The Wingnut Soul, Laid Bare, Adrift

Gavin beat me to the deeply nutty ravings of Family Security Matters’ Philip Atkinson. Oh, well. There wasn’t much I could have added anyway. Atkinson’s brand of crazy pretty much speaks for itself.


But then I started poking around his website. Just who was this person whose writings were so over-the-top bonkers that even a wingnut clearinghouse like Family Security Matters scrubbed them from its site? And as I poked around, I found lots more disturbing stuff from Atkinson. He idolizes the Boers. Thinks he’s finally ironed out all the kinks in ‘philosophy’ — which he defines as ‘the study of understanding’ but also ‘the study of civilization’ (infinity parenthetical ?’s).

And I came to the conclusion — a very, very rare one for me — that this is a man whose wingnutitude is so total, whose pathologies so super-numerous, that rather than deserving our mockery, Philip Atkinson deserves our pity.

(I say this with two caveats: It remains pretty interesting that a Philip Atkinson is attracted to a gathering like Family Security Matters, which in turn liked the cut of the lonely old nutter’s jib on first glance. And that if Atkinson were in any way a threat to anyone, even a threat to inspire others to be threats, the situation would be different.)

Because really, he’s just a pitiable old fool who, amateur long-distance psychoanalysis notwithstanding, appears very plainly to be deeply, probably irretrievably disturbed. Take a look at the author’s bio on his self-published website:

Philip Atkinson was born in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, on the 7th June 1947, the result of a wartime marriage between a state registered nurse and a Captain in the Royal Army Ordinance Corps. His father had been educated at Cambridge University before working for some years for the foreign office in Africa, but was an ardent supporter of George Orwell and a socialist. So after being demobbed and winning the position as lecturer in History at Kings college, Newcastle, he decided to plant his family among the proletariat, the heroes of Nineteen Eighty-Four. This meant his middle-class wife and three children lived for the next fourteen years on a new council estate in the company of resettled slum dwellers. And this action, inspired by inverted snobbery, had a lasting impact upon his spouse and offspring, especially his middle-child.

For some reason, probably because he is sort of endearingly deluded about a historical need for a sketch of his early life, Atkinson speaks of himself in the third person in this opening paragraph. Foolish consistency being the hobgoblin of little minds, this will not continue. Also, note the reference to Orwell. It’s not clear what a ‘supporter’ of Orwell was, but he and Galileo are for the most part the only historical figures Atkinson ever cites, indicating at the very least that he is not particularly imaginative.

Like all children I wanted to be accepted by my peers and be part of the gang of small boys who lived in the street. They were my heroes, I hung on every word they said, and I did everything I could to win their approval. Their contemptuous treatment of me I accepted as only natural because I was the youngest and weakest. They were tough and clever while I was puny and inexperienced. But one day this all changed. To my delight, a boy who was smaller and younger than me, moved into the street, and I knew that it would only be a matter of time before I could demonstrate my superiority to the newcomer. And when the gang resolved to have a boxing competition, I felt that this was my chance. Previously I would have been omitted from such a competition as being too weak to match in a fight, but now there was a possible partner, and as the gang split up into matched pairs I was pitted against the new boy. And when it was our turn to box, I gently, but firmly, displayed my clear superiority. Alas, when the judges, the oldest boys, declared the result, it was not me, but the new boy, who was deemed the winner. I was stunned.

Think about this. Atkinson is a full 60 years old, and still dwells on this incident from his childhood. And he still regards childhood cruelty to ‘the youngest and weakest’ as more than just a natural, passing stage of adolescence, but seems to see it as an inherently admirable and just way of social behavior so long as he himself gets to climb up the pecking order. More:

For some time afterwards I struggled to understand this decision. I knew that I had won the fight, but this was not enough; it was not my stature nor strength but some innate personal quality that condemned me. It was clear that regardless of what I did, I would never win the respect of my peers, so I stopped trying. But I also knew the judges had lied, so to understand their motive I started to look closely at my erstwhile heroes and began to see their undeniable flaws. They were not rational; they had rejected me out of prejudice. While they were all larger than me, I found they only presented a threat as a group. Alone, they not only left me in peace, but seemed a little nervous at my presence. And in games that required strategy, I found it was easy to best them. My esteem for my peers became replaced by contempt, and planted the seed of suspicion in my mind that my whole community was of the same calibre —foolish cowards. A notion that experience rarely confounded but often confirmed, so insensibly I became a social exile.

Here we have it — the birth of the misanthropic narcissist. At 60, a mature person would have long ceased dwelling on this childish slight. If he thought about it at all, it would be with some sense of shame at having beaten up a smaller, weaker child to win some bullies’ approval. But not Atkinson. Here, I would wager, is where his life gains its meaning. Others are ‘foolish’ and ‘cowards’. In ‘games that require strategy’ he is always the victor (if only, one suspects, in his own mind).

