Shorter Pam Atlas

Nazis? By Their Fruits We Shall Know them…….And so we know them

Above: False Soros-Nazi allegations are like so totally five minutes ago

  • Take yuh so-called “Godwin’s Law” an’ stick it up an Arab’s frickin’ bunghole.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.


Comments: 50


Heir to the Stern Gang!

Johnny Coelacanth

I do hate to post off topic so early in a thread, but this looks kinda juicy, via BoingBoing:

Bush fundraiser linked to crashed drug plane

Remember the strange circumstances surrounding the Gulfstream II jet filled with 3.7 tons of cocaine that crashed in the Yucatan last month? There’s more.
According to Mad Cow Morning News, the plane was once owned by ultra-rich Bush supporter Stephen Adams. (In July, the Federal Election Commission filed suit against Adams on charges that he “failed to report and include proper disclaimers on $1,000,000 in billboard ads during the 2004 Presidential race.”)

Not only that, but Mad Cow alleges that Adam’s business partner owned the other American drug plane that was found in Mexico with 5.5 tons of cocaine in 2006.

200710291335 Recently-released FAA records from the Gulfstream II business jet that went down in Mexico a month ago with four tons of cocaine reveal that before it was “parked” in the name of a New York real estate developer with ties to the Russian Mob, the plane was owned by a secretive Midwestern media baron and Republican fund-raiser, who had a business partner who, incredibly, owned the other American drug plane, the DC9, recently busted in Mexico.

Adams was in business with Miami attorney Michael Farkas, who founded SkyWay Aircraft, which owned the DC9 busted in Mexico 18 months ago with 5.5 tons of cocaine aboard.

Moreover at the same time the Bush Ranger extraordinaire Stephen Adams owned the Gulfstream (N987SA) in 1999 and 2000, he was personally buying over $1 million of billboard ads for George W. Bush for his 2000 Presidential election bid.

Lots of juicier details here:

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Pammy.


Here’s my favorite part of Teh Crazy:

Adolf Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, Ahmadinejad are quite clear in their Jew hatred as are all Nazis. No ruse is necessary – just join the leftist Islamic alliance.

Leftist Islamic Alliance? Buh whuh? Bin Laden, a leftist?

Johnny Coelacanth

“Bin Laden, a leftist?”

Absolutely. Sharia law and gay rights; burquas and social justice; jihad and economic redistribution; all are intertwined in the Koran. No getting around that.

Tender Mercenaries

… to group anyone deviating from the group think to group them together …

I group that group statement, groupily group thesaurus.


Leftist Islamic Alliance? Buh whuh?

They all laughed at Dinesh D’Souza, but now he’s a prophet! Pam Atlas has come up with Teh Proof that libruls are really in league with the Muslim Hordes. And by proof, I mean “two times the percentage of alcohol by volume”.


Here’s the part that stood out for me…

Moreover Islam struggles to establish a universal caliphate, a totalitarian system totally opposed to our democratic system and freedoms based on the equality of human rights, the independence of the judiciary and politics and so on.

It’s like she had a piece of vomit bubble up writing those words. Had to cut it short with, “and so on…”


Okay, I tried to make my comment shorter, and in doing so took out all the coheren… cy… ness. My only excuse is that trying to follow her through a rant is like thinking my way through a Klein bottle.

D’Souza argued that the liberals made the Islamofascists attack us; Pam’s just taking it a step further, and arguing that real fascists aren’t so bad, because clearly crushing the American left under her jackbooted heel is the only way to keep the Fatherland safe.

See? Makes perfect sense now!


Sure, Bin Laden’s a leftist nazi, in much the same way Hitler is an integral part of the leftist islamic alliance.


I think my favourite bit of crazy pammy is teh following:

A requirement for integration should be the rejection by Muslim immigrants of all those Koranic verses hostile to Jews and Christians, and of the culture of hate they promote.

Such precautions do not apply to Hindus or Buddhists or Bahais, because their religion is different. Moreover Islam struggles to establish a universal caliphate, a totalitarian system totally opposed to our democratic system and freedoms based on the equality of human rights, the independence of the judiciary and politics and so on. [emphasis original]

So wait, Islam in its entirety is teh greatest unstoppable caliphate forming totalitarian making anti-hunam rights anti-western threat to mankind which is completely different and incomparable to other religions? Yet it can be stopped by making Islamofascist immigrants renounce certain verses of the Koran that Pammy doesn’t like?

But I shudder: What if they lie in their renunciation? Has Pammy thought of that?

Tender Mercenaries

But I shudder: What if they lie in their renunciation? Has Pammy thought of that?

Very good point. Along those same lines, what if they renounce on Sharia-approved Opposite Days?


Mazel tov, Pemmeleh.

