David Horowitz Awareness Week Pt. I

Above: Horowitz’s rebuttal to this post, as retrieved 9/28

Above: Horowitz wins Olbermann’s ‘Worst Person in the World,’ 9/28

Above: Horowitz’s rebuttal as retrieved 9/29


Comments: 71


Oh dear, someone’s been caught out


This isn’t the first time I’ve wondered if someone on Keith’s staff is a regular here. Then again, it can be a small world sometimes, especially online.
Also, I think we’ve seen that Ban fella before…


The text of Horowitz’s “Defenders of Iranian women-haters and gay-killers in denial” was posted in the comments to Luker’s blog post at Cliopatria. Unlike Horowitz’s blog post, it’s still available, as is Luker’s response to it (Luker’s post, comments).


My bad, Ban is a she. And, oddly, her wikipedia page has been deleted. But she’s a frequent contributer to National Review and Front Page, and is based in NYC with her Italian-born hubby.
Chalabi with boobs, perhaps.


Some leftwing defenders….are claiming that the photograph of a stoning in Iran we have been using as a flyer…is a still from a Dutch film and not the photgraph of an exact stoning. It’s an odd line of attack…since the stoning of women….in Iran… is a well- established fact.

Horowitz’s insanity laid bare for all to see.

“Some are claiming that the photo of the World Trade Center attack posted on our flyers is a hoax and not a photograph of the actual attack. It’s an odd line of attack since the destruction of the World Trade Center is a well-established fact.”

“Some….are claiming that the photo” of New Orleans Candidate Kimberley Williamson Butler posted on her website is a photo of Disneyland and not a photo of New Orleans itself. It’s an odd line of attack, since the existence of New Orleans is a well-established fact.”


reminded yet again of Michelle Malkin et al’s freak outs about adding smoke to a picture, or reports of 12 people killed instead of 8. Somehow the response that “well, things still get burned and people are still dying in Iraq” wasn’t well-received by them at the time.


Shorter David Horowitz:

Somewhere, at this very moment, a brown person is behaving in ways of which I disapprove. Attack!11!@


At least he’s consistent: who among us doesn’t remember his stirring defense of Reuters use of Adnan Hajj’s smoke-filled photos? “It’s an odd line of attack to begin with since the attack on Lebanon and the presence of smoke are well-established facts.” And his defense of Dan Rather that “Lt. Col. Lloyd had letters typed is a well-established fact” still gives me goosebumps.


Has anyone seen the Steyn t-shirt? It’s at this address: http://www.steynstore.com/product41.html


Order this one-of-a-kind T-shirt today and horrify your leftie friends at every tofu cafe in town!

It’s horrifying, allright. But it’s amusing to thing of Steyn fans making surpetitious raids on tofu cafes. More power to them!


just how many tofu cafes do Steyn fans think there are in America?


I guess I’m pretty stupid. I still don’t get the point.

I completely accept that horrendous atrocities are committed by religous fanatics all over the globe on a regular basis. Not just islamic fanatics, but just about any religion will have an instruction from it’s deity somewhere in the sacred texts to kill someone or other in a particularly nasty way.

But again. Is a two week bombing campaign targeting 4000 sites in Iran really the best way to deal with this? It certainly doesn’t address similar atrocities in pakistan or saudi, to name only two. And it will lead to much more suffering of innocents.

And the fact that it’s coming from a group NOT exactly noted for their tolerance of women’s and gay rights certainly leads me to question, if not their credibility, at least their motivation.

They need to take the next step and tell us why they are suddenly screaming about women’s and gay rights violations in iran, so we can understand why they are talking about them at all.

And that being the case, they need to come out strongly for gay and women’s rights in America…



Horrify? Does Che Steyn think he’s the leather Last Supper of the Right or something?


Hilarious. He cuts and pastes an email as proof . Doesn’t fact-check it? Then just erases the whole thing and hopes no one will notice. A real hero of the right.


I don’t like these awareness weeks. They make me aware of stuff I didn’t know about or really want to know about. Case in point, now I am aware of David Horowitz and I didn’t want to be.


It’s the same schtick they used to get people behind Afghanistan. Maybe for Iran they will use the best of the propaganda from both invasions, just so they don’t have to work their pretty little heads off.


Several months ago, Michelle Malkin and company analyzed the shit out of a series of photographs of a dead little girl. They wanted to prove that she had been unnecessarily carried around so that photographers could capture the dramatic scene, even after the body had already been transported to an ambulance.

They never once denied that this little girl had died in the manner reported, but they seemed to think that demonstrating that any posturing had taken place completely diffused any implication that the death of a child might have had.

Now we mention that their hate-week banner is a photo of professional actors engaged in 100% dramatization and they pretend not to see our point.


