Another Reason To Drink Miller
They make crappy beer, but they offend Michelle Malkin, so I guess I’ll have to start drinking their stuff:
When last I wrote about Miller Beer, the company was cluelessly sponsoring illegal alien protests and spinning furiously. Doesn’t look like they learned to stay away from radical politics. Miller went ahead and sponsored the “Folsom Street Fair” in San Francisco…billed as the “world’s largest leather event.”
Here’s the Catholic-denigrating promotional poster for the Miller-backed fair via, depicting the Last Supper as a gathering of S&M enthusiasts:
Please note the wonderful irony on display here. The same woman who lectured us on the importance of free speech during the Danish Mohammed cartoon fiasco is now calling for a jihad against Miller for sponsoring an event that offends Catholics’ religious sensibilities.
Also, this paragraph deserves to be placed on a marble plaque so that it may live for eternity:
The question isn’t whether the Folsom organizers should be allowed to promote their bacchanalia however they want. Go right ahead with your bullwhips, dildos, and chains. Knock yourselves out. Really.
And this, friends, is why I read Michelle’s site every day. In between the paranoid rants on illegal immigrants reconquistaing whitey’s land, pro-jihad 9/11 memorials and the New York Times travel section’s dastardly plot to kill Dick Cheney, you get some good drrrrrrrrty talk. Teh hottt.
The lack of self-awareness never ceases to amaze.
BTW, Miller High Life is really not bad for what it is (aluminum-flavored pisswater in lovely 16-oz cans or those dangerously easy-to-drink bottles), and goes well with greasy pizza. Plus, it’s union-made.
So when you don’t have the cash for Dogfish Head and they don’t sell Narragansett in your neck of the woods, I say hit the High Life. Cheaper and better than any Anheuser-Busch lager, and without all that right-wing baggage.
it’s spelled “dildoe”
Heh heh. That’s almost as good as my popeye the sailor man – Last Supper Wallpaper.
I’m a scotch drinker. But I think I’ll buy a case of miller and hand it out to the homeless. Everybody wins…
Thank you Mikey!
I was baffled, stumped even, just in what way that post was remotely “Catholic-denigrating”
That is what she’s talking about, right? That it’s a take off on the last supper? Boy, I sure hope so…
Do you think Michelle would have been as upset if everyone was in spandex?
One of the best beers I can remember was an ice cold MGD after running my first 10k.
But wait ! There’s more !
Miller is owned by SABMiller as in South African Breweries – furriners not so much brown as, in fact, black. Pass the smelling salts as we tinted Africans undermine your Murkan values yet again.
Every now and then I’ll buy Miller Hi-Life bottles, especially now that darker beers always seem to give me migraines, and my return to full time student status has made me dirt poor. There’s also a nostalgia element to it, as my mom and gramps used to buy whatever was on sale, so Miller made quite a few appearances around our place whilst I was growing up. (I can see my gramps now, tinkering on and cussing at the old car, Miller bottle in hand.) Now I’ll have another reason to pick up a six. Wish I had one now.
Why is this only offensive to Catholics? Is she that scared of Bill Donohue?
Seriously, do Catholics have some proprietary claim to ‘The Last Supper’ that I don’t know about?
Anybody Catholic around here?
Can I be of assistance, my son?
I think an enterprising, Danish-speaking reader might make history by writing to the very same Muslim groups which opposed the editorial cartoons about Muhammad and ask them to co-sponsor Malkin’s Michellehad against Miller’s sponsorship of teh leather event. The Malkinoids might be thoroughly confused at finding that their Moooozlim enemas oppose the same freedom of speech which they do.
This is but one day after Malkin ruined her knickers after that mean man called her, and her fellow cretins, “bed-wetters.”
Yes, Emperor,, I mean Pope.
What gives? Why would only Catholics be offended by this? Seems the Baptists would probably be pretty miffed, as well. And don’t get me started on the Anglicans…
But we know the UCC’s down. They’re spiffy.
maybe Bear Force One knocked down the towers.