Above: Endorsed by Ignatius Reilly

This was just as well, for in a declining community any citizen who retains respect for the truth must become alienated from the majority of his fellow citizens because they hate the truth. Inevitably I could only ever be a social outcast, but being freed from the need to win social approval also meant being freed from social prejudices, and being able to see my community more clearly; a detachment that is essential for any student of society.

The above is so narcissistic and self-pitying as to be almost parody. Here is Atkinson, the noble truth-seeker ‘alienated from the majority’ of the prima facie ‘declining’ society, assuming an utterly fraudulent and defensive ‘detachment’ from which to study the mass of idiotic wretches who surround him. I’d go so far as to say this is possibly an actual psychopath we are dealing with here.

As an adult it is easy to understand why the other boys in the street hated me, I was from a different class. My father was an honest, educated man, who didn’t smoke or drink, and would never dream of striking his wife, but he was surrounded by drunks, thieves and wife-beaters.

Isn’t it amazing how he never considers that the other boys hated him because he was an insufferable little ass who showed off his smarts (what he had of them) and treated them with contempt? But of course, Atkinson never brings any of his life’s misfortunes upon himself. Those are always the fault of others. To wit:

My siblings and myself became social half-castes, accepted by no class and despised by all. The result in my case was an initial bitter resentment of my community, along with the traditional notions that I should pursue university and a career; so I dropped out of school to take a job as a bus conductor. And to escape this dead-end job, I emigrated, arriving in Australia in 1969, aged 22, with a pregnant wife, two small children, 30 pounds sterling, no job and no qualifications other than an incomplete public school education.

Later, Australians would begrudgingly accept Brian Johnson as partial payment from Newcastle for its cruelty in foisting Atkinson upon them.

With determination, skill and a little luck I forged a career in computers before being forced into retirement in 1991; a fate that brought as much relief as anxiety. No more salary, little chance of ever getting a job, but no longer having to pretend that the community and its administration was sane.

Again, and I’m sorry to keep quoting this crap … but what a fucking self-satisfied little fucker! Seriously, it’ll be over soon.

And I was fortunate that my second wife, an Australian by birth, was happy to work so her husband did not, and for the first time in my life I was blessed with leisure. Not only did I not have to toil, but also I did not have to worry about paying the bills, which is another essential qualification for any student of the community.

Oh, I’ll bet she was ‘happy’. But who knows, maybe she was. It’s the part about it being ‘the first time in my life I was blessed with leisure’ that has me reeling. The guy’s 44 years old at the time he retires. What a ‘life of toil’ that was, you big baby. I think Atkinson’s sense of entitlement is the only man-made pathology that can be seen from outer space.

Of course I could have restarted the education that I abandoned in my teens, but by then the true nature of universities had become obvious; they were no longer centres of learning pursuing truth but centres of profit pursuing customers.

He’s so far gone by this point that it is impossible for him to concede that he could ever learn something from another human being. Those who might teach him something, are therefore corrupted. And here it just gets really bad:

In January 2000 I became an Internet publisher, placing a variety of books ‘online’ at my own expense, in an attempt to preserve some of the vanishing wisdom of humanity.

Early in 2004 I realized that not only did my theory clarify the subject of civilization, but it also clarified that of Philosophy, so ever since then I have considered myself a philosopher.

Self-aggrandize much, Philip?

Anyway, this really wasn’t done to mock the guy. Well, only kinda. But mostly I just feel sort of sorry for him.


Comments: 108


Anybody else here read Terry Pratchett’s GUARDS! GUARDS! ? Either Philip Atkinson is the inspiration for Lupine Wonse, or else Pratchett’s Theorem (that stories of particular power can actually warp reality to better match the proper narrative thread) has leaked out of the Discworld to corrupt our own poor globe.

Of course, if Atkinson is Wonse, then Family Security Matters is actually the Unique and Supreme Lodge of the Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night.

I think the writers behind FSM would really get behind the USLEBEN, in fact…


Wow, what a titanic ass.

I don’t know if pity is called for, as he clearly isn’t shy about generating a great deal all on his own.

Why do they always telegraph their daddy issues so blatantly? Isn’t that the kind of thing they should be self-concious of?


I think he’s pitifully unaware of the reasons for why he’s so lonely and maladjusted, and why so many people laugh at his clumsy stabs at ‘philosophy’. He’s like a more pathetic Adam Yoshida, if that’s possible.


He’s LaRouche without the following, Jack Chick without the primitive cartooning skills. In short, the most pathetic wingnut I have ever encountered.


Its not so much pity with me, but fear, people that talk likt that scare me, did it ever mention what ahppened to his first wife?


He’s the one that got taken out of the first draft of Our Friends In The North for being too far-fetched. (I notice that the first wife and two kids drop out of the bio sketch.)

