Malkin vs. Malkin
My first favorite scene in this movie is the one in the beginning where Michelle pees standing up next to Jesse. But my second favorite scene is this one:
Sulkin’ Malkin, August 27, 2004:
America’s Broken Health Insurance System
I certainly am not convinced that a government-run system is the answer, but I do agree with Krugman that there are serious problems with our health insurance system, particularly in the market for individually-purchased (non-group) coverage.
After my husband quit his job earlier this year (to become a full-time stay-at-home dad), we had a choice. We could either buy health insurance from his former employer through a program called COBRA at a cost of more than $1,000 per month(!) or we could go it alone in Maryland’s individual market. Given our financial circumstances, that “choice” wasn’t much of a choice at all. We had to go on our own.
We discovered that the most generous plans in Maryland’s individual market cost $700 per month yet provide no more than $1,500 per year of prescription drug coverage–a drop in the bucket if someone in our family were to be diagnosed with a serious illness.
With health insurance choices like that, no wonder so many people opt to go uninsured.
Stalkin’ Malkin, October 9, 2007:
Democrat Poster-Child Abuse, The Nutroots’ Pushback, And The Continued Campaign To Silence The Right
The bottom line remains:
This family made choices. Choices have consequences. Taxpayers of lesser means should not be forced to subsidize them.
America’s Broken Health Insurance System
In the end, we decided to purchase a very high-deductible plan (sold by Golden Rule Insurance Co.) coupled with a tax-sheltered Medical Savings Account (MSA). We couldn’t qualify for the preferred rate because Golden Rule says I am underweight. Hmph!
Gavin adds:
Above: Hmph indeed.
[HANXXORS: Ken in Ezra Klein’s comments]
Indeed, you’d almost think that those posts were written by two different people, one of whom has a background in health policy, the other in vitriol and rabble-rousing.
Fortuitous for Malkin how the winner of that battle is always Malkin, no matter which side wins.
If only choices like being a lying hypocrite had consequences.
Consistency has a liberal bias. And you’re just trying to help the media silence conservative voices by refusing to debate the facts! (Follow with five minutes worth of undreadable WATB screed.)
The Evil Malkin’s retort:
“Waah, waah, waaah. Everyone knows that facts have a decidedly anti-Asian bias. You’re discriminating against me.”
My reaction:
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Somebody get Howie Kurtz on the phone. I’m sure he’ll know how to spin this to make Michelle look good.
Boy, is she taking a pounding on this one.
I wonder when she’ll finally repent?
Ah, shit. Never.
Seldom has so much hate been packed in so few brains, with such a big megaphone.
Ya know, if they wanna be gung-ho about anti-socialism, fine. Stop government-funded medical R&D (estimated at around a third of all R&D) and footing our physicians’ education bill to the tune of half a million for every million.
Stop funding mandatory vaccination. What’s that you say; communicable diseases pose a problem? Pfeh, my libertarian white blood cells will save the day. If the paupers die, tough shit. At least I won’t be paying into a publicly-funded private health care system that returns less and less on investment as time goes on.
I remember that post from 2004 and wondered then:
1) How much does (do the) Malkin(s) think health insurance for a family of four should cost?
2) While staying at home with your kids is great, leaving your job which will mean going without health insurance because you don’t have that much money doesn’t seem like that great of a plan.
There should be a SadlyNo Art Gallery clickable from the sidebar that houses the graphics from some of these posts. The parrot’s a keeper as is the falling flaming cheerleader. Sammiches would need their own category but heck, a gallery is overdue dontcha think?
A gallery would be easy enough to set up and manage via tags. Good idea.
You mean Malkin’s husband is a stay at home daddy? Where do such liberal ideas come from?
Selfishness is so central to wingnuttia that their “thought” inevitably approaches Mel Brooks classic explanation of comedy — “Tragedy is when I get a hangnail. Comedy is when you fall in a sewer and die.”
That photo … Bat Girl Malkin with the donut … Is that really her, or is it a muppet making fun of her?
If the latter, Frank Oz is a mean, mean man.
If the former, the mean, mean man is God.
Two words for Michelle and her wingnut buddies. Terry Schiavo. They were not only willing but eager to have taxpayers pay to keep a brain dead woman on life support but they draw the line at helping a child get healthy after a horrendous accident because she thinks the house the family lives in is too good for them.
What’s that nice Malkin woman doing sniffing a vagina?
The “underweight .. hmmph” quote made me laugh out loud.
I say we un-socialize everything, I mean everything. No roads, no police, no firefighters, EMTs or paramedics; no bridges, no road crews, no schools, teachers or city halls.
