Pastor Swank And Teh Writer’s Art

Above: Author of seminal 1981 jeremiad, “BILLY SQUIER:

This reminiscence by Pastor Grant Swank about his time as a teacher at Regional Educational Alternative Learning school (sample quote: “It was real all right. More raw than real, however.”) displays many hallmarks of exemplary writing:

For instance, there was a meeting of staff with the assistant superintendent of schools. She was to talk to us about something psychological, that is, the psychology of this and that.

Good writers avoid jargon and other technical terms.

That subject matter really doesn’t matter, however. What did matter was that Ray, the director imported from Australia, introduced her with what he thought was a hardy-harhar chuckle intro. It had to do with masturbation. I can’t type out the exact detail in this article, but it had to do with masturbation.

Good writers sometimes employ repetition to humorous effect.

He could get by with that stroking…

Excellent writers provoke a powerful emotional response in their readers, such as uncontrollable snickering.

…for rarely did anyone from the little red superintendent of schools house up the road bother to walk into the REAL school. After all, that place—an old brick school building on a residential street—was where the castoff teens were housed. I called it a warehouse for troubled adolescents.

Good writers illustrate their work with colorful metaphors.

So with the higher echelon basically ignoring us day upon day, Ray could get by with his inept, tawdry administration. When he met at the superintendent’s building for meetings, his Australian accent and slanted sense of humor apparently giggled them all into accepting him as quite the novel educator.

Good writers sometimes display their mastery of language by playfully using commonplace words in unconventional ways.

I think back when Sue Gendron was Windham superintendent of schools. It was her call that we worked under. Yes.

Good writers use short, choppy sentences to build tension.

Because she was such an outstanding person as well as impressive educator, she was elected Superintendent of the Year. There were signs all over town congratulating her. The women on staff went out of their way to stroke another woman who had made it up the ladder.

The very best writers are often so good that they could be described as poets, yet don’t know it.


Comments: 38


Your satirical takings-on done you’ve giggle me.


Damn you, Travis, you giggled me in my cube, causing her that we worked under to get stroked. Yes.


It’s “Squier” not “Squire”. 🙂

Someone should tell Pastor Swank about the miracle of powder before photographs. The glare off his forhead could bring down an airliner.

Okay, I’m done nitpicking now. I’m just in a bad mood because I have to clean house…


He could get by with that stroking…

Are we sure Swank isn’t some kind of parody? It’s so hard to tell these days…


Eek, you’re right, Candy. If it wasn’t Billy Squier I’d be sort of embarrassed. Even so, I’m-a leave it as is for artistic considerations.


Ray was not a spaghetti puller.


“The women on staff went out of their way to stroke another woman who had made it up the ladder.”

Fucking HOT, dude.


i’m sure that his students were giggled into learning the english good. yes.


Well, I’m sure I’d have something to say about this if I had any freakin idea what he was talking about. It appears to go from psychology to masturbation to architecture to education to workplace politics to lesbian sex. But it never helps in any way with the transitions. It actually sounds like the cyphertext – it needs to be decoded. Maybe a one-time pad thai?



“met for meetings”


Fucking hell. A lot of things in this life disappoint, but Pastor Swank will never, ever, ever be one of them. I naturally assumed you had cherry-picked the weirdest and most awkward passages. I was wrong.

We had a committee meeting. The committee came up with nonsense for a party.

I picture him storming out of the committe meaning yelling “You all have come up with nonsense for a party!”

After all, that’s how I lasted on staff at the REAL school. Basically I lived by the philosophy that I could only do the little good that I could perform and had to leave the rest to raw.

Only a few were fortunate enough to be brought to cooked.

And when we couldn’t come up with something to contain these swearing, yelling, threatening teens from early morning till mid-afternoon, Ray left us with the guilt pattern that somewhere in our psyches there was a huge gap.


Then I copied out on the school copier what was needed to teach English and math lessons when it was my turn to hand out something to work with for an hour in a morning.


It’s kind of cool to read a column (free-writing experiment? Whatever you want to call it.) where he’s not really expressing any braindead wingnut ideas and confirm that he’s braindead with or without the politics.


“That subject matter really doesn’t matter, however. What did matter..”

The man’s a genius, see the way he’s subliminally plant the idea of masturbation in your head before he slams you down with the double mention in the next sentence. It’s like a spoken concerto or some shit.


All right, enough of this. It’s not nice to make fun of people who are trying to write in a language that’s clearly not their own.

After all, how well do you think your writing would translate if you had to write in Pastor Swank’s original tongue, which I’m assuming is cow’s? See? Next time perhaps you’ll type a mile in someone else’s keypad prior to when it is you that find that something is stroking up the ladder.


This guy is a wonder to stoke. Note the none of self awareness. And also if he had of the spelling and grammar checking functions. Yes.

I think I’m getting this.


WAIT A SECOND!!! THIS GUY WAS A TEACHER??!!!1?2??%#$%^&!!!1!


For instance, there was a meeting of staff with the assistant superintendent of schools. She was to talk to us about something psychological, that is, the psychology of this and that.

