Death, Be Thee Proud And Take Me Now

Sigh. Gregg Easterbrook is at it again.
For reasons only known to himself and the demonic entity he sold his soul to, Easterbrook gets paid by several prominent publications to write about a wide variety of topics — including science, national energy policy, statistical analysis, movies and football — despite the fact that he’s really, really goddamn stupid and is wrong about everything. It’s very depressing that one man can continue to get paid for essentially writing the Encyclopedia Wrongtancia, but that’s our major media for you. The stupider Easterbrook gets, the louder his editors seem to clap. Just check out this one:
Patriots at Colts on Nov. 4 is shaping up to be one of the most attractive and exciting NFL regular-season games ever staged. The pairing is fabulous; the teams are the league’s best; and there is a chance both will take the field undefeated. Plus, Patriots at Colts has a powerful, compelling narrative. Namely — Good vs. Evil.
The fact that I don’t even need to tell you which team represents Good and which stands for Evil says a lot about how low New England has sunk. You knew instantly which was which, didn’t you?
Well yes, but only because you’ve been positing bizarre conspiracy theories about the NFL working to cover up Bill Belichick’s vast web of illegal cheating-related program activities by hiding videotapes of him guffawing on the sideline during Super Bowl XXXIX because he secretly injected Donovan McNabb with 20 billion milligrams of Dr. Zzzzzzzzz’s coma-inducing sleep medicine in order to make him look like a lazy bum who was too tired to run a hurry-up offense in the fourth quarter of the biggest game of his life. These theories were so credible, by the way, that they earned you a very sharp rebuke from your own ombudsman. So yes, Mr. Credibility-Would-Be-My-Middle-Name-If-I-Weren’t-Full-of-Shit-About-Everything, we do know which team you consider to be “evil.” Please continue:
Argument for the Indianapolis Colts as paladins who carry the banner of that which is beneficent: Sportsmanship, honesty, modesty, devotion to community, embrace of traditional small-town life, belief in higher power, even love of laughter.
And the Patriots? They hate small towns, God and laughter. Yes, those Patriots are so goddamn evil that they never laugh, and when they do it’s only because they’re mocking pathetic Dolphins defensive backs who tried to double-cover Randy Moss and wound up falling to the ground. Which, to be honest, is extremely funny. To me, at least.
The Colts are the defending champions, so they obviously play well on the field. Yet after winning the Super Bowl, they have remained humble and appealing.
Right, which must be why Peyton Manning has decided to pollute my TV screen by doing about a gazillion-kajillion new ads. Whoring yourself out to corporate America is the greatest small-town value of them all.
Through prior years of postseason frustration, they never complained or pointed the finger outside their team.
After the Patriots’ corners consistently jammed Marvin Harrison and Reggie Wayne during the 2003 AFC Championship Game, Bill Polian went to the league and shrieked like a child that the rules for down-field coverage needed to be changed.
Their players are active in community affairs and don’t carp about being assigned to a nonglamorous Farm Belt city with an antiquated stadium. Their coach, Tony Dungy, smiles in public and answers honestly whatever he is asked: He never yells at players or grimaces at bad plays and, when defeated, doesn’t act as though it’s the end of the world.
He also likes to hang out with homophobic creeps, but that’s OK because bigotry is one of the small-town values Easterbrook wants us to emulate.
Argument for the New England Patriots as scoundrels in the service of that which is baleful: Dishonesty, cheating, arrogance, hubris, endless complaining even in success. […]
The team’s star, Tom Brady, is a smirking sybarite who dates actresses and supermodels but whose public charity appearances are infrequent.
Supermodel Gisele Bundchen’s man and New England Patriot, Tom Brady went on a eight day trip to Ghana and Uganda organized by DATA (debt AIDS trade Africa) and
The football player visited health clinics, schools and other projects in support to fight extreme poverty and AIDS in Africa. Tom admitted that his trip was a true “eye-opener.”
“I saw the best and brightest of the human spirit in the face of incredible poverty that most of us just can’t comprehend,” he says. “I’ve learned that we as Americans, living in the greatest country in the world, can save innocent lives ravaged by AIDS with something as small as a 25 cent pill. When you see what can be done, it’s impossible to not be driven to do more — the needs are still overwhelming. This won’t be my last visit to Africa and I hope to pass along what I’ve learned here to others who will listen.”
That constant smirk on Brady’s face reminds one of Dick Cheney; people who smirk are fairly broadcasting the message, “I’m hiding something.”
Good effing God. Easterbrook is actually claiming that Tom Brady is evil because his facial expressions provide a deep window into his char-black soul. Get outta here, ya maniac!
The Patriots seem especially creepy at this point because we still don’t know whether they have told the full truth about the cheating scandal — or even whether they really have stopped cheating. They say they have, but their word is not exactly gold at this juncture. Ladies and gentlemen, representing Evil, the New England Patriots.
Gregg. I just… Goddammit. Look, if teams play the Patriots now and are stupid enough to keep using the same set of signals they’ve had in place for the past fifty years, then they really do deserve to lose. Whatever edge Belichick gained from cheating through watching defensive coordinators’ signals is most assuredly gone now, unless those coordinators are as mind-numbingly idiotic as your typical TMQB column is. Which, given the state of most Americans nowadays, wouldn’t be all that surprising.
In the Good vs. Evil narrative of the Colts and Pats, running up the score is a telling factor: It reveals a team’s sportsmanship or lack of same, and whether a team shows sportsmanship in public might offer insights into its character in private. New England is scoring so many points the Patriots offense looks like cherries and oranges spinning on a slot machine. The Flying Elvii stand plus-159 in net points, by far the best scoring margin in the NFL. This is supposed to be impressive. But I think it’s creepy, and New England’s creepy on-field behavior is only underscoring the seediness of the Beli-Cheat scandal.
In Easterbrookland, being the most dominant team in the NFL is “creepy.” I wish Vince Lombardi were still alive to slap your sorry ass around, Gregg. It would be too teh funny forever.
