She Likes The Guys With The Cars That Go Boom
[Extended Remix]

In the news today:

Explosive Device Found in London, Police Say
LONDON, June 29

British police said they discovered an explosive device in a car laden with gasoline, nails, and gas canisters in the West End theater and entertainment district of central London early today and began a terrorism investigation.

Peter Clarke, Britain’s most senior counterterrorism police officer, said that if the explosives had detonated “there could have been significant injury or loss of life” because the car was parked in a busy part of London where “many, many” people were winding up a night out in clubs and elsewhere.

He said there had been no prior intelligence information indicating that the attack was coming. And, he said “we are keeping an entirely open mind” about the likely identity of suspects.

Say, I wonder whether Debbie Schlus…

New London Terror Foiled: Reaping What They’ve Sewn in Britain; Guess the Religion
By Debbie Schlussel


For those who are keeping score and just wonder why this would happen and who could possibly be behind it: their immigration laws are so lax that they allow Muslims to virtually take over London (the rest of England happening soon); they withdraw teaching about the Holocaust in public schools so as not to offend Muslims; the London Mayor has no problem with a convicted terrorist (the son of Captain Hooks a/k/a Abu Hamza Al-Masri) working on classified areas of the London Tube and welcomes HAMAS and Muslim Brotherhood figures like Yusuf Al-Qaradawi with open arms; and they greeted the 07/07/05 bombings with more bending over forward and backward to Islamists.

Picadilly Circus? Their whole country’s policies toward Islamists is a Circus. Ditto for ours, and that’s why this is coming to America, real soon. And has already been here. Neither they nor we should be surprised by this. It’s a matter of reaping what we’ve sewn. Cast thy delusional PC policies on the waters, and they return to you in spades.

…sel has formed an opinion yet as to the identity of the suspects?

Above: The Michigan Malkin, a.k.a., The Grosse Pointe Blankity-Blank

Update: Advice Corner!

Dan E. Boye at asks:

The West is like a cancer patient that waits until the final death throes to do anything about the cancer. It’s still not too late but we’re not going to do anything. It’s still illegal for us to defend our countries. It would make sense to rid ourselves of Muslim scum while we still have superior numbers, but we won’t do it.

We get to die whimpering on the moral high ground. Ain’t that neat?
Posted by: Dan E Boye at June 29, 2007 01:26 PM

Better get fuckin’, Dan — those white ova don’t fertilize themselves!

…Oh crap, sorry, man. I didn’t realize about the, uh, you-know. Luckily, some states don’t put you on a registry unless you were over 18 at time of conviction.

Spiffo asks:

Seriously, they don’t teach about the holocost in British public schools? That’s too pathetic. They (and soon We) are finished. We’re actually allowing these barbarians to take over the entire planet.
Posted by: Spiffo at June 29, 2007 01:30 PM

British public schools, which are called ‘private schools’ in the colorfully elliptical slang of the locals — and also vice versa — left off teaching about the holocost at aporximitely the same time they droped the battel of agencort furm the coriculum. Doom is upon us and we will all die-yi-yi, as Earth falls to the boom-eek assault of the almost-explodey-car Halalcaust of the Grinning Bearded MuslamoHitlers — who almost blew up a car 5,000 miles from Spiffo’s very nightstand. Unless, you know, it was someone else who did it, in which case. . .Oooh, those Muslims only have themselves to blame for our rightful and appropriate fury, for how long must we watch patiently as they caper and prance in their sandals and short-sleeved button-down shirts — prancing in the very Levantine dust, in a cloud of cardamom vapor and a cacophony of bhangra ringtones — without raining down our cold and deadly rage upon their shrieking and bloody… [fap-fap-fap-fap]

…Yes indeed, Spiffo, soon we are finished.

[fap-fap-fap] Grunt! Ahhh!

Jew Chick asks:

Watch how the media sweep that story up. Too bad for them that the aryan brotherhood wasn’t behind the London attempt bombing attack otherwise it would of made the headlines. Its sickening how the media whitewashes the perpentrators because of enthnicity.

For all we know, it could of as well been a gas leak.
Posted by: Jew Chick at June 29, 2007 02:53 PM

Yes! All I can say is that it’s a good thing the story is all over the media today. That totally foils the media in ignoring the story, because people are all like, “Hey, wait a minute. You know that story that’s all over the media, with the car and the almost-blowing-up, and all that? I’ll bet the media wouldn’t be ignoring that story if it were the Aryan Brotherhood who almost blew up a car.” And then the media come walking by, and they’re like, “Fiddlesticks! Our plan to aid terrorism by not telling people about a car that almost blew up is all over the media. Plan ruined, praise Allah.” And the Aryan Brotherhood looks silly too, because if they’re so smart, what are they doing in prison drinking pruno?

Win-win. Keep ’em guessing, I say. See you at the RAHOWA for JEHOVAH, G_d willing. (Pop a Pali for pizza.)


Comments: 190


Reaping What They’ve Sewn in Britain

Tea-cozy attack?


Yes, we do reap what we “sew”, Debbie Dipso. In my case a slightly irregular scarf. May I knit you a lovely Hannibal Lecterish ski mask? It might come in handy for your imaginary upcoming “Red Dawn : Shishkebabocalypse!”


Something about that photo tells me that Li’l Debbie smells like Funyons and failure.


A stitch in time…


Her hair…does she really think that looks good? Really?


I don,t know who set but it seems more “Real IRA” than al-qaeda types ie no follow up blasts and no suicide bombing.

ps the security around there is a joke so you could get a lot with suicide bombers


Why is Debbie wasting her time on American TV, when she should be sniffing out the bad guys in Afghanistan or Iraq? Surely, her unparalleled skills at compiling snap psychological profiles like this would be a boon to the troops.

Smiling Mortician

She looks exactly like a student I had several years ago. We were discussing an essay by Stephen Jay Gould on the extinction of the dinosaurs and suddenly she stood up, shaking with rage, called me a blasphemer and left the classroom. This was long enough ago that I had no idea WTF she was talking about. Took me about a year to figure out she was on the leading edge of the coming anti-science, pro-mythology wave.

Anyway she looked just like Debbie, in a thick-skulled, dead-eyed, pissy-smirked kind of way.


Debbie Schlussel is like a Jack-In-the-Box in so many respects.


Why is Debbie wasting her time on American TV, when she should be sniffing out the bad guys in Afghanistan or Iraq?

She has to be on 24 hour call in case Nikki Sixx and the boys want to get the band back together for a tour.


In another life, Debbie might have been Tonya Harding. They look like sisters.


“She has to be on 24 hour call in case Nikki Sixx and the boys want to get the band back together for a tour.”

Actually, we’re working in shifts.


javaphil for the gooooooooooooooooooooooooooal!

I tell you she was smokin’ (meth-laced salvia) in the boy’s room. Makes creepy Muslims come out of the tiles at impossible angles, homicide bombing as they go. It’s a tortured existence.


Muslims! Muslims!! Run for your lives! Muslims EVERYWHERE!! Muslims under my bed! Muslims in my sock drawer!! Muslims in the attic!! My goddam neighbor’s DOG is a Muslim!!

MUS-Lims!! Run for your lives!!

It’s Muslims!!



Ok, who is that song by? I’ve heard it a lot, but can never remember the artist. Assist me!


Gavin, you need to take that picture of her and photoshop her tongue sticking out of her mouth…………just. a. little.

She would then more resemble the mouthbreather that she is.

Whatdya say? Deal?


Oh. Maybe you have already. If so, I say MORE.


Cast thy delusional PC policies on the waters, and they return to you in spades.

Mangle thy Biblical metaphors, and they put your readers through the wringer.


For God’s sake, for someone who ostensibly is a Christian Warrior for All That is Good and Just™ you’d think she would take the time to be able to spell one of the most well-known metaphors in the Bible correctly. And she expects people to take her seriously? *sigh* It’s just not worth it any more. *BANG!!!!*

LA Confidential Pantload

I don’t understand S,N. Everytime you write about Debbie you show that picture of Miss Piggy. What’s up with that?


Alex: L’Trimm (they’re Tigra and Bunny, and they like the boom).


Um! Has London pol actually discovered that the bomb was set by some islamist douchebag? Can we have some patience, please?


Something about that photo tells me that Li’l Debbie smells like Funyons and failure.

That is teh funny.


The only thing standing between us and certain death is that we don’t ban people who practice Islam. There was a bomb, people, in London. What about that don’t you get?


they withdraw teaching about the Holocaust in public schools so as not to offend Muslim

Um, what is Schlusafuco twisting about here?


Picadilly Circus? Their whole country’s policies toward Islamists is a Circus.

Oh, ha ha. The cheapest joke possible! this is from a woman who clearly has never been to London. Or even seen a picture of it.


Betcha if this does turn out to be the IRA or some other non-Muslim terrorist organization, Debbie (or some other wingnut) will have a post up about how it still totally proves her point about the Dangerous Muslim Hordes because mumble mumble hey look a wookie mumble mumble.


re: “Impossible angles”: Debbie’s dreams in the witch house. Can’t get that Islamofascist out of the corner of her eye.
Ten bucks says its a right-wing Christian loner wacko who put that car bomb there.


OMG! When did Chris Matthews get a gender reassignment operation?


The only thing standing between us and certain death is that we don’t ban people who practice Islam. There was a bomb, people, in London. What about that don’t you get?

Attention: bombs have gone off in London before, the answer to which was obviously to ban Catholics.


c’mon, now….just the name “Chris Matthews” is funny enough without trying to muddy things up with a tranny joke…..those usually don’t work, anyway.


Well, I was gonna make a Vince Neil joke, but javaphil totally fucked up my program.

