A tantalizing peek at history’s greatest book
Thanks to a certain Christmas elf who sent us this early present:
Personally, I think the chapter about liberals being seKKKret racists will be the most LOL-worthy, although “The 1960s: Fascism Takes to the Streets” should be good for giggles as well.
Additionally, I can’t believe the good Dr. Loadpants somehow managed to stretch this nonsense to over 400 pages. I wonder how many of them are crayon drawings of Hitlery KKKliNtoN!!!11! in combat boots (prediction: no less than 265).
More below the fold.
The best line in the book jacket by far is:
The quintessential liberal fascist isn’t an SS storm trooper; it is a female grade-school teacher with an education degree from Brown or Swarthmore.
How do you write this shit with a straight face? More importantly, how do you get paid to write this shit with a straight face?
Gee, I dunno. Even the intro looks like a goldmine. Professor Pantload is gonna ‘splain how every eminent historian of the past 60 years is wrong and he’s the only one who’s right? Pass the popcorn!
Good to see he’s got the chapters named. Filling in the blanks is always the hard part about writing a book. I hear it’s even worse for non-fiction.
Amazing how Pantload can refer to the Nazi Party Platform in his book. The Nazis had a “platform” because every party in Germany had to have one, and they constructed the platform to please Ernst Roehm and his SA revolutionaries. By the end of 1934, the Nazi Party Platform was as dead as Ernst and his brownshirt buddies. The real platform, such as it was, was all in Adolf Hitler’s head.
And then you have the book jacket:
Did you know, I never knew that the Third Reich meant Germany. I mean it’s just drenched with historical goodies like that… — Roger De Bris
Damn, firefox doesn’t like the SN comments box. “Glad he’s starting with a children’s story, I hear it’s even worse for non-fiction.”
I hope they checked it out of the library instead of feeding this shit.
We just know he’s never actually going to stop and define Fascism at all in that waste of dead trees, is he? I love how only chapter 2 does not have fascist or fascism in the title. I’m curious about the last chapter. I suspected that the pantload was a two-bit closet fascist. Dare I expect him to come out of the closet in his blackshirt?
HItler like to paint. Therefore painters are fascists.
Et cetera, et cetera.
Irony has been reincarnated just so it can commit suicide over this:
Betcha a quarter the NYTimes lets the Pantload review his own book…
Look at the last chapter. We’re all fascists now? Really? You know, it IS possible to expand a definition to the point that it becomes meaningless…
More importantly, how do you get paid to write this shit with a straight face?
Gee, I’m stumped. Go ask your mom.
I want to kick that contents page in the balls. Make that happen somehow.
sometimes I think this is just a moronic attempt on the GOP’s part to back-engineer their misuse of the word “fascism”…”let’s see, who can we get to write a book about it…say, I know–what about Lucianne’s “Li’l Mistake”! lord knows he’s not doing anything at the Corner…!”
Nimrod- the Nazis were very fond of ball-kicking as well, you know. Perhaps we’re overlooking the hidden genius of Jonah’s thesis?
Why is everyone complaining? This amount of comedy is a bargain at $27.95! As an added bonus, you get serious currency arbitrage opportunities with the CAD pricing.
Hey, where’s the chapter on Jewish Nazis? You’d think for completeness, he’d include a chapter on all the Jewish admirers of Hitler and the Nazi Party.
Todd- Hitler was a quarter Jewish. That means, by Jonah’s logic, that every Jew is at least a quarter Nazi.
God I can’t wait to read this book.
Almost forgot. ploeg, Hitler put all of his ideas in “Mein Kampf.” Its supposed to be poorly written and no one actually read it who wasn’t already a Nazi.
Now that I’ve actually read the dust jacket, its kind of funny. Jonah actually has quite a few facts right. HItler was a vegetarian (egg-eating vegetarian. Hitler loved himself some eggs) for long enough he may have actually lost the ability to digest meat. he despised smoking (although he did not acutally ban smoking anywhere but his residences. even he had limits). He did support abortion when it could be known that the baby would be “unift” which was rare due to technological limitations. Gun control already existed in Germany when Hitler came to power. He supported stuff for the elderly so that they would be out of his sight (that came from an unpleasent childhood experience with a senile old aunt). Himmler was all about the mythic spiritual. Hitler acutally hated that stuff but let Himmler have his bottle. And seriously, is Jonah so cynical or so stupid he thinks anyone will buy the racial quota line? Seriously, he’s talking about HItler. And he had campus speech codes b/c he knew (as many tyrants know) university students are energetic, well-read, oftern motivated, and could very well have too much free time. Hitler was a devout Christian, albeit somewhat nondenominational in his adulthood (a roman catholic by birth, he stopped going to mass regularly after WWI). Oh and Jonah, National Socialism is different from socialism, not that I expect you to actually know anything about the latter. Socialism is communism by patient election, not revolution. National Socialism is about your home land over absolutely everything else. It did grow out of trade unions, which Hitler turned against. Oh, and that wealth the Nazis confiscated? It came from Jews, “enemies of the state,” Poles and other untermetchen (spelling?)
Thanks, RB. My SS storm trooper grade school teacher never taught me to spell.
Um, strict racial quota system in German universities?
The best line in the book jacket by far is:
That one cracked up, but for some reason this phrase:
cracked me up just a little bit more.
I just want to read the acknowledgments and notes. No intro, no chapters, just the acknowledgments and notes. I’ll see if the local pinko bookstore has it so I can go over them in one of their comfy chairs, ’cause ain’t no way I’m paying $27.95 for that.
Oi! Your cat walked across your keyboard.
“The quintessential liberal fascist isn’t an SS storm trooper; it is a female grade-school teacher with an education degree from Brown or Swarthmore.”
What ever you say, Doughy. I for one can’t wait for president Guiliani and Grand Marshall Podhoretz to defeat Femi-Teacho-Fascism.
You are going to do giant chapter by chapter take down of this thing, right? Please? I mean, how could you pass this up?
Professor Pantload is gonna ’splain how every eminent historian of the past 60 years is wrong and he’s the only one who’s right?
Before, I wondered if this was the first mainstream conservative book to push the “Hitler was a leftist!” bit of conservative stupidity. As far as I know, it is (though I’m willing to be corrected on that point), and it looks like it’s doing so with all the intellectual heft that argument carries (“The name of the party was the National Socialist Workers Party–it says “socialist right in the name! They’re commies!”). In a sense, this is an interesting step for the wingnuts as its fringe arguments and alternate reality erupt from Greater Wingnutia and Conservapedia and into the mainstream. I only hope somebody gets an actual historian to review it.
Rev. Bradley, the bit about Hitler being of Jewish descent is a myth. He feared it and investigated it himself repeatedly. After the war others investigated further. His family tree was not well maintained and there were several people with names similar to Hitler spelled various ways who may or may not have been related to the big Adolf, and some were Jews, hence the rumor/myth.
He feared it and investigated it himself repeatedly.
You know who else likes doing research? COLLEGE PROFESSORS!!!! THE PLOT THICKENS!!!!
Ahh! Censorship by the SadlyFascists!
Gracious, I have sent my son off to first grade without even verifying the teacher’s anti-liberal-fascist credentials. Female? Check. Grade-school? Check. I don’t know where she got her degree from, but I don’t like these odds.
I hope he writes a sequel on rehabilitation and reprogramming.
I dont know about you guys but when asked “What are the main attributes of a fascist?” the first thing that usually springs to my mind is their devotion to top quality health care free at the point of distribution.
Contrary to what most people think, the Maoist Chinese are ardent Republicans (hence the term “People’s Republic”).
Oh, that was funny, Sarcastro, and I do miss The Tick. I wonder if you can get him on DVD. Probably. You can get “2 and a Half Men” on DVD, which is just a headscratcher if you ask me.
