An open letter to Debbie Howell
Dear WaPo Ombudsman,
Pst. Take a look at the comments posted for your “Is-Obama-a-Traitorous-Muslamo-Nazi?-Opinions-Differ” piece. Literally every one of them is extremely negative.
Now ask yourselves, WaPo: is this really the sort of attention you want to get for yourselves? Do you really want to be known for publishing beyond-shoddy, smear-filled “journalism” simply because it gets a big reaction out of sane people who want to tell you how stupid you are? I mean, if you’re only looking to get higher web traffic, you could start offering us a free Page 3 Girl pic with every Dave Broder column we read (though preferably without Mr. Broder in the picture). But if you want to be known as a semi-respectable news organization, you may want to issue a statement ripping this story a new one. Just sayin’, it’s your reputation, not mine.
I have been trying to write something funny about this for a few but cannot find teh funny. The liberal media is really, really pissing me off with their shoddy work reporting debunked wingnut rumors straight from the mill as something substantial.
OMG! Total Lack of Journalistic Integrity!!!1!
Its all the rage these days. Have you seen what Time has been up to lately.
Dear WaPo Ombudsman,
Pst. Take a look at the comments posted for your “Is-Obama-a-Traitorous-Muslamo-Nazi?-Opinions-Differ” piece. Literally every one of them is extremely negative.
You might as well Howell at the moon, The Hon. Dr. St. Rev. Bradley S. Rocket, Esq, PhD, MD. Since billionaire heir Donald Graham took over the place, he’s been stocking it with wingnuts and glibtards (glibtard = Maureen Dowd wannabees masquerading as journalists).
It’s still therapeutic to mock the crap out of these craven assholes in the comments, but Donnie signs the checks, and that’s the bottom line for the likes of Ms. Howell.
P.S. Dump Tauscher. And realize that the Washington Post is a tool of the billionaire party.
By ifthethunderdontgetya | Feb 21, 2007 2:02:03 AM | Request Removal
Oh, they don’t care about their commenters. This classic Bloody Bill Kristol item rec’d. 260 pp. of comments, virtually all negative. I suspect he’s still getting work from them.
I do invite everyone to join in on this Wanker Emeritus thread.
My entry:
ifthethunderdontgetya wrote:
“Call them Mr. Rough and Mr. Smooth. Or maybe Mr. Nasty and Mr. Nice.”
How about we call you Snow White and those losers running in Grand Old Pervert party primary the seven dwarves?
11/29/2007 8:02:53 P.M.
Bryan Keelin everybody:
Not just a random poster on some board hidden away in the internetz.
the washington post needs to be physically intimidated into not behaving this way.
i wish timothy mcveigh had gone to 42nd street to blow up a building
that’s how the howler monkey poo flingers do it.
we bitch on their comment page. politely. in return, they elevate the author of the above quotes to the cover of major magazines, and call us a fever swamp.
to answer brad’s question of a post ago: no. fuck them all. these greedy fatcat self-satisfied assholes have to go. in my opinion year zero should be our target.
It’s been a while since Howell has gone off on us irrational, reactionary bloggers who use teh intertoobz. I love her dismissals of all things blog-related.
Its all just a build-up to the election-canceling false-flag terrorist attack.
They are just getting started with the propaganda.
cocks tinfoil hat to the side, smirks slightly insanely.
Has Ms. Howell responded to the wide spread rumors about her wombat fetish?
You know, despite her claims to the contrary, rumors persist that Debbie “Al-” Howell is in fact an Islamomexinazifascist and smelly Frenchman, and seeks to establish the Global Caliphate…
The origin of the word is found in Old Swedish umbuðsmann (accusative) and the word umbuds man, meaning representative. The first preserved use is in Swedish. From 1552, it is also used in the other Scandinavian languages such as the Icelandic “umboðsmaður”, the Norwegian “ombudsmann” and the Danish “ombudsman”.
The modern use of the term began in Sweden, with the Swedish Parliamentary Ombudsman instituted in 1809, to safeguard the rights of citizens by establishing a supervisory agency independent of the executive branch.