Buzzkill. Total Buzzkill.


Only when the British stopped trying to appease and negotiate with the IRA and sent in lots of troops did the troubles stop.


From the LA Times:

Officers and explosives experts were called to the scene at 1 a.m. by an ambulance crew treating someone inside the nightclub. The paramedics noticed smoke inside a Mercedes parked outside the Tiger Tiger Club near the tourist hot spot of Piccadilly Circus.

What’s up with the smoke inside the car? This seems weird – packed with explosives and gas, and was something burning inside? Was it like a big round black ball with a fuse hanging out of it?

What self-respecting terrorist would set off a bomb that way? Or plant a bomb that emitted smoke benignly so that people could notice it and call it in before it blew up?

The CNN article says the police at the scene defused it “by hand”, the article says. We’re to believe that someone saw smoke in a car, called it in, and the police that responded opened up the car and put their hands on what they thought was an explosive device? This doesn’t sound like bomb squad protocol to me.

We’ll find out, soon enough, that the car was actually filled with kegs of beer and bags of confetti and someone left a burnning cigarette in the ashtray.

Update: Now they’re saying a second car was found. It was towed away from a parking garage because it was illegally parked, and the garage workers discovered it was rigged.

Are terrorists really this stupid?

Or is it a diabolical protest against car impounding?

Hysterical Woman

You mean we can stop terrorism with police officers, and not have to invade any countries? Fascinating.


re: “Impossible angles”: Debbie’s dreams in the witch house.

Exactly. And though she’d never call upon the Black Man, she’ll follow any old congeries of crazy through the nether dimensions. Iä! Iä! bin Laden fhtagn! Muslamofascists, the Immigrants with a Million Young…!


Wow, Dubya and Fourth Branch certainly have incredible luck when it comes to “Foiled terrorist plots” when they need a distraction.


Crazy Debs hatin’ the Muslims? Sew wot elce iz noo?

George Gobel for the Block

One of the many ironies about Deb is that a good head scarf would cover her bad hair day life.

LA Confidential Pantload

Just how much does a holo cost?

a different brad

While I normally hate reality shows, one based on selling Debbie to Bedouin nomads would make it into my dvr queue.


Go deb! Can’t stand your voice, but whatever. Anyone interested in making bets? I’m still offering 100-1 it’s a muslim terrorist. You could win big, because it might be an IRA guy! Place your bets. All takers.

I bet I’m going to win big, because you guys, with no facts, can’t even suspect islamofascists, because of your hatred of statistical profiling. I’ve no such compunctions. Curious to see which of our belief systems is right. Aren’t you?

a different brad

Oh, wow.
From Debbie’s mini-review of ratatouille.
“While I couldn’t help but be bothered that a rat is in the kitchen (the ick factor), I loved this. Great family entertainment, which explores lots of relationships and shows French snobbery for what it is. Could have done without the statements made on anti-rat prejudice in society. On the contrary, some prejudices are good and necessary.”


Hehehe. Stupid British people. Not teaching the holocaust. Why can’t they not teach real things, like abstinence-only sex education, or intelligent design creationism!


You’ve got to admit, ratatouille is kind of nasty. They completely forgot the meat! Ratatouille is like a liberal position in that sense.


Hey, Kevin. A few years back, there was a bit of a hubbub here around DC, because someone was running around and shooting random people with a rifle. It was a fairy big story, even you might have heard of it.
Given then randomness and the scope of the rampage, many people, myself included, and the media were hypothesizing that the shooter was a white guy. As well, since there were no shells found in the area, they suggested that he was using a bolt-action rifle.

Turns out? Yeah, two black guys. And they were using a M16.

“Statistical profiling” is not a fancy way of saying “fact”. Now go mow more lawns.


Did you know they were muslims? It’s a closely guarded secret, so I’ll understand if you didn’t.


Don’t be racist. Black people can be muslim too!


So can boring people.


Kevin must be a Muslim!


I’ll bet my cat’s favorite cat toy against next paycheck that Muslims were not behind this. It’s not that I wouldn’t put up good cash money, but I have an issue with giving crazy/stupid people my money. It’s one of the reasons I don’t donate to Thompson’s presidential comedy tour. Besides, that toy will bring you hours of entertainment as you bat it around the house.

But given the absence of any conclusive evidence, this could be Muslims (I’ll grant you this), as well as the IRA, British fascists, criminals, Scottish soccer hooligans, fanatical Frenchmen seeking justice for Agincourt, Lex Luthor, Lupin III and/or Mr. Bean. Not necessarily in that order. So, for Debbie McOMG to immediately leap from her seat and say “SEE! SEE!?!” before she knows anything might be a tetch premature. Innocent before proven guilty and all that rot, eh wot?

I know, it’s passe among you and the rest of the Jack Bauer Sekrit Bedwetter Squadron, but it’s still revered here in America, love it or leave it.


OT, but another reason to hate the MSM:

Never mind the suck-up boo-hoo tone of the piece, the stupid focus on the artificial “legacy” narrative (you’d think reporters would get sick of writing the same shit every few years, no?), and my parentheticals, and just marvel at one disingenuous, how-stupid-are-you-anyway sentence. This in the context of what little remains of a Bush agenda, with my emphasis:

His immediate domestic plans include imploring lawmakers to reauthorize his No Child Left Behind education program, while trying to stop Congress from expanding a children’s health insurance program and, with it, the federal deficit.

The reporter: Sucker or a water-carrier? YOU make the call! Cuz bloody fucking Cheezits, someone can’t see the painting for the frame. Stretch-Hummer buys-you-dinner-and-a-room-for-the-night no-copayment gold-fucking-plated health insurance for every damn kid in America, American or not, would add mere pennies on the ten-spot to the deficit compared to Bush’s war or choice.

When you’d rather kill others’ children than save your own, and then try to say it’s a COST issue, you’re a complete fucking scumbag. Same goes for anyone who supports such shit.

And at the end of the piece, the moth-eaten zombie corpse of Irony rises yet again from the grave to leap into a woodchipper:

At one point during his Iraq speech, Bush pleaded for patience with Iraqis trying to pass reconciliation legislation. “In a democracy,” he said, “the head of government just can’t decree the outcome.”

The audience laughed. Bush smiled wanly and joked: “I’m not saying that’s what I’d like to do.”


“Only when the British stopped trying to appease and negotiate with the IRA and sent in lots of troops did the troubles stop.”

Cocaine is a helluva drug.

LA Confidential Pantload

So the Brits are holophobic?


Geez! What is it you guys have against Michigan? Michigan is nice! Or so I have heard, never having been there.


Ouch, Patkin! Did you even bother to check out that vid (that I mistakenly left untagged)? I would have thought that even hippies who were not caused pain by techno music like a vampire might be pained by light would find that video facsinating on at least a few levels.

You guys sling hate and disgust around so easily! It’s true I say I ‘hate hippies’, but I hope you guys know I only mean “I think they have poor mental capacity’. There’s no true hate. There’s not even any disgust! It’s more like pittiful acceptance.

But I get the feeling you guys HATE me! I can’t say I’m hurt, because I don’t know a single one of you, and probably wouldn’t like you if I did, but I’m fascinated. I haven’t killed a SINGLE person in my entire life. We can hopefully agree that many an islamosupremacist did. Can we agree your hatred is misappropriated?

Kevin Bacon Holding Playdoh

Poor Kevin; Friday night’s are always the hardest, but if he just trolls enough online, he’ll persuade himself that he really is better than all those with dates and loving partners. And who knows, maybe some of that confidence he gains by telling himself how much he *ahem* “pwns” online will rub off when he next tries to talk to someone. “What can I tell you about myself? Yeah, i spend most days trolling online, I’m like performance South Park and… wait, no come back, that’s not ALL I do..!” Don’t worry Kevin, we know it is all you do, and you have our heartfelt pity. Now, if I were trolling, I’d be certain to say “But now I’m off out for an evening in my real life with people with real talent.” But you’d just say that was a lie too, wouldn’t you? No one really has a decent life at all… *pats you on the head*. There there, it’s ok. You’ll always have Sadly No!

Galactic Dustbin

Oh, ha ha. The cheapest joke possible! this is from a woman who clearly has never been to London. Or even seen a picture of it.

she only goes to places where they speak ENGLISH. She dont speak no Britishesse or whatever heathen tounge they speak in that 3rd world hellhole.


No, you deserve it. And I’m sure you’ve killed someone, Kevin. It might’ve been an act of negligence, but you definitely seem the type.


Muslims! Muslims!! Run for your lives! Muslims EVERYWHERE!! Muslims under my bed! Muslims in my sock drawer!! Muslims in the attic!! My goddam neighbor’s DOG is a Muslim!!

MUS-Lims!! Run for your lives!!

It’s Muslims!!


Shhhh! Don’t give any ideas!!!


Ha, ha! Jew Chick said ‘perpentrators’.

I’ll bet Little Debbie Snackcakes would like to be perpentrated!


Crap. the link got stripped. What I meant to say was “Don’t give Katharine DeBrecht any ideas!!!”


Indeed playdoh. Because Fridays seem to always be when I relearn about the hatred of the left. For the rest of your comment, you kind of lost me. Blame my ignorance though! Not your hatred.

Patkin, I once didn’t give a homeless girl a quarter and instead used it on those 5 cent taffy things you get in bad parts of town, so you are welcome to draw your own conclusion. But I think it unfair for you to say she died because she didn’t get those 5 squares of taffy! And to be fair, I was kind of hungry too!

No, we should get back the the gist of this post: Which is why gavin is insanely jealous of regular people. The short answer is, I DON’T KNOW! I have not found a SINGLE person who cares that he’s gay and wishes to push forth some fluffy agenda, but he still keeps on raging against the machine. To be frank, I’m not sure how to handle people like that.