Chapters that didn’t make the cut:
11. Liberal Fascism and Auto Mechanics: Why You Shouldn’t Puchase Fascist Metric Sockets.
12. Liberal Fascists Role in Pet Care: Corporate Fascist Profits and Pet Poo Baggies.
13.Liberal Fascism and Christmas: How the Fascists Grinches Stole Christmas
14. Fascism and Anti-Fascism: How Using the Term Fascism Makes it All True.
15: Liberal Fascism and Dating: Guide to Nailing Your BFF Jill.
The Introduction appears to be a conversation with himself.
His family tree was not well maintained…
That’s kind of an oblique insult, isn’t it? Well, Hitler did come from a mountainous backwater, and he was a meth junkie.
Hello? Am I the only one seeing the strikethrough on this page?
Just reading the table of contents made me angry, which is what the publisher wants. I think this is just another screed in the manner of A Coulter. Only longer. Imagine calling FDR a Fascist! Does he even DEFINE the word at the beginning of the book?
Why is everyone complaining? This amount of comedy is a bargain at $27.95!
If you can wait until January, you’ll be able to pick it up for $1.98.
I’d rather spend it on a couple song downloads myself.
Can’t wait: will Godwin’s Law be mentioned in the Notes?
Um, strict racial quota system in German universities?
Yes, you see, the Nazis used strict racial quotas to keep all non-Aryans out of the university, while liberals use no quotas, but diversity efforts to keep more than just Aryans in the university, and therefore John F. Kennedy is Heinrich Himmler.
Or something like that. You apparently need a degree from Hollywood Upstairs Medical College to follow Jonah’s deft logic.
I wonder who wrote it for him? Not a female school teacher.
Hello? Am I the only one seeing the strikethrough on this page?
Nope. Oops, I meant to say ‘nope’. Damn, what I really wanted to say was ‘nope’. sigh
Grade school must have been Hell for teh Doughboy.
I love the deep thinking that says, hey, the Nazis called themselves “National Socialists,” so they must have been on the left!
And East Germany’s official name was the Democratic Republic of Germany, so there’s just no way they were really communists!
It’s right there in black and white, people!
I think you’re right. It’s exactly Ann Coulter’s shtick with extra flop sweat.
Grade school must have been Hell for teh Doughboy.
Doubt it. His mind still seems to be at that level, so it must have been alright for him.
Now, this is liberal fascism!
….And the added insult of the cover price still being higher in Canada.
Someone needs to mention Franco. I mean, he’s the Fascist that actually pulled it off, and settled down to a nice quiet life of Catholicism and killing people.
Hitler was the kind of “strict vegetarian” who would eat sausages every now and then, i.e.not; he was an off-and-on meat avoider because he had gastric problems. Think the bean scene in Blazing Saddles.
wow. a doubleday imprint.
wow. a doubleday imprint.
I guess they got tired of publishing real authors.
Real authors whom, I’d presume, won’t be rushing to sign up with the press and have their names alongside the esteemed Mr. Goldberg’s in the catalog.
The quintessential liberal fascist isn’t an SS storm trooper; it is a female grade-school teacher with an education degree from Brown or Swarthmore.
I’ve hated those people ever since they started carrying their zyklon b cannisters in those fucking Louis Vuitton knock-offs.
Oh shut up, Jonah. You fucking fascist.
I’m guessing Fudgie simply lifted a cheap translation of “Mein Kampf” and pasted it into a Word document that generates random placements of the word “liberal” throughout.
Isn’t it common knowledge by now that Hitler wasn’t really a vegetarian, just a bit of a health nut with weak digestion?
If what Goldberg says is true, we’re in for the fight of our lives. Islamofascists, feh, yesterday’s problem. I’m only going to back a presidential candidate with a comprehensive plan to defeat the Fasciofascists!
I seem to recall that the “guaranteed jobs” mentioned by Jonah tended to be of the “cannon fodder on the Eastern Front” variety. Though, to be fair, they probably DID come with free health care…
Why, oh why on earth are these people incapable of understanding that 2+2 does not equal the square root of eleventy seven divided by the GNP of Mississippi?
Sadly, it isn’t. Ran into a neocon who swore everything evil in the world originated with leftist ideology. Plato was a liberal, Hitler was a liberal, etc., etc. He went on and on about how he wished Jews would wake up to the fact that liberal ideology is responsible for 6 million deaths.
His sources? Other neoconservatives and liberal flunkies. Old Pantload is catching on, disseminating the same ideas for conservative consumers with lower IQs.
Am I hallucinating or is everything really in strike out mode? It’s creepin’ me out, mon.
They misprinted his biography snippet. It should read:
Good Lord! By the time I got to the end of the TOC, the entry for “Fascism” in my personal meat computer had become hopelessly scrambled.
Perhaps the intended effect?
I see the all-strike format if I use IE. Maybe this’ll help.
Jonah’s plan:
1. Be born.
2. Write a book calling everyone ‘fascists.’
3. ?
I can’t wait to see Jonah’s explanation for why that liberal fascist FDR led the worldwide crusade against the Third Reich.
I bet he was jealous because Hitler was stealing all the fascist thunder.
I know I’m just going on the TOC (I’m sure the historical analysis in the text is so very well researched and detailed), but how can “the birth of liberal fascism” occur with Wilson if “the father of fascism” didn’t come to power until 1922? I don’t think Jonah understands parenting.
Not at all but bwahaha, I thought I’d toss the idea out there anyway.
“Jonah, your brain is like the four headed, man-eating haddock fish beast of Aberdeen”
“In what way? ”
“It doesn’t exist “
I love the examples in the jacket cover — DuBois, Berlin. Talk about a dog-whistle blowing “Blacks and Jews are fascists” to the base.
So Wilson was a prick and some of the early birth control types were racist assholes. Does that make liberalism fascism? By that standard, all those dixiecrats who went GOP make the GOP a bastion of racist hatred, eh?
As a moonbat nut myself, I certainly believe that it says a lot about you who your friends are — if your friends stand to profit from what you propose, that does say something. But the right wing’s abuse of the genetic fallacy is getting a bit ridiculous: just because some liberals were really fascist pricks at heart doesn’t mean liberalism is a fascist plot. And, nu?, when wingnuts start going on about the gay agenda and liberalism as an ideology/”ism”, considering their support of a religious agenda and religious ideology, it just seems like so much projection, don’t it?
I like how his book is going to rail against so-called “liberal racism”, and Jonah is a contributing editor to the National Review. A little taste of National Review’s history on questions of race and politics (needless to say, apartheid got a big thumbs up):
The National Review’s support for racism traces back to its founding in the mid-’50s. A 1957 editorial titled ”Why the South Must Prevail” (8/24/57) asked ”whether the white community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas where it does not predominate numerically?” Citing the ”cultural superiority of white over Negro” and ”civilized standards” National Review editors answered, ”Yes—the white community is so entitled because, for the time being, it is the advanced race.”
Similarly, the magazine supported apartheid South Africa’s white minority rule (4/23/60): ”The whites are entitled, we believe, to preeminence in South Africa.” When Nelson Mandela and other ANC leaders were sentenced to life in prison in South Africa, National Review editors mocked critics of the verdicts (6/30/64): ”The South African courts have sentenced a batch of admitted terrorists to life in the penitentiary, and you would think the court had just finished barbecuing St. Joan, to hear the howls from the liberal press.”
Over the years many leading eugenicists and ”scientific” racists have been warmly received by National Review. In a positive review of Race, Evolution, and Behavior, a 1994 book by Philippe Rushton, the current Pioneer Fund president, reviewer Mark Snyderman eagerly recounted the book’s ”ambitious” and ”fearless” thesis (9/12/94): ”Orientals are more intelligent, have larger brains for their body size, have smaller genitalia, have less sex drive, are less fecund, work harder and are more readily socialized than Caucasians; and Caucasians on average bear the same relationship to blacks.” (To be fair, this kooky book also got a thumbs-up from New York Times science writer Malcolm Browne—10/16/94. See Extra! Update, 12/94).
