They Won’t Let Him Own Black People Anymore, Either
Morality is a complex, nuanced, occasionally confusing issue. That’s why, when things that appear to be difficult moral decisions need to be made, I like to go to an authoritative source.
Like, for instance, convicted felon and Watergate conspirator Chuck Colson.
Imagine you own a small business—let’s say a donut shop—and you have an employee who is late for work everyday and is rude to customers. When you fire him, he claims it is really because he is gay—and sues.
Or imagine you run a daycare center in your church basement. One day a homosexual applies for a job. When you turn him down, he says you broke the law.
Ooh, it’s the “let’s imagine” game! I love this one. Let’s imagine that an individual involved in the single worst violation of America’s faith in its government, bar none,* (who then served Federal time for his crimes and was also disbarred) thinks that he can ever again open his mouth about how this country ought to be governed without the rest of the world collectively laughing at him and giving him the Nelson Muntz salute.
As you can see, Chucky’s got his panties in a wad over the proposed ENDA legislation, which basically makes it a crime to fire someone because they’re LGBT. Poor Chucky is worried that this will interfere with his God-given right to treat people he doesn’t like as poorly as humanly possible – because it’s what Jesus would do.
Under intense goading from the gay-rights lobby, the House of Representatives is poised to vote on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, called ENDA. This legislation would add “sexual orientation” to civil rights law. If passed, ENDA would cut deeply into the religious rights and freedoms of all Americans.
For example, an employer with a moral or religious belief opposed to homosexuality or bisexuality would be forced to give up those rights the moment he arrives at his office. No business would be allowed to refuse to hire a homosexual for any reason. Fire a person because of incompetence—he would say it’s because he is gay, or just even perceived to be gay.
The nerve of some people! Can you imagine? Next thing you know, the government is going to start forcing people whose sincerely held moral or religious beliefs say that black people and white people should not utilize the same services to start integrating their businesses! This is outrageous!
Hey, Chuck……my sincerely held religious beliefs require me to deny any and all services to religious nutjobs who pass off their bigotry as religion. Unless, of course, the nutjobs in question agree to wear a full clown costume – including the nose – before they enter my place of business. And, while my religion is small now, I’m pretty sure that just by writing this, I’m going to gain a bunch of converts.
Oh, yeah….one other thing: my religious beliefs say that that religious nutjobs who pass off their bigotry as religion are not allowed to speak in public, unless this is playing in the background while they speak.
I’m sure you understand, Chuck. We are a nation built on religious tolerance, after all, and if I have to listen to you run your bigoted, felonious mouth without sweet, sweet circus clown music, my deity will be very angry with me, and possibly even make me spend eternity in the afterlife with people like you.
Of course, if Mr. Colson is really worried about the morality of extending full legal protections to a class of people who have historically experienced extreme legal and social discrimination, I have a suggestion for him: he could always move to Iran. After all, they don’t pussyfoot around about the homosexual scourge over there, so Chucky should feel right at home.
* Well okay, perhaps we’re being a bit premature.
He clearly doesn’t understand how much this legislation will benefit Republican Congressmen returning to the private sector after they resign.
I’m pretty sure that just by writing this, I’m going to gain a bunch of converts.
Sign me up!!
I too want to live out my days at the right hand of the Clown God!
Yes, Jillian.
You know the can o’ worms it opened when we let the wimmin folk vote.
And when we started allowing the coloreded folk use our water fountains? Bedlam, I tell you!
And don’t even get me started on letting people, who are not whole as God intended them to be, work alongside us Righteous People of God. Disgusting. Wheelchairs are the Devil’s Chariot, ya know.
It really was better back in the Old Testament days, what with all the smiting and so forth. Back when a man didn’t hear any guff from the wimmin and the coloreded slaves. How I pine for those days…
I don’t get it. Why wouldn’t you want to hire someone for a daycare center just because they’re homosexual?
Does he feel that religious people who are fired for no cause should also have no recourse, or just gays? Because all of his “a bad employee could just claim they were fired for discriminatory reasons” apply to his fellow Christians, too.
Beale, people like Colson can’t tell the difference between gay people and pedophiles. They think that men who are attracted to adult men are also attracted to little boys.
Considering the fact that I assume men like Colson are attracted to adult women, I think this is more a horrifying projection on their part than anything else.
