Shorter Michelle Malkin

LA Times: Forest thinning spared homes

Above: Malkin receives 2007 Reed Irvine Accuracy In Media
Award for Investigative Journalism

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.

Bonus Shorter Malkin:

Another arson arrest: Guatemalan day laborer nabbed

  • More evidence that the Jews Mexlamofascists are poisoning the wells setting the California wildfires, as a Guatemalan is arrested for allegedly setting a [mumble mumble] fire, making a total of several proven Mexicans, near-Mexicans, and non-Mexicans who have been arrested for things fire-related.

[Hanx! Moonbat Rising]


Comments: 75


wow. That makes me laugh. Thanks.


So it wasn’t the enviromentalists after all?

Can we still blame it on secular humanists, homosexuals and al-Qaeda?


BTW, Instahack has a special surprise waitin’ for him after the Nerd Rapture.

Heh. Indeed.


More harmful obstructionism from the environmentalists:

This week’s fires, which are taking place largely in brush and chaparral, underscore the need to focus our fire prevention efforts in the areas around communities, rather than deep in the backcountry forest.


Experts agree that focusing on the area immediately around homes should be the first priority of any wildfire policy, and the situation so many are facing in California today reinforces this need. We can all agree that removing brush and small trees immediately around homes and communities will help save homes and lives, and we must dedicate the resources needed to do this most important work first. Forest Service experts have shown that this can be accomplished.

Now the Congress and the Bush Administration need the will to protect communities, not the timber industry.

From the Sierra Club’s 10/23/07 press release on the fires in Southern California.


Shorter Michelle Malkin

If she gets any shorter, she’ll have to shop for clothes in the children’s department.


I]f I hear global warming one more time, blood is going to shoot out of my eyes.”

Hey, Glenn! Global Warming!

(It’s a public service for Halloween)


Our Lady of the Concentration is now breathlessly announcing –

“Another arson arrest: Guatemalan day laborer nabbed”.

We all know where this is headed.

Then she quotes a piece from the AP in its entirety EXCEPT this one line –

Police and fire officials could not immediately say whether he might be connected to any of the wildfires in Southern California.

Must be that responsible reporting she’s always harping on about.


It’s too bad for Michelle that she can’t blame the fires on families receiving SCHIP benefits. That would really tie everything together nicely, wouldn’t it?


So, when did Malkin become incapable of taking a pleasant photograph? She always looks like she just ate a bad pistachio these days. What happened to the vibrant, happy, clear-eyed pics of her bikini college-phase?


Who receives an award wearing calf boots? At least an award not presented to her by two porn stars and Kid Rock.

Maybe it’s from sorority rush.

“Look at Michelle from Kappa Kappa Kappa! She has the CUTEST boots!”


So, when did Malkin become incapable of taking a pleasant photograph? She always looks like she just ate a bad pistachio these days. What happened to the vibrant, happy, clear-eyed pics of her bikini college-phase?

I’ve heard that severe cognitive dissonance gives you wrinkles faster than chain-smoking in a tanning booth. Could that be it?


what’s the deal with Republicans and helmet hair? Is it standard issue when you get your party card?


Must be that responsible reporting she’s always harping on about.

Thanks! Added an update…


If that outfit was short sleeved, or sleeve-less, it would have worked better. The skirt should have matched the boots, as well, with a nice, light-colored belt to break up the top and bottom. Something simple and ornamental. And if the hem of that skirt could be taken down, or possibly up, an inch, it would be much more flattering for her legs. It looks to be a little trumpeted, which does not help her at all, but I don’t think there’s much one can do about that.

*Is very much not gay. Seriously.*

“I’ve heard that severe cognitive dissonance gives you wrinkles faster than chain-smoking in a tanning booth. Could that be it?”

If she does smoke, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out her consumption rate has doubled in the last year or so. Not a easy time to be a right-wing separatist.


How in the Hell did Malkin…

Hmmm, Accuracy in Media?


During the Clinton era, alleged conspiracies related to the Democratic president were a frequent topic in AIM’s work–particularly the notion that Vince Foster was not a suicide but a victim of foul play. AIM charged that Republicans, including independent counsel Kenneth Starr, were somehow complicit in covering up Clinton’s plots; discussing Hillary Rodham Clinton’s notion of a “vast right-wing conspiracy,” Irvine retorted that “the only conspiracy I knew of was the conspiracy of the Republican leadership to protect Bill Clinton.” [AIM Report, February 1998]

3rd Grade Mentality

So, it looks like the ‘award’ ceremony was being held in the Knights of Cloumbus hall.