On Sunday, the Patriots led the winless Dolphins 42-7 late in the third quarter, yet Tom Brady was still behind center. And he wasn’t just handing off the ball to grind the clock, either. Rather, he was back in the shotgun, still throwing to run up the score. Here is a summary of the Patriots’ possession with a 42-7 lead late in the third and Brady, Randy Moss and the rest of their offensive starters on the field: Pass, run, pass, run, pass, pass. When backup quarterback Matt Cassel entered the game in the fourth quarter, with the Patriots leading 42-14 — a margin larger than the greatest fourth-quarter comeback in NFL history (see below) — did he hand off the ball to grind the clock? Here were Patriots’ coaches first three calls: Run, pass, pass. Cassel’s second pass was intercepted and returned for a touchdown, and Brady re-entered the game. Did he grind down the clock? Pass, pass, run, run, pass. The final score was 49-28.
The Patriots scored 42 points in the first half. In the second half, they scored a grand total of… 7! Yeah, way to run up the score in the second half, Pats! Way to make Miami look bad! CRRRREEEEEEEEPY!!!!
Yes, you can find games the Colts have won by a big margin in recent years, and yes, Manning was on the field through the fourth quarter at Jacksonville last night. But in that quarter, the Colts mainly ran to grind the clock: If they had wanted to win by more, they likely could have. As for New England’s running up the score, supposedly the Patriots are angry about the Beli-Cheat scandal and are scoring points like crazy to express their anger against the world. Wait a moment: What right do the Patriots have to be angry? They, after all, are the ones who admitted to systematic cheating. Other people didn’t impose that situation on them — they cheated of their own free accord, imposing the tainting of their accomplishments on themselves. The Patriots were not wronged; they wronged others. Yet they’re mad about being caught, and they seem to want to take out their bad feelings about themselves by embarrassing second-echelon teams. That bespeaks lack of character. That’s Dark Side. That’s Evil.
The Cowboys are a second-tier team? Really? The same team that’s 6-1 with the highest-rated passer in the NFC? That team, whose star wideout told people to “getcha popcorn” in anticipation of watching his team’s offensive fireworks? The same team who signed well-known low-life scumbag Tank Johnson? This is the team we should feel sorry for?
Suppose New England’s version of events is true — that Belichick is a fine person who made an honest mistake about rules that seemed clearly written to everyone else but somehow were confusing to him and that he regrets his honest mistake. If this were so, wouldn’t Belichick be attempting to convince the world he is a good guy by showing sportsmanship at every turn? Instead, he is raising his middle finger to the rest of the NFL, to the sporting media, even to the NFL fans who made his wealth and celebrity possible.
Yeah, Belichick’s a grade-A jerk, I’m not gonna lie. But, uh, Gregg? He’s a professional football coach. Please, Gregg, list me the number of championship-winning professional football coaches who were not complete jackasses in real life. Bill Parcells? Lombardi? Bill Walsh? Mike Ditka? All of ’em egomaniacs, all of ’em nasty to the media.
Since Belichick took over the Patriots and began the franchise’s remarkable run, he and his team have been praised, praised, praised, praised, praised, praised, praised, praised, praised, praised, praised; criticized when it was discovered New England had engaged in what commissioner Roger Goodell himself called “a calculated and deliberate attempt to avoid long-standing rules designed to encourage fair play and promote honest competition”; then — after about a week of criticism — praised, praised, praised. This is not a sequence of experiences that would leave an honorable person angry at the world. Yet Belichick acts that way, and he appears to be encouraging anger in his players, which is itself unsportsmanlike.
Gregg. Holy God. Gregg. Have you ever watched a single football game before? Have you ever seen, say, Lawrence Taylor, Jack Lambert or Reggie White slam full-force into an unsuspecting quarterback? Did that look like a particularly happy, joyful scene to you? Gregg: it’s football.
Players get emotionally pumped up when they play. Belichick, like all great coaches, is a master at pushing his team’s buttons and getting them to play with complete focus and motivation. Part of this entails telling them that people don’t respect them. He’s been doing it every since they won their first Super Bowl in 2001. And you know what? It’s worked pretty damn well. The reason that Belichick is still pushing his team to feel disrespected is because he does not want them to get complacent. He knows that when teams become to self-satisfied and too self-assured, they get completely schooled even by less opponents. Just ask the 2001 Rams.
OK, I can’t take much more of this. Let’s skip to the end:
That’s why the Pats at Colts game Nov. 4 so clearly represents Good vs. Evil. The Colts stand for everything the NFL, and sports enthusiasts, should be proud of. The Colts stand for a positive future for the NFL. The Patriots stand for — well, wouldn’t it be nice if the Patriots would explain to us what they stand for. When Good meets Evil, I know who I’ll be rooting for.
And when stupid meets really stupid, I know which one is Gregg’s column.
Kill. Me.
*Just to clarify, I actually like the Colts quite a bit and Peyton Manning is one of the best quarterbacks of all-time- in fact, up until this year, I think he’s been significantly better than Tom Brady. But Easterbrook is simply the greatest wanker in the history of wankdom and needs to be thrown to the mat and slapped around when he pens garbage like this.
UPDATE: See also The Editors.
UPDATE II: How could I forget:
UPDATE III: Oh, now you’ve done it, Pinko Punko. You’ve made me go back and read this classic Easterbrook column about Michael Vick. The title alone is worth its weight in milk bones:
Vick: Villain or scoundrel … or sympathetic figure?
I have an inclination to sympathize with Michael Vick, and not just because People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is denouncing him.
HA, HA, HA! It’s funny to laugh at st00pid hippies opposed to electrocuting dogs. HA, HA, HA!
They are popping champagne corks over at PETA, as Vick is the best thing to happen to the organization’s profile and fundraising in years. Remember, the charges against Vick are accusations. The Duke lacrosse mess reminded us that accusations are not the same as guilt and that prosecutors might be unscrupulous. The NFL, the media and popular opinion all seem to accept that because Vick is accused, he must be guilty. He’s been treated as guilty — mocked, effectively suspended from football, deprived of most of his income — long before any legal determination has been made.
Literally four days later, Vick pleaded guilty to dog-fighting charges. Easterbrook is basically a weather vane of wrongness. In fact, if he had a smart twin brother named Westerbrook, he’d probably be the wisest man alive.
Let me count the reasons I am inclined to sympathize with Michael Vick. One is that Vick became an athletic celebrity at age 16. Since then, has anyone ever said the word “no” to him? Did he ever hear “no” from his coaches, his teachers, Virginia Tech, the Atlanta Falcons, Reebok, Nike, Rawlings, the National Football League, ESPN or any of the sports-media companies, all of which were only too happy to indulge Vick so long as it benefited them?