National Review tapped Rushton to write a review of a new edition of The Mismeasure of Man, Stephen Jay Gould’s critique of eugenics—resulting in a predictable pan (9/15/97). And when Gould died in 2002, the magazine called on Steve Sailer (5/22/02) to do some grave-spitting.
No, really, the LA times features this schlemiel? LAT, you just lost a pantload of credibility.
I assume every entry is crossed out because NR’s lawyers are going after SN! for copyright violation…
Jonah Goldberg wasn’t making any money as a half-assed Los Angeles Times columnist and was probably more than a little miffed that nobody paid attention to him. So in a “me-me-me” moment he pulled a page from the Ann Coulter playbook to make a buck and say nasty things about those nice little old ladies who gave me the Weekly Reader every day at my elementary school. JFK-loving groupies, yes. Fascists, no!
Jonah writes for the National Review.
Hitler ran the National Socialists.
Clearly Jonah is the fascist here.
I know someone in the VRWC farmed this one out to Jonah just so all the conservatives would have an official reason to call their opponents fascists all the time, but reading that table of contents, I can’t believe that even the chunderheads at National Review will be able to take this thing seriously.
Oh, I get it. the S,N! Server is trying to protect us from teh stoopid that is Jonah the Whale.
Thank you S,N!S!
John Dewey was a fascist? Dewey? Dewey? Has Jonah read even one word of Dewey?
Fuck off Kevin.
Yes, we know it’s you.
The obsessive number of comments and abuse of the word ‘hippies’ gave you away.
The strikeout cannot be stopped, ittdgy. Aieeee!!!!! And I do mean IE. I don’t think it’s affecting firefox users.
When people from the right wing conclude, for example, that liberal are racists, I always wonder: is it a bad thing? I mean, for them. Perhaps, they think “liberals are not so bad, like us, they are racists”.
By the way, Nazis introduced divided highways. Was Eisenhower a Nazi?
Liberal conspiracy in Europe: Jonah’s opus is offered for 20.99 EUR, and the latest Krugman for 17.49 EUR from Amazon.eu. (However, to get free shipping, you must order 20 EUR, so with Krugman you have to order something else, and you pay more).
You’d think at some point Jonah’s fans would get tired of being set up as ignorant fucks.
Am I hallucinating or is everything really in strike out mode? It’s creepin’ me out, mon.
I think it’s fairly obvious…Sadly No! is obviously a bunch of fascists who are trying to suppress all the comments making fun of Dr. Loadpants.
One word: Projection.
Another word: Half.com
Let’s see how long it takes for this book to end up there.
I would love to see a remake of that one scene in Pulp Fiction, where Samuel L. Jackson threatens Goldberg with the taunt “Say ‘fascist’ again! I double dare you, motherfucker!”
P.S. Fascist. Fascist fascist fascist.
Well, someone has to write the palpably false agitprop to distract us all while the corporate interests continue to control both the country and the political parties.
Think of it like this … when two people visit your house and one of them pinches out a big steaming turd smack in the middle of the dining room table, you probably won’t notice the other guy stealing your wallet from the nightstand.
best comment thread ever!
At least the bit about “surprising research” is likely to be true…
Remember how we used to laugh at all those months of Corner posts from abroad, where Jonah would describe going from one German archive to another, digging into the primary source material, blegging for help with difficult translations?
I mean, like, you remember that, right?
Guten Tag, meine Damen und Herren!
— — —
Does anyone else think Jonah got paid by the word?
Specifically, the word “fascism.
I demand more spaghetti!
Die Tatsache ist you like me…you really like me!
I bet “fascism” pops up a lot in his “book.” — almost as many times as the words “stop the rebellious Negro” appeared in the National Review publications of the 1950s and 1960s.
Old Pantload is catching on, disseminating the same ideas for conservative consumers with lower IQs.
Now, the concept of conservatives dumber than Jonah — that’s a frightening thought…
An elf? Did Megan give it to you?
owlbear1 said,
December 17, 2007 at 20:11
You’d think at some point Jonah’s fans would get tired of being set up as ignorant fucks.
You’d think that only if you didn’t know that they are ignorant fucks.
P.S. The word “fans” implies that there is another one, besides Lucianne.
I demand more spaghetti!
Hey, wait a minute…fascists ate spaghetti too!
Maybe I’m just picking nits (finding dumb errors in a book like this is redundant, to say the least), but the Table of Contents claims Mussolini as the “Father of Fascism”, but seems to credit Woodrow Wilson with the genesis of “Liberal Fascism”–which seems odd, because Wilson’s reign was a good decade *before* Mussolini’s organizing.
You know, that strikeout type is very compelling. I bet they start doing it over at Ace o’ Spades any day now.
This could be the most shocking historical revelation since Lyndon LaRouche proved that Queen Elizabeth was behind the Colombian drug cartels!
That may be the intent, but I think that this will evoke a lot more laughter than anger.
Accusing libs of treason is so 2004.
But, Slim Tyranny that stuff is different. None of those National Review articles were about the discrimination against dumb, lazy, talentless white male propaganda hacks. THAT’S the Liberal racism Jonah’s so terrified of!
The strikeout seems to be related to a cluster of <del> tags at the article’s permalink, some of them strangely nested. Or maybe it’s a sign that it’s time for everyone to switch to Firefox.
Aha! Wilson and Mussolini are BOTH fathers of fascism! Fascism has two daddies! It must be part of the gay agenda!
Slight problems on my end, but knock on wood the rest should be with y’all by the end of the week.
You’d think at some point Jonah’s fans would get tired of being set up as ignorant fucks.
You’d think that his employers and publishers would get tired of it too.
Four hundred pages of “I know you are, but what am I”, by Lucianne Goldberg’s big fat baby boy.
Time to change the diaper!
On the one hand, yes, Himmler believed in animal rights. But on the other hand, he sported a wingnut face mullet! So I don’t know WHAT to think.
That’s the Pink Triangle fascism that the Jesus freaks are always on about–that the Nazi Party was a gay movement (apparently, they are unaware of the fate of Ernst Rohm, but that’s unsurprising).
I guess those Tom of Finland illustrations were supposed to have been recruiting posters, ten years too late. (There’s that unidirectional-passage-of-time problem again!)
Is that fixed?
Guess not
not so much
Accusing libs of treason is so 2004.
Well, to be fair, Jonah’s book has been “just about to be released” for quite a while now. Been at least two years, right? We should probably count our blessings his mom was able to persuade him to drop the whole “Three-Term Presidency: Why The Clenis Will Kill Us All” book he was working on.
Oh, and you forgot to include the back cover with blurbs by the author of the Bell Curve, Newt Gingrich, and Tom Wolfe. Tsktsk.
which chapter has the discussion of the well known fact that there’s a secret society of the five wealthiest people in the world, known as The Pentavirate, who run everything in the world, including the newspapers, and meet tri-annually at a secret country mansion in Colorado, known as The Meadows.
The 1960s: Fascism Takes to the Streets
I’m itching to see which streets are involved. Maybe one of the routes into Montgomery’d make the cut.
Firefox has TWO F’S!! Fascism starts with an F!
Why are you trying to convert me to Fascism??!
“Fascism has two daddies!”
ok this one made me laugh out loud.
Why are you trying to convert me to Fascism??!
That’s my ninja way. Believe it!
Or perhaps the NeverEndingStrikeOut Strike is meant to signal how JG has once again “Struck Out” in his attempt not to be a big fat jackass.
So in the 70’s when I marched against Nixons nastiness, he was the liberal intellectual and I was the jackboot fascist? Oops, my bad. I’ll be going out to the garage to throw Molotov cocktails at myself.