And, while my religion is small now, I’m pretty sure that just by writing this, I’m going to gain a bunch of converts.
You’re a prophet!
Maybe the Church of the Big Shoes should join the Pastafarians to form some sort of Mega Church.
Imagine you own a small business—let’s say a donut shop—and you have an employee who is late for work everyday and is rude to customers. On the other hand, they’re totally hot and hitting on you every day. Sure you’re married, but your spouse just doesn’t understand you any more, and this employee, who may be the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen in your life, idolizes you. In fact, several times a day, you two lock yourselves in your office and…
What was I talking about again?
Imagine you run a small department—let’s say biology—and you have an employee who doesn’t believe in the foundation of your science. When you deny him tenure, he claims it is really because he is Christian—and sues.
Why I imagine Chuck Colson would support you!
And by “you”, I mean “him”.
gain a bunch of converts
That depends. Will snacks be served?
Anyone remember back when they were working on passing the Family Leave Act and the bullshit rightwing talking point then was that it would enable women to take FREE! time off work any time they chose, thus destroying the American economy?
Maybe the Church of the Big Shoes should join the Pastafarians to form some sort of Mega Church.
A Big Tent religion! HA!
And they can have Big Tent revivals! Heh.
Jillian, Queen of Making Me Look It Up on Teh Googel
What is the “salute”, however?
I liked this bit from Chuck the best:
Under intense goading from the gay-rights lobby
Damn those gays and their intense goading!
What is the “salute”, however?
Check out the first soundfile on the page.
Soundtrack-wise I prefer this
also I hope you meant a honking clown nose, but otherwise I enjoyed your post and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
I’m going to gain a bunch of converts.
I haf seen the light! Praise Krusty!
Damn those gays and their intense goading!
No one can stand against the fierce goading that may one far-flung day in the future give them equal rights under the law!
FYI, Jillian, I believe this is also what Mark Noonan called the Stealth Anti-Christian Act of 2007. The Power of Christ compels you to hate them durned queerfolks!
I was goaded once. It was good.
The goat seemed to like it, too. Or at least that’s how I read the thing firing up a smoke afterwards.
Jillian wrote:
Considering the fact that I assume men like Colson are attracted to adult women, I think this is more a horrifying projection on their part than anything else.
Sorry. In light of Ted Haggard, Jeff Gannon, Larry Craig, Lindsey Graham, Patrick McHenry, etc, I assume that all religious right Republicans are deeply closeted, and self-loathingly gay, short of proof to the contrary.
Note that there’s nothing wrong with being gay. Hypocritical, on the other hand, that’s a problem.
Throw Colson in with that lot.
The elegance of one style over the ho hummery of others can hardly be demonstrated with puns . This is the handcuff of the fact based community, and Floppy Shoes . Tolerance is easy once you slip those puns on .
Of course, if Mr. Colson is really worried about the morality of extending full legal protections to a class of people who have historically experienced extreme legal and social discrimination
Indeed. We experience that social discrimination even when among our so-called liberal allies. Like right here at SadlyNo! in a previous thread. There are times when I much prefer the in your face bigotry of the right. I get tired of pulling your knives out of my back ya know.
I don’t ask for much. Could you all just fucking treat me like a human being for once?
From the ENDA page: “The bill does not apply to military employment, small employers …” Small employers? Like, say, owners of day cares or donut shops?
There are two good outcomes of the Bush Admin, at least for me.
OK, three.
One, they’ve made me glad I’ve attained middle age.
Two, they’ve proved pretty conclusively that the louder you are about the menace that is teh gay, the more likely it is you are gay. (So, I’m with Desert Rat on this one. Besides, doesn’t Colson set anyone’s gaydar off all on his own?)
Finally, it has been proven quite conclusively that the further you’ve been from war, the more likely it is to make you feel all manly inside when you’re not fighting it. Some clearly get boners just watching it on TV.
These people might as well just add themselves up and present to the American Psychiatric Association as a new DSM code.
Noen, I feel really bad that some people chose to use their freedom of speech to make dumbass tranny jokes. All I can tell you is that none of it was coming from the folks who write here, and I didn’t even see any of it coming from the regular peanut gallery who hang out here – in fact, those guys were the ones handing out the verbal smackeroos to the yahoos who went there.