Being a spoiled celebrity = you think it’s OK to torture dogs. Call me crazy, but I don’t think even Macaulay Culkin did anything that awful.
Vick might have believed he had become a Big Man — someone no one could touch, someone above the rules.
Someone like, uh, Bill Belichick?
Next, I feel sympathy for Vick because there is racial animus in the current turn of events. If Vick really is guilty of cruelty to animals and associating with lowlife gamblers, these things leave him open to a kind of condemnation that has nothing to do with race. But don’t you just sense there are loads of people who are happy to have the chance to condemn the first African-American quarterback who was drafted first overall — via an accusation that has nothing to do with race?
That made absolutely no sense. I can’t take this anymore. Damn you, Pinko Punko. Damn you to hell.
I’m not a sports fan, I think football is a boring waste of time, but I can still see that his argument is stupid. In this day and age the players aren’t hometown boys (were they ever?) so you can’t say the Colts are all good ol’ Hooisers with Ma and Pa waiting on the farm, while the Patriots are all elite snobs in polos and khakis reading Nietzche in Harvard Square and laughing while whipping their manservant.
I feel dirty just for having read Easterbrook’s columns in the past, before he was fired from for that unfortunate remark about Jewish media moguls.
Great smackdown, Brad. The ESPN ombudsman article is brilliant, and pretty much serves as a state-of-the-sports-world as far as I’m concerned.
Oh, and Go Sox!
He needs a pink slip from ESPN and a major ass kicking. That is a ridiculous article.
And I’m glad I like the evil doers. It’s good to be evil now and then.
This guy pushes the envelope for the definition of “putz.”
Or “fucktard” for that matter.
I can’t stand either team and would love to see both of them lose, if that were possible. That said, to refer to either team as good or evil is ridiculous and stupid. One of the reasons I watch sports is so I can leave behind such weighty considerations and just enjoy myself.
Go Rockies!
“…embrace of traditional small-town life, belief in higher power, even love of laughter.”
Okay, I was willing to spot him the first few, but what the blue balls fucking? small-town life? God and laughter? It’s a goddamn corporate franchise of grunty sweaty men ramming each other to the ground for control over some balls, not a fucking Normal Rockwell painting.
Know what always says, “Hometown spirit and bake-sales for a new City Fire Truck” too me? Fresh-water dolphins.
“This is supposed to be impressive. But I think it’s creepy, and New England’s creepy on-field behavior is only underscoring the seediness of the Beli-Cheat scandal.”
I know I always get the urge to vomit and say Hail Mary’s whenever a basketball team starts making more then ten 3-point baskets.
“If this were so, wouldn’t Belichick be attempting to convince the world he is a good guy by showing sportsmanship at every turn?”
Would he feel better if Belichick threw the next four games and gave every member of the opposing team’s offensive squad handjobs?
“That’s why the Pats at Colts game Nov. 4 so clearly represents Good vs. Evil.”
Jesus. I was writing “Conclusion Paragraph” first sentences like that back in fucking middle school.
“well, wouldn’t it be nice if the Patriots would explain to us what they stand for. ”
I work with two otherwise bright, liberal guys who think Easterbrook is a polymath and a brilliant writer. I’m pointing them to the column quoted here, and asking pretty please if they can explain how it makes him anything but a grade-A moron.
Seriously, he’s holding onto Belichek’s stupid scandal and milking it for all the column inches it’s worth–despite the fact that he’s driven to more and more bizarre claims in order to continue attracting attention.
He’s definitively made himself the Michelle Malkin of sports journalism.
I’m pointing them to the column quoted here, and asking pretty please if they can explain how it makes him anything but a grade-A moron.
I’ve got a much worse one for you:
If John Scopes were alive today, he might be arrested for speaking against evolution in a public school, rather than in favor of it.
And it gets worse from there.
The pack-up-and-leave-in-the-middle-of-the-night Colts aren’t the evil ones?
Not to hear someone from Baltimore talk about it…
I like the Colts quite a bit also, basically because they have the highest concentration of Syracuse University alums (Marvin Harrison and Dwight Freeney).
I’m sure circa January 2002, doofuses like Easterbrook were applauding the Patriots because of their name and 9/11thedaythatchangedeverythingforalltime.
I’m a Colts fan and am really looking forward to the game. I don’t hate the Pats, Belichick, etc. Just want to see two good teams go at it again. “Writers” like Easterbrook should quit trying to find some deeper meaning in the game or teams.
Also, I hate Easterbrook because he uses jokes every week that were lame the first time he tried them. “Flying Elvii?” Shit, that’s a good one, Gregg!
Every team blocks their opponent’s radio frequencies so they have to use signals, which catalogued, can tip you to the play calls.
Easterbroke is a bloke of the lowest order, but the refriots aren’t exaclty immune to a different standard of play.
He could have mentioned the owner giving a Super Bowl ring to Vladimir Putin in hopes of securing a Yukos Oil subservice bid.
Just don’t sack Tom Brady in the second half, and the refs won’t throw a flag to take the good play away from your defense. Is our fan club learning?
Item: Easterbrook is a wanker.
Item: The Colts can go eat a dick.
Item: The idea that you shouldn’t run up the score when you’re leading because it might make the other team feel or look bad is the weirdest fucking thing I’ve ever heard of in any sport. The first time I heard it suggested I thought the guy must be having me on. It’s a contest, somebody wins, somebody loses. Deal.
Item: The Patriots have by now surpassed the Cowboys as the single most loathsome team in the NFL. Not because they’re evil moneygrubbing jews or cheaters or something like that, but because a) they’re too fucking good and b) they’re called the patriots, for Gerard’s sake.
(see also Drew)
pat’s still blow
dungees a creepy promise keeper and peyton’s over exposed
only solution: root for the gints
Good and evil my ass. He could have said the same thing with a lot less effort by just turning in a column that read “waaaaaaaaaah!”
Plus, Patriots at Colts has a powerful, compelling narrative. Namely — Good vs. Evil.
The fact that I don’t even need to tell you which team represents Good and which stands for Evil says a lot about how low New England has sunk. You knew instantly which was which, didn’t you?
Based on your sentence construction, you stated the opposite of your intent, doofus. If you had written, Colts vs Patriots and then Good vs Evil, then, yes, I would understand you to mean that Colts are Good and the Patriots are Evil. You need an editor more than I need to care about any professional sport. Ever.