Well, Da Vinci was nominally Catholic, so maybe she thinks he’d be insulted? Of course in that case why not say it’s an insult to Milanese? It is a mystery.
I am a very lapsed Catholic. However, I was of the socially conscious, lefty, union-supporting Catholic ilk, so I really can’t comment on the Donohue-type nutbars.
A) Highlife in a bottle is a totally OK beer.
and #2) Though I’m not inclined to give MM the benefit of the doubt, I think there is a legitimate distinction between saying the ‘government should suppress this’ and ‘we shouldn’t support this.’ (this here being a perceived sacrilege.)
That’s where I think Malkin is FOS. This isn’t a reference to a pieta or something (along the lines described in the Marylin Manson Onion article), it is a reference to a culturally iconic and fairly un-religious painting (the drama of the betrayal has no particular dogmatic significance).
I’m not asserting that the poster is as a work of art comparable to Caravaggio, but Caravaggio’s Conversion of Saint Paul is, I think, a more sacrilegious painting (though less irreverent.)
It’s not like it’s unprecedented:
Two items for Malkin’s consideration.
1. Mel Brooks: “Does everybody want soup?”
2. A recent ad campaign for JBS, a Danish underwear manufacturer. Specifically, see the image on the upper left.
The question isn’t whether the Folsom organizers should be allowed to promote their bacchanalia however they want.
but isn’t that exactly the question, since they are upset at how the organizers are promoting their bacchanalia? or am I missing something?
Seriously, do Catholics have some proprietary claim to ‘The Last Supper’ that I don’t know about?
Since it is Roman Catholic kitsch that is being referenced here without permission, those Papists have the exclusive right to be outraged by it. This Greek Orthodox version of the Last supper is itself a sacred object, not kitsch, but is much less fun to satirize since it requires really good posture and limited expression in order to hold those poses.
I might be half tempted to order a Miller – purely out of anti-Catholic solidarity, mind you – if they hadn’t pulled their sponsorship in response. You can’t have it both way guys. You can’t be wild and fun and all for sexual freedom and still make the Christianists happy. They would have been just as offended no matter what promotional artwork had been chosen.
I would also like to point out that this is not an attack on Catholics, or Christians, or Leonardo Da Vinci, or tables with bread, or anything else. It references a piece of art that is so familiar that it has become iconic. It has been done with everything from breakfast cereal cartoons to the Red Sox.
What is more, similar parodies have been done with any number of other famous (and non-religious) pieces of art, from Nighthawks to The Persistance of Memory . Since when is The Last Supper particularly sacred to any faith? They aren’t offended that a sacred image was defiled, they are offended that some people out there dare to have a little fun with their sex lives.
Besides being “hightly offended” by the latest “anti-Catholic/Christian/Jewish outrage” is a sacrament to these people. They will find some way to indulge regularly, whether corporate sponsers give them an excuse or not.
Parodying the Last Supper isn’t bad in itself, but when TEH GAZE (which is what Malkin’s associating leather with here, let’s be honest) do it, IT IS TEH WRONGZ.
Check out Andrew Sullivan’s blog, where he calls the image “cheap” and challenges the Folsom Street folks to create a similarly provocative image satirizing a scene from Muslim theology. Like, yeah, maybe they could satirize one of those famous scenes by Renaissance Muslim painters of scenes from the life of Muhammad that don’t exist because it’s forbidden to depict the Prophet Muhammad. Duh.
Well, what pervert ever thought of associating Da Vinci with homosexuality?
Hell with Michelle.
That looks like a fun party. Count me in.
Where was the outrage when the Sopranos invoked the same image in the final episode? Where was the outrage when M*A*S*H spoofed the image? The Last Supper is such an iconic image, with very little uniquely religious meaning. It is a cultural image that has been repeated and utilized for ironic and/or comic effect for ever.
