Another Sign Of The Impending Haw!locaust
Above: Wo Ratten auch auftauchen, tragen sie Vernichtung ins Land, zerstören sie menschliche Güter und Nahrungsmittel.
From our good friend at Blue Star Chronicles, Julius Streicher Beth, comes this completely hi-larious cartoon. She calls it “…one of the most accurate portrayals of Iran’s role in the Middle East that I’ve seen”.
It is pretty good. All it’s missing are some references to how Persians have the ability to pass as other, more pure races, or how the Muslim “religion” is nothing more than a doctrine to preserve the Persian race, and we’d be set.
Honestly…….couldn’t you at least be sort of subtle about what you’re trying to do, guys? You’re taking all the challenge out of it for us.
Update: While poking around the mixture of ad content and paeans to the glory that is Germany over at Blue Star Chronicles, I found a link directing me to “Deutschland Erwache!”.
Whoops! Sorry, wrong link. Should’ve been to “Wake Up, America!”. My bad.
Ah Ramirez as funny as Faux’ “the half hour comedy hour.” Good thing our liberal media doesn’t publish this type of trash.
So, where does the sewer come from? Is there a storm drain on the other side of the planet where all the Iranian cockroaches enter? Does this mean there’s an unknown population of hundreds of billions of Iranian cockroaches deep inside the planet, i.e., the Hollow Earth theory? Or do we all share this sewer system, and at any moment our innocent street-level drainage system shall erupt with Iranians streaming into our major cities?
At the risk of opening this can o’ worms again:
Honestly…….couldn’t you at least be sort of subtle about what you’re trying to do, guys?
How about an octopus?
Spokane Moderate: Dogstar may sue you for posting that.
This is why we can exterminate the Jews Iraqis Iranians with no compunction, given their subhuman status. Indeed, I think this calls for the final solution. Anyone know where we can pick up some Zyklon B?
Or do we all share this sewer system, and at any moment our innocent street-level drainage system shall erupt with Iranians streaming into our major cities?
We’re stomping on cockroachiranians over there, so we don’t have to stomp on them over here.
motherfucker, give us some iced tea!
(or really, spill anything. we’re not picky)
You weak liberals obviously lack the will to triumph.
Supersonic aluminum Nazi hell-roaches from inside the Hollow Earth!
And why cockroaches anyway? Is it supposed to represent how Iranians taste with their feet, or something? And wouldn’t that mean they were immune to radiation, so even nuking them wouldn’t help? Or maybe Blue Star thinks that Ahmadinejad is hiding a hard carapace under his jacket. (Hey – that’s why he wants to visit NYC – all his relatives live under a sink in Soho! HAW!)
I don’t understand how the right wingers see Iran exactly. We’ve been at war with them since ’79, even when the Reagan administration was selling them weapons. So naturally they have been and always been teh emeny even when we were taking out Saddam. Yet, even though we have been at war with them for almost two decades, we expect them to help the US on as it invades two neighbouring countries and makes blatant threats towards invading them. Or failing that do nothing in the Middle East that would be in their interests.
Is Blue Star Chronicles affiliated with Blue Star Ointment? Does it provide fast and soothing relief to jock itch, ringworm, psoriasis, and other unsightly and foul-smelling skin ailments?
Michael Ramirez seems especially fond of portraying adversaries as vermin or beasts. I remember one of his cartoons from about late 2003 that depicted the ungrateful Iraqi people as a puny, mangy dog pissing on the boot of a towering American soldier. Ramirez’s brain seems to consist of a vast collection of that sort of tired, sour imagery, ready to be pulled out as needed.
From the comments section at the Pirate’s Cove, where this gem was originally posted:
Yeah, about 1938 or so.
The Neocons have morphed into Saddam the basis of a good article in McLeans (Canadian news mag) recently. His guiding philosophical book was called “Three things God should never have created: Jews, Persians & Flys”. Sadly, they can still sink further methinks.
If I showed Beth my middle finger, she’d probably call it “…one of the most accurate portrayals of the American Left Wing’s attitude towards all that is good and holy that I’ve seen”
Finally, a job Tom DeLay is qualified for.
No, see it’s not at all like the Nazis cuz everyone knows that Ahmadinejad is the new Hitler. And everyone knows that you can have one Hitler at a time. And also don’t forget about Freedom Spread.
Can I have that on toast, please? Of course I want whole wheat dammit, I AM a DFH afterall!
In other news, Irony was last seen covered in its own filth, smoking unfiltered cigarettes, and drinking a pub can of imported beer, while staggering into oncoming traffic on the 59th Street Bridge.
No, no, it’s a question of poor geography skillz. It’s not Iran that’s a drain down which our money is pouring. It’s Iraq. Common error, really. One lousy letter!
Jillian visits the creepiest places.
Jillian, doesn’t your computer, like, wince and tremble when you type in some of these web addresses?
Great, a map of the Tehran sewers. Their wingnuts will be onto you momentarily.
Jillian visits the creepiest places.
What’s really, truly creepy is that Michael Ramirez is a syndicated, Pulitzer-award-winning cartoonist whose cartoons are in papers like the “LA Times”, “US News and World Report”, and “Investor’s Business Daily”.
If you don’t mind getting even madder, see here.
I think the LA Times canned Ramirez a couple years ago. But he did indeed win a Pulitzer back in the 1990s… yet another sign of the degradation of that award.
They canned him, huh? I wonder why- anything to do with his content, or something different?
For the past five years or so, he has been a very strident, shrill Neo-conservative voice in the mainstream press.
Man, you guys don’t get it at all. Sheesh, look into your history. The Iranians are the Tutsi, see, the cockroaches, and the, um, the U.S. are the Hutu, because Iran has been oppressing the U.S. since ’79, and the HutU.S. need to slaughter the cockroaches, but then they (Tutsi-Mullah-roaches) will hang onto power and invade their neighbor (Iraq/Zaire), wiping out the HutU.S. and then deciding to overthrow the HutuU.S. ally (
MalakiChalabi/Mobutu) by allying with the HutU.S. enemy (Shi’ite militias/Kabila militias). Then it will be declared the Democratic Republic of Iraq and all will be solved. That is why we need to be vigilant.Aw, shit, forget it. Just release the man-eating badgers.
I think he was just another victim of the ongoing downsizing that’s been plaguing the Los Angeles Times in recent years – I doubt if the assholes who now run that paper have any objections to his political viewpoint. But I’m no expert on the LA Times.
They carry that jerk Ramirez in my local rag, which otherwise carries some very good cartoonists on the editorial page, including Steve Sack. I think they imagine they’re providing balance or some such by including Ramirez. They should reconsider. Ramirez becomes more and more like Bill White every day . . .
I try to avoid him, actually. I’ll read most of the so-called conservatives on the op-ed page, in a “good to know what the enemy is thinking” kind of way, but I’m afraid to read Ramirez because my health hasn’t been great lately and if I’m going to croak I don’t want it to be because I read that shit and dropped dead from outrage.
I try to avoid him, actually. I’ll read most of the so-called conservatives on the op-ed page, in a “good to know what the enemy is thinking” kind of way, but I’m afraid to read Ramirez because my health hasn’t been great lately and if I’m going to croak I don’t want it to be because I read that shit and dropped dead from outrage.
It’s really bizzarre. ‘Conservatives’ in the mainstream media just keep getting more and more extreme, and ‘liberals’ in the mainstream keep getting more and more pusilanimous. And most people do not even notice this, and think I am strange when I mention it. The ‘left blogosphere’ fires a lot of ammo at the mainstream media over this, and has a small effect, but so far, it’s not enough to stop the situation or even force most people to notice it. I’m not sure what the answer is.
I think it’s all about money, atheist. The Republicans have embraced their extremists, because it helps them win elections. They get the votes and the corporatists get a bunch of willing little capitalist serfs to work for them. There are three kinds of Republicans: The very wealthy, the very crazy (usually religious crazy), and the very stupid. Unless you’re rich, if you vote Republican you are voting against your own economic best interests.
This isn’t true for the Democrats. In order for the party to raise the big corporate money, they have to be non-threatening to the corporate power structure. It does them no good at all to embrace the left. After all, what are we going to do, vote Republican? I don’t really know what the solution to this problem is, because the third party thing won’t yield immediate enough results in these desperate times. The Democrats, as pusilanimous as they indeed are, are still considerably better for the country as a whole than the Repblicans.
The proof of this is the way Bush’s former Rangers are deserting the sinking Republican ship and contributing to Hillary and Obama. Even Rupert Murdoch, ffs, is
giving money tobuying Dems.It’s all very depressing.
Crickets? Is this some sort of Peter Graves reference?
Of course!
Iran is a sewer!
Iranians are not humans. They’re cockroaches!
Destroying their nation and killing tens of thousands of their citizens is therefore not the amoral, vicious act of a depraved rogue nation, but nothing more than a little spring cleaning, and a little extermination of disease-carrying bugs.
We don’t need to feel bad about it. In fact, we don’t need to “feel” at all.
Meanwhile, in our last glorious conquest, a cholera outbreak continues to spread throughout the north and south, with cases no appearing in Baghdad.
Oh, there’s plenty of chlorine just across the border in Jordan. Hundreds of tons of it, in fact. But the US won’t let it in. It might be used in an insurgent bombing, which would look bad for General Betray Us…..
Oh, come on. It’s just a metaphor, you guys, it’s not like characterizing an entire ethnic group of people as cockroaches could lead to something bad…..
In order to get rid of a cockroach infestation, you must kill all of them
What’s also creepy about this, is Ramirez, although no longer employed by the LA Times, nevertheless lives and works in a city with one of the largest immigrant Persian populations in the world. So on a daily basis, he’s walking among those he characterizes as cockroaches.
I still think my specualtion about Blue Star thinking Iranians taste with their feet is still ‘way more reasonable.
I’m sorry. I’m still a little confused.
The US puts 150,000 troops on ships and planes, sends them like ten thousand miles to invade and occupy Iraq. We’re the good guys.
Iran sends a couple guys in suits to visit their neighboring nation and that’s foreign meddling.