Chuckles- Gregg doesn’t write. He types. It’s a big difference.
I think you just went for his bait. He’s cobagitating big time. What a choad. Also, we’ve extensively dismissed GE previously as well. He was even worse about Vick. It’s in our archives.
Shorter Gregg Easterbrook: Because Tony Dungy has a blank expression, the Colts are a force that gives us meaning.
I was wondering who would step up to the plate on this one. Awesome post Bradrocket. Plus you stole the only remaining half-ass that the three bulls had!
PP – I was just reading your Vick post out loud the other day. everyone was in tears laughing.
I’m rooting against the Pats (but for the Sox), but they’re a fantastic team and that column is inane. Impressive that Easterbrook can be so wrong on so many subjects. I suppose it he had some actual wit or something he could produce something decent on this theme, but he seems far too earnest. I guess it’s easier to produce a lot of crap quickly when you don’t need to research or think, huh?
I’m sorry, where was I?
Good vs. Evil?
Dude. Take a deep breath. You want I should get you a cold drink? Here, wipe the spittle of your chin, fer crissakes.
It’s a FOOTBALL Game. Not the meaning of life, not the end of civilization as we know it, nobody’s gonna die, and the only people who will feel any actual, lasting effects of that football game on November the fourth will be gamblers who put their money on the line in hopes of making some easy scratch.
And jeezus christs tits in a mason jar, however you bet a game like that you’re likely to lose.
These people just need a little bit more to do, then they wouldn’t have to get all outta breath about entertainment and shit…
I hate the goddamn Patriots.
But Easterbrook really has issues. Scary issues.
Wait…isn’t that a picture of Michael Musto?
The Cowboys are a second-tier team? Really?
The same team that’s 6-1 with the highest-rated passer in the NFC?
The ‘NFC’ part is why they’re a second-tier team.
That said, I still hate the Cowboys, Easterbrook knows as much about the NFL as he does about biochemistry, the Pats have played some real crap teams, and Tony Dungy is still a homophobe.
I’m convinced by his argument in its entirety. Fuck the Pats. Fuck Brady. Fuck Belicheat.
Go … er …
Wake me when it’s Spring Training.
God, I hate people who assume the Midwest is nothing but farms and yokels chewing pieces of straw while gathered around the pickle barrel at the general store.
By any standard Indianapolis is a BIG CITY! Apart from Chicago and Detroit, it is the biggest city in the Midwest. Hell, there are 44 states in the Union that don’t have cities as big as Indianapolis. Indianapolis is more populous than Miami, San Francisco, Baltimore, Washington, Seattle, Atlanta, or Denver (home of the next World Series Champion).
So unless you are from New York and think there is only one city in the entire US, Indianapolis is a BIG CITY.
oh, I suppose you’re going to go and extol the virtues of Zombie Jesus now, or that insufferable fool Jesus H Christ?
Do you know what I have to do to get in this jar? Do you have any idea what was in this mason jar before I got in here?
I’ll let you in on a little secret: The H stands for Herman.
Suck on that JHC!!!1!
NFL matchup – “fabulous”?
Nobody does that.
Praise you, Sweet Zombie Jesus.
When backup quarterback Matt Cassel entered the game in the fourth quarter, with the Patriots leading 42-14….
Meanwhile, as in “literally at the same time this was happening”, the Texans were in the process of wiping out a fourth-quarter deficit of exactly the same size.
Funny ol’ game….
By any standard Indianapolis is a BIG CITY! Apart from Chicago and Detroit, it is the biggest city in the Midwest. Hell, there are 44 states in the Union that don’t have cities as big as Indianapolis. Indianapolis is more populous than Miami, San Francisco, Baltimore, Washington, Seattle, Atlanta, or Denver (home of the next World Series Champion).
Anyway, I think Easterbrook would have a point about running up the score if a) these were kids in high school and not professional football teams and b) if another professional football team just came back from a 32-7 deficit to take the lead in the 4th quarter on the same day. The coach didn’t want to put the 16 1/2 spread in jeopardy and for that, he saved thousands of scuzzy gamblers from losing their life’s savings on the sure thing. Evil? Not in my house, bub.
As for near evil. Dungy is a homophobic douchebag. Mike Doss was arrested two years ago on gun charges. Cato June was arrested this year for driving with a suspended license. Dominic Rhodes was arrested (while a Colt) for DUI, ex-Colt Dexter Reid was arrested on gun and drug charges, Colt defensive end Darrell Reid was arrested on drug charges this year, not Bengal numbers — but enough Colts have been arrested over the past two years for some, were they inclined ,to notice. Evil? Who cares. Good? Uh, no.
Pats 120 – Colts 10
Indianapolis is more populous than Miami, San Francisco, Baltimore, Washington, Seattle, Atlanta, or Denver (home of the next World Series Champion).
More populous than Foxborough, Massachusetts, too.
My sources tell me, when Tom Brady parts his hair a certain way, you can see a 666 on his head…
Y’know, since Gregg Easterbrook and others are so damned concerned about a winning team “running up the score,” perhaps the NFL should implement a Slaughter Rule: If at any time a team is leading by 35 points or more, the game shall end and the leading team shall be declared the winner and shall give each member of the losing team a Lifesaver candy and chuck him under the chin, saying “Buck up, champ, there’s always next week.”
But that probably wouldn’t satisfy Easterbrook, who appears to want this rule: If at any time a team is leading by 35 points or more, the leading team must field a backup squad composed of midgets, three-legged dogs and Pez dispensers until such time as the lead has been cut to less than 10 points.
Come to think of it, I would pay to see a game like that.
To paraphrase HST on Richard Nixon: “He knew as much about football as he did the Grateful Dead.”
Seriously, anyone who writes tripe like that…why would you take his political analysis any more seriously?
I’d get picked after the Pez dispensers…
Bitter? Nah….
Both the Patriots and the Colts can kiss my Politically-Incorrect-DC-Football-Team loving ass. Sure, they’re fine football teams, both of them, quarterbacked by unusually capable media bukkake objects.
That doesn’t change my perfectly correct perception that both the teams and their quarterbacks are insufferable.
All that aside, Easssttterrrbbbrrrookkk is an asshat. This reminds me of when I had to start liking France. Not that there’s the remotest possibility of a similar outcome here. Really, dood, it’s best not to even acknowledge that Easssttterrrbbbrrrookkk exists. The pain is not controllable by modern pharmaceuticals.
