Today’s Gaggle
Posted on August 31st, 2007 by Gavin M.
…Although, maybe a better procedure with these Gaggle strips is just to add frickin’ punchlines to them:
See, that’s not genius work or anything, but…
Okay, wait a sec. That method doesn’t fit with the spirit of the strip at all. Hang on:
There. It needed a certain, you know, gratuitous incoherency.
What was the point of the original? Anyone?
Is it a Zen koan, where the utter incomprehensibility is supposed to lead me to inner peace?
Something like “what is the sound of one hand clapping a slow, ironic golf clap?”
Who is that? Katie Couric? Rosie O’Donnell? Tom Brokaw? I can’t tell.
Why are wingnuts do bad at humor? Why?
Has all their humor been sucked out by Teh Wingnut Welfare Vampires, or something?
I think this question is doctoral thesis material.
Oh, come on. “Hsu fetish.” Get it? Like the way you can fetishize girls named Sue?
No, wait. Like…you know, when you bring a lawsuit, you “sue” someone, no, forget that, it’s people who unduly lionize the Sioux Ind…
Hsu is the name of a manufacturer of sub-woofers.
That’s all I got.
Is that Laura Bush? It’s nice that she feels sorry for Hillary, I guess.
Jeez, I thought the “Hsu fetish” line was in the original.
You mean it really is a joke? Added by Gavin?
I need help here. What am I missing?
The Hsu thing is Gavin’s, though, that’s the sad thing. The original just said, “Sorry, Hillary” in the second frame.
Jesus, it makes Day By Day seem funny.
Can I see the second panel? Sadly, No!
Is it Firefox? I’m not switching. Is there a setting I can use on these intertubes? Even my comment gets obscured under the Seb Roll when I type one of these long sentences.
Oh, sweet Baby Jesusphone, please make it better.
You can’t see part of the comic. It is better.
I assume Gavin was referring to a “shoe fetish”. And, like the other commenters, I can’t figure out the point of the original strip or who the speaker is supposed to be.
You probably have the browser window sized really narrow, or the screen resolution set really low. This comes up sometimes, but we can’t really do anything on this end, because if we changed the settings the site would look weird the other way around.
I’m with dbati. The size of these strips makes my interwebs sad and the last panel is invariably lost behind the column on the right. I have to copy the pictures and paste them into a Word document to read them.
I use Explorer, my browser window is maximized, and as far as I know my screen resolution is normal.
So, then I switched the screen to reflect a WP Classic background to try to see teh funnie. I still can not, and I can not switch back. It’s the Friday before a long weekend and I’ve broken the interwebs.
How do I switch back to the classic Sadly, No! background that I love so much?
Oy. Lemme see what I can do here…
The images are 600px (actually 602px with black borders), which is the same as the originals. I can knock them down to 450 or so without the text getting too small.
Reload the page in like three minutes and tell me if it works.
[background next]
“Reload the page in like three minutes and tell me if it works.”
That would be a better punchline than the original Gaggle.
Reload the page in like three minutes and tell me if it works.
It works, it works!
Your gaggle is better, BTW.
Works for me too! Oh frabjas day!
For what it’s worth, I can see the two-paneled cartoon strip fine in Firefox. (It IS just two panels, right?) IE, on the other hand, blows, always and everywhere.
The my-comment-extends-under-the-stuff-on-the-right thing happens to me too, but then when there’s a lot of comments it doesn’t do it anymore.
As for the site background, I’ve learned from bitter experience never to touch that thing. You never know what’s going to happen!
I actually didn’t realize Seb had added a standard WP background setting. I think if it isn’t working right, you can switch back by dumping the site cookie.
IE may suck, but the business manager at my office has implemented TEH STANDARD CONFIGURATION FOR ALL WORKSTATIONS TO FURTHER THE GLORIOUS STRUGGLE AGAINST WHATEVER. I think I get sent to a reeducation camp if I try to install Firefox. So I’m stuck with the software that’s on here if I want to keep wasting my work hours monitoring America’s downfall.
Oh, for the record, I’ve never had a problem with my comments extending under the column on the right–just images in the posts.
As for the site background, I’ve learned from bitter experience never to touch that thing. You never know what’s going to happen!
I actually didn’t realize Seb had added a standard WP background setting. I think if it isn’t working right, you can switch back by dumping the site cookie.
Now you tell me.
I’ll try the cookie dump and let you know. (Cookie Dump sounds oddly like something a Republican Senator might get indicted for after proposing it to an undercover officer in the train station men’s room.)