David alerts us to a counter protest to his protest against the religious mistreatment of the women.

a meeting on the Columbia University campus to organize a protest against Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week http://barnardcolumbiaiso.wordpress.com/2007/09/28/using-racism-to-sell-war-the-west-versus-islam/. The meeting is being put together by a Bolshevik organization (and proud of it) called the International Socialist Organization, which has conducted violent attacks on conservative campus speakers in the past.

I guess I’ll have to take David’s word on this, since he wrote a book proudly detailing his efforts to organize violent leftist groups. (And please, if you do go to his protest, whatever you do, don’t tell the fundies he’s whipping into a frenzy of religious hatred that he’s an agnostic. It could get ugly.)

Sadly, Cambridgeport

The Viva Steyn! shirt is not only a sign your good fashion sense but of your sound political sense, too.

Because fashion, like politics, depends upon masses of people who buy trite bland crap and enjoy following directions.


Man, I’ve never even heard of a tofu bar. There’s a vegitarian restaurant here in Athens called The Grit that serves a metric ton of tofu a day, but Steyn’s gonna be a real sad little boy come Christmas morning if he really thinks anyone’s gonna see his t-shirt and think anything beyond “Who the fuck is Mark Steyn?”

And yeah, the picture…fucking hilarious. You’d almost feel sorry for the poor bastards if they weren’t such horrible excuses for human beings that wallow in their own hatred and loathing.


With DaveHo, it’s always all about the violence. Of course, now that he’s on the fascist side, he gets better pay, and is even less likely to break a fingernail or otherwise suffer some grave injury himself.


What I want to know is: when are we going to have Christo-fascist Awareness Week, where we unite and have teach-ins about the harm Pat Robertson and James Dobson are doing to this country.


What I want to know is: when are we going to have Christo-fascist Awareness Week, where we unite and have teach-ins about the harm Pat Robertson and James Dobson are doing to this country.

My schedule’s wide open.


Christo-fascist Awareness Week

I thought this week was Christo-fascist Awareness Week, by virtue of this post’s title.

Anyway, I went out and stocked up on booze in preparation.


What I don’t understand is why Horowitz didn’t just post a link to the Stop Stoning Campaign and Amnesty International. Perhaps because Amnesty also condemns America’s secret prisons and use of torture?

Further, although women are primary victims, men have also been threatened with stoning as this Amnesty link shows.

What gives Horowitz? Why don’t you use credible sources?


It Seems To Me™ that there are certain states (right here in these United States) that are less than friendly to gay people & adulteresses. (Not to make any moral equivalence between the two.) I believe that we, the people (the real Americans) should petition President Bush & Congress to declare war on these states, & shock & awe them back to the Stone Age (which is where they alrady live anyway).

In addition, here in West Hollywood there have been some instances of gay-bashing, by outside agitators, even though there are no gay people in WeHo. (Who told you there are, anyway?) Although I am a resident of West Hollywood (and let me make perfectly clear that I am not one of the non-existent gay people of WeHo, not that there’s anything wrong w/ being a non-existent gay person) I call for pre-emptive airstrikes on the command & control structure of West Hollywood. To prove my sincerity, I will reveal that the City Hall is located at Santa Monica & Sweetzer, & the Sheriff’s substation is at Santa Monica & San Vicente. (Both of them some distance from my residence.) Go Air Force!! (Or Navy!!)


It Seems To Me™

A James Gang trademark.


My bad, Ban is a she. And, oddly, her wikipedia page has been deleted. But she’s a frequent contributer to National Review and Front Page, and is based in NYC with her Italian-born hubby.

Who is she?


Wait. They are STILL arguing that in 1994 an entire full motion scene in a movie was digitally reconstructed from a single photograph?!

According to this post, the girl in the photo is an actress named Smadar Monsinos. They even have a photo of her (not being stoned) as evidence:



Bouffant, you’ve got WAY too much faith in their ability to identify the anti-gay forces at 500mph and accurately target them. No matter how good their intentions, how focused their efforts, and how sober the FAC is at the time, you’re gonna end up with at least 500 pounds of PETN on your sofa.

I’m not saying calling in air and arty is always a bad idea.

But it IS a little like asking Mr. McGoo to shoot the guy holding you hostage. People are gonna get got, but it’s entirely unpredictable who they are. Airdales don’t care, see, ’cause they’ve always got MORE bombs. I believe the Air Force motto is “If at first you kill the wrong dudes, try, try again”…



I like the pure Irony of someone who advocates literally bombing Iran into the stone age, causing the deaths of probably millions on men women and children, condemning the left as insensitive to the plight of Iranians. Am I smoking crack? Pinch me!


“No matter how good their intentions, how focused their efforts, and how sober the FAC is at the time, you’re gonna end up with at least 500 pounds of PETN on your sofa.”