For that matter, the ten thousand or so non-iraqis fighting the American occupation are called “foreign fighters”, or simply “terrorists”, but the 200,000 or so non-iraqi mercenaries running amok and unsupervised in Iraq are simply “civilian contractors”.
At what point is the blatant lying simply too much?
Every day, Federal scientists are looking for new ways to kill bugs.Would you like to know more?
mikey – At what point is the blatant lying simply too much?
You can always build a bigger catapult to fling your propaganda still further, but keeping it concentrated does become an issue.
For a moment I was sure somebody had captured America’s creepy crawly presence in the region.
Julius Streicher, huh? My posts about Germany are because we are planning a trip there to visit our son when he rotates out of Baghdad. The Nazi’s were exterminating Jews in World War II – that was in the 1930s-1940s. During this century, the Iranian president is calling for the extermination of the Jews – keep up!
For whoever asked about the Blue Star reference – no, its not for the ointment. In World War I people who had a son fighting in the war hung a Blue Star Banner in their window to honor their child fighting overseas. Its become a tradition. My son is fighting overseas, I have a Blue Star Banner on my window and thus the name of my blog. Thank you for this opportunity to give you a little history lesson.
For the person who wondered what I’d say about shooting me the bird – we’ll I’d say that’s about the level of intellectual debate one can expect from people who are so frightened to name their enemy.
For whoever said that republicans are only for the rich – PLEEZZEEE – Kennedy, Heinze-Kerry, Little pee-pee John Edwards, only to name a few.
That’s all for now. Y’all have fun and thanks for the linky-luv 🙂
“During this century, the Iranian president is calling for the extermination of the Jews…”
Too bad the Iranian president has never called for the extermination of the Jews, but I guess you can’t let facts get in the way…
Really, he hasn’t? Where have you been? In his speech to the United Nations last year he said that is exactly what he plans to do.
He has made those statements repeatedly. Do you intentionally not listen?
Oh – I just noticed your name ‘bargal’. Sober up and listen, you might learn something.
When her son rotates out of Baghdad.
Oh they rotate all right. They’re in, they are promised leave, they stay in, the leave never comes, promises come, promises go…
Imagine supporting this for your son. Imagine being this kind of mother.
Sally Field was so wrong when she said the world would be safer if mothers ran it. Wrong wrong wrong.
I don’t understand how the right wingers see Iran exactly. We’ve been at war with them since ‘79, even when the Reagan administration was selling them weapons. So naturally they have been and always been teh emeny even when we were taking out Saddam. Yet, even though we have been at war with them for almost two decades, we expect them to help the US on as it invades two neighbouring countries and makes blatant threats towards invading them. Or failing that do nothing in the Middle East that would be in their interests.
I can’t speak for anyone other than myself, but what I expect is that they quit killing American Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan and quit threatening to nuke Israel and the United States. That would be a nice beginning.
Really, he hasn’t. The Iranian president has not called for the extermination of the Jews. Only in the UN chambers of your mind did the Iranian president make a speech calling for the extermination of the Jews.
At what point is the blatant lying simply too much?
I think we passed it about five years ago, Mikey.
Too bad the Iranian president has never called for the extermination of the Jews
cuz, like, Israel has nothing to do with Jews.
Really, he hasn’t. The Iranian president has not called for the extermination of the Jews. Only in the UN chambers of your mind did the Iranian president make a speech calling for the extermination of the Jews.
I’m absolutely slack jawed here. Talk about believing what you want to believe. Do you realize you are actually DEFENDING an enemy of our country – a man who had declared he will wipe Israel off the face of the earth and calls us ‘the Big Satan’.
I don’t care what your politics are – but when does that cross the line to defending an enemy of our country? That’s like defending Hitler! ‘Now he never SAID he wanted the Jews dead in those exact words!’
Geezzz – you really can’t reason with unreasonable people.
oh and for the literalists here that somehow can’t figure out how to read political cartoons
Israel DOES have something to do with Jews, and Prez Ahmadawhackjob has been spewing anti-semitic and anti-Israel quotes for the last two years.
The Iranian Islamist government has been spreading filth throughout the region, as well as doing such lovely things within its own border as executing people for having gay sex.
But hey, for the dhimmis here, I gues that’s a small detail to be overlooked as long as Pres Ahmadadinnerjack is spouting anti-American/anti-Israel stuff.
You’d think the mother of a soldier fighting in Iraq would want all the facts, but no. Beth has her nose glued to Fox News and the Whitehouse press secretary. If her son is injured or dies over there, she’ll continue to stick to the fairy tale. I know you’re not supposed to say shit about mommies, but this is what makes mothers like Beth vile and wretched. She’s willing to sacrifice her own son in a war she’s completely ignorant about. There’s no way I could do that, but she can do it.
Even Alan Greenspan claims the primary motive for the war in Iraq was oil and that it had nothing to do with terrorism. If I was a mother of a soldier in Iraq, I’d be listening up and learning something from that. But not Beth. She’d throw her son on an altar and slit his throat if George Bush asked her to.
Darlene – remember, he hangs girls for having sex or wearing inappropriate clothing too. He also has dragged liberals and professors out of colleges because he doesn’t like what they are teaching.
But like you said – as long as he’s anti-Israel/anti-America then he must be just a-okay!
Achmed Dinner Jacket has never called for the extermination of the Jews in so many words. He clearly kick the notion out of bed, though.
^ wouldn’t kick
Read this: (from Juan Cole)
But the actual quote, which comes from an old speech of Khomeini, does not imply military action, or killing anyone at all. The second reason is that it is just an inexact translation. The phrase is almost metaphysical. He quoted Khomeini that “the occupation regime over Jerusalem should vanish from the page of time.” It is in fact probably a reference to some phrase in a medieval Persian poem.
Ahmadinejad was not making a threat, he was quoting a saying of Khomeini and urging that pro-Palestinian activists in Iran not give up hope– that the occupation of Jerusalem was no more a continued inevitability than had been the hegemony of the Shah’s government.
Whatever this quotation from a decades-old speech of Khomeini may have meant, Ahmadinejad did not say that “Israel must be wiped off the map” with the implication that phrase has of Nazi-style extermination of a people. He said that the occupation regime over Jerusalem must be erased from the page of time.
Context, Beth.
Perspective, and a sense of history. You could use a little.
Yes beth, the Iranian leader is an asswipe crackpot. Everyone, especially the Iranians, know that. There are zillions of crackpot asswipes heading up countries and guess what? The US supports many of them, just like it once supported Saddam Hussein when it knew he was torturing and killing his own people. He was useful in the 80s. Became less useful later. The fact that he was a cruel dictator never entered into the relationship. Please stop being naive.
(I’ll be kind and not mention a leader in North America who signed into law the use of torture, established secret prisons, arrests people without charge and holds them indefinitely…)
Absolutely, Beth. Ahmadinejad has said and done horrible things.
Therefore, calling attention to the threat of the international Islamist Bacillus by any means necessary is perfectly fine. After all, they might poison our wells next.
Best wishes for your son, btw.
Lesley – I keep seeing something new when I start to click out of here – but I have to respond to this one last thing.
I don’t like George Bush and I think he has poorly executed this war and I will be VERY happy when my son is NOT in Baghdad. I don’t believe in fairy tails, I am a realist.
I hate the politics that hamstring our Soldiers in every war – and especially this war. I understand that there are always personal interests involved in politics – on all sides and I think it is absolutely disgusting that our Soldiers are put in harms way without the complete backing of the United States, the Administration, the Senate, the Congress and the people. It disgusts me.
That said, I understand what we are fighting for and I am proud that my son has the courage to do what apparently you wouldn’t. Unfortunately, there are precious few that will stand and deliver.
I can’t speak for anyone other than myself, but what I expect is that they quit killing American Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan and quit threatening to nuke Israel and the United States.
Attention: propaganda is a serious drug, and people using it or manufacturing it need to take that into account.
Lesley – how many people do you know who have been put in secret prisons and arrested without charges? Just curious.
Thank you Jillian.
Righteous Bubba –
Attention: propaganda is a serious drug, and people using it or manufacturing it need to take that into account.
I KNOW – that’s why I try to counter it on my blog. Thanks for the support. 😉
And after they poison our wells, they might rape our good Aryan women and try to sell us degenerate modern “art”.
Is there no solution to this evil we face from the International Islamist Bacillus? No final solution at all?
Should have put quote marks around Cole’s paragraphs. Sorry. Wanted to post it before Beth runs away.
Beth, Darlene:
Nobody here loves the mullahs. Nobody loves Ahmadinejad. And nobody hates America.
We are disgusted, though, with unhinged radicals like yourself pushing for a third war in the region. When does it stop? You need to step back.
That said, I understand what we are fighting for
what you assume “we are fighting for” in Iraq is not the case, Beth. Not the case at all.
and I am proud that my son has the courage to do what apparently you
coming from someone sitting in her kitchen in Bumfuck, Indiana, sipping coffee while her kid dodges bullets in a colonial war.
Um, considering that there’s no evidence that Iran has any kind of nuclear weapons program, and considering that Iran has never claimed that it has a nuclear weapons program, this seems unlikely.
I KNOW – that’s why I try to counter it on my blog.
Gotcha. All Jews are roaches.
Objectiveypro – No one wants war less than a mother who has a soldier son. Have you forgotten where it started?
Its like when you were in school and being picked on by a bully. The only way to stop the bully is to make it painful for him to continue to pick on you. We are playing way too nice – and our enemy has just grown stronger.
I want it over so my son can come home and get on with his life like his peers who don’t even know theres a war going on.
And Jillian – why do you insist on making this about race? what do you have against caucasions? We are all on this earth together – why do you have to choose one over the other? Anglicans have feelings too, you know. Can’t we all just get along?
I will shortly be attacking the United States with my army of trained mastodons ridden by human-animal hybrids! You will submit at last, wretched infidels!
how many people do you know who have been put in secret prisons and arrested without charges? Just curious.
How many people do I know? Why gosh, I believe Beth’s just set me up to fail here. If I can’t demonstrate that I know every single detainee personally, she will argue they don’t exist.
Answer: 99.9% of those in Gitmo and here’s an indepth portrait of a man wronged (but why am I bothering to post the link when I can assume Beth will either a) read it and claim he must have been guilty of something or b) not read it.
why do you insist on making this about race?
