earmarks of a good thriller…”
Please ignore the previous comment.
This Donald Hank nutcase is just one little push away from full blown David Icke style paranoia with the Queen as a shape-shifting reptilian who eats babies in her vast underground city while waiting for the fleet to arrive and dine on all of mankind.
Because Saint Ronnie was magical and all he had to do was utter those magic words and the Evil Soviet Empire™ fell in on itself.
I don’t know about you but I love a good drag show. Liberal fascist that I am.
Actually, I’m pretty sure you can.
Make that less than 1%, far, far less. Odd that he provided no link to Laigle’s Forum. So I took a look and…. man….. I take it back. He’s doesn’t need a push into delusion-land, he’s already there.
Hitler sprouted in Brussels; thus, any mention of Brussels’ sprouts proves that you are all fascists. Although Hitler really came from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, that Empire helped to form the Central Powers; thus, any geography-fascist who notes this merely becomes central to my point.
Hitler sprouted in Brussels
and all I got was this lousy brownshirt.
Fucking wanker…
OK, it seems to me we have 3 competing camps in terms of the Brussel Sprout controversy. Some claim that BS’s are delicious if wrapped in bacon. Others prefer them smothered in some kind of cheeze. Finally, we have the purists, who prefer their BS’s soaked in butter (plain or garlic).
Personally, I like all of the above options, but which is to be preferred? The solution to this conundrum is obvious. It is the toppings that are responsible for most of the deliciousness, even for those like me who like Brussel Sprouts. Therefore, what we should be eating is bacon covered with cheeze and garlic butter. I am off to the kitchen to experiment, and I leave you all this note so you may follow in my footsteps if the sheer tastiness of the above overwhelms me.
You Brussel Sprout lovers can’t even agree on how to best garnish the little green turds and you want to destroy America’s national sovereignty?
Oh the Humanity!
All good patriot American conservatives keep on the lookout for someone, somewhere, who might possibly think something in Europe is better than in the U.S. This fear keeps them motivated, and when they cannot find a living person with the proper supercilious attitude, they will invent one.
Funny thing is that I grew up in CT, but never had brie until moving out to Ohio. And brie is the shizznit. Though, it takes a while to learn how to get it at that right temperature that’s between a solid brick and a puddle of goo.
Brussels sprouts, schmussels schmouts. Yesterday I made a deep-dark chocolate pie with from-scratch flaky crust and meringue 2 inches thick. It’s so rich it makes my teeth hurt. I’m going to go get a piece for breakfast now.
Brussel sprouts are teh pure evil. I’ll have some of what MzNicky’s having!
The CAP guarantees a minimum price to producers, imposes import tariffs and quotas on certain goods from outside the EU and provides a direct subsidy payment for cultivated land.
Yeah they would never do that in the US.
Like someone up there already said, I agree with Booger on tariffs. But then I’m a commie trade unionist who hates NAFTA, so it’s not that much of a stretch for me.
So glad we can come to this moment of bipartisan agreement.
Now maybe we can lull you into a false sense of security while we quietly put the full homosexual agenda into operation.
See, once we install Herr Comrade Hillary into the highest office in the land, our top Mexican rocket scientists will launch the Ridiculously Big Pink Magnet into space(RBPM for short). Once we turn it on, it is only a matter of time before the virile republican teenagers go all fruitly like and start having unnatural relations with each other. After the Republican youth demographic is *cough* penetrated, the nation will fall to Sharia in a matter of weeks.
Of course, if this fails, we can always start serving brussel sprouts in the school lunch rooms. That’ll turn a breeder gay so fast you’ll hear a sonic boom when he makes the switch.
PS: You people are on crack, brussel sprouts rock.
This is what I do: Cut the base off the sprouts and remove the outer leaves. Boil for five minutes. Take them out of the water, cut them into quarters, and set them aside.
