How To Get Tenure At Princeton

Nava and George
ABOVE LEFT: Francisco Nava
ABOVE RIGHT: Professor Robert George

You might remember what Professor Robert George, an anti-gay right-wing crank who teaches at Princeton, had to say when he was interviewed by the National Review on the Terri Schiavo case:

They want to provide the therapy that many medical people who have observed Terri, whether at the bedside or by videotape, believe can help her. No one expects a full recovery, but it may be possible for her to make genuine progress.


But you probably don’t remember what Professor Robert George had to say about the injuries of conservative Princeton student Francisco Nava, who claimed to have been beaten by two masked men because of his conservative viewpoints:

“Those of us who saw him at the emergency room find it difficult to believe he could have done this himself. The physical manifestations were too evident, too severe,” Mr. George said.

Wrong again!


Comments: 143


Tenure means never having to be told that you are incorrect.


So how dare you, Clif? Go back to the ghettos of Trenton or wherever!


Police did not disclose a reason for Nava’s actions, though Silagyi said there were underlying personal issues on Nava’s part.

Naw, really! I wonder what the first clue was?


That has got to be the bastard child of that dude.

The same smile and forehead are dead giveaways.


Clearly this totally heterosexual conservative only beat himself up in order to demonstrate his prowess is fighting teh islamonazi threat here at home. This was merely a frat prank.


Let’s take-in that full Professor George quote:

The other thing that Congress is being accused of is interfering in a family decision. Now look: Terri Schiavo has been abandoned by her husband. Michael Schiavo took a vow to be faithful to Terri “in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, ’til death do us part.” But he has not been faithful; he has not forsaken all others. He has set himself up in a marriage in all-but-name with someone else, a woman with whom he already has two children. He has disrespected Terri and, indeed, forsaken her. Now he is seeking to bring about her death by starvation. Notice something wrong with this picture? Terri’s parents and siblings, by contrast, have never abandoned her. They are prepared to shoulder all the burdens, including the financial burdens, of caring for her. They want to provide the therapy that many medical people who have observed Terri, whether at the bedside or by videotape, believe can help her. No one expects a full recovery, but it may be possible for her to make genuine progress. That possibility will be foreclosed, however, if she is killed by deliberate starvation before it can begin.

Yep. We have a total wingnut.


Maybe George thought Nava was a minority and beat him up.


How does one self-inflict face wounds? Drink until falling down drunk?

Maybe he was teabagged as a pledge prank for I Sucka Bohunk fraternity?


Hey, let’s ask Saul! I bet he knows how to self-inflict facial wounds.

So tell us, Saul…do they happen when you right wing fascists look in the mirror and the mirror explosively cracks from the strain?


Saul, what did I tell you about ripping off Stone Cold Steve Austin, son?

You don’t want him to visit you and tear open a can of WhoopAss all over you, now do you?



I blame the Anscombe Society for his severe misconceptions about self-abuse.

Typical Republican

Please, Saul, this is really embarrassing, even for us.

I think we’d better just ignore this one.

Treat it like Jonah’s book, or Mallard Fillmore, or Reagan’s role in arming the Taliban.


The poor bastards.. they are so desparate to feel victimized that they have to go ahead and victimize themselves.

They have to, because the right-wingers are the real thugs, what with their love of was, torture and concentration camps. It’s always so absolutely incredible to listen to them gabble about the “danger” from the left. They’re the bloodthirsty maniacs, we’re the peace, love and non-violence types. I think what they are most afraid of is that we will somehow stop them from being violent and angry, and they just can’t live without their rage-ahol.


I’m pretty sure Saul is Kevin.

Or the same straw actor.


damnit… love of war… war.. not “was” I need a typist.


Ha! Saul said something about mom’s basements! See, this proves he’s not a pimply-faced, cheeto-stained doofus.

In your face, lib-tards!


Saul said,

December 18, 2007 at 0:01

Charming actor, I thought they occured on liberals when ever they step outside from their mother’s basements and see the Shining Sunlight of God.

Whereas Republicans have to pay to get fake tans.

This has been another episode of Non-sequitor, starring your toast, with jam.


How does one self-inflict face wounds?
Also known as “cutting scrub”.


They’re the bloodthirsty maniacs, we’re the peace, love and non-violence types.

Yes, and it makes them so darned mad they just have no choice but to beat their own selves up and blame the hippies.


Professor George should immediately send a videotape of Nava to Bill Frist, who could quickly diagnose a spark of spirit in the so-called “vegetative state” Nava is in, before all those liberals start screaming about how they want Elian Gonzalez to pull Nava’s plugs.


The fact is, it’s a shame that conservatives who dare to express themselves in our supposedly free and public forums, are now also freely subject to the physical as well as historic, continuous verbal abuse of the liberals who tout themselves to be all about practicing “tolerance.” How sad that those who profess to be “tolerant” are only so toward those who agree with them. The perpetrators of this act of violence against the Princeton student should be pursued with all the diligence that our police and prosecutors put forth toward any other practitioner of hate crimes. What is being allowed (by means of ignoring it) to happen to those with certain personal beliefs under the general banner of “conservative” in this country, is dispicable. Those who allow this poor and violent treatment to continue are no different than those who allowed the Klan to freely practice the hate crimes of the past toward those who didn’t agree with them either.


