Shorter Michelle Malkin
Posted on November 7th, 2007 by Travis G.
‘Punked: Faking the Hate, Manufacturing the News’
- Leftist journalists use hidden-camera hijinks to expose conservatives as intolerant, racist boobs. However, the real intolerance exists on the left, which no doubt would be exposed in these hypothetical staged scenarios suggested by my readers.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
Here’s one of those reader suggestions:
“I wonder if they would consider sending a professor wearing an ‘I Love W’ button and an American flag pin into the faculty lounge at Harvard or some other liberal ivory tower with a hidden camera.”
At this point, don’t you think everyone in America would realize this was a put-on? I mean, probably?
D. Aristophanes adds: Um, Michelle?
for the first time ever in the polling history, 50% say they “strongly disapprove” of a president.
Come see the intolerance inherent in the system!1!111!
Republicans as racists? Never!!!!!11!
“I wonder if they would consider sending a professor wearing an ‘I Love W’ button and an American flag pin into the faculty lounge at Harvard or some other liberal ivory tower with a hidden camera.”
If that every happened, I am sure the professor would be lynched and then lose their job and the liberals would say that OK, but think lynching blacks is not, this is reverse racist garbage
The DHS incident proveas liberals have no sence of humor and will use a Halloween costume as an excuse to take down a government, they have no morals
Those IslamoFascist terrorsymps at Harvard would probably tase him bro.
A typical liberal ivory tower faculty lounge. Two obviously Marxist professors (Jerry and Dave) are smoking joints and listening to Mao’s Little Red Book on Tape as read in Chinese by Jet Li. The door opens, and another professor (Bob) walks in. Attached to the lapel of his tweed jacket-with-elbow pads are an “I Love W” button and a flag pin. He is also carrying a teddy bear, which he keeps pointed in the general direction of the two other professors throughout the scene.
Jerry: Hey, Bob, how’s it – woah, there, buddy, what’s going on? Is that a hidden camera? How much is Fox News paying you to pull this prank?
“I wonder if they would consider sending a professor wearing an ‘I Love W’ button and an American flag pin into the faculty lounge at Harvard or some other liberal ivory tower with a hidden camera.”
Even funnier about these idiots is their total lack of imagination. Aside from the fact that there probably is no such thing as a “faculty lounge” at Harvard where all the profs hang out (have these idiots ever been on a campus?) What would REALLY happen if a professor wearing an “I Love W” button is that all present would think he was being ironic and would be greatly amused.
destructive philosophy has manifested itself on countless college campuses, where professors and students alike have been caught cooking up fake hate crimes to show how racist our society is.
You mean like this one?
The hippie professor would just think the “W” stands for weed.
Just who has no morals, Ruppert?
Lynching. At Harvard. By faculty. Of another faculty member.
I think you just hit a new low, bro!
I bet you that if a damn conservative went into the Harvard teacher’s lounge wearing an Uncle Sam outfit with a 5′ US flag on a 7′ pole mounted on his back and singing ‘God Bless America’ while juggling Bibles, those damn liberal professors would complain or something.
Hey Gary,
Is this mugshot really you?
And thanks, DJ!
My only acquaintance at Harvard is a gentleman in his 70’s who specializes in nuclear proliferation issues.
However, most of the more argumentative academics I know are more interested in fighting internally among themselves over issues of funding, FTE’s and intellectual turf, rather than focusing on a doofus who would wear a political button in a professional setting.
zomg, there would totally be raised eyebrows all over the place. I mean, you know the way those librul elites raise eyebrows all the time, over just the silliest little things. It’s totally, like, totally like censorship. Those are some powerful eyebrows.
And like, nobody outside of the business school and economics department would share a cab with him at conferences. Totally.
I wonder if they would consider catapulting a Baptist preacher wearing two wetsuits and a spangly black sequined bustier through the window of the Harvard faculty lounge. How long would it take the leftys to discover the dildo up his ass?
Not long I bet.
I wonder if they would consider sending Malkin to a cheerleader camp with her godawful routine. The other cheerleaders would totally laugh at her and make her be at the bottom of the pyramid. Then she’d cry and publish all of their addresses and phone numbers.
Gary, does it hurt to be that stupid? Everything you say is either ridiculous on its face or proven by events to be complete shit (i.e. your Karl Rovian predictions about yesterday’s elections), yet you never seem to acknowledge that you know nothing. Why do you even come here?
I’m number 1! I’m number 1!
In yer face, Nixon!!1111!!!
I’m not entirely sure Harvard HAS a faculty lounge. But maybe if they were to set up the preacher-catapult in Harvard square you could probably fling him into Grendel’s and that might be fun.
Well, there is the Harvard Faculty Club, but the problem would be with wearing any type of BUTTON (Bush, Obama, Ramones, Dead Kennedys) at all. It is teh Rah-Rah that would raise unkempt eyebrows (“I love Hillary”?). Professors at places like Harvard came up with the self-ironizing term “P.C.”, but the drooling wingnuts took it as a serious political creed (because they cannot conceive of any political attitude other than partisan fundamentalism).They are so alienated from institutions of higher education (science? bah! it’s all msm mythology) that they just conjure equivalencies ex nihilo. I like to burn crosses, so the liberal Harvard profs must light up statues of Lenin in the lawns of Cambridge Republicans. Q.E. to the motherfucking D.
Those are some powerful eyebrows.
Indeed. We Ph.D. types tend to have some mighty-right powerful eyebrows: big, bushy and with strong brow-ridges. You don’t even want to go within 50 feet of a full professor’s eyebrows. If s/he were to suddenly raise them, the resulting turbulence could throw you accross the room.
g said,
Even funnier about these idiots is their total lack of imagination. Aside from the fact that there probably is no such thing as a “faculty lounge” at Harvard where all the profs hang out (have these idiots ever been on a campus?)