No city council, no Mayors, no boat docks, jetty’s or launches. No bus service, no 9-1-1, no street sweepers, sewer service, gas or electric service.
Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Make it all private enterprise, g’head, I dare ya.
Dear Ann,
Please get mad at me.
(Yes, it is that easy. Tho it helps for me to remind her of when she pwned herself for me.)
How about Malkin and EPU Malkin with beard and evil spock body?
Michelle, time to pull on the Big Girl panties, ovary up, and take on a second job! maybe get that layabout husband of yours out there earning a living.
Because, well, you just ain’t important enough for wingnut welfare. I mean, look at you. A little brown ‘anchor baby’ who is not a big GOP contributor/Defense contractor.
But, don’t forget, you CAN walk into ANY hospital emergency room, be diagnosed and treated. And if you give them a fake ID, you won’t even see the bill.
That’ll show those taxpayer subsidised healthcare providers a thing or two!
I’d still fuck her.
A gallery would be great! I could definetely waste a lot of time browsing the great images you folks have concocted over the years. The “flying imams” still makes me chuckle.
We couldn’t qualify for the preferred rate because Golden Rule says I am underweight. Hmph!
Right. And we can’t have a gov’t-run health insurance system because that would put medical judgements in the hands of faceless unaccountable bureacrats?
I’d still hit it.
I’m sure this makes you feel better now that the news is out that John Edwards is cheating on his wife.
If such news is false, John Edwards is free to sue, but I doubt he will. Because it’s true.
From his April 2005 post on who writes what for
Where did that picture of Michelle with the onion ring come from?
Gary, and that news is relevant to this post how?
The irony is that Jesse is the more vitriolic one.
…you’d almost allegedly think is rumored.
Or was, back when alleged rumors were possibly born.
Obviously, Jesse Malkin should not have been allowed to selfishly quit his job and deprive his children of employer provided health insurance, in the same way the Frosts should not have been allowed to selfishly aquire assets–like a home–and deprive their children of incredibly expensive private health insurance.
Gary, and that news is relevant to this post how?
Edwards should’a paid for a prostitute.
What’s that nice Malkin woman doing sniffing a vagina?
A menstruating vagina at that, you old coot.
“Edwards should’a paid for a prostitute.”
Or at least splurged on a new wet suit … or two.
I’m kinda feeling piled upon over here!
Does it look like we can help being two wetsuits?
Wait a minute… all this time I thought she was just a fag hag for the rich. But then she said:
“Taxpayers of lesser means should not be forced to subsidize them.”
That changes EVERYTHING!
I take it all back!
She’s noble and caring and virtuous, and… I can’t go on, I’m all verklempt. I need a tissue….
How many fake Garys can we have around here?
He certainly has decreased his words-per-post.
And no Kevin…Curiouser and curioser.
BTW- This post sure reminds me of the Malkovich…Malkovich!…Malkovich!!! scene in Being John Malkovich.
Speak his name, and look who appears…
I’m calling Fake Kevin!
Hey Ruppert, how did that corrupting minors charge turn out for you?
The Times has joined in.
Not as good as the Sun’s piece, but at least this has some legs.
Ok. I’ll go there.
Why don’t YOU try putting on two wetsuits, five belts, two ties and a dildo and walk through the mall.
Huh? Why don’tcha?
It wouldn’t suprise me if Edwards had an affair, because the only story I can find with a Google search about it quotes The National Enquirer as saying they both ended it out of guilt.
Been there, done that. Hope I don’t go to hell.
When are we going to leave people’s sex lives out of the discussion? Even the trolls here have weird sex lives, to many, I’d bet the farm.
Power People love teh sex. It’s innate. It’s also irrelevant. Let me put it this way: I would have very serious doubts about any declarations that the drunken, cocaine-addled George W. Bush didn’t fool around on the wife before he found God. Maybe nobody comes out on it, but that could just as likely be because they think he would have them killed, or at least tortured.
Not a real stretch at all, IMHO.
And I was the SINGLE one! And the guilt was still such a drag I couldn’t deal with it.
This is playpen politics. When will we learn?
So, has Malkin sent everyone, including the Frost family, a “I’m Sorry.” cookie bouquet yet?
Anyone get their cookies?
Just to be clear, I DON’T CARE WHO MY POTUS FUCKS.
I care if they’re out there telling me who I can at the same time. Haven’t heard Edwards do that, at least yet. Never heard Clinton do it, either, nor Ike, nor Jefferson, nor Bush the Better, nor Kennedy.
All you have to understand is that Man is an animal, and we have our Alphas, too. Big deal. Welcome to God’s world, if I may.
Not very complicated, really.