El Cid,

With a copy to Mark Foley for HIS close examination. Yum!



WhoopAss. Open. Smeared.



“…because of his involvement in a morally conservative student group.”

If I use my powers of wordage, that doesn’t really mean what I think it does.

A Texan in Bavaria

Saul: The two liberals who assaulted Francisco Nova must be immediately expelled and thrown in prison for attempted murder.

But how would he type his papers if the assailants were removed from society?!?


Looking at the “injury” photo (two posts down)…could it be that he was overcome by a bout of “irrational exuberance” during an epsiode while interviewing with Larry Craig about a position?

In his office, I mean…


How does one self-inflict face wounds? I still think it’s thwarted passion, aka chastity (heh heh you said chasTITY). But perhaps he fell off his bike, like our glorious leader?


I’m gonna lurk, and watch while Saul kicks his own ass.


The bottom line is “O NOES I FORGETS TEH SAFEWURD”.


. . . or a Liberal gave him a mean look. I can cause concussions (heh heh you said cuss) with just one glance. Well, I could when I was younger. Nowadays I just cause bad headaches. (BTW i have just taken a vicodin- legally for a real health reason.) I was thumbing thru “Skin & Bones” and found the speech about the dangers of Thwarted Passion in our MenFolk, but it goes on and on, ending “. . . and we women must have our Men, even though their all scum!”


Evidently they skipped reading comprehension in Saul/Kevin’s home-schooling. With good reason. Having a factual basis in support of one’s position is clearly a tool of teh Islamofaggots and commies.


The bottom line is, self-inflicting wounds and blaming your political opponents is a form of Free Speach, and liberals are fascists who hate Freedom of Speach, especially on college campuses, where opposing viewpoints cannot be tolerated by liberal facists.



“The bottom line is, Conservatives on College Campuses like Robert George and Francisco Nova need to have their voices heard, the facsist left must not be allowed to silence them or any other Conservatives on College Campuses who have been treated as second class citizens by liberal professors and students alike.”

Here’s the thing Saul…conservatives are treated like shit on college campuses because, non one likes you. No conspiracy, no prejudice, you just suck. If you choose to go to one of the best universities in the country then you should expect your reactionary bullshit and crusades for purity to be laughed at by your social betters. If you want acceptance attend Bob Jones or LIberty University.

This reminds me of yesterday’s conversation regarding the “Nice Guy” phenomenon, whereby supposedly libertarian/conservative men, who gladly laugh in the face of a family seeking health insurance, or anyone loses their job in the name of the sacred “free market”, will turn on a dime and demand that the social “free market” be re-ordered and engineered in some way to better benefit them.

Here’s the deal: in the social free market of human relationships and status, you will never be taken seriously because a)you’re humorousless pricks b)the no-sex message doesn’t quite resonate among attractive intelligent young people c) you’re not bright and d) ALL your “ideas” are a mix of free-verse madness and utter bullshit.

Here we have a blatant and ridiculous incident of fraud designed to whip up more outrage and cries of victimization among losers, but no amount of conservative affirmative action or organization or better media coverage will ever change the fact that you and every other lil’Buckley on the right are losers, who will always be justly ridiculed. You marginalize yourself every time you open you dumb fucking gob.


Still, no one has answered the serious questions posed by sophomore Brandon McGinley:

It is instructive here to compare the treatment of Nava, the morally conservative Mormon student, with the administration’s swift and forceful reaction to another incident on Princeton’s campus.

Returning from Fall Break, some homosexual students found obscenities — apparently phalluses and other images — sketched on the blackboards outside their rooms. Within a few hours, Whitman College had RCAs, counselors and two deans to the scene. The LGBT Center sent out a notice about the event and encouraged students to mount pink triangles in their windows and doors to show solidarity.

On the afternoon of Sunday, Nov. 11, Nava sat alone in his room. There were no counselors. There were no deans. There was no University-sponsored center to raise awareness, offer support and encourage solidarity. There was just Francisco.

from “Open Season,” Daily Princetonian

Those cold hearted bastards drove him to beat himself up. This whole incident could have been avoided had only the police department made a big public stink about how “morally traditional” students were being threatened — it doesn’t really matter whether they were or not.

The point is that they gave a damn about the homos. But let some distraught right wing turd make up letters that he was being threatened, and suddenly it’s all, we’ll get back to you on that.

Did they ask students to put little Mormon temple stickers in their windows? Were there public readings of God and Man at Yale?


For all the local student body knew, the “masked” individuals who (did not) beat up Francisco Nava could very well have (not) been a local insurgency based in Mexico’s EPR, the revolutionary terrorist group responsible for blowing up PEMEX oil equipment in southwestern Mexico, except just less reality-enabled than the actual dudes.


