Shorter Little Green Footballs: Completist Version

About Vlaams Belang and Sweden Democrats


  • Whoah, whoah, hold on one second here. It’s one thing to herald the resistance of the European Peoples against the International Muslim Conspiracy, and to cheer for the subjugation of the traitorous liberal saboteurs under the iron boot of authoritarian government, but I’m telling you right now, these Nazis give me the creeps.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.

Bonus fun: Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch and the noted ‘Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week‘ is down with the neo-fascist Vlaams Belang group, and Pam Atlas thinks they’re swell:

Vlaams Belang is the successor to the Vlaams Blok party, which was banned in 2004 for being an illegal racist political faction. (Vlaams Belang’s founders were Nazi collaborators in World War II.)

Who the hell wasn’t a nazi collaborator in Europe? Puhleeeeeze.


Comments: 192


oh…pammy vs. the little green snottard.

is that on pay per view?


“Who the hell wasn’t a nazi collaborator in Europe? Puhleeeeeze.”

Um, all those resistance fighters for one. What the hell sort of an argument is that? Jeez, and they call us Libtards the Moral Relativists?


“Who the hell wasn’t a nazi collaborator in Europe? Puhleeeeeze.”

The Pope.

Oh, wait.



Wait, what?
Pam is shrugging off connections to Nazis?
I………….. have a headache.


I used to love Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week. But now it just seems so commercial.


Who the hell wasn’t a nazi collaborator in Europe? Puhleeeeeze.

I just got stupider, reading that.


Maybe she thinks the Maquis were just a Star Trek invention?


Doesn’t it seem like the Islamo-Fascist Awareness season starts earlier every year?



Well, exactly. Now you go shopping on Memorial Day weekend and they’re already putting up the OMG9/11 wreaths and the scary burqua costumes.


I always look forward to my favorite Islamo-Fascist Awareness specials, like “Islamic Jihad Is Coming to Town” (narrated by Ginger Rogers with songs by Pat Boone) and “A Charlie Brown Fatwa” with the immortal line, “Did Muhammad’s wife have naturally curly hair?”


Who the hell wasn’t a nazi collaborator in Europe?

P.G. Wodehouse.


I forgot to add, Pam is a nitwit.

I don’t need to know any more about the Republicans aside from the fact that they are pandering to get the votes of people like her.



and to cheer for the subjugation of the traitorous liberal saboteurs under the iron boot of authoritarian government,

Did he really say something like that? ‘Cause I is an idiot, and I is not going to click over.

But I didn’t know they had actually started admitting this…


3rd Grade Mentality

Nice to see little Chucky is not redirecting all traffic from this site to a “You are an idiot” flash animation featuring a dancing bunny.

These guys never graduated third grade, did they? It’s all about being the playground bully.


Christ on a bike, Pamela. I would quess, oh, I dunno, millions weren’t Nazi collaborators.

But I am not a “well-educated” blogger who looks like how I imagine all those girls from Whitesnake videos look today.


“Who the hell wasn’t a nazi collaborator in Europe? Puhleeeeeze.”

Um, some of my relatives who didn’t manage to escape and got sent to concentration camps? Heck, I bet Pam even had a couple of those, too.



You is not idiot. I get tricked into clicking those links all the time, and let me tell you, I’d rather have it lead to Goatse. At least that is impressive, from a biological standpoint.

A wise man clicks wisely. Obviously, I am not that man.


Oh! Oh!! Pam! Pick me! Pick Me!!1

My grandfather, who was obliterated by a Nazi shell in the Battle of the Bulge?

Do I win anything?


I still can’t believe he looks like Ward Churchill’s corpse.

“Who the hell wasn’t a nazi collaborator in Europe? Puhleeeeeze.”

Britain? Hello? The country who was actually still fighting when the Americans showed up to save the day or whatever?


Pamela Geller Oshry =

Ar, sperm gallery hole!

Oy, grrl hella apes me


The Foehammer !!! Anvil of Truth disdains the Swede-lander attempt to seize the helm of Viking ancestral fadderlund. Lie-berals deserve be be driven before us and we will hear the lamentations of their lesbians, but not at the behest hand of nazzi lovers. Dagnab those lying lie-berals, they deserve to be pounded upon the Anvil Of Truth, (The Anvil must kept in the basement because because the upstairs floorboards can’t handle the weight. Its the same reason my twin-sized waterbed is in the basement.)


You guys are priceless. We’re worried about Islamofascism, not Judeo-Christofascism* or sundry, who-among-us-doesnt-like-plain-vanilla fascism. Geez, you’d think with all of the awareness-raising over the past week, you’d clue in by now.

*1400 out of 1401 fascists would prefer not to be associated with the first part of that hyphenate.


“Who the hell wasn’t a nazi collaborator in Europe?”

Marcel Marceau.

Sheesh, she can’t even live up to the standards of a fucking mime.


Thank you, Jon H, I feel a little better now. For a while there I thought I’d have an aneurysm or something. I could actually feel my braincells eating each other.

But I guess it just goes to show that on their global crusade, these fucktards will take anyone’s help. I’m wondering what souls go for these days…


OK, tried to follow link again, got the flash file instead. It occurs to me; Johnson is an INFANT. He’s a squalling little prick with a serious maturity deficit. He’s the kind of person who shits his pants in public and walks around proud of it, completely clueless of how obnoxious and immature he is, and how he is utterly not to be taken seriously.

I again will simply have to take your word for it: his disingeniousness is tragic and stupid. And so is he.

Who let this twat on TV?


Old fashioned Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week Party at my place! We’ll sing carols, wrap the tree up with duct tape and watch old TV spiecals like “Scary Brown People are Comln’ To Town!”


Damn, Dustbin, that sounds better than my famous “fall of the phillipines” party back in ’86. That one ran non-stop for four days.

Count me in. I’ll bring a bunch of beer and a big bucket of Hummus!



I’m pretty sure that by both linking to and quoting Pammy “My tits are sagging so badly they’re making my eyelids slanty so I look like I’m a dirty, tofu-smelling dishwasher” makes one a Nazi collaborator.

In fact, if I’m not mistaken, it sure seems that the cartoonish Sadly No! logo is just an SD logo in disguise. I’d even bet there were traitorous Jews working for or with the SN (Staatz Nerdopolizei), so you all had better hope that Malkin, or Reynolds, or, umm, that fat creepy guy with the pseudo-cock in his hand never get wind of your nefarious activities.


Doesn’t Pammy rag on Soros for working for the Nazis?

Herr Doktor Bimler

If you look at that picture of C Johnson too long, you see the skin start to peel away from his cheekbones, revealing the green scales underneath. Like a scene from V. “Too long” = about 3 seconds in my case.

Not gonna comment on the Pam Atlas remark, because that will make me angry, and my doctor will give me blood-pressure pills. Used to be I could sell them as speed for $5 each, but the kids down at the school-yard are wise to that now.


Oh, Puh-leeeeze, people! It’s “You are A idiot”, not the grammatically correct “You are AN idiot”! Credit where credit’s due and stuff.


Yikes! Chucky’s hairdo makes him look like the mother in “Psycho.”


and watch old TV spiecals like “Scary Brown People are Comln’ To Town!”

I love that one! With all those Frankie Avalon songs!

I heard they’re remaking it with Jim Carrey and Dennis Miller.


Yikes! Chucky’s hairdo makes him look like the mother in “Psycho.”

I will reiterate what I’ve said before, Charles Johnson Looks Exactly Like My Friend’s Mom.