That’s what gets me most about these bed-wetters: they think EVERYTHING belongs to them, and how DARE anyone else use an idea or an image that doesn’t conform to the narrow terms of their “ownership.” It’s like God put the Malkins of the world here for no other purpose but to be outraged every 15 seconds whenever someone offends their delicate senisibilities.
” Ceci n’est pas un pipe”
Rene Magritte
This Greek Orthodox version of the Last Supper is itself a sacred object, not kitsch, but is much less fun to satirize since it requires really good posture and limited expression in order to hold those poses.
Reading that and then clicking over gave me a giggle.
depicting the Last Supper as a gathering of S&M enthusiasts
Um, isn’t it actually depicting a gathering of S&M enthusiasts as the Last Supper? If it has been, say, Jesus with a ball-gag and Peter with the Holy Cockring of Antioch, then, yeah, it would have been the other way ’round.
What about depicting a bunch of priest, seminarians, and altar boys as S&M enthusiasts? Would that be bigoted, or awesome?
or am I missing something?
I think Mrs. Malkin is the one who’s missing something.
A whole lot of somethings.
I’m Catholic and I’m not offended.
I guess Mrs. Malkin could make the case that I don’t understand my religion the way she does. Where we differ is that I don’t think you have to be a total asshole to be religious.
Different strokes for different folks.
Well, any Miller beer is pisswater, stick to Pabst, or anything from the Eel River Brewery (it’s located in Fortuna California, 12 miles south of me, and they are the only recognized organic brewery in the nation, their porter is absolutely amazing) …
I wonder why Malkin posted nothing on the gross abrogation of “God Bless America” by a gang of anti-American facists? Hmm, will wonder never cease?
Now I shall sing … “Aaaaaaveeeeee maaaarrriiiiiaaaaa” (and that’s the version sung by the big black man from Loooziana with the angelic voice… ahhhh the apostasy hurts … I’m a heretiiiiiicccccc … Jeebus was teh WHITE)
That reminds me… I have to pick up my beige latex “stigmata” gloves from Mister S later.
[…] Hon. Dr. St. Rev. Bradley S. Rocket tells us that in order to offend Michelle Malkin, we must wear leather and drink Miller beer. But you had […]
Anyone remember the Schmitt’s Gay commercial?
That picture…I’m confused.
Jesus was black?
Here is a Last Supper based-picture with most of the participants as DC Comics Super-Villians (and Lex-fucking-Luthor as Jesus, to boot!):
” . . . And Evil Shall Inherit the Earth.”
So what’s the consensus on the Catholic thing? Is Michelle claiming The Last Supper for Catholics-only?
Damn. I thought I’d outgrown it, but those parochial school girls are STILL mean and pushy.
At this point, the wingnutosphere is just running on outrage, and are obligated to find something, anything, day after day, to work up faux outrage about.
Not to say we can’t mock their efforts. On the contrary,it’s the least they deserve.
Oooo, she’s trying reverse psychology! Now they can’t knock each other out! Damn her!
Anybody remember the leather overalls that Raven (Willian Dafoe) wore in the final confrontation with Tom Cody (Michael Pare) in streets of fire?
I want a pair like that!
Once we all upload our brains into supercool cyborg entities wirelessly hooked up to everything everywhere Miller will be able to track and therefore sponsor individual boners.
Now that is funny, considering outrage and hysteria is all the left-o-sphere has. Plus, some good old fashioned terrorist love.
From what I gather, y’all are having a hissy fit because MM is calling for a boycott against a private entity. How many times has the port side of the Internet called for boycotts against private entities they do not agree with? By my reconning, us neocons never had sites that said to only “buy red.”
Hey, Big Bill! As long as you are here, can you explain to me why I would “Love Terrorists”? I mean, I’m anti war, and anti violence. Plus, I’m an american, so they might kill me or my family. So why isn’t that about the stupidest thing in the world?
Arrrrr! It’s a pirate!
Hissy fit vs. laughing our asses off at the Malkintent™, once again.
Gather much, matey?