Look at your cartoon and imagine the drain in Israel, then smack yourself in the forehead with a heavy pan.
Beth, it’s very hard for all of us to get along when you are reveling in propagandistic images that look like screencaps from the worst of the Nazi-era propaganda films.
Hey Jillian, don’t the Iranians use the blood of Christian infants for some kind of religious ceremony? I remember Ahmadinejad bragging about that awhile ago, or so it seemed from the MEMRI translation that was posted everywhere..
Beth must have hidden talents, like a better understanding of Farsi than, say, Juan Cole.
Look at your cartoon and imagine the drain in Israel, then smack yourself in the forehead with a heavy pan.
Wait…are you saying there is NO DIFFERENCE between Israel and Iran?
Oh my, how precious.
Well, Gavin, you can’t make lavash without the blood of Christian babies. It’s a standard ingredient.
Seriously now.
Beth, Iran is surrounded militarily on three sides by a country that invaded two of its neighbors, and that keeps threatening to bomb and/or invade Iran itself. Like, surrounded. Like actual military forces surrounding it and naval forces arrayed to the south.
Your analogy in mind, imagine yourself as an ordinary Iranian. Wouldn’t you be feeling a bit threatened and bullied, not to mention terrified?
That’s how characters like Ahmadenijad gain power: Iranians know that he’s an ass, but they think he’ll protect them.
Yes, darleen. That’s exactly what S,N commenters are saying. No difference.
Sweetheart, that kind of virtual eye-batting may go over real well with the mouthbreathers at Spackle’s place, but you’re in over your big-haired air-head here.
[makes popcorn; pulls up chair]
No one wants war less than a mother who has a soldier son. Have you forgotten where it started?
Sorry ma’am. Seems to me that there’s a whole bunch of us who want war less than you. Some of us have BEEN to war. It is not what you imagine it to be, and trust me, your son will never tell you the bad stuff. I never told my mom, and neither did anybody I know.
The Iranians are NOT my enemy. Killing them will not solve any problems America has – it may, however, create a host of new ones.
Why do humans continue to wage war upon one another, after so many millenia of the same horror repeated again and again? Perhaps because mothers continue to allow their sons to be taken off to war, chanting for the deaths of the babies of other mothers, and not seeming to be able to understand it’s EXACTLY THE SAME THING!
If you had to go, fight, kill, turn the bodies over with your boot, shoot up the hooch and go in to find the woman and her child shredded by YOUR rounds, if you had to find a way to live with it all for decades to come, you would speak differently of war.
You sicken me, beth, but ultimately you are a victim too. You just volunteered to commit the crimes….
Cole speaks Farsi? Imagine that.
BTW… Ahmadawhackjob states that “Zionists are people without any religion”, thus denies Israeli’s their claim to Judaism.
sounds pretty anti-semitic to me.
beth, darleen, please provide a cite for your assertion that Ahmadinejad has been “calling for the extermination of the Jews”. Please do your research before you come here spouting what are, quite literally, untruths.
You seem to think we’re defending Ahmadinejad. We’re not. The same cast of characters that spun up a web of lies to attack Iraq is spinning a whole new set of lies to justify attacking Iran. We are not Good Germans here. Unlike some, we expect – demand – that our leaders deal honestly with us. This is what being a free citizen in a free republic demands of us.
So back up your assertions here with factual citations or crawl back under your rock.
As for darleen’s “dhimmi” nonsense, do you understand what freedom is, darleen? Do you realize that the threat to American freedoms is not a bunch of whackjobs in a cave on the other side of the world? The threat to American freedoms is right here, right now with a President and a Congress who foster a false state of perpetual war in order to treat the Bill of Rights like a hand-i-wipe at Red Lobster.
And beth, I haven’t been to your site, but that image is a ghastly piece of racist propaganda. You really should be ashamed of yourself.
Wait…are you saying there is NO DIFFERENCE between Israel and Iran?
They are nations in the middle east populated by human beings who aspire to work, raise their families and nurture and educate their children. They look awfully similar to me…
That’s exactly what S,N commenters are saying. No difference
Then, sweetcheeks, you are morally bankrupt.
Hey, I hear Persians steal good White babies!
That’s exactly what S,N commenters are saying. No difference
Then, sweetcheeks, you are morally bankrupt.
Sar-chasm: the vast space between the person who makes a sarcastic statement, and the target, who cannot percieve the sarcasm.
Those that see “no difference” are the moral descendents of the people who closed their windows to the screams of Kitty Genovese.
See, this is where it gets crazy.
Want desperately to go to war to kill thousands of people she never met = Christian Values
Want desperately to prevent another war and all the horrors and atrocities that go with it = morally bankrupt.
War is peace, ladies and gentlemen, and slavery is freedom…
Wait…are you saying there is NO DIFFERENCE between Israel and Iran?
Of course not. One’s a nation of roaches which should be exterminated and the other’s a nation of fine upstanding human beings who like it when kittens purr.
No, that’s the reductio ad absurdum fallacy in rather pure form. Here’s your argument in reverse:
Wait. . .are you saying that EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY THING is different between Israel and Iran?
Oh my, how precious. What about cell phones, food, and gravity?
Anyway, that’s not what Jillian said.
Plus, as I understand it, the difference is kill Jew bad, kill Muslim ha ha whoopie.
Oh. Sorry, darleen. Shoulda turned on the SARCASM tag for you. Usually the wingnuts who show up here aren’t quite as dim-witted.
When the entire Iranian army comes to New York and mugs a woman on the streets, I’ll saddle up and ride into battle with you.
Until then, do you know the meaning of the term non sequitur?
I’m confused as to where Darleen lives. She keeps talking about “our country” and mentions Israel.
Darleen’s right, though.
Americans will never awaken to the threat facing them from the Islamist vermin unless their pure blood is somehow stirred to defend its ancient soil! We need rousing hymns that stir the blood! We need to commit to nothing less than a triumph of the will! Wir müssen Blut und Boden verteidigen!
Sorry….got a little carried away there again.
Isn’t this where you’re supposed to ask me if I’m a Joooooo!!!1!?
One of those, you know, [nudge nudge wink wink] money people from New York?
e need rousing hymns that stir the blood! We need to commit to nothing less than a triumph of the will!
project much?
the people who closed their windows to the screams of Kitty Genovese.
Teh Kitty Genovese case = urban mythology.
Jeez, how many Jews ARE there on this thread?
I mean there’s me, of course…but who else?
Also, the plotters and saboteurs must be eliminated.
The Muslims and their lackeys and lapdogs are greedily sapping the people’s strength from within, and although the party is kindly and patient — indeed, too nice — a clear-eyed liquidation of the criminals cannot be far away.
Isn’t this where you’re supposed to ask me if I’m a Joooooo!!!1!?
No, it’s not. Believe it or not, we could not care less whether you are Jewish or Presbyterian or Atheist.
Our focus is not on you, but rather on the danger that our country the USA will attack Iran, thereby starting a horribly immoral, incredibly costly, and ultimately, completely fruitless, confrontation with the entire Middle East. And this disgusting piece of propaganda by Ramirez is a glaring example of how close our country is to expanding this horrible cycle of bloodshed and meaningless destruction.
Your religious affiliation is of no consequence to me whatseoever.
Jeez, how many Jews ARE there on this thread?
I mean there’s me, of course…but who else?
Did someone say “Israel?” Everyone is an anti-Semite, especially you and you.
Thank you. Catch my show in Toronto on the 16th.
Hmmm. Six million Jews in Israel, the same Israel that Ahmadinejad has vowed to “wipe off the face of the earth,” but that’s not a threat to kill anyone, right? I mean really, if you’re wiped off the face of the earth, that doesn’t mean you’re dead, right?
Oh, and… all that chanting of “death to Israel” well, in that case “death” doesn’t really mean “death” as in dead or killed or anything, right?
Let me just set the record straight regarding the cartoon: the point was not to say iranians were cockroaches, but to highlight the way Iran, the biggest terror supposrting nation, is sending their minions out to spread across the middle east in all manners, so as to dominate the ME.
It is a sad statement on our education system, and our political discource, that liberals either fail to get it or refuse to get it, instead finding any excuse to back Iran over the the USA.
Ahh! I now understand the construct!
If you do NOT wish to participate in the murder of untold thousands of Iranian innocents, then you are anti semitic!
It’s all so clear to me now.
Of course there’s a difference! One of them provides guaranteed seats in its legislature for religious minorities, the other builds ghettos for its religious minorities.
the same Israel that Ahmadinejad has vowed to “wipe off the face of the earth,
This is hilarious. Um, Israel has 300 nuclear weapons, an advanced air force, surveillance satellites and unconditional American support. Exactly how would Iran, a nation that has never invaded Anyone in it’s modern history, go about doing this? Or could it be we’re just looking for an excuse to KILL KILL KILL here?
but to highlight the way Iran, the biggest terror supposrting nation, is sending their minions out to spread across the middle east in all manners, so as to dominate the ME.
Yeah. It would be just awful if some foreign nation was to invade and occupy sovereign nations in the middle east, killing and imprisoning anyone who tries to defend their nation against occupation. That is something I’d join you in denouncing…
Let me just set the record straight regarding the cartoon: the point was not to say iranians were cockroaches
Oh, so it’s not a very good cartoon then. I see.
Yes….spreading their Jewish BolshevismIslamist terror throughout the civilized world…..and the worse part of all are the race traitors in our own midst, who urge us to behave with “decency” toward the Islamist vermin seeking to destroy our pure way of life!
Let me just set the record straight regarding the cartoon: the point was not to say iranians were cockroaches, but to highlight the way Iran, the biggest terror supposrting nation, is sending their minions out to spread across the middle east in all manners, so as to dominate the ME.
Surely you don’t expect us to look at that disgusting piece of propaganda and miss the fact that Ramirez has turned the Iranians into cockroaches. If Ramirez wanted to warn of some supposed invasion of the Middle East by Iran, he could portray that without turning them into vermin. We look at that cartoon, and see a propaganda techniques that is ages old-turning people into vermin- which is always an invitation to exterminate them. We also take note of the way that the government has been steadily making a case, through lies and distortions, for an attack on or invasion of Iran. Please stop concern trolling.