He should be proud.


Damn, Ted, what did your friend’s mom ever do to you?



Hoosier X: Did you see my comment to you a couple wks. ago, after you revealed your (previous) location in Hollywood, that I lived in #109 in that very same building? Said “Bouffantco” on my mailbox. You were in #201, right?
Small blog-o-sphere, huh?


Do you think it would be possible to include the URLs as text so we can copy-n-paste them? Amusing as the “You are A Idiot” continues to be, I’d like to read the article without having to View Source so I can copy.


Who the hell wasn’t a nazi collaborator in Europe? Puhleeeeeze.

Ummm, these guys.

And these guys.

And some of these guys, too.

Jeez, don;t these wingnuts know how to use teh Google?


Ok, I’m really more interested in the world series.

But that caused me to see the phrase “Little Green Footballs” as words and not a website.

Excuse me, but aren’t Little Green Footballs Dexedrine? Wasn’t that pill speed in the late sixties and early seventies? Is that what this clown that looks like Ted’s friends mom is really all about?




Nail, meet head.


I’m afraid to voice my baseketball choices around here.

I work with a Sawks fan.

Rabid, I tell you.


Damn, Ted, what did your friend’s mom ever do to you?


She’s very nice, and I’m sure she was a looker in her younger years. What’s most important is that Charles Johnson looks like a woman, especially on that fake (or real?) CD cover one of the guys here made a while back. And while there’s nothing wrong with that, I bet he thinks there is.


Amusing as the “You are A Idiot” continues to be, I’d like to read the article without having to View Source so I can copy.

His URLs are really long and ugly. Drag and drop or right-click and choose to copy the link.

I wonder if what Charles does works on him?


Who the hell wasn’t a nazi collaborator in Europe?



M. Bouffant

I saw your message a day or two later and I figured it was too late to say anything, but I figured we’d meet up again here at Sadly, No sooner or later.

Sure, I remember your name on the mailbox. And I still talk to Glenda once or twice a month. I moved to Lancaster, of all the evil places, because I got a job up here. Actually I was in #203, but your’e not far off.

You wanna know how small the blogosphere is? The first time I met Maryscott O’Connor (of My Left Wing), I thought I knew her from somewhere, and I asked her if she ever hung out at Northridge or worked in Westwood and so on, and I couldn’t figure it out. Then she overheard me telling somebody where I lived and it turned out she lived in that building on Franklin for a few months. Weird, huh?

So what’s your favorite Isalmo-Fascist Awareness Special? The one I haven’t seen for a while is “The Littlest Suicide Bomber.” With Kirk Cameron.




Who the hell wasn’t a nazi collaborator in Europe?


Russians? Belgians? French resistance? Polish fighter pilots? Swedish ski troops? Greeks?

I think the whole “occupation of europe by the nazis” thing was viewed as a dark period because most of the occupied people did NOT want to be occupied by the nazis, and worked at whatever level they could to resist.

Hmm, seems like there almost might be a lesson here about the behavior of a population that is dominated and persecuted by an occupying army.



Sadly, Cambridgeport

The PC system is a maze, full of smoke an mirrors, which got most people caught in it. Few people see through the smoke and mirrors, and manage to find their way to the exit. But for these few who find an exit, each exit is guarded by a Nazi troll, fake or real. This is enough for decent people to back off and stay paralysed, while joining in the ostracism of anyone fulfilling his dream, escaping through the exit.

I know it isn’t as sexy as the “Nazi collaborator”? oh pshaw!” quote, but I thought this had its own weird, loopy appeal. Does she think that sane people write or think this way?

Putting the foggy mazes teeming with Nazi trolls aside, her life’s dream is that we will all get over Nazi hangups and start hating like we used to? Oh my dear sweet Father Abraham. You know what Pam hates most about the Holocaust? It’s given her brand of politics a bad name.


Swedish ski troops?

Oh, man. That just conjured images from Bond movies with the accompanying porn-funk disco.


Here’s a great fix for Charles’ annoying redirect. IanY77 posted this in the other LGF thread today.

No more copying and pasting, and a great new extension to boot, for everyone who uses Firefox – which IMHO should be everyone.

IanY77 said,

October 24, 2007 at 22:15

Those of you on FireFox can use RefControl (

right click one of the LGF links, and select RefControl options. Select the “Forge” option (you only have to do this once), and Little Chucky Greenballs can’t do a damn thing about it.

Herr Doktor Bimler

That just conjured images from Bond movies with the accompanying porn-funk disco
You say that like it’s a… OK, it is a bad thing.


I think the whole “occupation of europe by the nazis” thing was viewed as a dark period because most of the occupied people did NOT want to be occupied by the nazis, and worked at whatever level they could to resist.

I think its the word, ‘occupation’ that throws Pammy.


Yeah, I reckon.

Here’s my insight into the Bond movies. Along with most other “action” films where people shoot hundreds of rounds in the general direction of the hero.

Hollywood is lying to you. People are pretty big targets. Guns are, all things considered, pretty accurate. Most people who shoot guns at people have had training and practice. Hitting a man, out to about 300 meters, is really not particularly hard.

Somehow, it has become important for the movies to convince you that it’s HARD to hit a man in a firefight. But it’s not. If you can see him, and you have spent a few thousand rounds punching paper? You can hit him.

Bond. James Bond. Would be dead six hundred times over.

You don’t “dodge”. You “duck”. If they can see you, they can shoot you.

You need to dig a hole. A DEEP hole. Or you will die.

Any damn sergeant will tell you that…



Mikey, you’re forgetting the Stormtrooper effect.

It’s for real!


Quite a nice little network our “conservatives” have tapped into:

Thanks for the update.

Pants of Distinction

poll: the Repub presidential candidate with the worst flatulence problem is…?


Pants of Distinction said,

October 25, 2007 at 4:27

poll: the Repub presidential candidate with the worst flatulence problem is…?

I can’t answer that, but you gotta give 911-Rudy-911 credit for licking pr0n’s ass.


Yikes! Chucky’s hairdo makes him look like the mother in “Psycho.”

Aha! That comment enabled me to finally figure out who he reminds me of! (Apologies to Ted’s friend’s mom.)


Damn, Bradrocket, I at least hoped the series would be interesting. Lopsided championships are annoying…

Proof that Nazi’s aren’t so bad… (scroll past the OS-tan)
Could cute Japanese girls EVER like something evil? It’s not possible!


Could cute Japanese girls EVER like something evil? It’s not possible!

What Some Guy said.


Off topic- Riverbend posted.


I think the whole “occupation of europe by the nazis” thing was viewed as a dark period because most of the occupied people did NOT want to be occupied by the nazis, and worked at whatever level they could to resist.

A controversial theory. Here to debate the issue are, from the occupier’s perspective, Heinrich Himmler. Voicing the perspective of those occupied, Marshal Pétain.


See, there’s the problem with the right-wing memory of World War 2. They love to talk a big game about their latest Hate Object being TEH HITLAR, but when it comes right down to it if they had a time machine they’d go immediately from the hippies to the commies, including those fucking long-haired nigger-loving zazous.

One of my favorite articles, because it touches on this subject quite a bit:

Valiant resistance against the wicked Stalin and his cabal of judaeo-bolsheviks gets played up a lot by the modern right. The Poles made a habit of spraypainting “KATYN” (which was nasty, but (a) happened to military personnel and (b) involved thousands of people) onto memorials for the Holocaust during (and after!) the fall of the Berlin Wall.

