Whole Lott-a Love from the Right Wingnut House

Saint Rick

ABOVE: Rick Moran delivers a
homily on blogger ethics

Rick Moran is hollerin’ like a stuck pig over suggestions that Trent Lott might have known, in the Levitical sense, a male escort. According to Rick, this story is “categorically false,” apparently because the hooker himself has denied it. Leaving aside the inherent humor in Rick accepting at face value the word of a gay male hooker, Rick is apparently unaware that the hooker in question has also said that no one could even waterboard the name of a client out of him:

Whether I’m seeing celebrities, politicians, athletes, or anyone else, it’s my job to make sure that each person is treated with the same respect and confidentiality. … I don’t pass judgment on them, and I sure as hell wouldn’t “out” any of them.

Of course, notwithstanding that the story is, er, “categorically false,” those evil lefty blogs, according to Moran, continue to accuse Lott of hooker-schtupping. This provides an occasion for Rick to drape a stole around his neck, mount his pulpit, and deliver a homily on blogger ethics:

If you’re going to smear someone’s personal life, at least have the common decency to get your facts right.

Funny hearing that about common decency coming from someone who said this about me:

I realize what a chore it is for some of you to be forced to read. For those unfortunate enough not to possess their fair share of brains, reading makes the eyes and head hurt. And the information gleaned from reading takes up valuable space in a limited vessel – space better used to store things like images of naked women or, in the case of the author of this piece, pictures of naked little boys.

That would be me who Rick says — falsely, of course — is interested in mental images of “naked little boys.”

Rick has now responded to my charge of hypocrisy with the “aw-shucks-I-were-jes-joking” defense:

Jesus Cliff. I make an offhand, deragotory [sic] comment about you taking up space on your hardrive [sic] with pictures of “naked little boys” and all of a sudden I’m seriously accusing you of being a gay pedophile? [Ed. note: Well, you certainly weren’t accusing me of being a heterosexual pediatrician.]

Get a grip. And stop bitching and take your medicine like a man instead of a whiney [sic], spoiled mama’s boy brat.

Um…unless you are, in fact, a gay pedophile in which case I can certainly understand you obsessing about this.

What a goat-blowing chumpstain. And, of course, Rick, you won’t mind my saying that you like to give blow jobs to goats, unless, of course, you really do like to blow them.


Comments: 131


Now, it’s not really fair to accuse Moran of being an oral capraphiliac, who might have photos of Billy Goat as his wallpaper on his “secret” PC in the basement of his house, behind the boiler room, where he also keeps several fleece hanging from a rack, just in case the urge hits him to cross(species)-dress…

Like I said, it might not be fair…


If the conservatives have ANY arguments that would be persuasive to honest, decent, intelligent people, I suggest they start using them NOW, because many people in their base are starting to get a little uneasy at the constant barrage of stupidity issuing from their prophets and visionaries.


Hey, didn’t I read on Instapundit the other day about how Hillary is having lesbian sex with her lesbian aide who is also a Muslim lesbian?

Why, yes, I did.


Rick MOran is a scum bag, but what’s worse is he’s a very stupid, very boring scum bag.


Rick Moran has yet to prove that he does not, in fact, blow Muslim goats. Why the silence?


Considering that last year’s election was dominated by stories of a certain boy-chasing Republican, one wonders why a wingnut would do anything to remind us. (Then again, Moran may well have fallen for Faux News misidentification of Foley as a Democrat.)

I clearly recall us liberals warning the righties about what would happen if they kept vomiting filth about the Clintons. They refused to listen, and are now screaming about how we liberals have joined them in the gutter. Guess what? There’s a big difference between maliciously spreading false rumors and telling the truth. Also, when your ENTIRE POLITICAL MOVEMENT depends on endless self-promotion for good moral values, your lying and cheating become fair game for public discussion. I can’t tell if the wingnuts are being dishonest on that last point, or if they’re really just too goddamned stupid to understand it.


So we get a self-righteous male hooker bemoaning the fact that another male hooker outed a bigot, a charlatan and a liar. Hmm, talk about your male hooker ethics. I guess it’s OK for a man to live his public life demonizing homosexuals but when it’s private gay sex between the same man and a male hooker, well, you can’t say a goddamned word about it. That’s just not OK — that’s immoral.