The bottom line is, this student OBVIOUSLY inflicted these wounds on himself in an effort to avoid military service. Don’t even mention the fact that there is no draft; there is no extent to which the Yellow elephant will not stoop. He should be executed for desertion. Doesn’t matter that he wasn’t a member of the armed forces; it’s the principle.

The fact is, it’s obvious that the Professor (and has anybody checked his c.v.? I bet he’s lying about his academic credentials) is implicated and should be sent to Gitmo until he confesses.


Hey, Senator Ron Wyden announced he will put anther Hold on the FISA bill!


I agree with Saul.

These men NEED their voices heard. By as many Americans as possible.

The more that the conservative movement identifies with nutbags and froot loops like these boyos, the more disgusted and appalled normal people will be by the whole lot of them.

Best advertising the progressives could ever get.

“Liberals. We’re not like them

Talk it up, Ace! Go for it on O’Reilly, Michelle!! Write another book, Ann!!


Right on, Fronts. Except a conservative *can* actually get respect and acceptance in real academia, in several ways:

A) Don’t make every damn thing about politics. Nobody likes people who do that, not even people who agree. Also, don’t dress up as Alex P. Keaton all the damn time. What the hell is wrong with you?

B) Economics. Although this will require learning some math and also talking to economists, neither of which are fun for most people, it’s still an option.

C) Old-timey stuff. If you think that music peaked with “Sumer is icumen in”, or better yet, that everything worth reading was in Ancient Greek, you’re set.

D) Be somewhat clever and maybe not such a total asshole. Examples include earlier PJ O’Rourke and … um, others. Left as an exercise to the reader.


Saul, Gary – it seems you’re always on the cutting edge of right-wing tactics and talking points, so I’d suggest that the best way to keep up with this new trend is to thoroughly kick your own asses. Really go for it – the more you bleed, the worse the libs look. I’d be happy to take the blame, until you’re exposed a couple of days later.


Saul is a joke right?


Saul lands his right in a vicious self-upper cut by concluding patriotism precludes milti-culteralism.


I remember George coming as a guest to a seminar when I was in grad school. He had his ass handed to him. Problem was, he didn’t seem to realize it. He’s an embarrasment to scholarship.


I’m a semi-recovering pussy.


let’s go with “multi”, it’s spelled better.


What happened to the goat?


…or send yourself a few threatening emails. Somebody pretending to be a liberal pretending to threaten someone who’s pretending to be a rabbi may actually cross some sort of “meta” barrier and cause an implosion. Or something.


Four years of Clown College…


Robert George looks like Peter Sellers in one of his manic roles…maybe in Dr. Strangelove?


Princeton should clearly sponsor a center to raise awareness of conservative self-abuse.

Seriously, is McGinley going to complain that an LGBT group publicly supported targets, but campus conservatives silently avoided Nava? It’s not the gay folks he’s making look bad…


“I’m sick and tired of Conservatives who love God and America”

me too!


Fake victimhood – the hallmark of the modern conservative movement. The fact is that these ideological conservatives are victims of NOTHING except their own hubris. These people just cant handle criticism and can never admit they were wrong where a liberal was right. Robert George is a coward and a disgrace. Shame on Princeton (or any institution of learning) for giving a person of such exceptionally poor judgment and such demonstrably ideological partisanship a Chair.

The conservative bullying tactics on campus are not working and so they just elevate their bulllying to new levels. I find it highly entertaining to watch them crash and burn. Keep quacking Saul! We love it. Keep it up wingers! You’re sinking your own ship better than we ever could.

Who can really be surprised that Princeton conservative students assault themselves and then falsely blame it on liberals? This is not a new tactic for the conservative cult. These people are howling sociopaths and should be kept a very safe distance from any power over other people on any level.


Well, Cid, I think the guy does have a point. When gay students were threatened, the cops (or, you know, resident advisors and deans anyway) were there within hours. But consider what happened when Francisco Nava asked for an investigation of his threats, and we must assume that he asked, because the author of this article presumes that a report was filed. Actually since it’s a column, and not a news article, we can excuse him for not, you know, asking Nava (and also, given that Nava made the whole thing up, he’s probably not a reliable source), but the important thing is that we must assume that this is what happened.

Let’s not forget, the perpetrator of these threats is still on the loose!

Principal Blackman

Saul is a joke right?

Yes, though I think his schtick has gone a bit too far in this thread.


How else does he miss the main point of this post, which is Mr. Nava was in no way “silenced” or “intimidated” or “attacked.” Once again right-wing losers and nerds, equate being mocked or ridiculed by their betters with being “censored” or oppressed by those awful libruls!

It reminds me of the David Horowitz “Islamofacism Magical Mystery Tour” and that one woman who wrote this breathlessly, hysterical piece about the horrible intimidation she suffered at the hands of two muslim girls in the front row of her speech who, “rolled their eyes” and made “mean girl faces” throughout her entire lecture on why Muslims should be crammed into cattle cars and vaporized with plutonium. The Horror, the horror!