You wanna know why the Soviet Union made a huge show of being against decadent Western fascists? Because those were, for the most part, the only people we could get riled up enough to take up arms and shoot the nearest Communist (in most cases, evidently being the nearest Jew, in spite of any supporting evidence). And now the post-Soviet governments engage in an orgy of torture and murder (sometimes for us, sometimes on their own) while tossing anyone to the left of Clinton into prison. Witness our recent decision that Kazakhstan’s President adding ‘for Life’ to the end of his title and effectively ending competitive elections is a “step forward for democracy”.

Woo hoo! Go freedom.


And by ‘spraypainting onto’, I mean ‘usually spraypainting over’, just to be clear. Katyn is unambiguous as a mass killing, but there’s serious debate as to whether it was genocide, whereas the Holocaust was the fucking Holocaust. No matter how much you hate Stalin, it’s not OK to defend poor, unoffending Hitler against depraved Judaeo-Bolshevik slander.

Which is a memo that evidently Oshry hasn’t gotten.

Seriously, between this shit and her continuous desire to see Israel locked in a permanent war with its neighbors – who outnumber and almost outgun it – how much you wanna bet she’s an Aryan Nations plant or something? At least LGF has the basic mammalian decency to steer away from self-described Nazis, and they’re not even supposed to be Jews. (Technically, they’re the Official Center for Thinly Veiled Anti-Semitic Slurs Thrown at Targets of Convenience, which actually pretty much makes them as far from Jewish as you can get.)


One of the choicer comments over at Spamalas.Read it and weep. “Posted by: john jay | Monday, October 22, 2007 at 10:52 PM”

“The word “Racism” has come to mean something vaslty different than its original intent. Originally, it was meant to describe the series of restrictions imposed on blacks in the south for the period of Jim Crow. It referred to discrimination based on color. The it was abused and used to describe anyone who felt vistimized, after that it was abused by muslims to describe their envy of not having the perceived sympathy that the jews had in the west following the holocaust.”

This is another indicator of the pure anti semitic society that islam engenders. It is their congenital defect. It is in their DNA to hate jews.

Thus , dont look at the islamists labelling a political gathering as racist , rather look at it as another attempt to bestow upon themselves the blessings of the jews.

They are after all savage barbaric neanderthals with a mindset rooted in the antediluvian, pre flood world.


OT/Mikey rocks. Also, Anne Laurie (from that other thread, because that shit was awesome). Also, Righteous Bubba. Although I don’t like the insinuation, Bubba, idiot.


To be a hooker, because hookers are fun:

Islam has no racial identity per se. This is part of why every ‘Islamophobe’, when called on their knee-jerk bigotry, immediately shouts about how they’re not racists because there isn’t a Muslim race. . . But as for Arabs, Iranians, Turcomen and Xinjiangese, Indonesians, Chechens, Bedouins, Albanians, Bosniaks, Swahilophones, Turks, Kurds, and African-American converts – well, don’t even get them started. Long story short, their culturally inherited genetics cause them to hunger insatiably for Christian-infant falafel and if that isn’t enough to make them racially inferior that’s clearly a sign of political correctness gone mad.


Incidentally, I really love the image of a mist-shrouded PC maze guarded by fake Nazis. It pretty much evokes what right-wingers think human decency looks like, and I’ve never heard it described better.


Just a quick point. Chucky states that the other flags around the white power flag at the rally are Vlaams Belang flags. They’re actually just Flemish flags. As far as I know, VB doesn’t have their own flag.


I swear to Christ it’s like I’m inarticulate.


Does this little greenballs guy have a ponytail, or is his hair just really matted down with Fritos grease?


I swear to Christ it’s like I’m inarticulate.

Don’t worry about it. I’m an idiot.


how much you wanna bet she’s an Aryan Nations plant or something?

Alec, that’s a weird coincidence! I was just thinking that Pammy is the mirror image of April Gaede, Lynx and Lamb’s nazi mummy. Pammy even has two daughters she uses in her vlogs.

Those two women have more in common than either would ever own.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Bond. James Bond. Would be dead six hundred times over.
You don’t “dodge”. You “duck”. If they can see you, they can shoot you.

To be fair, Mikey, most James Bond fans do not come out of the cinema under the impression that they have seen a realistic portrayal of the use of firearms. Or indeed, a realistic picture of the workings of an intelligence agency.
For the latter, you need to watch Men in Black.
Or read The Atrocity Archives.


DEMONIZE, yes, read it and weep, but its all too common these days. The racists have come back out of the closed, wrapping themselves in this anti muslim hatred, and screaming; “… but we can’t be racist, Islam isn’t a race….”. OK, so you fuckers are bigots then.

However, the mask is slipping further and further these days, in the comment pages of clownhall, pammycakes and costco coulter, overt racism appears to be the norm again.


My granddad. He bombed the fuckers to shreds.


Poor Charles.

LGF is as anti-jihad as anyone on the web; but I do not accept that we’ve reached the point where we should embrace these kinds of people as allies, simply because they’re hitching a ride on the bandwagon and saying the right things when the spotlight is on them.

Got news for him – he’s a few years too late.


With all due respect, I must say that all the people giving fine examples of who wasn’t a collaborator seem to be missing the point. The point is a new Fucktard Meme:

Of course all those people were collaborators, they were all cowardly freedom-hating URO-PEEIN’s. (in their pants, from fright) Only a trivial microscopic minority would have the gonads to fight back against Nazis. (I mean, apart from the zillions who were commu-worse-than-Nazi-ists)

We’re probably going to hear a lot more of this one.

(Father, have I sinned? Will some astute little football find my obvious and bad pun so fantastically witty that he spreads it, giving rise to another fucktard meme? Or have I unwittingly picked up an existing one?)


I KNEW I remembered Chuckles making a post about the VB before in a way that seemed supportive. Here ( is the original sadlyno post on Chuck and how he was taking the side of Filip Dewinter, head of the VB.


For all the “who wasn’t a Nazi” examples (and they were legion), I take a different tack. Who were the collaborators? My mother lived under Nazi occupation as a child, and the most dangerous collaborators were…those oh-so pious Christian clergy, who, when they heard a confession from a parishioner, ran straight to Nazi H.Q. to rat out their own countrymen. Judeo-Christian values in action.

Johnny Coelacanth

There are 921 comments on that story. What the jiggety fuck? How many lizardopes are there?


Y’know, I saw Pammy’s comment a couple of days ago, when for some godawful reason, I went over to her site (I think I was proving to a friend that such freaky harpies actually do exist and prosper on the web, but whatever). I considered for a bit whether or not to come back here and post something about it, but then figured that it would just ruin everyone’s day to have such a concentrated dose of teh stoopid foisted upon them. And here you go and find it anyways … reminds me of the trouble we had as kids keeping the dogs away from the roadkill. We’d bury the wretched flattened raccoons and skunks deep in the neighbor’s cornfield, and sure enough, a couple of days later, here would come the mutt with the rotting, stinking carcass, rolling around on top of it in the back yard…

All of this as an intro to the observation that I think I would rather spend time with said decomposed skunk than deal with the hateful, stupid Ms. Oshry. Sorry you had to read this infuriating tripe, Herr Bimmler, et al.; hopefully we can manage enough of a laugh hereabouts so as not to have to dwell&brood about Pammycakes and her followers continued existences.

But I am not a “well-educated” blogger who looks like how I imagine all those girls from Whitesnake videos look today.