I wonder if that works with folks who also use illegal drugs, I mean, what self-conscious drug-dealer would even think of outing his clients, most of whom just happen to, in public life, go about passing laws and pontificating about the dangers of illegal drugs.

In fact, I say we pass a law that anything, done anywhere, by anyone, as long as it’s done privately, be protected by some sort of immunity clause, even retroactive immunity (think AT&T). I mean, who the hell needs laws when we can do whatever we want in private, right?

Trent Lott's hairpiece

I did not have sex with that woman, Benjamin Nicholas.


I feel like there’s a lesson to be learned about waterboarding and the resolve of prostitutes vs. terrorists but I’m just not sure what it is.


Is “taking your medicine like a man” some kind of code phrase? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

Principal Blackman

Hey, didn’t I read on Instapundit the other day about how Hillary is having lesbian sex with her lesbian aide who is also a Muslim lesbian?

Holy shit, Vince Foster has been reincarnated as a Muslim lesbian?


On an entirely unfunny note, there’s at least one potential wingnut upside to keeping these scurrilous and lurid (possibly even dastardly) charges at the front of peoples’ minds: as long everyone’s engaged in debating Lott’s orientation and possible sex acts with a male escort, they’re not talking about Lott’s substantive, on-record history of racist public comments and ties to white supremacist groups. Not to mention the fact that his brand of prejudice is such a part of the modern Republican party that he’s occupied a leadership position for decades.

He’s a man with an evil, shriveled little soul, and his replacement literally can’t be worse.


take your medicine

What medicine? Does he consider reading his blog to be some kind of treatment?


If we had just elected the Dixiecrats in 1948, a man could blow goats without being ridiculed by some librul blogger.

Actually, I think the mundane explanation of Dixiecrat Trent’s sudden resignation is entirely plausible. He just wants to be able to lobby in a year rather than in two years. Hence he is a metaphorical rent boy rather than an actual consumer of same.


I just haven’t got the time, nor does my employer want me to, to dredge through the writings of Moran for some lovely examples of him smearing someone’s personal life, but rest assured it’s there.


According to Rick, this story is “categorically false,”

Let’s run down the hierarchy:

1) “I won’t dignify that with a comment”

2) “It’s false”

3) “It’s totally false”

4) “It’s undeniably false”

5) “It’s categorically false”

6) “The people who are saying this about (X) are engaged in speculative and false innuendo”

7) “Under no circumstances is it true”

8) “I can *prove* it’s false”

9) “No contest, your honor.”

(cf Drew Peterson)


Actually, I think it’s awfully nice for Rick to have used the opportunity of deploring all the rumors about Trent Lott to amass a nice compilation of such rumors. It’s ever so much more convenient for people to read them all in one place, rather than having to go seek them out. Bravo, Rick!


I just haven’t got the time, nor does my employer want me to, to dredge through the writings of Moran for some lovely examples of him smearing someone’s personal life, but rest assured it’s there.

Why do I have a feeling you’re not going out on a limb here, g?


It’s my birthday dammit!


Shalom gentlemen.


I’ll bet Shalom is all the Hebrew “Saul” knows.


There is absolutely no proof to suggest that Trent Lott had an homosexual affair. The only reason that this is still a story is because you leftwing wackos just want to slander people you don’t agree with. The Conservative base shall not be fooled you liberals shall be exposed as the deciteful smear-merchants that you are.


Somewhere in this great wide world there’s a photo of Trent Lott and Karl Rove with ball-gags in their mouths being double-donged by Jeff Gannon. Until those pictures appear, we have to take the hooker’s word for it.


By the way the man that Senator Lott supposedly had an affair with denied he even had an affair with him. So I guess you liberals can only take a man’s word if that man is a liberal like Bill “blowjob” Clinton.


Liberals are smear-merchants? I thought they hated capitalism.


Saul said,

November 27, 2007 at 22:25

There is absolutely no proof to suggest that Trent Lott had an homosexual affair. The only reason that this is still a story is because you leftwing wackos just want to slander people you don’t agree with.

We learned from the best.

Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broadrick, Catherine Cornelius, Bobby Ann Williams, Huma Abedin….you guys taught us all we need to know about humping a false story until it bleeds and people believe it.

So don’t get your thong in a knot, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmK, Sally?


Oh, another “joke” that we were too dumb to recognize because it looks an awful lot like not a joke.

Mr. Moran, may I suggest that you’re not very good at making jokes?

I’m serious. You end up looking like you’re backpedaling and snarling away from having said something really, really stupid and hypocritical.


But I do think it’s so cute that you think we care, Sally.


How about that crook Congressman William Jefferson, you commie libs will give him the benefit of the doubt because he is one of you America hating wimps from the treason lobby.

Principal Blackman

Lott’s substantive, on-record history of racist public comments

But all he did was say nice things about an old man! Really! Mark Noonan said so, so you know it’s true!


“The Conservative base shall not be fooled…”

Yeah, they’d never let themselves be swindled (by empty, gay-baiting, “morality” rhetoric) into voting for closet cases, whore-mongers, boy-chasers, bribe-takers, or any other type of miscreants.

If winguts get any more gullible, allowing them to keep their money really will become morally indefensible.


Ya mean the guy we stripped of his committee chairmanship based on the arrest? Before even being convicted?

I’ll see you Jefferson and raise you Larry Craig, who pled GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY and is therefore a CRIMINAL! BWAHAHAHAHAHAH

Sorry…I’ve been reading old Doonsbury strips…


“There is absolutely no proof to suggest that Trent Lott had an homosexual affair. The only reason that this is still a story is because you leftwing wackos just want to slander people you don’t agree with.”

Prove it.


please help me, i can’t stop the image of lott pounding the pork loin as he sings his bass line from Elvira…

oom pop a oom pop a oom pop a mau mau, hi ho silver, AWAY!


Sally, Sally, Sally, please keep pedalling…you’re a shoo-in for the Little Girl X Games.


Happy birthday, g!


Liberals have a history of smearing people they don’t agree with like when they took Rush Limbaugh’s “phony soldiers” comment out of context and twisted it to mean something that he never meant. Rush was referring to one man who was’t even a soldier who actually dropped out of boot camp but who claimed to be a Iraq war Veteran which of course he never was.


Exactly Saul! Messing with people’s personal lives only works if they are an impeachable Democrat, dammit! Why won’t people listen to your words of wisdom?

(For the answer, see the comment I just left on the other gaytrent lott thread)


Stories vary. Links may be found here. Blatant web log pimpin’.


Moran’s got no love for gerunds.

about you [sic] taking up space

in which case I can certainly understand you [sic] obsessing about this.

Get your sic on!


Notice Moran isn’t denying that he said it and that he meant to be malicious when he said it, he’s just saying now that you’re being mean to him because you fight back like his girlfriend boyfriend dog does when he beats it.

Another crybaby Republican apologist. Dishes it out, can’t take it.


Saul said,

November 27, 2007 at 22:44

Liberals have a history of smearing people they don’t agree with like when they took Rush Limbaugh’s “phony soldiers” comment out of context and twisted it to mean something that he never meant.

How was it taken out of context, Sally?

And by the way, Sally, Limbaugh also called Murtha a “phony soldier” so you just lied. Again.


Leave it alone. See what happens.


“Get a grip. And stop bitching and take your medicine like a man instead of a whiney [sic], spoiled mama’s boy brat.”

Considering the bitchy, defensive and insulting (not to mention stupid) comment he left in that thanksgiving thread, I find this very funny.
I think Rick Moran is an exiting find. I hope you can get a lot of material out of him.

Get a spell checker Morans!


Wait, Clif is gay?

Where the hell have I been?


Saul, why do you only ever say shalom to the gentlemen, and not the ladies? Are you only comfortable in the presence of manly men?


“If you’re going to smear someone’s personal life, at least have the common decency to get your facts right.”

The existence of several contradictory words in this sentence leads me to suspect that this might be another attempt at so-called “humor” on the part of Mr. Moran.

Notice how “smear someone’s personal life” and “common decency” are placed so closely together. Also note that “smear” and “facts” are not words that tend to exist comfortably in a single sentence. These may be attempts at sarcastic irony of some sort.

