I met a devil woman

She took my heart away:

Smoking mirrors . . . or a real firestorm?

She said, I’ve had it comin’ to me

But for the sake of argument, and to put a little testing water between the hideous sandwiched proposal of a third-world nation, let’s look at some of the downers associated with this type of so-called union.

But I wanted it that way

Our governing body can’t correctly decipher or enforce our own existing laws — much less take on the added burden of two more unsettled crime-laden countries.

I think that any love is good lovin’

Our leaders are so bumfuzzled and baffled they are leading us down so many dark alleys, it will be a miracle if we see daylight again.

So I took what I could get, mmh

We already have an enormous problem with the diversity of religion and other cultures trying to interfere with the Judea-Christians’ practice of “freedom of religion.”

Oooh, oooh she looked at me with big brown eyes

Boy, how convenient it will be to secretly transfer nuclear bombs, shoulder missiles, and everything else associated with warfare in mack trucks.

And said,

Due to our stupidity, China enjoyed a $ 26 billion dollar surplus last month, while our trade deficit in the last month was probably triple that amount with the supposedly “most favored” nation in the world.

You ain’t seen nothin’ yet

We are being led (rapidly) to the slaughter.

“And that’s the bottom line!”


Comments: 57


I had some guy once offer to pay me a lot of money to bumfuzzle him.

But I just don’t swing that way.


After one line the Kayness was clear. Tell me that isn’t the mark of a great writer.


That’s a shame Jill……..


Stuck on Stupid? That woman must be sewed, nailed, screwed, welded and superglued


I too enjoy smoking a mirror after a testing water hideous sandwich; it’s the pause that refreshes.


I thought it was just the mexicanofascists who wanna reconquista the bejeebus out of us?

We gotta worry about those hockey playing hosers, too? Take off!


Freedom of religion is a Judea-Christian concept? Man, if that isn’t the fox guarding the hen house, I’ve not seen it…



Hideous sandwiches? Such blatant looksism. I hope Teh Sammich doesn’t see this.


Dudes, they need a SERIOUS reality check.

The reality is that Mexico has ~108M people. Canada estimates their population at ~33M.

The US, by contrast, just had #300M walk through the door.

So, we outnumber them 2.5 to 1, have the infrastructure, the political stability, the weapons, AND the money.

I have yet to have a wingnut explain how, with all that going for us, we don’t end up running things our way. Unless they have such a low opinion of Americans that they have to ridicule the idea….which also undercuts their whole ‘American Empire’ deal.


…smoking mirrors?

I had a smoking jacket once, but I was able to put it out before anything else caught fire.

Amazing what you get what illiterates try to write. It’s what gives us crap like “for all intensive purposes”.


Kaye use bad grammar? That’s unpossible!

Bumfuzzled and baffled governing bodies in dark alleys… Is she talking about Republican congressmen? I’m so confuzzled.

Hysterical Woman

“Freedom of religion” means freedom for only one religion. Otherwise it would say freedom of religions. Guess which one is the lucky one? It’s fundamentalist Christianity “Judeo-Christianity”!


She says:
if these same traitor type people are in the most powerful positions — they will ignore the wishes of the majority of the American people

Then she says:
I don’t think the United States is viewed by another country as the most favored

Followed by:
fighting to halt the Bush Administration from giving our country totally away to outsiders

So we’re completely clear now – Standardized Self-Awareness Score? Zero.

But why are all these mirrors smoking? That’s kind of odd, isn’t it?



Go to You Tube and search for Misheard Lyrics Guy doing Pearl Jam’s Yellow Ledbetter. Somehow it goes with this post.

Happy Friday,anyone want a beer?


I love smoking mirrors — makes me tingly, but it gives me the courage to tow the line and grab the reigns.

Yeah, there’s been a lot of Sturming Drang about the dangers of mirror-smoking, but some pepole are always working themselves into a leather about thising that.



I would love to read her poetry.


B-B-B-Baby, here’s something that you’re never gonna forget.