I figure most redstaters have never gotten past high school and are just assuming…
Ya know — I think I may be as stupid and slow as a wingnut. I just got the significance of MM’s outfit (with the bonnet having the anchor design): she’s an anchor baby!
I know I’m about two years to late to the joke, but if I hadn’t finished my coffee, S,N! would owe my employer a keyboard!
You don’t even want to go within 50 feet of a full professor’s eyebrows.
At the academic institution I am familiar with, the Faculty tenure committee uses calipers to measure the length of a candidate’s eyebrows. Those than don’t make the grade end up as mere Associate professors, or, worse adjunct.
The wingies are all about projection, of course. Because they are frequently induced to violent rage by the sight of an opposition political button or T-shirt, they assume rational people would be, too.
Amazingly, they always manage to make conservatives look racist, intolerant and evil. Funny how that works.
Occam’s razor, lady.
Betcha even the attendence lady, the vice-prinipal, and the custodian at Harvard would spit on that “W” button. Betcha.
Also, dishonest liberals concocted the Stanford Prison Experiment to make prisons look bad.
Betcha even the attendence lady, the vice-prinipal, and the custodian at Harvard would spit on that “W” button.
Hell, Donnie. Look at W’s poll numbers. Even the hard-hats, cops, garbagemen and bus drivers will be spitting on the button.
“Amazingly, they always manage to make conservatives look racist, intolerant and evil. Funny how that works.”
Totally funny. The perception that you are racist, intolerant, and evil has absolutely nothing to do with the policies and positions you knuckle-draggers publicly and loudly bark at the top of your lungs.
Interestingly, far right politicians tend to manage to make themselves look like pole smokers these says, and far right pundits tend to manage to make themselves look like bed-wetting cry babies. Funny how that works.
<wingnut>The professors would probably be too busy being gay with each other to notice.</wingnut>
I wonder if they would consider sending a professor wearing an ‘I Love W’ button and an American flag pin into the faculty lounge at Harvard or some other liberal ivory tower with a hidden camera
They got one thing right. All your best ivory towers have the recessed hidden-camera package, from the time that they’re built. It’s a hell of a lot easier drilling through that ivory _before_ you put up the drywall.
And the notion that the hate that would result from actors’ same-sex PDAs being faked or manufactured is ridiculous. The scenario may be manufactured-any resulting hate or disgust displayed would be very real.
“even the attendence lady, the vice-prinipal, and the custodian at Harvard would spit on that “W” button”
Hell even the salad lady in the cafeteria! Even the bun girl!
I hope the cameras didn’t catch me shooting heroin into my penis ala Nikki Sixx right before I went to teach ENGL 305 How to Burn the Flag.
I’d actually enjoy seeing a documentary about a group of wingnuts who decided to frequent the campus I hang out at. They’d be hard put to find a faculty lounge, but they might eventually end up in the Faculty Center, frequented pretty much exclusively by emeritus microbiology professors and corporate-looking special assistant-types from the Admin building right next door. Not a tweedy, elbow-patched jacket to be found. Then they’d encounter the very nice Iranian man who manages the Center, and the Mexican waitstaff. That would pretty much terrify them, and they’d hie themselves back to the heartland, inadvertently cutting off in traffic the dreadlocked Guggenheim fellow driving his Porche Cayenne into the parking structure.
It’s so clear to me now! The Republican party *has* no racists, closeted homophobes, or even adulterers, and never has! It’s all the overwhelming power of the vast liberal conspiracy that wants to turn the US into an Islamofacist theocracy! They hid Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction in George Soros’ attic, right next to Osama’s guest bed! They want to turn all children gay!!!
…why is my head bleeding?
Oh, and Gary? Usually racism, reverse or otherwise, has something to do with *race*.
Re: Um, Michelle?
This was the first thing that came to mind upon reading Travis’ post. D. Aristophanes’ link sent me looking for what Malkin had to say about that moment of undercover (citizen) journalism:
From (8/25/06).
Think Ali G + Adam Sandler + Stephen Colbert + Mark Steyn. Only better.
I guess Adam Sandler and Mark Steyn pull the curve down to the point where Goldstein’s dipshittery is arguably “better” than whatever that four-headed comedy act would produce. That’s what she’s saying, right?
Gaoldstein is a genius and could punk any of you, he sure makes libleftists look stupid.
And Malkin, to make fun of her like you do is racsist
This post has been removed by Travis G. because it contained offensive suggestions related to a popular recreational game lampooned in the 2007 film Balls of Fury. I accept full responsibility for any charges of censorship, but them’s the breaks sometimes.
ARE there any “I love W” buttons? Do they really exist? Where can I get one to wear to my next Liberal love in?
PS: Your spam filter is very difficult. number-letter-number-letter…my fingers get tired.
So am I reading Gary right? He thinks lynching blacks is ok, and is mad at the libruls for taking his fun away?
“I’d just like to be the first to say that whoever wrote that thing about ping pong balls should be ashamed of themselves. That is not who we are people.
If this blog has any decency that post will be immediatly removed.
You guys are being too hard on the Garybot. Look what a good job he’s doing inserting a minimum of one spelling error per comment as required by contract — even when the comment is exceptionally short or makes use of such simple words that misspelling them requires intense concentration and a supreme effort of will. Garybot is a patriot and a hero.
You could have a spam filter that produces clever words which can be commented on, like Muckraker does. It’s annoying, but the words are easy to write.
dudes: much as I love you, you DO know about aspect ratios and shit, right? that MMpic looks SOOO much better stretched out…holla and I’ll send it…
(plz ignore if for some reason this is a stupid Mac thing where it’s compressed only if seen in Safari.)