From the Times article:
Hm, let me guess. Herszenhorn either got this info by calling up the family and asking them outright during the interview (interviews: what actual journalists do, and usually how they start providing a service to the public), and/or our wily NYT reporter called the county recorder’s office and/or looked up the county auditor’s website to verify the business was dissolved.
Didn’t Malkin work for a newspaper at some point? Why does a journalist familiar with the trade gotta stake out the Frosts in shrubbery?
Not to mention the property’s value.
John Edwards is cheating on his wife with another woman.
(Wait. I’m confused. I thought the Republican Talking Point is that Edwards is gay. I guess I’d better get the latest edition of the Big Golden Book of Republican Talking Points. I’m kinda behind. I’m not even sure what I’m supposed to think about the latest developments in the Queer Case of Larry Craig. The latest Talking Point I heard is that he doesn’t want to gay-marry another guy, he just wants to have sex in a bathroom with another guy, so it’s OK to have him in the Senate.)
Doubt I’ll hear Guiliani or Thomspon or McCain do it, either. LOL.
One thing I always find amazing about moralizing righties: If the truth were known, they would’ve kicked that Jefferson guy right out of the Constitutional Convention for fucking a black woman, and they think that would’ve been good for the country.
Stupid is as stupid does, I guess. But it really is intellectually pathetic.
But, back on topic: M. Malkin is a cunt of the highest order, and I use the term very judiciously.
John Edwards is cheating on his wife with another woman.
That’s the LAST STRAW! I’m voting for Goolieannie. No wait, Fred Thompson. No wait…
And Michelle’s sociopathy finally comes full circle: she can understand how difficult health care costs are for herself and her family – with a stay-at-home dad, but can’t possibly imagine how it could be difficult for a family – with two children STILL suffering from a horrible auto accident – who might possibly have an anti-Bush sticker on their SUV.
By all means, wingnuts, start talking about Edwards, the man you are currently smearing as gay or girly, as a manly man about town doing manly things with women who love men. That worked soooooo well with Bill Clinton.
Anybody know where the wingnuts got the “fact” that the Frosts’ rowhouse is 3000 sq ft? I don’t think rowhouses come that big. I’d be surprised if their rowhouse was even half that big.
It’s in the Big Golden Book of Republican Talking Points, Winter 2007 edition, updated to include all the “How tough is Fred Thompson?” jokes and a special section on the Frost family, including all their contact information. (They obviously hate America, so it’s OK.)
Nothing on Giuliani getting booed at Yankee Stadium, or being denounced by James Dobson. I wonder why.
Nothing on Giuliani getting booed at Yankee Stadium, or being denounced by James Dobson. I wonder why.
Or of the Bush administration leaking a Bin Laden video, rendering anti-terrorism tactics that took years to establish completely useless. Weren’t these the same people who demanded that everybody who had ever even looked at The New York Times be hung for treason because the Times talked about a financial snooping program that the terrorists were already wise to?
It never ceases to amaze me how reasonable and un-shrill the wingnuts become when the issue actually has consequences for them personally. “Gee, our health care system really IS broken. Let’s talk about solutions we can all live with!”.
I wonder what her response would be if the tables were turned, if it was a liberal who was found themselves in the same circumstances as her. How about:
“Hey you fucking cunt. So the man you emasculated when you made him your husband can’t provide health insurance for you or your mongoloid children? Boo-Hoo! You chose to make him your stay at home bitch and give up health insurance so you live with the consequences. It’s not MY responsibility to take care of your mewing litter. Keep you legs crossed next time you sleazy whore and you won’t have anything to whine about.”
Hows that? Not harsh enough for a Malkin response?
Nothing on Giuliani getting booed at Yankee Stadium, or being denounced by James Dobson. I wonder why.
Liberal New York moonbats. Giuliani is Their Guy™ because he wants to kill the mooslems. There is nothing that can disqualify him from the nomination unless he suddenly decides NOT to kill the mooslems.
It’s a jack bauer kill the mooslems 24/7 campaign platform. All the planks are used to beat the mooslems to death…
I’m so delighted to see this post!!! Someone in another thread found this quote, and it’s such a find!! thank you thank you thank you.
Has anyone started spamming the wingnuts with this yet?
Alright, I give up on trying to do blockquotes within blockquotes. That “His PhD…systems” paragraph is a quote from Goldsea within Auguste’s text, and the “Interestingly…self-employed” is Auguste’s commentary that follows.
Ah, the good old days, when all it took to be called a stalker by the right-wing was to do half-assed textual analysis on the writings of one of the right’s pre-eminent voices.
Auguste is a STALKER!!!!!