Personally, I despise anti-transexual prejudice as much as any other aspect of anti-LGBT prejudice, and spent the better part of the afternoon talking over with a friend how fricking hard it’s going to be to support ENDA at all now that they’ve pulled the gender identity language from it.
But in the end, I still think that it’s almost always better to let people run their mouths – because it’s the only way they will say to your face what they’d otherwise say behind your back.
And it’s always another chance to educate. As a teacher, I can’t argue against that very much.
chuck colson, evil mastermind for nixon and phoney christian evangelical.
i wish he would jump off the nearest cliff.
I’m afraid of clowns.
Would this equate to “god-fearing”?
Looks like the right wing has conceded on the fake photo issue.
Ban has checked in at Southern Beale with this:
“You know, I suggest you jumpy delusional indignant westerners who abuse us middle easterners, rather than concentrate on what’s turned out to be an honest mistake about something REAL, you should concentrate on the lies of your liberal imperialist liars:…-code- pink.html
I wonder what you racist elitists have to say to YOUR side’s lies and propaganda. SHAME ON YOU FASCISTS.
ban | 10.02.07 – 5:22 pm | # ”
Thanks for checking in, Ban. Glad you’re doing OK.
No business would be allowed to refuse to hire a homosexual for any reason. Fire a person because of incompetence—he would say it’s because he is gay, or just even perceived to be gay.
Right. Because we’ve seen how this has worked with all the unqualified minority, female, and disabled people we’ve been forced to hire and prevented from firing.
Or does he object to protecting them too? (don’t answer…I know.)
The fact is, the gays should not be allowed to work anywhere near children.
The scary thing about Chuck Colson is all of the Faith-Based Inititive money he’s gotten. Just another small government, anti-tax phony feeding at the government trough.
Forget the clown. Submit to me!
mikey, we think alike once again.
Clowns have always disturbed me. And then, living here in Chicagoland, I learned that John Wayne Gacy was a clown for the kids for money. What a jolly fellow!
That pretty much sealed the deal for me, clown-wise.
The whole gay-pedophile connection is interesting, in a horrifying sort of way. It’s a byproduct of a society that has completely obliterated the line between pedophilia (the attraction to prepubescents) and attraction to postpubescent teenagers (say, seventeen or eighteen years old). It is also, ironically, another example of anti-gay discrimination. When heterosexual men express an interest in young women, it might be considered creepy, but it’s accepted in a heh-heh frathouse sort of way. But if homosexual men express an interest in young boys, hoo boy does the shit hit the fan. It drives me nuts when people think that the age of consent, which is purely a legal construction, somehow reflects on anyone’s core psyche and the essence of their sexual attractions.
Don’t get me wrong, pedophilia is wrong and sick, in my opinion. I am a fairly open minded sort of person when it comes to sexual tastes and kinks, and I have several unusual ones myself, but this is one of the very very few things that literally makes me queasy. I just wish that people would get their definitions right. It’s one of the few things that thinking, rational people who are not afraid to challenge the conventional wisdom will hear and simply shut down, unable to mount a rational challenge to the incorrect assumptions society operates under. I’d like to think Nancy Grace and Dateline are not that much of a demagogue, but I suppose they are.
Thanks Jillian. Yeah, being pissed off I didn’t realize that at first. That happens when you are upset.
I continue to have great respect for the regulars here. I really do and I take back any implied insults to you.
This issue hits particularly close to home for me because I lost everything and everyone in my life for just these very reasons. After working hard for 27 years I ended up homeless and on the streets because of who I am rather then anything I did. (See? I segued right into the thread topic.) So yeah, I a bit bitter, I think I’ve earned it. And when I read about filth like Colson or the Dominionist, who BTW want to make my very life a capitol offense, I get scared. This isn’t theoretical to me, it’s all too real.
Perfectly said, Simba.
It is a completely accepted “thing” in my Corporate World how weird and disconcerting it is for us male heteros to drive by the high school when it is letting out. None of us are stopping and chatting, most of us are fathers who worry hugely about our daughters, but it is what it is.
The animal lurking within is not always constrained by good intentions.
Meaning, I guess, there sure were a lot of teachers I had who I fantasized about using me like a rag-doll. 🙂
That pretty much sealed the deal for me, clown-wise.