I wonder if they would consider catapulting a Baptist preacher wearing two wetsuits and a spangly black sequined bustier through the window of the Harvard faculty lounge. How long would it take the leftys to discover the dildo up his ass?
Donnie: I’d like this embroidered onto a needlepoint pillow for my sofa. Is it available in the mocha brown/sky blue color combo? And do you offer UPS next-day delivery?
““I wonder if they would consider sending a professor wearing an ‘I Love W’ button and an American flag pin into the faculty lounge at Harvard”
You mean like Greg Mankiw at Harvard or John “babynutcrusher” Yoo at Berkeley?
Whatever point that video tried to make, I have no clue. Is that the cock-slapper Goldstein from PW? If so, he’s got the redneck hick character nailed.
Has anyone heard from Gavin since he started his… ummm… experiment?
Marita? Anyone?
Is he still alive?!?!?!?!
How about getting Alan Dershowitz to wear his “I Love W …aterboarding” button to the Harvard faculty lounge.
Marty Peretz could man the hidden camera.
getting Alan Dershowitz to wear his “I Love W …aterboarding”
That’s a great button idea. Make some.
Has anyone heard from Gavin since he started his… ummm… experiment?
He’s now Cheetarded.
Are stereotyping and racism the same thing?
Because the whole ping-pong thing is a tired stereotype, I believebrought over from our wars in Indochina. I think it borders on urban legend. I mean, c’mon, Priscilla, Queen of the Desert?
But Indochina has, like, a lot of races. I used to work with Cambodians that couldn’t stand the Laotians. And I’ve met Thai people that can’t stand Cambodians or Laotians.
So although the ping-pong comment may be in poor taste, it is not racist.
Unless you think all Asian people are the same race. Which would be racist.
I like the screen shot, especially in conjunction with the news blip along the bottom. Priceless.
Now, if I were a knee-jerk automaton, I’d say that Fox News just sullied the reputation of..oh, never mind…
I have actually seen the pingpongpopping shows in Bangkok and let me tell you it is not something you would let your children see, it is degrading and disgusting and more than poor taste. If that post is not immediatley removed by the proprietors of this blog I will be very upset and probably stop reading here. You people should be ashamed of yourselves.
Ping pong ball shows still happen in Thailand, though there are a lot more clever and gymnastically remarkable variations of the original demonstration being performed.
I hate the ping pong shit with Malkin, because it’s in poor taste, but mostly because it demeans female sex workers in poor countries, many of whom don’t have a whole lot of job options. Cracking nasty jokes at the expense of the marginalized? Not funny. By definition.
“the professor would be lynched and then lose their job ”
you know – I think after you’re lynched, job security isn’t that much of an issue seeing as you’re like dead and stuff.
[…] Edit: And after all that, I forgot to actuallylink them. […]
Concerned – it’s up to you whether you continue reading this blog. But just so you know, our comments policy is to let people’s words stand on their own, with no editing or deletion (except with regards to bot-spam, and in very rare cases where direct physical threats are made or personal info of a person is posted).
So although the ping-pong comment may be in poor taste, it is not racist.
I don’t buy it. This makes being ignorant of something somehow more virtuous, and the intent is racist – and sexist – in the first place.
There’s gotta be some simple insult that hits more isms all at once. Ping-pong stuff is pretty distilled nastiness.
Oh fine, everyone censors the jews or whatever.
So pingpongballs and twats are off limiits but playdo and bacon is still okay?
Concerned – it’s up to you whether you continue reading this blog. But just so you know, our comments policy is to let people’s words stand on their own, with no editing or deletion (except with regards to bot-spam, and in very rare cases where direct physical threats are made or personal info of a person is posted).
No worries friend, the offending post has already been removed by the proprieter.
The hippie professor would just think the “W” stands for weed.
And the chemistry profs would think the wearer had a thing about tungsten.
I am disappointed by the Jeff Goldstein video that DA linked. He didn’t slap a single person with his cock. I thought that was what he was supposed to be good at.
Just yesterday I was making fun of Matt Margolis for removing material he didn’t like from his site — which certainly is his right — but what I found most humorous was his vigorous defense of removing material he didn’t like by making the claim he didn’t remove material he didn’t like.
This is the first time I’ve removed something, and I hope I don’t feel the need to do so again, but I don’t believe that Michelle Malkin, for all her glaring personal flaws, should be subjected to bigoted and sexist slurs.
If I didn’t know better, I’d think Gary M. was trying to push the limits of our policies in some attempt to make us look bad.
If I didn’t know better, I’d think Gary M. was trying to push the limits of our policies in some attempt to make us look bad.
How tasteless.
A few days ago someone was making a “joke” about how Malkin’s husband should beat her in a comment on my blog. I flirted with the idea that this person was trying to make me look bad, but quickly realized that I am so obscure that it was ridiculous to think that anyone would wast the effort. I concluded that the person was just a douche.
A reverse concern troll?
I teach at a historically black college with about a 95% black student population. If they want to really see if college campuses are intolerant of right-wing ideas, I’ve got a great experiment for these guys. They could come to my campus with the hidden camera and visit the student union building while dressed in Klan robes. Hell, I’ll even kick in for the airfare!
Go the fuck away Gary Malcinschewitz! You’re stinking up the place.