No, we should get back the the gist of this post: Which is why gavin is insanely jealous of regular people. The short answer is, I DON’T KNOW! I have not found a SINGLE person who cares that he’s gay and wishes to push forth some fluffy agenda, but he still keeps on raging against the machine. To be frank, I’m not sure how to handle people like that.

Oh, you’ll figure it out, Frank. Just put your hand on it and I’ll let you know how you’re doing.


Gosh, Kevin, you are awfully stupid.


I would have thought that even hippies who were not caused pain by techno music like a vampire might be pained by light would find that video facsinating on at least a few levels.

Kevin – this is a great metaphor and an all-around well constructed sentence. Have you ever thought about writing professionally?


they withdraw teaching about the Holocaust in public schools so as not to offend Muslims

OK, so unlike Debs I looked this up. A government study mentioned “one history department in a secondary school in a northern city which decided not to teach the Holocaust as a topic for GCSE coursework” [emphasis mine] as evidence. A spokesman for the Department of Education and Skills said: “Teaching of the Holocaust is already compulsory in schools at Key Stage 3 [age 11-14].” Another pertinent statement here, and the report itself from here.


Kevin – this is a great metaphor and an all-around well constructed sentence. Have you ever thought about writing professionally?

Oh lord.


But I get the feeling you guys HATE me!

I guess that’s why you keep coming back.

Which is why gavin is insanely jealous of regular people. Does this mean you think Debbie is a “regular person?” All I can say is – Wow.


So, what are the rest of you “perpentrators” perpentratin’ tonite?

Me? I’ll be at Kevin’s house. Holding hands. Under the covers where we’re safe from the brown hordes. If only till the sun rises, teh cock crowes, and the morning, uh, comes.

Or something like that.


Larry Johnson’s take.

You know what you call a vehicle with 50 gallons of gas? A Cadillac Escalade. The media meltdown over this incident is simply shameful.

For starters, gasoline is not a high explosive. If we were talking 50 pounds of Semtex or the Al Qaeda standby, TATP, I would be impressed. Those are real high explosives with a detonation rate in excess of 20,000 feet per second. Gasoline can explode (just ask former owners of a Ford Pinto) but it is first and foremost an incediary. If the initial reports are true, the clown driving the Mercedes was a rank amateur when it comes to constructing an Improvised Explosive Device aka IED. Unlike a Hollywood flick the 50 gallons of gas would not have shredded the Mercedes into lethal chunks of flying shrapenal.

The fact that “officers courageously disabled the trigger by hand” coupled with the report of the smoke in the car leads me to believe that the mad London “bomber” tried to construct a Molotov cocktail of sorts and lit a cloth fuze. Fortunately he left the windows in the car up and there was not enough oxygen to really get the fire going. Looks like the brave British police reached in and snuffed the flame.

Judging from the overreaction to this non-incident I think we can safely conclude that Osama Bin Laden will remain holed up in Pakistan and let the fear mongers at CNN, MSNBC, and FOX do the dirty business of scaring the shit out of people.

And right wingers will shriek and winge and beg Darth Cheney to take away the Constitution…because they’re so damn scared.


“Too bad for them that the aryan brotherhood wasn’t behind the London attempt bombing attack otherwise it would of made the headlines. Its sickening how the media whitewashes the perpentrators because of enthnicity.”

Baloney. No Jew could ever have written the above tripe. “would of made headlines”? “perpentrators”? “enthnicity”?

“Jew Chick” indeed. I call you out, madame.


Kevin, I’m with you 100% that the perpetrators of this attempt were most certainly muslims!

Just like the shooter at Virginia Tech was influenced by Islam, based on the writing on his arm. What? “Ismail Ax” doesn’t make him a Muslim? He was a fundamentalist Christian?

Well, this is just like the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building. That was done by Muslims, right?

Well, but what about the “smily-face” mailbox bombs that were intercepted? That was the work of Islamic fundamentalists!

But that one guy, who mailed explosive packages to intellectual professors on liberal college campuses, he turned out to be a member of radical Islam, right?

OK, but I know that the bombs that have been found in abortion clinics in the US are the work of jhidasts who hate our freedoms! Just like the snipers who kill abortion doctors, right?

Herr Doktor Bimler

Cast thy delusional PC policies on the waters, and they return to you in spades.
She is counting her chickens before they come home to roost.


“Too bad for them that the aryan brotherhood wasn’t behind the London attempt bombing attack otherwise it would of made the headlines.”

Thank goodness there’s nothing in the headlines about the London bombing attempt.


We won, you stupid woman. No bomb went off. Our authorities prevented it We have a habit of doing that, we did that last year with some planes. The terrorists lost, stupid.


Rodeo, that’s the fuzzy warm terrorism that jest-plain-folks like Debbie S, Ann C, Rush L, Bill O’R, and Glenn B don’t mind, as long as it’s tastefully done by their adoring fan clubbers. It’s a win win for them; they get to gloat over the death of people they loathe, and then get a paycheck for doing so in the media. As long as there’s plenty of light between them and accountability, they couldn’t care less about the deaths of Americans, or even people in general.

But Kevin isn’t like that. No sir, he hates the sin, loves him some sinners. It’s a gag to him to mock liberals for even broaching to mend the divisions in this nation, because we’re mentally defective for seeking out equal justice for all, international cooperation on global issues, an open government, and an end to corruption. But he doesn’t hate us. He just wants to keep stomping the boot down, and would prefer we take it in silence.


Say, I wonder whether Debbie Schlus……sel has formed an opinion yet as to the identity of the suspects?

What, you mean like everyone else has ?
About who might have wanted to car bomb two night clubs a few months after Islam militants were convicted of trying to do the same thing ?

Yeah. Wow. Isn’t Debbie way out on a limb there by herself.
Do us a favour and let us know whether she was right or not eh ?


Ah, jeezus, Kevin can snack on my toe jam. Hell, I’ll put it in a pie if he wants. What a fuckerwad. Not funny, not clever, highly prolific stupid poster with nothing interesting to say.



RodeoBob said,June 30, 2007 at 0:35

Kevin, I’m with you 100% that the perpetrators of this attempt were most certainly muslims!

Just like the shooter at Virginia Tech was influenced by Islam… Oklahoma City … “smily-face” mailbox bombs t… snipers who kill abortion doctors, right?

Are you under the impression that you’re making anyone but yourself look stupid by comparing a UK bombing attempt to US right-wing terrorism ?
You know, rather than just to the previous UK bombing attempts which were by Islamic militants ?

Why’d you mention “Oklahoma City” as though it was something meaningful wanker ?
Would ordering, say, 1300 pounds of ANFO for a plot to bomb nightclubs also be meaningful in the same way ? How about if that was in the UK ? Like the fkn story here you stupid shit ?
FFS it’s half way through 2007. Clue the fuck up at some point eh ?


I don’t remember ordering 1300 pounds of ANFO, and yet here it is, not using commas.


Clue the fuck up, and start indiscriminately hating on Muslims! It’s what Maggie Thatcher would do!


Kilo. Heh heh. You know what “Kilo” means to those of us at a certain tender age? Lemme help you out.

Whiskey India Alpha was wounded. We called ’em whiskeys, and you got them on the first choppers out. After all the whiskeys were out, and the resupply choppers had got in, before it got too late, if it was safe, we put the Kilos on the choppers.

Kilos? Yep.

Kilo India Alpha. Killed In Action. Bagged and tagged.

Kilo? Fuck you, you piece of racist shit. Oh, and I’ve loaded my share of Kilos in my time. I’d be happy to load your worthless ass…



This is the Debbie who speculated that the VA Tech shooter was a Pakistani Muslim, right? And questioned Obama’s loyalty based on his father’s religion? Said Soros worked with the Nazis? And now we’re supposed to jump because she ties Muslims with some new outrage of the day, as she pretty much does every week.

So, here’s my question: Why are people paying her to be on TV, when they can put a mynah bird trained to say “Islam Terrorists” on instead? It’s cheaper, easier to handle, and they could just put a Reagan FS over it and modulate the voice with more bass. Fox viewers would eat that up with two spoons. Hell, by 2009, it’d be sitting across the desk from Glenn Beck, and a line of t-shirts and coffee mugs.



Ted Kaczynski was a right wing terrorist?


A former CIA, former State Dep’t. counter-terrorism agent was on Countdown this afternoon (in my time zone) revealing that this was perpetrated by people who could afford a Mercedes, but couldn’t be bothered to get on the ‘net & download some bomb-making instructions. Haven’t heard too much about car #2, but car #1 had gasoline in some form, a propane tank (like all you gas grill BBQers use) & a bunch of nails ON THE FLOOR OF THE CAR!!! (Not wrapped around the propane canister where they might actually become shrapnel.) Olbermann’s guest said no one more than 30 feet away would have been injured, even if it had exploded. At least two calls were made to the cell ‘phone that was supposed to be the igniter, but nothing happened. But the terrorists (or public/private school pranksters) have won, because Little Debbie & The Snack Cakes now have wet panty-hose (not in the good way).
Remember the ’70s? The Bader-Meinhof gang in Krautland, and similar groups in Italy who wanted to use terrorism to inspire a fascist crackdown which “the people” would then rise against, installing the Great Socialist Utopia? Looks like we’ll soon enough have the fascist crackdown, but I question the “people’s” ability to rise up against anything but non-WASPs (Catholics possibly excused as well).
Somone should tell the bedwetting crowd that they are the complete & absolute pawns of the terrorists/jihadis/Unabombers. Maybe arrest a few of them on the basis of yelling “Fire!!1!!11!” in a crowded information environment, & do a little “enhanced interrogation” on them, to see if they aren’t “secret” terrorists.
Final snark: Car #1 was in front of some sort of nightclub. Think it might have been one of those deals where someone (a “thinks they’re privileged” Mercedes owner, maybe) wasn’t let past the velvet rope & decided to torch the place? It’s happened before right here in the USA.