Please note that Mr Atkinson is not representative of the ten-pound Poms, though he is representative of a certain autodidactic mindset that I once possessed, for about three months at the age of sixteen. (You know, the point where some people read Ayn Rand and never get over it.)


The Ayn Rand thing is a good point. The guy is so self-confident in his pet delusions that he really does remind one of an Objectivist. Curiously, though, Atkinson babbles on to some length on his site about the virtue of UNselfishness … but this is only coincidental. It could just as easily been selfishness he picked.

Also, you’ve got to read his treatise on Toastmasters. Hilarious. He’s decided that the Toastmasters’ strategy of treating people who are nervous about public speaking with polite encouragement is an obvious sign of the decline of Western civilization.

But of course he never had a bad experience at Toastmasters or anything.

Trilateral Chairman

I’ve encountered a lot of people like this guy. I teach psychology and neuroscience, and every few weeks I’ll open my email and discover yet another message from someone who wants me to read his brand-new super-revolutionary all-encompassing Grand Theory that explains everything we ever wanted to know about the mind and the brain. In some cases, the author has conveniently attached a gigantic Word file to the email; in others, I am directed to a website (often Geocities) that the author has created to ensure that his views get the widest possible hearing.

Then they describe how they had to overcome great adversity to produce their masterwork. The adversity is very important, you see, and if you understand it you will better understand the work itself, and you will see where the author fits into the pantheon of great scientists. After all, Einstein overcame a language problem, Galileo overcame religious prejudice, and they overcame…well, whatever. Often it’s something so trivial that you end up waiting for a moment of drama that never comes. Intriguingly, sometimes it’s an illness, like a high fever or a coma or a head injury. Often it’s explained in very vague language: They will say that they had to leave a place, but they will never explain why. Whatever the adversity may be, it will always reveal more about the author than he intends. Atkinson, for example, tells us that he was “forced into retirement,” which probably really means something like “fired and put on disability,” or whatever the Aussie equivalent is.

The Theory itself is batshit insane, of course. You realize that as soon as you get past the first paragraph or two. But it’s often hard to state in precise terms exactly *why* it’s batshit insane. it often has a strange internal consistency about it, and truth will be mixed with insanity in a way that’s tricky to disentangle.

It’s a rhetorical funhouse, really. Words don’t quite seem to have their normal meanings; the text almost has the tone of a translated North Korean propaganda tract, as though there were some great cultural divide that has not been adequately bridged. The definitions are circular: one concept is defined in terms of a second concept which is defined in terms of a third concept which is defined in terms of the first. The organization is peculiar: there’s either too little, in the form of an unparagraphed stream of text, or too much, in the form of an endless stream of bullet points, lists, headings, subheadings, sub-sub-headings, sub-sub-sub-headings, links forward, links back, links up and down….and ultimately, all of it is for naught, because the theory is unfalsifiable. Evidence in favor is quickly accepted; evidence against is dismissed as an exception, a deception, or outright treachery by the author’s opponents. There’s no substance to it, really; in a way Atkinson here doesn’t actually spend his time studying the decline of civilizations; he’s studying *his own thoughts* about decline, and that’s not the same thing.

I’ve occasionally met people like this in real life. They can actually survive much better than you’d expect, living either off public assistance or off a series of low-paying jobs that last until the boss realizes that he’s hired a lunatic, at which point he finds a way to get rid of the poor wacko. They spend the rest of their time in a ratty apartment, or sitting in front of a computer in the library. If you stay in an urban area long enough, you’ll find one sooner or later.

In the end, these guys are mostly harmless (unless they manage to rustle up a follower or ten, of course). You can discuss the theory with the person, though I don’t recommend it if you have anywhere to be in the next four hours. Just don’t make fun of it. That’s like grabbing a bum’s shopping cart. It’s all this person has in life, and it’s probably best to leave them to it.


So after being demobbed and winning the position as lecturer in History at Kings college, Newcastle, he decided to plant his family among the proletariat, the heroes of Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Ok, ignoring for the nonce the fact that 1984 contains no heroes, only victims, none of the important characters are proles. They’re all apparatchiks and secret policemen and whatnot.


[L]iving…off public assistance, they spend the rest of their time in a ratty apartment, sitting in front of a computer. If you stay in an urban area long enough, you’ll find one sooner or later.


Herr Doktor Bimler

“How would I know if my civilization was declining?”
In my case, it starts declining after about the third Mort of whisky.


Sadlies and gentlemen, I give you the real Ignatius Reilly.


Wait, I thought we were the Illuminated Brethren?

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Wait, I thought we were the Illuminated Brethren?

They’re over in Gleam Street.


I agree with Aristophanes.
At first reading, I thought Atkinson was writing a ham-handed spoof, or a satire that’s so out there it’s supposed to illuminate some point, like Swift’s “A Modest Proposal”.