Isn’t redneck and peacenik two opposing sterotypes? Plus, how liberal is Denver? Shouldn’t they have chosen San Francisco or something?
it is weird how, when various wingers don’t think they are being watched, they still manage to come off as utterly racist sexist and moronic. i have a theory: wingnuts are always acting this way, guessing that a hidden camera is on them from the moment they are born until they take their last breath. so we should lay off all of them–secretly when they sleep or look at porn under their bedcovers they are on our side!1111!!!!
Ha — “Gary M.” has the same IP address as “Concerned.” I should’ve checked that as soon as Concerned threatened not to come back, actually.
Oh wait, I think first he poses as a redneck, then as a peacenik. I’m imagine some type of Clousseu-type “clever disguise” here.
Jeff: Hey, peace man, fight the power, heil Hitler, want to sign this petition?
Moonbat Denverite: Weren’t you dressed as a redneck a few minutes earlier?
Jeff: Ummm, no, that was, um, my evil twin!
I bet the faculty lounge at Harvard has some pretty good donuts.
From Notorious P.A.T.’s story about the white DHS employee who won an award for his jumpsuit, dreds, and blackface:
The photo of Myers with the employee and any others taken by the official photographer showing the costume were discarded, Nantel said.
Aw, now isn’t that a damn shame.
Myers and others who saw him could not tell he was wearing makeup, Nantel said, and they learned he wore makeup when some employees complained later that day.
Uh oh. Hope none of those employees are mistakenly “discarded”. DHS has a way of losing things.
Those are some powerful eyebrows.
Well, they’re no Mark Noonan, but then again, you can’t immediately start taking shots at the champ.
Travis: I think you did the right thing in taking down the ping-pong joke (particularly seeing as how the poster is apparently a concern troll of some sort). I’m all for Sadly’s open comments policy; if wingers want to come say stupid shit, let ’em do it to their heart’s content. But yes, publishing people’s addresses is out of bounds, and at this point, the Malkin/ping-pong “jokes” are just grotesquely stupid.
At the academic institution I am familiar with, the Faculty tenure committee uses calipers to measure the length of a candidate’s eyebrows. Those than don’t make the grade end up as mere Associate professors, or, worse adjunct.
The underground market in fake eyebrows is really ugly around here, let me tell you.
I’m gonna take the position that with all her racist, authoritarian, hateful eliminationist rhetoric, especially coming as it does from the daughter of immigrants, if you have to go to something as stupid as ping pong balls in order to hurl invective at the malkin thing, either you’re not trying or you’re just stupid…
I think that, to the extent that not deleting could be construed as partially condoning, you were in the right here.
It is a good example of the difference between blocking out all dissent and quietly tolerating and encouraging extremism. Someone pointed out yesterday that the conservative blogs that moderate comments (most of them) are only really strict when it comes to liberal POV. You can get away with a lot of racist, violent bullshit if you support the politics of the site. So the moderator says something that is only mildly offensive and opens up a full-blown hate rally that s/he is absolved of having any responsibility for.
Here you have the exact opposite. Someone is making hateful comments that may be confused with the overall tone of the blog. Silencing your opponents is called censorship; carefully chosing the message that will represent you is called integrity.
“‘The hippie professor would just think the “W” stands for weed.’
And the chemistry profs would think the wearer had a thing about tungsten.”
Alright, alright, I guess that the fact that I think the ping-pong thing is funny, race nonwithstanding, makes me a bad person.
I would still think it was funny if a WASP shot ping-pong balls out of his ass.
The whole projectile/orifice thing makes my inner Beavis happy. (Or is that Cornholio?)
But how about that? Writing something stupid, then conern trolling your own stupid comment?
Must not be a blogger, because most of us know all about the whole ‘whois’ thing.
Well, I’m torn. While I agree that Concerned-guy’s sockpuppet post was mind-numbing and the pingpong stuff is “grotesquely stupid,” I’m not in favor of deleting comments based on their stupidity level. Disclosing personal info? Making physical threats? Absolutely, delete ’em. But I really do believe that the appropriate response to ugly, stupid free speech is a healthy dose (or several doses) of reasoned, principled free speech. In other words, censure instead of censor. After all, the rationale for censorship used by the wingers is typically that whatever the lefties say is stupid, ugly, etc.
Also, it would seem that Gary M/Concerned played his little game just to prove that SN would delete someone’s comment in opposition to its own policy . . .
We are debuting a new weekly political comedy show from the brilliant Jeff Goldstein, bane of the unhinged Left.
Oh, I get it. When they do it, it’s comedy (sic). When ABC does it, it’s an outrage.
Ping pong balls? Feh. When I was in the Philippines, the popular sex-worker degradation was the Peso Show. I saw one once, and it was the first (and only) time I ever felt like a nasty, imperialist exploiter. Ah, to be young again.
Certainly someone from the HotAir camp.
We’ll see how it washes out. I expect something like:
See how our undercover agent made those far left scum crumble!
If you contribute to the deliquency of a minor, and it’s yourself, is that still an offense?
If so, I’m in deep doo for stuff that happened a long time ago…
bane of the unhinged Left.
I believe the unhinged left can be found underneath the bed or in your closet when the door is slightly open and that sweater hangs just so.
“Jeff Godlstein, bane of the unhinged Left.” It’s true that we all fear the Cockslap Of Death, but has Captain Klonopin done anything of note since, whenever? I would think that a real, true “bane” would be a little more active on the baneful front. Not that I want him visiting here (makes sign of the Gay Abortion that wards off wingnuts).
has Captain Klonopin done anything of note since, whenever?
More Klonopin.
Hold it right there, Reverend- what the hell were you doing at the ping-pong ball show in the first place? You mean somebody asked you if you wanted to go to one of those and you said something other than “thank you, I’d rather not”? You wound up in the red light district tooootally by accident, right?
Plus, how liberal is Denver? Shouldn’t they have chosen San Francisco or something?