On the one hand Peyton Manning just gave at least seven figures to a local children’s hospital. On the other hand, I gotta see his third trimester fetus proportioned cranium on every other fucking TV commercial. So I could go either way on the good/evil thing.
I don’t know enough about Brady to judge, but as for Pat’s fans – pretty much evil douche-nozzles all the way.
I’m a Raiders fan, so our season is already over. But I hope the Pats go 16-0 and demolish every opponent they face, then run the table and win the Super Bowl. I’ve always been a big fan of Randy Moss, mainly because he’s one of the most aesthetically pleasing football players I’ve ever seen. His physical gifts are really, really enjoyable to watch. I was happy to see him get traded away from the Raiders so he could succeed.
Tom Brady is finally showing what he can do with a good group of wideouts. The Pats are going to pummel the Colts mercilessly.
I don’t think HST said that of Nixon, Bystander. Their only meeting was spent discussing college football, and HST noted being surprised by the depth of Nixon’s knowledge, forcing him to accept Nixon was a genuine fan.
Why does ESPN have a better ombudsman than the NYTimes and Washington Post?
I don’t even like the Patriots, but Brady was sent back into the game because his replacement sucked so bad they could have lost with him. Jebus
This is the kind of column George Bush would write. The combo of Manichean duality and fucking moron sports fan idiocy is pretty much what’s destroying the planet, at heart. Rah team, Other EVIL.
“I’m a Raiders fan, so our season is already over.”
What are you, a Dhimmi? We are winning! Or we would be, if only the Lie-beral media would stop jumping for joy every time our opponents score, while totally ignoring every great scoring play the Raiders make. If only wimpy Lie-berals didn’t tie our hands behind our backs when we’re on defense, we could totally crush opposing players’ skulls and stuff, which would guarantee victory, but no! That quaint little NFL rulebook that all the pansy-waisted Lie-berals love so much forces us to play the games like civilized people, while our subhuman and barbaric opponents are free to saw our glorious heroes’ heads off whenever they get inside the red zone!
Landru said,
October 24, 2007 at 0:54
Both the Patriots and the Colts can kiss my Politically-Incorrect-DC-Football-Team loving ass.
Hail to the Redskins,
Hail Victory…
Too bad they do dumb stuff like call a bogus trick play in the 2nd half of a game they had complete control of, i.e. against the Packers.
Not politically incorrect, genocidal and racist. The team name “Redskins” genuinely detracts from my enjoyment of football. The Indians and Braves are bad, what with Chief Wahoo and the chop, but Washington Redskins is directly equivalent to Kansas City Kikes or NY Ni—-s. The term redskin comes from a bounty put upon their remains. I’m all for not taking sports seriously, but I have to wonder how people can put aside their values and cheer for the “Skins”.
Washington Redskins is directly equivalent to Kansas City Kikes or NY Ni—-s.
I think Nips.
I’m pretty sure I was cheering for the “Skins” before I had any values. Or I was 7, whichever.
The term redskin comes from a bounty put upon their remains.
You have a link?
Harjo’s claim that it “had its origins in the practice of presenting bloody red skins and scalps as proof of Indian kill for bounty payments” is unsupported by any evidence.
Well, maybe I was wrong in that frequently transmitted fact which I will admit I had not researched.
That certainly makes an indisputably racist term, strongly associated with genocidal policies, ok.
[…] Brady and the Foxboro Patriots: not just scumbags themselves, but with scumbag fans. See KSK for more. (NB: I’m not bitter because they beat my team last week; someday […]
looks like Josh Trevino, supporter of torture and genocide, called you a scumbag, Brad. Ha ha ha ha
Maybe I was wrong about partial birth abortions, but that certainly makes an indisputably abominal procedure, strongly associated with murdering babies, criminal.
Look, here, a different brad, I didn’t come here for an argument about sports teams names, I came here for abuse.
But if you want to help the largest native american tribe, the Navajo Nation, consider supporting Howard Shanker for Congress.
The current rethuglican in AZ-01 is retiring to spend more time with his lawyers.
I’m sure nobody on the Colts does anything evil like abuse steroids…
Non-sociopath, Super Bowl winning coaches:
Chuck Noll, Bill Cowher.
Just sayin’.
a different brad said,
October 24, 2007 at 1:08
I don’t think HST said that of Nixon, Bystander. Their only meeting was spent discussing college football, and HST noted being surprised by the depth of Nixon’s knowledge, forcing him to accept Nixon was a genuine fan.
Thanks different brad…I just wasted an hour to prove to myself that I didn’t dream that one up. As it turns out, I did get the paraphrasing wrong, he did know more about football than the Grateful Dead!……ain’t the internets wonderful, you can find anything on Altavista (although the Google failed me)-
I was the only one in the press corps that evening who claimed to be as seriously addicted to pro football as Nixon himself. I was also the only out-front, openly hostile Peace Freak; the only one wearing old Levis and a ski jacket, the only one (no, there was one other) who’d smoked grass on Nixon’s big Greyhound press bus, and certainly the only one who habitually referred to the candidate as ‘The Dingbat.’
So I still had to credit the bastard for having the balls to choose me — out of the fifteen or twenty straight/heavy press types who’d been pleading for two or three weeks for even a five-minute interview — as the one who should share the back seat with him on this Final Ride through New Hampshire.
But there was, of course, a catch. I had to agree to talk about nothing but football. ‘We want the Boss to relax,’ Ray Price told me, ‘but he can’t relax if you start yelling about Vietnam, race riots or drugs. He wants to ride with somebody who can talk football.’ He cast a baleful eye at the dozen or so reporters waiting to board the press bus, then shook his head sadly. ‘I checked around,’ he said. ‘But the others are hopeless — so I guess you’re it.’
‘Wonderful,’ I said, ‘Let’s do it.’
We had a fine time. I enjoyed it — which put me a bit off balance, because I figured Nixon didn’t know any more about football than he did about ending the war in Vietnam. He had made a lot of allusions to things like ‘end runs’ and ‘power sweeps’ on the stump but it never occurred to me that he actually knew anything more about football than he knew about the Grateful Dead.
