Shorter Kathryn Lopez
Progress in Iraq, Gays Hardest Hit
- Persecution of teh gays in Iraq is further proof that the United States is winning.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
Okay, I know that a shorter should just be a shorter,* but more must be said about Lopez’s odious post, which starts with this.
You know the security situation is better in Iraq when the New York Times can start worrying about gay night life in Iraq.
To hear Lopez tell it, the New York Times article is worrying about the paucity of gay discos in Baghdad, or perhaps it’s about the absence of trendy little bistros catering to a gay clientele. But let’s click through that link, and see what kind of night life the article is talking about:
As is true throughout the Middle East, men have always been publicly affectionate here.
But, at least until recently, Mohammed and many of his gay friends went one step further, slipping into lovers’ houses late at night. And, until the American invasion, they said, Iraqi society had quietly accepted them.
That was pre-invasion; this is now:
They described an underground existence, eked out behind drawn curtains in a dingy safe house in southwestern Baghdad. Five people share the apartment — four gay men and one woman, who says she is bisexual. They have moved six times in the last three years, just ahead, they say, of neighborhood raids by Shiite and Sunni death squads. Even seemingly benign neighborhood gossip can scare them enough to move.
So, prior to the invasion the gay “night life” was sneaking into your lover’s house, whereas now the “night life” is living in a safe house and moving every six months or so to escape death squads.
I will venture that K-Lo probably knows little of night life (other than perhaps watching infomercials for 4-way food choppers at 2 a.m.), but even she must know that referring to the Times piece as “worrying about gay night life” is ridiculous. It’s like referring to an article on roadside IEDs in Baghdad as a guide to the city’s fireworks stands.
* Gavin adds: But a good cigar is a smoke.
now the “nightlife” is living in a safe house and moving every six months or so to escape death squads.
But the decor is FABULOUS!
I agree that this article demonstrates K-Lo’s ignorance of what “night life” means. It might be that her most recent impression of it was from other girls’ sneaking out of the dorm to go meet boys during junior high band camp.
Good lord, that picture makes me want to find a safe house.
Note to self: It is wrong to wish KlownPez would stand athwart a bandsaw. Stop it.
I suppose she would sum up articles about Iraqi women being killed by Taliban-style Islamic groups as a concern that beauty parlors aren’t getting as much business these days.
Hey, I don’t anything about anything either. So why won’t anyone listen to me?
Know. See? I wasn’t kidding.
Of course the LIEberal media continues to insist on reporting distorted body count numbers that include fags! Why can’t we get the media to tell us the good news of the hetero body count?
Ok, this might be an instance where lookism is relevant and valid. Look at that thing! Given Lopez’ vile physical traits, the fact that she has no soul, and that she generally promotes evil concepts, OF COURSE she has no functioning knowledge of night-life.
Can I just point out that K-Lo looks like a fag hag?
She looks like a doughy bloomer load, too.
“lookism”, “fascism”
coincidence ?? You people DISGUST me ! (in a good way)….
Do you realize she is Pantload’s EDITOR, as editor of NRO? Something about the sublimation of ridiculousness or something might be an appropriate comment. But the real question is: are Iraqi queens fascists?
They share a “quest for community” so the answer, according to Jonah, is Yes!
Actor, Klopez is actually a less-cute rendention of a good friend, which is really fucking disturbing.
So this is a hierarchy of needs thing? The moment teh liberal media mentions gay men in Baghdad, everything more important is doing just fine? We can visit as tourists and experience these Arabian nights ourselves?
Clearly when homosexuals seek out safe-houses in Iraq in order to, like, not get killed and stuff they are committing acts of at least one of the fascisms – likely fabulous fascism. Now, of course fabulous fascism differs somewhat (read: entirely) from actual fascism. I recognize that, and in fact this distinction is central to my point.
It looks like K-Lo has also declared War on Donuts. Fighting them with her choppers and stomach acid, apparently.
Blow Dough, K-Lo.
To borrow a bit from HTML’s post below, “If You Want A Picture Of The Future, Imagine K-Lo Sitting On A Human Face — Forever.”
It’s not her appearance that makes her unattractive. It’s the things she writes, edits, defends, lies about, etc.
Or am I very old fashioned?
Contrary to popular impressions, KLo has quite an active night life, as can be seen here. (She’s not called “batshit insane” for nothin’.)
I see she sports the official lapel pin of the Republican Party.
Fabulous fascism is practiced in Nazi leather bars in the SOMA in SF. Ooooh, whip me you Nazi stud.
Besides, everyone knows that when gays get themselves killed in Iraq it’s because they’re waging asymmetrical warfare to make America look bad!
Can you put that into a pop culture trope for me? I’m having a hard time putting this into perspective.
Are we talking a less-cute “Karen” from Will & Grace or a less friendly “Grace”?
…Klopez is actually a less-cute rendention of a good friend, which is really fucking disturbing.
Both she and Miz Stossel resemble good college friends of mine, neither of whom were wingnuts (then, and I can’t believe they would be now). It annoys me greatly.
The fact that many women in Iraq are now forced to wear the jilbab shows that global warming is a lie.
Ooops, Schlussel, not Stossel.
Since Goldberg’s obliterated Godwin to the point of rendering it moot, I feel free to make this observation: Lopez would think the Diary of Anne frank was a complaint about the Jewish Social Life under the Third Reich (after all it was just a bunch of whining about how Anne couldn’t get a date now that she had to seek alternate accomadations right?)
You know the security situation is better in Iraq when the New York Times can start worrying about
death-squads…You know the security situation is better in Iraq when the New York Times can start worrying about
the expulsion of the christian community…No, this line of reasoning still needs work.
In K.Lo’s defense, I’m sure that article really hit home for her. How many sleepless nights have she, Jonah, Prager, Hewitt, and Medved spent huddled in safehouses, just ahead of the liberal-fascist death squads?
Aha, I see:
1. Invade a country.
2. 4,000 American deaths, 20,000 Americans invalids, x00,000 Iraqi deaths, ~US$1,000,000,000,000
3. NYT article about gays in Bagdad.
5. Ponies and flowers for everyone
Totally makes sense.
“How many sleepless nights have she, Jonah, Prager, Hewitt, and Medved spent huddled in safehouses, just ahead of the liberal-fascist death squads?”
Not nearly enough?
“Ponies and flowers for everyone”
I’d like my pony filled with diamonds, please.
That’s a man baby! Yeah!
Oh, behave or I’ll make you shag that hag!
Do you realize she is Pantload’s EDITOR, as editor of NRO?
talk about the blind leading the blind….