You say that like it’s a BAD thing!


Horowitz is overdue for love-in (maybe he didn’t get enough in the 60s when he wrote for Ramparts. What happened to this guy?).


Not only does Horowitz leave out that Ban is a she, but that she speaks fluent French and spent her early adulthood going to film school in Paris. These aren’t the kind of things that impress his wingnut followers I supposed. (oh, the horror a wingnut must feel to rely on the testimony of a french speaking female film school grad…sounds way too liberal). She actually does sound like she has a very intriguing (and tragic) story and would be a good choice of someone to ask concerning the photo in question, but considering there are other pictures of the actress from the film out there, I suspect she simply got this one wrong. Plus, if its the same Ban posting in many of the threads online, she has a very poor sense of civil discourse.


As long as the stench of cat whiz is removed from the sofa, I’m fine w/ that.


J—: It’s a tradmark of Megatron’s not some goofy limp-dicked “classic” rockers of the ’70s.

Gavin: I think the assumption is that Ban is the person(s) posting crap in comments @ Southern Beale yesterday. (Or something to put under your arms.)

PETN: Pre-Emptive Turkey Neck?


a little something to clear the stench of wingnuttia. There’s rage in this version.


That ‘Ban’ is Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi?


Front Page has this interview with Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi.


PETN: Pre-Emptive Turkey Neck?

Nope. It’s not Pigs Eating Tom’s Nuts either.



M. Bouffant: I know, but I’ll take Joe Walsh over Megan McArdle any day.


As long as the stench of cat whiz is removed from the sofa, I’m fine w/ that.

Cat whiz stench exists on the elementary-particle level. Go ahead and reduce the sofa to its constituent molecules—those molecules would still reek of cat whiz.

In that sense, cat whiz:sofa::DaHo:the intertubes. No amount of factual correction, logical argumentation, or public shaming will eradicate—or even perceptibly reduce—his stanky presence.


PETN: Post-Emission Total Nakedness?

Man, I could sure use a whole lot of that on my sofa . . . .


OK, who ordered the venti nonfat double-foam with a shot of miso?


And, no, there is no substance in the world that will rid furniture or, god forbid, carpeting of the smell of cat piss. Though enough Total Nakedness would make you not mind it so much.


Here‘s Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi telling Michelle Malkin it will take more events like 9/11 to wake “spoiled” anti-Bush Americans up.

I guess she doesn’t realize the wingnuts who support her think blowing up her country is the solution.


Michelle Malkin interviewed Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi for Hot Air last week. Check this out this exchange (my transcript, from about 1:42):

Malkin: There are a number of Iranian activists, yourself included, who are here to remind the American left of the oppression of the Iranian regime. They pretend that you don’t exist; they ignore you. What is it going to take to shake them into reality?

Zand-Bonazzi: Gee, dare I say it. Um, I really wonder, um, sometimes, but I unfortunately think that it’s going to require several more massive disasters.



Merci mikey. Poor Tom. Thought about trying Wiki, but I lay down ’til it went away.

Hell, I’d rather read Megan than listen to Joe Walsh, the James Gang, or, Satan forbid, The Eagles (musical or gathering thereof). Did listen to Megan on her bloggingheads “diavlog,” for a few minutes, anyway. did. not. want. “Awesome.” Next she’ll be typing “Like, y’know.”


I guess she doesn’t realize the wingnuts who support her think blowing up her country is the solution.

Well, she seems to think blowing up our country is the solution to liberal treason or whatever. Although how she thinks “several more massive disasters” will “remind the American left of the oppression of the Iranian regime,” is, again, beyond me. (Especially if those hoped-for disasters are not caused by Iran, Michael Ledeen notwithstanding,)

And, by the way, the American left has been against oppressive Iranian regimes since the Shah. What about Mavis Leno, who’s been against the Taliban since before 9/11, I think? When the Bush regime’s reaction to the Taliban was to bribe them to stop opium production.

But we’re all ignorant weaklings because we don’t think that destroying Iran (or “massive disasters” here) are the solution. Whereas their solution for everything involves massive disaster & violence.


Christo-fascist Awareness Week

I’ve wrapped my fascist in 9000 square yards of chartreuse-dyed muslin.


Hey, so you’ve got Christo-fascism and Muslin-fascism covered, as it were. Bravo!


Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi meet “I hate all Iranians” US aide Debra Cagan

(link courtesy of this old brit)


Actually, if you need to remove the scent of cat urine from something that can get wet without taking damage, cover it in baking soda and douse it with vinegar. It worked on my bathroom floor/cat box(es), and it worked on my (fabric) Teknic motorcycling jacket, thank goodness.