This is hilarious. Um, Israel has 300 nuclear weapons, an advanced air force, surveillance satellites and unconditional American support. Exactly how would Iran, a nation that has never invaded Anyone in it’s modern history, go about doing this? Or could it be we’re just looking for an excuse to KILL KILL KILL here?
Oh what a bunch of crap and propaganda you spew.
History disproves your point. Before he started killing, hitler had never killed anyone. Before he started wars, he had never started any wars.
Today’s news also disproves your point.
Pick up a newspaper, they are all full of stories about Ahmadinejad’s parade of military power and might, and his bragging of the number of missiles he has pointed at Israel.
But, but, they’re KILLING our soldiers.
Well, yeah, our soldiers are occupying multiple nations on their border.
Yeah, our soldiers have killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.
Ok, sure, our military and leadership keep threatening to attack iran.
But don’t you see? They’re KILLING our soldiers…
Teach, you don’t have to come here and spin the thing. The cartoon is very clear. Viscerally clear. And yes, it’s a horribly racist thing that future generations will look at in amazement and tell themselves that they could never be that deluded.
If the cartoon depicted Iran as human beings plotting some nefarious actions, you might have a point. But it doesn’t. It depicts them as roaches. Cockroaches. Nasty, disease-carrying vermin. The kind that we exterminate on sight. The kind we poison from afar with no compunction or regret.
It’s a sad statement on our wingnuts, that they lack the balls to stand up when they get called out on their bullshit. Instead you’re in here telling us it doesn’t really mean what it clearly does mean. Must be my lying eyes.
Answer a question for me, Willy. What creature scurries for the corners of the room when the light is turned on?
And fuck you and your “back Iran” bullshit. You know that’s bullshit and you spout it anyway just to piss us off. And it worked. You pissed me off. Congratulations, and fuck you and the dog your mother fucked to spawn you. Happy?
The Russians have miliary displays and missiles pointed at US.
China has military displays and war games and missiles pointed at US.
North Korea has massive military displays and enough firepower on target to kill 30,000 americans in one hour.
Where’s the outrage?
Or once again, are you just looking for an excuse to kill?
No, it’s not. Believe it or not, we could not care less whether you are Jewish or Presbyterian or Atheist.
Give me a break – this whole thread is about bashing Jews. You would see the destruction of Israel before you’d risk having a palestinian think you are sympathetic to their devious ways.
but rather on the danger that our country the USA will attack Iran, thereby starting a horribly immoral, incredibly costly, and ultimately, completely fruitless, confrontation with the entire Middle East.
Here’s an idea!! Lets just sit around singing Kum Ba Yah and when they start setting off nukes in school yards in America we’ll huge a muslim and let them know how much we understand their hatred for us! Kinda like that misguided Nicholas Berg did right before they sawed off his head with a dull kitchen knife.
Before LindaSoG started killing, LindaSoG had never killed anyone.
Plus, as I understand it, the difference is kill Jew bad, kill Muslim ha ha whoopie.
Gavin, you ignorant twat, banking on cliches as usual, I see.
Try this:
Kill Jew bad (right!), kill Muslim extremists (Hezbollah, etc.–any terrorist entity out of Iran specifically as it relates to this particular ‘toon–AND the Iranian military when they inflict acts of war): ha ha whoopie. Actually, more like a hooah.
I know you special kids like to shriek about being “anti-Zionist” and “anti-Israeli policy,” but not being anti-Semitic, but really, that’s just another cliche on which you lean far too often to be taken seriously.
Of course there’s a difference! One of them provides guaranteed seats in its legislature for religious minorities, the other builds ghettos for its religious minorities.
Wow, you’re really fucking ignorant, Fred. You fail. Quit reading blogs, it’s making you really stupid. (I haven’t even bothered to read the rest of the drivel in the comments–don’t feel too victimized!)
Oh, and lindasog. If you don’t understand the concept of military deterrence you perhaps should not participate in what are, at the most basic level, military discussions.
For that matter, if you can not understand the differing military realities between 1940 and 2007, you need to try a little harder. The germans could move entire divisions unobserved. There was no option to destroy armored columns from the air. Go ahead and start moving a division today. It will be observed, and if it actually crosses a line of demarcation, it will get incinerated. In one battle in 1991, the Iraqis lost 68 tanks in ten minutes. You are being intentionally alarmist about the threat posed by Iran, and you know it…
Oh what a bunch of crap and propaganda you spew.
What a bunch of childish lies you believe. If Iran attacked Israel, Israel would turn Iran into a radioactive parking lot. The Iranian government knows this, and they wish to live.
Of course Ahmadinejad will say that he has missiles pointed at Israel. He’s an ultra-conservative politician, and his political base wishes to imagine that their state is powerful, and can protect them. The fact that you take such statements by Ahmadinejad seriously, shows that you are looking at the situation shallowly. You should consider what Iran could actually accomplish, and you would see how vain this fear of an Iranian attack on Israel really is- unless they get the impression that they have no choice.
Oh my gosh…you guys are BASHING me? How COULD you? I totally HATE you guys now!!!!
You would see the destruction of Israel before you’d risk having a palestinian think you are sympathetic to their devious ways.
Anyone else having trouble parsing this?
Before LindaSoG started killing, LindaSoG had never killed anyone.
LindaSoG’s grandmother didn’t get her “tattoo” ’cause she was a drunken slut like yours, zsa zsa.
Suck it.
Oh, is that all it takes to win the argument?
Hey Goatse, you asshole (hee hee)!
You are too fucking ignorant to live. You must have to pay somebody to walk around behind you reminding you to breathe!!
There. I guess I win the argument them, don’t I.
Hell, that was easy….
having a palestinian think you are sympathetic to their devious ways
I am interested in hearing more about the devious ways of Palestineans. Please sign me up for your newsletter.
you would see how vain this fear of an Iranian attack on Israel really is
LOL. Right. “Shallow.” Projecting?
Wow, this goatse asshole really knows how to address an argument on the merits. No wonder the republican party is so popular in this country!
But, but, they’re KILLING our soldiers.
Well, yeah, our soldiers are occupying multiple nations on their border.
Yeah, our soldiers have killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.
Ok, sure, our military and leadership keep threatening to attack iran.
But don’t you see? They’re KILLING our soldiers…
You miscreant. Our Soldiers aren’t even allowed to fire their weapons unless they can PROVE they are being attacked. Its a ridiculous set of rules of engagement they are having to follow.
The Iraqis are not fighting them – they’ve been being attacked by Iranians from the get-go.
How easy for you to demonize our military. How easy for you to make our Soldiers the bad guys. They are the only thing that makes it possible for you to run your traitorous mouth with impunity.
You would chose the life of our enemy over our own people. You disgust me.
Give me a break – this whole thread is about bashing Jews.
Actually, this thread is about something much more simple, more basic.
Is more war, more killing, more waste a good thing or a bad thing.
I know enough to know the answer. And all the propaganda you can come up with cannot make me forget what I know…
Ah, Beth… I don’t think you’ve been paying attention here if you can say that about Mikey.
The Iraqis are not fighting them – they’ve been being attacked by Iranians from the get-go.
Woo woo! Looney tunes!
Hey, Goatse, that was quite … impressive. Not very logical or original, but still, you’re in there trying and we all have to respect that. Kind of.
Do you want to deal with the actual point of my post? That Linda’s argument is nonsensical? I didn’t think so.
Oh, is that all it takes to win the argument? Blah blah blah…
Sez the tool defending Jillian’s textbook example of a Godwin’s Law post.
You would chose the life of our enemy over our own people. You disgust me.
Actually, I would choose the life of everybody over the waste and horror of war. And I cannot put into words how profoundly you disgust me, madame…
having a palestinian think you are sympathetic to their devious ways
I am interested in hearing more about the devious ways of Palestineans. Please sign me up for your newsletter.
I would send you plenty of links if you would read them. But I know that you will just brush it off as propaganda or not read it.
By all means though, do go have a little tete-a-tete with the palestinians and tell them you are on their side against the big boogy man America. Give them you hand in peace and see what they do with it. Please, do, prove me wrong. I’ll keep the lines open so you can let me know how it goes.
Oh – btw – I bet you guys think that the United States planned and executed 9/11 don’t cha?
Here’s an idea!! Lets just sit around singing Kum Ba Yah and when they start setting off nukes in school yards in America we’ll huge a muslim and let them know how much we understand their hatred for us! Kinda like that misguided Nicholas Berg did right before they sawed off his head with a dull kitchen knife.
Beth, if you believe that the Iranians have the power to set off nuclear bombs in American school yards, then you are not looking at the situation rationally. If Iran had the capability to set off nukes within the US, then the US Government and US media would not be threatening Iran, not making cartoons about how Iranians are cockroaches.
Think about it, not with hysteria and panic, but realistically.
Saudi Arabia has the ability to threaten the US by withholding oil, and you will never see the US government give any real threat to Saudi Arabia. Instead, you have seen the US government continually support the corrupt, anti-democratic Saudi regime.
And yes, Beth, I truly do not care whether you are Jewish, Muslim, or Baptist. Can you understand that I am not interested in supporting one side or another in a religious war, but instead, want to prevent the war?
Actually, I would choose the life of everybody over the waste and horror of war. And I cannot put into words how profoundly you disgust me, madame…
We all would choose life. If I have to chose between them and us, I chose us. Even your sorry hide.
And ‘madame’? I bet you a just a hoot and a holler at a party.
I bet you guys think that the United States planned and executed 9/11 don’t cha?
I bet you think they only hate us for our freedoms too. And if we weren’t fighting them over there, we’d be fighting them over here?
Yes. Pointing out that someone is calling Persians vermin (note the sidebar) and that someone else runs a blog called Wake Up, America! is such a stretch that I really had to look to find those NSDAP similarities.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: You are Godwining yourselves.
We just wish you’d stop.
If I have to chose between them and us, I chose us
But you don’t! America is a very powerful nation, many thousands of miles away from the mid east.
Hold fire! Stand down! Talk. Trade. Peace is good. It works for everyone. Except those people overcome by hate, ignorance and fear. If you stood to come under fire, I bet you’d be a lot more circumspect….