Of course, further investigation is required before I can definitively declare that Rick Moran is a soulless cretin who possesses, at best, a nodding acquaintance with humor in all its guises. Unfortunately, I must leave said investigation in the hands of more capable individuals.



I’ll smoke some of Seattle’s finest when I get home form work today in honor of you (30th?40th?97th?) birthday.

Its the least I can do.

I think Actor is onto something.

Sally. Has a certain ring to it, doesn’t it, Rabbi ? snicker bwa-ha tee hee


Could lead to dancing!


Of course, further investigation is required before I can definitively declare that Rick Moran is a soulless cretin who possesses, at best, a nodding acquaintance with humor in all its guises.

I’m calling bullshit, Rufus.

No further investigation is necessary.


Why are Saul and Rick Moran blowing Trent Lott’s goats, again? Are the goats Kosher? Does Rick Moran bite the testicles or swab them lovingly with his tongue? I’m only asking because it’s irresponsible not to speculate.


Man, you guys have got to stop throwing scraps to Saul.

Saul, I cast you out!

The power of Christ compels you!
The power of Christ compels you!
The power of Christ compels you!


“I’m only asking because it’s irresponsible not to speculate.”

Is Jeff Gannon involved in any way? I mean, if you’re gonna blow goats, best to do it with a fellow who looks like this ….


I mean, then you can plant him in your press conference and he can lob softballs at you, after all, you two spent so much time playing hardball with each other.


Look, I just get paid to be blown by conservative nutcases. It would be unprofessional of me to reveal which conservative nutcases have blown me.


Now, why would Mr. Moran’s thoughts immediately leap to pedophilia? Would it be irresponsible to speculate what sort of person’s first thought is of children when discussing sexual proclivities?


“Now, why would Mr. Moran’s thoughts immediately leap to pedophilia? Would it be irresponsible to speculate what sort of person’s first thought is of children when discussing sexual proclivities?”

Since every other wingnut smear has turned out to be a confession, we may yet learn something icky about Mr. Moran. Let’s hope that no actual children have been harmed.


Moran’s idiocies aside, it physically pains me to say that perhaps an internet rumor and a hasty resignation are not a solid foundation for accusing Lott of Republican Gay Hypocrisy.

Maybe we should leave the baseless smears to the opposition?

Besides, as Trex says up above, the gays don’t want him either.

Arky - Cthulhusexual

Funny hearing that about common decency coming from someone who said this about me:

Actually the way RiM wrote that paragraph, it read as though he was the one looking at pictures of minors. I suppose confession is good for the soul. The perverted little dirt bag.

But I would like to give a nod of acknowledgment to clever Mr. Nicholas:

Whether I’m seeing celebrities, politicians, athletes, or anyone else, it’s my job to make sure that each person is treated with the same respect and confidentiality. … I don’t pass judgment on them, and I sure as hell wouldn’t “out” any of them.

He then went on to say: “Just because I make my customers cum so hard I have to keep a defibrillator by the bed doesn’t mean I’d ever tattle on my many famous and satisfied-beyond-their-wildest-dreams clients. If you don’t believe me you can read completely anonymous testimonials on my website http://www.mindblowingbjs...”

Hee hee. The guy knows an advertising opportunity when he sees one.

Arky - Cthulhusexual

Note: The link above is (so far as I know) fake. Don’t bother clicking on it –

Well, I tried to tell you.


Looks like it’s time for another Male Hooker Ethics Panel.


Hee hee. The guy knows an advertising opportunity when he sees one.

He sure can keep his mouth something or other.


Somehow, I think you messed up a little. It’s a very different sentence that includes the words “Rick”, “accepts”, “gay male hooker” and “face”.

See, Rick knows for a fact that Lott didn’t go to that hooker. He asked point blank (so to speak). I mean, you have to believe pillow talk, don’t you?


Looks like it’s time for another Male Hooker Ethics Panel.

At least they’ve got them. Unlike Republicans.