Kevin, fresh from a serious thumpin’ at Pandagon, tries his hand with the boys at SadlyNo! only to receive more lumps. At Pandagon, Kevin was pretending to be an expert in constitutional law only to discover that… Doh! there were real lawyers there!

If Debbie and Kevin got together you would have unmistakable aroma of Funyons and Cheetoos entwined. Ahhhhhhhhhh……


the previous UK bombing attempts which were by Islamic militants

Well, some were. But these weren’t:

1867 5 March: Attempt to blow up Clerkenwell Prison by Fenian agents.

1881 14 January: Fenian attempt to blow up Salford Infantry Barracks kills one [2]

1884 30 May: Fenian dynamite explosions demolish part of Scotland Yard and part of the Carlton Club; unexploded device found at the foot of Nelson’s Column [3].

1885 25 January: Fenian bombs explode at the Tower of London, London Bridge and two more at the House of Commons. [4]

1887 21 June: The Jubilee Plot: A British-paid Fenian agent provocateur comes close to blowing up Westminster Abbey and killing Queen Victoria [5].

February 1913 a crude bomb – probably the work of Suffragettes – was discovered at Westbourne Park station.

1939 January – 1940 February – A sustained campaign of bombing in London, Birmingham and other parts of the country, known as the S-Plan, organized by the IRA

1971 31 October: A bomb planted by the Provisional IRA explodes in the Post Office Tower in London causing extensive damage but no injuries.[1]

1972 22 February: The Official Irish Republican Army kills seven civilians in the Aldershot bombing.

1972 19 September: The group Black September post a letter bomb to the Israeli embassy in London killing an Israeli diplomat.[2]

A string of bomb attacks on targets in London by the Balcombe Street gang in 1973 and 1974

1973 10 September: The Provisional IRA set off bombs at London’s King’s Cross Station and Euston Station injuring 21 people.[3]

1974 4 February: Twelve people are killed by the Provisional IRA in the M62 Coach Bombing.

1974 17 June: The Provisional IRA plant a bomb which explodes at the Houses of Parliament, causing extensive damage and injuring 11 people.[4]

1974 5 October: Guildford pub bombing by the Provisional IRA leaves 5 dead and 44 injured.

1974 22 October: A bomb planted by the Provisional IRA explodes in London injuring 3 people.[5]

1974 21 November: The Birmingham pub bombings, 21 killed and 182 injured by Provisional IRA bombs.

1979 30 March: Airey Neave killed when a car bomb exploded under his car as he drove out of the Palace of Westminster car park. The Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) claimed responsibility for the killing.

1980 30 April: The Iranian Embassy Siege where a six-man terrorist team held the building for six days until the hostages were rescued by a raid by the SAS which was broadcast live on TV.

1981 21 January: Sir Norman Stronge, 8th Baronet and his son Sir James Stronge, 9th Baronet are killed by the IRA and their home Tynan Abbey bombed.

October 10, 1981: a bomb blast on Ebury Bridge Road in London kills two

1982 20 July: The Hyde Park and Regents Park bombings in London by the IRA kill eleven members of the Household Cavalry and the Royal Green Jackets.

1982, 30 November: A group called the Animal Rights Militia sent a letter bomb to Margaret Thatcher at 10 Downing Street, the device exploded injuring one person.[6]

On Boxing Day 1983 a bomb exploded outside a Marks and Spencers supermarket, the Abu Nidal Organisation was responsible. [2]

1983, 17 December: Harrods was bombed by the IRA.

1984 12 October: Brighton hotel bombing, 5 killed and several injured in an attempt by the IRA to kill Margaret Thatcher.

1989 22 September: Deal barracks bombing: Eleven Royal Marines bandsmen are killed and 22 injured when base in Deal, Kent, is bombed by the IRA.

1990 20 July: The IRA detonate a bomb at the London Stock Exchange

1990 30 July: Ian Gow MP killed by a car bomb planted by the IRA while at his home in Sussex.

1991 7 February: The IRA launched three mortar shells into the back garden of 10 Downing Street.

February 18, 1991: A bomb explodes at Victoria Station. One man is killed and 38 people injured.

February 28, 1992: A bomb explodes at London Bridge station injuring 29 people.

1992 10 April: The IRA detonate a carbomb outside the Baltic Exchange in the the center of London, killing three people.

1992 25 August: The IRA plant three fire bombs in Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

October 12, 1992: A device explodes in the gents’ toilet of the Sussex Arms public house in Covent Garden killing one person and injuring four others.

1992 3 December: The IRA exploded two bombs in central Manchester, injuring 65 people.[8]

1993 20 March: Warrington bomb attacks. The attacks were conducted by the IRA.

1996 9 February: The IRA bombs the South Quay station, killing two people.

1996 15 June: The Manchester bombing when the IRA detonated a 1500kg bomb which destroyed a shopping centre and injured 206 people.

1998 15 August: The Omagh bombing in Northern Ireland. 29 killed and about 220 injured, by a car bomb attributed to the Real IRA.

30 April 1999, when the neo-Nazi David Copeland nailbombed the Admiral Duncan pub in Soho in a homophobic attack, killing three people.

2001 4 March: A car bomb explodes outside the BBC’s main news centre in London.

2001 6 May: The Real IRA detonate a bomb in a London postal sorting office. One person was injured.

2001, 3 August: The last IRA bomb, as of May 2007, on mainland Britain explodes in Ealing, West London, injuring seven people.[11]

There has only been one other bomb explosion on a London bus in recent times: on 18 February 1996 at Wellington Street near Aldwych, in which the only fatality was the IRA member transporting the device. This was thought to have been the result of the accidental detonation of a bomb that he intended to plant elsewhere, rather than a suicide attack.

30 April 1999, when the neo-Nazi David Copeland nailbombed the Admiral Duncan pub in Soho in a homophobic attack, killing three people.


Damn those Leprechaunofascist extremists!


g: Go, cat, go!!
But don’t forget the Gunpowder Plot of Guy Fawkes, 5 Nov 1605, if I recollect correctly. Wanted to set off barrels of gunpowder under the House of Parliament. (Some of those anti-smoking types will go to any length.)


Cast thy delusional PC policies on the waters, and they return to you in spades.
She is counting her chickens before they come home to roost.

…and then run around like a Schussel with its head cut off.


Leonard Pierce said, June 30, 2007 at 3:03
I don’t remember ordering 1300 pounds of ANFO, and yet here it is, not using commas.

And nobody remembers you getting jailed for life in the UK 2 months ago for ordering that much fertilizer. So you could probably assume it was someone other than you. Seriously.


Darkwater said, June 30, 2007 at 3:41
Kilo, Ted Kaczynski was a right wing terrorist?

WTF would be the point in asking that ?
If you believe it has some relevance here then inform the rest of us, because it would be news.


g said, June 30, 2007 at 4:14
“”the previous UK bombing attempts which were by Islamic militants””

Well, some were. But these weren’t:
1867 5 March: Attempt to blow up Clerkenwell Prison by Fenian agents.

2001, 3 August: The last IRA bomb, as of May 2007, on mainland Britain explodes in Ealing, West London, injuring seven people.

And when you say “some” you mean those string of bombing plots in the past 2 years with the common thread of Islamic militants motivated by UK involvement in the Iraq war. You know, those which might be a bit more relevant than the fucking 1867 plot.

Think that’s all bullshit do you ? Those claims that the terrorist threat to western nations has dramatically increased as a result of participation in the invasion and occupation of Iraq ?
Or are you trying to make a point that you don’t actually believe yourself ?


Patkin said, June 30, 2007 at 3:04

Clue the fuck up, and start indiscriminately hating on Muslims! It’s what Maggie Thatcher would do!

Who’s hating on muslims fuckwit ?

The suggestion is that it’s somehow outrageous to suspect muslim extremists were behind a couple of car bombs found outside UK nightclubs, two months after a bunch of muslim extremists were convicted of a plot to bomb UK nightclubs.

If you believe that there is ANY possibility of the involvement of US anti-abortion whackjobs or the IRA or any other suspect then simply say so. Otherwise don’t pretend to be offended by something you yourself subscribe to.


mikey said, June 30, 2007 at 3:31
Kilo? Fuck you, you piece of racist shit. Oh, and I’ve loaded my share of Kilos in my time. I’d be happy to load your worthless ass…

Notably, Debbie Whatsherface here is criticised for ascribing a religion to the people who built these bombs. You have apparently gone further than that and determined their race as well.
Then criticised me, incorrectly, for assuming I have done the same thing.

Probably showed a little more prejudice than you had wanted to there I suspect, especially considering the premise of this article.


Of course, why examine history at all when we’ve got our new scapegoat. After all, it isn’t like the British police have murdered anyone for kind of fitting a racist description and then found out they were shooting innocent people recently.


Kevin! If you’re still there, I would like to take your bet from 21:31. I would like to place a bet of ten US dollars. So if the person responsible is Muslim, I will give you ten dollars. Otherwise, you will give me one-thousand dollars. That’s how you expect the bet to play out, correct?

Do you have PayPal?


g said, June 30, 2007 at 4:15
Damn those Leprechaunofascist extremists!

Yeah. The Unintentional Irony Institute would like to know if you would feel such a suspicion about the IRA being behind a UK bomb plot in 1999 would been similarly unjustified, outrageous, racist, etc.