Drop a lot of butter into a frying pan(I use about 1 and half tablespoons for 5 sprouts) and heat on low. Add salt and pepper. Throw in some chopped onions and cook till translucent. Place the sprouts into the pan with the cut sides facing down. Cook over low. I’ve read your not supposed to brown them. Not sure I buy this; they taste pretty good that way. Anyway, you cook for a while over low heat, then douse the works with parmesan cheese, add 1 to 2 tablespoons heavy cream, and stir until absorbed, or at least goopy. Done. Serve with beer and sausages, wait for myocardial infarction, face your maker knowing you had a decent last meal.
ben: Honey chile, ANYTHING would taste good sautéed in butter with onions and doused with Parmesean cheese and heavy cream. I may just have to try this one.
Ben, I hate most veggies and even I might try that one. The butter and cheese, they call to me…
I’m getting the distinct impression that there are a whole bunch of people who have never really had most vegetables properly and simply cooked. I love drowning them in sauces etc., too, but most veggies when done right are pretty darn good on their own. Even better when they are the quality / super / organic / just picked variety, but not necessarily.
Do what Ben did, except then instead of doing the frying pan thing, you roll ’em in olive oil and roast them in a hot oven. Sprinkle the bacon on top. OK, you can put the chopped onions in there, too.
if bacon wrapped round an oyster is “Angels on Horseback”, and bacon wrapped round a prune is “Devils on Horseback”, what’s bacon wrapped round a Brussels sprout?
“Queen Elizabeth on Horseback.”
So now Jürgen Habermas is lurking in the background of the EU’s banana quotas?
This just cries out for some creative photoshopping. But I’m not a highly trained expert, so I don’t want to risk tryin’ it at home. I bet one or two of the experts at Sadly, No! are up to the task.
BTW, is the Poor Man Institute back up and running? I can imagine that Jürgen Habermas behind some bananas waving a sign that says “these bananas are over our quota” would be good for back-ground in some or other edition of Keyboard Kommando Komics.
I said it before and I’ll say it again–no matter how you prepare them, no matter what you cover them with, brussel sprouts are teh suck!!111!!!
You have to caramelise the onions. Fry them on a very very low heat with a bit of sugar added.
Oh, and if you are lazy? wash the sprouts, and stick them in a sealed container without drying them off, and you can just microwave them.
Some of the things Americans eat are frankly, disgusting. And that is coming from an Englishman. American “hot dogs” and “cheese” and the stuff they sell as “beer” are completely inedible. And I consider liver and onions to be a good meal.
I’m telling you now. When Ron Paul is elected, and the food riots start a month later, we are NOT sending you anything. Consider it revenge for Mcdonalds.
I thought I was the only one who knew that brussels sprouts brown (caramelize) nicely. I pretty much cook them the way ben does, except I don’t bother with any cheese or such. Soften a couple of finely chopped shallots in butter, throw in the halved or quartered pre-steamed sprouts and turn up the heat to medium-high, stir till they are all brown on the cut surfaces, salt and serve. They should be still a little chewy.
When I started reading this thread I intended to say that I was shaken to the core that this guy is against the Patriot Act. Since he is clearly not capable of being right about anything this creates massive cognitive whatchamallit.
Ummm, Hey Bastion Booger! the righteous patriot who buys only ‘murkan stuff…
Flip your keyboard over and see where it was made. Then look on your computer and see where it was made. The TV you use to watch Faux News? Just guess where it was made. Oh yeah, your Ford Truck, Most of it was made somewhere other than the U.S. Your capitalist brethren have been busy little beavers making tons o dough outsourcing everything while you have been hiding under the covers in your great Heartland.
Pass the Brussel Sprouts and tequila…the only way to eat them!
And I consider liver and onions to be a good meal.
I am a secret calves liver aficionado. It’s a lonely thing to be.
hiding under the covers in your great Heartland.
The covers were made in Sri Lanka.
If he thinks the EU is our potential nemesis, somebody should send him population, economic, and military trend data on China and India to him. He’d Jonah in his Jockey’s.
Some of the things Americans eat are frankly, disgusting.
Like baked beans on toast for breakfast? (An expat buddy of mine loves ’em, and has dubbed this dish “skinheads on a raft.”)
And you ain’t lived until you’ve tried scrapple, a Pennsylvania Dutch invention that makes use of the pork not quite fit for sausage. Seriously yummy!
