Brad Saved The Best For Last

As if this weren’t bad enough, there’s still one choice bit of vile at the bottom of this barrel of viciousness that’s still unscraped:

This story is about the parents, Bonnie and F. Halsey Frost who grew up with all the advantages and, despite what I might assume is a liberal view on abortion….

Yep. Riehl went there.

That’s class.


Comments: 37


Pregnancy gives you the power to look into the future and see if your child will ever get severely injured or sick.


Wow, it’s crazy time, when a couple of entrepreneurial, hard-working, property owning, straight, monogamous family with multiple kids, and an SUV, are blamed for being self-employed, consumers with kids, a car and a home.

Speak against the Party, and nothing will save you from their slander and harassment.


Here’s where my mind just slams into a wall and can’t find a way around, a way forward.

They told me, and untold millions of other kids, to go to another place and kill. Kill them. They are evil. Kill those yellow motherfuckers, those gooks, those fucking communists that are not good like Americans, that want to destroy all the good in the world.

And all the time, the most evil filth, the people that true, real actual good people SHOULD raise an army to wage war to stop, those incredibly foul, inhuman creatures were here all along.

The “irony” shall not be lost on me late tonight….



What the fuck,

anyone who speaks against the regime will be destryoed and that goes for the generations before and behind. none shall be spared bwha bwha bwha


I clicked the link and read the article and as many of the comments as I could stomach, and now feel genuinely nauseous.

I keep thinking it can’t go lower, you know? And still, every few weeks …


“I see a simpleton and a loser who had more kids than he could afford.”

This certainly qualifies Riehl for the worst person in the world award, although he has stiff competition this week.

I wish Republicans would keep their messages straight. They expect and urge white people to breed like the Duggars, but it seems they mean only devout republican wealthy fundie trash.


In a totally not serious and I’d never do it way, I’m kinda sad we on the left don’t go to wingnuts’ houses.
It’d be a lot of fun to throw a Hillary victory party on Dan Riehl’s front lawn. Not that Hillary makes me that happy, but schadenfreude like that is too tasty to turn down.


Dan is totally right. If you are pro-choice, it is your duty to have as many abortions as possible, and having 4 children proves that your goal is to steal Dan’s tax dollars.


This is for Dan. An example of how health care insurance eligibility works in Canada (this is the same in all provinces).

Your eligibility for Ontario health coverage is not determined by whether you have a job or are unemployed, or where you pay your income tax. It is based solely on your meeting one of the above citizenship or immigration categories and on you making your permanent and principal home in Ontario.

There is no discrimination. You only need to prove you reside in the province and be a citizen or landed immigrant. EVERYONE RECEIVES COVERAGE. Poor, rich, one kid, 5 kids, pink kids, blue kids, green eggs and ham eating families or granola-eating hippies. The health plan DOESN’T CARE. The Frosts are welcome to move to Canada. We need skilled tradespeople here. Oh, and since school enrollments are declining because of the low birth rate, large families won’t be considered a burden. Indeed, the economy won’t be sustainable at the current birth rate, which is why immigration quotas are increasing. This is also true for the US but the wingnuts are too stupid to realize it.


Uh…. He seemed to be doing okay with the two kids before the car accident. Are they seriously suggesting we should all abort our children if we think they might ever be in a devastating accident?

I’m sure he’d explain that they couldn’t afford the kids because they couldn’t afford the insurance, and that’s all he’s saying, just that they’re irresponsible to not make sure they could insure two kids, you know, just in case.

But that’s bullshit. I’ve got health insurance. I pay a hundred bucks a month or more for insured medication copayments. My insurance company declines half of what my doctor–the doctor they direct people to–charges for an appointment (after the copayment, of course) and two thirds of what they charge for blood tests. They cover at best half of an ER visit, and do not pre-authorize specialists, routinely denying coverage for those appointments on the grounds that they were not medically necessary. All of these “disallowed costs” are then billed to me directly. Again, I’m insured.

Even if the kids had been privately insured, they would still have ended up with massive bills they couldn’t pay. We’re still looking at a homeless family. This was a disaster that was saved from being a catastrophe by a government program even George Bush says is a fine thing when funded at the level that allowed the Frosts to get care.

What the hell is wrong with these people?


Pregnancy gives you the power to look into the future and see if your child will ever get severely injured or sick.

That’s not an option for me, so I’m working on converting the Water of Life, HW.


Gah, the commenters over there are unbelievable. The myopic “me” generation who refuse to acknowledge the benefit of social supports. They really do need their own planet because nothing satisfy them until they’re living in gated wingnuttyville where noone does anything for anyone else unless they can profit from it.


Not surprisingly, Sidhe makes a very salient point. You never heard any of these mouthbreathing asshats complain about SCHIP during the time that these very specific actual human being kids benefited from it.

I’m a bit of a political junkie and a voracious reader and honestly? I’ve never heard of SCHIP. Never before this particular debate, I mean.

But the point is, these kids didn’t recieve their benefits under this new, outrageous program these thugs are trying to defeat.