Patkin said, June 30, 2007 at 5:37
Of course, why examine history at all when we’ve got our new scapegoat.

Yeah. Lot of that going on. Every time an abortion clinic gets bombed. Every time a bomb goes off in an Iraqi market or one is dropped on a wedding party.

It’s almost as though examining all recorded history for unrelated incidents isn’t as informative as just checking who the fuck was responsible the last time for the same thing and the time before that and the time before that and just assuming it was the same buch of c**ts till there’s anything to suggest it wasn’t.

After all, it isn’t like the British police have murdered anyone for kind of fitting a racist description and then found out they were shooting innocent people recently.

Well no, you’re right, it’s not like that. In any way.


The suggestion is that it’s somehow outrageous to suspect muslim extremists were behind a couple of car bombs found outside UK nightclubs, two months after a bunch of muslim extremists were convicted of a plot to bomb UK nightclubs.

“Suspect” is one thing. Debbie Anschlussel “assumes” — nay “asserts outright” — that the car bombs were the work of Muslims. And goes on to demand that all right-thinking people must surely now see that Muslims are an imminent and nearly insurmountable threat to Western Civilization unless we step up now an Do Something About Them.

P.S. – Nightclubs were only one of many types of targets the Operation Crevice guys were supposed to be thinking of targeting. Along with synagogues, shopping centers and utility facilities. And what is the significance of “two months” after the Crevice guys were sentenced? It’s a tenuous connection at best, though I’m sure Li’l Debbie just sees it as more Proof Positive that the Muslims are about to kill her.


Vic said, June 30, 2007 at 5:40
Kevin! If you’re still there, I would like to take your bet from 21:31. I would like to place a bet of ten US dollars. So if the person responsible is Muslim, I will give you ten dollars. Otherwise, you will give me one-thousand dollars. That’s how you expect the bet to play out, correct?
Do you have PayPal?

I assume he just fkd up his quotation of the odds.

But I’d be interested to see if anyone would take the bet the other way around. That anyone would bet $10 this WASN’T yet another case of muslim extremists trying to bomb the UK civilian population, with a chance of winning $1000 if that’s the case.

This is after all what everyone here is pretending they believe.
Put up or shut up is the phrase.


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I will put up. This wasn’t the act of a Muslim extremist.

Now shut up.


Terrific. We’ve got our first grudging disagreement with Debs and it only took 100+ comments and repeated prompting. LMAO.


This thread has really gone downhill fast. Who are these people? Where are all of the fun kids?


Yes, because we only acknowledge disagreement by EXPLICITLY SAYING WE DISAGREE.

Christ, are you slow? Should we draw a diagram, because I’ll make it easy:

Everyone on this thread – Kevin = Thinks Debbie Schussel is dead fucking wrong.


[Patkin, Vic, and DanSomeone are, of course, fun kids. This Kilo person is kind of an annoying twerp though. Has this thread caught Schlussel cooties?]


Kilo, I’d bet on Muslims, but that’s just a bet and the point here is that Debbie’s going bananas again without knowing what the deal is. Whether it is or isn’t Muslims, a whole bunch of people are ready to soil themselves in Allah’s name, therefore the terrorists have, like, won against those guys.


I’m fun!

I think.


Patkin said, June 30, 2007 at 6:23
Yes, because we only acknowledge disagreement by EXPLICITLY SAYING WE DISAGREE.
Christ, are you slow? Should we draw a diagram, because I’ll make it easy:
Everyone on this thread – Kevin = Thinks Debbie Schussel is dead fucking wrong.
LOL. No, they don’t think that.
What did you think was the reason everyone was criticising her while avoiding stating they didn’t believe the same thing themselves ?
It’s just you.
So yeah, bust out that diagram pal.



It was a dark and gloomy night, the type that a hippie might not enjoy had techno music been playing were he a vampire who hated the sound of such music and wanted blood to satisfy his vampiric needs which a hippie also needs in the shadows at least like I’ve heard.

You’re right! I AM good! I’ll write a book. Thanks for the advice! (Heh, yeah it was badly constructed, but it was a simile, not a metaphor)

Mooser said,
Gosh, Kevin, you are awfully stupid.

Am not. You are. (Have we come full circle already where you guys are back to pointless name-calling? Or is it just Mooser. No worries though. I too am prepared with 2nd grade retorts! Got one involving rubber and glue I’m just WAITING to unleash.)

Gavin, ooh, you got me :). Yours was funnier/grosser than mine was insulting. Wish your readers would be as lighthearted… but not as gross :).

Tigrismuch, it always starts with just one. The next step is to not make it compulsory. Do you doubt this will occur in the UK? I don’t.

More pie with mikey! (Direct quote btw, ‘cept I starred out the nasty.)

Dirty@##$^Hippie, I tried to fill your request to gavin for the simple reason that you’re honest enough to admit what you are, but could not make a believable photo involving Deb and Gene Simmon’s tongue. But don’t call me a loser! I tried and failed. What I am is a failure.

G, I take it you are accepting my bet? 100 to 1… you are clearly suggesting it’s the Irish. I’m clearly not. My statistics show something different though.

Kilo said: “Notably, Debbie Whatsherface here is criticised for ascribing a religion to the people who built these bombs.”

I agree! Her name is hard to type!

Correction: Hey, I told someone here that I was going to volunteer at a rape-crisis center before I opined on rape again (in another thread). It turns out that guys are less desirable in that position than women, and it involves a long ‘orientation’ class too, so in truth, I’m probably never going to do as I said I would. I apologize for the lie, but will honor my promise not to compare rape to other things until I come in closer contact with a victim of it.


Marita said, June 30, 2007 at 6:24
[Patkin, Vic, and DanSomeone are, of course, fun kids. This Kilo person is kind of an annoying twerp though. Has this thread caught Schlussel cooties?]

I’m annoying every day of the week though.
What’s hard to determine today is whether I’m wrong or not.
You know, what with pussies such as yourself not wanting to commit yourself to stating such a thing anonymously in the comments on a comedy blog. Because you’re a little afraid that’s too big of a commitment to make.

So I’ll be annoying and you can be the kind of bitch that can’t even rent a pair of testicles to let you pretend you disagree with some halfwit right-wing outrage merchant. Deal.


kilo, I think you need to go back on your meds.


kilo and kevin, why don’t you guys get a room together and leave the rest of us the fuck alone? What a pair of douchebags.


You know, earlier today I was cursing my beloved Firefox because for some reason Kevin wasn’t all that into pie. Then it was all fixed and I was secretly loving Mikey all up and down all over again (I’m pretty sure it was Mikey that introduced the pie. If not then I’m loving whomever it was). Kevin was once again professing his undying love for the flaky, fruit (or pudding) filled goodness. I was happy. Now Kilo comes and messes up the party.

Here, Kilo, have some pie.


Mm. Pie. Strawberry-rhubarb is good.


With a dollop of vanilla ice cream. Yum.


Wait a minute, am I meant to be a pussy or a bitch? And did someone by the moniker ‘Kilo’ just insult me for commenting anonymously (you know, while using my terribly common first name)? OH NOES!

Have to love the performance artist trolls. Kevin, driving trains is nice and all, but you have quite a standard to live up to here.


The Unintentional Irony Institute would like to know if you would feel such a suspicion about the IRA being behind a UK bomb plot in 1999 would been similarly unjustified, outrageous, racist, etc.

Actually, yes — in 1999 if I heard someone calling anyone who was Catholic, red-headed, spoke with a brogue and liked drinking Irish ale was a mad bomber, I’d think it was unjustified, outrageous, racist, etc.

Look, you dumb motherfucker. Here’s the difference:

IThe IRA is a political organization. People who belong to it embrace certain poltical objectives.

If a bombing were to occur that people felt was the work of the IRA, they would assume that IRA members wer behind it. They would not, necessarily, assume that all red-heads, all Irishmen, all Catholics, all step-dancers, were behind it.

However – in post-9/11 world, when a bomb plot is uncovered, the Right Wing Wind Machine – and, it appears, yourself and Kevin included – has decided that people should be suspicious of all human beings who happen to profess a certain religious faith and happen to be of certain ethnicities.

See the difference?
Or are you just being stupid or provocative?


Kilo is his (or, to be fair, her) gods-given name, don’t you know. I’m sure he/she would never consider posting *gasp* anonymously. I have to say that his/her mother was a brave soul for allowing her child to suffer such a name.
On legal documents. Offline.

g, I do believe Kilo may have to Google “provocative” as the only meaning he knows = big hairy guys yanking their stuff. Just sayin’.


What’s hard to determine today is whether I’m wrong or not.

Um. Nope. Not hard at all. Pretty much made my determination already. Bet some other folks have done so too.


Is kilo another of the good guys? Well met, my friend! G, I don’t think you can use the ‘pie’ reference. That’s Mikey’s thing. He likes it! Hey mikey!

It’s not me Jinxi, it’s all mikey. But suddenly I want pie as much as you do! Let’s all vote conservative. They’re pro-pie!

Marita, you are neither! I don’t know about kilo, but to me, your not a bitch OR a p*ssy. You’re just a yet to be informed young lady. Open your mind, so you can be just a ‘young lady’! Then soon after, an INTELLIGENT young lady! And it keeps getting better after that. Come over to the light!

Kilo, are you 6MB backup, sent because Gavin still has yet to admit that his photoshop skills pale in comparison to theirs? Because I need it. These people are CRAZY!


That’s almost terribly kind of you Kevin, but it’s still Dr. Marita. (Alternatively, you may use Dr. Marita, Ph.D.) I may not be an expert at assembling toy railroads or anything, but I do have the pretty diploma, and the velvety hood and everything.