Once again, Princeton–and many other colleges and universities–are private institutions, free to hire, fire, and give tenure to whomever they please. If the Princeton Society of Virginal Maladroits was shut down or its members expelled for writing a letter or holding some idiotic white-pride rally, then that could conceivably construed as repression of a group for holding a political opinion. What isn’t repression is being laughed at for acting like some kind of sexually frustrated imitation of Archie Bunker.

Bottom line: if you go to an elite east-coast college hoping to espouse Mormonism, chastity, why gays are subhuman, why a woman’s rightful role is a baby factories or other manifestations of reactionary right-wing politics/blue-balls, then you should expect to be laughed at. Just like I wouldn’t apply for a job at Blackwater and then expect to be embraced for calling them a group of raping, pillaging, war criminals that in any just world would be in a glass box at the Hague.

No regulation of the social free market!





Saul, I believe Shredder said: and I quote “Shame on Princeton (or any institution of learning) for giving a person of such exceptionally poor judgment and such demonstrably ideological partisanship a Chair.”

though I can understand why you would conflate “exceptionally poor judgment” and “demonstrably ideological partisanship” with Conservative.


You know, what may be the worst part of this could be how the masked liberals who didn’t exist chose to (not) beat up Nava to show how tough life is for young conservatives (who aren’t in Iraq) chose to (not) do so in this kind of sordid Liberal Fascist environment:

With an active Republicans Club, a pro-life club, three major Evangelical groups, and the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions that is led by Professor George, Princeton University is considered one of the Ivy League’s more conservative campuses.

from “Report of Attack Rattles Princeton

That’s what counts as a relaxing, nurturing conservative environments among the so-called Ivy League? A few “major Evangelical groups” and some high-falutin’ “Program in American Ideals and Institutions” taught by Nava’s diagnostic professor himself?

Where are the Cato Institutes of Business? The Heritage Foundation Program In Denouncing Islamo-Fascism? Are there daily required distributions of “These Colors Don’t Run” bumperstickers? Are there no Creationist Multimedia Theme Parks on campus?

No wonder Nava bravely chose to stand up to (non-existent) masked Liberal Insurgent Fascists with their (imaginary) IED’s and allowed them to (make himself) beat him (self) up, with this de-humanizing and smothering atmosphere of Permissivo-Fascism.


Pssst. Someone tell Saul that the guy admitted to faking the attack.


Here’s a funny comment in one of those stories from the New York Sun, written hours after the hoax has been revealed:

Submitted by Evan Sayet, Dec 17, 2007 16:33

I am a conservative speaker who participates in a large number of symposiums and political events. It is heart-wrenching to recognize the hate, intolerance and violence that is endemic in the Modern Liberal movement. Many non-leftist speakers — on those rare occasions when they are even allowed on campus to address a students’ group — have been physically attacked. Not atypical is a tacit wink from the administration who signal the ideological terrorists that their behavior will be accepted by the school.

When I attend my events I know there will always be bodyguards, private security patrols and more because the hate and the viciousness of the left makes exercising free speech a dangerous pursuit. Anyone who calls themselves liberal (lower case “l”) should be outraged both at the denial of free speech and the theft of educational opportunities that comes with today’s universities’ refusal to allow thought other than their own ideologies to be expressed.

Note that he’s a conservative speaker and not a conservative writer, because if he was, his “non-leftist” language must not have rules for grammar and clarity.

To wit:

He’s a “conservative speaker” who participates in “a large number of symposiums and political events” which are, evidently, blocked by liberals’ hatred and denial of free speech.

And too, while many “non-leftist” speakers are attacked on campus by hateful liberals, few are allowed to speak there.

“Not atypical,” he says, “is a tacit wink from the administration” that us libs can terrorize the conservative’s ass by providing them with (alleged) bodyguards and private security — despite the University’s refusal to allow “thought but their own ideologies” to be even whispered on campus.

Good Christ.


So, Robert George is the conservative answer to Ward Churchill– an academic prone to making peculiar statements about politics, without being too careful about accuracy.

The difference is, no liberal on the planet gives a crap what Ward Churchill thinks about anything, whereas Robert George rises to the highest levels of conservative commentary.


Are there any Sadly,No! readers at Princeton? If so, y’all know what you gotta do: organize a campus protest against self-assault, design a symbol to show support for the victims of self-assault, and encourage students to display it in their windows and on their doors.

That should stop the whining about how no one cares about the plight of the poor put-upon campus conservatives. No longer will they be able to claim that no one rallied to their defense when they were self-assaulted!


From the article:

“Police did not disclose a reason for Nava’s actions, though Silagyi said there were underlying personal issues on Nava’s part.

Heh. Ya think?


Riffing off of the Chappelle Show, I think that this was clearly a racially motivated hate crime– Nava beat himself up for being a minority.

He’ll probably go after Professor George next for being a minority-lover.


Saul –

I know zero about your professor’s scholarship or intelligence or teaching abilities. How could I possibly form an opinion on whether “he deserved a chair?”


No way Saul is real.

I’m calling you out, buddy.

What blows me away is the banality of it all.

When I fake a point of view, I at least try to make it interesting.

Saul, whoever you are, you have officially Jumped the Shark.