Why is it that whenever I read the Grog-meister, I feel I need to sell all my shares in the comma futures market, for fear that the comma bubble is going to break?

And this:

“Our leaders are so bumfuzzled and baffled they are leading us down so many dark alleys, it will be a miracle if we see daylight again.”

Aren’t Republicans the leaders of this country? Is Kaye going all Democrat on us??

Then there’s this quaint closer from Kaye:
“We are rapidly moving toward the greatest firestorm ever in the history of America. And in the meantime, if you’re wondering why you’re choking — it’s the smoke billowing off of those old smoking mirrors.”

No. No. No. I’m choking from the foamy frothy spittle forming in my mouth from trying to comprehend this.

…Oh forget it, where’s the rubbing alchohol? I need to cleanse my eyes.


Did someone call me?


Bumfuzzled! Is it the new black? Our Rupug leaders remind me of the scene in Spinal Tap where the group gets lost backstage. Heh.


I have a smoking mirror. Actually it’s a smoking and drinking mirror. I stand in front of it staring at my reflection and get handsomer and handsomer with each swig and pull. It’s a little early now but by about 11 I’m going to be fucking hot.


Somewhat OT, but teh Stpuid it bruns!

Romney Demonstrates Campaign Values With An Actual Three-Legged Stool
Mitt Romney is keeping his stump speech nice and simple, real simple. In fact, Romney has taken to unscrewing one leg of a “conservative three-legged stool” – representing “strong military, strong economy and strong families” – and watching it fall to the floor. “Now there are some who say, strong family values, you better put that aside, to win the election,” he said this morning. “But if you take off one of the legs of that stool, like I just did, something happens. The stool falls down. That’s not the answer. The answer for our party and for our country is to continue to fight for all three legs of that stool.”


Above copied/pasted from TPM Happy Hour Roundup.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Dear Editor,
I never imagined that I’d be writing to you. I thought that ‘sandwiched proposals’ only happened to other people. But last night mumble mumble Kaye Grogan mumble mumble a little testing water mumble mumble at least 12 inches long!


In point of fact, much of Mitt Romney’s campaign can be described as stool….



i’m not sure i understand kaye’s math:

Due to our stupidity, China enjoyed a $ 26 billion dollar surplus last month, while our trade deficit in the last month was probably triple that amount with the supposedly “most favored” nation in the world.

i think, and i may be wrong here, that she’s suggesting that we had $78 billion of china’s $26 billion deficit on our books. which is a lot. 300 percent of it. damn. that is a problem. we need to get it down so that we only have 150-200 percent on an annual basis.


But why are all these mirrors smoking? That’s kind of odd, isn’t it?

Obviously the moment the US and Mexico amalgamate, everyone will turn to worshipping old Aztec gods. Duh!

What’s even stupider is the idea that Canada would *want* to amalgamate with the US. If this was put to a referendum, I bet 70% would say “no”, 20% say “FUCK no”, 5% say “yes”, and 5% say “where’s the camera?”


That whole stunt with the stool doesn’t surprise me one bit coming from Romney. That is the type of BS that corporate asshats like him think up to insult their employees with by over-explainging a really simple concept and demonstrating it in the most condescending way possible.

Shows what he really thinks of us unwashed masses that he actually brings in a stool. Cause most of us are too dense to visualize how a three-legged stool works.


I stand in front of it staring at my reflection and get handsomer and handsomer with each swig and pull. It’s a little early now but by about 11 I’m going to be fucking hot.

Puts me in the mood for fuzzling some bum.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Bumfuzzled: isn’t that like taking someone back through puberty in reverse? Maybe that’s a joke that doesn’t work in American: it’d sure make an Australian cackle.

And what’s with “other cultures trying to interfere with the Judea-Christians’ practice of “freedom of religion.””? It’s all the fault of the Judean People’s Front. Splitters!