Been to an 80s hairband heavy metal parking lot lately? I think even Dali would blow a fuse over that one … all the skanks and dudes are there, in their tattered and faded t-shirts featuring Eddie or the Iron Mask dude from Quiet Riot. About 40 pounds heavier, looking like they’ve seen a lot of really ugly, depressing Sunday mornings. Desperately trying to invoke some remnant of their youth, while just dimly appreciating that their shitty life condition and lack of any appreciable hope for the future is due to the decisions they made back in the day…

Herr Doktor Bimler

My granddad. He bombed the fuckers to shreds.
Good on him. My grandmother was from the old country, and I have fond memories of her teaching me a large and varied lexicon of German obscenities, in case I ever ran into one of the occupiers.

Johnny Coelacanth

Thanks to that refcontrol plugin, I’m enjoying that LGF comment thread.
Dig the fancy sycophancy: “Charles is one of the most thoughtful, reasoned and intelligent people in cyberspace and the real world and a real class act. Thanks again Charles, for this incredible thing called LGF, for taking a stand and bringing us all together.” Makes you want to shed a tear of admiration for ol’ Chuckles. Wotta classy guy.


Finnish ski troops, actually.

And they were fighting the Soviets. So, in a manner of speaking, they were “Nazi collaborators”.

Sweden didn’t get invaded in WWII.



Pammy’s teh Jewish Himmler!

Who’da thunk?


The fact is, there is no scientific proof of global warming. I win.


It’s part of their cretinous worldview that in WWII, anyone not wearing a GI helmet was either collaborating with or cowering from the Nazi menace – because otherwise, that would mean the US didn’t single-handedly win the “only good war”.

It also ties in quite well with their hilarious modern-day talking points about how Europe is constantly a hair’s breadth away from, or even already is, being overrun by shrieking jihadis, leaving only the US to save the world. And fortunately for the bullshit-spewers, most people who read their garbage will never visit Europe, talk to any Europeans, or place any credence in any Nazi-appeasing European media that might offer a slightly more sober and less completely-made-up view of the situation.


Wonder how many of them know about the USSR’s incredible efforts and sacrifices that slammed the Nazis back to Berlin?
I mean, they had a hissy fit over Google/Sputnik, so I’m just thinkin outloud, here…


I keep expecting to hear Republicans just come out and say, “Ya know what? We’re not gonna hide it any more. We like Hitler. We think he was keen. He sure knew how to run an oven.”

I’m still amazed that Coulter hasn’t written a book about it yet.


Isn’t one of Pam’s specialties posting photos of misc. men-in-Muslim-hats with Hitler, SS officers or giving the ol’Sieg Heil?


So Chucky thinks he’s “not at the point” at which LGF ought to embrace Nazis openly? As in, he can see such a point as being one that could be feasibly reached? Is this praising by faint damnation?

This little dance away from Hitler is probably nothing more than Chucky trying to keep his CNN appearances and not go the way of the Malkin (2 xTr3m3 4 TV!!1!).

And I’m with Norb. Give this man a butter churn.


No, seriously – does the redirect actually say “You Are A Idiot”?

That’s right up there with “Get a Brain Morans!”


Utterly OT: Sioux City almost went GAY, but now it just SUX.


Finnish ski troops, actually.

And they were fighting the Soviets. So, in a manner of speaking, they were “Nazi collaborators”.

Sweden didn’t get invaded in WWII.

Shit. I think I knew that. In my defense, I wasn’t born yet.

Of course, I could know my history a little better – I’ve heard they have these repositories of knowledge, I’ve heard ’em referred to as “books”, I suppose I could have gotten it right.

But I was too busy, um, washing my hair! Yeah…



A friend of mine was an ATC at Sioux City in ’89 when Flight 232 went in. On that day, it well and truly did suck…



Herr Whateley,

Patience, Patience. They are still rehabilitating McCarthy. Everything in its time.

The Vast Majority of Europeans

most people who read their garbage will never visit Europe



Yeah, the Finns collaborated with the Nazis. (This is one of those tricky instances of democracies going to war with other democracies, by the way – Finland remained democratic throughout the war; while the French Republic might have become a personality cult around de Gaulle at that point, Britain was still run by Parliament, Blitz or no Blitz. Every man fighting the USSR was an Axis soldier who didn’t have to be tied up fighting them, and could be spared to fight the USA (who wasn’t technically at war with Finland) and Britain (who were, and were without much argument about it entirely democratic). And the UK actually bombed Finland.

There are a couple of really weird things going on in the annals of Nazi collaboration; like Azad Hind, the Indian SS (the OG Aryans, evidently – and as for what Brahmanist fascists might have done to India if they had won the war, in the immortal words of Provost Zakharov, decent people shouldn’t think too much about that), some of whom, improbably, found their way to the Western Front.

There’s a decent list (WP is good at that – lists of well-attested things) at Wikipedia – – although you’ll want to look for their list of division-level units to see the real awful collaborating groups: the ones who did so enough to give the Nazis at least a division, and in some cases several, of devoted fascist fanatics. (There’s a difference between SS brigades and any old puppet army or partisans; while the puppet army/partisans can make a legitimate excuse of having fought for their country, the SS guys were more or less always right-wing lunatics willing to fight and die for Adolf Hitler. That ain’t exactly a case where hindsight is 20/20; for most of those people the fact that he killed six million Jews in cold blood would have been a selling point.


You’ll not see nothing like a Nazi Finn.


And to be 100% fair, one of the more shining examples of humanity under duress was one of Nazi ‘collaboration’, at least by the standards of the pat, moralistic history the right-wingers love – one where surrender is automatically a sign of moral as well as military weakness.

Even France, which has historically had one of the most ferocious militaries in the history of man, felt it had no other option than to surrender to the Wehrmacht. And for good reason: they’re the fucking Wehrmacht. Remember, they took over Europe – with a couple of unimportant and remote exceptions – in less time, at less cost, and with fewer casualties than it took the Union to take over Tennessee. We’re talking about the most vicious, well-equipped, and large militaries any state has ever felt it necessary to produce – one defeated only by the superhuman sacrifices of the Soviet peoples. (And the part the people who scream about FRANCE SURRENDERS LOL don’t like to remember is that the surrender was largely a result of wingnuts in the military seizing power and deciding to collaborate to flush out the traitorous left-wingers and Jews. There’s a reason Petain, once a beloved war hero, is pretty much universally reviled now.)

Anyhow: that proud example of humanity under duress would be Christian X and the Danes. Promptly surrendering to and collaborating as much as could be desired with the military objectives of Germany prevented their social objectives from being executed – which meant many hundreds of Jews were saved from the ovens, Denmark’s partisan movement operated with almost complete impunity, and there was no interruption in civil society on account of the occupation. All of that because of his willingness to shove the jingoist bullshit and surrender when the situation called for it.

Of course, ask these people about Denmark standing tall against fascism and they usually think you’re talking about those assholes in Jylland Muslim-baiting. Such ferocious devotion to such wrong people.


“Who the hell wasn’t a nazi collaborator in Europe? Puhleeeeeze.”

My family for starters.

Finnish ski troops, actually.

And they were fighting the Soviets. So, in a manner of speaking, they were “Nazi collaborators”.

I hate to mention this, but the Finns were genuine Nazi collaborators, even hosting German units (and SS) in their country until they made peace with the Soviets and were then instructed to liquidate the Germans. And let’s not mention the Finns of the SS Viking Division…


Very interesting Alec. Thanks for schooling us.


Wikipedia to the rescue on the Finnish collaboration with the Germans.

…and how they then expelled the Germans in a nasty little war.