That podium has seen better days.


It kinda looks like the top and bottom don’t match and it may have taken a stumble or two down a stairway.

The podium looks worse for the wear, too.


several proven Mexicans, near-Mexicans, and non-Mexicans who…

Eternal vigilance is the price of Reconquista prevention. Santa Ana Winds. Antonio López de Santa Anna. Remember the Alamo!


This week’s fires, which are taking place largely in brush and chaparral …

Maybe if President Brushclearingman wasn’t tied up with the stupid Congress with their crazy child healthcare schemes, he would have been able to remove the stuff before it burned.


I love the way all of the rightward groups have names that are 100% opposite from what they actually represent.

Cognitive Dissonance doesn’t even begin to cover it.


What a cheesy plaque!

What a thin paper sign! What’s that printed on, 1 pound stock?

What a tacky candelabra!

And that podium has seen better days – or did someone intentionally give it the “antique treatment” by whipping it with a chain?


So, when did Malkin become incapable of taking a pleasant photograph? She always looks like she just ate a bad pistachio these days. What happened to the vibrant, happy, clear-eyed pics of her bikini college-phase?

To me, Malkin always looks pretty normal (well, when she’s not doing that weird eye-bug thing, I mean.) She doesn’t look like a monster. She doesn’t look particularly unhappy. She doesn’t dress all that sexy. She looks, dresses, walks, and mostly talks like a completely normal twentysomething woman.

That’s the real chilling part, to me. There actually isn’t much in her looks that betrays her implacable hatred against muslims, mexicans, and liberals. You would have to listen to her speak, or read what she writes, to understand what a completely dishonest person she is, and to glimpse the chaotic stew of hatred within her mind. That’s the banality of evil, folks. Fascists often look normal.


I didn’t even notice how decrepit that place looks.

The podium looks like someone rode it down a long staircase one night when the frat boys rented the hall for their yearly keg-a-thon.


To continue the parse-fest:

Why is he looking at the camera, whilst she seems to be looking at…Jessie?


She looks, dresses, walks, and mostly talks like a completely normal twentysomething woman

…who happens to be pushing 40.


…who happens to be pushing 40.

OK, she’s thirtysomething. My point is, you can’t see her fascist beliefs written in her clothes, or her posture, or even her expression. She looks like some woman I went to high school with, or something.


Why is he looking at the camera, whilst she seems to be looking at…Jessie?

Silly. This is standard conservative patriarchist body language. There are books and books of photos, ads, video stills, etc. of the woman in a body cant toward the man, eye turned (usually up) to him in adoration…

It’s really refreshing to see someone actually notice this: I’m hoping that means it’s become “non-standard” to stand out.


Is the attribution really necessary for every “shorter” post? Don’t all blog posts draw on ideas from other bloggers? Who came up with “moving the goalposts” and why doesn’t she get credit?


Atheist, (from a fellow atheist!), I have to respectfully disagree. Whenever she is on tv her face almost always becomes a mask of twisted hatred whenever she is speaking with a progressive liberal, an advocate for amnesty for illegal immigrants, or a spokesperson for a Muslim group.

I remember when she was a guest on Hannity & Colmes and was seated between them. When Sean Hannity spoker to her, she looked relaxed and responded cordially, but when Alan Colmes tried to speak to her, she sneered and could barely turn her head to look at him.


With all their rich friends like Richard Mellon Scaife, you’d think they could afford better furniture.

Principal Blackman

It’s too bad for Michelle that she can’t blame the fires on families receiving SCHIP benefits. That would really tie everything together nicely, wouldn’t it?

Oh, give her another couple days. She’ll get to it.


Not to mention tacky-ass Mr. Comb-over / Tupe.


Re: moving the goalposts

The phrase came into wide use in the UK during the 1980s. The first citation I can find of it, although I’m sure there must be earlier ones, is a report of a meeting of finance ministers, in the Jamaican newspaper The Gleaner, September 1987:

“I see no reason to move the goalposts at all.” said British Chancellor of the Exchequer (finance minister) Nigel Lawson.

From Gary Martin’s The Phrase Finder web site.


who have been arrested for things fire-related.

fire-related program activities?