Oh my gosh…you guys are BASHING me? How COULD you? I totally HATE you guys now!!!!
My sentiments exactly, Jillian. Only the HATE seems pretty one sided. You have to admit though, its interesting diving into the dumpsters every now and then and seeing how the real hate spewers do their spewing. That’s why I came here today.
I am a Jew.
If there is any “Jew-bashing” going on around here, I would probably take it personally.
I’m also the author of this post – the shared names are not a coincidence.
Um, I’m confused. There seems to be one faction advocating the violent death of tens or even hundreds of thousands of innocent people halfway around the world. The other faction thinks the killing and destruction would be bad. Now which faction is driven by hate?
Black is white.
War is Peace.
Slavery is Freedom.
Oh yeah, I forgot…
LOL. Right. “Shallow.” Projecting?
No, idiot. Pointing out obvious facts.
Beth, I wouldn’t go calling war veterans miscreants if I were you. Not in this thread.
Why is it that lunatics like Beth never sign up to fight the wars they champion. No, they’re all safe and sound in their kitchens and living rooms, while others do their dirty work. Killing women and children and old people isn’t an easy job…but somebody’s got to do it, right Beth? Lucky Beth, she popped a male, a male who could serve the Republican Party under George Bush. She wouldn’t have it any other way.
As for this new troll, Goatse. I’m wondering how old it is and why it’s not in fightin’ clothes overseas. Maybe it’s too old or that trick knee’s acting up. Maybe it gets its jollies being a Gathering Eagle clown who beats up grieving fathers.
One of them provides guaranteed seats in its legislature for religious minorities, the other builds ghettos for its religious minorities.
So you figure it is better to be one appointed figurehead out of a body of 270, rather than an actual participant in a democracy?
hey Lesley
you missed it, beth’s son is in Iraq right now.
Or are you still stuck on the you’re a Jooooo aren’t you? question?
Lesley – you say that about veterans while you accuse our Troops of killing women, children and old people?
I guess that’s okay since your the one who made the accusation, right.
I wouldn’t go back over to Wake Up America if I were you. She’s a Joooooooo!!!! You might catch something.
My sentiments exactly, Jillian. Only the HATE seems pretty one sided. You have to admit though, its interesting diving into the dumpsters every now and then and seeing how the real hate spewers do their spewing. That’s why I came here today.
The only people I hate, Beth, are people who make disgusting propaganda in order to start an immoral war. Propaganda like the political cartoon that is the subject of this thread.
Hey beth. I’m a veteran. I saw lots of things. We killed women. We killed children. We killed the hell out of old people. You call an arty barrage on a village and go police up the pieces. What do you think is under those pretty explosions you see on CNN?
War is about killing. If you’re going to advocate war, you are advocating killing. If you can’t accept that, you need to shut up…
And I cannot put into words how profoundly you disgust me, madame…
Go ahead, mikey, give it a try …
Mikey – I understand exactly what its about.
Does anyone remember Rwanda? In the days before the genocide kicked off, provocateurs on the radio were yelling that the Tutsi cockroaches needed to be exterminated.
I feel desperately sorry for the people of Iran.
War is about killing
Who argued any different?
Surgery is about cutting.
So where does that leave us?
There are somethings worse than war or you haven’t been paying attention to history.
beth. You don’t. You can’t. But you need to get it that there are mothers in Iran who love their sons and have no interest in attacking america. And fathers and grandmothers and little girls. And when the bombs start falling, they are going to die. Hard, ugly and alone. Some, trapped under the rubble, will bleed out slowly, losing their mind to the thirst and shock before the finally pass. Some will be miraculously unscathed, but will have to gather up the limbs and organs of their parents and their children, and bury them, and grieve.
And if they were apolitical before, they now have a burning, focused hatred that no amount of killing can ever relieve…
There are somethings worse than war or you haven’t been paying attention to history.
Ah, the clear, calm voice of someone who has never carried a rifle into battle, never humped a ruck, never held a line under attack at night, never sat night ambush all night in the rain, never held a sobbing kid while he bled out, never hit a guy with six hits of morphine ’cause there just wasn’t enough of him left to dust off.
Fuck you.
There are somethings worse than war or you haven’t been paying attention to history.
You mean the demonization of populations such that the indiscriminate killing of them is lauded?
There’s some pretty amazing incomprehension going on from the “genocide is good if we get the right people” side.
darleen: “… democracy?”
We know how much Israel respects democracy and the democratic process. Hamas wins a democratic election but doesn’t merit recognition by Israel. Perhaps not surprising, since Israel has never conceded Palestine’s right to exist.
I’m a little like LindaSoG: “In my quest for truth and justice, I can sometimes be harsh and relentless. Please accept my most sincere apologies for any words written here, or anywhere, which may have caused you hurt.”
But it should be pointed out that Zionists are unpopular in that region NOT because they are Jewish. They are unpopular because they are thieves and murderers. It’s unfortunate that they, like al-Qaeda, feel that they have to conduct their criminal activities under the protection of a religious banner.
I often say to myself: “How good if the Iraqis would get free of Saddam Hussein by themselves. How good if they would execute him and hang up his body by the feet as in 1945 we Italians did with Mussolini.” But it does not help. Or it helps in one way only. The Italians, in fact, could get free of Mussolini because in 1945 the Allies had conquered almost four-fifths of Italy. In other words, because the Second World War had taken place. A war without which we would have kept Mussolini (and Hitler) forever. A war during which the allies had pitilessly bombed us and we had died like mosquitoes. The Allies, too. At Salerno, at Anzio, at Cassino. Along the road from Rome to Florence, then on the terrible Gothic Line. In less than two years, 45,806 dead among the Americans and 17,500 among the English, the Canadians, the Australians, the New Zealanders, the South Africans, the Indians, the Brazilians. And also the French who had chosen De Gaulle, also the Italians who had chosen the Fifth or the Eighth Army. (Can anybody guess how many cemeteries of Allied soldiers there are in Italy? More than sixty. And the largest, the most crowded, are the American ones. At Nettuno, 10,950 graves. At Falciani, near Florence, 5,811. Each time I pass in front of it and see that lake of crosses, I shiver with grief and gratitude.)
someone who had a lot more moral clarity then the Ahmadawackjob apologists
You have to admit though, its interesting diving into the dumpsters every now and then and seeing how the real hate spewers do their spewing. That’s why I came here today.
No question about it, not only is Beth thick, she is one hell of an expert on hatred. Why, she’s so keen on hate that she dumpster dives on weekends to stir it up, collect a little more.
Of course, when Beth fantasizes about the death (her son may be involved in), it’s always clean and perty. The only humans involved are the American soldiers. Iraqis who get in the way aren’t really human and even when some of them are (because every good war makes mistakes and kills the wrong people), well, those deaths represent sacrifices for the greater good.
When Beth’s son comes home and he’s not quite himself, she’ll slap him upside the head with kindness using words like “patriot” and “sacrifice” and “pride” to remind him that his actions saved his mommy and his country. And what boy is going to challenge a mother who persists in believing this horseshit.
Oh for the love of…
darleen. You are a fuckin idiot. There is NO comparison between Germany in 1939 and Iran in 2007. What, Iran is going to drive three panzer armies out and take, hmm, what’s the analog of france here, Turkey?
Can you even begin to understand the extent the world has changed since then? An Iranian armored column couldn’t survive ten over the border. There is SO many reasons why this is pure idiocy.
Once again, it’s just an excuse to justify your hatred and bloodlust. And you are the worst kind of criminal, because you will not suffer in the least…
There’s something wrong with that “fight them there so we don’t have to fight them here” business. Look at it — went over to Europe, fought the Nazis there AND defeated them, but still they came over here.
oh for the love of
mikey, You are a fuckin idiot. Of course there is no literal comparison between Germany in 1939 and Iran in 2007
save that the quote is about ITALY and comes from the point of view of ITALIAN citizens who did not support Mussolini but were “mercilessly bombed” by Americans anyway
mikey: I think they compare Iraq/Iran/the Middle East with WWII cuz 1) HITLER!!11!!, and 2) in order to avoid the otherwise perhaps more appropriate comparisons with Vietnam.
Man, these two are fucking idiots. I mean, Jeez. Every wingnut cliché in the Neocon Dementia Handbook. They’d be pretty good parody if they weren’t such obvious hideous hatebags.
Has it really not penetrated their skulls yet that 1) Jillian is Jewish and 2) mikey is a WAR VETERAN?!! Ow, my head hurtz from the horrifyingness of it all.
There’s something wrong with that “fight them there so we don’t have to fight them here” business. Look at it — went over to Europe, fought the Nazis there AND defeated them, but still they came over here.
So true. I was just thinking that it’s kind of amazingly ironic how such obvious fascists as beth and darlene can be screaming about Hitler. They sound like they could have sprung full grown from Hitler’s forhead like some anti-Athena springing from the head of Zeus.
yes fred
it is so unfortunate that anti-semitism still exists in America
It’s the one thing the fringey-right and majority Left agree on.
hey Lesley you missed it, beth’s son is in Iraq right now.
no Darleen, I didn’t miss it. My point was Beth ISN’T in Iraq, and neither are you. You warmongering twats would never in a million years sign up for duty. And yet have the gall to call Mikey, who has, a miscreant.
And if you don’t think good men aren’t being twisted and bent out of shape because of the killing they are forced to do, you’re a fucking moron.
You need to read this – but why am I posting the link because Darleen and Beth will call these soldiers traitors to their country for mentioning the killing they can’t live with.
If somebody in my life, my family, hell, my NEIGHBORHOOD was all that spun up about killing people, waging war on people, bombing, killing, and destroying an entire nation, indeed, an entire culture, I’d either move far away or start working on an “accident”, because that is indicative of a level of sociopathic love of violence that will always find itself an expression…
darlene: And you call mikey a “fucking idiot” again and I will figure out a way to lunge through this computer screen, grab you by your dark roots, and pull your ass into another dimension that you sincerely won’t find very comfortable, namely, my study. Lots of cats! Hope you’re allergic! And a poster of Elizabeth Cady Stanton! and Buddha iconography! Dictionaries! Reference books! College degrees framed on the wall and stuff! AEEEEE! It’ll burn your eyeballs out!