A prototype of modern ombudsmen flourished in China during the Qin Dynasty (221 BC), and in Korea during the Joseon Dynasty.[citation needed] The Romans also grappled with the problem, but it was the example of the second Muslim Caliph, Umar (634-644) and the concept of Qadi al-Qadat (developed in the Muslim world), which influenced the Swedish King, Charles XII. In 1713, fresh from self-exile in Turkey, Charles XII created the Office of Supreme Ombudsman, which soon became the Chancellor of Justice. A parallel institution, the Parliamentary Ombudsman, was later established by the Riksdag, and it was this that the Scandinavian countries subsequently molded into its contemporary form.
Its all just a build-up to the election-canceling false-flag terrorist attack.
Assuming there is a kernel of truth inside the hyperbole (there usually is), you know, t4toby, you are going to get ground up in the machine if it happens, so here’s my question.
Are you making ANY plans to survive? To resist?
I personally don’t believe they’ll cancel the election. Oh, they’re going to TRY to steal it, but it will need to be fairly close for that to work, and I’m less than convinced it will be that close. But if they do, I’m ready.
So, without publishing operational details, what’s in your bag of tricks?
So, without publishing operational details, what’s in your bag of tricks?
So far I’ve got quite a bit of booze. Good stuff, too. But yeah, I guess I need to do more planning.
Mikey, all I gots is a key to my parents’ (although I’m down to one, I’m sorry to say) weekend house in the mountains of West Virginia.
That still probably puts me ahead of most of the sheep that the tycoon class intends to sheer.
It’s getting to the point where I would rather read the NY Post than the Washington Post. At least the NY Post doesn’t pretend to be a respectable newspaper.
I don’t think I’ve seen a word anywhere today regarding the biggest problem of all with this article: namely, why is it necessary to “deny” being a Muslim, in the same sense one would “deny” being a wife-beater?
In a perfect world, of course, Obama would simply reply “It’s none of anybody’s fucking business what my religious beliefs are, so fuck off”. That would be a perfect world, mind you.
[…] magazine is still freaking out about Joe Klein’s flagrantly bad journalism, and now the Washington Post is up to their ears in hassle from the unwashed massses about their front-page story that suggests Obama is a Muslim plant, […]
We are so fucked.
I wonder what would happen if Obama said what you suggest, Me, but I think it would immediately turn into a defense of Romney.
I also wonder what Clinton and/or Edwards could do with this story. It would be a weird and newsworthy dynamic for one of them to come out in defense of Obama on this, while they were taking a shot at our so-called “liberal media.”
If I were born again, and I don’t mean in the Jesus-sense, I would come back as Karl Rove with a soul and a conscience. It could be done.
Shalom gentlemen.
The fact is, that Barrack “Osama the magic negro” Obama is a black supremacist and a racist. Just look at the positions his church takes “unity of the black community”, “welfare of black people”. Imagine if their was a Republican candidate who attended a church that said all of the things Obama’s church says only this church says those things about the white race. You liberals would be the first to cry racism and you know it.
Saul thinks he’s Fake Gary.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Obama was part of an al-queda sleeper cell.
What would be really funny would be if the Democrats – or Republicans come to think of it – when faced with the next oh-so-serious questions from the self-important talking heads of the media, trying to goad them into fighting one another, just started laughing. Just called them on their bullshit and said, “Oh, Tim, I know you’re just saying that to get me to say something bad about my esteemed colleague Senator Clinton” or whatever, and just refused to play the stupid game.
Wha? Huh? Oh, sorry i think I felll asleep for aminute, I was having a dream….
You know, the mother of all bitchslaps is going to come due to everyone playing these games if Obama lands in either the White House or the Naval Observatory…
The only reason John that you don’t think Karl Rove has a soul and a concsience is because you don’t agree with him politically and you know it. Liberals such as yourself John always resort to personal attacks against peope you don’t agree with poliltically. Thats why the American people don’t like liberals because you are all a bunch of bigots and smear-merchants.