Then I turned to anger when I realized he was serious about nuclear genocide, absolute monarchy, and neo-colonialism. But props, Phil, for shoehorning 3 insanely evil memes into one short screed!

Well, I won’t spell out my whole 5 step emotional journey, but eventually I arrived at pity. Atkinson is an avatar exemplifying Tree’s Law:”Madmen write eight-page letters.” Which really needs to be updated for the internet age.


Gosh, I can’t begin to understand why kids in a rough estate would pick on the weak, self-absorbed child of a Cambridge educated champagne socialist academic who chose to live among the proles to live out a politico-literary fantasy. It must reveal some deep insight into human nature.


Wait, I thought we were the Illuminated Brethren?


Fishbone McGonigle

Well, I can’t say I disagree when he says that most people are not interested in the truth.

But that’s it.


“How would I know if my civilization was declining?”

You run out of food, the Mongols are invading, and you have to create more Elvis impersonators to keep the populace happy.


Dude’s a troll. And a damn good one too!

My hat is off to you, “Atkinson.” You and I know, trolling is a high art form, and you are a dazzling performer. Bravo!

Qetesh the Abyssinian

I don’t feel sorry for him: the bloke’s clearly not got all his oars in the water, and it’s a very short step from advocating genocide for the public good to chopping up kiddies who give him cheek at the supermarket.

The only thing missing is a passion for mathematics: give him that and he’ll be making newspaper headlines in a week.


I was a copyeditor for a vanity press for a number of years and cleaned up many autobiographical manuscripts. I worked on many WWII memoirs, which I liked, but I struggled through the manuscripts of mental stylings of people like Philip Atkinson. My contact would call to say there was another book for me to edit, explaining, “It’s another old man’s thoughts.” My husband called it “Diatribes R Us.”


Sorry for the o/t, but speaking of FSM, HOLY FSM!

In September 2006, Vice President Dick Cheney’s lawyer instructed the Secret Service that it “shall not retain any copy” of material identifying visitors to the vice president’s official residence. The lawyer, Shannen Coffin, wrote the letter as The Washington Post sought copies of Cheney’s visitors

The letter regarding the vice president’s residence was in addition to an agreement quietly signed between the White House and the Secret Service when questions were raised about visits to the executive compound by convicted influence peddler Jack Abramoff.

They’re just common criminals.


Boy, he never does make a leap from “he decided to plant his [wife and three children] among the proletariat” to “I emigrated, arriving in Australia … with a pregnant wife, two small children, 30 pounds sterling, no job and no qualifications,” does he?

It’s kind of fascinating how narcissists can have an almost criminal lack of self-awareness.


Wow! This is brilliant!

Loved your analysis. Spot on. 🙂


Um, so, what happened to his first wife? Also, kudos to the Australian GM for making that deal for Brian Johnson at the trade deadline.


Imagine if some freak accident left this guy with some sort of comic-book superpowers. He’d be, like, “Passive-Aggressive Man”, the best psycho villain ever.

“They laughed at me. They called me mad. They called me a scrofulous asshat. But now we’ll see who gets the last laugh, as I act out my unresolved childhood grievances …. MUWAHHAHAHAHA!!11!”.


Holy shit this madman’s British? What the fuck, Newcastle?


Did you say “narcissists can have an almost criminal lack of self-awareness”, Jim? That reminds me of a certain president:

“The fundamental question is, will the government respond to the demands of the people,” the President said. “And if the government doesn’t . . . respond to the demands of the people, they will replace the government. That’s up to the Iraqis to make that decision, not American politicians.”


You run out of food, the Mongols are invading, and you have to create more Elvis impersonators to keep the populace happy.

He he. And you’re on ironclads when the Zulus are already on aircraft carriers.


Sadlies and gentlemen, I give you the real Ignatius Reilly.

Without the charm and humor.

No Lucky Dogs.


Someone please forward this to Mr. Atkinson. He seems like the kind of person who’d rush over and start defending himself in a very amusing manner…


“Sadlies and gentlemen, I give you the real Ignatius Reilly.”

“Without the charm and humor.

No Lucky Dogs.”

Yet, replete with “suspicious characters”.


Ha! A good manager of a Civilization never lets it get into decline, he just starts up a new game.


Sweet Jesus, that is the saddest short story I’ve ever read. It reads like a tragic combination of American Psycho, My Left Foot and Flowers for Algernon.


Sadlies and gentlemen, I give you the real Ignatius Reilly.

Why did I just know that a search for “Ignatius” in the comments was going to find a result?

Bastages beating me to the punch and stealing my thunder. Damn lazy cowards. Good thing I best you all at games of wits and strategy, you shiftless drunken buffoons.


“Flowers for my Psycho Left Foot”???