He was indeed paid by the word, so most of the book will have passages like:
“The American Liberal is very much like fascists. They are both very very very very very bad and not good. “
Please put up a page of this screed a day to furnish my minumum daily allowance of hootz!
I don’t see any strikeout stuff, and I’m using Safari. Just thought I’d throw that in. Oh, and DoughtyPantLoad is a doody-head. Yes, I know, strong words indeed.
Arky, when your struck out, JG looks the same as JC. It makes a difference…
This feels like a low level demonstration of how multiple universes (universi?) can exist and function in the same space. I am stuck in the struck dimension.
Maybe we should all go on strike, gbear.
Any word yet on how many Hitlery KKKlinton doodles populate the book? I’ve got an over-under going at my office.
I don’t see any strikeout stuff, and I’m using Safari.
Hitler used Safari.
Hitler used Safari.
I don’t think Hitler did – it was Erwin Rommel.
I love how everything has a strike-out. Strike out fascism! Strike out Nice Guys!
Good question about how did Jonah get 400+ pages.
Kathleen: Almost every comment on this thread is making me laugh out loud, or at least smile real big. Thanks S,N — I needed that!
Man, I can’t wait for the Sadly No reviews of this pile of horseshit. It’ll be a weeks-long laff riot!
Has all the content of Nicole Richie’s cookbook, it does.
Righteous Bubba: Plus I’m a vegetarian. Case closed.
Seanly: 28-point font and triple-spacing. Use of not just Simpsons quotes but entire episode transcripts.
Why would fascist FDR and communist Joe Stalin fight liberal socialist fascist
Hitler? Wouldn’t they all just team up and Liberal Fascistify us all forever and
ever? Or did the Commie-Nazis really *want* to steal all the Unicef pennies
but were thwarted by Tailgunner Joe, John Wayne and Ronald Reagan?
Fascism 1979: Yacht Rockin’ Like There’s No Tomorrow.
It doesn’t feel any different to be posting in strikeouts, but it should.
John Gacy was fat and drank liquor.
Do these striking parallels mean that Jonah Goldberg is a homicidal maniac, intent on torturing boys to death and hiding them in a crawlspace under his house? Not at all. Yet it is hard to deny that yadda yadda yadda.
Hi, Chad Hitler here..
What, why are you all walking away from me ??
If bradrocket is around he should check his email.
He obviously read “Bobos in Paradise” and hit on the novel concept that the phrase “bohemian bourgeois” has two words that appear to be in direct contrast to each other… in the… SAME… phrase…. Ooohhh, that David Brooks! He so smahht! I’m smahht! Just like Fredo…
He then spent 6 years thinking and researching on how to make a fast buck ala Mr. Brooks. Meanwhile during that time, the words “liberal” and “Islamofascism” have been bouncing around the ether ad nauseum. The great concordance occurred when the only two marbles in his brain finally collided and he put those two words together. It appears his editor did a global search and replace and dropped the “Islamo.” Who can be sure though?
Like I posted at Señor Yglesias’, there were others who thought FDR was a fascist.
But then, Stalin lived in a pre-9/11 era.
I will bet an Official Matt Weiner Certificate of Excellence that “Irving Berlin praised Mussolini in song” refers to extra lyrics that P.G. Wodehouse (no liberal) wrote for “You’re the Top,” which was by Cole Porter anyway. If I’m wrong, leave a comment at my blog to collect your certificate. (If I’m right, leave a comment anyway.)
Jonah Goldberg is a genius. He is correct in stating that, except for Krystalnacht and stuff like that, touchy-feely liberal ideology is exactly like that of a hyperauthoritarian autocracy.
If you people are insinuating that it is possible for an ignorant moron to get a high profile job just because of his parentage, I defy you to find another example.
Also, Jonah’s book is over 400 pages long. It’s not like one could just spout off unsupported opinions and unbelievable bullshit for that many pages. Therefore, it must be diligently researched and well documented, with references to numerous reputable sources.
Why is all text from the permalink on down “strikethrough”?
Not only that, Matt, but Joe Esposito wrote this song for Pol Pot.
Sweep the leg and dispossess the urban proletariat!
[…] book. Whether or not you’ve previously heard of this clusterfuck, you should check out pictures of its back-flap and chapter […]
Righteous Bubba,
Don’t they usually refer to him as John Wayne Gacy? Fitting, as John Wayne was a bit of a raving right-wing nut…
I will bet an Official Matt Weiner Certificate of Excellence that “Irving Berlin praised Mussolini in song” refers to extra lyrics that P.G. Wodehouse (no liberal) wrote for “You’re the Top,” which was by Cole Porter anyway.
Jonah responds to email. You could ask him what’s meant.
“Yacht Rockin’ Like There’s No Tomorrow.”
Amazing, first reference to Yacht Rock since my son hipped me. Funny.
Now you fascists want us to switch to Safari?!
well. Guess who went on safair once? Mussolini!
stop trying to make me become a fascist.
Clutch, you are struck because you are stuck using IE. We who use IE are stuck being struck.
Where as Jonah is stuck being teh suck.
“Sweep the leg”
Cobra Kai, in the house !
Everyone knows the real 1960s fascists were the ones on the receiving end of fire hoses.
Having the book open in front of me, I can say Matt Weiner is absolutely correct. “You’re the Top” is quoted at the beginning of the first chapter, attributed to Cole Porter. Irving Berlin is, however, not in the index, and thus likely not in the book, apart from the never corrected jacket copy.
Full points to MW.
In fact, I am struck by how stuck in teh suck he is.
[…] Jonah Goldberg, Idiot Filed under: Uncategorized — cleek @ 3:52 pm […]
It’s a pity D’ohboy didn’t wear a black low-cut cocktail dress on the cover of the book.
(Thank goodness I’m not getting strickthrus)
I can say Matt Weiner is absolutely correct. “You’re the Top” is quoted at the beginning of the first chapter, attributed to Cole Porter. Irving Berlin is, however, not in the index, and thus likely not in the book, apart from the never corrected jacket copy.
I am going out on a limb here. This will not be the only error.
Do these striking parallels mean that today’s liberals are genocidal maniacs intent on conquering the world and imposing a new racial order? Not at all.
I love this part, because it essentially makes his argument pointless.
Liberals are just like fascists, except for the bad part!
I envision the typical interview going something like this:
Interviewer: So liberals are fascists?
Pantload: Yeppers.
Interviewer: But they haven’t tried to take over the world or exterminate the Jews.
Pantload: They’re not THAT sort of fascist. Duh. I say that right from the beginning: they’re not going to try anything of the sort. But they are for health care, pensions for the elderly, and the like.
Interviewer: So they’re fascists with the most murderous and tyrannical bits taken out?
Jonah: Yes.
Interviewer: Uh, then who cares?
Jonah: Well, they’re fascists. Fascists fascists fascists. I’m surprised at you.
I: So liberals are fascists?
J: More or less, yes.
I: But they haven’t carried out mass genocide or tried to take over the world.
J: Of course not. That’s not the sort of fascism I’m
I: So what’s so bad about it?
J: Well, it’s fascism.
Argh. Scrap the stuff that begins with I: and J:. Forgive me; I share an editor with the Doughy Pantload.
My Nom du’Internet has been stolen by a troll! I feel so complimented!
Well-known liberal leader Irving Berlin on Mussolini
Not Okay
“John Kerry is a sphincter. Okay, that’s a bit juvenile.”
–Jonah Goldberg, NRO.
“I suppose in John Kerry’s world good diplomacy lets the boys in the bar finish raping the girl for fear of causing a fuss. Okay, that was unfair.”
–Jonah Goldberg, NRO.