Conservatism means having to ignore the fact that you are incorrect.

Flipped yo tomale…


Submitted by Evan Sayet, Dec 17, 2007 16:33

I am a conservative speaker who participates in a large number of symposiums and political events. It is heart-wrenching to recognize the hate, intolerance and violence that is endemic in the Modern Liberal movement. Many non-leftist speakers — on those rare occasions when they are even allowed on campus to address a students’ group — have been physically attacked. Not atypical is a tacit wink from the administration who signal the ideological terrorists that their behavior will be accepted by the school.

When I attend my events I know there will always be bodyguards, private security patrols and more because the hate and the viciousness of the left makes exercising free speech a dangerous pursuit.

Tax cuts forevah tours at the Green Zone?


The bottom linGAAAHHH!!!OMIGODITHURTS!!!!!GET THIS ALLIG>•-,,——,,—–


When I fake a point of view, I at least try to make it interesting.



I theorize that Nava and other young conservatives have some variant of Munchausen Syndrome that has yet to be appropriately catalogued. I hope someone will soon update this entry:


“Wrong” is what conservative whack-packers do best.


The fact is, conservative speakers are assulted for their views, such as Ann Coulter, who had liberals throwing pies at her, and laughing. Sick. Its assult, and if it happened to a liberal, the MSM would want all conservative clubs closed. Bias, bias, bias.


Saul said,
The bottom line is, when I was in College back in the late 1970s I had a U.S. History Professor who was an admitted socialist and who used his class as a socialist political platform. Do you think he deserved a chair?

Saul seems to be saying that Robert George does not deserve the position.


As Gary Frazier once said in comments at Eschaton:

These brownshirts are projecting like the octoplex down at the mall.


The fact is,, all of you are biased against conservatism and attack us without mercy, and we have had enough. The wind is rising.


The fact is, everything about the liberal media machine that is once again marching in lockstep to Hillary’s orders is about gays, abortions, minorities, muslims, traiters, bias, left-liberal communists, America Haters, and about hate for our religion and civilization. Here in the Heartland, we can barely contain our anger, but we are stoic and wait for the opportunity to turn the tide. We will be an iron fist in a hornets next of liberal bias and lies.


The fact is, there are those who think that attacks upon America must actually happen in order to prove that these things exist or pose an imminent threat. The Iraq War was a preventative war and as such its merit relies on the mental ability of the public to perceive future threats and act in keeping with that threat and not ignore it – just as a person must swerve their car in the face of oncoming traffic in order to avoid an accident. As with this example, it does little good to discuss the merits of whether there would have been a crash or not after the fact since the evidence of past destruction which was avoided will never be obtainable.


We will be an iron fist in a hornets next [sic]

You know, that only leads to one thing…..

Better have lots of calomine lotion available.


am a conservative speaker who participates in a large number of symposiums and political events…… Many non-leftist speakers — on those rare occasions when they are even allowed on campus to address a students’ group

A large number of symposiums apparently rarely take place on campuses.


The Anscombe Society has position statements on:

Family and Marriage
Sexual Ethics and Chastity
Sexuality and Feminism

They got a real thing for chastity.


The bottom line is, the homosexual agenda is ruining America, Professor Robert George is right to denounce it as the immoral perversion that HE is.



“…attack us without mercy…”

Wow, the efficiency of the free market is even greater than conservatives have said. Once we liberals demonstrated a market for abusing conservatives on college campuses, you immediately moved to attack yourselves!

Of course, mocking conservatives does not count as “abusing” anyone, except to the righties who cannot stand to have their “ideas” mocked as the paint-by-numbers talking points the Hertiage Foundation produced.


we can barely contain our anger, but we are stoic



The wind is rising.
You mean you’re breaking wind. Again.

Talk about merciless attacks!


So, liberals are all cowardly, Frenchified wimps who are too effeminate to grasp the need for our manly, decisive action against our enemies, so they’re obviously all a bunch of girly-men.

Except when they’re beating us up. Which they do. All the time. Every time we try to speak on campus. Which, however, we don’t actually do very much because they’re always beating us up, which is is why the universities that look the other way when this happens hire lots of extra bodyguards to protect us manly men. Or they would, if we spoke on campus. Which we don’t do, because we’re afraid of those wussy liberals.



You fake Saul’s, like the one at 2:47, will simply have to do better. There’s five lines of text there, whereas the “real” Saul can usually only manage two before he has to start huffing glue again. C- for the Fake Saul at 2:47.

And a D- for the fake Ruperto, the real Ruperto never comes back and comments twice.

Better trolls, please.


Those cold hearted bastards drove him to beat himself up. This whole incident could have been avoided had only the police department made a big public stink about how “morally traditional” students were being threatened — it doesn’t really matter whether they were or not.

I think that the actual solution here would have been for the police department to make a stink that the conservative students were NOT being threatened when that was obviously what they desired. If the rest of the student body was actively beating the crap out of these guys, then they wouldn’t have had to fake it and everyone would have been happy and satisfied.