And probably French! Bet he doesn’t even shave his armpits. Gross!!!
I don’t see how these two quotes are contradictory. The first quote says that the options available for individual insurance programs are expensive, but that a government-run system is not the answer. The second quote says that taxpayers shouldn’t foot the bill for individuals making poor financial choices.
And, if you’d RTF, the point in the original article was that this family had over $250k in home equity, and their insurance premiums would be $425/month.
Where’s the smoking gun in this post?
John O
Mr Jefferson was in France in 1787 and did not attend the convention.
Which, notwithstanding all the other things you said in your comment, is a flat fucking lie.
In the end, we decided to purchase a very high-deductible plan (sold by Golden Rule Insurance Co.) coupled with a tax-sheltered Medical Savings Account (MSA). We couldn’t qualify for the preferred rate because Golden Rule says I am underweight. Hmph!
I sued the Golden Rule Insurance Company once upon a time. They have a well-earned reputation for marketing to poor people who don’t know any better and then refusing to pay any claims. People buy their policies because they have the lowest price, but cheap insurance does you little good when you can’t get a claim paid.
The WSJ had a big expose on them like 10 years ago or more. They’re like the insurance company in “The Rainmaker,” only real.
Auguste, if the article is a lie, then say the article is a lie. Where did Malkin contradict herself?
The first quote says that the options available for individual insurance programs are expensive, but that a government-run system is not the answer.
That’s a pretty poor reading of what she wrote, the first phrase being misleading and the second wrong.
“Golden Rule Insurance Co.” – that would be Richard Mellon Scaife’s personal racket. Or now maybe it’s his ex-wife’s racket, I hope.
How did Malkin expect him to pick up the bill for the rightwing fringe media unless he could pile up profits exploiting underweight policy holders like her? An underweight brain is a terrible thing to think with.
“I’d still fuck her.”
I’d eat the onion ring.
Phrase 1: “We could either buy health insurance from his former employer… at a cost of more than $1,000 per month” = the options available for individual insurance programs are expensive
Phrase 2: “I certainly am not convinced that a government-run system is the answer” = government-run system is not the answer.
Define poor reading for me.
Define poor reading for me.
Poor reading is what a certain Dave does, as shown in his attempt to zero in on that tricky Phrase 2.
The first quote says that the options available for individual insurance programs are expensive
Not exactly. The sense of it is that things are seriously wrong, not simply expensive. Note this: “I do agree with Krugman that there are serious problems with our health insurance system, particularly in the market for individually-purchased (non-group) coverage.” That’s not entirely a claim about expenses, it’s agreement that there are systemic problems. Misleading.
but that a government-run system is not the answer.
“I certainly am not convinced that a government-run system is the answer” is not the same as “a government-run system is not the answer.”
Oh Righteous one, thanks for pointing out my discrepancies. I was paraphrasing in the interest of a short post and should have included more details.
Regardless, I have yet to see a single explanation of how Malkin is contradicting herself in these statements.
The right-wing trope I liked the most was this one: that denouncing the tactics of harassing this couple and their four children, publishing their address and doing everything but calling them Welfare Queens, is “silencing the right.” No, sweetie. It just means, argue your point of view without being a beast. Remember the Golden Rule? Not a bad idea at all for any of us, but oddly enough, something you especially have to remind the God party about.
Classic example of the Fundamental Attribution Error (although one is tempted to call it mere hypocrisy). The shortcomings of others are due to character flaws. Shortcomings of mine are due to environmental factors. One of the most studied of the cognitive biases. We are all subject to such errors to one degree or another, at one time or another. However, I frequently observe this particular error among conservatives.
Regardless, I have yet to see a single explanation of how Malkin is contradicting herself in these statements.
Quote 1 complains about a broken system and allows that it’s understandable that people are uninsured.
Quote 2 says fuck those people I used to understand.
I think it’s fairly obvious.
Wettie and Swettie, Teh Conjoined Wetsuit Twins said,
I’m kinda feeling piled upon over here!
Quote 1 says the system sucks
Quote 2 says taxpayers shouldn’t pay for something that individuals can afford on their own.
You’re blinded by a lack of personal responsibility.
Wettie and Swettie, Teh Conjoined Wetsuit Twins said,
I’m kinda feeling piled upon over here!
It’s not in the nation’s best interest for people to start liquidating their hard-won assets each time there’s a medical emergency. It hurts the economy.
Get that personal-responsiblity stick outta yer ass and grab a little perspective.
LOL, silly moonbats! They weren’t booing Rudy in Yankee Stadium! They were simply saying “Mooooooooose!” you know, before Mussina was anywhere close to being in the game.