This slimeball rhetorical device should become known as the Jonah Goldberg Limited Takeback, in which you assert something vulgar and provocative, then acknowledge you stepped over the line without withdrawing the original slur. Sort of like spitting at someone, then saying, “Gee, I guess my saliva went a little too far.”
Having the book open in front of me, I can say Matt Weiner is absolutely correct.
Such detail and care!
gbear: Don’t you have some work to do, young lady?
“Slim Tyranny”: With all the fascism words popping, perhaps the book itself has pop-ups? This is getting better and better.
Also, does Doughbob know that there already was a book about “Friendly Fascism”?
But then, my billion dollar foundation affords me the luxury of Google, and few Uh-merkans have this luxury in the Rooseveltian fascism we suffered up until Ronald Reagan the First and Ronald Reagan The Lesser (Bush Jr.) slew the beast.
Oh mom! Work is boring! (sigh)
Any chance that the appearance of this book will awake The Editors from their slumber and get The Poorman back online?
And of course Irving Berlin supported fascism — he was, after all, the capital city of Fascist Germany!!! What choice did he have?
Having the book open in front of me, I can say Matt Weiner is absolutely correct.
w00t! Official Matt Weiner Certificate of Excellence for me!
“MzNicky said,
Kathleen: Almost every comment on this thread is making me laugh out loud, “
me too. that one was just particularly funny. 🙂
Cue Ross Douthat to whine about the mean MSM not reviewing Jonah’s serious and important book (as he did with Ramesh Ponnuru’s equally vile and lunatic The Party Of Death).
I’ve actually been sort of asked to review it for Teh Guardian Online, which is to say if I actually write it, it’ll likely go up.
[…] Fascist Sadly, No!, a fascist look inside fascist Jonah Goldberg’s fascist forthcoming fascist book. […]
Jonah Jonah bonobo
Banana-panta loadio
Will the ‘Lib-Fascists’ author go on Colbert and/or Stewart to tout his book? More fun to look forward to. (I use Camino, and no strike-thrus)
Okay, that was really juvenile and stupid.
Hitler was the father of the Macintosh computer.
Fozzetti: Generalissimo Francisco Franco drove an El Camino.
I loved the “cover by keenan” line on the book jacket. Nice way to say “FU Tibor!”
The fact is, liberals are just like Hitler, but worse, because they hide it.
Fascism didn’t take to the streets until twenty-something years after the rise of Hitler and Mussolini?
Perhaps all that intensive research should have included an Indiana Jones movie.
It’s seems like a comprehensive effort to convince us that white is black. It’s the logical next step after letting these dingbats use a term like “Islamofascism” as if it actually means something.
Anything that seriously describes Adolf Hitler as “Man of the Left” … sweet aborted baby Jesus, that’s rich and flavorful ignorance.
I’d be very interested (not to the point of actually purchasing this dog-loaf, but still interested) in seeing how the Spanish Civil War is presented. A tiff between the Fascist Liberals and the Liberal Fascists? Perhaps it never really happened at all.
Actually, if bradrocket or Gavin could remove my last post I’d appreciate it. I should be a little more discrete, probably.
Name Game: Uh, I’d bet $$ there’s never been a load in Doughy’s pants that in any way resembled a banana.
[…] on the historical cuddling between the left and fascism isn’t even out yet and already the leftist are having themselves a few nervous yuks. Shame they can’t be bothered to actually address the book on an intellectual level. Say what […]
No. The best line is “These assertions may sound strange to modern ears, but that is only because we have forgotten what fascism is.” Tell me this is not the most desperate qualification you have ever read. “This is the ONLY reason they sound strange! Ignore any other reasons you can think of. Please? C’mon. Be a mensch.” It practically stands on a corner with a cup in its hand and begs, for God’s sake.
Francisco Franco drove an El Camino.
He would come for a pint at the Stud Palomino.
Francisco Franco never got called an asshole!
[…] it’s Jonah Goldberg’s long-unawaited summa moronalogica, Liberal Fascism. Sadly No has screen captures of the book nobody has been waiting for, except maybe Jonah’s mom and liberal bloggers, who […]
This is a hoax, right? I mean, that’s not really the book.
Surely that’s not really the book.
Swarthmore, eh? I thought they’d forgotten about the “Kremlin on the Crum”. I’m glad to hear we’re still considered a dangerous foe.
Yeh facsism is just like that scene at the start of Episode III, where Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Eta-2 starfighter is covored in buzzdroids adn Anakin trys to smush them with his starfighter, btu 1 of tehm cralws over to Anakin’s starfighter and R2-D2 zaps it.
Taht’s LIEberal fasicms rite their, and Jonah Goldberg is R2-D2 wiht the zaper!
[…] Jonah Goldberg’s new book is that this whole “liberals are fascist” argument is going to morph from something […]
I’d try to be more discreet, instead.
I got nothin’ today.
If I ever bring it up at all, I’m going to pretend that this book is a liberal plot to make conservatives look stupid. Same as I do for Mallard Fillmore and Thomas Sowell.
“I should be a little more discrete.”
“I’d try to be more discreet, instead.”
Yes, I agree. Much less painful that way.
But… but…
Jonah used to know that Wodehouse wrote the Mussolini line in “You’re the Top”! He wrote a friggin’ Corner post about it:
And this nonsense still made it onto the book jacket!
Insufferable Grammarian said,
December 17, 2007 at 23:03
Much less painful that way.
And what’s so tragic is that these modern heirs’ friendly fascist family farms are threatened today by the inheritance tax from reaping another bumper crop of Bobo Brooks, Steny Hoyer, ivy-league ivy, and Mel Gibson jeebus pr0n.
Interviewer: So liberals are fascists?
Pantload: Yeppers.
Interviewer: But they haven’t tried to take over the world or exterminate the Jews.
Pantload: They’re not THAT sort of fascist. Duh. I say that right from the beginning: they’re not going to try anything of the sort. But they are for health care, pensions for the elderly, and the like.
Interviewer: So they’re fascists with the most murderous and tyrannical bits taken out?
Jonah: Yes.
Interviewer: Uh, then who cares?
Jonah: Well, they’re fascists. Fascists fascists fascists. I’m surprised at you.
I: So liberals are fascists?
J: More or less, yes.
I: But they haven’t carried out mass genocide or tried to take over the world.
J: Of course not. That’s not the sort of fascism I’m
I: So what’s so bad about it?
J: Well, it’s fascism.
You took the words out of my mouth Mr. Chairman.
LIBERALS ARE FASCISTS …. provided we assume “fascist” means something quite different that it ever did before.
Here’s yer problem with strikethrough – two “del” tags and only one closing “/del” tag:
I tried putting a closing </del> at the start of this comment, but it looks like it ain’t allowed.
Does Jonah realize that during the Spanish Civil War the Soviet Union backed the Republican faction?
I’m sorry, MzN, but was that metaphor really necessary? I’m not even sure what it means (and I sure as hell don’t want to know) and yet it makes me feel vaguely … unclean … simply by virtue of it having passed through my eyes.
“Johna Goldberg turns our preconceptions inside out”
No shit.
When liberals are exposed they insult.
Truth is a bitch ain’t it.
PS: Skip the insult.
My favorite part so far, apart from the Brown grad, is pointing out that the Nazis had strict racial quotas for college.
I hold post-modernism responsible for this book
OK, that was going too far.
Is it just me or do those chapter titles sound like items from the fake Fox News crawl in that episode of The Simpsons? You know, the one that said “JFK posthumously switches to Republican party…Oil slicks found to keep seals smooth, supple…Do Democrats cause cancer?”
Nownow. I’m busy being a certain Christmas elf. I don’t have time to proofread my comments.
sooooooo… where does the Politics of Meaning come in?….
or did that not actually make it into the final subtitle?