Littlegreenracists has an objection to Stormfront?

Farmer from American Gothic

Hey! You found my wife!


Wikipedia to the rescue on the Finnish collaboration with the Germans.

As an ethnic Finn (or actually a Saamilainer), I can explain.

Russia invaded Finland in 1939, causing Finland to ally with the Germans. No Finnish troops, that I know of, fought anywhere but the Eastern Front, but a story bears telling. I’m not 100% percent on it, but I heard it from a pretty good source, and have tracked down some of the details.

Axis countries were entitled, and indeed required, to recruit SS units, and to deal with their domestic ‘Jewish problem.’ Finland didn’t have many Jews, and dragged its heels on the SS issue until politics required that something be done.

Long story short, they recruited Finland’s Jews into an SS battalion, and Germany screamed and yelled but couldn’t do a damn thing about it. Finland lost a total of about 75 Jewish citizens to the Holocaust.


O/T, but I see old Ace has hit the big time, getting mentioned on Slate:


Call me insane if you want but I’ve been checking lil’ Debbie’s site to see what her reaction to the Pammy vs. Charles “Pepperpot” (because he does look like Terry Jones dressed as a woman as someone pointed out yesterday) Johnson dustup but she’s holding fire for now. Too bad. Either she’s plotting her strategy carefully, meeting with her advisors, weighing her options, or it may be that she’s too busy being pissed off about Laura Bush going all dhimmi on us to even care.


That Chuckles image is just screaming “Photoshop me, please.”


That Chuckles image is just screaming “Photoshop me, please.”

Yep. Needs a goose.

And a sammich…



From Frau Oshrey’s comment thread:

Radical Islamists are giggling and planning. They never sleep, they want to kill us.

That sounds like Kyle Reese describing the T-800 to Sarah Connor. Wingnuts seriously think that Muslims are superhuman killing machines. They never sleep. Yeah, and they never eat, drink or excrete, either. They subsist on a diet and routine of pure liquid rage! Killing is their only objective! They will not stop until you are destroyed!

Oshrey is a fucking loon and her readers are even worse. I’m sure she would sacrifice anything (except maybe her fake tits) for the chance to maim, torture and kill a Muslim. Anyone on Long Island keeping up with media coverage of her legal troubles? IIRC, she’s like one degree of separation away from a million dollar embezzlement and two dead cops and her ex-hubby’s already done the perp walk.


Finnish ski troops, actually.

And they were fighting the Soviets. So, in a manner of speaking, they were “Nazi collaborators”.
But they could treat ordinary terrain like roads, tripling their movement range, so in areas with little or no railroads, they were still bitchin’.

I’m sorry, what?

Oh, and Alec, I appreciate the love for my mother country, but in reality Denmark’s war history is a bit more chequered than that. If you browse around those Waffen SS pages on Wikipedia, eventually you may come upon Frikorps Danmark, as far as I know the only corps of foreign volunteers to be given the official blessing of their home government. The Frikorps was loathed by most of the population, perhaps, and we (and by ‘we’ I mean ‘a group of people, none of whom is me’) did manage to smuggle quite a few jews (and a couple of reds) out of the country, but on the other hand, large Danish companies used Jewish slave labour, and Danish doctors, it has recently been alleged, experimented on kz-camp inmates.

And I know a few resistance veterans who might take issue with the claim that they ‘operated with almost complete impunity’. About 6000 Danes ended up in concentration camps, the vast majority in the period after the August Uprising of ’43, most of them political prisoners – reds or resistance (often both), but also police, Jews, and common criminals.


Continuing the interesting (to me) digression, Jewish Finns actually fought alongside German troops in WWII with Jewish chaplains and field synagogues.


old TV spiecals like “Scary Brown People are Comln’ To Town!”

I thought it was “It’s the Great Jihad, Scary Brown!”

Herr Doktor Bimler

Have Charles Johnson and Doris Lessing ever been seen in the same room together?


“Who the hell wasn’t a nazi collaborator in Europe? Puhleeeeeze.”

The revisionist Nuremberg defense.


Killing is their only objective! They will not stop until you are destroyed!

It’s an ugly planet! A bug planet!

oh… sorry. Wrong sci-fi neocon-wank material.


Not to nitpick, Gav, and I don’t know much Finnish aside from a few swear words, but shouldn’t it be ‘saatana perkele’? It’s a lovely, and very Finnish, phrase, anyway. The Danish rough equivalent would be ‘Satan og Helvede!’, literally (surprise) ‘Satan and Hell!’, but at least as common these days is the shorter ‘For Satan!’.

Smiling Mortician

For Satan!

Huzzah! More grog!


Not to nitpick, Gav, and I don’t know much Finnish aside from a few swear words, but shouldn’t it be ’saatana perkele’?

Vitunlihakeitto, ime mun muna lutka!
No, you’re right. ‘Satana’ takes a doubled vowel. (Oddly, this is a word that my grandmother never tried to teach me.)

BTW (and I don’t mention this much), see the About page for teh Saamilainer slant-eyes and related genetic features. Often-startlingly to myself and maybe sometimes others, I’m not really a white person.


Hehe, I didn’t know ‘vitunlihakeitto’, good one. I had to look it up on teh Google, which taught me that the Finnish for Mickey Kaus is, apparently, ‘vuohenraiskaaja’. Oh well, you live and learn, or at any rate, you live.


Actually, the answer is very simple: Vlaams Belang founders were not Nazi collaborators.

They manned a fucking SS division! (They counted as members of Herrenvolk, as Germanic people of pure blood.) They were Nazis, not some “collaborators”. We are not even talking about your average unwilling member of Hitlerjugend, but about volunteers to SS. Nazi elite. The Few. The Proud. Hard core.

Collaborators? It is really insulting.

Worst. President. Ever.

Libertarian CEO Matt Ridley is famous in the UK for his vitriolic anti-government newspaper columns and books.

But suddenly his corporation, Northern Rock, is going tits up.

You might think that Matt Ridley would be ashamed to have the govt to bail out his hypocritical ass?

Sadly, no!

You can’t make this shit up.

Smiling Mortician

OT, but I got bored and clicked on the ad for “How to Win a Fight With a Conservative” — seriously, I was just looking for a punchline like, y’know, “breathing helps” or “show up” or something. Anyway I took their quiz-thing (hey, I said I was bored) and it turns out I’m a Social Justice Crusader, but I totally wanted to be a Reality-Based Intellectualist. I’m kinda bummed now . . .

Herr Doktor Bimler

Libertarian CEO Matt Ridley is famous in the UK for his vitriolic anti-government newspaper columns and books.

That Matt Ridley? The biological-determinism-for-dummies writer? Oh, I see. He inherited a bank from his dad, ran it into the ground, and naturally is asking for a bail-out.

I read his book ‘Genome’ a few years, and was surprised how bad it was… the guy has a D. Phil. in zoology, but he just treats his qualification as a license to make crap up and misinterpret other people’s research.



Hehe, I didn’t know ‘vitunlihakeitto’, good one. I had to look it up on teh Google, which taught me that the Finnish for Mickey Kaus is, apparently, ‘vuohenraiskaaja’. Oh well, you live and learn, or at any rate, you live.

I’m sorry I’m having a revelatory moment, but I really don’t talk about ethnic stuff much to friends or anyone else. My grandmother was hardcore Arctic Circle, but emigrated to Minnesota, and Finns were at the bottom of the Scandi heap — except for Saami, who were off the map. She grew up playing normal-Finn and was apologetic about it (but secretly made traditional clothing, etc), and since then I’ve never run into a community here or anything, so bla.