As for working on Horowitz… Well, it might not hurt


Great Googly-Moogly!! Context for that lovely photo of the hate queen: Taken 24 October 2005 at the Hungarian Embassy in Washington, D. C.

From the embassy site:
On the occasion of the National Day, Ambassador Simonyi presented the Officer’s Cross Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary upon Ms. Eva Pusta and Mike Haltzel, and the Commander’s Cross Order of Merit to Debra Cagan.

She must not like Hungarians much either, considering her failure to powder her shiny face, or wear something besides a red leather biker jacket. No fucking clue about anything at all!

Cagan appears to have served in the Clinton admin as well, per Google™.


thelogos: “It’s the same schtick they used to get people behind Afghanistan.”



Thanks, birdseatbugs. (Yum. My feline roomie likes bugs too.) Actually, there was a cover on said sofa, which I threw in the laundry. It was fine after washing, though my sense of smell has been rooned, I tell ya, rooned, by yrs. of self-indulgence & spicy food. Plus the place smells like two ashtrays anyway.


if cat pee came in a spray can i’d squirt some on my noisy neighbour’s welcome mat.


Well, it does come in a spray cat

nyuk nyuk nyuk!


While I cannot in good conscience recomend the actual item, there are genuine options one can pursue.

I didn’t invent it, I’m just a broker….



mikey, you started the whole animal piss thing by bringing up my sad sofa. I helped a little, but…


Has anyone seen the Steyn t-shirt? It’s at this address: http://www.steynstore.com/product41.html

I hope it only comes in children’s sizes, to match the mentality of anyone who would even consider purchasing it.


They need to take the next step and tell us why they are suddenly screaming about women’s and gay rights violations in iran, so we can understand why they are talking about them at all.

We might also need them to explain why they once briefly screamed about women’s rights in Afghanistan but are not talking about them now.

And that being the case, they need to come out strongly for gay and women’s rights in America…

Haven’t you heard? Those fights have been won. Women and gays have all the rights they will ever need or get and anything else is politically-correct overreach that unfairly discriminates against men and straights.


Regarding Ban, given what she posted on Southern Beale, can we start calling her Banshee?


You can always get the wingnuts to exude feminist sentiments regarding the treatment of women in Islamic countries (what’s the reasoning, I wonder: “let’s fight sexism there so we don’t have to fight it here”?), but I notice it’s always the Islamic countries that don’t happen to be playing ball with American corporations.

Somehow they are strangely quiet about the oppression of women in such bastions of “freedom” as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt and Pakistan. And heaven forfend you attempt to bring up an unsavory subject such as the epidemic of female soldiers getting raped in our own armed forces.


And, no, there is no substance in the world that will rid furniture or, god forbid, carpeting of the smell of cat piss.

Nature’s Miracle Enzyme Cleaner. At pet stores. Seriously. It might take you two weeks of living with a damp sofa, but it works. (Also removes organic stains.) It saved my futon.


One thing I think is quite funny is how so many of these far Rightists are now so concerned about gay rights. Don’t get me wrong, I fully support gay equality and if David Horowitz is now concerned about homophobia (yeah, that’s likely) then more power to him. However, where were all these right-wing gay defenders when the Orthodox Jews of Jerusalem were busy stabbing Israeli gay activists? it would seem that their new found sensitivity to gay issues is rather selective…


One thing I think is quite funny is how so many of these far Rightists are now so concerned about gay rights. Don’t get me wrong, I fully support gay equality and if David Horowitz is now concerned about homophobia (yeah, that’s likely) then more power to him. However, where were all these right-wing gay defenders when the Orthodox Jews of Jerusalem were busy stabbing Israeli gay activists? [My link didn’t work: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3108498,00.html ]

It would seem that their new found sensitivity to gay issues is rather selective…


M. Bouffant: only a cheese eating surrender monkey could fail to appreciate the genius that is Joe Walsh with a guitar in his hands. I weep for the void in your life…


It would seem that their new found sensitivity to gay issues is rather selective…


Yes…. I like how they got all worked up about gay men being “entrapped” by the airport police in the Craig case. Assholes. Had it been a Dem caught doing that we’d all be hearing about how the police were heroes.


It would seem that their new found sensitivity to gay issues is rather selective.

It’s their ‘toilet paper’ strategy. They give a shit about women and gays over there so they won’t have to give a shit about them over here.

And to complete the excretory bifecta, a true parable: My wife and I were looking for a used car and hadn’t found anything we liked. We tried one that looked great, and felt really nice to drive — only it had an aroma of cat pee. I asked the dealer about that, and he said, “that’ll come right out.” And the clouds parted above, and God spake, saying, “If it’ll come right out, why didn’t he get it out already? Hah??” And lo, we bought something else, from another dealer. And it was good.


(comments are closed)