…has also written for The New Yorker…
He wrote exactly one “Talk of the Town” piece (about the media circus around his mother’s apartment when the Lewinsky tape was revealed). It’s not like he actually wrote an real article or anything.
thanks for pointing this book out. I’m going to read it. If you really wonder who’d buy it, why don’t you write one with the “real” story and see how many buy it.
Sadly, you won’t bother because you know the answer.
Ummm, check your facebook inbox in a few moments, jillian.
Am I the only one seeing a “strike through” over every single line of every comment? I am using internet explorer, which is a piece of poo sometimes, but I have never had this problem before.
Even this commont is showing crossed out in the preview below.
Arrgh, I’ve been struck out!
Whose idea was it to give Jonah Goldberg strike-through power over Sadly, No! comments?
Or is it the Sadly, No! liberal super-fascists who are silencing not just disagreement but agreement as well?
The Tick, animated, is available on DVD, in two parts so far. The Tick vs Season One includes twelve of the first thirteen, missing Tick vs the Mole Men for murky legal reasons (clearly the fascists were involved here). The Tick vs Season Two offers 12 episodes from season two, I think it’s missing Alone Together but am too lazy to go look.
Do these striking parallels mean
Those parallels are leaping out and striking again. But not to worry… the resemblance to cobras is a bluff. I repeat, parallels are not venomous. No-one has ever died from parallel-bite.
I’m kind of excited to see that he finished it. Never thought this day would come. Gives me hope for my own laziness and procrastination. Maybe I just need the fear of having to repay an advance in order to get my writing done… except no one pays me for mine, yet.
Parallelogram for Mr. Euclid!
jack moss,
You want to defend Jonah? Go right ahead. We wait for your well-reasoned arguments.
If you can’t be bothered, perhaps you should go fuck yourself.
The PG Wodehouse/Cole Porter hilarity aside, Irving Berlin totally did write a song which included the lyric “Mussolini’s on our side”.
In “Ve Don’t Like It,” Irving Berlin presents a complaining Joseph Goebbels: “In Japan our hands are tied; Ve don’t like it. Mussolini’s on our side; Ve don’t like it.”
Given that we know Doughy isn’t going to fact-check anything, ever, I’m wondering if someone punked him with either that lyric or the “You’re the Top” story. More to the point, I’m wondering how much ridiculously stupid stuff we could get him to say his future books.
“…it is a female grade-school teacher with an education degree from Brown or Swarthmore.”
Women with an education and want to share the joy of intelligent reasoning with a new generation?! In MY America?!?! Why, next thing you know them coloreds will be gettin’ all uppity and want to attend college, too!
Er, yeah, saw that the “Ve Don’t Like It” thing was already linked. Still though, I’m excited about trolling Doughbob.
Parallax View for Delivery Boy!
Francisco Franco drove an El Camino.
He would come for a pint at the Stud Palomino.
Francisco Franco never got called an asshole!
He is, however, still dead.
[…] just in: I am shocked, truly shocked to discover there are those who doubt The Great Truth: “The modern heirs of this “friendlier fascist” tradition include […]
I soooo want to read the Afterword. I mean, The Temptation of Conservatives, how exciting does that sound? Lots of illicit nookie, I have no doubt, and all sorts of sordid sloppy stuff.
it has over 50 pages of notes!! It must be scholarly!
More missing chapters:
11. Hippy Whale Song Albums … or Sonar Training for Pre-K U-Boaters?
12. Liberal Co-Eds Who Wanted Nothing to Do with Me and Other Eva Braun-Types
13. Everything You Thought You Knew About Imperial Stormtroopers Was Wrong (and Other Jedi Lies)
14. First They Came for the Industrial Polluters …
15. Liberal Fascism and the Desire to Make Public Transportation Run On Time
Testing, testing. Yes, it’s being composed with that automatic cross-out. Still easy to read, though, so I fail to see the point. Unless this is an exercise in ironic self-sabotage. You know, some fellow liberal demonstrating what Goldberg would LIKE to do were he able, except he couldn’t without making the other side’s argument about who is and who is not really a fascist for it.
16. The 1970s: Fascism Tears the Roof Off the Mother
I do believe that Mr. Goldberg and his conservative cohorts are, in fact, rubber.
And we, my friends, are glue.
Usually you expect scholarly tomes such as this from Regnery, a Respected Brown Shirt Parody Publishing House.
I suspect I will be skimming the unintentional humor at my local corporate bookseller. I don’t want to encourage my library. There is way too much reichwing claptrap there as it is.
“These assertions may sound strange to modern ears, but that is simply because we have forgotten what Fascism is.”
Clue: It has nothing to do with dictionary definitions, or what Fascist Party ideologues intended when they coined the word, or how serious historians use it.
They are all part of the conspiracy.
Fascism, the more it considers and observes the future and the development of humanity quite apart from political considerations of the moment, believes neither in the possibility nor the utility of perpetual peace. It thus repudiates the doctrine of Pacifism — born of a renunciation of the struggle and an act of cowardice in the face of sacrifice. War alone brings up to its highest tension all human energy and puts the stamp of nobility upon the peoples who have courage to meet it.
Like I was saying…um, what was I saying?
For Fascism, the growth of empire, that is to say the expansion of the nation, is an essential manifestation of vitality, and its opposite a sign of decadence. Peoples which are rising, or rising again after a period of decadence, are always imperialist; and renunciation is a sign of decay and of death. …never before has the nation stood more in need of authority, of direction and order. If every age has its own characteristic doctrine, there are a thousand signs which point to Fascism as the characteristic doctrine of our time. For if a doctrine must be a living thing, this is proved by the fact that Fascism has created a living faith; and that this faith is very powerful in the minds of men is demonstrated by those who have suffered and died for it.
I wonder if there’s a way to copy all 248 comments into Amazon as reviews of this splendid book?
I’m wondering how much ridiculously stupid stuff we could get him to say his future books
Somewhere between eleventy and infinity SUs (Stupid Units), I’m guessing. Let’s start now!
The Frau Doktorin and I are planning a road trip soon, and among other things we’ll visit my old neighbours. Both are about 90, and staunch wielders of the Non-paisley Walking-Stick of Liberal Justice. I’m just imagining the reaction if I explained that 60-odd years ago they were not really fighting Fascism (Arthur flew bombers; Margaret was a Bletchley Park girl), because ‘Fascism’ apparently means things like ‘public health initiative’.
If nothing else, I might learn some choice new words.
zsa: Sorry. I was trying to imply that Jonah probably has a teeny wienie. As in, not a banana-type thing. Forget I even brought it up.
silly person, quoting Mussolini.
As if that is relevant AT ALL to a book about fascism. With Mussolini in the subtitle.
Amazon.com Sales Rank: #11,552 in Books
It’s doing better than I thought.
I wonder if Mr. Bucketpants got Dr. P. Coupland’s permission to use Liberal Fascism as the title of his book.
Because it would be beer-out-the-nose funny if he got sued for plagiarism.
With a book like this, there have to be book signings right?
So, what would be fun, is to get out our best Spanish Civil War outfits, our anarchist militia black and red scarves, and a good CNT/FAI flag. Then we stand behind the table Mr. Goldberg sits at chanting “No pasarán!” And, if anyone asks, we simply say that we are committed anti-Fascists and that we fully support the author. Even better, we could hand out socialist and anarcho-syndicalist literature and break into good leftist songs like the Internationale.
Bonus points if we can get an Abraham Lincoln Brigade veteran to come.
[…] is rather impressive. The Nazi’s supported organic farming! Liberals support organic farming! Ergo, liberals are […]
Brown doesn’t have an education department. So the first sentence I read was bullshit. Impressive.
I think it likely the Jonah Goldberg is having some fun here. He definitely knows how to plant tongue firmly in cheek.
“Liberal Fascism” is kind of silly, but here are some disturbing and perhaps inconvenient FACTS.