Who says that he had to have self-assaulted anyway? There are more than two choices here besides self assault and assault by liberals. There is the ever popular assault by the boyfriend of the girl you’ve been annoying, the totally standard assault for trying to berate the wrong punk kid, or even the cliched assault by being at the wrong place at the wrong time. I’m going to put my money on an actual second-party assault, but this bonehead thought he’d try to get some political traction out of it, lied to the police, and then couldn’t or wouldn’t change the story once it was out that he lied. He probably got punched by a girl.


So, when will our law-and-order conservatives demand Mr. Nava’s prosecution for filing a bogus police report? How about for sending threatening messages? The Anscombe Society constantly harps on ‘personal responsibility’ in sexual matters, right? I’m sure they’ll want Mr. Nava prosecuted for his irresponsible actions. (Snort!) Amazing how the tough-on-crime types fold like cheap card tables when the miscreant is one of theirs. No wonder we’re easy marks for the Islamocommiemexihomobuddist menace — even our self-proclaimed tough guys are made of Jell-O.


There’s something flatulent about the sound of “Ruppert”.

Rrrru [gary lifts right ass cheek off his chair] ppert!


I can haz mor pantload?


gaspode, you are a masochist. There is only one paragraph of pantload repeated 1600 times.


omigod…I think I’ve got it. Someone upthread mentioned how conservatives seem to suffer from a variant of Muchausen’s…I know what varitety it is.

These dudes are a bunch of Ellen Jamesians. Now, if we could just get them to stick with the original idea and cut out their own tongues, we might get somewhere.


we can barely contain our anger flatulence, but we are stoic enjoy being bloated



can you commit a hate crime against yourself?


So, liberals are all cowardly, Frenchified wimps who are too effeminate to grasp the need for our manly, decisive action against our enemies, so they’re obviously all a bunch of girly-men.

Except when they’re beating us up. Which they do. All the time. Every time we try to speak on campus. Which, however, we don’t actually do very much because they’re always beating us up, which is is why the universities that look the other way when this happens hire lots of extra bodyguards to protect us manly men. Or they would, if we spoke on campus. Which we don’t do, because we’re afraid of those wussy liberals.

It’s quite simple, really. In the paranoid mindset, The Enemy is both contemptibly weak (unable to stand hearing our manly manly he-man men speak with our manly voices of wisdom) and supremely powerful, but always in a sneaky, skulking manner (sending ineffectual security guards to fake-protect us). Combine this with the mockery which fools like the pro-chasitity crowd must get from intelligent, libindinal overachievers (i.e. the entire rest of Princeton’s studentry) and we can see how Mr. Nava was driven to fabricate evidence of his victimhood. He needed to be a victim of “assault” because he could not get any sympathy for losing in the campus marketplace of ideas. (Recall that it was the editors of The Daily Princetonian who finally called D. Horowitz on his bullshit, back in 2001.) By claiming that his opponents had exceeded the bounds of civilized discourse, he could distract attention from losing on the ‘merits’ of his worthless ideas.


Rectum? Damn near killed ’em!


Robert George has two first names, while my good friend Gardner Potts has two last names. I think I’ll try getting them together, so they can swap names and live normal lives.

Robert Gardner
Robert Potts
George Gardner
George Potts

The possibilities are almost endless.


Who says that he had to have self-assaulted anyway?

Seriously. There’s gotta be a ton of people around campus who’d have been happy to do it for him. For free even.



I had this weird idea that Robert George was black.


Saul said:
“The bottom line is, Professor Robert George is a Patriot who should be commended for coming to this bright students aid and for expressing his Conservative view points on a left-wing College Campus.”

“The bottom line is, when I was in College back in the late 1970s I had a U.S. History Professor who was an admitted socialist and who used his class as a socialist political platform. Do you think he deserved a chair?”

Saul seems to be saying that Robert George does not deserve the position.

Saul said “No I wasn’t, I was merely demonstrating Shredder’s liberal bias. my neoconservative bias.”

gbear about to go shopping

A christian wingnut coworker of mine once made the BIG and glorious mistake of running copies of her Christmas letter on the company Xerox machine and leaving one of the trial run copies in the trash for us to find.

One of her paragraphs was about some chronic physical ailments she’d been having that year of which she wrote “I am in constant pain, but it is a glorious pain” and then went on about how it was a blessing to be tested by god and proving herself to be worthy. Then she wrote about the death of the family dog but added the redeeming rainbow of how god had heard her prayers and blessed the family with a new little puppy, as if it had been delivered by virgin birth.

The following spring we were entertained with stories about how this woman’s fat lazy husband would lie on the couch while the puppy buried him in doggie toys in a desperate attempt to get someone to play with him.

This is the Christmas memory that comes to mind when I read “we can barely contain our anger, but we are stoic”.

Good night and god bless us every one.


Here’s another fine example of proudly upholding your Second Amendment rights.

The teen, whose name was withheld, was treated at County-USC Medical Center, where doctors were trying to save his leg,


Geeze, you people can’t troll yourselves worth a tin shit.

Can we go back to making fun of Jonah “IUD-Failure” Goldberg’s book again?