Uh uh. They got their lifesaving treatment under a program these very same idiots had NO PROBLEM with.

Just exactly what are they saying, except I’ll sell my soul, my ass and my future down the river to make sure you don’t get what you want, Liberal Scum?

Rush said what to do…



The commentors are now so far spun out in meta-land they’re going to break their tethers and fling off into the stratosphere. One of them went off on a whole rant about how the Frost family is ASKING for a new benefit to be given to them.

We’re watching mythmaking at its incept. Wait six months and you’ll hear stories about how the Frosts were table pounding activists demanding universal health care now.

It reminds me of the sign I saw someone carrying during the Rodney King trial “Free Rodney King.”


Umm…perhaps I should put that – “during the trial of the police officers who beat Rodney King” – I guess we all too easily fall into the shorthand that begets myth…Although that’s part of it, isn’t it? And you all know what I meant….


What the hell is wrong with these people?

What’s wrong with them is clear enough. Why are they doing this? To intimidate citizens who might speak for another point of view on social policy. Consider the number of families – quite like the Frosts – who are watching this unfold. Not one would risk putting their families through this to send a public message to Bush.

Facts don’t matter. Wingnuts are in it to win at any cost and if they have to attack and humiliate your family and invade your privacy and call you a simpleton and a loser in public they will do it. They will make you cry, they will make your kids cry. They are in it to win.


So you’re saying it’s a homemade SLAPP.

Sounds about right.


Ah, Pro-Lifers for Forced Sterilization.

And SLAPP suits are just legal brownshirtery. The brownshirtery came first.

You can see this two ways: it’s the final sick thrashings of a dying monster, or it’s the start of something really fucking bad. I prefer to think the former, but I’m glad I have a spare passport to deal with the latter.


Wow! How does this man sleep at night? How do these “people” keep on keeping on day after day knowing that that they’d lose to pond scum on American Idol?

Hate. Them.

Hate them so much.

It’s on.


Tradespeople often don’t get benefits working for others, unless they belong to unions and unions are too commie.

As a tradesperson myself, I can also attest that we never discuss abortion on or off the job. We just build stuff, get drunk, and screw lots of Republican women to alleviate their tedium.


I swear to Goddess, by the end of the week, at least one Reichtard blogger will suggest that after the Frost kids were injured, their parents should have put them up for adoption rather than “stealing tax dollars from hard-working people like us”.

And then one of that blogger’s commentors will add that if the kids were brain-damaged anyway, they should have been broken up and sold for parts, which would have covered those medical bills handily! Or if the Frost parents had had the foresight to sell off their really damaged daughter’s kidneys and other viable bits, maybe they could have worked out long-term payment plans for young Graeme, as long as they gave the receiving hospital first dibs. But, heck, they still have two perfectly healthy backup kids at home, so why all the liberal moonbat weeping over the ones who didn’t make their critical saving throw in the great RPF game that is modern American life?

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Drat: I was looking for the Monty Python “Post-natal abortion” sketch, but I can’t find it. So I’ll just have to make do with Every Sperm Is Sacred.

Because you can never have too much Michael (“the nice one”) Palin. Or sperm.


I don’t think you guys get it… The viciousness of it all? A President with historically low ratings vetoes a bill that helps kids get health care? your perception of intellectual and moral superiority over your opponents makes you think that this all comes from moronic stupidity, cruelty, and complete lack of empathy?
You absolutely don’t get the Right. The driving force behind everything they do is fierce protection of self-interest. I have lived in America for 15 years as well as other countries, and if you have money/high quality insurance it is the best healthcare in the world, bar none. The gap is stunning, you go to Australia and everything is the same or better until you have to go to the doctor and feel like you are in the third world…

Even the smallest hue of socialized medicine scares the shit out of the privileged class because they know the facts. They know that health care is a scarce resource bound to get even scarcer because of the ageing of Baby Boomers. They know that many hospitals are severely understaffed and have to pay through the nose to get nurses from the Philippines. They know that with a falling dollar, attracting medical professionals from abroad will become harder and harder. they know the drug companies’ pipeline for new miracle drugs is as bare as it has ever been…

Any expansion of health care to the underprivileged will inevitably diminsih the standard of care for them.This is all about ferocious preservation of self-interest, and all your moral outrage over the way they have treated a boy who spoke up makes absolutely no difference to them. Yes, a 12-year old is fair game, the much-maligned abortion becomes a viable option, anything to protect straining the systme that needs to be there to take care of their enlarged prostates, colonoscopies and the rest… That’s not about stupidity, it’s about protecting the self-interest in a system that they desperately want to preserve, wrapped in the bogus ideology of fiscal discipline. Wake up, people.


We get it. We’re just pretending we don’t because it’s too repulsive to even snark. Though, if I can get my clown shoes on for a moment:

Wake up, people.

Fred? Fred Tupper, is that you?

(If Lesley doesn’t at least giggle, I will be very sad.)