Poltergeist did that to me. With that damn child sized clown puppet that hid under the bed. It’s the “uncanny valley” phenomenon it think. People in clown costumes sort of approach the uncanny valley from the other end of the scale.
Don’t worry about being angry, noen – you’re allowed. It happens to all of us sometimes, and some of the stuff posted over there really was ugly and shameful for the people who posted it. Can’t really blame you for getting pissed.
Making jokes about stuff like this does not mean making light of it – not for me, at least. It lets me vent my anger, and it helps to draw attention to stuff that might otherwise get ignored.
It burns my butt that good people get the short end of the stick constantly because so many people have to be Nosy Nelly about other people’s personal lives. I’m sorry that you have to be one of them, for what it’s worth. It’s not right.
noen. I don’t pretend to understand the world you live in. But there’s a lot of ways to wash up on the beach of “whothefuckareyou” and find you don’t have a place in this place.
I have empathy because I’ve been looking for a way to slip sideways into society when they aren’t looking for nearly forty years. I want to be accepted, but then I do something that scares or disgusts them and I’m outside, looking through a dirty back kitchen window once again.
I’d never belittle what you’re feeling, because you alone are the arbiter of what you’re willing to accept in your world, what you can live with. But lemme ask you. At the end of the day, lonely and scared, out here where most of what blows in thru the patio door is hatred and patronization, would you have it any other way?
I’m lost, I’m lonely and I’m scared, but I never said ok, I’ll lie, I’ll be what you want, I’ll shove my feelings and my hurts down so the bile only burns my heart, but I’ll be accepted and loved. Fuck that. I gave what I have. And I’ll compromise no more.
Charlie Mike, noen…
I don’t disagree with you on Colson (or much of anything else for that matter) but hasn’t the left been approvingly quoting John Dean quite a lot the last couple of years?
Chuckles Colson is one fine example of how we need to treat repubs – like vampires. It’s time to drive a stake through each heart, cut off each head, stuff each mouth full of garlic, and bury each body deep below running water so the menace is done with, once and for all.
I’m speaking figuratively, of course.
“…hasn’t the left been approvingly quoting John Dean quite a lot the last couple of years?”
You mean the John Dean who testified back in ’73, and helped blow the lid off? The John Dean who’s written extensively about this whole crew? That John Dean?
He’s a righteous dude.
I don’t understand why people fear clowns. I can understand being annoyed by ’em. I also don’t understand why people hate mimes, as mimes are living proof that human beings can actually shut their fucking pie holes and stop the verbal torrent from time to time. And they’re usually pretty skinny, so you can push ’em out of the way if they get annoying. Clowns are loud and attention-hungry, like, well, anti-gay Christianist whack-a-doodles.
Clowns are irritating and, generally, not funny. I get that. I don’t get the scary thing. Are rodeo clowns scary?
I don’t get the scary thing. Are rodeo clowns scary?
For me, that would depend entirely upon how they were dressed. If they are mostly acting like clowns, I have no problem. If, on the other hand, they actually look like clowns, I’d start to panic, back off, and look around for area weapons.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I am personally still pissed off at John Dean.
He took a large, smelly dump all over our Constitution a couple of decades ago, and I’m not sure that he’s made enough rose-petal sachets to cover that up yet.
Sometimes I think people don’t realize just how big a deal Watergate was, and the damage it’s done to our government – damage that we still haven’t gotten over, as our current crop of criminals amply testifies to.
I don’t hold Dean in anywhere near the contempt I hold Chucky Colson, but I am STILL mad at John Dean. Just like I’m still mad at Kevin Phillips, no matter how many books he writes about Bush being a chumpstain.
For the record, I had a clown try to cop a feel at the circus when I was sixteen.
I didn’t like ’em before that, but I find that I really hate/fear those fuckers now.
Are rodeo clowns scary?
It’s nice when large animals are chasing them.
Oh right. So if she lies and makes up stories and gets stone-cold busted, it’s just ‘an honest mistake’ provided she can find someone else who used a photo in a misleading way.
Well, on the bright side, at least she didn’t invoke Rathergate.
Hey Jillian, Yesterday’s Worst Person in the World honours…went to movie review-cum-slavery apologist Michael Medved. Congrats.
Keith Olbermann is the only thing on TV anymore that doesn’t suck.