Quote 1 says the system sucks
Quote 2 says taxpayers shouldn’t pay for something that individuals can afford on their own.
This is why certain people shouldn’t be allowed near words.
If you accept the premise of Quote 1, you believe that something should be done. When you move on to Quote 2, you believe that nothing should be done.
Malkin’s certainly no shrinking violet when it comes to spending government money – see unwavering support for the Iraq war and associated boondoggles – so it’s pretty hard to see this as anything other than a complete flip-flop.
Quote 1 says the system sucks
Quote 2 says taxpayers shouldn’t pay for something that individuals can afford on their own.
Quote 1 says the system sucks so badly that individual choices – including that faced by Malkin – might as well be “no choice.”
Quote 2 says people who are faced with”no choice” should just eat it..
Dave, you really should take personal responsibility for your repeatedly debunked assertion that the Frosts could have had health insurance for $425 per month.
No family could get health insurance for that much–unless you’re using some very specific definition of “insurance,” synonymous with “enormous deductible, no pre-existing conditions, no prescription coverage, no well-child or preventive care, low lifetime limit per family — i.e., throwing money down a rathole.”
Is that what you had in mind?
Righteous – Believing that something should be done to fix the system doesn’t mean that having the government take control of it all is the best ‘fix’, or even a step in the right direction. Health care spending already makes up over 15.2% of the GDP of the United States. How is getting the US government involved going to fix that?
And objectivelypro – what good are hard-won assets if you don’t use them for the needs of your family? Where do you draw the line? If I have several hundred K in assets but I think gas is expensive, are you gonna subsidize my gas? Its not good for the economy to send the country spiraling into further debt.
You’re blinded by a lack of personal responsibility.
You guys need new debate-shutting slogans. It’s gettin’ old.
vetiver – It wasn’t my assertion that this family could have had insurance for $425/month. It was stated in the article. Disagree with the figure all you want. The crux of the matter is that this family is making choices on where to spend their money, and they are choosing not to spend it on health insurance. That’s their prerogative, but its not my fault that they are making this choice, and I shouldn’t have to pay for their choices.
My assertion is that Malkin is not contradicting herself in this post.
here should be a SadlyNo Art Gallery clickable from the sidebar that houses the graphics from some of these posts. The parrot’s a keeper as is the falling flaming cheerleader. Sammiches would need their own category but heck, a gallery is overdue dontcha think?
Is this the right time to bring up the Sadly No calender idea again, if pammycakes can do it, so can we?
And objectivelypro – what good are hard-won assets if you don’t use them for the needs of your family? Where do you draw the line?
I agree with Dave. Let the bums sell their homes so they can temporarily afford health insurance and apply for for government subsidized housing.
Lesly, is it safe to assume that this same family that owns a $300k house also pays for cable tv, multiple cell phones, multiple cars, eats out regularly in restaurants like most every other American?
Regardless, I have yet to see a single explanation of how Malkin is contradicting herself in these statements.
Pretending to be obtuse doesn’t help your argument. In 2004 Malkin claims that, due to healthcare costs, people have no choice other than to go uninsured. It’s right there in bold.
This year, Malkin says the double-plus ungood family made a bad choice, and their children should die.
2004 – “no choice”
2007 – “you made the wrong choice, now die!”
Its good to see that hyperbole isn’t a lost art.
Lesly, is it safe to assume that this same family that owns a $300k house
No it isn’t. “The family’s home, in the modest Butchers Hill neighborhood of Baltimore, was bought for $55,000 in 1990 and is now worth about $260,000, according to public records. And, for the record, the Frosts say, their kitchen counters are concrete.”
You’ll forgive me if I trust the investigative skills of a Times reporter over a blogger staking out the Frost residence. The much-touted business Mr. Frost owned was dissolved years ago. They do own rental property and have two cars. Woopty doo. Do they have enough left over to invest? To save up? Do most restaurant eating Americans have two kids with brain trauma requiring special needs?
You realize CHIP was passed by a GOP Congress? If the Frosts were commiting fraud and abuse of government funds somewhere along our multi-layered bureacracy somebody would find out, especially with all the publicity they’ve gotten.
Give it a rest. You’re not uncovering anything and your expectations (no cell phones though ironically they can be cheaper than land lines, no cars and a roof built of cardboard) are tellingly out of touch.
Its good to see that hyperbole isn’t a lost art.
Still playing obtuse?
What do you think “choices have consequences” means. That’s a direct quote. The consequences are dead children, that’s what you’re arguing for.