There’s no substance to it, really; in a way Atkinson here doesn’t actually spend his time studying the decline of civilizations; he’s studying *his own thoughts* about decline, and that’s not the same thing.

That’s exactly right and obvious now that I think about it.


M. Bouffant a little warning would be appreciated with the links. If my employer decides to check up on me, he’ll think I’m a Nazi sympathizer.


Holy shit this madman’s British? What the fuck, Newcastle?

I’ve notest that the very, very, very creepiest of hyper-pro-American and pro-genocide wingnuts often don’t come from America (Canucks Yoshida and Steyn spring to mind). Their distance from the great shining phallus…er, beacon of democracy seems to increase their obsession with it.


Or “I’ve noticed”–holy fuck, that’s it, I need to take 2 weeks off from Yglesias’ half-assed typo-riddled blog. It’s destroying my ability to communicate.


kingubu, it’s funny you should mention Ignatius Reilly, ’cause this nut made me think of the Swift quote that gave that book its name.


“Flowers for my Psycho Left Foot”



How did this clinically insane, marginally employed, and socially inept nutcase ever snag two wives?


“How did this clinically insane, marginally employed, and socially inept nutcase ever snag two wives?”

Mail order?


I am anxiously awaiting for him to write something about how the “mongoloids’ backs will feel the lash.” Has he said anything about a valve closing up?

The Self-Loathing Multiculturalist

An interesting side note, 1984 was not published until 1949. If his father was aligning himself with the prole’s, then he had an advanced copy of Orwell’s work.


“How did this clinically insane, marginally employed, and socially inept nutcase ever snag two wives?”

I’m voting for either:

1. He invented them both; or

2. Extreme duress.


Have you guys read G. Gordon Liddy’s “Will”? ‘Cause this guy is pretty much paraphrasing the whole thing. I kept waiting for the part about the rat.


“How did this clinically insane, marginally employed, and socially inept nutcase ever snag two wives?”

He also goes by the name “Papa Lazarou”?


[Added a Reilly pic]


Papa Lazarou seems to have fewer delusions than this guy.

I saw an advert for Liddy’s “WILL” in the back of an old Stainless Steel Rat book and I didn’t get it. It says on the blurb that he went to prison over Watergate, what the fuck? (I was 13 at the time, I didn’t yet realise that being a convicted felon was a USP)


I still insist Doughbob is the real Ignatius Reilly.


This guy is a case study in victimhood. It starts out with his referring to himself in the third person, as the victim of his father’s foolishness. Then as the victim of the nasty boys in the hood. Then forced to “retire” from the computer work. Even the “leisure” for “the first time in his life” is the inverse of victimhood, which is the same thing.

This is why there are therapists and psychiatrists, but it may be too late for Atkinson. Salvation/mental health may be too far over the event horizon of his self. He’s probably trapped in elaborating on the world as perceived by his limited, damaged, self-justifying self and the cycles of victim-blame-indignation- feeling of superiority-lack of his superiority being recognized-victim that is his basic reality.


Looks like Atkinson also has a taste for Holocaust denial.

From this link (thanks to M. Bouffant):

The full article is unavailable (scrubbed from the internets), but from the lead paragraph it appears he defends David Irving (the infamous pseudo-historian and Holocaust denier), not on free speech grounds, but on the grounds that Irving is the victim of “Political Correctness”, where “truth is no defense”:

“The following three cases reveal that the judicial procedure has become an instrument of tyranny concerned with enforcing the adoption of the irrational notions of Political Correctness. This means that, like all inquisitions, to be charged is to be guilty, for there can be no sensible defense against an accusation of not being Politically Correct. In reality, it is an accusation of not being insane. ……. British historian David Irving has been found guilty in Vienna, Monday 20 February 2006, of denying the Holocaust of European Jewry and sentenced to three years in prison. Irving is an authority on the murder of the Jews in Europe during the Second World War, having visited the sites, studied original documents and interviewed people involved. The crime of ‘Denying the Holocaust‘ is that of contradicting the Austrian government’s version of the genocide, for which truth is no defense.”


How did this clinically insane, marginally employed, and socially inept nutcase ever snag two wives?

Well, note that he arrived in Oz with two tots already in tow and a wife pregnant with the third, at age 22. From his given background, he was undoubtedly already in the “They all laughed at me back at the council estate, but I’ll show them” groove; but it’s possible his insanity was not fully formed (or at least recognizable) before he married the mysteriously disappeared Wife #1.


As a follow-up………HOLY SHIT.

So I posted the Holocaust denial-Atkinson article from, which looks like a fairly innocuous site at first glance. The banner says “Global and Local News for Europeans Everywhere.” I thought this meant it was a European news website of some random low quality. But I happened to start scrolling down, and the articles became more and more disturbing, with frequent references to the Jewish media, etc.