This is the first site I’ve seen that has the look, feel, and content of those krazee nutbar single-spaced one-paragraph-covers-the-whole-page typed loony manifestos masking-taped to light poles in Greenwich Village. With their TYPOGRAPHY and EVERYthing!!!!!


Wow Johnny @ second comment, they must have been real speed readers to pick that evidence out of over 200 billion recently-released FAA records. Good job!


Pammy and Malkin: proud graduates of the Fooliard School!


Please, someone explain to her that she needs to stop rolling her eyes on video. She looks far too much like an extra from Resident Evil.


Sweet Mother of Jimminy Cricket on a rice cracker! What the fuck is that thing and why is it demonstrating how it gives a bj and catches the overflow on a computer print out?

Gack! I’d rather look at the Speedo dude.


Real shorter Pam: “If they were Nazis, I’d know it, and since I don’t think they’re Nazis, that means they’re not. Nazis. See?”

Sadly, Cambridgeport

A requirement for integration should be the rejection by Muslim immigrants Christians of all those Koranic Bible verses hostile to Jews and Christians, Muslims, and of the culture of hate they promote.


Sadly, Cambridgeport

This also concerns the Christians who share the Bible with the Jews. It means that Jesus never went to the Temple because in the Koran, the Muslim Jesus is totally different than the Jesus of the Gospel, and there is no mention of the Temple. Further all the people of the Bible are Muslim, hence we have no history nor even our religion. Everything is Muslim.

Now… does she realize that fundamentalists Christians think that the Old Testament is a Christian book? Moses? Abraham? David? Job? All ex-post-facto Christians! They’re sittin’ up there with Jesus in Christian heaven tut-tutting all of the Jews who chose to burn in hell by staying Jewish.


My favorite part of that post is where, in the comments, Crazy Pammy complains that dissenting voices on the LGF board are banned, or they have their comments removed! GOOD THING THAT NEVER HAPPENS WITH YOUR BLOG HUH PAM

It’s like these people are genetically programmed to say “but when we do it it’s cute!”


D. Sidhe said,

October 30, 2007 at 0:40

Please, someone explain to her that she needs to stop rolling her eyes on video. She looks far too much like an extra from Resident Evil.

Explaining that would have no effect. Pammy IS an extra from Resident Evil.


with a face like that Pam won’t need to shop for a halloween mask this year.

she’s a dead ringer for ringu.



Tender Mercenaries said,

October 30, 2007 at 0:04

“… to group anyone deviating from the group think to group them together …

I group that group statement, groupily group thesaurus.” It’s from that DooWop song,you know the one that goes:Group,Group,Group,Group of Earl,Group,Group,Group of Earl.As I walk through this……

Herr Doktor Bimler

the Muslim Jesus is totally different than the Jesus of the Gospel
Oh noes! We can’t classify Islam as one of the Abrahamic religions… that would cause an internal inconsistency!
We certainly don’t want to cause Robo-YHWH to have a short-circuit.


“she’s a dead ringer for ringu.”

Ahem, her name is Sadako. While they may both be hideous abominations of unthinking hatred, who wage a malevolent assault on all who live using mass media technologies, Sadako at least has some dignity. Probably a better singer to.


I grew up in Nassau County, Long Island: bascially, 80% of the female population is EXACTLY LIKE PAM. It’s become a place of snarling, insane, evil shrews who dream of hanging out with Carmella Soprano, shrieking out of their SUVs as they run red lights, “FAAAHHHHHK YEWWWWW!” The men are all like Michael Lohan, smug smirking narcissist bullies who their wives call “REAL UHSTATE JEEE-NYUSSES” because they flipped a few flophouses in “Rawk Centah”.

Pam comes from a place where the biggest native celebrities are Billy Joel, Mariah Carey, The Baldwins, The Lohans, Amy Fisher and Joey Buttafucco. What I’m saying is, Pam is not an accident, that’s what ALL of Long Island is like.


And Tim,cops,lots and lots of cops.Nassau cnty.cops,NYPD.cops,Fed cops.


Oh My God. I cannot believe what a fucking disaster her home is! That is the ugliest fucking decor I’ve ever come across. Jesus Christ she should be shunned from polite society. Yuck. Fits her personality, though.



We miss you and your amazing powers of generalization. Please come back.

And Chuck D more than cancels out that list.


The same can be said about the European Communists, first allied with the Nazis and who never apologized (until the fall of the Soviet Union.)

No, they didn’t. The communists were the first victims and first resisters of the Nazi regime, like it or not. Sure, the Soviet Union had a non-agression pact with Nazi Germany, but that’s not an alliance, if that’s what’s she’s thinking of.