Here’s what I want to know, among a half a dozen other things.
How does Debbie Schlussel get on big people TV? She’s not an expert on Islam, she’s got no experience in terrorism or counter-terrorism, she’s not even that telegenic. Yet, every time I’ve seen her on TV, same they ask her about these things, and others, that she has no experience in. So, what’s the deal here?

Look at this case: Debbie says it’s Muslims, and that could be true. Sure, why the hell not, I said so at 22:12, even bet a cat toy on it. Problem is, could be a lot of fucking people, it’s not like the UK is filled with Eloi or something. Debbie could end up being right, but only because she’s got one whole idea in her head, and that’s Muslims are ikky.

She says it repeatedly, and she said so now, and she’s saying it, bracing yourselves yet?, thousand miles from the site of the action, with no contact with the police or the counter-terrorism group in charge of the forensics. She has no evidence except her own personal prejudice here to base her opinions on for this “analysis”, and yet, she will make enough money to redo those roots of hers ere long for saying something she would be saying regardless of whether she’s right or wrong.

This isn’t qualified testimony to inform the public of a running story. This is unvarnished opinion backed by hearsay and circumstantial evidence. The cool thing is people are paying her to be a lifeless talking head on the TV and accept her repetitive drone on how the Muslims will desecrate our purity of essence. I’d prefer that they chose people who actually had some connection to the events in question, but it does not work that way at least for the Fox News, the Bread and Circuses network.

I’d love to institute the 3 strikes law for television punditry. If you go on the news, and you say something which turns out to be wrong, you have to apologize for the error, just like the real TV people who fuck up. If you do this three times in a row, they have to stop calling you. It’s harsh and draconian, and talk radio would self destruct, and maybe the AM stations would be forced to put good music back on instead of that horrible New Country assleakage, but I could live with that.


Diploma first, Marita, abilities later. You are well on the way! After all, you can’t build a railroaduntil you’ve learned how. Hugs!

another banterer asks:

“How does Debbie Schlussel get on big people TV?”
The answer is (and this is no joke) read the wires and comment quickly. Plus, try to have a right leaning view. There are a thousand people who already do this on the left. Not so many on the right.

I’m not supporting her, though I agree with most of her positions. I think most of her positions are misguided. She seems to think that many muslims are islamic supremicists (similar to white supremicists) because they are scumbags. I disagree. I think they are that way because they’ve been misled by the koran.

But this is probably the wrong forum to discuss this. You guys probably don’t think muslims are even taught that they are better than non-muslims, huh? You think they are taught to love everyone, regardless of what they believe. I’ll not burden you with the truth.

a different brad

Man, I hate when long threads are just troll infestations.
Except when mishatrolls came over. That was fun.


My bad, Dr. Marita. I had guessed (incorrectly, it seems) that Marita was your first name, and it seemed inappropriate to talk to you like a ‘Dr. Phill’. In the future, I shall call you Doctor as you demand. I hope you use your great amount of schooling (6 more than me, if you are into medicine, 2 more if not) to move on to greatness!

Mostly, I wish you’d school your friends on how liberalism (the old JFK/FDR style) is great and should be adopted by your hippie friends!



Hate… how untypical of you guys!


Guess I should have said ‘a’ typical. But you get the gist. Enough with the hate!


You guys don’t get it. I love you! You’re of my own country. Sure, I make fun of you guys. When your siblings did the same, did you stop loving them? Did they, when you did it to them?

We’ve got a great country (read that as family) here, and Deb is only suggesting we protect it. I agree. I know we’ve got crazy hippies, liberals, conservatives, and even KKK idiots.

But we’re free. That’s worth protecting ( and PLEASE don’t hit me with the ridiculous idea that we’ve lost freedoms because of BUSH or his policies. We haven’t.).

To be clear, I think you’re great, yet poorly informed or misinformed, and I think we are still free, and will remain so. And that makes me happy as hell.


g said, June 30, 2007 at 7:06

“”The Unintentional Irony Institute would like to know if you would feel such a suspicion about the IRA being behind a UK bomb plot in 1999 would been similarly unjustified, outrageous, racist, etc.””

Actually, yes — in 1999 if I heard someone calling anyone who was Catholic, red-headed, spoke with a brogue and liked drinking Irish ale was a mad bomber, I’d think it was unjustified, outrageous, racist, etc.

Except that’s not what you were asked now was it.
Nor what’s being discussed. Nor the topic of this article. Nor any fkn thing relevant to it.

The article here is about the assumption that someone planting bombs in London in 2007 is a muslim. This is suggested to be an outrageous assumption.

You were asked whether it would have been just as outrageous to assume that someone planting bombs in London in the 1990s was Irish.
You’ve failed to answer that, for obvious reasons.

Just like you’ve failed to answer whether you actually don’t think muslim extremists were behind this plot.

Personally I think that’s a pretty conclusive answer as to who you do think was behind this.


Marita said, June 30, 2007 at 6:54
Wait a minute, am I meant to be a pussy or a bitch?

Can’t you be both ?

And did someone by the moniker ‘Kilo’ just insult me for commenting anonymously (you know, while using my terribly common first name)? OH NOES!

No. He insulted you for not having the courage to state that you believe what you are pretending to, even while anonymous.
It was a comment on how spineless you were in general, not specifically related to your name.

a different brad

Kev, babe, this is all i see.
But keep at it.


Jinxi said, June 30, 2007 at 7:16
Kilo is his (or, to be fair, her) gods-given name, don’t you know. I’m sure he/she would never consider posting *gasp* anonymously. I have to say that his/her mother was a brave soul for allowing her child to suffer such a name.
On legal documents. Offline.

Look it’s someone else who missed the point, deliberately I assume.

After all, you’re someone else who’s posted several times here without wanting to even suggest that you don’t believe what Debby does. And won’t, no matter how much you’re prompted.

I wonder if it’s just a muslim thing or you find yourself having to bite your tongue often here when right-wing comments about black people or the poor are covered.


No. He insulted you for not having the courage to state that you believe what you are pretending to, even while anonymous.

Hmmm… I don’t recall pretending (or professing) to believe anything on this thread, other than that you’re a total wanker. I’m perfectly happy to state that.


But, ‘special’ brad,you know that it’s untrue. How do you allow falsehoods t be ‘all you seel’?

Can you let us into the mind of a liberal so we can understand how you could do such a thing?


Kilo is exposing you more than me, huh 🙁


Marita said, June 30, 2007 at 9:08

“”No. He insulted you for not having the courage to state that you believe what you are pretending to, even while anonymous.””

Hmmm… I don’t recall pretending (or professing) to believe anything on this thread

Yeah. That’s what I just said.


Well, perpahps I should clarify this: How does Debbie get on big people get on Big People TV to discuss issues she has no qualifications on? Reading the papers doesn’t make her better than the half thousand people in the producers rolodex who also read the papers, which may well include her saintly old grandmother, 85 years young and still spry. TV stations, Big and small, all pay very well mannered and groomed people to read the wires off a little screen, and be able to improvise banter (heh), to do just this. Debbie is supposed to bring information to the table, and if she isn’t, then why the hell is she on my TV news show?

Debbie writes columns, and I have limited knowledge of how print media works, much better in TV where I worked until last year. The producers I knew would not have put Debbie up on this subject; because it’s fairly clear that she has no clear connection to this case, and thus cannot add anything new that our much cuter reporters couldn’t, thus her statements will not be grounded in any new information, and must be weighed in as opinions, again, something else our cuter reporters could’ve managed. Her columns are her own business, but again, she has no deeper facts on which to base her opinions, and has no hidden sources to build up her statements above speculation.

She is, essentially, making shit up.

Now, here’s the thing. Again, you could be right that she is right, in the same way that guessing wildly about the murder in a mystery novel and being right also means you’re right. But, like her, you have no better facts than she does, and are essential agreeing with the shit Debbie Schlussel made up.

Now, I don’t know Islam, and you aren’t a Muslim, and I KNOW the Debster ain’t. I do know Christianity passingly well, and hell if I haven’t met Christians who also feel that their personal choice in faith makes them better than me, because I stubbornly refuse to accept a 6000 year old earth, for example. As has been mentioned in this thread, there are very violent followers of the Good Shepherd, and there are people who really haven’t quite got the Beatitudes down pat just yet. So, it occurs to me that both religions have their issues with jackassery, and claiming all terrorism for Islam is a definite oversimplification of the matter.

Herr Doktor Bimler

you’re someone else who’s posted several times here without wanting to even suggest that you don’t believe what Debby does.
That sentence still makes too much sense. It still needs a couple more nested negations to turn it into total gibberish.

I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest that London has enough criminal gangs, drug dealing and extortion rackets to account for a couple of car-bombs parked outside a nightclub, without invoking teh scary terrarists… especially when the bombs look more like symbolic threats than anything actually intended to go Boom.
OK, the limb is getting crowded now, what with g and M. Bouffant going out on it several hours ago.


Different Brad,

Funny! Now I have to go walkies, though!

Qetesh the Abyssinian

you’re someone else who’s posted several times here without wanting to even suggest that you don’t believe what Debby does.



Take the bet then, republic of Palau and Mister doctor. Put your money where your pc mouths are! It’s the internet for goodness sakes. You’ll never have to pay.

AFK. jzmvgh has made an interesting point that I have to verify. (heh, j/k)


Herr Doktor Bimler said, June 30, 2007 at 9:39
That sentence still makes too much sense. It still needs a couple more nested negations to turn it into total gibberish.

Gee that’s unfortunate. If only there were a dozen other posts here all from the same author all saying the same thing in a dozen different ways that you could use instead.