1) Woodrow Wilson was an amazingly rabid racist. This is not controversial. Read any careful history of that period. He undid the modest racial progress under Roosevelt republicans. He forced blacks out of even low level government clerical jobs. His policies were opposed in 1920 by conservative candidate Warren Harding who proposed fairer treatment for negroes. Go read a decent history book! Its all there in black and white. (Sorry for the pun.)
2) Franklin Roosevelt’s pride and joy was his 1934 NRA bill, a blantant example of economic fascism as well as economic illiteracy. Please do not rant. Go look at the actual law. Compare it to Benito M’s economic program or Hitler’s from 1933-35. The similarites are striking. Go read it!
I have no general interpretation of this ugly stuff, but the truth is what it is.
[…] DIGG_URL==’string’?DIGG_URL:window.location.href); document.write(“”); } )() This book refutes itself. But, while we're at it: Image courtesy of Sadly, No! as well. […]
Oh come now! Don’t you know that this is a very serious, thoughtful argument that has never been made in such detail or with such care?
1) joam, who gives a flying fuck about Woodrow Wilson? He was a shitty president, do you think you’re gonna hear a lot of argument from this site? Have you ever heard an actual leftist (note: not a figment of Doughbob’s imagination) pine for the days when Wilson was president? Has anyone other than Jonah ever claimed that Wilson was some sort of leftist hero?
2) OMG the NRA that was struck down by the Supreme Court within a year? Damn he got us! Another defeat for the forces of lefto-fascism! 🙁
I admit it – I was a teenage brownshirt in the 60’s, fighting for fascism on the mean streets of Des Moines.
Okay, Chapter One is called “Mussolini: The Father of Fascism” Then Chapter Three is “Woodrow Wilson and the Birth of Liberal Fascism.” Which came first? Fascism or Liberla Fascism? Who is the father (furher) of Liberal Fascism? Who’s the father of what?
Where’s the “islamofascism”? What, he’s leaving that to Michael Cabbage? Honestly, I thought this was a fucking joke until now. Real? No. Can’t be. No one can be this stupid and sell books. Can’t be. OK, I take that back. I’ve seen Coulter’s success and even the spastic epileptic chicken of a cheer-leader. But WTF?
What’s a reputation anyway? Let’s just make up some new shit about Hitler and get someone to print it. Make money the old fashioned way, by selling idiocy to idiots. Works for NR, works for me.
[…] Goldbergs New Book A tantalizing peek at history’s greatest book (H/T Sadly No!) The quintessential liberal fascist isn’t an SS storm trooper; it is a female […]
[…] an early copy of his sleazy tome that “proves” LIBERALS are the fascists was sent to Sadly, No! (bravo! Rev. Bradley S. Rocket, Esq, PhD, MD, if that IS your real name) with the following […]
They already got sent to the corner. This is just the widely published dunce cap.
Jonah Goldberg’s claim to educational fame is that he graduated from something like Gonad’s college, an insubstantial lib arts school for people who couldn’t get into a better one. Like most wingnut blatherers, he has no real education, no particular knowledge, and no experience. That makes him an expert in the wingnut realm.
[…] the weirdos and hippies over at Sadly No obtained an advance copy and they have been leaking excerpts of this fascinating book a sentence or two at a time ever […]
[…] The Sadly-Nosians: The quintessential liberal fascist isn’t an SS storm trooper; it is a female grade-school […]
I was under the assumption the comment section is for intelligent dialog. Instead I see a lot of shallow pointless trash talking. I’ve been on many comment sections but never seen as many pointless entries as here.
Jonah Goldberg, poster child for affirmative action in the name of rich white boys with well connected moms, ought to be a true expert on fascism, but obviously not its origins.
The whole “national socialist” canard has been exploded many times, and I am amazed that any publisher—even Regnery—would pay for this warmed over hash yet again. Hitler’s fascism and alliance with the political right is as obvious as the craters on the moon. Lessee, attacks on trade unions, destruction of freedom of speech, arbitrary seizure and imprisonment, attacks on racial minorities…….hmmmm, remind anybody of a ptluck dinner for “The Progressive”?
[…] second thought, given Jonah Goldberg’s revelations about who the real fascists are, maybe they do actually whisper that sort of thing about elementary […]
I’ve been on many comment sections but never seen as many pointless entries as here.
So joem, what’s your point?
OMG, I looked this freak up on Amazon. You can buy an “I love Jonah Goldberg” t-shirt! F**k me! Here’s the link for your Xmas shopping pleasure:
Aye! This Hitler thing is so annoying. Hitler was pro gun control AFTER he used an ARMED rebellion to take over the government. Sheesh. He just wasn’t an idiot and didn’t want the same happening to him. Also, he was rabidly ANTI-ABORTION for teutonic members of the population, so that is also a non-starter as it simply supported his eugenics program. Hesus on a pogostick, what a misleading moron Goldberg is.
Okay, Chapter One is called “Mussolini: The Father of Fascism” Then Chapter Three is “Woodrow Wilson and the Birth of Liberal Fascism.” Which came first? Fascism or Liberla Fascism? Who is the father (furher) of Liberal Fascism? Who’s the father of what?
You make a good point. Somebody get Maury Povich on the line!
Actually, the book fails in an even more fundamental way.
As soon as I read the phrase, “Everything you know about Fascism is wrong,” my idiot detector went off.
See, if you know something, in a logical or philosophical sense, it is an undeniable fact. Putting aside Cartesian doubt, I know that I am a human male sitting in front of a computer. I can prove this to you beyond reasonable doubt. You can argue all you want, but you won’t be able to convince me that these are not true.
Now, I think that a good scholar of history should be very careful in using the word “know.” We do not “know” things about the past, but we have ideas and theories and allow us to make sense of them.
If he had written, “Everything you thought you knew about Fascism is wrong,” it would have been OK, but the way it is, it comes across to me as a denial of some sort of broad truth that I am supposed to “know” about Fascism. If I “knew” things about Fascism, they would be true by definition, making this book pointless.
Well, OK, it’s pointless anyway, nevermind.
My mother was a grade school teacher with a degree from Swarthmore. That explains why she made us spend our afternoons invading Poland.
Here’s what amuses me the most. Jonah and his ilk ALREADY use the word “liberal” according to their own definition, meaning “freedom hater.” Now he’s taking it a step further and saying, “Liberals are Fascists,” or in his language, “freedom haters are freedom haters.” Brilliant! If that’s how you sell books, sign me up for a 3-book deal:
Women are Arabs; Blacks are Environmentalists; Papists are Communists
Can I collect my paycheck now?
[…] Goldberg's set the blog world abuzz with this bit of jacket-copy text from his eagerly awaited Liberal Fascism:The quintessential liberal fascist isn’t an SS storm […]
[…] party. Why? Because you cannot make up anything for parody purposes than sounds crazier than the things conservatives already say, every single day, in front of the entire world and in perfect […]
If this sort of stupidity is genetic, and it obviously is in this case, how can the wingnuts continue to insist that being gay can be corrected through behavior modification or prayer?
What is their antidote for this sort of aberration?
Joem, do they let you have pointy things? ‘Cause I don’t think you have a point!
Indeed, millions of Jews and other ‘undesirables’ were forced into the concentration camps by female grade-school teachers with education degrees.
(‘female’? Why just the ‘female’ grade-school teachers? Is this another instance of a conservative scared of teh vagina?)
This whole site has no point that I can discern – other than people practicing witless obscenities.
Well I suppose we could filter thru 100’s of comments to find one or 2 good jokes. Kinda like monkeys and typwriters 🙂
This whole site has no point that I can discern
I agree that you can’t discern points.
Good lord! The hazard of namestealing Saul is that you keep linking to Free Republic.
The point of this site is to mock fuckwits like you, joem.