But I was wrong. Whatever else might be said about Nixon — and there is still serious doubt in my mind that he could pass for Human — he is a goddam stone fanatic on every facet of pro football. At one point in our conversation, when I was feeling a bit pressed for leverage, I mentioned a down & out pass — in the waning moments of the 1967 Super Bowl mismatch between Green Bay and Oakland — to an obscure, second-string Oakland receiver named Bill Miller that had struck in my mind because of its pinpoint style & precision.
He hesitated for a moment, lost in thought, then he whacked me on the thigh and laughed: ‘That’s right, by God! The Miami boy!’
I was stunned. He not only remembered the play, but he knew where Miller had played in college.
Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’72 (Harper Perennial, 2005 [1973]): 56-57.
I always liked the suggestion (don’t know where it came from) that cities with football teams should be honest in their name, like Dallas Cheap White Trash.
Why are all my favorite liberal bloggers Boston sports fans? It’s a conundrum similar to “Why are they all into cats?”.
I’ll make a deal with Boston Sports Fan: you can have the best team in the NFL. You can have the best team in Major League Baseball. You can have the #2-ranked team in college football. Shit, you can even have the most successful team in the history of the NBA (about whom there’s major buzz this year). And if the Bruins happen to be good as well (I have no idea, since no one in this country cares about hockey), you can bloody well have that too. Go ahead, take it all. Have more to yourselves than nearly every other U.S. sports city combined.
Can I just ask one tiny favor in return? Might you drop the victim attitude that seems to be encoded in your DNA? Can you stop with the persecution complex for a little while? Hell, I’d settle for one day.
Thanks, Boston Sports Fan, and best of luck to you. Not that you need it.
Rufus is right, the vast NFL conspiracy has had it in for the Raiders since that corporate fascist Pete Rozelle was still alive. Their pansy rules tie the hands of the manly Raider defense, who can paralyze a man w/ one solid hit!!
And I’m pretty sure someone fucked w/ Barrett Robbins’ meds before the last Super Bowl the Raiders were in.
I’m sorry, I was napping….
The first thing that popped into my mind in Easterbrook’s “Good v. Evil” dichotomy was the (just as senseless) argument that the Colts must be the evil ones because they fled Baltimore in he middle in the night (in 1984) and the Patrioys must be the good guys because they are patriots.
I’m a Colts fan, but I heard this characterization of the Colts A LOT last year, including in an LA Times article that was just a waste of space that could have been used for another media analysis about how liberals get all their news from Bono, Jon Stewart and Rosie O’Donnell.
So, Mr. Easterbrook, no, it’s not that obvious. Sports writing, like conservative punditry and entertainment writing, is frequently just so much sophistry, little more than a fragile house of cards held together by the glue of stupidity. When you apply the solvent of knowledge and good sense, it falls apart.
(Really. Nineteen eighty-four was a long time ago. There have been more Super Bowls since the Colts left Baltimore than there were before. This is just dumb.)
Everybody, stop hating on the Patriots. Basketball season is almost upon us. Save it for the Pistons!
Why did you have to remind me of the Eagles’ “hurryup” offense in that game? Why???
“Death, be not proud,” dood. And it would be “thou,” not “thee,” in any event. (end nitpick).
I don’t think HST said that of Nixon, Bystander. Their only meeting was spent discussing college football, and HST noted being surprised by the depth of Nixon’s knowledge, forcing him to accept Nixon was a genuine fan.
I believe they also met once over wieners and discussed fate.
Look, I’m not a huge fball fan but I have to say I’m a Colts fan because the other 1/2 is (truly, madly, deeply) and I don’t want to sleep on the porch. However, even I know games against the Patriots traditionally go a little like this:
Pats win, Other team loses.
[Repeat until Super Bowl]
With the Colts, meh. I can only say they are likely to win. So, if “good” has to struggle to get into the finals while “evil” just strolls, what does that say about good? Or evil?
OMG, Brady has sold his soul to teh Devil!
And now this schmuck has jinxed the Nov 4 game so there will be one unhappy Colts fan in my immediate vicinity.
After the big leadup I was expecting some jaw-dropping commentary followed by a classic SadlyNo retort on a matter related to public civics, economics, foreign policy health or the environment. Nope. Turns out Easterbrook is teh stupid because he says Patriots are teh evil when they SOO are NOT! and omg Tom Brady is teh best ever! Greg Easterbrook is stupid for a lot of reasons but not because he really really dislikes you’re favorite football team and that got you salty. I like Football too, but man what a fucking waste.
And whatever the truth be to the projections that stem from Easterbrook’s perverse hatreed to the point of derangement of the Patriots, the fact reamins that their coach is still a weasely cheater and deserves every bit of ridicule he gets.
Here in Vegas, there isn’t much that is recognized as sinful behavior. A pro sports team deliberately NOT scoring as high as they possibly can (i.e. purposefully not beating the spread) certainly would. THAT would be evil.
Isn’t whining about winning with too big a margin anti-american anyway?
Easterbrook’s just trying to be like George Fwill, another hateful little geek who channels his right-wing nostalgia and wrong-headed political metaphors into sports. With George Fwill, it’s baseball (or was; haven’t heard from him lately).
Well done.
But let’s not forget Easterbrook’s main purpose for his NFL column appears to be that throwing out moronic statements in order to facilitate his being a middle-aged creep leering after various NFL cheerleaders.
The “ick” factor is high, as well as the imbecility.
Not politically incorrect, genocidal and racist. The team name “Redskins” genuinely detracts from my enjoyment of football.
Uhm…that’s probably okay, since your apparent penchant for veering from the issue at hand to lecture me on an irrelevant issue (one I acknowledged anyway) genuinely detracts from my enjoyment of this thread. I’m gonna argue that the significance of the two detractions is pretty much the same.
In any event, I prefer “Foreskins” as a cognomen for the team (make it so, Mister ‘Hat!), and use it consistently. But thanks for your genuine concern over my dilemma. Perhaps your favorite team could acquire some form of cancer that I might mock? Do please let me know.
Easterbrook is half right. The Patsies ARE the very embodiment of evil. But so are the Colts. . This isn’t Yoda vs. Palpatine here, folks, it’s Dr. Doom vs. Lex Luthor.