Darleen – I’ve heard a lot of things said about Oriana Fallaci, but ascribing her with “moral clarity” is a new one on me. This is the same Fallaci who said “Muslims breed like rats” and “I don’t want to see a minaret every few yards in Giotto’s Pisa” and “If you put a pistol against my head and ask which I think is worse, Muslims or Mexicans, I’d have to think a moment, then I’d say the Muslims.”
Oh, and also “I am angry at the Jews for many things… If you want to take the example of America, how they hold the power, the economical power in so many ways, and the press and the other kind of stuff… I never realized how it happened and they came to control the media to that point. Why?”
You call people who are against invading Iran anti-Semitic and then you quote from anti-semite Oriana Fallaci. You really don’t see the disconnection?
For centuries, a clear sign of the anti-Semitic impulse at work has been the use of the double standard: social behavior that in others passes without comment or with the mildest questioning becomes, when exhibited by Jews, a pretext for wholesale group denunciation. Such double standards are applied just as recklessly today to the Jewish state. It is democratic Israel, not any of the dozens of tyrannies represented in the United Nations General Assembly, that that body singles out for condemnation in over two dozen resolutions each year; it is against Israel–not Cuba, North Korea, China, or Iran–that the U.N. Human Rights Commission, chaired recently by a lily-pure Libya, directs nearly a third of its official ire; it is Israel whose alleged misbehavior provoked the only joint session ever held by the signatories to the Geneva Convention; it is Israel, alone among nations, that has lately been targeted by Western campaigns of divestment; it is Israel’s Magen David Adom, alone among ambulance services in the world, that is denied membership in the International Red Cross; it is Israeli scholars, alone among academics in the world, who are denied grants and prevented from publishing articles in prestigious journals. The list goes on and on.
The idea that Israel has become the world’s Jew and that anti-Zionism is a substitute for anti-Semitism is certainly not new. Years ago, Norman Podhoretz observed that the Jewish state “has become the touchstone of attitudes toward the Jewish people, and anti-Zionism has become the most relevant form of anti-Semitism
From Chomsky to Queers for “Palestine”, the functional anti-semitism and support for ideologies that would murder them in a moment is breathtaking.
No wonder the projection from The Left in using “nazi” against any non-leftist.
“I’m absolutely slack jawed here. Talk about believing what you want to believe. Do you realize you are actually DEFENDING an enemy of our country – a man who had declared he will wipe Israel off the face of the earth and calls us ‘the Big Satan’.”
Beth, while it doesn’t surprise me that you’re slack-jawed. it does mystify me that you equate my dismissal of your patent falsehoods about the president of Iran’s speeches with “defending an enemy of our country.”
The president of Iran did not say he would wipe Israel off the face of the earth, and if he called the USA the “big Satan”…so what? President Bush called Iran part of the “axis of evil”. Oh, yes he did, the scamp! The things these politicians say!
War is about killing
Who argued any different?
Surgery is about cutting.
So where does that leave us?
Proud Author: Darleen
Wow, this bitch is a piece of work isn’t she, equating medical surgeries that heal people with war that maims and kills people. Many surgeons work on many soldiers to repair the damage war does to them, but in Darleen’s mind this war is like a surgery.
Only it’s not. I guess Darleen doesn’t know what’s under those pretty explosions you see on CNN?
What’s really icky is she does know and she likes it.
I am interested in hearing more about the devious ways of Palestineans. Please sign me up for your newsletter.
I would send you plenty of links if you would read them. But I know that you will just brush it off as propaganda or not read it.
No, I’d read them — I have a professional interest in the psychology of racism and antisemitism. I even have a copy of Der Giftpilz stinking up my bookshelf, with all its imaginative descriptions of the devious ways of Jews. Wondering now about scanning some of the images and sending them to Ramirez, in case he runs out of ideas for his next cartoon.
Fallaci’s statement was one of moral clarity. That doesn’t mean she was always or even a majority of the time a person of moral clarity
There is no such thing as an unrevokable Moral Authority Card (certainly Mommy Sheehan shredded hers long ago)
We have moral bank accounts …. deposits, withdrawals and sometimes the account is forever closed when a particularly heinous act is committed
Ahamadinwackjobs checks have been returned NSF/Acct closed for sometime now.
save that the quote is about ITALY and comes from the point of view of ITALIAN citizens who did not support Mussolini but were “mercilessly bombed” by Americans anyway
Darleen. If you truly think that Iranians will thank us for bombing their country, then you are completely nuts. And if you think that bombing Iran will lead to a resurgence of democratic, reformist politics in Iran, then you are doubly nuts.
Iranian reformists have been desperately trying to form parties and have an effect on their state for the past couple of decades. Their biggest problem is that every time the US threatens to attack their contry, or threatens thier economy with international boycotts, the country reacts by getting more scared and angry, and voting for ultra-conservative presidents like Ahmadinejad. In a very real sense, Ahmadinejad is was helped into power by the rhetoric of George Bush, who stated that Iran was part of the ‘Axis of Evil’, along with North Korea and Iraq. When the reformist Khatami tried to reach out to the US, he was rebuffed, and every time this happened, reformism took a hit.
If slandering Iran has such an anti-reformist effect, consider what bombing, or trying to invade Iran will do. Even the most reformist Iranians will have to support a war against the USA then. Attacking Iran could effectively kill any hope for reform in that state for a generation. Your hope of a democratic resurgence in Iran stemming from a US strike is complete, dangerous fantasy.
Beth, if you’re stupid enough to thnk that a cartoon depicting Iran as a sewer emitting cockroaches is NOT the same vile racist hate as a radio broadcast depicting Tutsis as cockroaches, then you have already gone several klicks down the path toward extremism and hatred yourself.
Beth and darleen and lindaSoG are obviously the three harpy troll-sisters sent here to do battle, but all you’re doing is revealing the absolutely disgusting hatred that corrodes your souls.
You think the people of Iran are cockroaches? You think that’s a fair and true argument?
Darleen and Beth, pray where is the logic in promoting what you also condemn?
You claim to be against those who hate the Jews, and yet you have an identical hatred for Arabs and Muslims.
It’s basic enough, I hope you can absorb it.
I see no difference between what darleen, beth, and lindaSoG have said and this:
In the months preceding the genocide, radio broadcasts had incited murder. They used the language of disgust and infestation. Tutsis were called inyenzi, cockroaches. The choice of metaphor is telling. In order to get rid of a cockroach infestation, you must kill all of them. Leave just a few, and the infestation will return. Crushing a cockroach that is carrying eggs merely spreads the eggs, which then hatch. In Rwanda, foetuses were routinely ripped from the wombs of pregnant women and butchered.
Anatomy of Disgust
darleen. Seriously. You are setting yourself up as the ultimate moral arbiter for the world. And you include killing huge numbers of people as moral behavior. Perhaps you should put a little of your certainty and hubris in your pocket and try to understand the world from the standpoint of the not-americans you so blithely advocate killing.
You are as sick a mad dog criminal as I have ever encountered on the intert00bz, and I gotta tellya, that’s saying something. You either are refusing to recognize the ultimate outcomes of the policies you so excitedly call for, or you recognize them fully, and you are the moral equivalent of a serial killer. Either way, if anybody is vermin, lacking in even the most basic human emotions, it is you.
I’m an atheist, but I have no trouble wishing that your god have mercy on your soul…
an unrevokable Moral Authority Card (certainly Mommy Sheehan shredded hers long ago)
Oh? Really? How so? I’m not particularly fond of Cindy Sheehan, I think she’s a little misguided in her tactics and rhetoric, but how has she lost moral authority? Her moral authority is that she has lost her son and she holds Bush’s feet to the fire to justify it. How is that a lost of moral authority?
Please cite a factual example before you slander someone.
We have moral bank accounts …. deposits, withdrawals and sometimes the account is forever closed when a particularly heinous act is committed. [darleen]
recited virtually verbatim by a faithful listener of Dr. Laura Schlessinger whose line this is. Unfortunately, Dr. Schlessinger’s moral bank account continues to operate at a deficit:
Laura calls every woman who lives with her boyfriend a slut, an unpaid whore and a shackup, even though she “fornicated” with a married man and posed nude for porny photos, which he published on the Internet.
On the bright side, she’s made millions on her right wing blather show.
Cole speaks Farsi? Imagine that.
Curious, darl, what’s the point of this litle piece of snottiness from upthread? Are you saying that it’s not important to have knowledge of the culture of the people you plan to bomb into jelly? Are you saying that one should base one’s foreign policy – no, risk the lives of the troops? – on imprecise translations, misunderstood metaphors, poorly analyzed quotations, rather than give weight to the opinions of someone who actually knows the country and the people you’re planning to slaughter?
Surgery is about cutting.
So where does that leave us?
It leaves us with a bad-tasting mouthful of classic genocide rhetoric. “The [insert group of choice here]s are a cancerous growth who must be eradicated with heroic surgery & radiotherapy in order to save the patient.”
It appears the facts have driven Beth, Darleen and Goatse from the building.
Man, I can’t begin to even find a way to communicate how repulsive this is. A couple of red-state bimbos come over here shouting KILL KILL KILL and if you don’t you’re anti semitic!!
Of course, they’ll never have dirty their hands actually doing the killing, and these policies will never bring any real threat to them or their neighborhood. So many people, in so many parts of the world, who have to deal with political, ethnic and sectarian violence as part of their daily business, who have to convince the occupation soldiers who don’t even speak their languages that they aren’t a threat, who somehow have to find food, and clean water, and vaccines for their children. So many families touched by the horror the US, or Israel brings to their villiages and towns with “airstrikes”, what a contemptible construct. Folks. No difference between a suicide car bomb and an “airstrike”. They both result in sudden explosions, death, suffering and body parts strewn around the target zone. Have you heard about the cholera in iraq? Wars don’t just hurt people by violence. They cause a breakdown in the system. Everything goes to hell. No electricity to preserve medicines. No doctors. Roadblocks and kidnappers. Random violence. Disease. Refugees. And to think there are actually people who want to expand the destruction and horror we’ve visited on Iraqis, it really just makes me want to close the blinds and weep. What is the source of this insane desire to kill strangers in wholesale numbers? And how can these people continue to call themselves human?