And while I’m with you on the likes of Pudweiser and Core’s, America is now the location of the world’s best beer scene. That’s per Michael Jackson (the recently deceased British beer expert, not the plastic pervert). Don’t put down our stellar breweries like Rogue, Troeg’s, Sierra Nevada, Bell’s, Victory, Pyramid, etc. (Sorry to lapse into a religious conversation.)
Like baked beans on toast for breakfast? (An expat buddy of mine loves ‘em, and has dubbed this dish “skinheads on a raft.”)
I have a “friend” who has had such a dish. This “friend” also likes cold lo mein for breakfast (slinks away) …
Really though … don’t y’all go ’round hatin’ on ‘Murkin beer. Sure we have the crappiest “macro-brews” in the world, but we also produce some of the best beer around in pretty much any style. I could get into an immigration policy discourse here, but I’ll spare y’all …
BTW — you know they now make non-pork scrapple: part of the Judeo-Islamo-fascist conspiracy to make sure that people of all faiths and creeds can unite in “enjoying” scrapple. Perhaps we can go inter-denominational and have scrapple and lutefisk together?
Liver and onions is WONDERFUL. People who don’t like liver just have been given overcooked liver. Get it just right and it’s sublime, with the onions and (of course) the bacon.
Brussels sprouts are utterly and entirely inedible….
I make liver and onions that would make you weep — so tender, so savory . . . I don’t eat it. But I do make it.
And I call shenanigans on MzNicky: Velveeta simply cannot be shredded.
Sadly, no. I’ve tried most of the supposedly brilliant American microbrews, and honestly, they are about on par with the more decent german beers. Americans seem able to do a decent IPA, but seem totally incapable of doing a more hoppy ale. The variety of hops available is a big part of the diversity of English ales, but most of the brewing influences in America are German and Irish. Americans just don’t make the same kind of thing at all.
The silly thing is? Most American beer aficionados I know have tried only the most insipid and common English ales, and rate them extremely highly. They just can’t lay hands on most of the good stuff. I’ve been lucky enough to try a lot of stuff from US coastal breweries thanks to a good importer, and I rate it fairly highly compared to continental brews, but consider most of it impossible to compare to anything English.
The funny thing? all of the good brewing activity in the US seems to be in the coastal states. NOTHING from the “heartland” seems to be considered worth exporting. Perhaps that isn’t surprising considering those people eat that “velveeta” stuff.
What gets me, is the way Americans seem to think there is something very la-de-da about drinking any beer that doesn’t come in a tin can. I can hardly believe there are bars in the US that serve beer mostly out of BOTTLES. Hand pulled cask ales are not a luxury item, they are just the usual. Decent beer can be taken for granted in most of Europe, but a lot of Americans havn’t even tried, or cant even get the better American brews, never mind anything imported.
I just get the impression that good beer is the exception, rather than the rule in the US. This probably reflects more on american culture than american brewing skills. I mean.. you DO have a presidential candidate that admitted to eating fried squirrel. Ugh.
Can any decent, self-respecting liberal facsist really eat liver and get to keep your union card? Hitler didn’t eat liver, after all. Il Duce only did if it was gently breaded in a mixture of bread crumbs and Italian seasoning.
Les mots juste, friend.
“The funny thing? all of the good brewing activity in the US seems to be in the coastal states. NOTHING from the “heartland” seems to be considered worth exporting.”
Really? Fat Tire? Any of the other many, many fine craft beers brewed in the hearland state of Colorado? Minnesota puts out a few good ones as well. Perhaps you just don’t know the heartland beers as well as you think you do…
Perhaps we don’t export it because we prefer to drink it ourself. None for you!
I can hardly believe there are bars in the US that serve beer mostly out of BOTTLES. – random idiot
As you later point out, the issue may be more the American consumer than the American brewer/beer-monger.
I have a friend who is quite the beer afficionado (FWIW, he detests the insipid and common English ales and only likes the good stuff … and your comment about where good beer is brewed is on the money, IMHO — I think part of the issue is that Americans believe in drinking beer but not enjoying it … something about our Puritan roots maybe?) who always is amazed by how many people go into good bars with lots of beers on tap and order some crappy beer in a bottle … and insist on getting beer in a bottle! And you can’t blame the purveyers of beer for giving people what they want, can you?