Couldn’t afford the bus ticket(s).
You wound up in the red light district tooootally by accident, right?
Patpong has some nice shopping areas and non-sex bars. However, it’s pretty hard to “accidentally” see a show like that.
catapulting a Baptist preacher wearing two wetsuits and a spangly black sequined bustier through the window of the Harvard faculty lounge.
Despite the vast number of trebuchet-related activities uploaded onto U-Tube, no-one seems to have filmed that particular scenario. Imagine my disappointment.
Let he who is without sin ping the first pong.
Why the cynicism, people? Concerned was quite innocently traveling to a High Tea jointly hosted by the Greater Sinosphere Hardship Posting Croakers’ Club and the Caucasian Ladies’ Temperance Society of Siam, when all of a sudden he found himself on the Baht Bus to Pattaya, swilling Chang beer with a sweaty, overweight Geordie pipe-fitter on holiday while scanning a Bernard Trink column to pinpoint the cheapest bar fine-short time hotel combo off Soi Post Office.
A perfectly reasonable mix-up.
I would still think it was funny if a WASP shot ping-pong balls out of his ass.
Hey, I’d think that was funny. Degraded impoverished young female Asian sex workers? Not so much.
You catch my drift, Mz.
If you contribute to the deliquency of a minor, and it’s yourself, is that still an offense?
Frederick Douglas accused himself of stealing himself, and he seems to have gotten away with it. I think you’re ok.
I didn’t read the comment but it still makes me uncomfortable that it was edited. There have been ping pong related comments in the past which were allowed to stand. Where will we draw the line now? I agree that the type of comment in question is stupid and sexist, but the thing I enjoy about this blog is the attitude of letting the sammiches fall where they may.
I didn’t read the comment but it still makes me uncomfortable that it was edited.
Oh well.
“I wonder if they would consider sending a professor wearing an ‘I Love W’ button and an American flag pin into the faculty lounge at Harvard or some other liberal ivory tower with a hidden camera.”
The irony is that the 20%ers wouldn’t be able to understand what the faculty was saying to the plant.
@ righteous bubba
Point taken, it’s not my blog.
It was a planted comment which was designed to be incredibly insulting. The author than logged on as someone else to fret about it. Who knows? It could have been you.
The comment was vile, so don’t fret that it is gone. Neither raise your concern about censorship, as it was all a wad of calculated fakery.
And yeah, a planted comment on a post about supposed fakery is quite meta. Still, it wasn’t cleverly executed, so it gets zero points.
“There have been ping pong related comments in the past which were allowed to stand. Where will we draw the line now?”
Are you arguing that we should not change the status quo?
I am sure that there have been ping pong remarks in the past that have not been deleted or redacted. You seem to think that if we change our policy on ping pong jokes now, we’re being hypocritical or unfair when we are actually correcting a flaw in our presentation and content.
Let us acknowledge that we have let such comments stand in the past. We cannot change that we have. Let us agree that ping pong jokes are not the best use of our time and wit, and that we shall have no more. Furthermore, let us not attempt to cover up our past sins by deleting such comments as have been allowed to change. In all these ways we can be better than others who lie and obfuscate their prior positions.
Malkin: “Instead of simply interviewing folks in the South or staking out real gay couples, …”
She sees nothing wrong with ABC “staking out real gay couples.” Always with the stalkin’…
@doodle bean
true the plant is definitely reason to remove/edit the comment but that wasn’t the reason given originally.
@boy called sue
I understand things change but I disagree that changing the commenting policies is an improvement. Regular commenters are more than capable at pointing out that ping pong jokes are stupid and generally sexist. I don’t need to be protected from that kind of stupid. Bubba did put me in my place and remind me I don’ts make the rules.
If we do update comment policies can we have sammich exemption put in?
“I bet the faculty lounge at Harvard has some pretty good donuts.”
Well, yes, actually. But we call them beignets.
I am as guilty of the ping-pong related offenses as anyone, but this asshat was stupid enough to plant a really over the top comment, then concern troll from the same IP.
I’m with Travis on this one. That was just a plant so someone could blog about how they ‘caught’ S, N! being racist/sexist.
But this is what my id is saying:
heh heh heh…Ping….heh…Ping Pong…heh heh heh heh…
Finally, a man after our own hearts!
join us, slackor, and some day you, too, may enjoy the luxury of…
Teh Sammich Gallery!!!
There was also one about driving a SUV with a Bush sticker in San Francisco, to see how long before us DFHs key it or break the windows or whatever. Now, I happen to have seen several SUVs with Bush stickers driving in San Francisco entirely unmolested–and while I’m not proud of the fact that there are a few Bush supporters in my town, I do think it shows how stupid that particular scenario was.
Why are the SUVS with the magnetic support our troops ribbons and the Amurrican flags waving from the antennae, always the WORST DRIVERS???????
I’ve been going back and forth on this all day, and I still haven’t decided whether I was right to pull that comment.
Like I said, I didn’t realize Gary Malcinschewitz and Concerned were the same ISP until I removed the comment and then commented on its removal. In addition to its bad taste and apparent intent to make our site look bigoted or sexist, I detected a whiff of implied sexual violence in that comment. That’s what pushed it past the boundaries of good taste and made it something else. The ping-pong joke is crass and works against our valid criticisms of Malkin, but plenty of comments — particularly about the women we lampoon, which always bothers me — cross a similar line and I’ve never considered removing them.
I was annoyed immediately that “Concerned” demanded the comment’s removal, but I edited the comment anyway because I’ve heard from some of our recognizable regulars about comments that imply forced sex. Their concerns were more what I was thinking of, although I probably overreacted in this instance.