The hell with you all. Go ahead, blow the whole thing to hell. Wreck every good thing humans have ever done. Turn an enlightned society into a feudal system ruled by force by warlords. Know what, you fucking inhuman pieces of shit? I’m gonna do just fine in that world. And you’re gonna be dinner. You oughta be careful of what you wish for, ’cause what you want is the big leagues of hate and chaos. And you midwestern mamas ain’t ready to play. Go ahead, keep dividing it up, us and them, and we’ve got to kill them. When “they” show up at your house, you better be able to fight them off. ‘Cause they will have learned your lessons well….
And this, right there, is why they hate us. Because we are unconscious of the destruction we bring to other people’s neighborhoods.
Of course, pointing that out makes me an appeasenik dhimmicrat.
Some very harsh things have been said about you and your fellow travelers here, because – frankly – you’ve said some very stupid things, however …
I sincerely hope your son returns to you safe and sound. I know everyone here feels the same.
Please appreciate that the American denizens of this website a) love this country, b) hate this war, and c) strongly object to our leaders lying to us in order to justify yet more wars.
That said, the “cartoon” you are defending is not a political statement. It is an exhortation to genocide.
No, I listen to Dennis Prager.
Mikey, dearest
You either are refusing to recognize the ultimate outcomes of the policies you so excitedly call for
WHICH policies have a “called for”? Come on, a quote or two?
I just love the straw-war-mongers you love to build.
and that “moral arbitator” thing was really precious, seeing how you’ve been attempting to fill the roll.
Oh btw
If Italians are allowed to be proud Italians (ie proud of their country), those that dismiss Zionism (which is national pride in Israel) then, baby, you have against proved your own anti-semitism
Oh! I’ve gotten you all wrong then? So go ahead, and tell me, for the record, that you are opposed to aggessive, unilateral military action by the US or by Israel against Iran, unless Iran launches military strikes against either.
Go ahead. I’ll be happy to welcome you to the side of peace, and rationality…
No, I listen to Dennis Prager.
it shows.
Oooppss. Could it be that darleen is, well, let’s not be intemperate here, simply ill informed?
Main Entry: Zi·on·ism
Pronunciation: ‘zI-&-“ni-z&m
Function: noun
: an international movement originally for the establishment of a Jewish national or religious community in Palestine and later for the support of modern Israel
I just love the straw-war-mongers you love to build.
See above cartoon.
Darleen is struggling to tell the difference between the followers of the Italian Football Club and the Fascismos.
I’m tempted to say me ne frego at this point, but I think that’s her line.
WHICH policies have a “called for”? Come on, a quote or two?
I just love the straw-war-mongers you love to build.
Oh, jeezus, you’re not really gonna go there, are you?
Are you such a coward that you won’t even explicitly state what you clearly want? Are you really going to hide behind “I never said I wanted to kill iranians”? Are you actually, at this point, going to try to be coy? I’m putting words in your mouth when I say you want to kill iranians? Fer crissakes, woman, you are a loser on so many levels. You haven’t got the courage to accept an international challenge to a america’s regional dominance and recognize we can hold our own. You haven’t got the sand to actually say what you’ll only hint about. You won’t come out and fight, and you won’t come out for peace.
Useless loser. You’re a sad, pathetic, angry woman with no access to her own humanity. You sadden me, and you sicken me…
Darlene is so deficient, the best she can do is paraphrase meaningless slogans from talk radio and Faux Network trash.
Come on, Darleen, you can admit you listen to Dr. Laura. You should if you’re going to quote her. Besides, her war spew is all over you. (Sorry if I spoiled your fantasies about her being a paragon of virtue!)
Straw-war-mongers? I got your Straw War right here! Mong that!
WHICH policies have a “called for”? Come on, a quote or two?
Uh, you are calling for the USA to attack Iran… HELLO? WTF do you think we mean?
This is what Darlene calls surgery. I dare you to face it Darlene.
You will call me all kinds of names for posting that link, but THIS IS WHAT THE WAR IN IRAQ IS. It hurts to look doesn’t it? Doesn’t quite look like “surgery” does it?
So your dinner is spoiled…YOU ARE NOT THERE, ARE YOU?
Imagine what it’s like to GO THROUGH IT. Imagine what those soldiers are becoming by being there.
This is not bringing democracy at all. This is not making the world a better place. I don’t care what you say, but this is not the answer to any problem.
Are you such a coward that you won’t even explicitly state what you clearly want? Are you really going to hide behind “I never said I wanted to kill iranians”? Are you actually, at this point, going to try to be coy?
Just like that “Golden Boy” guy. Remember that guy? Kept trying to show how Muslims were gonna take over the US or some such bullshit. When asked, what do you want to do about it, “Oh, nothing… just stop coddling Muslims.”
My apologies to everyone in SadlyNo I’ve offended by posting that link but I’m really and truly fed up with the Darleens who prance around spouting nonsense about war. I’m sick and tired of it.
She needs her face rubbed in it. Words aren’t reaching this bitch, maybe pictures will. If they don’t there’s no hope for her, really. No hope at all.
If we’re going to go to war, we should have to face what it is, have our faces rubbed in it every goddamn day. Anyone who supports this war deserves at least that.
You had to do it, huh? Using some fancy foreign talk that makes me run to google.
This tasteful site has an attractive “me no frego” patch “perfect for iron on or to sew onto jackets, hats, etc.”.
I’ll pass on the link, Lesley, but your point is well taken.
I remember one night on a perimeter just inside the fishhook. It really wasn’t a bad night. We knew they were trying to get into position to hit us hard, but by midnight it was pretty clear it wasn’t going to be tonight. But they probed the wire all night. We responded, as we tend to do, with a lot of machine gun and mortar fire. At some point some NVA sapper got caught up in the wire and hit. Nobody could see where he was, but he cried and wailed and hollered and screamed all night. It was horrifying. All we wanted was to find him, get the angle, put a dozen rounds downrange and shut him up. But no. He was in a bit of a depression, and nobody was gonna get out of their hole and go out in the wire.
So we sat in our holes and listened to this kid die. It took hours. He was hurting bad, and he was scared. Dying alone with your guts in the dirt will do that to you. Longest hours of my life. He just kept screaming his last breath, and we had to sit and listen. Listen. At that point, you KNOW how close you are to being that kid. You know it could be you. Bleeding out, looking at those secret pieces of you that aren’t supposed to be laying in the dirt, trying to get somebody to help you.
In the morning, when we went out past the wire to look for intel and souveniers, we all walked past that kid. Oh, by then he was dead and starting to stiffen up. But every one of us got a little shiver, and put a couple rounds in him to be sure. Every one…
zsa, your link goes to….
Wait for it…..
But I thought we fought them over there so we wouldn’t have to fight them over here!
Right, Darlene?
It’s motherfuckin’ Springtime for Hitler lately, isn’t it.
This is not bringing democracy at all. This is not making the world a better place. I don’t care what you say, but this is not the answer to any problem.
Thank you lesley. Now that, is moral clarity.
If Italians are allowed to be proud Italians (ie proud of their country), those that dismiss Zionism (which is national pride in Israel) then, baby, you have against proved your own anti-semitism
And anyone who dismisses the call for Aryan Christians to establish their own separate nation have again proved their own anti-caucasian racism. That seems to bring us back to the Aryan Pride chumpwads.
darlene: I tried to warn you that you were in way over your head. You idiotic (and I only bring this word out on really special occasions, like this) cunt.
How do we account for people who would rather spout slogans than listen to the experience of the men who have served? I will never understand how civilians like Darlene who have never been exposed to war can be so desensitized to it. You’d think civilian life would make them more sensitive to it, but here’s Darlene, who has never experienced a single military conflict in her life doing the Cha Cha for the war. Evidently her imagination is as severely limited as her education.
What’s more, she has the nerve to come here and call Mikey names. She doesn’t even bother to read what he writes and he’s a vet, for Christ sake. Someone who fought in a war she would have promoted just like she’s promoting this one. Which just goes to show how much the warmongers care about the troops.
Darleen couldn’t give a shit about the Americans who are being beaten up by this war. She proved that in how she responded to Mikey.
It’s not about me. It’s about how safe she is. You won’t hear that kind of certainty from women in Iraq, or Iran, or Palestine, or even Israel. They know that anything that turns the conflict hot can visit hell on them and their families. They know what occupation means to people trying to live in occupied territories. They know all the things they can’t control, and all the things they’ll have to lie, or pay, or fuck to get. They know the power is in the gun, and the people with the guns will take advantage every time. They know they will have to lie, and cheat, and hide, and debase themselves in order to see another sunrise. And petraeus says we’re “making progress”.
The answers are right there to be seen. The lies are weak. We only believe the lies if we need to, or want to, or can’t face the truth…
You ever been back to Vietnam, mikey?
Nope. Pretty place. Like snakes are pretty. Or spider webs. Jellyfish.
I’ll do my best to think of Asia as something that happened in a dream….
Even those of us who are willing to face the truth (about this government and about war in general) will never be able to absorb the immense and untold suffering sustained by people who have lived through war. (And I don’t mean live through it state-side like slack-jawed Darleen.)
I think sometimes that’s the reason I look. Of course looking is upsetting and most of the time I resist because of that. I sometimes have to remind myself that nothing bad can happen to me by looking. (It’s amazing how often it’s not obvious.)
The worst that may happen to any of us state-side (Mikey and all vets excluded, of course) is that the pictures will make us cry and feel sick inside. They will not bring back memories, they will not be a reliving of a past.
If I’m very lucky the images will remind me of who I’d like to be. A more generous thoughtful person, a person who values love and human kindness, a person who knows there are no just wars.
I could never claim to fully understand the kind of experiences Mikey shares with us – and how lucky we are to have his trust, because as Mikey has often said, those stories are private, they are mostly not shared.
But like many of you, I promise to face things. It’s the least this civilian can do.
May I add that just once I’d like to see a wingnut leave one of these comment threads transformed.
May I add that just once I’d like to see a wingnut leave one of these comment threads transformed.