[…] Malkin versus Malkin. Hilarious! Like all Bush Republicans, she’ll chuck aside her previous beliefs in order to get Bush’s back. Every. Single. Time. […]
Look at that little Dave worm squirm as he’s torn to shreds. Nut up, bitch, and admit defeat. You make me sick, you’re pathetic.
What are you talking about, Dave? The Frost family paid their taxes (presumably, else Stalkin’ Malkin’ and the Freeper Snoop Brigade would have unearthed that salient fact). What is S-chip but a health insurance policy, paid by all of us (and smartly done, I should add, pooling all of our resources to cut down considerably on what it would cost us to do individually).
Lesly, is it safe to assume that this same family that owns a $300k house also pays for cable tv, multiple cell phones, multiple cars, eats out regularly in restaurants like most every other American?
Dave, I would certainly hope so. From everything I’ve read about them, including their confused critics, they appear to be hard-working, rules-playing, tax paying middle class citizens. Which is why it puzzles me so that you seem to feel they should give up much of what they’ve worked for simply to get health care for their disabled children.
Is this the American ideal in your view? Is this what you wish for other people like the Frosts? Is this what you wish for your own family?
Hey, you guys remember Floyd Alvis Cooper, the parody troll that took glibertarian ideas to absurd conclusions – like “it’s a soldier’s personal responsibility not to get shot” or something.
Dave reminds me of Floyd, except he’s probably being serious. He’s like an unfunny, depressing Floyd Alvis Cooper.
Believing that something should be done to fix the system doesn’t mean that having the government take control of it all is the best ‘fix’, or even a step in the right direction.
This isn’t the contradiction.
There’s a recognition of injustice, and there’s a big fuck you to those to whom the injustice is done. Simple.
To deal in a partial way with what I’ve quoted above from you, if you can imagine that some agent other than government is able to provide remedy or redress to what Malkin was complaining about then feel free to do so. It isn’t explicit but you have to be a fool to imagine that private insurance companies doing a good trade are going to change their ways to be nice. Malkin, I think, understood this at the time and took pains to single out single-payer as one of her no-nos, with the obvious implication that government should do something, but not that.
“The crux of the matter is that this family is making choices on where to spend their money, and they are choosing not to spend it on health insurance.”
That really pisses me off.
Food, or heat?
Fill my prescriptions, or pay my rent?
Find some daycare so I can take that job, or just give up?
Obtuse Dave’s having fun playing with theories, but it’s not theoretical for most people.
Was Dave involved in planning the invasion and occupation of Iraq?
So what would be a non-governmental solution for this? Bill Gatees and Warren Buffet creatinga new health insurance company that would pay medical bills no matter what, and that allowed pre-existing conditions? And everybody runs to them and the other insurers,shamed, change their policies too? Wouldn’t that be nice!
And citing a dollar number on health insurance ignores an important part of the problem: that premiuns, especially for individually insured, goes up, good times and bad, by about 20%. How are you going to budget for something that more than doubles every five years?
I find it pretty amazing that these folks are defending a system that is bankrupting General Motors. Isn’t what’s bad for General Motors bad for the country?
You mean apart from the fact that civilized countries with universal health care pay much less of their GDP on health care? In other words, apart from the fact that that’s what would happen?
For example: The UK pays 6.7% of their GDP on health care.
Me said,
October 11, 2007 at 0:30
I’d still fuck her.
then you would fuck a knothole in a wood fence.
That’s their prerogative, but its not my fault that they are making this choice, and I shouldn’t have to pay for their choices.
Tough fucking shit. Your ticket to Somalia awaits.
then you would fuck a knothole in a wood fence.
Sarah Deere, let’s not fall into the righwing trap of ad hominem. You must go the next step, and prove to me why I’m wrong.
Dave is a schmuck. That is all.
Dave’s whole argument rests on the base glibertarian insult to society of “I got mine, Jack, so you can just fuck off.”
Of course, he’ll call that a misrepresentation, but I just don’t see any other honest interpretation of this:
Every time I see this, I know instantly the person is arguing out of base selfishness, and nothing else they can say can restore their credibility. Period
Sarah Deere, let’s not fall into the righwing trap of ad hominem. You must go the next step, and prove to me why I’m wrong.
This ain’t about ad hominem. It’s about who one would choose to fuck, or not. I am questioning your choices, is all. One probably ought to have some standards. You are not showing me any. That’s all I meant. But, I do mean it.
He winds up paying for their choices, anyway. If they cash out and wind up on Medicaid, he’s paying for it. Wouldn’t he rather pay on the front end and see them prosper? What’s his problem with that?
[…] you might, too. This was evil, of course, because although Malkin’s family faced pretty much the same predicament three years ago, her family is Republican and presumably has a lot of American flag lapel pins, while this […]
Everybody, I’ve been following this from Australia, and I have to empathise with you all: the terms of the debate seem so fantastically bizarre from here.