So I go to their “About us” page and get this (prepare to be disgusted):

Newsnet14 is an online resource for people of European descent around the world.

We are devoted to bringing you news that the mainstream media feels isn’t newsworthy. Today, many stories remain hidden only being reported in local areas, when they really deserve international attention. It is our duty to shine a light on these issues and let the mainstream media know that they cannot hide the facts.

The places we call home are no longer “our” nations. These people who decide our fate, these “elected officials” are put there not by you or me, but by Zionist media mongers.

They are leading our people to a path of extinction, and we cannot allow this to succeed. The European race makes up only 2% of the world population, and at the current rate we will be extinct in only 5 generations. Our enemies know this, and continue to bombard us with the same anti European propaganda, designed to proliferate guilt and self hatred on a daily basis.

We must all realize is that Our Race is Our Nation. European Americans have more in common with a Swede living in Stockholm, or an Italian living in Venice, when it comes to morals, and culture than they do with the African American, or Mexican living next door.

The most important thing we have is the one thing that most dare not say they love, Their Race! In reality the only thing worth fighting for is the existence of that, your race. It is after all Natures way. While we wish no ill will to others, It is un-natural to make us care or work to promote any races survival other than our own. You wouldn’t see lions working hard to make sure the hyenas are fed would you? Of course not because nature doesn’t work that way, yet our governments and the media want us to do just that. Ensure the comfort and survival of aliens, while we go extinct!

The goal of this site is to ensure our people have all the facts available on issues that affect our race. We encourage you to read and learn from every source possible, both our side and the opposition. After all you can’t make an educated decision without knowing all the facts.

Above all we believe that EVERY race has the right to self determination, EVEN OURS!



Must be something about Australia that attracts foreign antisemites.


The 14 was a clue.


Inevitably I could only ever be a social outcast, but being freed from the need to win social approval also meant being freed from social prejudices, and being able to see my community more clearly; a detachment that is essential for any student of society.

go cry, emo kid


the mysteriously disappeared Wife #1.

Jebus! Married to a 22 year old (which generally means she’s 22 or younger), already with 3 kids, migrating across the world with an impovrished nut-case – I actually think it’s probably less mysterious than it appears. She probably wised up and got the hell away from him, and she and the kids are happy elsewhere.


Nimrod, why is 14 a clue?


Re the 18:02 post:
Okay, now I’m starting to understand why the wingnuts frantically scrubbed this guy’s posts from their sites. They don’t mind rants about nuking Iraq into a sea of glass, but most of them are probably still a little reluctant to end up in Stormfront territory.

It’s interesting how little difference there is between the diatribes from this clearly deranged goof and commentary from run-of-the-mill wingnuts. For a while, they evidently happily accepted Atkinson as one of their own. I expect there’ll be more and more of this truly crackpot stuff bubbling up to the surface as the right grows ever more alienated from the real world and its frustrations.

It makes for entertaining reading, so long as none of these would-be saviors of civilization starts attracting adherents.


Narcissism, a deep sense of victimhood and wingnuttery are all intertwingled. In my family, anyways.


Racist code. The 14 Words (“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.”). It might just be a coincidence, but since 14 doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the site or its contents, and since every news story is “JEWS JEW A JEW JEW WITH THE JEW JEW JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZE”, I expect it’s deliberate. Also Jews.


Wow. The shit you can learn on the intert00bz, eh?

And I thought “States Rights” was racist code. And “illegal immigrant”. Oh, and “unassimilated”, right? But that’s like the Surenos or something. Man…



The full article is unavailable (scrubbed from the internets)

Jeebus. How can something be so terrible that even neo-nazi’s don’t want it on their website?


Srsly, since when are white-power types easily embarassed about, er um, like BEING white-power types? Perhaps the new white power movement is trying to be more subtle – instead of buring crosses they pay people like Malkin and Charles Johnson to put lipstick on the pig that is their platform.


Thanks Nimrod, I had no idea.


Well, he should reconsider going back to university when he writes crap like this:

“A. Causes and the pathogenesis of AIDS in drug users.
Crack cocaine became very popular in the 1970s and . . . ”

As I recall, crack was more of a mid-1980’s problem. What’s the Wiki say? Let’s look:

“Crack appeared in Miami in 1982, and at first was considered to be only a Miami phenomenon. That was proven wrong when it first appeared in New York City in December, 1983. By 1986, crack had a strong hold on the ghettos of New York City. The distribution and use of the drug exploded that same year and by the end of 1986, was available in 28 states and the District of Columbia . . .”

Quite a problem of the 1970’s. As for it’s relation to AIDS, I’m not gonna go that far into his website for that.


With determination, skill and a little luck I forged a career in computers before being forced into retirement in 1991

I am imagining this fleshed out in reality – he’s the guy who fails to master even the level of social skill required in the corporate IT department that hired him, whose interaction with his own colleagues became so toxic that, finally, he transgressed some workplace behavior rule and was offered the choice between resignation and firing.