These dudes are a bunch of Ellen Jamesians

God, how I hate those fuckers.


Jon H.

I did too.

After a quick Google sleuthing, there is a Robert George who is a black conservative who writes for the New York Post (Here’s a take on his mad stand-up skillz, where, evidently, he falls short of Julia Gorin (!!!)) — I don’t think they are the same people.

But I’ve been wrong before.


Umm … looking more closely at that picture of Nava …

Has anyone asked Markos Moulitsas if he isn’t in on this prank?

gbear just about out the door

shouldn’t that read “Ellen James wrote,”?


Hey, let’s give Hon. Rev. Dr. St. George, Esq. Inc. a break. Sure, George personally saw Nava’s wounds, and certified them as ‘looks like more than a young doofus could accomplish on his own’, but maybe George just didn’t have time to send a videotape to Dr. Frist. Had he done that, Dr. Frist would certainly — oh, never mind…


Chris Dodd is a hero.

Talk about holding the line under fire. Do your job no matter what.

I’d have been honored to sit in a hole with Chris Dodd.

American heroes are hard to find these days. We have cowards, creeps and killers, thugs, thieves and thespians. What we cannot find is courage.

Well, goddammit, look no further than Chris Dodd.

It ain’t over, not by a longshot, but this guy deserves some real love.

Coincidently, I just got a smarmy, mealy-mouthed bullshit whimper from feinstein about the mukasey vote. Just now.

Piece of shit. She doesn’t deserve to clean up Chris Dodd’s spent kleenex…



From the news report:

Township police said in a statement Monday that Nava, 23, admitted to them that he fabricated both the assault and threatening e-mails he received prior to the incident.

So effin’ typical. This guy belongs to “a morally conservative student group, the Anscombe Society, which advocates pre-marital abstinence and opposes gay marriage, among other things.”

So he fakes the threats and self-inflicts his injuries — to his face, which is significant, I think — and claims to be a victim of what he tries to suppress.

Man, this guy really struck at what he fears and loathes the most — his own desires and literally his own face. And it was those immoral Libruls that done it! Those filthy, perverted, permissive Libruls that done it! Honest! They have naughty thoughts! They have dirty urges!

These conservatives are so damn repressed and project their fear and anger so much it’s practically text-book.

Which makes me wonder: What are the odds, do ya suppose, that an anti-gay ‘winger like Robert George is in fact a closeted gay? Shit, it’s almost a guarantee!

Qetesh the Qaveat Qat

The Iraq War was a preventative war and as such its merit relies on the mental ability of the public to perceive future threats and act in keeping with that threat and not ignore it – just as a person must swerve their car in the face of oncoming traffic in order to avoid an accident.

Whereas, to continue your traffic analogy, sensible people would not be driving in the wrong bloody lane in the first place. Sheesh, these bloody freedom-n-democracy-n-war-n-freedom-n-guns-n-freedom types don’t seem to understand that, if one acts in a sensible manner, one doesn’t have lots of cars to swerve from. Is that so hard to understand?

Or maybe it’s just that acting like a complete knobhead is something these idiots think they have a right to do. Freedom, apparently, necessarily allows them to kill other people willy, and even nilly, at whim. It’s their right, goddammit. As Murkins. Goddammit.

Honestly, eedjits, get off the road and go back to standing in the paddock chewing on a straw. The whole world will be a safer place.


I’m still holding on to the notion that it may have been a happy coincidence; that he pushed somebody’s buttons and got the shit beat out of him shortly after he sent out the fake threatening emails.

& Go Chris Dodd!!


Police did not disclose a reason for Nava’s actions, though Silagyi said there were underlying personal issues on Nava’s part.

underlying personal issues…like being in the closet and deathly afraid to come out perhaps?


Principal Blackman said,

December 18, 2007 at 1:06

Saul is a joke right?

Yes, though I think his schtick has gone a bit too far in this thread.

Yep. It’s merely the S,N! parody/attention troll. And it’s ruined far too many threads.

What Roy said.


I’m honestly not sure I understand why it’s such an issue.

Open discourse is a good thing.

But it is fair to require it to be Good Faith discourse.

Because the alternative is to allow the shrieking monkeys to fling feces in seventh grade math, and that’s crazy stupid.

And sure, I’ll accept that somebody has to decide what is quality discourse and what is flung poo.

Since its ridiculously simple to tell the difference, I’ll be delighted to let just about anybody make the call.

How ’bout Sidhe?



It’s probably a job nobody wants, mikey. Nor listening to the inevitable Dennis the Peasant whining that would ensue.

But surely (or Shirley!) there’s a limit. Someone could shut down all these threads if they were able to post a thousand lines of one character spam, over and over.

Is this any different from what our oh so boring troll is doing?


the conservatives are sooooooo oppressed on campus. So oppressed they have to make it all up!

Ming with latent Mexican tendencies


Un qué idiota usted es. Saque de su cabeza su asno……. Y, yo tengo su trabajo.


Once again, the pictures creep me out. This set looks like it belongs with a story about an “Amber Alert.”