Anybody who writes out the word y’all is, by definition, full of shit.
Saying it is one thing. Saying it in the natural rhythm of your own dialect is another. But putting it down in writing is just too…precious.
Oh good, another southern white guy with a pirate-themed blog can’t tell the difference between a “hissy fit,” and “hilarious mocking.”
I suppose Malkin is claiming this is bigoted against Catholics because anti-Catholic bigotry is actually a known problem in this country, in the past and today, while anti-Christian bigotry isn’t really significant. Unfortunately for her, most of the anti-Catholic bigots are on her side.
The Left is often critical of the Catholic Church, but they’re criticizing it on institutional grounds — its opposition to birth control, abortion, female equality, covering up for pedophilia, etc. That is significantly different from actual anti-Catholic bigotry, which has historically manifested itself in claims about baby skeletons in tunnels between monasteries and nunneries, the Latin Vulgate being written directly by Satan, the Catholic Church being the Whore of Babylon, Catholics plotting to bring [traditionally Protestant country] under Popish rule, etc. That stuff is all coming from the Pat Robertsons and Jack Chicks of the world.
But, hey, these are the same people who consider criticism of Israel’s state policies to be anti-semitic. They don’t really understand the concept.
Isn’t breakfast the most important meal of the day?
Obviously, gay people are art terrorists. Soon they’ll be making parodies of all the famous works of art, and they won’t stop until every museum is sufficiently gay.
This reign of terror can be stopped by, of course, bombing Iran.
Heh, I just loaded up my kegerator with some High Life–my borderline alcoholism is that much more justified.
Besides, it’s the cheapest stuff you can buy. Way cheaper than Dead Guy, which is on the schedule next. Which reminds me, I gotta get rid of the miller before that can happen.
Uh, Bill. Just to recap MM logic:
Something that is offensive to Catholics: Condemn it and organize a boycott
Something that is offensive to Muslims: Publish it a billion times (give or take) because it is all about teh free speech baby. I am John Doe.
Yeah, that isn’t slightly hypocritical or hilarious in the least to us moonbats.
William Teach said,
From what I gather, y’all are having a hissy fit…
No, from what I gahter, most of them here are laughing hysterically… and you guys keep bringing on the unintentional humor.
Anybody seen Viridiana?
“The question isn’t whether the Folsom organizers should be allowed to promote their bacchanalia however they want. Go right ahead with your bullwhips, dildos, and chains. Knock yourselves out. Really.”
It’s possible, but am I the only one picking up on the subtle undertones of, “God, I wish my ass-hole husband wasn’t so vanilla, cream cheese, straight-lace, ‘Dudley Dooright of the Missionaries’ about our sex life.” in that?
See, this isn’t so much offensive to Catholics, as it should be offensive to Leonardo da Vinci. And he’s dead, so who cares?
I swear, I read this comment as “…against a pirate entity.” Does that make Malkin a ninja? If so, can we expect her to be stealthier, or at least quieter, in the future?
So anyway, we’re making fun of her not because she’s calling for a boycott of a pirate entity (arr, matey!), but because she’s jumping square into the intersection of public media and religion–on the opposite side from the one she took not all that long ago. It’s pretty good evidence that she’s not actually acting out of principle, but just out of a dislike of… well, stuff she doesn’t like.
Plus, what Mikey said. I’ve never understood how I’m both a pinko peacenik and a traitorous terrorist-lover.
Since you asked, I think it’s hot.
I will attest to the uber-smoothnicity of MGD. High Life? Not so much.
This argument seems oddly familiar. Anti-Catholic bigotry defined as “whatever gives Bill Donohue the vapors”? Ah, yes, now I remember.
Say, has the big D weighed in on this? I think we’re overdue for one of his delicious thinly-veiled threats of beheading.
Oh, damn. It wants a log in, for whatever reason. fuck you, ign.
Well, it WAS a funny lolcat-type picture. but, oh well.