Frankly, I’ve never had my bum fuzzled, but come closing time, who knows…


I can’t believe no one picked up on this Grogian gem:

“…and who is straddling the short end of the stick?”

Ouch!, I think. Well, maybe not.
She’s GOT to be parody.

The Dude Abides

Supposably this writer just doesn’t cut the mustard. But you libruls are always incenerating that conservatives don’t have the english cumin that you all have. I think you should give her a stern old tomato and be done with it.


I think Kay has a copy of “The Big Book of Metaphors”, and she chooses them at random and mixes them together. Now I think I’ll watch my copy of Start The Revolution Without Me.



What the hell happened to your foot?!?!? And you only have one arm? Ouch!!


Smoking mirrors, indeed.

That chick is smoking crack.


Ms Grogan, if that is her real name, is a great example of why God invented Ritalin and Adderall. Some minds just need a little unscrambling. y’know?

Then again, the thought of this woman on any drug is kind of frightening to contemplate. Maybe we just gotta walk away slowly…

a different brad

I have made an important discovery.
It’s not the mirror that’s smoking, it’s the person reflected in it.


Then again, the thought of this woman on any drug is kind of frightening to contemplate.

She doesn’t need drugs. She’s high on right-wing paranoia. It’s much more intense, and you never come down.


I simply can’t wrap my head around this one. And I think the problem is that Kay seems to have no thesis. Or points. Well, more so then usual, I mean. “ZOMG THE GUM’MENT’S DESTROYING US!!1” seems to be her entire gist.

“the misguided legislatures that voted to grant millions of illegal lawbreakers “amnesty” and the eventual pathway to citizenship.”

Is there such a thing as a legal lawbreaker?

“At least 90 pro-North American Union members have signed a treaty”

But names would be hard to write. So just trust me. There are 90+ of them. And they’ve all signed magic treaties that make us learn French. And Spanish.
Were Kay NOT an idiot, she would know that the US Constitution clearly stats that it supersedes any international treaty or organization.


Okay . . . I’ll buy that baloney, at least for now. But for the sake of argument, and to put a little testing water between the hideous sandwiched proposal of a third-world nation….

Hi, Kaye, how was lunch? Have plans for tonight?

again, who is prospering and who is straddling the short end of the stick?



“Jillian said,
July 27, 2007 at 23:33

I had some guy once offer to pay me a lot of money to bumfuzzle him.

But I just don’t swing that way.”

The hell I did! I wasn’t even in the state at the time! I was on business in Thailand! Lies! Besides, any man will testify that you were CLEARLY wearing a “will bumfuzzle for cash” outfit!


If only I could grab the rains, life would be wonderful.


Hmmm… Hideous sammiches? Mirror tricks? Surreal ranting?

OK, I’ll bite.

(apologies to Messrs. Welles and Toland)


If the devil were a woman, here is what she would look like:


You temptress, you!


Totally off topic, but I thought folks here would be interested in this story of an online feud gone too far:

Two years ago, Russell Tavares was a clean-cut 25-year-old entrusted with “very high clearance” in missile and fire control in the U.S. Navy, officials say.

Now he’s the subject of a bizarre story: one that investigators say includes short tempers, long-distance vendettas and the Internet’s ability to bring far-flung personalities into conflict.

Tavares was involved in an Internet chat room squabble with John Anderson, a 59-year-old Elm Mott resident who said he called Tavares “a nerd.”

Tavares’ response: He took a leave of absence from the Navy. Drove from Virginia to Waco. Set fire to Anderson’s mobile home.


Tavares was obsessed, officials say, with fire, guns and knives.

Using the screen names “pyrodice” and “illpackapistol,” he posted pictures of himself online pointing firearms at people, McLellan County Assistant District Attorney Jason Darling said.

It was on one of those Internet sites, orfay.com, that Tavares, of King George, Va., met Anderson, who owns the Museum of Horrors Haunted House along Interstate 35 in Elm Mott, which is north of Waco.

Anderson digitally touches up photos in his spare time and posts them on the site, where people post pictures and chat.