Another Blown Goat

While I respect Blown Goat’s right not to disclose the identity of his conservative clients, I feel the hypocrisy of their public positions vis-a-vis goat blowing justify “outing” them in some cases.
Personally I’ve only been blown by apolitical members of the media and clergy, but I wouldn’t hesitate to speak out if any of those individuals took a public position against goat blowing.

Wait, is Mickey Kaus conservative?


Another Blown Goat sounds like Dan Savage.

Is that you, Dan?



How can you throw out the Birthday thing without telling us your age?

Am I to speculate? It would be irresponsible not to.

Another Blown Goat

Dan who?

By the way, I checked and wikipedia says Kaus is a “neoliberal”, so I think it’s all good.


She’s somethingty-three, of course! Many happy returns!


Oh, now the gauntlet has been thrown down!

Well….I suppose it doesn’t matter because no one knows my shoe size, waist size, hair color or weight, but……53.

And I’ve still got squirrels in the basement.

Oh, wait. That didn’t sound the way I meant it.


Forget it.

Yeah, neo-liberals are renowned for their goat blowing.
Look it up.

Arky - Cthulhusexual


Happy Birthday to g!

I hope you have a R’yleh great day.



Aren’t you a former Puget sounder? That basement problem is rampant in the Kent area.


And I’ve still got squirrels in the basement.

I had that problem once, but I switched to gerbils.


I heard somewhere that Rick Moran blows goats. Is this true? It must be true because I heard it somewhere.


The fact is, what you liberals call a fact is simply a biased opinion. Every time.


Aren’t you a former Puget sounder? Yep.
That basement problem is rampant in the Kent area.

We had ’em in the CD, too. Or, what the real estate community called “West Madrona.”

I must be the only person in Los Angeles with a Seattle-style leaky basement.


what you liberals call a fact is simply a biased opinion.

Is it even possible to have a non-biased opinion?



Damn, g, I completely forgot.

I knew your birthday was coming up so I had UPS deliver a box of squirrels to your house. You might have been on vacation when they got there.


So, happy birthday!!



The fact is, the fact is.

Think about it. It’ll blow your mind.


Well, you have that to celebrate, g. Quite a feat, considering fires seem more common than rain down there in Smoke Valley.

White Center is still White Center.

Not White, and not Central.


The fact is, what you liberals call a fact is simply a biased opinion.

That’s what you’d like to think.


And don’t even get me started on the Stallion issues in Enumclaw…


The Seattle man’s relatives said yesterday they never suspected he was involved in bestiality. They said they were surprised when they learned he had purchased a Thoroughbred stallion earlier this year.

Understatement of last year.


“make an offhand, deragotory [sic] comment about you taking up space on your hardrive [sic] with pictures of “naked little boys” and all of a sudden I’m seriously accusing you of being a gay pedophile?”

Yes, that is how it works, English Major.


Maybe he’s a gotory blower?


“…perhaps an internet rumor and a hasty resignation are not a solid foundation for accusing Lott of Republican Gay Hypocrisy.”

It would be irresponsible not to speculate.


It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

Also less funny.


why, mikey!

you shouldn’t have!

No, really, you shouldn’t have!

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Happy birthday, g! Can’t speak for the squirrels, but us cats down here will have a drink or two in your honour.


Happy Birthday, g!

As to goat blowing, a friend of an acquaintence of my third cousin says that Mitch McConnell only blows goats raised by good solid Republicans.

To Mitch’s credit, though, if given the choice, he prefers the ol’ human dick. He’s a man of principle.

It would be irresponsible not to speculate that one heck of a lot of GOP and Religious Right biggies like them some dick. Particularly since it has been pretty well established.

I say, blow the human dick AND the goat dick! Just make sure it is consensual, like the goat making some happy sounds. We all know what they are, no?

Freedom is as freedom does.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

This has to be one of the finest paragraphs ever in journalistic history:

“We couldn’t believe what we were seeing,” said Sortland. “In the rare, rare case this happens, it’s the person doing the animal. I think that has led to the astonishment of all of the entities involved.”

I particularly love the care evident in the crafting of the phrase “the astonishment of all the entities involved”. Thanks, t4toby. I’d been having a shitty day, but you’ve brightened it up considerably.


I liked the bit about smaller, weaker animals. It implies the willingness of the larger ones.