That said, Kaus is indeed a raiskaaja of vuohen!


it turns out I’m a Social Justice Crusader, but I totally wanted to be a Reality-Based Intellectualist. I’m kinda bummed now . . .

The criteria for judging what we are seemed a bit shallow. Like, does my favorite song really have that much to do with my true political leanings? If I enjoy The Misfits, does that make me objectively pro-evil?

Guess it wasn’t meant to be taken that seriously.


If I enjoy The Misfits, does that make me objectively pro-evil?

You mean before Jerry Only took over the band, or after?


Uh, let’s say before.


Before? Then no. It’s the ultra-poppy toe-tapping singalong post-Danzig stuff that’s offensive.


Fimed via crappy-cam here in Boston (with the Necros and SSD as extras):


Did I miss the part where Atlas says she’s kidding? That happened, right?

Even then, it’s a pretty crappy thing to say unless it’s thick with sarcasm.


Like, does my favorite song really have that much to do with my true political leanings?

Well, who’s to say, but it may be an important data point that one of my favorite songs is “Hooligans Holiday”.

And I know, it’s from the only album without Vince. But damn, that’s a great song…



That makes sense. Finns have always been the outsiders of Scandinavia, partly, I guess, because while the rest of us at least to some extent understand each other’s languages, nobody (well, perhaps Estonians, but no Scandinavs anyway) understands Finnish. The Saami have at times endured conditions not much better than those of the Roma in Eastern Europe – a migrant, ethnic minority, whose trail happened to cross several borders every year, wasn’t always hugely popular with the majority.


I got bored and clicked on the ad for “How to Win a Fight With a Conservative”

So did I, and it turns out I’m a social justice thingie also. I have a sneaky feeling that anybody who takes the test and answers any of the questions in any way will always turn out to be a social justice thingie.

It turns out that the dickwad who wrote that book also wrote “How to Win a Fight With a Librul,” and when I took that test I learned I was a traditional values thingie.

Talk about playing both sides…


The Saami have at times endured conditions not much better than those of the Roma in Eastern Europe – a migrant, ethnic minority, whose trail happened to cross several borders every year, wasn’t always hugely popular with the majority.

As I understand it — and I’m pleased with the turn of the discussion while not wanting to hog it or anything — the Saami have a status that’s sort of analogous to that of the Hopi and/or the Navajo in the Southwest: Nobody wants their territory much, so fairly legally-strong treaties obtain. They’re free to roam the tundra herding reindeer until time shuts down, if that’s what they like.

The problems come in when they start expecting a Euro-average standard of living, while enjoying a pre-modern local government and lifestyle. I frame it that way to acknowledge the standard, usually market-based critiques…


Phht, Gavin, those stealthy Saami slant-eye genes are so “not-white” they’ve ended up as one of the defining characteristics of Pure Aryanism. Although Wikipedia doesn’t seem to have an entry for the old eugenics term nordic fold, if it’s ever a question of rounding up people with fat eyelids, most of us Celts and a fair percentage of Germans will be in the barracks with you. Check out the Kennedys, for instance — including poor Maria Shriver, whose television career has no doubt been greatly impeded by her inability to wear eyeshadow (/snark).


It turns out that the dickwad who wrote that book also wrote “How to Win a Fight With a Librul,” and when I took that test I learned I was a traditional values thingie.

Holy shit, he did write that too. Wierd.

OK, is Kurtzman’s mission to influence how people conduct debate all across the US political spectrum? Or does he just want to make more cheddar?


That’s IT!

I’ve found my fortune! Gad, I’m excited.

I’m gonna write a book called “The Long Struggle – A Guide to Successful Insurgent Tactics on the Post-Modern Urban Battlefield”.

And I’m gonna sell a bunch of ’em, go on TV, talk about it a lot.

THEN I’m gonna write a book called “Swatting Flies – Successful Counterinsurgency Tactics in the Modern Urban Environment”.

And I’ll go back on TV and talk about how to kill all those smartypants fuckers…

And at the end of the process, I’ll have a TON of money and no friends….



I think we’ve reached a point now where if someone invented time travel, brought Hitler into the present, and taught him to add “also, Muslims suck” onto the end of all his speeches defaming Jews and gypsies, Pammy would rabidly defend him against all charges of anti-Semitism.


As I understand it — and I’m pleased with the turn of the discussion while not wanting to hog it or anything — the Saami have a status that’s sort of analogous to that of the Hopi and/or the Navajo in the Southwest: Nobody wants their territory much, so fairly legally-strong treaties obtain. They’re free to roam the tundra herding reindeer until time shuts down, if that’s what they like.

I don’t know much (anything, really) about the status of native Americans, but that sounds about right. Trouble is, as you say, that reindeer herding in Lappmarken doesn’t really offer the living conditions (in terms of housing, education, social security, etc.) that most Europeans are used to.


Lappmarken should of course be Sameland, old habits die hard, I guess.

I should add that, though I find it interesting, this isn’t an issue I’m up to speed with at all. Denmark is the only Scandinavian country not to contain parts of Sami territory, so it’s not really something you hear about every day.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Denmark is the only Scandinavian country not to contain parts of Sami territory
What, Iceland too? I knew that reindeer could swim, but somehow I never imagined them crossing the North Atlantic.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Gavin M. said,
Often-startlingly to myself and maybe sometimes others, I’m not really a white person.

Did you read the post over at LGM the other week, about US immigration policies at one stage classifying Finnish immigrants as Asian?


Pedant 🙂

But it’s a matter of definitions, really. It varies whether people consider Finland and/or Iceland to be part of Scaninavia – Finland has the geography (ie. is on the Fennoscandian Shield), but an odd language, while Iceland is the opposite. Some use Scandinavia as synonymous with the Nordic Countries, I don’t.


And the part the people who scream about FRANCE SURRENDERS LOL don’t like to remember is that the surrender was largely a result of wingnuts in the military seizing power and deciding to collaborate to flush out the traitorous left-wingers and Jews.

Don’t forget that well over a million French men died in WWI. Otherwise, there might have been more French men to fight in WWII.


Oh, and speaking of Nazi collaborators, in case anyone hasn’t yet seen this:


I’m sorry I’m having a revelatory moment, but I really don’t talk about ethnic stuff much to friends or anyone else.

But what a cool revelation it is! Can you teach us any Saami swearwords? I’m just a regular lantalainen (~mudblood) Finn 😛

As I understand it — and I’m pleased with the turn of the discussion while not wanting to hog it or anything — the Saami have a status that’s sort of analogous to that of the Hopi and/or the Navajo in the Southwest: Nobody wants their territory much, so fairly legally-strong treaties obtain. They’re free to roam the tundra herding reindeer until time shuts down, if that’s what they like.

Actually the Saami are as high-tech these days as the average person, with snowmobiles and blogs and whatnot. Reindeer herding is quite intensive in some regions and there are economic conflicts with forestry and Finnish-speaking reindeer herders.

The shameful oppression of Saami language by goverments and schools ended some decades ago, and now the Saami language and parliament are supported by the government, but of course some of the attitudes of seeing Saami as quaint relics may persist in Nordic countries as elsewhere. But Finns themselves were in the “lovely filth down here, Dennis” phase quite recently before moving on to Nokia and internets, so in that regard we are in the same boat as the Saami.

oh, and:
Perkeleen runkkarit!


Bjork is from Iceland and she seems to fit the description.