I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest that London has enough criminal gangs, drug dealing and extortion rackets to account for a couple of car-bombs parked outside a nightclub, without invoking teh scary terrarists… especially when the bombs look more like symbolic threats than anything actually intended to go Boom.

Yeah, someone’s actually mentioned what they look like…

But maybe that fuel vapour inside the car was indeed just symbolism and not explained by the suggested technique outlined there.


you’re someone else who’s posted several times here without wanting to even suggest that you don’t believe what Debby does.

Since you seem to have trouble understanding that people’s meaning can be implied from their actual words, here’s a helpful guide.

This is what I believe about the London car bombs: They may have been placed by Muslim extremists, and should be fully investigated. The perpetrators, if identified and caught, should be prosecuted and punished appropriately.

This is what Debbie Anschlussel appears to believe about the London car bombs: They were definitely placed by Muslim extremists, and it’s all because the British people have allowed Muslims to roam free in their land. And if the UK (and the US for that matter) don’t crack down on all Muslims — deport them, intern them, Do Something About Them — then all the Muslims we so blithely permit to live amongst us will rise up and kill us all.

You see the difference?


I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have left you hanging with that last comment. Here’s the payoff: I do not believe what Debbie does.


Dan Someone said:

“…They were definitely placed by Muslim extremists, and it’s all because the British people have allowed Muslims to roam free in their land. And if the UK (and the US for that matter) don’t crack down on all Muslims — deport them, intern them, Do Something About Them — then all the Muslims we so blithely permit to live amongst us will rise up and kill us all.”

‘Zactly. Convert them to atheism or some other peaceful religion, or they’ll kill us, sooner or later. Islam is too supremacist of a religion to allow to continue. It’s as evil as the KKK. And so similar, except it’s doctrine sets a belief as the reason for being better than others, instead of a color.

Nip it in the full bloom.


Last bets, please…
Al-Qaeda operatives have drawn up plans in the past to attack in London by detonating cars stuffed with gas cylinders and other explosives. In July 2004, counterterrorism officials in Pakistan seized a laptop computer containing directions for a plot to blow up three limousines in an underground parking garage in Britain. The 39-page document outlining the “Gas Limos Project” was written by Dhiren Barot, an al-Qaeda operative and British citizen.

Explosives experts said there were obvious parallels between Friday’s bombs and the Gas Limos Project. “This is quite clearly the same kind of bomb that was considered by this chap Barot,” said Hans J. Michels, a professor of chemical engineering at Imperial College in London.


Tigrismuch, it always starts with just one. The next step is to not make it compulsory. Do you doubt this will occur in the UK? I don’t.

I do doubt it, Cephynn, but then I rarely find slippery slope arguments very persuasive in the absence of any sort of proof or common sense. Did you notice they didn’t claim the one department at one school stopped teaching it altogether, but just for one purpose, the GCSE coursework? And the report held that up as a bad thing to be stopped? And that it’s still required at an earlier age, so even the kids at this school had already studied it?

At any rate, the truth wasn’t anything like what Schlussel claimed and does not support her thesis.


Sorry Sir, we simply cannot accept any more bets…
Last night it emerged that a message on a website often used by Islamic extremists warned of the London attack.
A posting on the al-Hasbeh chat forum pointed to an imminent attack, exclaiming: “Today I say rejoice . . . by Allah, London shall be bombed.”,21985,21997254-663,00.html


Look it’s someone else who missed the point, deliberately I assume.

After all, you’re someone else who’s posted several times here without wanting to even suggest that you don’t believe what Debby does. And won’t, no matter how much you’re prompted.

I wonder if it’s just a muslim thing or you find yourself having to bite your tongue often here when right-wing comments about black people or the poor are covered.

Huh? What exactly are you smoking? Were you drunk blogging too?

1) I very rarely post here and on this page is the first time I’d done so under this moniker. Of course, I wouldn’t expect you to know that, but since you somehow believe I often comment to distract from out-of-control nutbags in secret support of them I feel compelled to let you in on the secret.
Perhaps you’d like to search? While you’re not doing that you can search for my former pseudonym, “Gratis”.

2) Debbie is a screeching loon who no one in their right mind should even consider taking seriously. Why then do I need to announce that I don’t agree with her? Should I take out a full page ad in the Times? By commenting here as a non-troll it is implied that I believe Debbie to be batshit insane who no one should take seriously. Do you support her? Huh?

3) What the hell are you talking about with that last bit?

@ a different brad,

You know, this is much funnier than professing to love the pie. May I steal it? My list is getting long, but I have room for Kilo, I think.


Kilo, I think you are wasting your breath. The people here are more concerned about imaginary troubles involving CO2 than actual ones involving people who want to kill us and are sometimes succeeding.

Tigris, I don’t get your ‘cephynn’ reference. Do I need to google it? Or would you be ok with me letting it pass? I’m sad you don’t find ‘slippery slope’ arguments persuasive. Unchecked, they’ve cause so so so many deaths. Ask the people in Lebanon. Cyprus. Malaysia. India. Pakistan. Indonesia. People who don’t know the truth often kill out of ignorance. We know this. We’ve seen it. Let’s try to stop it, huh?

I did NOT notice that “they didn’t claim the one department at one school stopped teaching it altogether…” and hope and pray that you are right. To ignore or forget history leads to a road where we might repeat it. To deny it will DEFINITELY cause us to repeat it. I sincerely hope you are right, but fear that I am.


Kilo said:

Sorry Sir, we simply cannot accept any more bets…
Last night it emerged that a message on a website often used by Islamic extremists warned of the London attack.

Shush, ya jerk! I was gonna clean up here, with these pc ppl! They actually were incapable of considering muslims, because of how they’ve been taught. You’ve deprived me of golden showers, Kilo! Hmm, maybe I should rephrase that.

Jinxi, I’d prefer if you didn’t call me ‘a different brad’, but of course you can steal it!

Fishbone McGonigle

they allow Muslims to virtually take over London

Has she ever actually been to London, I wonder?

Because if this has in fact happened, it’s occurred only in the last two years, because the last time I was there, there hadn’t been anything approaching a Muslim takeover.


It’s a reference to your own misspelling of others’ nicks. As to your fear of being correct, read the report, it was linked earlier. According the spokesman for the department of education, it is still required learning in history classes in earlier grades, and apparently also often covered in religion courses, and there was nothing in the report indicating it’s not being taught at the grades in which it is required. The report also gives teachers specific tips and ideas for teaching sensitive topics(with multiple examples from real schools), the whole point of the report being that simply not educating kids is not an option.


Oh! Zoomed over my head:(. Tigris 1, kevin 0. I did in fact read the report, but am not as optimistic as you as to what it said. I’m particularly worried about the giving to ‘teachers specific tips and ideas for teaching sensitive topics’ as if a genocide is a ‘sensitive topic’.

I both fear and predict that the admission that the nazis killed Jews with wild abandon will will no longer be allowed in Europe in a decade. I further predict (and you have no chance of catching me on it simply because of the scope) that within 150 years, Atheists and Christians will be derided with the same ferocity that Jews are, currently.

Islam is evil, and supremacist. Don’t you guys get that? It’s not our friend! It’s the anithesis to civilization. Can’t you see the misogynistic horror that it is?

I feel like I can’t even TALK to you people. Just being honest.


feel like I can’t even TALK to you people. Just being honest.

Hey! a breakthrough! So now will you go away?


No! Never give up, never surrender! Didn’t you watch Galaxy Quest?

More freaky stuff in bloody old England. Forget the Presbyterians. It’s the Anglicans! As far as YOU guys know, right? PC is controlling you my friends. Break free!


You don’t think genocide needs to be handled sensitively with kids, especially in earlier grades? Of course it’s an “emotive” subject, and apparently it is controversial in some quarters, whether it should be or not, and yet they still teach it and even explore new ways to teach it to those very people who find it controversial. That’s not worrying, that’s exactly what teachers should be doing, whether the topic is the Holocaust in England or evolution here. And I have to say I doubt you read it, or you’d realize the Holocaust wasn’t the only topic mentioned, and Muslims weren’t the only people teachers worried about offending.

As to your contention that you can’t talk to us, then don’t. Most of us think you are a bigot, spewing fact-free opinion based on hate, ignorance and fear. You add nothing and would not be missed. Just being honest.


Ack, link didn’t work.

trying again.”


Islam is evil, and supremacist. Don’t you guys get that? It’s not our friend! It’s the anithesis to civilization.

What a fucking pants-wetter.

a different brad

People likea da walkies, eh?
I have to give Kevin a little credit, his eager puppy routine did give me the idea.


Tigris, as much as I hate to have a serious conversation on this blog ( I use it mostly for comic relief), I’ll acquiesce and reply. I do NOT think genocide needs to be handled gingerly with kids. I think the evilness that it represents should be OVER-emphasized instead. I think kids who have a problem with knowing the truth should get extra schooling, and their parents should be smacked! Or even have their children taken from them. Yeah, I’m THAT serious.

Genocide is no goofy religious thing or imaginary happening. People who think it was, need to be quarantined (i.e. locked up) before they make it happen again.

I can’t make you believe I read it, tig, and won’t try, other than to say that I felt it was as truthful as a NYT column… mostly for what it leaves out. Basically (or ‘truthfully’), we’ll see. I predict that you will be saying 10 years from now, ‘Damn, that goofball Kevin from that stupid blog was right!’ I’ve only been to England twice, and noticed some SCARY differences the second time.

Time will tell though. I’d be more than happy to be wrong on such a serious issue. I’d even happily and obsequiously admit that I’m wrong. I don’t think I am wrong though, tigris. I have the fuzzy feeling that you don’t think I am either.