Everyone here – poor, middle-class or rich as shit – has an entitlement to free care. We spend 9% of our GDP on health, and everyone pays a levy from their wage to fund Medicare, which allows you to visit a hospital for free or a doctor’s surgery for a nominal fee. Things aren’t perfect, and a conservative government has wound stuff back, and basically compelled people over a certain income level to take out insurance, but its a shitload cheaper than it seems to be there, and there’s still a bipartisan commitment to baseline free care.
I’m not boasting, I’m just bewildered that you have to convince anyone that all this is a good thing. It makes me kinda sad.
Good luck, okay?
I’m not boasting, I’m just bewildered that you have to convince anyone that all this is a good thing. It makes me kinda sad.
Perhaps, Jason.
But, unbeknownst to you, y’all are suffering from TEH CREEPING SOCIALISM™!!1!eleventyone!
You may think you’re enjoying a basic human right, but the next thing you know, you’ll find yourself forced to march in mass demonstrations, painting socialist realist art, and having masks containing voracious rats strapped to your face.
The additional costs of our “market-based” system, as well as our reduced lifespans and the utter lack of social equity, are well worth it to us in the US. Every day that someone else’s major disease goes untreated, we thank God that we don’t have to worry about our government constantly spying on us, or torturing us in secret prisons. Unless we’re in a global war against a
brownimplacable foe, in which case, it’s all good (other than the socialized medicine, that is)!Believing that something should be done to fix the system doesn’t mean that having the government take control of it all is the best ‘fix’, or even a step in the right direction.
Well you certainly wouldn’t – if you’re sane – want these companies to continue administering health insurance, would you?
it’s really really strange to me that wingnuts bypass news items like this one – and there are many horrible stories in the news about privatized care – to speculate about something they’ve never tried and aren’t willing to learn anything about.
Government bureaucracies have their problems but they can be structured to be transparent and accountable; and European countries, Canada, and Australia have demonstrated success in this area over many many years. It’s laughable that these countries are labelled socialist for having universal health care.
Americans are astonishingly ignorant but they seem to enjoy it.
…to speculate about something they’ve never tried and aren’t willing to learn anything about.
You nailed it. See also: book reviews, moralizing about sexuality.
Australia… socialist… I wish.
But I can see why they’re all warning you about what happens in economies that allow themselves to be polluted by socialised healthcare.
Having said all that, we’re still in Iraq, and our PM loves kissing W butt, but you can’t win em all.
(I have to give Malkin points for extraordinary achievements in logorrhea. And she does seem to have pleased her fanboys with her brave (wide?) stance.)
But see, government, by definition (the Cheney one), is secret and unaccountable. Not to be too cute about this, but that definition really is the only one the wingnuts know … so while they seriously dig having a secretive, unaccountable state to run the military (because, ‘yay! guns ‘n’ war!’ trumps ‘the government screws everything up’ — every time) they really, really fear having the same state run health care and education (because, ‘grumble … taxes … grumble’ and ‘somewhere out there, someone’s gaming the system, I just feels it in m’bones!’ trumps ‘I couldn’t afford a catastrophic illness’ and even ‘nobody’s getting the education to be able to build next-gen space nukes except the Chinese’ — also, every time).
Sarah Deere, my favorite version of this is “He’d screw a snake, if he could get someone to hold its head.”
There are guys like that, some 92% of them male. It’s a lifestyle choice. As with other lifestyle choices, as long as they stay away from children, animals, and other lifeforms unable to provide informed consent, all I ask is that guys like “M” don’t share the details, or my toothbrush.
so, malkin refuses to debate anyone who has dared to criticize her.
how far conservatives have fallen…
Buckley vs. Chomsky
There are guys like that, some 92% of them male.
Male bonobos, maybe …
I do love Malkin’s refusal to debate Klein for oh so many reasons.
She. Still. Types. Sentences. Like. These.
She claims Klein is witholding the excepts that exonerate her from being rightfully labeled a hypocrite. Seems Michelle doesn’t understand what linking is, although she does it on her blog.
And of course, Ms. Would Love An Honest debate hurls insults, plays the victim card after receiving insults, and declares debating Klein on the subject is all a ploy to keep watchful guardians of truth, justice and the American way like herself and her fan club from keeping an eye on the real problems of America. Yes, the same Michelle who will dress up like a cheerleader in Hot Air videos.
Brilliant, Michelle. I mean, you’re still sans spine, but at least you’re keeping up the funny.