Any expansion of health care to the underprivileged will inevitably diminsih the standard of care for them.This is all about ferocious preservation of self-interest

But, Krassen, you are ignoring the fact that, most of the people saying and doing nasty stuff here will not have their standard of care diminished in any way. Their self interest would not take a hit. As mostly middle class types, they would either be unaffected, or slightly helped by the program that that kid advocated for.

Your analysis is wrong. It has nothing to do with self-interest, enlightened or not. It has everything to do with tribalism, scapegoating, and nascent fascism.


Any expansion of health care to the underprivileged will inevitably diminsih the standard of care for them

How much more diminished than NONE could it be?


g: the “them” is the moneyed consumers that Krassen believes will suffer health-care wise, not the underpriveleged.


I think, g, that “them” in that instance = “the privileged class.” I lean more toward atheist’s POV, but agree with Krassen that monied folks are certainly the opinion shapers.


Damn you, RB! Damn you and your fast fingers!


They know that health care is a scarce resource bound to get even scarcer because of the ageing of Baby Boomers.

Yeah, like the way cars got scarcer when everybody got them.


It’s unreal. A man starts a small business, the backbone of any nation’s economy, as we’re often told, and he’s a simpleton and a loser because he takes government assistance. Dude, I live in a country with a health service. We all get it, even millionaires! We don’t consider ourselves losers or simpletons. We do laugh in the face of frothing rightwing lunatics though.

Next: Dan Riehl explains that you are a fucking retard because you use the state’s roads instead of laying your own.


the data shows otherwise. Go to Britain, go to Australia, any place where healthcare is more widely available the quality is down…

It’s a serious issue. Obviously, more enlightened societies like the ones above (GB, Aus, Canada, Europe) have taken the view that it is better to have adequate care for most versus superb care for few. However, it will be a pitty that the high standards of American healthcare are lost because of socialization.

My view is that neither socialized medicine nor free market are good models for the health care system. The government has to play a role, but not by just being a large payer who can set up low reimbursement rates. That’s the sure way to kill quality.

The solution is for government to set up high science-based, evidence-based and outcome-based standards and renumerate providers according to how they meet these standards. That way care can be expanded, yet a lot of the waste can be eliminated.

The free market model works well for widgets, but is terrible for HC. When it comes to their health consumers cannot be expected to make the same cost-benefit analysis as when they are buying an MP3 player. They are going to do everything the doctor tells them they need to do, and often there is unnecessary treatment (ka-ching!) that burdens the system. The government can definetely help in setting standards for what constitutes high quality care and what constitutes excessive care.

Also, not spending half-a-tril on you know what, could have gone a long way to extend care for many underprivileged without compromising quality, but I guess this has been beaten to death by now….

Qetesh the Abyssinian

the data shows otherwise. Go to Britain, go to Australia, any place where healthcare is more widely available the quality is down…

I’m not an expert on our health care system, but it used to be excellent, at least until John “Lying Weasel Dick” Howard and his government of tight-arsed economists started choking it to death. It was cost-effective, because the system was simple, and provided excellent care (although perhaps our millionaires didn’t get the lanolin rub-down and daily blow job they’d get elsewhere).

The solution is for government to set up high science-based, evidence-based and outcome-based standards and renumerate providers according to how they meet these standards. That way care can be expanded, yet a lot of the waste can be eliminated.

I’m not convinced. Firstly, medicine is quite a difficult field for which to define performance metrics. Secondly, and probably most importantly, health care handled as a public service (like other public services) is strictly about delivery of services, whereas private enterprise almost invariably involves a profit motive (there are some areas where it doesn’t, but they’re not often cited).

If you’re just looking at cost, health care versus health-care-plus-profit will always turn out one way. Similarly, if you’re considering quality, HC vs HC-subject-to-profit-constrants will always have an edge.

There’s something really bizarre about the American “health care” system. I mean, $10,000 for a year? Wow. Down here you’d get a family of four for about a quarter of that.

Also, not spending half-a-tril on you know what, could have gone a long way to extend care for many underprivileged without compromising quality, but I guess this has been beaten to death by now….

In complete agreement with you on this one. But those wimps who wet themselves at the thought of furr’ners insist on it.


I heard about S-CHIP because the Repugs wanted to extend it to fetuses. This was seven or eight years ago: another inroad against legal abortion by defining a fetus as a person.

In other words, we would have the absurdity of covering medical treatment for a biological parasite, but not for the person surrounding it.

The proposal may have become law — I don’t know. I notice that the Maryland law covers pregnant women, but the language of the application is about third grade level. The writers may have thought that “tell us about the fetus you want covered” would be too confusing, and it’s sort of hard to give medical treatment to a fetus without involving the woman supporting it anyway.

So the irony is even richer.


That’s not fair, qetesh, you can’t start a comment with mention of lanolin rub-downs and daily blow jobs and then expect me to focus on the stuff that follows…

Mumphrey Bibblesnæð

“Speak against the Party, and nothing will save you from their slander and harassment.”
In this way, they’re just like Stalinists.
I guess they ARE Stalinists every way but economically.


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