I dunno, I wasn’t listening.

I’ve never seen giggle as an adjective before. Interesting choice.

Then I copied out on the school copier what was needed to teach English….

Wait, WHAT???? Some bonehead let this guy teach ENGLISH???


It’s like a spoken concerto or some shit.

Yes, it does have a certain dischordant rhythm like a Stravinsky piece, all clangy and jangly.

See? Next time perhaps you’ll type a mile in someone else’s keypad prior to when it is you that find that something is stroking up the ladder.

Hey, you try typing in a mall and see how you like it!!!


Last week it was toking. This week it’s stroking. What’ll it be next week—coking?

Principal Blackman

What’ll it be next week—coking?



You’re JOKING!



I recall going to the mall to purchase some English and math material from a homeschooling store…. Then I copied out on the school copier what was needed to teach English

Oh my sainted aunt, not only did he teach, he taught English.

The truly incompetent actually rise to the top.



There’s nothing like a little P-Swank to brighten up your day.

My favorite Sadly, No characters of all time:

1. Pastor Swank. You just know he’s always going to deliver grade-A wingnuttery with his distinct brand of tortured Swankian syntax. Today’s column is proof of why he’s the greatest: he’s not even really talking about anything, yet the results are spellbinding.

2. Dafyyd ab Hugh. I thought this guy was hilarious BEFORE I learned he liked to dress up in badger suits and rub up against other nerds in badger suits. A true wingnut legend. The picture of Dafyyd with the sammich is the all-time classic S,N photoshop. It’s timeless.

3. Marie Jon’. I always get excited whenever Ms. Jon’ appears here. One time she actually responded to one of my posts directly. She called me a “very stupid person.” It was awesome.

Honorable mention: Kaye Grogan, Coach Dave


I recall going to the mall to purchase some English and math material from a homeschooling store…. Then I copied out on the school copier what was needed to teach English

Not only was there teaching and taughting, but there was copyright infringement! The pastor was Napster before Napster! (more rhyming).


Wait, WHAT???? Some bonehead let this guy teach ENGLISH???

It was a “school” for “troubled adolescents”. I think listening to Pastor Swank was part of their punishment. It’s a lot nastier than beating the kids with rubber hoses, and it doesn’t leave any physical marks. (Unless you count the welts where the poor kids beat their foreheads against a wall in an attempt to get the Swank-syntax out of their fevered brains… )


I’m just waiting for Dr. Benway’s entrance into the narrative.


I’m in ur blogz, making u giggle…


Damn you Travis. I almost made it to the end without snorting like a pig, but you got me with the stroking and the ladder and the flayvn.


Swank Yoda-yodelling is, yes.

I’d love to see a Swank/Grogan ´08! third-party campaign.
The debates would be hilarious.
And Ms. Jon’ could be their spokescreature.

Hell, I’d love to see the writing of a Swank/Grogan lovechild…
It’d be pure AWESOME.


If we could find something they disagree about, a debate between Pastor Swank and Marie Jon would be incredible.

Qetesh the Abyssinian


Qetesh the Abyssinian

Mikey, the multiple-use phad thai is highly dangerous, and should be used only by the expert cypher-meister. Appropriate precautions should be followed to the letter.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Dafyyd ab Hugh. I thought this guy was hilarious BEFORE I learned he liked to dress up in badger suits and rub up against other nerds in badger suits.

Badgers? We don’t need no stinkin’ badgers…


Can I just say a big Thank You to everyone who commented on this post – and a special stroke for the Master -Pastor Swank. I literally laughed so hard I cried. It’s possible I snorted like a pig in the process.

WAIT A SECOND!!! THIS GUY WAS A TEACHER??!!!1?2??%#$%^&!!!1!

Seriously, I really needed a good laugh. You all are the bestest.


Gad, wouldn’t it be a hoot to sit through one of his sermons?


“What’ll it be next week—coking?


Pastor Swank has quite obviously already been smoking…

And b-power? Yes, it’s the “…matter, matter…” patter-song from the second act of Gilbert & Sullivan’s “Ruddigore”. Let’s add plagiarism to the list of writing sins.

Dear god, I hope the man wasn’t actually teaching Creative Writing…


““The women on staff went out of their way to stroke another woman who had made it up the ladder.”

You know, if there was more of this kind of congratulations among women, there would be no such thing as a glass ceiling:
“Dude! You’ve got to promote Rita today! She’s wearing that tight red V-neck shirt, and its miniskirt day for the girls in accounting!!!”
“Holy crap! Go get the camera, I’ll come up with something to promote her to!”
“Just give her my job, I’ll be fine!”

Hysterical Woman

I recall that with Jesus gone, we could do just about anything raucous for our school Christmas party.

And that’s where the stroking began.


I think y’all are off-base. Swank’s reliance on “stroking” isn’t some sort of rhyming scheme. It’s his silent homage to the artistry of Clarence Carter.

Pastor Swank! Pastor Swank! Pastor Swank! Awwwww, SHIT, Pastor Swank!


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