If Oz IT departments are similar to US ones in their ethnic diversity, I can only imagine what it must have been like to be his colleague.


Good thing I best you all at games of wits and strategy, you shiftless drunken buffoons.

I resent that. It’s “shiftless drunking thieving buffoons.”

Please get your class-war slurs right, sir.


The places we call home are no longer “our” nations. These people who decide our fate, these “elected officials” are put there not by you or me, but by Zionist media mongers.

I can’t wait to see this on Bill O’Reilly’s show, attributed to the liberal hate site Sadly, No!

Isn’t it exciting? Finally, Bill will notice us!


my second wife, an Australian by birth, was happy to work so her husband did not, and for the first time in my life I was blessed with leisure. Not only did I not have to toil, but also I did not have to worry about paying the bills

Let’s shine a light on this one too. He isn’ t working anymore, AND he no longer worries about paying the bills. So, the wife is making the money and she’s also doing the household books. What do you want to bet she’s also doing the cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping and etc. The old curmudgeon spends all his time online downloading expensvie pr0n and ordering obscure books from small presses, expecting to be fed and waited on. Worse, she has to listen to his rants and diatribes.


It’s fascinating as an example of how wingnut welfare operates on the same principles as shelll companies for tax avoidance. They set up one shell org after another, and ramp them up and down.

Indeed, it’s worth inquiring how much tax-deductible money has been channeled into this particular vehicle of wingnutterie. The aim, obviously, was to tart it up and stick its name on Faux News, with high-profile wingnuts in charge, only they realised that it had been running on the cheap as a clearing house for nutters like Atkinson.


“my second wife, an Australian by birth, was happy to work so her husband did not, and for the first time in my life I was blessed with leisure. Not only did I not have to toil, but also I did not have to worry about paying the bills”

He’s like Marty Peretz’ evil twin.


Sorry, make that, Marty Peretz’ antisemitic doppelganger. They’re both pretty evil.


Shorter Atkinson: “It’s not me whose the freak, it’s all of you! You’re the real freaks!”


“So, the wife is making the money and she’s also doing the household books. What do you want to bet she’s also doing the cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping and etc.”

I suspect that by “wife” he means “the lass of his imagination that he didn’t have the guts to talk to because he was made to feel inferior by Jews, immigrants, and negros when he was younger.” In fact, I suspect that no such person exists AT ALL; the only party paying his bills is the wingnut welfare machine that pays (in bulk) for all of the winger bloggers’ Cheetos and Tab. He just appears to be more purely psychotic than his fellow travellers, and definitely more of a weenie.

Worst. President. Ever.

Of course I could have restarted the education that I abandoned in my teens, but by then the true nature of universities had become obvious; they were no longer centres of learning pursuing truth but centres of profit pursuing customers.

Translation: my essay denying the holocaust caused me to flunk History 101.


Translation: my essay denying the holocaust caused me to flunk History 101.

Professor Rosenfeld? Passover’s coming and I’m worried you might need my blood. May I be excused for a few days?


Hey, I drink Tab. My grandmother used to give it to us, and I miss her. Also, it’s the only fucking thing I can put in the fridge that the housemates won’t drink.


Also, it’s the only fucking thing I can put in the fridge that the housemates won’t drink.

How about bromine?


Ok, the Tab crack is hereby withdrawn. I don’t venture into to may winger lairs, so I’m not familiar with what beverages they consume.


I believe Mountain Dew Code Red is widely considered to be the wingnut beverage of choice, but I’ve done no first-hand research. Some things we just take on faith . . .


Also, it’s the only fucking thing I can put in the fridge that the housemates won’t drink.

This is why I get anchovies on pizza.

Wingers drink whatever Mom buys at Wal-mart. Can’t be choosy when you’re fighting the good fight from the basement rec-room.


Seems to me you guys got lightweight housemates.

If I opened the fridge, and wonder of wonders, there was a pizza and sodas in there? Well, I’d pick off the anchovies and drink the tab anyway. It’s free, and like zero work. I win!



it’s a very short step from advocating genocide for the public good to chopping up kiddies who give him cheek at the supermarket.

Or a first wife and kids who just don’t appreciate him. Has anybody checked for fresh concrete work or traces of lime at his abode?

Diatribes from a Dotard’s Diapers is the name I would suggest for Atkinson’s screed. (Apologies to all decent screeds and rants.)


There’s no substance to it, really; in a way Atkinson here doesn’t actually spend his time studying the decline of civilizations; he’s studying *his own decline,* and that’s not the same thing.

Fixed that, it had a couple extra words.


“Or a first wife and kids who just don’t appreciate him. Has anybody checked for fresh concrete work or traces of lime at his abode?”

