Larry Stays The Course
What A Pullout Might Mean to the Market [Larry Kudlow]
Dan Dorfman wrote an excellent piece in today’s New York Sun on the bearish-market implications a quick U.S. pullout in Iraq might engender. (“Iraq Pullout Could Give Markets an Anxiety Attack”)
I’ll weigh in on this very important subject on tonight’s Kudlow & Company. As I recently wrote, U.S. and world stock markets are standing with President Bush. They have confidence in his wartime policies. The remarkable global stock market surge since 2003 is testimony to this and represents a stern rebuke to al Qaeda.
Stocks Plunge; Dow Falls More Than 300
Thursday July 26, 4:22 pm ET
By Joe Bel Bruno, AP Business Writer
Stocks Plunge on Lending Worries, Dow Industrials Plunge More Than 300 PointsNEW YORK (AP) — Wall Street suffered one of its worst losses of 2007 Thursday, leading a global stock market plunge as investors succumbed to months of worry about the mortgage and corporate lending markets. The Dow Jones industrials closed down more than 310 points after earlier skidding nearly 450.
The Pause that Refreshes [Larry Kudlow]
In the midst of this hurricane-strength gale force wind of stock market pessimism, permit me to offer a very basic, positive view of stocks.
Corporate profits are the mother’s milk of stocks and the economy. They are also the ultimate backstop and guarantor of the quality of credit.
Amidst this panicked obsession about market downgrades of corporate and housing debt, the fact is that with 50 percent of the S&P 500 companies reporting (as of the close of business last evening), market cap-weighted profits are up 15.3 percent.
The moral of the story is that intelligent investors should be shorting toxic bonds — whether they are corporate or mortgage backed — and buying valuable stocks as they correct lower. The dynamic U.S. economy is on solid ground as is much of the global economy. Goldilocks is alive and well, so long as Congress doesn’t muck it up.
As for corrections, they come and go. This one is the pause that refreshes.
Of course it is, because he hasn’t found a way to blame it on Democrats. Yet.
“What’s good for General Motors is good for America”.
Or something.
Because as long as the Fortune 500 is making obscene profits, nothing else matters. Everything is happy!
Trillion dollar deficits.
Rising entitlement payments.
Rising health care costs.
Reduced competitiveness
Reduced quality of education.
Zero manufacturing base.
Highly negative balance of trade.
Trillion Dollar military spending.
Radically reduced R&D spending.
A hated, hostile foreign policy.
Oil-dependent economy.
Rising energy costs.
Peak oil.
Global climate change.
Negative savings rate.
He says “The dynamic U.S. economy is on solid ground as is much of the global economy. Goldilocks is alive and well, so long as Congress doesn’t muck it up.
And it’s utterly taboo to question this conventional wisdom…
Some troll at Atrios found a way: ‘the markets are tanking because of the impending election of Hillary Clinton’.
Housing bubble? Barney Rubble!
This one is the pause that refreshes.
And the next 1000 point correction will be the Freshmaker(TM)
It appears that Ward Churchill was the only thing propping up the US economy. Who knew.
How funny is it that this asshat brandishes Goldilocks, a fairy tale?
In related items, that is things that relate to my writing, here’s a reference to a fictitious character.
By the way, WhoTF is this Ward Churchill dude? I have heard many mentions to him, but can’t seem to pay attention to his non-story long enough to absorb it…
I have no snark.
Except maybe to say “Letting rich people independently ‘regulate’ how fast they get richer.’ certainly has proved to be a BAD IDEA!
Big ol’ chunks of the legislation passed in the wake of the ’29 crash were done away with during the Clinton administration, too. Your bank probably has your money invested in the stock market – and FDIC insurance is a joke. It takes ages to pay out, and isn’t up to a huge demand on its reserves.
Just try not to think about it, because there’s really nothing you can do, unless you have enough time and money to transfer all your liquid assets into a FOREX account. For us workaday peons, nothing to do but have another beer, and watch a funny Youtube video – I recommend this one. It beats dwelling on just what a paper tiger our economy has become.
Thank you t4toby! I thought I was the only one who really, really didn’t givashit.
Seriously, this is getting embarrassing. I almost feel sorry for these people.
The escalation of Democrat anti-America lies is responsible for market plunges like this.
If the Democrats seize the White House (and they will if the Republicans nominate phoney Mitt, amnesty McCain, or soft-on-terror Thompson).. then it will be disasterous for America.
“What’s good for General Motors is good for America”.
If the Iraq war was outsourced to China I’m sure they could manage the killing faster and cheaper.
Thank you, that worked!
Odd music?
Shorter Kudlow: “Clap harder, dammit — or your Tinkerbelle economy dies!”