3rd Grade Mentality: So, it looks like the ‘award’ ceremony was being held in the Knights of Cloumbus hall.

I think you’ve got a spelling error there, chief.

It’s Knights of Clown-bus.


“I see no reason to move the goalposts at all.” said British Chancellor of the Exchequer

those Brits and their football obsession! who do they think they are adding words to the English language!!

but, shouldn’t it be ‘goalpousts’ then?


I can’t get over “foetus” myself. Reads like “foe-tuss”. And “oestrogen”. “Ohhhh-stro-jen”. Makes it sound more exciting than it really is.

Then again, the Brits know that you advertise with adverts, whereas we Yanks make do with advertisements.


Rufus said,

October 26, 2007 at 17:29

It’s too bad for Michelle that she can’t blame the fires on families receiving SCHIP benefits. That would really tie everything together nicely, wouldn’t it?

You mean too bad stalkin’ Malkin can’t blame the fires on illegal immigrant gay mexicommieislamofascist families receiving SCHIP benefits, don’t you?

And don’t worry, she will.


American English speakers like to use articles too. When Malkin gives us an ulcer, we go the hospital.


I can’t get over “foetus” myself. Reads like “foe-tuss”. And “oestrogen”. “Ohhhh-stro-jen”. Makes it sound more exciting than it really is.

A Briton writes:

I say ‘tomarto‘ and you say ‘tomayto‘,
I say ‘British Armoured Personnel Carrier’ and you say ‘Iraqi T-72 tank’…


When Malkin gives us an ulcer, we go the hospital.

It’s like, one syllable better. Cf. the Pentagon.


Man, I hope that isn’t a copy of her acceptance speech she’s holding. There’s probably a good two hours of incoherent rants in that sucker.


Man, I have been sitting here for a few minutes trying to think of something witty, but I cannot. Michelle is just crap with feet.


The fact is, Michelle Malkin as far smarter than any liberal, as she proved during her school days in the ultra-hippy outpost in the heartland, Oberlin. She schooled them. And is honoroed today for her civil discourse and reasoned dialog, as oppoosed to hippies who only shout insults and hate USA.


Well, if the mexicanoislamofascistswelfarerecipient recieve SCHIP benefits then they won’t work so hard to earn money to pay for their kids medical care. Therefore they won’t cut as much brush for $1 an hour which will result in more damage from brush fires. Where do I apply for a Scaife grant? Or is he already broke from the divorce?


Excerpted from the above banquet hall schedule:

Kawanis 4:30 – 6:00
Shriners 6:30 – 8:00
Rotary Club 8:30-10:00
Stormfront Local Chapter Meeting 10:30 -11:00
Accuracy In Media Awards Ceremony 11:30 – 11:45


The 2007 Ram inaccuracy into the media award and now a Grupperto endorsement?



Gary, could you go into a little more detail about MM’s time at Oberlin? I have trouble keeping Michelle’s backstory clear in my mind. She met some guy there, right?

I maintain the world would be a better place if Michelle had absorbed some of what was being taught at Oberlin and gone on to use her awesome powers of screechy for good instead of evil.


Major nomination I should say.


Real Gary is but a dim memory.

Fake Gary is getting repetitive and predictable.

Can’t we get a Fake Fake Gary?


Malkin Logic:

No forests, no forest fires, right?

Hey Michelle, if we eliminate humanity completely, that’ll solve all our problems!


The fires and SCHIP:

Republicans in the House of Representatives on Thursday accused Democrats of using the fires burning in Southern California as a distraction so they can reintroduce a contentious children’s health care bill.

Democratic leaders in the House have scheduled a vote on the bill for Thursday afternoon. The bill had already passed, but supporters were unable to override President Bush’s veto of the reauthorization and $35 billion expansion of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).

Republicans, however, argued that some of their members have returned to their home districts in and near Southern California, where wildfires have been raging for more than a week. They accused Democrats of trying to sneak the vote in with many members absent.

“Speaker Pelosi and the Democrat Leadership have decided once again to play politics with the SCHIP bill,” John Stipicevic, floor assistant for Republican Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) said in an e-mail to Republican staffers. “This time, they are politicking while many of our Members aid constituents during this difficult time.”

This courtesy of the Cybercast News Service.


This week’s fires, which are taking place largely in brush and chaparral


Oh, but I forgot, MM is “schooling” us liberals.


