The thing is David, sovereignty is in the eye of the beholder

CNN Analyst David Grange opines:

CNN Anchor: [Interim] Prime Minister [Ayad] Allawi of Iraq has suggested that he may have to impose martial law. Do you think it is time that he do so, and do so immediately in order to stop these kidnappings?

GRANGE: Well, you know, that’s not something bad for the Iraqi people. They’re used to a lot of control from someone, and if that control brings some type of order — because that’s the concern of the populace more so than a totally free society. They are used to security, even if it’s imposed by a free or dictator-type government.

So I think that the prime minister could get away with that, and it may be prudent to do that on either side of the transition date, just to maintain rule of law in the situation. [Emphasis added]

In related news:

Allawi’s fighting words may do little to deter the insurgents, but they set off alarm bells among U.S. officials. Bremer’s aides said Allawi lacks the power to impose martial law, and Secretary of State Colin Powell warned that the U.S. would not support such a move. “The last thing we want,” says a senior U.S. official, “is for the world to think we’re foisting a new strongman on Iraq.”


Comments: 3

Satan luvvs Repugs

“Sovreignity means exactly what I want it to mean, no more, no less. Now, Mr. Allawi, are you comfortable up on that wall?”


Meet the new boss, same as…

Honestly, the USA won’t give a shit what kind of government there is in Iraq, so long as we have the oil.


“The last thing we want,” says a senior U.S. official, “is for the world to think we’re foisting a new strongman on Iraq.”

Now why would anyone get THAT idea????

I wonder… wonder… wonder…


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