Sometimes I get frustrated because of that. None of us really touch, we just type at each other in frustration and then drop away when we get tired. In the end, you were shadow-boxing.
One useful thing that does happen in these exchanges is that we can sharpen our arguments. And it can be enjoyable to say what you feel needs to be said.
Dogstar came back to a thread or two (I think) because we were funny. That’s a victory of sorts.
And take a look at the sidebar here:
I don’t think we’re specifically the reason for any of the changes but the proprietor there has been hanging around here.
Even fucking around in comments writing silly verse has its uses.
BTW… Ahmadawhackjob states that “Zionists are people without any religion”, thus denies Israeli’s their claim to Judaism.–darleen
Actually, a closer translation is “Zionism is not a religion,” which is true. It was originally a political movement.
And Jillian – why do you insist on making this about race? what do you have against caucasions? We are all on this earth together – why do you have to choose one over the other? Anglicans have feelings too, you know. Can’t we all just get along?–Beth
Brace yourself: Iranians and Semitic peoples are considered “Caucasians.” As for Anglicans having feelings too, I think the Book of Common Prayer prohibits “PDA” on page 503.
Let me just set the record straight regarding the cartoon: the point was not to say iranians were cockroaches, but to highlight the way Iran, the biggest terror supposrting nation, is sending their minions out to spread across the middle east in all manners, so as to dominate the ME.–William Teach
Through the plumbing? So they can feast on bar soap, the plastic covering of electrical cables and the detritus in the cracks of breadboards? You mean they’re reproducing in jelly jars even as we blog? EEEEEUW!!!1!
hey Lesley
you missed it, beth’s son is in Iraq right now.
No, darleen, you missed it:
Beth’s son may be in Iraq, but where is Beth?
(Hint: She isn’t blogging from the Green Zone!)
And why is Beth’s son in Iraq?
Did that ROTC scholarship come at a higher price than anyone anticipated?
Or maybe the Bush economy killed the major industry in his little town, leaving him few opportunities for employment.
Or maybe, like most of us, he initially bought into the “Big Lie” that was calculated to appeal to Americans’ patriotism. Unfortunately, unlike the rest of us who were forced to think twice because we had jobs and families and obligations, there’s no “do-overs,” for military enlistment contracts.
War is hell under the best of circumstances. To feel as though you are forced to fight, when you don’t know who you’re fighting, or what the hell you’re really even supposed to accomplish, is to live in a constant state of demoralization. You can’t tell your family or those closest to you how you really feel, or what is really happening, because they are your emotional ballast. The minute they doubt your mission, you will begin to doubt yourself. In war, he who hesitates is dead.
So soldiers who were raised to respect other cultures wind up replaying the parts of “B” movies where “Hadji” gets whacked by the “good guys” over and over for hours, while they cheer. And as a precautionary measure, captains order soldiers to kill any civilians within 200 feet of the main road to the airport. After all: “Indicting a soldier for murder during a war is like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500.”
“No wonder the projection from The Left in using “nazi” against any non-leftist”
Gee, we never seen that projection coming either
Do the world a favor and shut the fuck up.
If there’s one quality above all I hate about the human species it’s that the less intelligent we are, the more intelligent we think we are. Beth, I hope your son comes home unharmed and I thank him for his service, but you’re wrong.
Lesley, The wingnuts might not leave this comment thread transformed, but it has certainly moved me. Thanks to all of you for the consistently good writing and clear-headed analysis of the issues. And Mikey, I’m from your era, but in no way have I shared your experiences. Thank you for letting me see what that part of the sixties was like.
As an aside, I wish I had half Jillian’s command of German. I need it.
Leave for a few hours and all hell breaks out.
From Beth, way, way upthread:
That would be me. Thanks for the information. Normally I’d feel that I should apologize for my snark, but the garbage you’ve posted in this thread relieves me of that obligation. Best of luck to your son, though.
It’s Darleen’s posts that I’ve really enjoyed. There’s no idiot like a dedicated idiot, eh? Come back often, Darlene – we puny Ahmadinejadzymk-worshipping commies need your guidance, your insight, your mature wisdom.
Darleen’s Place Politics, parenting and other prattlings.
I take it Darleen doesn’t realize “prattle” means
1. to talk or chatter idly or meaninglessly;
2. to utter or express by chattering foolishly or babbling.
3. a sound suggestive of such chattering; a babbling noise.
4. empty or foolish talk.
In addition to prattling, Darlene designs websites using her “BS in information technology.”
Wow, I’ve rarely seen a couple wingnuts get demolished so utterly. I guess it’s hard to win when the premise you’re arguing is completely fucked. Although, in fake school debates I have won that we should continue to cut down the rain forests because my opponent was an idiot. So, that’s no excuse. Basically, it’s a reflection of the intelligence it takes to actually believe the crap we are fed. I just read this whole post, and it is inspiring. I wish I knew more people in my life like atheist (sar-chasm is my new favorite word), Jillian (thanks for the hilarious destruction of beth), and mikey (I am honored to have read the words of a clear-sighted foxhole atheist.) Keep speaking the truth, Sadly, No!
Tim mentioned this earlier, but here’s the link. Canada’s national magazine, MacLean’s, has a delicious picture on the cover of George Bush dressed up to look like Saddam Hussein. The caption reads: “How George Bush became the new Saddam”. The cover story is here.
Bill Maher referred to it on his show last Friday so I guess it’s getting some press in the US.
It’s a keeper.
Having slept on it, I think I can pin down what’s going on with our erstwhile visitors….they simply are incapable of thinking abstractly.
There’s a nice, concrete similarity between extreme rhetoric from Iran and the Nazis – both show a hatred of Jews.
But they are unable to strip away the concrete structures on top and look instead at the formal similarities between what they are saying and what was said by the Nazis seventy years ago – that level of abstraction is beyond them.
It’s something most people have a hard time doing unless they’ve been taught how – it’s why things like formal logic and calculus are not easy for most.
Alas, failure to do well at this creates a breeding ground for fascists of the worst type. Our school systems could do something about this, if they were not instead being used to produce bright, shiny new generations of consumers each year.
But that’s another topic for another time.
But they are unable to strip away the concrete structures on top and look instead at the formal similarities between what they are saying and what was said by the Nazis seventy years ago – that level of abstraction is beyond them.
Interesting analysis Jillian. Yes, they do sometimes seem unable to do that. I’m not always sure that they are not just unwilling, however.
It’s something most people have a hard time doing unless they’ve been taught how…
education is a factor, but i’m a perfect example of someone who hasn’t received enough formal education – I don’t know jackshit about calculus or formal logic and can’t say how well I’d manage either – and yet somehow I can discern what’s propaganda. I chock that up to my parents’ influence and the blessing of common sense.
I agree with you about the importance of education but plenty of right wing nuts are educated and still persist in thinking this way. Some of them suffer from “short man” complex.
I missed all the fun, eh? I notice the “Beth & Darlene” show ended about the time they tried to deny that they were pro-killing Iranians. Yep, ’cause portraying Iranians as cockroaches means you want to, I dunno, keep the lil’ darlings in a roach farm on your dresser, I guess.
And Juan Cole vs. beth? I know who I’m voting for actually telling the truth.
I wish I knew more people in my life like atheist (sar-chasm is my new favorite word), Jillian (thanks for the hilarious destruction of beth), and mikey (I am honored to have read the words of a clear-sighted foxhole atheist.) Keep speaking the truth, Sadly, No!
Aww, thank you so much Logos! But really, it’s all the SadlyNosians hitting together that does it. Lesley, Candy, Pere Ubu, Gavin, Zsa, Righteous Bubba, g, Doktor Bimler, and everyone else. We all get in our licks.
Though I must admit, Mikey & Jillian often lead.
I’d like to thank you, atheist, for your consistently sensitive and open quest for communication. It always strikes me that you really reach out to others in an attempt to understand why a person thinks or feels the way they do. That is a rare trait in this world.
This thread is beyond instructive, it’s sanctifying.
Don’t expect people to admit they leave a *humor* site with more wisdom than they came in with, but some of us hang around here when we feel lost, count on it.
Do you honestly believe the Nazi mentality – i.e., that everyone of a certain ethnicity can be counted among the enemy, which must be destroyed – can afflict only one side of any conflict?
What we have here isn’t good vs. evil, but fire vs. fire.
Damn! I missed that!?! Well done, y’all.
I didn’t even get to throw in a gratuitous pot reference.
Jillian- What is this? Your second, third post? Way to stir it up!
Mikey- Awesome.
That was like watching good anime. I’m so proud of you guys!
I hate the politics that hamstring our Soldiers in every war – and especially this war. I understand that there are always personal interests involved in politics – on all sides and I think it is absolutely disgusting that our Soldiers are put in harms way without the complete backing of the United States, the Administration, the Senate, the Congress and the people. It disgusts me.
Instead of directing your anger with the people who chose to made this war happen by lying about the facts, who bungled the reconstruction and now refuse to take responsibility and fix their mistake by removing themselves form Iraq, instead of placing your anger at the people who made this happen and let it continue, your anger is directed at the very people who can heal your life and make America whole again; the 70% majority that what America out. Now, in order to justify your years of sacrifice, your family’s sacrifice, your are being sold a new boogyman and you are buying into the official hatred of the new American hyper threat, Iran. Because if Iran is the evil they say it is then you don’t have to change, you can justify your sacrifice and you can continue to believe in the administration and its actions. Your judgement is delayed for another day. In this way America can be at war forever. And this administration is counting on you to double down and to keep giving them a pass.
All right wing politics is based on the cutivation and continuation of hatred, both of external enemies and internal ‘traitors’ . It is a soul destroying way of being so I hope that sooner or later you turn away from the lies and join the American majority in truth and peace.
I featured this cartoon in an installment of Right-Wing Cartoon Watch not long ago. Several conservative cartoonists have used cockroach or similar imagery for Iraqis or Iranians over the past year. As another commenter noted, the octopus is also popular…
Fake but Accurate Depiction of Code Pink…
There’s a debate going on at a sad little leftist blog about the difference between Dan Rather’s ‘fake but accurate’ news and the ‘fake but accurate’ photoshop below. Talk about parsing words, they are do…