Corrected Gary: “If the Democrats seize the White House (and they will if the Republicans nominate phoney Mitt, amnesty McCain, or soft-on-terror Thompson).. then it will be disasterous for the thieving megacorporate enablers who pay my trolling pittance.”
If the Iraq war was outsourced to China I’m sure they could manage the killing faster and cheaper.
According to some sources, China’s already doing that in Darfur.
I’m sure the nominally-American megacorporations are taking notes.
Stock prices are a referendum on future corporate profits….
….and Junta Boy’s in for a drubbing.
Aw, ain’t Gary sweet?
Putting aside the obvious howler that somehow the prospect of responsible governance a year and a half from now– not, say, the foreseeable and forseen consequences of the housing bubble– is what’s tanking the markets, I think maybe li’l Garlito may have unintentionally pointed to something interesting.
Wall Street is just about the only place in the world where how a bunch of pampered rich white dudes feel about something actually has a significant impact on success and failure. Too bad for Bush et al that reality isn’t as easily manipulated as a bunch of stock market weenies.
The fact is, Gary Ruppert makes me laugh…
Oh, so now we have to keep killing our soldiers because Wall Street is happy? I’m telling you – unleash a bunch of parents who have lost their children to this money and oil grab on a roomfull of wall st. assholes and Republicans. Make it like EST training – no one leaves, no one goes to the bathroom. You will sit and listen to every word they have to say. You will see the before and after photos of the injured. You will look them in the eye and explain why they were sacrificed. I want to see every one of these smug jerks sweat and piss their pants.
intelligent investors should be shorting toxic bonds
A Shorter Toxic Bond [© DD]? There’s a challenge.
You will sit and listen to every word they have to say. You will see the before and after photos of the injured. You will look them in the eye and explain why they were sacrificed. I want to see every one of these smug jerks sweat and piss their pants.
Only if the Wall Street and Repub arseholes are afraid of being physically assaulted by the grieving parents, Bink. If you’re looking for empathy, for some recognition that their greed might have had unpleasant consequences, you haven’t been paying enough attention. These people, from Dubya and Cheney and Rove down to the “average” hedge fund manipulator, are sociopaths. Which means they’re psychopaths with educational credentials and expensive ties. Showing them the tragic results of their Ponzi schemes would be like showing a stripped goat carcass to a poolful of piranhas — they are not equiped to understand your indignation.
Owlbear1, naked shorting, in my experience, is shorting something when you don’t have a hedging reason for doing so. (I.e. I could buy a call on GSF, and then sell 60 shares short as a hedge…if GSF moves a lot one way or the other, I’ll make money, and otherwise, I could lose up to the amount I paid for the call option. This would not be a naked short by the definition I’m familiar with.)
Not actually borrowing and delivering a share certificate for shares you have shorted is another ball of wax. If you could get away with that, there never would be short squeezes (where many people may be short shares of some crappy company, such as, and be forced to buy them back because the number of shares available to borrow decline).
workslave away in the commercial mortgage world now, but I did misspend about 13 years of my youth in futures/equity derivatives/foreign exchange forwards. I can assure you many more people have been cheated out of their money by stock promoters and their enablers in the brokerage firms selling overpriced b.s. to the public (remember all those internet bubble stocks…such as Patrick Byrne’s than have lost money due to teh evil short sellers.Jillian, I got my dad to buy an Australian dollar bond a few years back (unfortunately, not back when it was .55 USD, but when it was .75 or .76).
He was able to do that in his Charles Schwab IRA.
As for who I would support, I would support the following Republicans in a primary
I’d support Giuliani (great on terror, great on the economy, promises to be unobstructive on social policy)
But, the best Republican candidate is Vice President Cheney.
When can we start outsourcing CEO’s and CFO’s to Vietnam and Indonesia? I’m sure WalMart and United Airlines would benefit greatly by only having to pay their head honchos 19 cents an hour. And to top it off, the outsourced CEO’s would probably make better corporate decisions, given their real-world (ie., they wipe theit own asses) experiences.
Not trolling at all, why don’t the boardrooms do this?
Because I have absoultely no information as to why your site crashed, I am going blame it on a vast right-wing conspiracy at MySQL AB.
It’s what Ace does when technology doesn’t do what he thinks it does. 😛
“The moral of the story is that intelligent investors should be shorting toxic bonds — whether they are corporate or mortgage backed — and buying valuable stocks as they correct lower. ”
Yeah, it takes a really intelligent investor to figure out “Sell crap, buy good stuff”.
Ben and Jerry’s tried to find a CEO who would get a “sensible” salary.. and they failed.
