You Mean They’re Doing All This On Purpose?
Mel Martinez is stepping down as RNC chairman a little early. His reason for doing so is fairly peculiar, if I do say so myself:
Martinez, a prominent Cuban-American who is up for re-election in 2010, said he was relinquishing the job to spend more time focusing on his Florida constituents. He also said the RNC had achieved the objective he set when he assumed the job in January.
(emphasis added)
Oh? What “objective” was that, Mel? Denying little kids health insurance? Smearing twelve year olds? Lying about the fact that you authorized torture after telling everyone that you didn’t authorize torture? Politicizing the Justice Department by firing attorneys who didn’t toe the line? Commuting the sentences of the cronies in your party who did hatchet jobs for the Executive office, and reinforcing the popular opinion that y’all think you’re above the law? Kicking puppies in the head?
The idea that anyone in the Republican party can use a phrase that means “Mission Accomplished” in relation to what they’ve done over the last ten months is just a staggering admission of hubris and stupidity. Keep it up, guys! We’re all rooting for you. I have some solid intelligence that this website is a prime gathering location for al Qaeda terrorists who support universal healthcare – I strongly urge you to round up everyone you find pictured here and send them to Guantanamo for waterboarding. That’ll show everyone exactly what you stand for!
Gavin adds: Will the last Hispanic in the GOP please turn the lights off? Kthxbai.
Well, I guess this is the last we’ll see of our old friend Psychout now.
Or perhaps he’ll find a new cause to champion…
Mission fulfilled!
From The Buzz.
His goal was to ensure our party had the structure and resources in place for all Republican candidates in the 2008 elections to be successful
Successfully … retired? Put out to pasture? Lateral move to a fat lobbying gig?
Maybe Mel was a mole, and his mission was to undermine the RNC?
He also said the RNC had achieved the objective he set when he assumed the job in January.
And that job was complementing your party’s previous interference in the lives of private citizens?
The legal counsel to Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.) admitted yesterday that he was the author of a memo citing the political advantage to Republicans of intervening in the case of Terri Schiavo, the senator said in an interview last night.
Heckuva job, Melly-Mel. Go ahead and grab a Medal of Freedom from the bucket by the door on your way out.
Hmmm, I wonder if maybe he’s starting to wonder how safe his seat is…
Shorter GOP: “Its just too tough to whip Teh Base into an election year frenzy of Mexopotamian hatred when you’ve got a brown guy passing the collection plate.”
I’m sure his resignation has nothing to do with the fact that the RNC is broke.
Someone has to show that dancing cockatoo video at that site to Gavin. I mean, it head bangs at the end of the song.
This bunny is also objectively pro-islamofascist.
I have it on good authority that this site is also a hotbed of unAmerican, CAFE-standard-loving unAmericans!
I’m sure his resignation has nothing to do with the fact that the RNC is broke.
Yeah, the RNC is “broke” like Donald Trump is “bankrupt” (again). The Permanent Money Party is beginning to wonder if the Repubs have pushed their whole “guns, god, and genocide” ad campaign so hard for so long that the
consumersvoters are just sick to death of the same old lines, but I’m sure they’ll find a new! improved! with extra bleaching power! line of candidates in plenty of time for the 2008 elections. I also love how that article manages to cover all the “horse race” / sports metaphor angles without once mentioning the unpleasant, unsaleable possibility that actual issues might have something to do with the whole issue. Because what’s really important in “politics”… the fact that actual people are actually suffering, or the at-bat percentages of the Red Team hitting against a left-handedBlue Team player?
Mel Martinez has to toe the line against HispaniHomoIslamoCommieFascism. Oh, and get more of those brown people to vote GOP!
What’s his problem? Damned wimp.
No, those were merely the ends to an end. Paul Krugman on Democracy Now on Wed said they basically wanted to usher in a new Gilded Age. On that Bush has been wildly successful. If you are one of the top 1% of this nation you worship GW as a god, and rightly so.
These are people who will indeed kick puppies and 2 year olds in the head and roast them on a spit if it means more money for them. They are perfectly willing to bankrupt our entire economy just to make a point. They are willing to send thousands into the meat grinder of war just to fill their pockets and then deny those soldiers adequate armor or will even give them sewage to drink just to make yet again another buck or two.
They are sociopaths. Full blown sociopaths. And when it all comes crashing down as it always does, they are utterly incapable of comprehending why.
They are filth.
Perhaps Mel was part of a fanatic covert anarcho-Maoist cadre, entering the Republican Party like an injection of nanobots, attacking the country’s most vulnerable point by stoking the paranoia of the right, pushing American politics over the brink of madness, shattering the nation’s fundamental political structure, and finally leaving it helpless to resist the inevitable wave of neo-hippie revolution.
Or perhaps Mel’s an idiot.
Either theory works pretty well.
So naturally it fits that:
Blackwater is a term used to describe water containing fecal matter and urine. It is also known as brown water, foul water, or sewage. It is distinct from greywater or sullage, the residues of washing processes.
Blackwater is heavily polluted and difficult to treat because of the high concentrations of mostly organic pollution.
I say, I say, that sounds like class warfare, my boy…
Find me someone who takes head shots of themselves fellating a cigar who ISN’T an incompetent jackass.
I am Foehammer !!! Foehammer !!! possessive noun prepositon ended with !!!