So, do you have any examples of an actual honest-to-god leftist lionizing Wilson? Or did you just assume that we’re slavishly devoted to any jackass with a (D) behind his name?
if you find these comments so distasteful, you’re always free to leave and never come back, joem.
Two interesting issues. First, Reason magazine’s blog jumped on Goldberg back in June, and one poster suggested that the proper subtitle should be:
Liberal Fascism: A Moron’s Take On An Oxymoron
And, if you want to quote the book jacket copy, rather than re-typing it, it’s up at the AMAZON page, as the entire “review”/description for the book.
Bonus: Bertelsmann, owner of Doubleday, was “outed” in 2002 for their highly profitable collaboration with the Nazis, after lying about it for decades. The CEO apologized for the “inaccuracies.”
Maybe Goldman doesn’t know fascism as well as he thinks he does. His mom could probably explain it to him.
Nazis were vegetarian pagans, therefore vegetarian pagans are Nazis.
Also, all squares are rectangles, therefore all rectangles are squares.
[…] months earlier this year before reverting to carnivore status. My brother is retarded. • A tantalizing peek at history’s greatest book • Two inmates escaped from a county jail, hiding the holes they made in the walls by putting […]
“These assertions may sound strange to modern ears, but that is simply because we have forgotten what Fascism is.”
Jonah Goldberg
‘When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a
scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean —
neither more nor less.’
‘The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make
words mean so many different things.’
‘The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to
be master — that’s all.’
He keeps using that word … I don not think it means what he thinks it means.
[…] no doubt shake the very foundations of political thought. The good folks over at Sadly, No! have bravely delved into this weighty tome. If you think you know what a fascist is, Goldberg’s got news […]
Shorter Jonah Lucienneberg:
Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln. Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy. Kennedy was shot while driving in a Lincoln. Therefore Lincoln was a fascist.
[…] 01 The Right Stuff • And Now, Your Daily Liberal Fascism Moment of Zen • A tantalizing peek at history’s greatest book […]
[…] editor at National Review, Goldberg will soon issue forth a book entitled Liberal Fascism. Early peeks show that the dust jacket contains this clever apercu: “The quintessential liberal fascist […]
[…] [via Sadly, No] […]
So, what’s the problem with being fastest? When I take my Greyhound with the one missing leg to the beach she runs circles around all those clunky German Shepherds. So who’s really the fastest here?
What?…ooh…’fascists’. I get it now. Well…she can be a real bitch sometimes. Well, actually all the time.
[…] a book by that name, which one can purchase at Barnes and Nobles, and there are screen shots of the entire book cover here. If an author can seriously argue that Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Hillary […]
MSUlly45 said,
December 18, 2007 at 7:18
Okay, Chapter One is called “Mussolini: The Father of Fascism” Then Chapter Three is “Woodrow Wilson and the Birth of Liberal Fascism.” Which came first? Fascism or Liberla Fascism? Who is the father (furher) of Liberal Fascism? Who’s the father of what?
Nobody knows who the father is! What with all the free love and all.
[…] History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning has been all over the blogosphere recently, but John Holbo at Crooked Timber has the definitive goods. His “‘Heil […]
[…] BRZEZINSKI: Oh my gosh. […]
Let’s see, FDR the fascist bankrolled and supplied most of the troops to fight fascism in Africa and W. Europe–was he confused, or just a sado-masochist? Another chapter: MLK and the Ameircan Black Facsists of the Fascist Civil Rights Blitzkrieg of the Sixties. Loadpants looks like he might be hypertensive.
Love the way liberals argue.
My comment is about the statement that Jonah is the first to say that fascism and communism are leftist ideologies, not rightist..
Good Lord. Eric von Kuhnelt-Leddihn proposed the thesis decades ago.
The farther away one gets from events, they get to be regarded more dispassionately – egad! a dispassionate liberal? – and historians see nuances never seen before. Eric von K-L just got there first.
Why not google him and have a good read? From a first rate-mind. He does not just spout. He provides arguments, analyses and copious references.
The sadlyno liberal snobbery here is suffocating…so I want to make this quick before I puke. Let me help you out. Think of it this way: just as it doesn’t matter whether you travel east or west along the equator, you still reach the same place on the other side of the world, so it is if you follow either of the ideological extremes, both of them, liberalism (i.e., socialism) or fascism, obtain the same horrific consequence: persecution, fear, subjugation, death of free speech, a totalitarian police state, arbitrary justice, and total equality in the form of destitution for everyone, except, of course for the ruling party elite, who are naturally more equal than the others, and hence above any of their own laws. Ergo: Fascism = Liberalism = Fascism = Liberalism … Unfortunately, you leftist are so invested in liberalism that you cannot objectively grasp your hypocrisy each time you condemn your opponents as fascists and smugly laugh. Doubt, me? Just visit the political prisoners in the paradise of Cuba and hear their crimes that put them away for life. See how far you, yourself, can go in walking the streets of Cuba and denouncing the revolution, calling for impeachment of the Castro brothers, or even mildly asking for the freedom to emigrate. Likewise the mind-boggling scale of butchery under Mao, Stalin, Pol-Pot, or Che, is of the same hideous nature and magnitude as that wrought by Hitler or Mussolini. The results are all the same: nihilism. And what is really sickening is that presently, the hidden butchery unleashed within the United States through a liberal ideology of irresponsibility continues unabated. Since the detestable, 1973 Roe v. Wade decision was imposed on America by a cabal liberal (i.e., fascist) activist justices on the Supreme Court, more Americans have been slaughtered in their wombs (estimated above 40,000,000) than have died in battle (662,356) or out of battle (1,022,343) in all U.S. wars combined!
The sadlyno liberal snobbery here is suffocating…
If only.
Who is this BoZo character using the wrong fork for his salad and not appreciating our finest caviar? Ruffian.
bubba and cid, your femmy diction is creepy…wishing you a million fart blossoms, I’m out’a here for good…so don’t reply
I’m out’a here for good…so don’t reply
We lose the best and brightest so quickly here. Is our trolls learning?
[…] all. As Ari will tell you, my slagging of Jonah Goldberg is unparalleled. It isn’t like a Sadly, No! slagging. It is a very serious, thoughtful slagging that has never been made in such detail or […]
if you find these comments so distasteful, you’re always free to leave and never come back, joem.
I am terrified that there are so many liberals in this once great nation and that with Obama as president-elect, you guys are taking over. Actually, Goldberg’s book is right on target, but most of you bloggers do not have Ph.Ds in Political Science with minors in Economics, so I suppose you wouldn’t know that. Liberalism will be the catalyst that destroys our capitalist society, and the economic breakdown and government bailout is just the beginning of the end.
[…] an accurate/precise definition; and b) proof or evidence beyond the wild imaginings and ludicrous fabrications of Jonah […]
evet thanks
evet harika thnaks
[…] right down to the latest update which is rather hilarious as he catches Jonah Goldberg (author of Liberal Fascism) claiming that this is different because they’d never target “left-wing” […]
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[…] be taking a crack at Teh Funny. His book, Liberal Fascism, was a stunning comic masterpiece, though he seemed blessedly oblivious to its humor. But that was just a warm-up to, um, global warming. “Carbon-neutral champagne corks”? […]
W.E.B. DuBois was “inspired by Nazi Germany”? LOL. DuBois noted that even in Nazi Germany, he was treated better by white German academics than white American academics, but he was reportedly ambivalent about the Nazi regime, and he decried the Germans treatment of the Jews as comparable only to the Spanish Inquisition and the African slave trade.
Wow, I can see that this is going to be a bastion of in-depth, fair treatment and loads of research in primary sources!
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Lots of ANGRY people venting here! A visitor who didn’t know better might begin to doubt the postulate that hatred is a peculiarly rightwing phenomenon.
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