As to the issue of hops, though — I’m not sure if I agree with you. I’ve had many an American beer where the crucial distinguishing factor in it has been the particular variety of hops used: there is diversity in the hops varieties used in American beer. Like in some many other domains, you just need to be a consciencious consumer, that’s all.
Oh … and what’s with the brussels’ sprouts hatin’ I, for one, just love me some brussels’ sprouts. I though hatin’ on petite little healthy greens was something Jonah would do and that liberal fascists like us would be forcing everyone to eat healthy brussels’ sprouts. Am I the only good liberal fascist here?
Americans seem able to do a decent IPA, but seem totally incapable of doing a more hoppy ale.
Try to get your hands on a few double IPAs. There are a number of them being made now. Stone Ruination Ale is an absolute hop monster.
Another thing to note is that to my (uneducated) palate, hops are the first thing to fade in a beer. If the imports you’re getting are a little old, you might be missing out on the best hop character. (Cascade rules!) It could also explain why most of the English pale ales we receive are decent, but can’t stand against the locally brewed fare.
all of the good brewing activity in the US seems to be in the coastal states. NOTHING from the “heartland” seems to be considered worth exporting.
Actually, Colorado is huge and is producing tons of good stuff. Michigan has definitely been getting on the board lately. But I agree, I haven’t heard a lot of good coming out of Kansas (Intelligent Design in the school curriculum, home of Fred Phelps), Kentucky (Creation Museum), or really any of the holy roller states.
BTW — you know they now make non-pork scrapple…
Oh, that is just SOOOOOO wrong.
“Actually, Colorado is huge and is producing tons of good stuff”
Actually, the fact is, most of the good stuff here is brewed in the microbreweries and brew pubs (which I believe we lead the nation in) and is never shipped off the property.
The fact that we like it for ourselves, is indeed, central to my point.
Is it a coincidence that Brussel Sprouts cooking smell precisely like any town that has a paper mill operation? Think about it.
Ah, the aroma of Tacoma.
OMG. I would lick Cheney’s face if he a strip of it on his forehead.
Okay, I may never eat again. This is not good. I need a good, protein rich meal to survive the caucuses tonight.
As I type, I am holding the phone to my ear, listening to a recorded message from John Edwards. 15 minutes ago, I got a call from the United Steelworkers for John. I’ve had several calls and emails from various campaigns this morning. Downtown was crawling with CNN, FUX, and sundry other news crews and satellite trucks when I dropped my partner off this morning. Going to head downtown to have lunch with the partner, who says you can’t walk through the skywalks without tripping over a news crew. (He’s pretty sure he saw Ron Paul talking to a reporter when he went out to get a muffin at break.) I’m getting kind of excited, even though I know that come tomorrow the state will be abandoned, lying in the gutter covered in confetti and filthy slush, clutching an empty bottle of Templeton rye and trying to pull the tatters of its dignity up from around its knees. Politics ain’t beanbag.
‘course, the last time we had a caucus, I walked into Java Joe’s for a hazelnut latte, and suddenly the lights went out. When I came to, I was being savaged by the CNN news crew, while FUX stood there laughing. (With apologies to ADB. 🙂 )
I think the relatively small quantities of hops that American brewers use is probably the German influence, and just sheer lack of availability perhaps? the US has a lot of farmland, and I am sure much of it is suitable for growing hops, but with an industry dominated by budweiser and similar crap, there are probably not so many varieties easily available?
American brewers seem biased towards using just one hop variety, whereas British brewers mix and match, and experiment with some unlikely malts. You wouldn’t think fuggles hops would go with chocolate malt, but it does!
You may be onto something with your comment about puritanism there.. I think it could be that, plus a touch (or a big heap) of insular attitudes. This probably accounts for the better quality, and the easier availability of good beer on the coast. You don’t have to be very perceptive to notice that those “liberal coastal elites” are more open to outside influences.
Dammit, now i’m thirsty. I’m off to get some “satanic mills”.