Anderson said he made fun of photos of Tavares, comparing him to a “white Steve Urkel,” in reference to a nerdy character on the television comedy “Family Matters.”

Anderson said he posted “Revenge of the Nerds” above a picture of Tavares with no shirt and carrying a gun.

“There was no real fight other than I called him a nerd,” Anderson said. “And then he said he was going to kill me.”

Here’s pyrodice’s Live Journal profile. He describes himself as a “gun rights and freedom activist” who like freedom and liberty.


hideous sandwiched proposal

Does Dafydd know about this?


You make column with the English language you have, not the English language you might want.

Mehitabel the Abyssinian

If only I had a posable thumbs, I would set up a boots-trap. Then you bastards would all be hack-kneed.


Shows what [Mitt] really thinks of us unwashed masses that he actually brings in a stool. Cause most of us are too dense to visualize how a three-legged stool works.

Dude, you may not be that dense, but don’t misunderestimate our Willard. If Romney could visualize how other people think, would he have let his idiot sons retail the “heartwarming” story about lashing the family dog onto the roof rack?


Holy smoking mirrors! If I had a twelve year old daugher who wrote like this I would seek remedial writing help for her. And Virginia is treated to such fare daily? That’s a “most hideous sandwiched proposal.”

BTW how does one punish a crime? Can one incarcerate a parking violation? How much time is served by a watch theft?


The bind moggles!


I’ve got nothing to add to this, except to ask how delusional you’d have to be to think that Canada would actually WANT a “North American Union”. I’m pretty sure most aspects of this country’s society ain’t to popular up north. Besides, I thought the Righty talking point was that the Canadians are a bunch of Librul-Socialist-Marxist-basically-Europeans who hate our freedom. Now they’re going to give up national sovereignty to merge with a country with a far larger population that they supposedly hate?

O.K. maybe I do something to add. But these “North American Union is comin ta take ma guns away!!!” people are just so far beyond contempt. Just damn stupid that’s all.


I’ve got nothing to add to this, except to ask how delusional you’d have to be to think that Canada would actually WANT a “North American Union”. I’m pretty sure most aspects of this country’s society ain’t to popular up north. Besides, I thought the Righty talking point was that the Canadians are a bunch of Librul-Socialist-Marxist-basically-Europeans who hate our freedom. Now they’re going to give up national sovereignty to merge with a country with a far larger population that they supposedly hate?

Don’t be so naive. Clearly, they love us for our freedom and only pretend to hate us so we’ll think they are hard to get and sleep with them. Then maybe after we can share some french fries without cheese curd (they really hate us for that.). Oh, and they hate our legalized staplers and insulin. too.

Viva La Tim Hortons!


Would it be asking too much for Kay to actually summarize the issue she’s complaining about, before she starts in complaining? I mean, excuse me for being busy with work n’ stuff, but isn’t a little background in the so-called “undercover plot” in order?

and other cultures trying to interfere with the Judea-Christians’ practice of “freedom of religion.”

Well, at least she had the honesty to put it in quotes.

Every time the undercover plot of a North American Union surfaces — those-involved grab their “fanning the flames” blankets and claim the idea is just a figment of somebody’s imagination.

What does she MEAN? Why is there a hyphen in those-involved? Why would someone who wants to discredit an idea “fan the flames” with blankets?

She’s been smoking way too many mirrors.


We don’t need no smoking mirrors!

Uh, really, we don’t. How would we shave? You can’t cough and shave – you’d cut yourself.


Long Lost Kaye Grogan Column Unearthed!

My… father, had a saying: you can’t change into tiger stripes. Now, I’ll purchase a pound of baloney – just for the sake of our garment, but who drew the short straw… on a piece of paper? Liberal’s! They want thoughs, Marxicans stealing are jobs – to vote for Teddy Kennedy. No thank you! Us real Americans already have the end of a short stick to straddle.

And… thats, just my opinion!


(comments are closed)