Except maybe Meerkat Manor.
Although I’m sure Olbermann is cooler than the meerkats, mind – there’s a cute factor there that’s hard to overcome.
err, I’m *not* sure Olbermann is cooler, rather.
Gosh, those li’l guys are adorable.
When Jello Biafra ran for mayor of San Francisco in 1979 on a platform of making financial district businessmen wear clown suits on Wednesdays from 9 to 5, he came in 4th place.
When Jello Biafra ran for mayor of San Francisco in 1979 on a platform of making financial district businessmen wear clown suits on Wednesdays from 9 to 5, he came in 4th place.
Which was undoubtedly a combination of (a) being in a way cool band, (b) having a way cool name, and (c) having policies that make complete sense.
I don’t see a problem.
“Imagine you own a small business—let’s say a donut shop—and you have an employee who is late for work everyday and is rude to customers. When you fire him, he claims it is really because he is gay—and sues.”
And it would be, of course, impossible to prove that he was consistently late. Or to have any records of customers complaints.
“Or imagine you run a daycare center in your church basement. One day a homosexual applies for a job. When you turn him down, he says you broke the law.”
This one took me a minute to figure out. See, the homo isn’t being turned down a job because he is gay, per se; He’s being turned down a job because all homos want to rape babies in their baby assholes.
And that clown nose is freakishly appropriate on him.
Oh, and Noen: I didn’t even want to dip my toes into that pool yesterday. One of my oldest friends is transgender, and she looks it. She found she lost a lot of friends when she made the change, people who just didn’t understand and couldn’t accept her as ‘her’ rather than ‘him’.
I think she might have been a bit disappointed with my reaction, to be honest. I think it consisted of “Oh. Fair enough”, and that was it. Yes, it was a surprise, but it didn’t affect me and it didn’t change her (except in the obvious wedding tackle ways).
Perhaps I’m strange, but the only time I’m ever concerned about someone’s gender is when I want to have sex with them.
Yes, I think I must be weird, because I only ever want to have sex with intelligent, witty, politically aware men. A pretty face just doesn’t do it for me, whereas some wit and passion make me go like a jet plane.
When Jello Biafra ran for mayor of San Francisco in 1979 on a platform of making financial district businessmen wear clown suits on Wednesdays from 9 to 5, he came in 4th place.
It’s not THAT different from Casual Fridays.
I had a look at that Noonan piece. It’s a weird world in which a bill that suggests that one ought to be nice to people is considered anti the religion of love. And it’s rather telling of Noonan that he thinks the signature tenet of “Judeo-Christianity” is homophobia.
Colson is 100% right. I hope ENDA passes.
You see, as a gaywad myself (yes, that’s what some of us prefer to be called now – ok, me.) I cannot wait to stroll into a place of employment to obtain a job I am so unqualified for AND GET IT just for being teh gay. No one is going to deny me Heart Surgeon, Head Electrician… fuck, even Carny who runs the Tilt-O-Whirl.
Those jobs are mine, and all I have to do is flash my Homosexual Agenda card given to me when I was indoctrinated, (the cassette sleeve of Madonna’s Immaculate Collection works if you can’t find it) make a few threats and before you know it, I am running your MRI or driving your kids to school and I am not paying attention to either motherfucking job.
Just ca$hing in, bitches.
Straights. Ya’ll are fucked.
Marco said,
Colson is 100% right. I hope ENDA passes.
You see, as a gaywad myself (yes, that’s what some of us prefer to be called now – ok, me.) I cannot wait to stroll into a place of employment to obtain a job I am so unqualified for AND GET IT just for being teh gay. No one is going to deny me Heart Surgeon, Head Electrician… fuck, even Carny who runs the Tilt-O-Whirl.
Those jobs are mine, and all I have to do is flash my Homosexual Agenda card given to me when I was indoctrinated, (the cassette sleeve of Madonna’s Immaculate Collection works if you can’t find it) make a few threats and before you know it, I am running your MRI or driving your kids to school and I am not paying attention to either motherfucking job.
Just ca$hing in, bitches.
Straights. Ya’ll are fucked.
Where can I bill you for the keyboard I just hosed as a result of this post.
Wait until Rush blows his Vicodin cap when all the trans-gendered gay black Jewish immigrant women start stealing the jobs form Honest Hardworking White Christian Men due to Homo-Affirmative Action.