It’s a lovely dream. It’d also be far and away the smartest thing to do, along with following through on the threat Bush has used so effectively these seven years agone- shut out any right-wing fuck who uses Republican framing against you.
But that’d have all of Versailles in an uproar. Especially if Clinton does it.
I love racists. You don’t even need to shoot them. The wretches self-immolate on contact with intelligence.
Osama came out with another video, I see. He’s getting to be a little…I don’t know…. irrelevant, isn’t he? If he were a pop star, these videos would be like a desparate, attention-getting ploy, kind of like Kevin Federline doing a guest appearance on MTV. I mean – it’s not even a headline on CNN.
g said,
November 30, 2007 at 5:12
What would be really funny would be if the Democrats – or Republicans come to think of it – when faced with the next oh-so-serious questions from the self-important talking heads of the media, trying to goad them into fighting one another, just started laughing.
As in: Tweety, you twisted Jack Welch GE bitch, could you re-emote your reaction to the first AWOL cokehead’s codpiece during the “Mission Accomplished” landing? Don’t forget to describe the humidity of your underwear.
Pumpkinhead, Mary Matalin has described you as Cheney’s buttboy/goto-guy. Any comments, Mr. Buffalo Workingclass d00d/Martha’s Vineyard Jack Welch hire making 9 million/year?
Yeah but WTF is up with that? How the hell is it that 2004 was not a referendum on the fact that Osama bin Laden was still free?
I pretty much lost my faith in the American people on that election day. The majority is obviously just too stupid to comprehend that they elected a man even stupider than they are- and bound and determined to prove it.
And last but certainly LEAST you liberals have that dumbo-eared wimp Dennis “I saw a UFO” Kucinich. I tell you the truth if that pinko commie pacifist sissy becomes President this Country is doomed to destruction. He’s a pacifist he won’t even fight back if the terrorists attack. His “philosophy” of “strength through peace” is all I need to hear to know that this guy is not fit to hold any public office much less the Presidency.
I just listened the other day to a rebroadcast of a This American Life show about the election of Chicago mayor Harold Washington…
Actually, nevermind. No one that competent or real is a candidate this time around. Fuck it. Even I’m considering not voting, and I have voted in every election since I turned 18. Every. Single. One.
How the hell is it that 2004 was not a referendum on the fact that Osama bin Laden was still free?
Cause the fucking bastards turned it into a referendum on whether John Kerry really deserved his purple heart, or whether Teresa Heinz Kerry is a bitch.
Oh, and don’t forget the hard-hitting investigative journalism where they determined that Kerry and Teresa didn’t really enjoy having lunch at Wendy’s with the Edwardses.
Far more important than discussing Bush’s failure to capture the guy that killed 3000 or so of our citizens.
I’d really like to see SOMEONE go on CNN during the next gab-fest about John Edwards’ hair, and say, “Well, Chris, how about you, how much did you pay for that haircut? Campbell, how about you? Your forehead is suspiciously smooth – you using Bo-tox? And Brian, is that bronzer or do you go to the tanning parlor?”
Maybe Stephanie Miller will do it. I’ll email her.
Cause the fucking bastards turned it into a referendum on whether John Kerry really deserved his purple heart, or whether Teresa Heinz Kerry is a bitch.
Oh heavens no – it was all about the homo-nups. The swiftboating was just a bit of insurance.
Nah- call Rachel Maddow. Deadly with a blade, is she.
how about you, how much did you pay for that haircut
Problem is, g, I seem to remember reading about Brian Williams yucking it up with someone or other and then claiming he “probably” never paid more than $20 for a haircut. Don’t expect them to drop the “I’m just a regular guy too” shit for one second.
Oh, and happy belated birthday!
Laughter is an incredibly underrated political tool. So is humiliation.
I guess “serious” politicians can’t use it, but I say that’s just nonsense, 20th Century mindset.
It would be kickass to see any of them, on either side, and Lord knows they both get the chance, just laugh and ask, “What does that have to do with anything? Are you going for ratings or trying to let the American people choose a qualified candidate?”
Dreams indeed.