Hopefully this won’t be an issue again, and I apologize to you regulars who disagreed with my decision. It wasn’t an easy one or necessarily the best one, but I’ll stand behind it as the one I made and then made a big to-do about.
The sad thing is that there’s a long history of people planting fake comments on progressive sites whenever Our Lady Of The Internment Camps is mentioned, so those who plant them could go running back to Malkin (and perhaps kid themselves that they mattered to “a hot asian chick”) who in turn would then include them in her books in order to defame those sites… Over at Eschaton in particular there was, and for all I know still is, one particularly disturbed individual who could always be guaranteed to lose what little self control he had when a thread about Malkin came up, and he’d go on an insane name-stealing, ethnic slandering, incoherant and blatantly obvious false comment planting all-nighter; but the really amusing thing was that one time, whilst harvesting his latest planted lies not only didn’t Malkin spot (or simply didn’t care) that it was obviously the same pyscopathically obsessed individual who’d been trolling there for years, but she also quoted alonside it, as evidence of supposed Moonbat racisim, faux-wingnuttese satirising the false comments, published under the name “King Leopold”. And obviously having any historical knowledge of, or even the wherewithal to google up who “King Leopold” was was simply beyond Malkin.
You could re-instate it, in blockquote, in a new post about concern trolls and plants, could you not?
Or something. It was pretty untoward, and I’m pretty un-PC.
I think the policy should include exceptions for commenter who are stupid enough to try and pull this crap.
It’s like an out of work school teacher-
No Class.
“Why are the SUVS with the magnetic support our troops ribbons and the Amurrican flags waving from the antennae, always the WORST DRIVERS???????”
Dunno, but this may help:
I’m kinda new here, been reading for quite awhile though.
I like this place because it’s wildly entertaining – the writing is fab, the satire spot-on and the comments are a lot of fun to read.
On my blog, I’ve had people threaten violence against public figures, say some pretty down and dirty stuff which isn’t appropriate. I figure, if I let it stand, I’m technically publishing it. I’m also condoning it.
So, I just delete ’em, never give it a second thought. It’s my place, if they don’t like it, tough. It’s only happened two or three times and it’s no loss to my readers. It also keeps my blog projecting the kind of image I want.
I wouldn’t over-analyze this. A moron deliberately posted a comment so he/she could pretend to react. Who cares? Good riddance.
There’s no law that says you have to let every idiot express their ‘opinion’, especially when it’s not contributing anything to the conversation.
My two lira.
Hilarious Photo Shop image of the hive queen. Complete with hyper-wingnut frenzy affect, complemented with 2 scoops of Fox News Channel Cyanotic Blue Special make-up and lip gloss.
Would Gary Malcinschewitz/Concerned happen to be Alan Manischewitz as well?
Also likely the most recent iterations of tde in that one tiresome thread.
Everyone knows our universities are absolutely ruled by liberals!
I think tde’s style was familiar too but I peg him as just asking. Same strategery, come in say something deliberately provocative and you know the rest.
My name is Myron Wimples III and I work as a topographical image analyst at the Harvey Fierstein Institute for the Advanced Study of Male Packages.
We can take any digital image capture of a clothed man’s package, and by using highly complex topographical algorithms, we are able to measure a man’s penis with a precision down to the nearest 0.0005″.
I captured the Jeff Goldstein video, fed it through my system, and was able to extract several usable topographical images of Mr. Goldstein’s package. According to my calculations, Goldstein’s cock is so small he is incapable of cockslapping his own thigh, let alone another person’s face.
This rational proof using scientific method should inform all SN readers that Mr. Goldstein is much, much less of a bane than previously thought, at least in the cockslapping department. We cannot ascertain as to his “baneness” in other areas, but we assure everyone that Goldstein’s penis isn’t a credible threat to anyone, even himself.
Patpong has some nice shopping areas and non-sex bars. However, it’s pretty hard to “accidentally” see a show like that.
Flappy, I’m calling bullshit on that, there is no ‘nice shopping areas’ anywhere near Patpong (unless you mistook it for the Nana Plaza area). there is only one reason to be in Patpong, and its not for temples or shopping.
As for the ping pong shows, they are pretty rare now, as the authorities have banned such shows in recent years. There are still ping pong balls in strip clubs, but its a more innocent; ‘buy a basket of balls, and throw them on the dance floor’ kind of thing. the girls get 20 baht for every ball they pick up. A little degrading, but nothing like it was before.
The hippie professor would just think the “W” stands for weed.
And the chemistry profs would think the wearer had a thing about tungsten.
And the maths dudes would think it was a joke, since at least half the maths faculty is, at any given moment, wearing t-shirts with obscure maths jokes on them. Quite sweet, really. You wander into the tea room (being a lowly Downunder uni, there ain’t no sich animal as a faculty lounge: you get a tea room and you like it), sit down on the hard plastic chair at the chipped formica table (after having scalded your hand drawing water from the spitting boiled-water-dispensary-device), and, while dunking your tea bag, survey the assembled gallery of Chaos theory art (very swirly and very popular), Liebnitz quotations with comical illustrations, and puns about simulated annealing.
It’s a laugh a minute, really. It’s a wonder I could drag myself away sometimes.
Don’t dwell on it, Travis. It’s not censorship, it’s just clearing out spam.
Although I am personally opposed to our hosts wasting their time expunging agents-provocateurs — particularly if it creates the precedent that they have to dispose of each and every trollish comment — I’m all in favour of it when the pseudonym being name-spoofed is my own.
/ Dershowitz
I’ve been going back and forth on this all day, and I still haven’t decided whether I was right to pull that comment.