Also: I’ve been reading Koontz’s Nazi Conscience for class. Hitler and the Nazis did actually downplay the antisemitism in the early years, instead talking about the German people (Volk).


And then there was that small matter of 20 million dead Russians, which did rather put a damper on the Nazi-Soviet alliance.


Mariah Carey is from Nassau? Man, that sucks.

Sadly, Cambridgeport

Oh My God. I cannot believe what a fucking disaster her home is! That is the ugliest fucking decor I’ve ever come across.

No no no no no no no. That is not her house. Nobody, not even Pam, has a house that awful, someone would have reported it by now. That picture was taken circa 1986 in the lounge area of the women’s restroom at a particularly tacky discount department store.

That is the ONLY explanation that I can or will accept until I have had more alcohol. Wait… there. Ok… you know, it is Pam. Maybe she just feels more at home in ladies sitting areas (what with all of the puking she does) and hasn’t been sober enough to decorate since 1986.


Sun Tzu and his book came up the other day. Pamela brings him up again today:


While we sit here and twiddle our thumbs, jerk ourselves off, discuss the nuances of diplomacy – evil strategizes and executes. Is someone working on this?

She then quotes at length Melanie Phillips’ blog post from The Spectator on why war with Iran is imperative but unfortunately leaves out the best part:

This is a choice between a terrible outcome and a cataclysmic one. It is the choice between a rock and a very hard place; and those who now advise that there is no alternative but war with Iran do so with the heaviest of hearts.

Warmongers are the saddest of all mongers.


Re: Pamela’s house and the decor

She has a big silk screen of Marilyn Monroe hanging over her bed.


Is Pammy-cakes showing her audition tape for “The Howling III: Rise of Islamolycanthomoeral Fascism?”

Sadly, Cambridgeport

thelogos, why did you show us that? From the comments:

IF I had a choice:
a date with,
a week with,
a month with
Marilyn Monroe
or YOU…
I’d pick YOU!



DAVE! I bet you’d feel differently if she was alive ………

Posted by: Pamela Geller Oshry | Sunday, December 10, 2006 at 04:40 PM

Aw Dave… you’re just saying that cuz I’m not a rotting 40-year-old corpse. Well, not really…


The Art wills it, not I.


leo durocher said,
Here’s the part that stood out for me…

Moreover Islam struggles to establish a universal caliphate, a totalitarian system totally opposed to our democratic system and freedoms based on the equality of human rights, the independence of the judiciary and politics and so on.

It’s like she had a piece of vomit bubble up writing those words. Had to cut it short with, “and so on…”

I read it as, “human rights, the independence of the judiciary and politics yadda yadda yadda…”


what commie atheist said…

It’s what I meant but I failed the words. Thanks.


My supervisor walked in while I was looking at this and asked me if the picture of P. Atlas was a corpse. Since we’re in Oz, and she don’t know from Long Island nutballs, I had to explain…
“You know Fran Drescher, from The Nanny?”
“Well, imagine a rabid, drunken Fran Drescher obsessed with killing Muslims”
“…um…shouldn’t you be working?”


Admit it, Gavin: You photoshopped out Pam’s eyeballs.


You know, you just have to know that when and it will happen, that when pammy does the self-induced black hole of an implosion, it’s going to be a flameout so spectacular that however briefly, she will surely eclipse all wingnuttia with her brilliance.

I’m not wishing for it. I’m doing nothing to encourage it. But as surely as someday every star finally collapses into itself (well, sort of at least) pammy’s going to do the big splat (either metaphorically or, perhaps, literally). There’s just no way that I can envision any other final action from her.


Ice weasel, more likely she is gonna take out a guardrail, 2 ightpoles, and a family of four in a mini-van.


I think that after lunching on a bottle of Vicodin and Tequila Sunrises, she’ll be arrested running shrieking, through a mall, tearing scarves off old ladies.

Northern Observer

So really Pammy is just a misunderstood liberal.
“I did not leave liberalism, liberalism left me” ???


With the creepy pale flowers in the background, she looks like a reanimated corpse in a funeral home.

Not suitable for minors.

Evidently supporting a climate of horrifying institutional religious supremacy by a Christianist plurality which never historically adopted any thesis for Jewish persecution beyond ‘they killed Jesus’ is bad for the Jews. Who could have guessed?


Oh My God. I cannot believe what a fucking disaster her home is! That is the ugliest fucking decor I’ve ever come across.

Yeah, I just love the gaudy plastic flowers. I wonder if she regularly displays any other plastic items commonly associated with femininity.

Also, haven’t I seen that pose before? I think it was a woman in some low budget, shot on video motion picture with the words “Hard” and/or “Deep” in the title. She was engaged in an obvious display of affection for the male protagonist as she gazed lovingly into his eyes.


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