I googled “Bjork Saami blood” to find out if she is indeed of Saami background and the first link was to a stormfront message board where two sad freaks had discussed the whiteness or not of Sammi people. No mention of the Misfits though.

Herr Doktor Bimler

It varies whether people consider… Iceland to be part of Scaninavia – … I don’t.
Pity. I was looking forward to alerting the SadlyNocracy to the peril of Shamanocrat Finno-Ugro-Fascists infiltrating Canada, after paddling across the North Atlantic on their reindeer invasion fleet.


Oh, and Alec, I appreciate the love for my mother country, but in reality Denmark’s war history is a bit more chequered than that. If you browse around those Waffen SS pages on Wikipedia, eventually you may come upon Frikorps Danmark, as far as I know the only corps of foreign volunteers to be given the official blessing of their home government. The Frikorps was loathed by most of the population, perhaps, and we (and by ‘we’ I mean ‘a group of people, none of whom is me’) did manage to smuggle quite a few jews (and a couple of reds) out of the country, but on the other hand, large Danish companies used Jewish slave labour, and Danish doctors, it has recently been alleged, experimented on kz-camp inmates.
This I knew – although it’s pretty much common to most of occupied Europe. Didn’t know it was that widespread (and hadn’t heard of the Frikorps Danmark, but I’m more or less familiar to the genre). I’ll admit I was oversimplifying quite a bit, but largely for rhetorical purposes. (Denmark was, at the very least, less awful than the rest of the Nazi sphere – it probably would have been a lot worse if it were run by a German gauleiter or general-governor.)

And I know a few resistance veterans who might take issue with the claim that they ‘operated with almost complete impunity’. About 6000 Danes ended up in concentration camps, the vast majority in the period after the August Uprising of ‘43, most of them political prisoners – reds or resistance (often both), but also police, Jews, and common criminals.

This, on the other hand, I did not. Youch.

I’ve always felt sorry for Denmark, at least after that one monarchial league (I forget what the name is – the one Sweden wound up bucking at some point, leaving Denmark holding the ball (and Norway, but still)) fell apart – it’s just one long story of being pushed around by bigger countries. By the 19th century, you reach a point where it’s frankly amazing they managed to keep Danish from being a particularly difficult dialect of German.

The partisans had to have had it tough – there were so few of them and they were up against so many. So it went for much of Europe, but in Denmark’s case I’m pretty sure Germany had more troops within 500 miles of Copenhagen than Denmark had people.

I should have had more sense than to be that black-and-white about things there, especially where it lead me into the sort of territory you rightly describe as roundly inaccurate. My apologies.


I googled “Bjork Saami blood” to find out if she is indeed of Saami background and the first link was to a stormfront message board where two sad freaks had discussed the whiteness or not of Sammi people.

I think she’s part Japanese. But the really interesting thing is that when you deal with isolated populations, you find that the ordinary notions of ‘race’ don’t apply…

I.e., circa 10,000 years ago, a couple ticks back on the evolutionary calendar, it was all different subspecies, or ‘races’ — with features that we now associate with ‘Caucasian,’ ‘Negroid,’ or ‘Asian’ absent or mixed up in crazy ways. C.v. ‘Kennewick Man.’

The Saami are old-timers, and there’s a strong Mongolian aspect to a lot of them, but it’s really a different, old-time thing. It’s not a neat Euro/Asiatic division.


As for the war, if a collaborator is defined as “individual who works with an outside entity against his own society or faction“, Finns were not really collaborators but Nazi allies. To put that in context, remember who US was allied with…

PS: All this Scandinavian cursing, and nobody’s using Scandic letters? Testing: Kusipäät! Vetäkää käteen! Helvetes skitjävlar!


Don’t forget that well over a million French men died in WWI. Otherwise, there might have been more French men to fight in WWII.
That and the Belgians deciding to lay down arms on short notice after years of refusing French requests to build a Magniot extension through their territory… there are a lot of really good excuses for the French military failure. It isn’t like the war was theirs to lose (the only extent to which it was was that they didn’t respond to the remilitarization of the Rhineland with an invasion – then they mighta won) – the Germans were just so much stronger and in so much better a tactical position.

Long story – one of the longest ever told – short, they acquitted themselves outstandingly in battle against the strongest army in history and then had the good sense to dissolve into the cities and the hills and surrender the organs of state before the Germans started getting bloody-minded, as sore losers seemed to make them.


To put that in context, remember who US was allied with…

Winston ‘Gas the Kurds!’ Churchill?

I think she’s part Japanese. But the really interesting thing is that when you deal with isolated populations, you find that the ordinary notions of ‘race’ don’t apply…

I.e., circa 10,000 years ago, a couple ticks back on the evolutionary calendar, it was all different subspecies, or ‘races’ — with features that we now associate with ‘Caucasian,’ ‘Negroid,’ or ‘Asian’ absent or mixed up in crazy ways. C.v. ‘Kennewick Man.’

Well, yeah – but remember that’s because the ordinary notions of ‘race’ are pretty absurd and arbitrary. According to the conventional notions of race, because I’m mostly a mix of German, Italian, and Irish, I’ve evidently got more in common with the speakers of Sanskrit than with my Ashkenazi and Polish ancestors – something of a reach on any grounds except a couple of largely coincidental bone structure and facial feature things.

When you get right down to it, ‘race’ is usually whatever you make of it.


The Saami are old-timers, and there’s a strong Mongolian aspect to a lot of them, but it’s really a different, old-time thing. It’s not a neat Euro/Asiatic division.

Right, and it gets even more exciting if you consider other dimensions than European-Asian – I guess you must have heard of the possible genetic link between Sami and the Basque? Unfortunately, we don’t know whether the populations happen to share some otherwise rare genetic variants by chance or by ancient relatedness.


Also, I bet any lurkers from LGF are thinking to themselves, “A-ha! His willingness to knuckle under to Islamofascism makes perfect sense! He’s a member of the asiatic horde! I should have known. Score another one for Western civilization.”


I’ve always felt sorry for Denmark, at least after that one monarchial league (I forget what the name is – the one Sweden wound up bucking at some point, leaving Denmark holding the ball (and Norway, but still)) fell apart – it’s just one long story of being pushed around by bigger countries.

Don’t forget the Stockholm Bloodbath! And controlling the entrance to the Baltic is not such a sucky deal.


When you get right down to it, ‘race’ is usually whatever you make of it.

Unless you are obviously non-white. Then, it affects you in lotsa ways and there isn’t shit you can do about it.


Well, yeah. Sometimes it isn’t you making it of it.

And that’s a real bitch.


Hysterical Woman said,
October 25, 2007 at 1:34

Doesn’t Pammy rag on Soros for working for the Nazis?

you read my mind. She literally foams at the mouth about him + the Nazis.

Johnny Coelacanth

Woot1!1!1 I am apparently a Reality Based Intellectualist whatever the fuck that’s supposed to be. Apparently I hate bible thumpers. Who knew?

Johnny Coelacanth

Oh, and when I took the other quiz it turned out I was a “Freedom Crusader.” Because I pretended to be a retarded shit with a hard-on for war.


No need to apologize, alec. Your comment wasn’t unfair in any way, and I certainly see your point. It’s just that there’s still an ongoing and quite heated debate around here about the Danish policy of cooperation with ze Germans, with a lot of people with axes to grind refusing to see it in anything but black-and-white, and ignoring the part of history that doesn’t fit their particular, rhetorical purpose.