I’m sure they just threw themselves to the dingoes.

Wouldn’t you?


And it occurs to me that there’s actually a dovetail with the guy who’s now suing PZ Myers for writing a scathing review of his Grand Theory Of How Life Comes From Doughnuts. The same mindset, the same sense of persecution.

Also, Steven den Beste. But that gets close to a Grand Unifying Theory of Uncomfortable Autodidacticism, so I’ll stop.


There is a point where narcissism becomes socio pathology,Ladies and Germs we have just witnessed critical mass. There is an interesting site where this maniac solicits critique of his “well thought out philosophical treatise”from a well known academic,it is beyond hilarious.I’ll try to find the link and post it.It’s worth savoring.


zsa, that’s why I get veggie pizzas. They’ll get around to it eventually, but at least I have a chance of getting some while they’re going after the pepperoni.

And mikey, it’s also why I cook with Spam and turkey franks instead of meat, Cheez Whiz instead of cheese, Pringles instead of potatoes, fish sticks instead of fish, and fruit juice instead of water. They eat it all anyway, but won’t go near the Tab. I consider this a win. Of course, I consider making them eat Corn Dog Lasagna a win, too.


“no qualifications other than an incomplete public school education…”

Good lord! A “public school education” in England is what the upper class gets. It is in public school that the better classes learn the stiff upper lip, the “Queen’s English”, and the “what? what? jolly good, cheerio, chap!” crap. This twit may have lived with the lower classes, but he went to an exclusive school, with a distinctive uniform, that inculcated in him distinctly upper class mannerisms. And he wonders why he wasn’t accepted by the lower class kids?


Ya know, people, you missed an important aspect of this story. Atkinson was being promoted by the White House.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Family Security Matters is a conservative front group that claims to represent “security moms” and supports President George W. Bush. Following an appearance on Fox News, Media Matters for America noted that “Family Security Matters (FSM) is a front group for the Center for Security Policy (CSP), a conservative Washington think tank “committed to the time-tested philosophy of promoting international peace through American strength.” (The phone number listed on the FSM website is answered by the CSP.)

Center for Security Policy was founded in 1988 and states that it operates as a non-profit, non-partisan organization committed to the time-tested philosophy of promoting international peace through American strength.” According to their web site, “The Center specializes in the rapid preparation and real-time dissemination of information, analyses and policy recommendations via e-mail distribution; computerized fax; its exciting, redesigned Web site; published articles; and the electronic media. The principal audience for such materials is the U.S. security policy-making community (the executive and legislative branches, the armed forces and appropriate independent agencies), corresponding organizations in key foreign governments, the press (domestic and international), the global business and financial community and interested individuals in the public at large.” A very influential organization with the Center for Security Policy is the Center’s National Security Advisory Council, whose members hold senior positions with the Bush administration.

So FSM is a front for the CSP. Philip Atkinson’s appearance there is not accident. He was placed and promoted by the White House. Sort of a “Let’s put this out there and see if anyone picks it up and runs with it. ” When Atkinson’s screed was met with wide derision they took it down. I suppose that we should count ourselves lucky but the mere fact they tried to advance Atkinson’s insane ideas is troubling.


Sidhe, I once got so hungry I ate dirty underpants. Actually, made a stew. The disturbing thing was how nicely it thickened up.

But I ate it, bay bee…




I think more than a few administration figures, from Bush on down to the lowliest little political elves, are at significant risk of prosecution for a variety of crimes once Bush leaves office.

We already know that Bush, Cheney, et. al. are guilty of multiple felony violations of law. And that’s what we know now, while they’re still stonewalling every investigation. All we know is the tip of the iceberg. And they know that when forced to leave the White House, all this dirt will come out.

So yeah, I can see a panic situation setting in where they’re looking either at jail time or at seizing power to prevent having to pay the piper. Of course, they’ll engineer a terror attack as a smoke screen.


“Victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools.”

Or something to that effect, –William Faulkner

I think it applies well for the wingnut mind


“While we wish no ill will to others, It is un-natural to make us care or work to promote any races survival other than our own. You wouldn’t see lions working hard to make sure the hyenas are fed would you? Of course not because nature doesn’t work that way…”

Much as I revere the Lion Tribe, I have to point out: They have been known to steal carrion from hyenas. They have been known to follow hyenas around so they’ll be in good time to steal the best carrion, even. (D. Sidhe thinks about her mooching housemates, again.) Nature, red in tooth and claw, is mostly about scavenging, petty theft, grand displays of noisy bullshit, and favor-trading — much like politics.


Oh, man.

The geriatric Rottweiler just stumbled and stepped on the geriatric Malamute as he was trying to negotiate going up the stairs to the bedroom. (The geriatric Malamute, dog-in-manger-like insists on sleeping at the foot of the stairs). Some indignant yapping ensued.


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