Then again, Hillary tried it and the Corporate Media immediately declared it a fake cackle.
Still, I don’t think McCain, Huckabee, Edwards, Obama, and even Hillary couldn’t muster an honest laugh at the shit they get for serious questions.
Oh, and Saul, just go to a Rethug site and bask in your own glory and brilliance, you freak show.
I seem to remember reading about Brian Williams yucking it up with someone or other and then claiming he “probably” never paid more than $20 for a haircut…
Well, of course *Brian* doesn’t pay for his anchor-worthy haircuts, or for the services of his personal makeup artists, any more than my little lap dog pays to have his nails clipped! That serious fiscal liability falls upon the owners of the lapdogs in question — and that’s how we should be fighting back against the “reglar-guy” yippers. Williams and Matthews and all the other teebee mediapodpeople are expensively groomed and primped and pampered by their corporate masters, who’ve long since cut off their balls; their continued existence depends on their being adorable and loyal and ever-ready to make a lot of noise when “outsiders” approach the Media Village gates. There’s no shame in being a lapdog, as long as we don’t make the mistake of confusing them with anything capable of more than looking pretty and barking really really loudly on command.
Why won’t anybody pway wif me?
Dude, what the fuck? In what world can you just pass on this sort of odious libel without comment? What’s next, reporting that, despite protestations to the contrary from every sane person on earth, rumors continue to swirl on the internet that Jews use the blood of innocent Christian babies in their dark rituals? Is that the new standard? As long a some jackass on the tubes says something is true you can pass it along unchallenged, no matter how bugfuck insane it might be?
How can these people stand look at themselves in the mirror every morning?
I would pay ten gazillion dollars to see Brian Williams go down to the local barbershop and get clipped and buzzed, and have it filmed for a “news special”.
The expression on his face while some Supercuts washout mangled his prettyboy coiffure would be completely worth
Hugs and kisses to g and snowwy for starving the troll during last night’s unpleasantness! Way to go, guys! Paying no attention to trolls is like throwing water on the Wicked Witch of the West—they’re melllting, they’re melllltting…
And what Ann Laurie said at 6:20. Beautiful. Corporately controlled media is just another underpinning of the plutocracy. Their purpose is to help keep hegemony firmly in place.
Man, the guy who already does everything that CAIR and the Saudi wahhabists say to do is already President. What more do they need? I really do think that Bush will have to betray every single last special interest before all of the wingers finally hate him. He finally hit on one sore point, uncompromising support for Israel, and now Atlas et al are calling him a terrorist and running pics of him (finally) with his close Saudi pals. Anything they’re dreaming up about Obama Bush has already done. “None so blind….” eh?
There are some competent stylists at Supercuts, you know.
Just saying …
I am sorry I missed Saul’s “look at me. I am a patriot wingnut” temper tantrum last night and add kudos to those who ignored him. Wingnuts make it so easy these days with their constant boorishness and redoubtable wankery.
>the mother of all bitchslaps is going to come
accountability? are you fucking kidding me? wake me up when it happens.
I would pay ten gazillion dollars
I would pay eleven gazillion.
I’ve been hearing extensive rumors, for many years now, that reporters are corrupt, lying, weasles, whose every action is dedicated to advancing the cause of fascism everywhere, but particularly here in America. The rumors say that the press is consistently hiding their sources, whenever those sources 1) have a politcal stake in the outcome of the journalists reporting, 2) are advancing the cause of fascism, and 3) are current holders of significant political power. Rumors also suggest that any news or information that might damage public perception of right wing reactionaries is minimized or suppressed, while news enhancing aggressive emotional responses aimed at weak or foreign groups (or both) is systematically promoted. Indeed rumors have been circulating for years that journalist throughout america have promoted stories aimed at destroying the ligitemacy and perceived personal morality of polticians deemed ‘insufficiently right wing’. Even older rumors of journalists suppressing information about US government involvement in acts both illegal, and destructive of the lives large numbers of people (many millions), as well as destabilizing of locally supported governments have persisted for well over 40 years now.
Would the Washington Post do a story on that please?