YES, you were right! Ignore the inept concern trolling—that’s just a distraction.
I realize SN! is an alcoholic-syndicalist collective with complex and fluid standards for both posts and comments. However, Caveat‘s policy seems sensible to me.
It’s a laugh a minute, really. It’s a wonder I could drag myself away sometimes.
You might like hanging out with Linguistics professors. They’re a hoot.
I wonder if they would consider catapulting a Baptist preacher wearing two wetsuits and a spangly black sequined bustier through the window of the Harvard faculty lounge concept created by Donnie.
Must that tagline now appear on any post lampooning a similar scandal?
Picture perfect, if not beyond.
Gee Sam, I really like hanging out with Linguistics Professors. I’ll even take grad students. Yes, I’m just that geeky.
I’ll even take grad students. Yes, I’m just that geeky.
I hear you – my wife is a Linguistics grad.
travis, it’s been said, but dude! your blog, your rules. i have great respect for the measured and thoughtful way in which you sadlies do things (look at how carefully gavin became a wingnut!) but sometimes garbage is garbage.
thank you, and please keep it up.
Travis G. said,
November 7, 2007 at 20:27
Ha — “Gary M.” has the same IP address as “Concerned.” I should’ve checked that as soon as Concerned threatened not to come back, actually.
Dude. Not only that i didn’t even change the freakin email addy. Personally i find “plooking pingpongballs from your snatch” really funny, just the words, and the act is even funnier. But i understand that youall are afraid of Malkin calling you racist or something, thats why i immediatlyy tried to take it back.
Sorry about that.
Doodle Bean said,
November 7, 2007 at 23:57
It was a planted comment which was designed to be incredibly insulting. The author than logged on as someone else to fret about it. Who knows? It could have been you.
The comment was vile,
We are probably going to disagree on this point, cuz i thought it was damn funny. Unfortunately it gone, censored.
Kevin Bacon Holding A Short Roll Of Playdoh said,
The sad thing is that there’s a long history of people planting fake comments on progressive sites whenever Our Lady Of The Internment Camps is mentioned, so those who plant them could go running back to Malkin (and perhaps kid themselves that they mattered to “a hot asian chick”) who in turn would then include them in her books in order to defame those sites… Over at Eschaton in particular there was, and for all I know still is, one particularly disturbed individual who could always be guaranteed to lose what little self control he had when a thread about Malkin came up, and he’d go on an insane name-stealing, ethnic slandering, incoherant and blatantly obvious false comment planting all-nighter; but the really amusing thing was that one time, whilst harvesting his latest planted lies not only didn’t Malkin spot (or simply didn’t care) that it was obviously the same pyscopathically obsessed individual who’d been trolling there for years, but she also quoted alonside it, as evidence of supposed Moonbat racisim, faux-wingnuttese satirising the false comments, published under the name “King Leopold”. And obviously having any historical knowledge of, or even the wherewithal to google up who “King Leopold” was was simply beyond Malkin.
If we can no longer make pingpongball plooking jokes the terrorists have won, eh? Pussy.
t4toby said,
November 7, 2007 at 21:37
Alright, alright, I guess that the fact that I think the ping-pong thing is funny, race nonwithstanding, makes me a bad person.
I would still think it was funny if a WASP shot ping-pong balls out of his ass.
The whole projectile/orifice thing makes my inner Beavis happy. (Or is that Cornholio?)
But how about that? Writing something stupid, then conern trolling your own stupid comment?
Must not be a blogger, because most of us know all about the whole ‘whois’ thing.
sigh. Newbie.
You know, being “afraid of Malkin calling [us] racist” has exactly doodly and squat put together with why a lot of people here find ping-pong ball jokes beyond the pale. Malkin’s an ass, and I doubt many people around these parts care what she thinks.
It has a lot to do with the history of colonial interactions in southeast Asia (particularly OUR colonial interactions, in this case), their specific impact on women, and our general rejection of anything that comes from a policy of hunting people for sport and using water torture on them. It’s the history of the thing, which any one of us here, or any one of a half-million or so websites would be happy to fill you in on.
If you want to laugh at the imperial degradation of the little yellow monkey people, you go right ahead. Just don’t be surprised when other people don’t see the humor.
Travis G. said,
November 8, 2007 at 1:13
I’ve been going back and forth on this all day, and I still haven’t decided whether I was right to pull that comment.
Like I said, I didn’t realize Gary Malcinschewitz and Concerned were the same ISP until I removed the comment and then commented on its removal.
What the
hell kinda wordpress you runnin’ here?I only changed the name, not the fake email addy.
In addition to its bad taste and apparent intent to make our site look bigoted or sexist, I detected a whiff of implied sexual violence in that comment.
Okay, now i am offended. Put the post back up next to the original Malkin post. Its just ugly dumbass humour, stop being all paranoid. Goddam you pussies are afraid of Malkin, we can’t make pingpongball popping jokes about her? Fuck you, thats why the americans are at war and the laughingstock of the world.
That’s what pushed it past the boundaries of good taste and made it something else. The ping-pong joke is crass and works against our valid criticisms of Malkin, but plenty of comments — particularly about the women we lampoon, which always bothers me — cross a similar line and I’ve never considered removing them.
Crybaby. Stop coddling women, they ain’t gonna fuck you no matter how sensative you pretend to be.
I was annoyed immediately that “Concerned” demanded the comment’s removal, but I edited the comment anyway because I’ve heard from some of our recognizable regulars about comments that imply forced sex. Their concerns were more what I was thinking of, although I probably overreacted in this instance.
Again with the “imply forced sex” thing. Put the fucking post back up.