The Knights of TransylRepublicania welcome our brown brethren like Mel Martineses. Verily, just as long as they talk in english around us, dress like us, vote like us, live in different neighborhoods, but use their (them!) Nielsen meters to continue programs we (us!) view of. Mine Anvil Of Troof concurs with the scripture of Rufus 1:33. “Heckuva job, Melly-Mel. Go ahead and grab a Medal of Freedom from the bucket by the door on your way out.” You lying ly-berals lovin’ lies about our (possession!) Mel, don’t deserve the sputum traces on the outside of my inhaler!
My long held theory, as expressed by Tom Tomorrow:
deep undercover
His goal was to ensure our party had the structure and resources in place for all Republican candidates in the 2008 elections to be successful
Successful at finding “romance” in public toilets.
Frederick said,
“I say, I say, that sounds like class warfare, my boy…”
Is that a cigar in your mouth or are you just remembering daddy?
…”turn out the lights”?
Seems to me like they’ve been wandering around in the dark for decades.
Ooh! Wotta hunk! *Sqee-eeel!!* There’s just… something… about that cigar… that I find very… distracting,,,,
Noen sez–
“And when it all comes crashing down as it always does, they are utterly incapable of comprehending why.”
Really? Or just incapable of caring?
Both Mr wonderful. Sociopaths are incapable of understanding the motivations of the rest of us. That leaves them with a blind spot and is invariably why they fail. They really do exist and thrive in corporations and government. They are distinct from sexual sadists (though they can be that too) and those with narcissistic personality disorder (Joe Lieberman, Megan McArdle).
A biologist/SF writer (Peter Watts) has speculated that sociopaths represent the next step in human evolution. That all this business with emotions was an evolutionary dead end. (His writings are a bit… dark but he seems to be serious. Ok, maybe half way serious)
“They really do exist and thrive in corporations and government. ”
Call it zeitgeist, or whatever, but I was just thinking about this literally yesterday: that any institutional system will not only reward those who play on, and over, the edges of its rules, but it will actively select FOR those types.
In that sense, it’s a miracle anything good (i.e., not characterized by selfishness and class warfare) ever gets accomplished by gov’t. and that, given the complete dominance of money in politics of money, anyone of any quality and character lives within 100 miles of D.C.
I’m intrigued by what you say about Watts. What of his should I read w/ regard to this whole kooky sociopath thing? TIA.
And yes, I said, “dominance of money in politics of money.” That’s how dominant money is in our politics of money.
frenzy of Mexopotamian hatred
Peter Watts’ blog
His main site, Rifters dot com
Prior to Blindsight his last work was a dystopian trilogy: Starfish, Maelstrom and Behemoth/Seppuku. You can download all three in addition to his short stories for free (PDF, zipped HTML, MobiPocket file) at “The Backlist”. All on a CreativeCommons (somerights reserved) license. You’ll want the real books though because it sucks reading a book on your monitor.
Blindsight is his latest book.
In the book the vampire/sociopath is in charge and in it he sort of speculates that they are the future of mankind. It is his speculation that I am basing my comments on. I recommend Blindsight highly. It’s good SciFi but he is being overly pessimistic in order to tell a good story. At least I hope he is.
That’s how dominant money is in our politics of money.
Well, yes. The tipping point came sometime in the eighties, I think, when one day politicians woke up and suddenly money was more important than votes when it came to getting (re) elected. No longer could they afford to be responsive to their constituencies. Rather, they had to spend all their time offering “access” to corporations and large organizations like unions. These were the primary sources of the funds they needed to win elections.
And so it came to pass that, between the electoral college, gerrymandering and money politics, the people, us, ceased to matter. It’s not that we’re less important, or marginalized – we simply don’t matter. And without major structural reforms, we can’t fix it. Oh, sure, the “netroots” can funnel money and recognition at candidates we prefer, but once they begin to achieve power on a larger stage, they quickly discover that we are powerless to provide the kind of funding they require. So at first, they tell us they are just wooing the corporate dollars in order to further our legislative priorities. But then, they end up owned, and they have to enact programs and laws that are deeply counter to the peoples needs and desires, but that directly and transparently benefit the large donors. The bush administration has brought it all out into the light.
Unless and until we can represent as much available cash as the energy companies, big pharma, the defense industry, insurance whatever, nothing can change. And the only people who can reform the structure are currently benefiting from the status quo. It’s all over for representative politics in america until the whole thing falls apart and we get to start all over again…
Hmmm, I wonder if maybe he’s starting to wonder how safe his seat is…
I read that he’s got a 38% approval rating here in FL. So yeah, that’s probably it, since it may well take until 2010 for him to bring it up to re-electability levels . . .
Could a Democrat have done better?
I don’t think so.
Liberals. Hmf.
Mikey nails it, again.
AP: “He [Martinez] also said the RNC had achieved the objective he set when he assumed the job in January.”
This was the objective of proving ‘Deficits Don’t Matter’, by running the RNC into more debt than assets.
Pee Wee Martiniez.
See also Pee Wee Bubba.
The RNC’s job was to make sure the Democrats in Congress were blocked, stymied, obstructed, and bullied, so they can be smeared as a “do-nothing Congress” come election time. Every good piece of legislation was blocked, every piece of shit Bush wanted was strong-armed into law, everything that might possibly be construed as a condemnation of Bush’s failed policies was turned into a furious, shrill assault on this Nation’s Commander In Chief during a time of War.
The RNC executed perfectly, but they couldn’t have done it without the media and, of course, the Democrats themselves.
why is it so many Republicans love cigars? Mel and Rush as well. It’s so goddamned Freudian…