[…] appearance in a Democrat healthcare policy ad, as ordered by the Republican party, has already coming back to bite her – in the form of her own words. Seems her views were quite different until very recently. […]
[…] that shows the dilemma of Michelle Malkin’s style of “tough” conservatism. Malkin vs. Malkin […]
Shorter I’m the victim here! Remember UCSC!
I informed Respectable Liberal Blogger Ezra Klein that he had printed false, libelous claims about my run-in with the thugs at UC Santa Cruz.
If they’re false and libelous, how come she didn’t sue?
Could it be….internet archives?
Spiteful, hateful, lying wench.
In her refusal to debate, Malkin writes, “As I’ve said before, you can’t win with these people … What a perverse distraction and a laughable waste of time that would be. And that’s what they really want, isn’t it? To distract and waste time so they can foist their agenda on the country unimpeded.”
Wait … what? That’s what the free-speech hating fascists on the LEFT are doing? I just … wow. Blind ignorance or shameless intellectual dishonesty?
I guess it doesn’t matter. That Buckley vs. Chomsky link freddy posted hits home – I’ve been thinking about a time when smart people on the right and smart people on the left mostly agreed on what the problems were but disagreed about how to solve them. I know nostalgia can’t be trusted, but it used to be more than this moonbat/wingnut “I am rubber you are glue” bullshit, at least sometimes, didn’t it?
Michelle won’t debate? What a surprise.
The actual words don’t matter to wingnuts. Volume is the only thing that matters.
[…] also Sadly, No and Morte. […]
[…] wait! Via D. Aristophanes at Sadly, No!, we may compare the above to Michelle Malkin in 2004: America’s Broken Health Insurance […]
What an education…….
I had no idea a family with probably more in assets than 75% of America could qualify for the SCHIPS program.
The median net worth of households in America is something like $150,000. This family appears to have much more than that.
One of these parents needs to find a full time job that pays benefits.
This week in Wingnuttia:
Coulter says women shouldn’t vote.
Malkin responds by attacking a 12 year-old.
Coulter fires back that Jews are imperfect.
Malkin says things were better when we had slavery.
Coulter kicks over a wheelchair-bound basketball player.
Malkin taunts starving child with a burger.
Coulter eats a live puppy.
Et cetera…et cetera…et cetera…ad nauseum.
Even a family with probably more in assets than 75% of America can be financially ruined by catastrophic illness or injury.
Does that give you pause for thought?
Scott opines: “I had no idea a family with probably more in assets than 75% of America could qualify for the SCHIPS program.
The median net worth of households in America is something like $150,000. This family appears to have much more than that.”
Goddam, Teh Stupid gets tiresome. Scott, my lad, you have no fucking idea what their net worth is. None. Zero. You don’t know their debts (clue–catastrophic accidents/health problems doesn’t typically increase net worth). They don’t live in rural Oklahoma; any comparison to national stats is, of course, meaningless to people who can outreason an amoeba. Your underlying premise, so uncritically accepted by the raving assholes who think these people shouldn’t qualify for aid, that no one with any assets should get help, is not just unAmerican but so fundamentally stupid it’s hard to even discuss. It’s bad enough that you apparently believe that working families absolutely should have to choose between food clothing and shelter, and medical care; it beggars the imagination to hear that, on an income not sufficient for both a home and health insurance, they should either take on more debt (“realize their net worth,” forsooth) or give up everything they’ve worked for. How can even a completely ideologically blinded fucktard think that this is appropriate in the richest nation on earth?? Or that said nation can even survive, if 90% of its consumers are driven to bankruptcy and poverty to keep their children alive? What is in that fucking kool-aid, Scott?
[…] you might, too. This was evil, of course, because although Malkin’s family faced pretty much the same predicament three years ago, her family is Republican and presumably has a lot of American flag lapel pins, while this […]
The problem with these rightnut jobs is that when things affect them badly, we should feel sorry for them and there should be something to help them out. But when things affect OTHERS badly, then they are all on their own – screw them if they can’t pick themselves up by thier own bootstraps!
We should worry for Linbaugh and his drug problem, but anyone else with a drug problem are lazy liberal POSs. They lack empathy or sympathy.
I think they call it a Narcisistic Behavior Disorder, no?
is it going to take wholesale economic collapse to de-tribalize the poor rightwing voters?
they all seem to think they’re gonna really make it big someday, but paying taxes to support the society that made it possible? fuck that, man.
[…] Malkin vs. Malkin. digg_url = ‘’; digg_bgcolor = ‘cbcab6’; digg_skin = ‘compact’; […]
i think they call it a Narcisistic Behavior Disorder, no?
funny photo .
stress girl