The problem is, the good guys have all been so thoroughly de-powered by exposure to various anti-cosmic rays and different isotopes of Kryptonite that evil, in the form of one or the other of these evil, evil franchises, must inevitably triumph this season, as it has last season, and the season before, and the season before that…
We are doomed. This root-and-branch domination of organized sports by horror and darkness is an exact reflection of the corruption that the Bush/Cheney conservative/Republican Red/right wingnut machine has brought to every other aspect of our day to day life. As long as Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are worshipped by dimbulbs throughout our land, as long as Bush remains unimpeached, as long as Cheney continues to feast on souls and blood without someone pounding a stake through his heart… as long as this soul shredding Reign of Terror continues, so, too, will the mighty Buffalo Bills and the entire NFC remain mired in chaos and confusion, and the Buccaneers will continue to lose yet another invaluable roster member to season ending injuries week after week after week.
Help us, Jeff Garcia. You’re our only hope.
Good vs. evil. Forget for a moment all the fallacies in the characterization of New England as evil. G vs. E is binary code for simple-minded people. It’s the Old Fortran of modern Psychology and Literature, and here it is being spouted by the employee of some sort of think tank (i.e., is this what the Brookings Institution is passing for these days?) It’s a feeble jab from a routed ex-champion. G vs. E? It’s what you argue when you’re out of arguments. It’s not rock bottom for Easterbrook. Rock bottom would be calling the Patriots “Nazis.” But that’s just a stone’s throw away, and it’s already been implied.
Worse yet, it’s dingy and droll. Way to throw cold water over an exciting game by discrediting one of its combatants. You must have an affinity for 1980s politics, when we were in a habit of disqualifying one of the Presidential candidates by dredging up some gottcha that had nothing to do with the issues facing the country (i.e., Gary Hart’s “Monkey Business”; Dukakis’s “Willie Horton”), leaving us with only one (truly unopposed) candidate. Spygate has nothing to do with this season, and we have already laid out arguments proving it played no role in previous Super Bowls or big games. I mean, really, if Christ appeared on a cross to you …
The way I see it … in the more mature take on G vs. E, Belichick is a Christ figure sacrificed for the sins of the entire NFL community. If you insist on G. vs. E., m0r0n, stick that one in your pipe!
Greg Easterbrook is stupid for a lot of reasons but not because he really really dislikes you’re favorite football team and that got you salty. I like Football too, but man what a fucking waste.
Lighten up, Francis. I think this awful Easterbrook column -and read the ESPN Ombudsman’s take for the context of his prior columns- serves as a nice microcosm of why this country is going to hell: a “serious” Brookings Fellow who gets consistently and thoroughly smacked down as being wrong, wrong, wrong (whether on global climate change or on football, and everything in between) still has a major platform from which to speak.
I hear Tony Dungy is a great dad, providing lots of quality time to his kids who have yet to commit suicide.
Evil can be a real pain in the neck.
What’s truly Evil about the Patriots is that Mike Vrabel plays offense and defense and scores touchdowns doing both. That is not biologically normal. And it’s evil that Randy Moss likes playing for the Pats and is having perhaps his best year. That’s evil. And it’s evil that Teddy Bruschi has recovered from a stroke. That’s evil. And it’s evil that Belichick dresses like a homeless person cuz he can. And it’s TRULY evil that the Pats’ first stadium was named for Schaefer beer, the one beer to have when you’re having more than one.
ESPN goes Sadly, No !!! ….
Easterbrook is entitled to his opinion, to his logic, to his analogies, however strained I think they are, but what is not OK is cloaking opinion in the camouflage of reporting. In his Sept. 18 piece, “Dark days for NFL,” Easterbrook indulges in several speculations about Belichick’s spying, couching his imaginings in “perhaps” and “might have beens” and “the rumor mill says,” which leads him to suggest “the Patriots’ cheating might have been more extensive than so far confirmed.” That “so far confirmed” is sneaky, implying there is only a small gap between his imagination and fact. Well, all right, sneaky implications are within bounds for a column. It is when he vaults from speculation to posing this question — “What else is there about New England cheating that the team or league isn’t telling us?” — that he goes out of bounds. Not what might there be, but what else is there. That’s where the line is — the line between the grammar of speculation and the grammar of implied fact — and he crossed it.
Why does the best ombudslady in the land work for ESPN, and not for, say, some media that actually matters.
oh, right….
(medium? media? whatever)
Nice Darryl Stingley reference. Remember “They Call Me Assassin”?
Another in a long list of reasons to ignore football.
Fuck the Patriots.
if i remember right, the only reason indianopolis has a football team is that it was stolen from baltimore. and is there any worse commercial than those featuring manning going to poor schubs jobs and mocking them as they stack cans on the grocery store shelves?
but easterbrook was right in one column about vick pointing out that our factory farmed meat is produced under circumstances just as cruel as those inflicted on dogs by vick. but we only love dogs in this highly hypocritical country. fuck any other animal.
Was Peyton really that much better than Brady because he was better, or because he had better guys to throw to? Brady last year got within a quarter of the Super Bowl with Reche Caldwell and Jabar Gaffney.
If Marvin Harrison could have been cloned, or if he just had a player as skilled and in tune as MH I truly believe that Brady would’ve smoked out Peyton in the stats, and won one additional Super Bowl.
Brady is just unbelievable.
Break a leg !!!
but easterbrook was right in one column about vick pointing out that our factory farmed meat is produced under circumstances just as cruel as those inflicted on dogs by vick. but we only love dogs in this highly hypocritical country. fuck any other animal. — ron
so that means because I broke Darryl Stingley’s neck and left him paralyzed for life and got away with it, it’s okay for everyone to do it, eh ???
The whole thing is soul-shatteringly fatuous, but my favorite part is the argument that the Pats run up the score and the Colts don’t. Uh, Gregg? The Manning-led Colts INVENTED the garbage touchdown. They LIVED for it for a while there. Why don’t you go back and look at how many of Manning’s 49 record-setting touchdowns a couple years back were thrown in humiliating blowouts of weak teams.
Peyton likes his numbers. Peyton LOVES to win. And as sweet and funny as he might seem in interviews and commercials, Peyton is a killer. He’s out there to humiliate the other guy just as much as Brady is.
I don’t hate the Colts (even as a diehard Boston Sports Fan, who agrees with “Me” upthread about laying off the self-pity, especially since 2004 — but still wants to tell Me to Fuck You just cuz.) — but I hate Manning. I respect his ability to throw a football, but I hate, hate, hate the fact that he won the Super Bowl.