Why would I run a homosexual donut shop from a church basement? Wait, let me go read that again…
I have an absolute moral belief (why, it’s almost religious) & knowledge that every single corporation I’ve ever been enslaved by or had any business with has ripped me off, exploited me, & so on. Will this new law allow me to get back everything I’ve ever been fucked out of, however I want to do it, without being harrassed, prosecuted, fired, or the like? ‘Cause then I’m all for it.
But if it doesn’t go that far, I don’t know. Have I mentioned how much I believe this? Doesn’t that count for anything?
Hey Marco, I was going to ask whether I can sign up for this “being gay” thing, because the job perks sound so great. Only thing is I’m not attracted to other men, but nobody actually comes around and checks on that, do they?
Oh, but come to think of it, I just realized I don’t need to. It looks like US civil rights law already protects citizens against discrimination on the grounds of religious creed. So, since I’m Jewish, I guess I can just demand whatever job I feel like, and if they don’t give it to me, I’ll sue the anti-semitic bastards’ pants off!
For that matter, I bet Christians could say they were discriminated against for being Christian. Men could say they were discriminated against for being men. In fact — it looks like the law guarantees everyone the right to anything they want, on the basis of being whoever they are!
I can’t understand why nobody has figured this out before. Or — wait. Do you have to prove the discrimination occurred in a court of law, or something?
Damn! There’s always a catch.
Southern Beale asked,
I don’t get it. Why wouldn’t you want to hire someone for a daycare center just because they’re homosexual?
Hello? Because of Jesus, of course!
I wonder if it was mentioned that churches can hire and fire people for their religious affiliation?
So his example meant bupkiss.
How is it possible Dr Mike Adams, PhD, and his Straight White Christian Male Entitlement Vaudeville routine hasn’t been mentioned yet?
Thanks for checking in, Ban. Glad you’re doing OK.
Why, that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Or maybe it was that undercooked chicken last night.
Noen, I feel really bad that some people chose to use their freedom of speech to make dumbass tranny jokes.
Yeah, that’s not cool at all.
Why would I run a homosexual donut shop from a church basement?
WTF? I didn’t order creme filling!!!
No business would be allowed to refuse to hire a homosexual for any reason.
I totally wish I was gay, I would apply for the New York Yankees manager job even though I haven’t played baseball since little league but it wouldn’t matter because the Yankees would have to hire me.
And after the team wins 25 games next season (that would be intentional btw) there would be no way to fire me! Goodbye dynasty!
In the Glorious words of St. Bozo:
“Let he who is without sin twist the first baloon animal.”
*balloon. Damnit. I’m going to to clown hell for that one. Forgive me St. Bozo.
Although I am a member of the Church of Sweet Zombie Jesus, I still respect those in the Church of the Big Shoes. Pastafarians also. Their pirate regalia is simply spectacular.
Praise you, Sweet Zombie Jesus.
If passed, ENDA would cut deeply into the religious rights and freedoms of all Americans.
No it wouldn’t.
Matt T (and others participating in the clown sub-thread):
Fear of clowns is a real condition known as coulrophobia. Cosmo Kramer of Seinfeld is one of the more famous sufferers; others include Johnny Bravo (of the eponymous animated series), Chuckie Finster and Didi Pickles from Rugrats, and the title character in Monk.
I am with you on the John Dean assessment. Granted, he has done a lot of very good things in the past 34 years, starting with his testimony to Congress, but he needs to do a whole lot more penance before he makes up for the initial crime.
Doesn’t matter. I’ll fire who I want, when I want, for whatever reason I want. You lot only sweat this sort of thing because you are never in such positions of authority. My business, and I’ll do as I please. If I want to fire you for wearing pink, I’ll do it, much less for acting pink. I dare you to stop me.
My business, and I’ll do as I please. If I want to fire you for wearing pink, I’ll do it, much less for acting pink. I dare you to stop me.
It seems that you and I agree you’re an asshole.
I dare you to stop me.
So you’re going to fire qualified people just for wearing or acting pink? You must be one hell of a businessman. If I fired everyone who ever worked for me just for being conservative I’d be as fucked as you must be. I just hope you and I are direct competitors.
BLAMMO! Borneo’s back. I’m so excited.