“Crap with feet.” I likey. The turn of phrase, that is.

Irresistably OTward, as if we needed more proof that wingnuts and ‘jihadis’ are quite similar, note how they both treat their major media the same way:

CAIRO, Egypt – Al-Qaida sympathizers have unleashed a torrent of anger against Al-Jazeera television, accusing it of misrepresenting Osama bin Laden’s latest audiotape by airing excerpts in which he criticizes mistakes by insurgents in Iraq.

Users of a leading Islamic militant Web forum posted thousands of insults against the pan-Arab station for focusing on excerpts in which bin Laden criticizes insurgents, including his followers. …

“God fight Al-Jazeera,” railed one militant Web poster, calling the station a “collaborator with the Crusaders” for suggesting the tape showed weakness in al-Qaida and featuring discussions of how the tape reflected weaknesses and divisions among insurgents in Iraq. …

And bonus funny: FEMA’s excercise in sock-puppetry!


A tug at the hem line here, a pull on the neck line there, reach into the boot and … voila! The Maltese Malkin will be in full burqa if IslamoFascist invade. That’s a copy of the Qu’ran she’s holding.

Johnny Coelacanth

Other folks have noted this, but that fancy plaque he’s holding looks very similar to the one we got for helping to sponsor the local kid’s fishing tournament. High end stuff. Ah well, I’m sure AIM is saving their real money for revealing stories of how Fox News is protecting Hillary Clinton from negative reporting.


I like to think she’s got a straight razor in one of those boots, and a turkey sammich in the other…



Well, to be fair, that’s a far classier affair than the one where she accepted the honorary doctorate from clown college.


There actually isn’t much in her looks that betrays her implacable hatred against muslims, mexicans, and liberals.

And Asians. Don’t forget the Asians.


She looks like she’s holding back a laugh.

Nim, ham hock of liberty

I can’t get over “foetus” myself. Reads like “foe-tuss”.

I read it like “Foe-eat-us,” personally.


Foeti are high in protein and have a delicate flavour.


She looks like she’s holding back a laugh.

Or a fart.


Malkin (October 26, 2007 02:53 PM):

I’ll be on Fox with Neil Cavuto at 4pm Eastern to talk about wildfires and the immigration angle.

Cavuto likes me! I’m back in the Fox saddle again!


Gary Ruppert sez –

And is honoroed today for her civil discourse and reasoned dialog, as oppoosed to hippies who only shout insults and hate USA.

Oh, I dunno. Let’s take an inventory of this ‘civil discourse’ from current links on her home page –

“Perhaps a political lobotomy–separating the nutroots lobe from the party’s thalamus”

“Asian Week stooge Emil Guillermo penned a resentful screed today launching a tired, effete attack”

Dinosaurs like Emil Guillermo”

“When liberal bigots have nothing left but to sneer about”

nutroots-panderer and Johnny-come-lately Keith Olberman”

“Asian-American grievance-mongers are at it again”

‘(Chinatown donors who) can’t tell Hillary Clinton from Hunan Chicken

“Blogs started mocking the troop-bashing MSM jerk

Combine this with links to Little Green Footballs and Debbie Schlussel and I’m just awash in civil discourse. Awash I say…


Oooh. Oooh. I gotz a ‘hanx’ mention on the home page thingy. I am suitably humbled, yet still full of my own self-importance.

Johnny Coelacanth

And now we will genuflect to your unassailable bad-assedness.


I’m confused. Why do local governments allow people to build homes in forests, particularly if those forests are subject to wildfires? And, why do those communities try to save those houses when a wildfire occurs?

If this continues, we’ll have America-hating wingnuts building homes on barrier islands along the Atlantic and Gulf shores in the expectation that the government will bail them out when a storm hits.


Imagine the above scene through some of those special “They Live” sunglasses!

That thing floating behind her looks like some kind of Star Trek probe, brought aboard to confuse it to death. If the old “Roykirk” ruse failed do the trick, Wingnut logic would certainly make it blow.


I want to sniff the inside of her boots.


Those boots were made for stomping
and that’s just what they’ll do
One o’ these days those boots are gonna
stomp all over some Messicans, and you


Anyone know if MM and her hubby have a Filipina maid?



Damn, you folks weren’t kidding about the tackiness level of the podium and sign. The cheapest option at Kinko’s looks better than that.


(comments are closed)