But liberals like Ben and Jerry’s don’t have to live by their own standards
The stock market has to be the worst clusterfuck ever.
It’s like all other forms of gambling, except on a bigger scale.
I can understand part of the logic of it, (you need investment)
but if you ever sell more than 25% of your company you’re setting yourself up for no end of assrape by stockholders.
Gory Puppet spake thusly:
“I’d support Giuliani (great on terror, great on the economy, promises to be unobstructive on social policy)”
Please, do elaborate!
Should be good for a laugh.
“But, the best Republican candidate is Vice President Cheney”.
Okay, now I’m almost certain you’re a troll.
The fact that I have to use the modifier “almost”
is sad in and of itself.
HairlessMonkeyDK, I’m with you: the stock market, particularly the way it runs now, is basically gambling, and is headed for a major crash. Along with all the things Mikey listed, there’s the fact that stock “value” bears no resemblance to actual value. There are all sorts of absurdities that arise as a result, and when the herd panics, you get something like the East Asian Meltdown of 97: perceived values tumble, currencies dive, and squillions of pretendy dollars simply evaporate.
That’s not business. It’s not helping the economy. It’s about as rigorous as crystal-ball-gazing.
But that’s what the neocon cult has let the world in for.
Lebowsi, millionaire or no: that’s such a great idea. Imagine how profits would skyrocket once CEOs were outsourced! Imagine how grateful shareholders would be, once the fat was trimmed, the enterprise made lean and mean, operation downsized and the entire doowop reorganized!
Why, they might even take the rash step of actually employing workers, to do actual, real-life, honest-to-Jebus work. You know, making stuff and doing stuff and stuff.
Nahhhh, it’s all a fantasy.
C’mon Wall Street, don’t be slow; why man, this is war a go-go!”
So help me out here; I’m confused. Are we going to have another Clinton-Gore Recession ™ or not?
CEOs won’t be outsourced because it would break up the Mutual Back-Scratching Society that corporate boards are.
Think about it. Mr A is CEO or Corporation A, Mr B is the same of B, Inc., Mr C is the same of CCorp. Mr A sits on the boards of B, Inc. and CCorp. Mr B sits on the boards of A and C, Mr C on A and B. The board decides CEO pay. They’re all best buddies and golf partners. They all want to get more dollars. Always approve your pal’s pay raises, and he’ll approve yours. It’s that simple, and that corrupt.
Larry hates when the US pullls out prematurely, it leaves his stocks unsatisfied.
Honestly, I can’t believe how ignorant so many of my Lefty Anti-American Muslamunist Fellow Travelers have become! Ward Churchill is our beloved leader, unjustly ripped from his job at some university or another, I think in Colorado, which means we now won’t know WHAT to think until The Secret High Os Council (Soros, Atrios, Markos) engineers a new Moonbat Cyborg Ayatollah!
OK, I’m done with him now. Had a good run. Or not. But I had fun anyway. Fuck you all.
Dear Larry K, I have some Enron, Caterair, and Arbusto stocks that I think you should look at. And you really should consider some Texas Ranger season tickets.
Annie Laurie: I know, I know. My ex-husband was one of those who cannot empathize or understand. But I was hoping to get at least 1 in 10 of the hangers-on, the wannabees, to have to confront what they have wrought.
These people, from Dubya and Cheney and Rove down to the “average” hedge fund manipulator, are sociopaths
Actually, it’s much, much worse than that. They’re wannabe sociopaths. In fact, to call them that does a real disservice to those of us with a righteous DSM based diagnosis. But here’s the thing. They imagine themselves to be stoic, tough, worldly and most importantly, dangerous. But I’ve seen what happens with them, in war, in bars, in parking lots. When blood sprays in gouts, when the jagged edge of a shattered bone pokes through bright red flesh, when teeth shatter and people go down with the most awful whimpers and groans, when stuff spills out that we really shouldn’t ever see, that’s when your “sociopath” works his crowd, at home in a horror of his making. But these guys just fall down and beg. You can’t even kick ’em around, they give everything about personal combat a dirty, foul edge. You just want to take out your personal weapon and end their unpleasant, noisome protestations. But you don’t, because they are such an embarasing, damp, tearful mainfestation of every useless, hateful bucket of pus you ever carried through hell, only to find ten years later they wouldn’t even hire you to drive their trucks. Honor? They have nothing. With a change of underpants they regain their natural-born authority and speak in commanding tones. The only lesson learned is to hire someone like me to protect them from someone like me. Oh yeah. I’ll take the money….
It appears that Ward Churchill was the only thing propping up the US economy. Who knew.
Slayed me. Deserves to be said again.
Oh, I did.