Hopefully this won’t be an issue again, and I apologize to you regulars who disagreed with my decision. It wasn’t an easy one or necessarily the best one, but I’ll stand behind it as the one I made and then made a big to-do about.
Yeah yeah, you are all about protecting the sex slaves in Thailand.
I would put Gary Malcinschewitz/Concerned’s action in the same category as Shoelimpy’s more malicious interventions and the recent round of name-stealing. I don’t think the site needs to be patient with this kind of malevolent mischief.
Fuck you, thats why the americans are at war and the laughingstock of the world.
I’m sorry? Are you fighting for the right to pop ping pong balls at each other?
And “the laughingstock of the world”? The reality is that the rest of the world considers the US to be more a socially retarded, religious extremist, greedy bully than a laughingstock.
But go ahead and tell yourself that you’re big and tough. It seems you need it.
Crybaby. Stop coddling women, they ain’t gonna fuck you no matter how sensative you pretend to be.
You know because you’ve tried it?
Put the fucking post back up.
This from the troll who posted it, then assumed a different name and demanded that it be removed? And in no uncertain terms, pearls a-clutched.
Shorter Garry malkin:
Puff, Puff, Puff, Squeal………..
Gary, there were several hours yesterday when you could have made me look like the dick here, but I think that ship done sailed.
I know that I am the douchiest douche in Doucheland, but perhaps we should stop falling for the antics of minor trolls and focus on trashing the major trolls whom S,N! decimates for our delection.
For example, the original post was about the Malkin(s), who is/are incredibly influential. And crazy. And stupid. But still, more influential than more reasoned and reasonable commentators.
Let’s snark on those big baddies and ignore the trolls in comments!
Crybaby. Stop coddling women, they ain’t gonna fuck you no matter how sensative you pretend to be.
Wow. We’ve finally found an heir to the throne of Barry White.
Here’s a simple test:
If you had nothing but time on your hands, and moderated comments, would you have posted it?
No, I didn’t think so…
If people want to spout bigoted, sexist, racist comments, let them get their own blogs and take responsibility for them, both moral and legal.
End of story.
“Put the fucking post back up.”
Or what, you’ll continue to prove how much of an asshat and fucktard you really are?
You funny…
The Malkin ping-pong ball jokes as bad as the “me love you long time” jokes that began after Platoon. More than a few Asian women I’ve known have suffered them for years. They’re sexist, racist and just not funny in the first place.
You were more than right to remove the comments regarding Michelle. She offers many valid reasons to laugh at her. No need for lame high school-level comic stylings here at teh No!
Jillian said,
You know, being “afraid of Malkin calling [us] racist” has exactly doodly and squat put together with why a lot of people here find ping-pong ball jokes beyond the pale. Malkin’s an ass, and I doubt many people around these parts care what she thinks.
It has a lot to do with the history of colonial interactions in southeast Asia (particularly OUR colonial interactions, in this case), their specific impact on women, and our general rejection of anything that comes from a policy of hunting people for sport and using water torture on them. It’s the history of the thing, which any one of us here, or any one of a half-million or so websites would be happy to fill you in on.
If you want to laugh at the imperial degradation of the little yellow monkey people, you go right ahead. Just don’t be surprised when other people don’t see the humor.
So it is all about helping the “little people”?
Have you ever traveled outside your own country? Ever helped a “little yellow monkey” person?
I’m assuming that you are an american “progressive”.
Eight years ago you could travel east asia and tell people you were american without mentioning that “I didn’t vote for the motherfucker, in fact I tried to convince everyone I knew not to vote for that cock. Four years later I tried to convince people I didn’t know not to vote for him. I’m sorry the democrats nominated a stick figure who makes Al Gore 2000 look animated, I didn’t vote for him either.”
Then maybe we can get back to discussing muscle cars or rock music or some city that someone has visited like the old days.
If you want to apologize for every goddamn thing and keep reelecting warmongering monsters and pussies who are afraid of speaking out, knock yourself out. The rest of the world would rather you shut the hell up about how self-righteouslly wonderfully smart and correct you are while you are doing it tho.
Qetesh the Abyssinian said,
November 8, 2007 at 14:30
And “the laughingstock of the world”? The reality is that the rest of the world considers the US to be more a socially retarded, religious extremist, greedy bully than a laughingstock.
Agreed, sometimes i type stupid faster than i think. Laughingstock was indeed the wrong word for the rest of the world’s current opinion of the US. Laughingstock is better used to describe the “opposition” party.
But go ahead and tell yourself that you’re big and tough. It seems you need it.
You people really suck at the flaming thing.
Travis G. said,
November 8, 2007 at 15:55
Gary, there were several hours yesterday when you could have made me look like the dick here, but I think that ship done sailed.
Seriously, stop being all paranoid. I ain’t a plant from lgf trying to make you look bad.
Here look, take a test-
1.(a) George Bush allowed the attacks on the Twin Towers so he could declare war for Fun and Profit. (b)George Bush is simply an idiot.
2.(a)”Gary Malkin” is a plant from the sinister right, posting about pingpongballs in the hopes that you will delete his post or some shit. (b)”Gary Malkin” is just some idiot who comes home from work, drinks a bunch of beers and rewrites a Malkin post with pingpongballpopping and then immediatly sees the comedy gold in “concern trolling”.
The fact that you had just made a big point about not deleting comments was just iceing on the cupcake, icing I didn’t even realize at the time, thats how good a troll I am, I do it drunk without even noticing
D. Aristophanes said,
November 8, 2007 at 16:46
Crybaby. Stop coddling women, they ain’t gonna fuck you no matter how sensative you pretend to be.
Wow. We’ve finally found an heir to the throne of Barry White.
heh. That’s why i read this blog.