Mehitabel the Abyssinian

Can’t speak for the squirrels, but us cats down here will have a drink or two in your honour.
Indeed. Any excuse.
No squirrels in NZ, so we make do with bats and belfries.


at this point male republicans who give other men hand jobs can’t even be counted as gay, so far have they moved the traditional goalposts.


Now I find myself compulsively singing “Squirrels in the Basement” to the tune of “Mirror in the Bathroom”.
I may need Mikey’s assistance in completing the lyrics.


Speaking of goats, Humboldt county is now home to the best goat cheese produced in the world. Really. The world. All of it. The entire planet.

Some French fuckers at a cheese show in Paris said so, and then some American cheese fuckers in San Francisco said the same thing.

After trying their classic “Humboldt Fog” I agree with them. Deeee-lish.

(fo’ realz)


Some French fuckers at a cheese show in Paris said so, and then some American cheese fuckers in San Francisco said the same thing.

I imagine the French fuckers and the cheese fuckers had different criteria.


I imagine the French fuckers and the cheese fuckers had different criteria.

Sadly, not so much as you might think…


Arky - Cthulhusexual

Now I find myself compulsively singing “Squirrels in the Basement” to the tune of “Mirror in the Bathroom”.

Rodents in the Basement would scan better. And now I wish I’d kept my mouth shut because now I’m singing

Rodent in the Basement
please don’t squeak
the door is locked
just you and me.

No, no, no bad!


“Rick has now responded to my charge of hypocrisy with the “aw-shucks-I-were-jes-joking” defense:

You like to rape little boys!

Hey, I’m only kidding. Can’t you take a joke?


Why is it whenever I picture a gay hooker that has sex with Republican lawmakers, I always imagine one of the mulletted American Gladiators in red white and blue spandex, with a catterpillar-lip molestache?

Smiling Mortician

g — I meant to wish you a happy birthday a couple of threads ago. And remember that there are worse things than squirrels in the basement. Yes, we’re living with most of them, but try to ignore that.


I guess it’s OK for a man to live his public life demonizing homosexuals but when it’s private gay sex between the same man and a male hooker, well, you can’t say a goddamned word about it.

Yeah, ‘cuz what’s really sacred to these Repub whited sepulchures is the money — that’s why they prefer to pay professional sexual assistants. It’s not “relief” they’re buying, it’s silence. And their fee-based “love life” then becomes yet another example of the beloved capitalist Invisible Hand: Trent Lott gets paid by the American Talibangelicals to demonize homosexuals in public, and then uses some portion of those Talibangelical funds to pay off his gay hookers. Truly, what could be more market-oriented?


I inadvertently glimpsed Trent’s flaccid member during an impromptu discussion of football whilst sharing adjacent urinals in the Senate lavatory. As such I possess some rather personal information concerning the length, girth and decidedly unusual hue of his manroot – none of which was revealed by this supposedly “gay” hooker.

And although his Red PF Flyers did inadvertently brush against my penny loafers during our brief encounter I certainly did not view this as an overture nor did I notice any, I repeat ANY, engorgement of the aforementioned organ.

I believe this new information should put the matter to rest once and for all.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Hey, am I glad there’s no squirrels down here. Just kangaroos (although the grey kangaroos, as shown in that one, are much smaller than the Big Red kangaroo who has a go at the guy in the cartoon suit here).

Warning: don’t watch the first one if you value your goolies. Or your Jatz crackers.

Then there’s Tasmanian devils in Tasmania, and emus all over the bush (and yes, they do make those noises. And they run like the clappers: my dad was once chased by one). And of course a lot of big spiders, although only the funnel webs are deadly (read the blurb below the clip, it’s very instructive.

But don’t run to the ocean to save you from the beasties, because there you’ll find the tiny but deadly blue-ringed octopus, and of course the great white shark. The start of every summer beach season is marked by some doofus diving off the jetty into a shark.

Pah, I laugh at your puny squirrels.


This thread has lost its mind. I don’t know what on earth is going on.

All I know is, happy birthday g!


The fact is, liberals, that for the most part “The Monkees” never played their own instruments.


I think next the guy is going to apologize for getting shot in the face.