So that’s why Ahmedinejad was so keen to deny the existence of gayness in Iran! Having observed our pundit Wurlitzer, he’s come to the obvious conclusion that we’re going to bomb the gay out of his country, and he’s now denying that he possesses vast stockpiles of gay. Crafty!
g: Is Michelle claiming The Last Supper for Catholics-only?
Damn. I thought I’d outgrown it, but those parochial school girls are STILL mean and pushy.
Between the former cheerleader thing and this Catholic-school angle, maybe this whole faux outrage at the leather festival has given Malkin a case of fetish envy.
From what I gather, y’all are having a hissy fit because MM is calling for a boycott against a private entity.
See, here’s the key to it. Big Bill is so clueless he thinks we’re “having a hissy fit.”
Big Bill – a “hissy fit” is when you get upset about something.
We aren’t upset, we are making fun of her.
A “hissy fit” is what Michelle is having over the Miller sponsorship. We are laughing at her.
You get the difference?
That familiar tableau is not based on a fucking photograph. It’s based on an artist’s conception (guy named Da Vinci) that was painted 1500 years after the fact.
I saw that poster while I was in Madame S buying a gorgeous leather vest and pleated skirt, and my eyes just about bulged out of my head at the fabulousness. And now to find out it gives Michelle Malkin the vapors? Were I the designer or any of the models I would blush with pleasure.
Stay away from San Fran, Michelle– you can’t HANDLE our amazing Flag of Freakiness!!! Every naked fanny I spank on Sunday I will dedicate to you.
I’m not into leather, but I’d just like to say that the fellow on the far left is fucking HOT.
See you Sunday, See You Sunday!
I’ll be wearing a black t-shirt, jeans, and army boots. You won’t be able to miss me.
DaVinci chose to depict 13 1st Century Jews as Western Europeans on the wall of a Western European church. Now, anyone who depicts 13 people at a table with only people that look like themselves is denigrating, not Jews, not Jesus and his Apostles, not the artist, but the Catholic Church. How dare someone use the sacred name of a less filling beer to support this kind of hatred. Is that f**king over the top enough for you?!
Leonardo was gay and some claim that the person portrayed as St John was his lover. Which is why I found the Da Vinci Code absurd.
See, I look at that picture and think, “Man. That all looks like way too damn much work just to get a little puddin’.” Just gettin’ in a pair of them rubber britches has to take a couple hours and then you gotta clean all that stuff later. And really, REALLY clean, too. I’ve been told there’s few things in life as oogy-inducing as stumbling across an improperly cleaned butt plug.
And I wonder why we’ve never heard similar conservative outrage over copies of The Last Supper reproduced on black velvet. My uncle has one that’s got Elvis instead of of the Swingin’ Nazz. It’s cool as hell.
they won’t stop until every museum is sufficiently gay.
Dude, have you seen the SF MOMA? It’s gayer than a picnic in Paris. And that’s only the beginning of their horrible Gay Agenda(tm)!
The cool thing is they have a lot of tech trade shows at moscone center, so you can grab a buncha peeps from all over the place and stroll two blocks to MOMA. The Texas, Indiana and Boise contingents get to check out the REAL SF…
Re: Viridiana
Buñuel on the film’s reception in Spain and Italy, from his autobiographical My Last Sigh:
Those were the good old days.
Matt T. @23:42 Roger that. OMG I made an a pun! Sorry. Well just trust me about the butt plug. (but don’t ask me about the butt plug. Please)
There’s some 74 or so comments and you STILL don’t understand why Our Lady of the Concentration Camps (a tip of the beret to the general) fixates on THIS particular “repro?” Or why it’s the Catlics especially upset?
It’s their (possibly sub-conscious) recogniton that the ad imputes, in that hateful way we fags do, some ridiculous, completely spurious and unrealiswtic connection between the church and hot man-on-man sex. And I’m with her. Once past seminary, none of the many priests I know ever had man-on-MAN sex.
How many times has the port side of the Internet called for boycotts against private entities they do not agree with?