There’s no need to feel sorry for Denmark (historically, that is, you’re more than welcome to pity us for our current government), we had a good run at empire for a while, we just got it out of the way early.

PS: All this Scandinavian cursing, and nobody’s using Scandic letters? Testing: Kusipäät! Vetäkää käteen! Helvetes skitjävlar!

Nåja, hvis det skal være på den måde. Men at kalde umlaut for skandiske bogstaver, det er da røv og nøgler.


I’m always fascinated at the number of highly educated people on this board.

Then I’m amazed at the number of people from places other than america.

Then I’m struck by the number of LGBT people here.

Then it’s the number of professional academics and teachers.

But who knew there were this many – um, I’m not sure what the correct term is – Nordic? Scandanavian?

Anyway, to a provencial, grossly undereducated, california hippie like me it’s pretty damn cool…



Men at kalde umlaut for skandiske bogstaver, det er da røv og nøgler.

Vadå umlaut… vi är väl inga tyskar för fan!

It’s not umlaut when it’s a separate letter (the dots on the letter don’t go on and off in the same word unlike German).


Re: the Finns

Never understood why the Finns, after emigrating all the way across the Atlantic in leaky iron barges, would settle in the Upper Midwest … I guess coming from a country filled with mosquito/gnat infested swamps in the summer and in the winter, ice-spicule-filled winds made them believe in Loviatar, goddess of pain & cold — they felt at home in places like the Upper Peninsula.

Damn crazy Yoopers; anyone living in a place where you can get somewhere near 40 feet of snow in a season, and where you have to have tunnels connecting the house to the barn … man, you have to have a masochistic streak.

Big tall slow-smiling Finnish girls, on the other hand…


But who knew there were this many – um, I’m not sure what the correct term is – Nordic? Scandanavian?

I believe the term you’re looking for is ‘aryan supermen’.

I run a pretty brisk and deeply unfair trade in mock-German; seeing all this Scandinavinese makes me want to expand. I think I’ve been giving the Danes, Swedes, and especially those motherfuckers in Norway too much slack for far too long.

And incidentally:

I’m always fascinated at the number of highly educated people on this board.

Not I. I just pay attention; I’m a third-year undergrad senior (and in political science, for that matter – history is really not my field, I just happen to like it and plumb it a lot for stuff to work with). I think this is pretty much living proof that any old idiot can come up with the stuff I belt out if they have an obscene enough personality and enough spare time.

you’re more than welcome to pity us for our current government
We’re talking the same one that responded to the controversy fermented by the Mohammed cartoons – whose original publishers were basically hatchet-men for it – was to scream and cry about Islamofascism suppressing their freedom of speech when foreign diplomats begged them to stanch the increasingly violent protest with an official apology? Because yeah, ow.


As a swarthy New York Mutt,I’m starting to get uncomfortable with all this blond blue eyed Nordic-chatter around here.Though man,I do love the cold weather and snow.But Lutefisk and ice-fishing and or reindeer herding just doesn’t float my boat.Where is the spate of church burnings going on?That looks like a fun kinda place.


demize: That’s why we have to get together and mock the Nordics’ ridiculous language. We took the piss out of Hitler that way, it’s time to take down Rasmussen too.

And as for you poor unfortunate souls from Scandinavia, well – I suppose you’ll just have to take one for the team. I’m sure you could spend all day mocking English, the most absurd tongue man has ever contrived to speak (except Latin, obviously.)


There’s no need to feel sorry for Denmark (historically, that is, you’re more than welcome to pity us for our current government), we had a good run at empire for a while, we just got it out of the way early.

My Norwegian in-laws say that they are sooo grateful for your leniency. I think they’re being sarcastic, but since none of you Scandinavians ever changes expression, who can be sure? (/snark)


I’m glad for Farmer from American Gothic, but in the excitement he seems to have become confused. The lady is his sister, actually.


The lady is his sister, actually.

Who’s to tell what kind of kink Grants Wood?


Who’s to tell what kind of kink Grants Wood?

Ow! 🙁


I wasn’t a Nazi sympathizer during WWII. Dz I gt prz?


My Norwegian in-laws say that they are sooo grateful for your leniency. I think they’re being sarcastic, but since none of you Scandinavians ever changes expression, who can be sure? (/snark)

The nice part of that deal (for us, that is) is that, while mocking the Norwegians as our kindhearted, but rather dimwitted cousins from Hicksville, we still get to claim any and all Norwegians of distinction as, well, kinda Danish.

Disse folk har sproget blandet;-
de er herrer nu i landet.-
Men i tiden længst forgangen
råded der orangutangen.
Han var skogens mand og herre,
frit han turde slå og snærre.
Som naturens hånd ham skabte,
så han gren og så han gabte.
Uforment han turde skrige;
han var hersker i sit rige.-
Ak, men så kom fremmedåget,
og forplumred urskogs-sproget.
Firehundreårig natten
ruged over abekatten;

The Swedish penchant for ¨ just proves what we’ve been suspecting all along, that Swedes are really some sort of knock-off Germans. That might explain why both countries have been kicking our asses for the last five centuries.


Who the hell wasn’t a nazi collaborator in Europe? Puhleeeeeze.

Seriously. And who wasn’t lynching negroes back during Jim Crow? Amirite? Amirite?

Herr Doktor Bimler

since none of you Scandinavians ever changes expression, who can be sure?
There’s nothing wrong with trying not to wear out your face too soon.


Never understood why the Finns, after emigrating all the way across the Atlantic in leaky iron barges, would settle in the Upper Midwest

In my college days, I knew a lass who was Finnish/Ukrainian from New Jersey.
Some of the sensible ones knew that staying on the Least Coast was better than migrating to the Great Cold North, of “Americas’ Heartland”.

Mike Royko once devoted a column to determining how to insult a Norwegian-American, and came up with the phrase, “Herring choker.”

I just read in the LA Times that Finland has 85 music schools in the whole country.


We owe the Sami a lot! They gave us Sammiches! and Sami Davis Jr.!

The Finns gave us Bonk!


By the way, living in Amsterdam and biking past the Anne Frank house a lot I’ve had more time than most Yanks to ponder the whole occupation/collaboration thing. It’s easy to wag a finger (a Dutch pastime) at the locals for their, er, enthusiasm for helping the Nazis hunt Jews (almost as eager as the Poles were).

Then I think of the McCarthy years and Americans’ willingness to rat their neighbors out as pinkos and commies, and they weren’t even under the guns of occupiers. They didn’t have a tyrant to collaborate with so they invented one.


Couple of random thoughts –
Charles Johnson finally snapped and refused to endorse a conference that was sponsored/organized/supported by possible cryptofascists.
Good for him! Pam (already snapped) has a snitfit about it. How entertaining. Comments to her post on her blog made it almost a day before somebody reminded us that Hilter (sic) was a socialist.

Also, on the Belgian tip – the mention of Vlaams Blok reminded me. Herge, the artist who created Tintin, worked during the German Occupation for a publication controlled by the Nazis. He was investigated after the war, and it sullied his reputation for years. The poor Belgians – on top of everything else, of the three most famous Belgians of the XXth Century (Tintin, Hercule Poirot and Jacques Brel) two were fictional and all three were widely assumed to be French.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Jacques Brel was fictional?!


[…] In case y’all weren’t aware, some of the Islamophobes are apparently down with teh Belgian racist right, to the (dubiously admirable) consternation of LGF head honcho […]


Yeah yeah I am late to the party but if this means that it spares someone to not get the stupid flash bullshit.


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