Common Good, Uncommon Outrage

Hey kids, remember when Hillary Clinton (Satan’s Party, France) said this:

Many of you are well enough off that … the tax cuts may have helped you,” Sen. Clinton said. “We’re saying that for America to get back on track, we’re probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.

Well, did the right side of the blogosphere ever go nuts over that one! World O’Crap‘s little sister, Jan Ireland, was especially angry:

Ronald Reagan defeated communism, but we are still being leeched by creeping socialism. The 45 communist goals read into the Congressional Record in 1963 linger, and they were supposed to be for the “common good” also.

The phrase itself a few decades ago was anathema.

So let’s hope Miss Ireland doesn’t spend too much time on the White House web site:

  • I ask you to seek a common good beyond your comfort. –President Bush, January 2001.
  • Read the August 2001 report on the Centers’ initial findings on barriers impeding religious and grassroots organizations that seek the common good from collaborating with the federal government. –White House Office of Faith-Based Initiative, October 2003.
  • We welcome Poland’s pending entry into the European Union, and affirm that NATO and the EU must work together for the common good of their members and the world. –President Bush, January 2004.
  • We have always believed in an ethic of citizenship that includes helping those in need and promoting the common good. We know this makes America stronger and the world better. –Executive Summary, USA Freedom Corps, January 2002.
  • Our democratic government is one way to promote social justice and the common good, which is why the Southern Baptist Convention has become a powerful voice for some of the great issues of our time. –President Bush, Remarks by the President Via Satellite to the Southern Baptist Convention 2002 Annual Meeting.
  • It should also serve as a challenge to each of us to devote more energy to seeking a common good beyond our comfort. –President Bush, April 2001.
  • I hope Americans will continue to pray that everyone in my administration finds wisdom, and always remembers the common good. –President Bush, February 2001.
  • That future depends on the values of self-government, our sense of duty, loyalty, self-confidence and regard for the common good. –President Bush, Remarks At INS Naturalization Ceremony, July 2001.
  • So I’m very upbeat and very — as I head over to honor what happened 60 years ago, I think we’re now seeing unity to work toward common good today. –President Bush, July 2004.
  • Would I have ever — or any American President ever been sitting down with a Prime Minister talking about how to deal with the current threat, for the common good? During the course of the conversation, I also realized that 50 years from now, when we get it right in Iraq, some American President will be sitting down with the leader of Iraq, talking about the common good[.] –Remarks by the President to the National Governors Association, February 2004.
  • We urge all nations to join together in common purpose, to put aside temporary disagreements, and to recognize our responsibility to work for the common good in the world. –US/UK Joint Statement on Multilateralism, November 2003.
  • These ads are important to America. And I urge television networks and major affiliates and radio stations and newspapers to run them. By broadcasting these PSAs, they promote the common good for our nation. –President Celebrates USA Freedom Corps Six-Month Anniversary, July 2002.
  • I appreciate their hard work. I appreciate their willingness to focus on the common good. –President Addresses National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast, May 2002.
  • You see, it’s the common good, it’s the gathering momentum of millions of acts of kindness and decency that define the true character of the face of America. –Remarks by the President at Ted Stevens for Senate Reception, May 2002.
  • In my inaugural address, I asked Americans to seek a common good beyond their comfort; to serve their nation, beginning with their neighbor. Today I urge Americans to consider what contributions we all can make — and there’s plenty work for us all. –Remarks by the President In Independence Day Celebration, July 2001.

    [Emphasis repeatedly added.]

  • Comments: 14


    Damn, that was a beating.



    Fucking hypocritical right, shut the fuck up!

    — Feeling particularly eloquent on Bastille Day in Saddam-loving Freedom!


    So I take it by this that you don’t understand the difference between “We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.” and “promoting”, “seeking” or “focusing” on the “common good?”


    So I take it by this that you don’t understand the difference between “We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.” and “promoting”, “seeking” or “focusing” on the “common good?”

    And we take it that the government “promoting,” “seeking,” or “focusing” on the common good using tax dollars is somehow different than putting 2 and 2 together as Sen. Clinton did? We suspect the only solution to deal with Bush’s budget legacy will be the same that was used to deal with Reagan’s, and it will involve increasing taxes. Call it whatever you want, the end result will be the same. (btw, we loved your work in Charlie’s Angels 2: Full Throttle.)


    It seems to me that the only people who would be able in good faith to condemn Hillary Clinton’s remarks would be those who held one of the following theories of government:

    1) Government should not exist;

    2) Government should exist, but should not attempt to do anything for the common good; it should concentrate instead on performing favors for specific groups or individuals (e.g., myself);

    3) Government should exist, and should attempt to do things for the common good, but should do these things without the use of tax money (e.g., national defense should be paid for through a national lottery or pledge drive).

    If you don’t believe any of these propositions, what specifically do you find objectionable about the idea that tax money should be used for the common good?


    Actually now that I think of it, there’s one more position which one could hold to and still consistently attack Hillary’s remarks:

    4) government should collect and use tax dollars, but should only use them for projects which are contrary to the public good.

    This is, of course, the way they run the government on the Bizarro World.


    That frigging pinko. That’s it, I’m voting for Kerry.


    Why does W embrace the Communistic ideal? He constantly used the verboten phrase “common good,” AND sees to it that government efforts for the lowest classes are underfunded and inept. He also builds up and uses armies to change foreign governments, installing puppet regimes, and excludes critics from public gatherings, thereby stifling dissent. Add to that his efforts to create a one-party state, and voila! Josep Drugashvili lives again!



    This made me truly laugh aloud. Great stuff.


    Come on guys, you are being a little toohard on our rightwing cousins. It’s not that they don’t believe in sacrificing for the common good. It’s just that they insist on their right to contribute to it voluntarily through making private donations.

    The only thing that baffles this lefty are: exactlty how much have they contributed voluntarily so far? Le’ts take the Iraq War for example, since they are in favour of it but don’t want to pay for it through taxes? So exactly what have they contributed?

    Inquiring minds want to know!


    The Constitution, in its Preamble, states that one of the reasons for the Convention adopting the Constitution is to “promote the general Welfare.” Which, as far as I can tell, is different only semantically from promoting the common good.

    Why do those conservatives hate our Constitution so?


    Why am I paying any income and excise taxes under a Bush administration if the Bush brand of “common good” doesn’t involve the Hillary type of taking?


    So if people for the common good are socialists then are the wingnuts who rail against the common good anti-social?


    Of course since this is George Bush talking, we can rest assured that “Common Good” = “Wealthy Better”.

    And when speaking of programs, remember, this is *Bush* speaking, and if it sounds good, he won’t even consider doing anything to make it real.



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