Oh, let’s see – Dixie Chicks, France/”freedom fries”, Heinz Ketchup, Janeane Garafolo, Susan Sarandon, Ford, JetBlue, Disney, Wells Fargo, George Lucas, Kathy Griffin, Viggo Mortensen, Lionsgate Films, Rosie O’ Donnell, Alec Baldwin, the NY Times…
shall I continue?
As a fanatical home brewer, with a more sophisticated palate than you could possibly comprehend, it is my solemn duty to remind you that Miller High Life is the exemplar of American Light Lager. The brewmeisters at Miller have produced as good a beer, under the constraints inherent in the style, as is humanly possible.
That said, I use MGD mixed with Bud to poison the squirrels at my bird feeder.
MD, PhD.
It works on slugs too
so, now christ’s last meal with his apostles is the exclusive provence of catholicism?
tthat’s going to bum out a whole lot of protestants.
or are they just talking about da vinci’s painting in particular? which will just bum out hundreds of millions of art lovers.
ps, while miller is down at the bottom of the barrel, pun intended, at least it ain’t pearl beer from pearl brewery, texas.
Yer damn skippy (sorry).
Had a friend in Ft. Worth who drank a whole bunch of Pearl and tried to kill himself by cutting his wrists with his house keys. Didn’t work out so well.
He’s still with us. A bank president, last I heard…
The Texas, Indiana and Boise contingents get to check out the REAL SF…
My greatest experience in the real SF was being on a city bus listening to two gay guys yawp about the dumbest shit possible, so mind-scaldingly dumb that it has been erased from my memory. What I do remember is thinking “this has got to be a great city to be gay in if you can be out and crushingly stupid at the same time.”
The question is one of corporate responsibility. The question is whether a mainstream retailer ought to be lending its name year after year to a fringe group bent on alienating a majority of Americans who happen to be people of faith.
Rev. Rocket, I feel you’ve overlooked the “stealth money quote.”
If daVinci were alive today, he’d probably laugh himself silly over the concept of replacing the disciples in his famous fresco with studly young guys in motorcycle leathers, chaps and flaming lace panties! The fact that one of his patrons who served as a model for the piece has been replaced by a dominitrix would make it even sweeter. As for replacing the bread and wine with dildoes and fetishwear, I can see daVinci smacking himself upside the head for wasting time inventing the airplane, when designing adult toys would have permitted him to say “Ciao” to the overlords who kept artists’ creativity in check with their crass, osequiously religious tastes.
As for offending Catholics, we’re talking about the Church that commissioned Michaelangelo to paint kiddie pr0n for clerics on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, for Jeebus’ sake!
The catholic church did all of the important R&D work to perfect the gadgetry employed by the S&M crowd – the chains, bullwhips, suspensions in the air, etc. etc, so I think the tribute is appropriate… Not to mention the understated homosexualty emananing from the image…
OT but this is terrific, have fun
What’s with the black and blue striped flag? Is that another s&m reference?
The flag is the Leather Pride flag, of course.
Which is not to be confused with the Bear Pride flag.
When I saw that picture the first time, I honestly made no connection to the Last Supper at all. My first thought was “Oooh! Leather daddies! Hot!”
Yes, I am an inveterate fag hag….why do you ask?
err, that’s supposed to be the Bear Pride flag.
I’m a practicing Catholic and I didn’t get the relate this to the last supper. Is Anchor-Baby Malkin pissed because Jesus is black?
Hey! Thanks for reminding me. Now I know what I’m doing Sunday.
I haven’t been to that for years. It’s always amusing, and you generally run into people you know that you might not expect to be there.
As to Miller, eh. If they really did pull their support because some bed-wetting harpy had a habanero kidneystone over an ad as an excuse to further vilify Teh Gayz and to try to rally what’s left of the wingnut base into a frothy mixture of indignation and stupidity, then fuck ’em. Otherwise, as I’m giving my poor, beleaguered liver a break this month, I think mikey has the right idea.
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