We have quite a few good microbreweries in Des Moines these days, but I’ll admit it’s a fairly recent development. I tend to mostly buy imported Mexican beer, though, and if a place has Guinness on tap, that’s what I’ll buy in a bar. I’ve really cut down on beer drinking in the last couple of years, as it seems to give me migraines, even moreso than red wine.
I think I’ve written & read too much in the last 24 hours. It seemed like this feller said “ can’t make this up” then followed that with a footnote of sorts reading as such:
“Informed conservatives on both sides of the Great Pond know that the prime movers in the supranational rush to remove democracy from the face of the earth are the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission (TC) and the Bilderberger Group. CFR Republicans are Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Newt Gingrich and Fred Thompson. Hence, these men in particular threaten our nation’s further existence no less than any democrat.
Aw, come on, he made that up or found it on the ocean floor. There’s no other way. (WTF is going on out there, world?)
Who knew the greater Des Moines/West Des Moines/Waukee metroflex had 4 brew-pubs! Next thing you know, you’ll be telling me that there’s a Starbucks too.
Ah, my little hometown is growing up. A place to grow, indeed!
Most english pale ales need to be drunk at just the right temperature. Unlike most English stuff, they do need to be cold, but not too cold. 10 degrees C is about right. Too cold and you don’t taste anything, if they are at room temp they taste a little musky.
The thing about the IPA, it is a development on the English pale ale, to allow it to travel well. “india pale ale”. Designed to slake the thirst of Englishmen in India. They should all travel and store well, and I think they are an obvious influence on American brewing, since they would be the obvious thing to export to the colonies.
I must admit to not being any great fan of pale ales, far too mild for me. I do appreciate “steam” beers though, and feel they are worthy of some further development, possibly copying some Kentish practice. Fruitier hops, and/or a bit of elderflower added, or perhaps peach..
An interesting thing about the brewery in my village? It is built in exactly the same architectural style as a Methodist chapel. Always makes me laugh when I walk past it.
The funny thing? all of the good brewing activity in the US seems to be in the coastal states. NOTHING from the “heartland” seems to be considered worth exporting.
I’m not some insufferable beer snob but it doesn’t surprise me that insufferable beer snobs prefer beers produced in the Brainland. Most of what’s worthwhile in the US comes from the Brainland. It’s called the Brainland for a reason.
As for brussel sprouts and liver, the only reason a sane person would eat either of those abominations would be to ensure that he or she is not denied ice cream. Now that I and I alone decide whether I’m entitled to ice cream I’d sooner filter my coffee through Dafydd Ab Hugh’s month old underwear every morning than eat brussel sprouts or liver ever again.
I make sure and tell everyone in great detail why it is I select each particular variety of beers, coffees, vegetables, meats, and so on which I consume, so that the people around me will realize that I have worked very diligently on refining my product preferences.
I think those who dislike liver have probably been served tough and strongly flavored beef liver instead of the succulent tenderness of calves liver. Sauted in a hot pan, with just a splash of vinegar to deglaze the pan? Heaven!
Liver and onions with a side of roasted brussel sprouts with crunchy crumbled bacon and carmelized onions! Now that’s good eating! What of the starch course, though – perhaps some nice roasted new potatoes? Or garlic mashed?
Roast parsnips? Always great with sprouts.
There’s nothing wrong with beef liver.. its supposed to taste strong. I wouldn’t deglaze a pan with vinegar though.. use white wine!
Actually, MileHi, there are a shitload of Starbucks now. Not that it looks like Seattle yet, but it’s getting there. There are actually a lot of good indie coffee houses, too. Hey, the New York Times said we were cool! (Check out the travel section from a couple weeks ago. In too big a hurry to find a linkie.)
Stamp of imprimateur! Who would ever have thunk it?
Leaving now. Unless I get ravaged by CNN crews (again!) I’ll drop in late tonight to let anyone who cares know how the caucus went, and whether or not I got into a hair-pulling tussle with any Hillary supporters.
Parnsips, good. Just this month I got in the farmer’s market some celeriac (celery root) which is nice boiled in milk along with an equal amount of potatoes, then pureed with butter.