Why are wingnuts do bad at humor? Why?
I don’t know, but they keep trying to do what they just simply can’t do at all. It’s like watching a juggling class for the blind.
As for Gaggle, more surrealism would definitely be an improvement… maybe Grover Norquist appearing in the last panel wearing a strap-on and singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic or something. That would probably confuse their target demographic, but then their target demographic is already confused.
It’s not your browser. It will only happen with (large) images. Text will wrap correctly, but of course, images cannot. The stylesheet in use allows the right column to “float” over the feature content rather than anchoring it and recognizing that the feature content and the right column together are wider than the window and dropping in a scroll bar. The brute force fix is to scale down the images, like Gavin did here. The real fix is to adjust the way the stylesheet handles the right column.
That’s the view from the executive suite. Now you need somebody who knows how to implement it. I’m going out for a couple appletinis…
So, I did the cookie dump (still kinda weirded out by that) and the front page loads correctly, but the comments are still in WP Classic.
I can deal with that, until I can’t and try to figger it out on my own.
The way her one shoulder disappears off to the left in the first panel leads me to suspect that the unhappy weirdo with the misshapen eye is also some kind of giant caterpillar or slug.
“I have to copy the pictures and paste them into a Word document to read them.”
Gav, I think Jake H. has a serious crush on you.
THAT is dedication.
The way her one shoulder disappears off to the left in the first panel leads me to suspect that the unhappy weirdo with the misshapen eye is also some kind of giant caterpillar or slug.
I thought maybe it was her conjoined twin cut out of the frame.
(tinfoil hat on)
Hmmm, I think I get it.
See the ‘woman’ is supposed to be an MSM talking head and she is reporting bad news about Hillary’s campaign so she has to apologize
Get it?
Okay, see its like this! Everyone KNOWS that all of the MSM is desperately liberal and they really really want Hillary Clinton to win and never ever say bad things about her. So the “Funny” part is the WHOLE THING!!
HAHA! Get it now?
Okay, fine its called “Absurd Humor” like “Its absurd that an MSM talking head would EVER report something that was critical of Hillary Clinton!”
If you don’t think its funny you are obviously a Lib Terrorist…
(tinfoil hat off)
Fuck that thing stings.
I clicked through to Newsbusters and again to see their Gaggle Archives. I thought the one about Rodriguez hit new lows in mirth.
On the other hand, Republican Senators from Idaho should all be named ‘Gaggle’.
Well I read the original and, ummm…yeah. Even by the already undemanding standards of right wing comic strips this “Gaggle” is a new low. I mean at least “Mallard Filmore” has actual punch lines and at least “Day by Day” has more dynamic art than an unidentifiable caricature talking head which is unchanged between panels. It’s absolute lameness is almost kind of admirable in a way.
I honestly would never have believed that Day by Day would compare favorably to something.
and at least “Day by Day” has more dynamic art
I think there was a link here to an interview with Chris Muir in which he says his stuff is almost all “pre-drawn” and he just assembles the bits over and over again.
At least owlbear gets it. Yeah, the point is supposed to be that the liberally-biased reporter feels bad for reporting bad news about a Democrat.
Not funny, but seriously, you guys should understand wingnut thinking well enough by now to at least get the intended point.
“I think there was a link here to an interview with Chris Muir in which he says his stuff is almost all “pre-drawn” and he just assembles the bits over and over again.”
Yeah I remember that. But his strips, even if they are just as incomprehensible and unfunny, are still more than just a talking head. So he still comes out ahead compared to “Gaggle”.
Just exactly what am I supposed to recognize from the sea slug in earrings that would tell me she was an MSM talking head? There’s no indication of that. No clue. She could be the sea slug from down the street, chatting over coffee in my kitchen. I ain’t buyin it…
Just exactly what am I supposed to recognize from the sea slug in earrings that would tell me she was an MSM talking head?
From looking at the archives, she seems to be a recurring character. I think she’s supposed to be Lisa Myers from NBC.
Maybe the author could have identified her, but he probably figures both of his regular readers already get it.
Punchlines in comics? That’s so pre-9/11, dinosaur old-media.
However, oh, exploitable. (Forgive the MSPaint-ness of it).
The Hair.
While wearing tinfoil it turns Purple.
Which isSecret Code for “MSM talking head”.
Now you know…
Oh, a SHOE fetish.
That’s how innocent I am. There. Now you know.
I’m a little worried about owlbear’s sensitivities. I mean, understanding that comic strip? What kind of Reverse Double Guantanamo with a Twist did you have to do to interpret it?