“Francisco Nava is 12 years old and was last seen with this man. If you have any information please call…”



Sheesh, this is like shooting fish in a barrel. We MUST get together and do this more often. Id like to stay, but Im off now to lacerate my face and send threatening emails to myself so I can file a false police report blaming conservatives.

Which, by the way, would be a CRIME.


Maybe the Prof stuck up for him because they share the same “overcompensating for the deeply closeted gayness” jawline?

That would be my guess. Just tap your foot in the next stall if you agree with me.


Oh, maybe I missed it–what is this George guy a professor of, anyway?


When oh when America will you see an end to conservative-on-conservative violence? When can our blessed young Republicans walk alone, under cover of darkness, without fear of beating themselves senseless?


young conservatives have some variant of Munchausen Syndrome that has yet to be appropriately catalogued
Althousen syndrome?


an iron fist in a hornets ne[s]t
That was one of Meret Oppenheim’s lesser-known artworks, but they showed it at the Tate a couple of years ago in that Surrealism retrospective.


No doubt when the police finish waterboarding Mr. Nava he will confess he did this because he hoped to win Mike Huckabee’s undying love.


ok, don’t tell anyone, but me and my aztlan-reconquering, aztec-supremacist death metal jonahgoldbergerian clique tracked meester nava out and beat his milquestoast brown ass to… nah, i can’t come up with anything. but seriously, a mormon called Paco Nava? Y’all can keep his ass…


Anybody remember that Russian word meaning “A face that cries out for a fist in it”? ‘Cause if, every time I looked in a mirror, I saw the kind of mean, self-satisfied little smirk both Navas and George are wearing, eventually I’d hit myself in the mouth just to see if I could improve my expression. You can’t even call these guys tools, because an actual tool has some use, however arcane.


Is a German word — Backpfeifengesicht. For some reason, 90% of Googlable citations use G W Bush as an example of its usage.


I admit to some doubt whether “Backpfeifengesicht” is really a word. Most of its appearances on the Web are in those endlessly-repeated, poorly-sourced lists of “Words from other languages which reveal the quaint obsessions of non-English speakers”. The only German-language use I stumbled across was in the lyrics of one song by one punk band, Die Ärtze.
So don’t expect to be understood if you use it in Germany.

That’s my caveat, and now I can go to sleep with a clean conscience.


That’s my caveat, and now I can go to sleep with a clean conscience.

Good. We wouldn’t want you to beat yourself up over this.


Have the police looked into the possibility that they may have been sent on a wild goose chase to provide cover for an embarrassing pretzel-choking incident gone horribly, horribly wrong. Pretty sure it was a pretzel he was choking on, though his face indicates to me the potential for a very sophisticated control of gag reflex. After spending your teens and twenties sucking elephant cock, a pretzel is nothing.

But seriously, isn’t sending the cops and authorities after a phantom perpetrator, like, illegal and shit? Or will we now have to hear more bilge water along the lines of how Princeton police and University security enjoy persecuting wingnut closet cases with grandiosity issues?

Phil Moskowitz, Lovable Rogue

“These dudes are a bunch of Ellen Jamesians. Now, if we could just get them to stick with the original idea and cut out their own tongues”

It’s not talking that they are against. In the chastity wars I think the Anscombians should be taking the knife to another organ. They probably will never lose it in the more Garpian style.


Don’t blame the guy who cried wolf. He should have hired the unemployed gay son of a Saudi prince to attack him instead of inventing the incident out of whole cloth (nobody notices the squibs after the fact) If only he would have thought that far ahead he would be as politically qualified to be a Republican leader as the Vice Preznit.


Francisco is in a society that promotes abstinence. Likely not a challenge for him to stay abstinent


Saul said,

December 18, 2007 at 0:46

The bottom line is, it makes me sick how universities come running to the aid of homosexuals who are “victimized” but could not care less when something terrible actually does happen to a Conservative Student.

Because the universities know the brownshirts can defend their own, Saul.

And what did I tell you about “The Bottom Line,” dickweed?


The latest from the Daily Princetonian: Nava says he did he to draw attention to the cause of chastity. The dean of Butler College at Princeton says “disciplinary action [against Nava] is pending.” I certainly hope they don’t expel him. The guy clearly needs help. The Anscombe Society has already booted him, and I hope the school shows itself to be more forgiving than his fellow chastity promoters.

Now I’ll get off my high horse and say that the detail about the Orangina bottle gave me a good laugh. What else would a band of hateful, harmful leftos use to bonk a good conservative boy on the head than a fruity French drink.


Saul said,

December 18, 2007 at 3:25

Our society are a travesty to you liberals.

Fixed your post!

This fix is on me, but I’m going to have to start charging, Saul. Union rules.


Saul said,

December 18, 2007 at 2:47
…I think.

Clearly, a fake.


Nava says he did he it to draw attention…


Anyone upthread mentioned that Nava and George have strangely similarly strangely shaped faces ? Just when did professor George decide that pre-marital sex was a bad idea and just when was Mr Nava born ?


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