Proprietors – Can we by god get another post? All this food and beer talk is making me hungry and it’s not anywhere near lunchtime!
Unless I get ravaged by CNN crews (again!)
you saucy thing!
I’m from Texas, Saul’s from Oklahoma, Gary Ruppert I believe mentioned he was from Kentucky and I think Kevin mentioned he was from Alabama.
You admitted last week you were from Atlanta.
I did read the NYT article. Most interesting…
I got a chuckle out of Marc Hansen’s column this morning about the new cool that is Des Moines…
Somehow, I don’t think anyone will ever mistake the River City for the Land of Liquid Sunshine (and/or Lattes) though.
Ah, Europe bashing!
Hey, g, seems to me a toilet paper shortfall will ultimately be self correcting.
Not with all this raw material..
NON-FICTION:WINNER: 1941: The Greatest Year in Sports – Mike Vaccaro
Runners-Up: GhettoNation – Cora Daniels
Celebrate Italian Style – Jacqueline Miconi
In the Audience At Alamein – Ian Macdonald
Planet New York – Tudor Alexander
Show and Tell – Karen Vanderlaan
Journey Toward Justice: Juliette Morgan and the Montgomery Bus Boycott – Mary Stanton
Stop War America – Robert McLane
Standing Stones to Storemont – Tom Quinn Kumpf
The Power of Acknowledgement – Judith Umlas
The Honeymoon’s Over – Andrea Chain and Sally Wofford-Girand
Deadly Confidante – Nancy Whitmore Poore
Coyote Jack – Jack Lyndon
Why Things Are – William Roetzheim
Sweet Swan of Avon Robin P. Williams
Deer in my Garden – Carolyn Singer
Annexing Mexico – Erik Rush
Flat-Out Rock – 10 Great Bands – Kathy Dearing
And of course Johan LoadedHosen
Any of youse who are in Des Moines really need to head out to my three favorite bars:
Hessen Haus – German beers on tap and traditional german food
Royal Mile – English beers on tap and an impressive scotch collection
El Bait Shop – 100+ microbrews from around the country on tap, and pretty good mexican fare for Iowa, plus next door you can get nostalgic over Schlitz and PBR and Billy Beer on tap.
Of course, Raccoon River and Court Ave breweries are delicious, too.
There’s a bar here in Honolulu that serves something like 120 beers on tap. Many are German and English. Many are American microbrews. Some are even Hawaiian, as the craft brew thing is taking off here in the Islands. And Primo is coming back!
Life is good.
I wish I was in Hawaii.
(Now that I’m headed off into the windchill, the drifting snow, and back to the borg.)
Ha! HA!, I say, Smiling Mortician! You are correct that attempts to grate Velveeta® at home only lead to tragedy and despair. HOWEVER! Pre-shredded Velveeta® is now available in zip-lok packs in your grocer’s dairy case.
I hear many a good thing about the El Bait Shop. They even have live music, no?
When I was a lad, we didn’t do our drinking on Court Avenue. No, we had to drive to Ingersoll and Grand Avenue and drink at places like the Duck Blind and Wellmen’s and the Greenwood and the Wave. And drive back home, uphill without any trace of sobriety.
It was hard, I tellz ya’!
Brussel sprouts are teh pure evil.
From now on, I shall refer to them as Freedom Sprouts™!
And liver & onions is the shit. Caramelized onions, deglazed with Cabernet and caraway seeds.
People who don’t like liver just have been given overcooked liver.
Had a friend who ordered it at a HoJo’s highway rest stop in NY. Sent it back 3 times. Just put it on the grill, flip it and plate it.
First Brussels sprouts, now liver? Ye gods, kiddos. I’m takin’ my chocolate meringue pie and my shredded trailer-trash Velveeta® cheese-like product and gettin’ the heck outa here.
El Cid said,
January 3, 2008 at 20:05
I make sure and tell everyone in great detail why it is I select each particular variety of beers, coffees, vegetables, meats, and so on which I consume, so that the people around me will realize that I have worked very diligently on refining my product preferences
TRANSLATION: I talk loudly about what a pretentious hack I am.