Is the some kind of Wingnut Humor Rosetta Stone of which I am unaware?
As far as the styling goes, I’m afraid this is what passes for a wingnut version of This Modern World.
They just can’t seem to do anything right, huh?
BTW, Gav-
Where’d ya find that female E.T.?
Hey man it was the tinfoil not me!
Muir’s boundless objectification of his female characters and odd scoliosis fetish manage to keep “Day by Day” a little more focused.
I have a theory (brackets miss brackets) that the I-can’t-believe-it’s-parody sites like blogsforbrownback and their “Eh?” commenters are conservatives who read stuff like Teh General and Paddy Swift, see Liberals visiting, and altough they can’t understand why Liberals like it–because they are BLIND to satire –decide to set up on their own. Thus my hypothesis is that this Gagable person was inspired by Get Your War On.
And I apologize now for the EBLiness of my first sentence, but I have a second theory…
Hmm, good point t4t, but Tom Tomorrow doesn’t fit my theory
In soviet internet, fact checks you
Jesus, it makes Day By Day seem funny.
It also somehow manages to make DbD seem well-drawn.
I guess I don’t get why Hillary would say “People’s Republic of China” (what the Chinese says). I
I guess I don’t get why Hillary would say “People’s Republic of China” (what the Chinese says). I
Knowing him intimately as I do I think Big Kahuna Burger’s second sentence was supposed to say “I use only the cutest piglets as ballast on my hot-air balloon.”
I guess I don’t get why Hillary would say “People’s Republic of China” (what the Chinese says).
Ah, but we all get that you want to show off your knowledge of Chinese! That said, I was kind of curious what it said.
My sister believes that when white guys get chinese characters tattooed on them, they tell the artist what they want, but the artist always uses characters that say “Kick Me”. So when I saw the Hillary thought bubble, I assumed she was merely saying Kick Me…
Hey, all I can say is its about damn time Sadly, No! added a comix page. Now all we need is sudoku.
but the artist always uses characters that say “Kick Me”.
No, no, it’s spicy Kung Pao chicken with extra sprouts.
Because she’s secretly in league with the Red Chinese, of course!
Actually, it was the first thing I found that made any sense in context.
You have no idea how cute, Bubba, no idea– mobius piglets of self-involved cuteness. I actually was working on a follow-up joke (hence the “I”), but things got busy and I just hit post.
But who I am I fooling– I know a little Chinese (coughing gold stars like Todd Flanders), and I will flaunt that little bit on every occasion I get.
See, wingnuts?
Gavin’s version is FUNNY. Teh ORIGINAL is NOT FUNNY.
Now, repeat after me: “funny”.
Good! Now take three Stooges and call me in the morning.
Some well deserved busting on ‘Newsbusters’.
This story, with Michael’s fame on the wane, drew almost no attention from the same national media outlets who are now pounding on the office door of Sen. Larry Craig and insisting he resign.
Earth to Snoozebusters: It’s those Diaper Dave Vitter lovin’ hypocrite GOOPERS who are forcing Craig to walk the plank.
I love the Hillary one, because it looks like Laura’s been mixing her meds and is hallucinating.
My sister believes that when white guys get chinese characters tattooed on them, they tell the artist what they want, but the artist always uses characters that say “Kick Me”.
I hope that is true more strongly than words can say.
Sure, but if it’s a white female, then the Chinese characters are the ones from the Chinese menu — you know, the ones that say “Nice dish. Very cheap.”
(I certify that this gag was not especially funny 40 years ago. That’s why I remember it. Has it survived?)
If you like that, you should hear the one about the Navy guy’s wife. In fact, you shall hear about it. He gave her a bit of costume jewelry, all nautical-looking, with signal flags on it. And they had the sign for “Permission to lay alongside”! Ain’t that a killer? From Reader’s Digest, in the 1950s. They really were daring in those days. Any questions about where the right-wing bloggers got their sense of Funny?
I don’t even understand the fascination with Democratic supporters. It’s not like Republicans ever give the money back or even report when they get donations via scandal laden people.
If you are wondering who that is, the answer is here. This strip is truly the opposite of humor. I can’t stop reading them. Help.
Proof that whoever puts these Gaggle things together (I hesitate to use words like “writes”, “draws” or even “creates”) reads S,N!: the latest strip has a blurb identifying weirdo pudgeball as Lisa Myers.
Oh, and I actually found one that had a punch line AND identifiable character – the one with Keith Olbermann and dog-and-pony show. Now, I’m not syaing it was a good punch line…but still. Bravely fought..