Why? Because he’s beamed relentlessly into my subconscious every week by marketers. Because before, when he’d lose, he’d go out of his way to blame his WR for taking the wrong route (usually on TV while making the face), the refs for not calling bumps at the line and just about anything else that wouldn’t involve him taking any measure of responsibility (Ty Law owned the motherfucker). Because he couldn’t beat Florida. He was in all ways ARod, the supremely gifted athlete, one of the best of all time, who couldn’t win the big one.
It’s a better story. Now it’s just a Russell – Chamberlin scenario where one guy will have to pile up championships just to show that the other guy (despite seeming ‘better’ and having won some championships) is just a little less of a team guy and a little more of a loser.
Please, Gregg, list me the number of championship-winning professional football coaches who were not complete jackasses in real life.
Not to put too fine a point on it, given that I agree with you about Easterbrook, the man who is given the opportunity to be wrong about more different subjects in more different specialist publications than anyone else in America today (once upon a time, it was considered amazing that Jerry Pournelle could be given a platform to be always wrong about one subject on which he knew nothing — namely, computers — in a specialist publication, Byte; but Easterbrook? I figure that, at the rate he is going, he will soon be allowed to write a column for Immunology Today where he will deny that HIV causes AIDS and wibble on about how garlic prevents Demonic Humours), but the obvious example of a genuinely nice guy coach who has won a championship is listed in this very article: Tony Dungy.
His involvement with those homophobic “Family Values” creeps in Indiana is a stain on his record, to be sure, but I’ve still never heard anyone who knew him or worked with him describe Tony Dungy as anything but a nice guy. Heck, until he finally did win The Big One, the reason “everyone” gave why he hadn’t done so yet was that he was too nice.
That said, the fact that there exists at least one Nice Guy coach doesn’t invalidate your larger point that the list of championship coaches who are or were arrogant or assholes (or both) is a pretty fucking huge one.
As for me, I like both the Colts and the Patriots, because I like competence; seeing teams perform at the very highest level is always thrilling, with the obvious exception of those times when they are dismantling my favorite teams. And, if anything, I’ve found the Pats to be nowhere near as arrogant as they could be. Hell, these guys could act like the Tom Landry-era Dallas Cowboys if they wanted to turn their current team personality up to eleven; they’ve got all the elements in place, even with a head coach who looks eerily like Robert Klein.
A novella-length post about football?
Easterbrook= Typical. Conservative. Scum.
As a long-time Colt fan who’s lived in CT my whole life, I must object to the whole “good v. evil” thing. If anyone’s gonna think the Pats are evil, it’s me. Heck, Belicheck and Brady might get that Randy Moss’ head on straight yet.
Besides, all my Pat fan friends tell me the only evil athletes are those…those TRAITORS Johnny Damon and Roger Clemens.
The Colts are not a small town team. They are the product of piles of corporate cash nestled in a biomedical stronghold. That’s not to say they aren’t a good team… but we’re a looooooong way from Gene Hackman and the Hickory Huskers.
Now the Packers… that’s a small town team. I trick or treated at their houses as a kid. Most of my family owns some stock in them, and my kids will inherit my parents’ season tickets someday. The Packers don’t win every game (ha!) of course, but not because they lack sufficient “goodness.” Rather, they’re an actual team with actual people. Teams win. Teams lose.
I wonder what’ll happen when the Colts, as all teams do, start to decline? Will Gregg tut tut them for succombing to the “dark side?” I guess by Gregg’s shallow moral calculus, we can all be angels if we wait around a few years.
Peepul who think peepul who play and watch football are loosers are the real loosers. There is nothing more like being a kid in Massachusetts than playing football against the next street’s kids in a field in the fall. My personal playing field as a youth was next to the old railroad station in North Easton, Mass. No adults. No schedule. Just kids playing football on a Saturday in October. And you pussies have a problem with that?
Easterbrook has long been a hack approaching an Andrew Sullivan level of douchebaggery.
Now about that football game…It’s disingenuous for the Dolphins to cry “foul” after being beaten up by the Pats. Please. Is or is not Miami’s defense paid to stop their opponents from scoring? This past Sunday the ‘Phins failed miserably. What’s worse is that they can’t face the fact that they have no one to blame but themselves. It’s shameful behavior for a group of fifty or so grown men.
All those piling on The Patriots for “running up the score” on the Dolphins omit some essential truths. NE’s vaunted defense was god-awful too. Unable to wrap up for the second straight week the Pats allowed over 400 total yards and three offensive touchdowns. When Belichick put Brady back in after Taylor returned an INT for a touchdown, Miami had just scored 14 points in 65 seconds. NE has a long history of failure in Miami including such upsets as last year’s 21-0 drubbing and the 29-28 loss during their last Superbowl season of 2004. Plus I know it’s way down on the list but Total Net Points Scored remains an NFL Playoff Tiebreaker. Clearly Belichick isn’t taking any chances this year.
That’s what he is paid to do.
Can someone explain to me why Belichick is a “grade-A jackass” in real life? Just because he refuses to play nice with reporters? I find Bill a pretty admirable guy on the whole – he’s very smart, loves his job, gives a 100% effort, doesn’t get caught up in image and similar bullshit, votes Democratic, loves music and history. Has a wicked, but very dry sense of humor. What’s not to love?
[…] Big bad bully blogs behave belligerently, bringing ‘brook blogging. As you may know, we half-assedly staked out TMQ for probing the goldmine that is Gregg Easterbrook’s brain. […]
I’m with Tim — the picture makes him look like Michael Musto, the smarmy toad who makes me glad I tape Olbermann and watch him the next day, so I can fast forward past MM whenever he comes on. (And through all those damned ads with Dennis Bleeding Hopper while I’m at it.)
[…] Gregg Easterbrook and the staff at Fox are probably weeping like little schoolgirls as we speak. Which, of course, […]
[…] you’d also expect, the “source” for the lied-about-the-facts claim is the terminally-stupid Greg Easterbrook. Also, the movie was … a movie, but of course Hollywood is always […]
[…] to be wrong, but that he gets paid to be wrong on such a broad range of topics, from politics to sports to science to film. Reading a Gregg Easterbrook article is like listening to a rousing speech […]
[…] to be wrong, but that he gets paid to be wrong on such a broad range of topics, from politics to sports to science to film. Reading a Gregg Easterbrook article is like listening to a rousing speech […]