The fact is, liberals, that for the most part “The Monkees” never played their own instruments.


Damn you, Tryer! Damn you to Hell!


God fucking dammit, I’m SORRY!!

Please take the tail and the taps off, Dick.

I ain’t gonna say shit.

God DAMN it, what do you want me to do?

You fucking shot me!

I’m SORRY!!!



(pulls up chair) Hi everybody!!! I hope everyone is having a good evening!! Does anybody have any cookie recipes they’d like to share? Oh shit, hold on, wrong blog. Sorry!


Hey! I look great.

I knew I missed my calling. Just think of all the chicks I’d get if I dressed in that nice purple cassock and thundered my sermons from the pulpit.

Chicks dig that sort of thing…


“goat-blowing chumpstain” about covers it for me.

nicely done.


Not true, not true! Michael Nesmith could actually play though probably just garage band level. He apparently went on to be a producer. Funny how he was the only one who couldn’t be roped into that sad, old “rockers” on-tour phase.

I even recall the HUGE scandal when the little british lead singer turned out to be MARRIED; Tiger Beat was apoplectic over the whole thing. How many pre-teen fantasies of marrying Dave Jones died that day? Sad I tell you. My older sister didn’t leave her bedroom for almost a week.


“American cheese fuckers” OMG…..I started laughing so hard that I started crying….fuck….then I realized that I just spent $20 at Dean et DeLuc for that darned “Humboldt Fog”….I’m an American Cheese Fucker!

Smiling Mortician

the little british lead singer turned out to be MARRIED

The fuck you say.


Does anybody have any cookie recipes they’d like to share?


1 – 6 oz package of butterscotch chips.
1/2 cup peanut butter
Cook until well mixed.
Take off the stove.
In a large bowl put 2 cups chow-mein noodles.
Pour the peanut mixture over the noodles.
Mix well and lastly add
1 cup mini marshmallows.
Drop by spoonfuls on to wax paper.
Keep refrigerated.


Not true, not true! Michael Nesmith could actually play though probably just garage band level. He apparently went on to be a producer.

Peter Tork could play. He was a folkie before The Monkees. And Nesmith’s solo records were pretty good. Erm, well, your call.


Everyone behaved themselves in the Don Surber thread.
Everyone gets cookies from RB.


I’m showing my age here, but I remember when a blown goat was a vintage Pontiac sporting a supercharger. The good old days…


Squirrels in the basement, please don’t squeak!
The door is locked so they can’t get g.
Can she trap on the rooftop above the gables?
Or just watch through the window as they are freaking?

Squirrels in the basement, g was on vacation
Got back Saturday and found her downstairs shakin’.
The UPS box broke open and they all got loose,
Could be much worse, what if they’d been kangaroos?

Squirrels in the basement!
She’s got squirrels in her basement!
She’s got squirrels in her basement!
She’s got squirrels in her basement!

Squirrels in the basement; it makes no sense
Why mikey thought they’d make nice presents.
Sure it seemed a good idea at the time,
But that’s what happens mixing meth with cheap wine!

Squirrels in the basement!


That wasn’t even Michael Nesmith’s real hat.


Somewhere in this great wide world there’s a photo of Trent Lott and Karl Rove with ball-gags in their mouths being double-donged by Jeff Gannon. Until those pictures appear, we have to take the hooker’s word for it.


The hooker’s story is amusing, but not nearly as hilarious as Lott’s official “excuse” that he’s leaving public office for the private sector, to “…give back to the people of New Orleans who have been devastated by Hurricane Katrina….”


Rick Moran — he’s one horny veterinarian.


Wasn’t Nesmith the heir to the Snopake fortune?



No, his mom invented Liquid Paper.


I’m a Mississippian, and I am sorry that I do not speak for most of my fellow MSians when I say that I will do a giddy jig of joy when Lott leaves office, and if he were to get in trouble for smoochin’ d00ds, I would probably just die of happy.

Racist arse.


If I were a gay male prostitute I wouldn’t admit to sleeping with a racist scumbag like Lott either.


[…] wells. I guess Rick should stick to doing what he does best, i.e., leveling baseless accusations of pedophilia against his fellow […]


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