[t]he state will be abandoned, lying in the gutter covered in confetti and filthy slush, clutching an empty bottle of Templeton rye and trying to pull the tatters of its dignity up from around its knees.
Hey, you were great, babe. I’ll call ya.
This would be the definition of “classical hackism”, and some would say that my meaning is different than this. This is actually central to my point.
“You are correct that attempts to grate Velveeta® at home only lead to tragedy and despair.”
Sadly, that sounds an awful lot like my dating experiences…
excellent! now my mental radio station will be playing all biggie, all day long. my mom likes a contradance band called “notorious,” so my brother and i spent quite a while over thanksgiving and christmas both singing to each other every time she mentioned it, and my brain had just moved on to other songs.
notorious! no-no-no-notorious!
also, i second the request for a foto of jurgen and the bananas! (and i would like to point out that “jurgen and the bananas” sounds like the title of an awesome children’s book.)
Had a friend who ordered it at a HoJo’s highway rest stop in NY. Sent it back 3 times. Just put it on the grill, flip it and plate it.
You have a friend with an appetite for danger.
Seriously. Liver? At a highway HOJO’s??!?!
You have a friend with an appetite for danger.
I believe Duros had a friend with an appetite for danger, Billy. And let it be a lesson to us all.
I’m takin’ my chocolate meringue pie
Not so fast!
Liver and onions with a side of roasted brussel sprouts with crunchy crumbled bacon and carmelized onions! Now that’s good eating! What of the starch course, though – perhaps some nice roasted new potatoes? Or garlic mashed?
Colcannon. Boiled new potatoes mashed with shredded cabbage, minced onion and heavy cream, served with a knob of butter on top. Traditionally this is a main course, but if we’re going for the Grease Trifecta…
this is still going on?
yes g, i’m in LA. and we got a last second cancellation rez at osteria.
it’s a spectacular meal at (by high end LA standards) quite reasonable prices, we split 4 things (octopus, orechiette con salsiccia and duck were all off the charts good plus something else i don’t remember) had a glass of wine each and no dessert and were out for 50 bucks each. oh, and the side of brussel sprouts which were cooked in oil/butter and were simply superb.
This saga has all the earmarks of a good thriller, with one exception
I have read my fair share of thrillers. I have not yet come across one that has a clause at the bottom of Page 17 that sets aside money to prop up a brussels-sprout farm in East Durham, or to install a new set of traffic lights in Dortmund.
Random, come over to mine tonight. I’ll do you lamb’s liver, bacon and onions – all fried in a bit of dripping. Mashed spuds and savoy. Then we can start with all that necessary re-populating Europe job I been reading about here today, what do you say? Especially as I live in that bastion of Celtic slovenliness and poverty, and staggering lack of enterprise and win: Cornwall. The EU Economic Objective 1 status has the liberalfascists over here, building their bloody autobahns and supporting our backwoods inbred small business like local food and wine, thus undermining the free parking and 25,000 lines per store at ASDA and Tesco and forcing Euros upon our innocent kids to get indoctrinated with languages and Marxist globalism-protesting stuff at all these govt. controlled universities with their crappy old buildings and so denying them their god-given right to a BA in Home Counties Golf Course Management from the University of Scrapie at Fison’s Fields. My English blood it boils. The Old Man being a typical limp non-American girlyman will spend the night in the outhouse, Randy my love, so the coast is clear (the bit of coast facing the cheese-monkeys excluded, Mind). BYOB unless you want the scrumpy I got down the road last week having you landing you face down on Planet X. Love for Teh Empire! Here Be A 12 Tribe! I’ll even have that monthly shower and all.
Hmmm, I wonder if he realizes that all the original founders of the Frankfurt School are long dead, and that most of their heirs have mostly broken with Marxism.
Old Habermas is more Liberal than Marxist these days.
This is like a trip in the way-way-back-machine when the people thought that Marcuse was the head of a guerilla foci, and was forced into hiding at Leo Lowenthal’s house b/c the 1960’s version of wingnuts – Birchers and Young Republicans – were sending him death threats at UCSD.
Mortician: Don’t worry, I’m 24.