In any case, you should probably be getting back to worrying about evil CO2 though. That complicated chemical component of our atmosphere is gonna get us! Sure, historical data and evidence shows that it’s no big deal, but computer models can show that we’re all going to die from CO2!

Personalized models can show that only (insert your favorite percentage here) percent of all people will be destroyed by evil CO2. There’s no increase in sea levels? You can ignore that fact with a computer model! Buy one today.


(sorry for flipping subjects, but tigris and I were kinda done, and I was hoping to parody your global warming ridiculosity. Did I hit a nerve?)


’cause I was aiming for one…


Work it harder makes us better do it faster makes us stronger more than ever hour after hour work is never over.

Click it. You know you want to. Takes 52 seconds before the fun begins, and gets better from there. It’s apolitical, but why not join the conservatives once you’ve watched it? I could throw my weight behind you in support…


Are you guys just ignoring that cool post because of my positions on things? Well SCREW YOU hippies! I’m going home.

(I’ll make more fun of you tonight.)


Suddenly after the Glascow incident, it’s become quiet here! How come? Do you guy’s get Deb now or something?


I ponder the kneejerk “can’t blame Islam” response of this board’s posters.

The following link bears contemplation. Please, do not give it your quick automatic response, even (and especially) inwardly. It takes a little time to adjust to and absorb it’s meaning.


I ponder the kneejerk “can’t blame Islam” response of this board’s posters.

I like to think of it not as “can’t blame Islam” and more as “can blame Debbie.” It’s not that Debbie is right or wrong in her supposition of who’s to blame, it’s that she’s a fucking lunatic who does not need confirmation of anything to rocket to the top of her own poop-geyser. Does terrorism work? Obviously: look at Debbie.


Again, it looks like that contemplation still offers its unrealized fruits.


Kevin, if you didn’t piss me off by destroying the usually top-notch banter found in threads around here, I’d pity you. You clearly need a girl/boyfriend, and not one whose name ends in .jpg, but I can see how it might be hard to get someone to feel something other than pity for you.

In all seriousness if I had the power I’d ban you. Pissing in the punch bowl at a party isn’t cool.

That list is really a piece of shit.

You might note that your chart includes a number of countries involved in wars of conquest. Kinda seems hard to put a wholly religious spin on it given that it’s nearly all Muslim on Muslim violence with the intention to grab real estate and activities on the chart were hardly well-explained: an India item, for instance, was about a mosque being blown up, perpetrators unmentioned.

So as a WTF, I removed Afghanistan Iraq Sudan and Somalia, leaving other conflicts in and the total worldwide death toll left over for the three months tabulated is around 4 times the drunken-driving deaths on US highways over the Labor Day weekend.

Add back the wars – three of the countries involved having no functioning security apparatus and two not having workable governments at all really – and you’d need maybe 14 Labor Days, but it’s still only a small fraction of total US drunken driving deaths in any given year.

I imagine the seriousness of your concern is such that you only take public transit.


Simba, if I’m REALLY ticking you off that much, I’ll leave. I give you my word. That’s not my goal. My goal is only to counter silly ideas, like ‘carbon dioxide is going to cause our death’, or ‘jihadi terrorism is no big deal because we have drunk drivers’ as self-righteous bubba seems to be suggesting.

Love how you discounted the deaths of those people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, and Somalia at the hands of jihadis bubba. Bet they’re grateful! Why not discount ALL of them as unimportant?

So Simba, if you really want to take my right of free speech away on this blog, simply say the words, and you’ll have accomplished the feat. Deny me my freedom on in the ‘nonfriends’ section though, so I’ll know it’s you taking my rights away, and not some poseur. Again, I give you my word, and I keep it.

What a great test of support for freedom of speech! Do liberals truly believe in it? Or is censorship ok in certain cases, if you disagree enough with the speaker? Simba will tell us soon! Honestly, I’m very excited to find out the answer, and it’s worth no longer commenting here. I’ve often thought that liberals don’t believe in free speech at all(mostly because they so often disrupt other people’s speeches as ‘a protest’, but there are a few other reasons). I’m extremely interested in how deep their desire to silence dissenters goes.

Fishbone McGonigle

So Simba, if you really want to take my right of free speech away on this blog, simply say the words, and you’ll have accomplished the feat.

You’re free to write / say / post whatever you like, Kevvy. I think SImba’s expressing a desire that you just do it somewhere else, which is a desire I also share.

Think of it this way: Imagine you went over to somebody’s house where a party was going on (of course, you’d have to have heard about it second- or third-hand, because nobody would actually invite you). Then, as soon as you got there, you took a crap on the dining room table and started yelling about what a great crap you just took, how it was sooooo superior to the dumps left by anybody else at the party, etc. And of course you do this in such a way that makes other conversation extremely difficult – i.e., interrupting other people’s conversations, taunting people who are trying to ignore you inhopes you’ll go away, etc.

Now, if the party’s host threw your ass out on the street, would that be “censorship” to you?

I’ve often thought that liberals don’t believe in free speech at all(mostly because they so often disrupt other people’s speeches as ‘a protest’, but there are a few other reasons).

That’s rich, coming from a guy who supports the administration that invented the concept of a “free speech zone.”


“You’re free to write / say / post whatever you like, Kevvy.” Thanks Fishyboney! I still suspect Simba’s going to go Stalin on me though.

In your disgusting scenario, no, I would not call that censorship. You should keep in mind that I WAS invited here. And by Gavin himself! But I’m never vulgar, and except for the time I was bragging about the big EtO sale, I never change the subject, or at least don’t mean to.

I think you should forgive me for that one, because, quite simply, I was overcome with joy about the huge windfall I’ll be catching until quotas are changed in March, and the fact that I will soon have one of the biggest carbon footprints in the world, if you give me credit for what I’ve sold as well as what I’ve burned. Viva La Jolla! Oh, and the ‘work it harder make it better do it faster’ thing, but that was only two comments, and you would have cracked up if you’d have bothered to click the link.

No, I just disagree with you guys. That’s the part of me so many of you find unappealing. Plus, I call you hippies, and I imagine that is as bad as someone calling a fat person ‘fat person’. I can see how that would be annoying, so I’ll try not to do it anymore (note: I said ‘try’). Silly hip… Dang, this is gonna be hard.

I’ve often thought that liberals don’t believe in free speech at all(mostly because they so often disrupt other people’s speeches as ‘a protest’, but there are a few other reasons).

That’s rich, coming from a guy who supports the administration that invented the concept of a “free speech zone.”

You clearly don’t read my comments, as I never express any support for this administration (but I DO for our troops and their mission!). So it’s even richer, now that you’ve put my position in my mouth (similar to ‘words in my mouth’ but even more audacious).


Being ignored, asked to go elsewhere or even banned by the proprietors of a non-governmental entity like a blog would in no way impinge your rights; I do hope you realize you don’t have a Constitutional right to comment on someone else’s blog.

Fishbone McGonigle

You clearly don’t read my comments

I try not to, as I’d like to keep as many brain cells as I can.


Check out this new info on Marife Nichols!


You’d expect a lot more tolerance a woman who’d had sex with so many black guys.


Being ignored, asked to go elsewhere or even banned by the proprietors of a non-governmental entity like a blog would in no way impinge your rights; I do hope you realize you don’t have a Constitutional right to comment on someone else’s blog.

This is a common wingnut argument–if I can’t scream as loud as I want and/or throw my shit at the wall like a monkey at someone else’s private blog/party/lecture/speech it must be ZOMG liberal censorship. Then they proceed with the tripe about liberal hypocrisy, as if we have no right to be pissed off at their assclownism.

Read up on free spech, Kevin. You clearly have no idea what it entails and, more importantly, what it does not.

I think, as crude as the bathroom analogies are, they are apt. Because most of what you post here is on the level of a turd floating in a party punch bowl.

As for my LiveJournal, at least I link to my blog, unlike you, who had your shitty blog uncovered by others here. It’s friends-only because of circumstances beyond my control.

That said, I’m just expressing my desire to see the recent troll infestation stop. I obviously have no control over what anyone does. I’m just tired of 200-comment threads that are poisoned by the likes of you. I love the discussion at this site, and you are making it harder to enjoy. Obviously, that doesn’t make me happy.


You’d expect a lot more tolerance

Just fuck off.


“Being ignored, asked to go elsewhere or even banned by the proprietors of a non-governmental entity like a blog would in no way impinge your rights; I do hope you realize you don’t have a Constitutional right to comment on someone else’s blog.”

Indeed, Tigris! It would in NO way impair my rights. Especially since it would be voluntary on my part (and even if not). The interesting part is whether a liberal (liberals used to be vehemently for free speech of any kind, btw) would choose to silence me if he could (and he can!) simply because he didn’t like what I was saying.

Fishbone McGonigle said,
You clearly don’t read my comments

I try not to, as I’d like to keep as many brain cells as I can.

Rut roh. I had no idea my words had so much power! Perhaps I should not have commented so much at Pelosi, Bush and Reid’s blogs?

Simba, I’m well versed in what areas of free speech are protected. Painfully versed, even. I’m not suggesting you have the ‘right’ to shut me up, or suggesting I have the ‘right’ to post here. I’m saying you have the ‘power’ to shut me up, if you think suppressing my ability to speak here is the right thing to do. I’m not kidding when I say I’m intrigued over what you’ll decide. I hope you know I’ll abide by your decision.

I was not deriding your webpage. I was just saying you need to comment on the ‘nonfriends’ section, since I can’t read the other part. My blog was not ‘uncovered’ as you say. I used to post with it. (.) I changed it when too many people said I was commenting here for hits on my site. It was untrue, so I took that ammo away from them.

That said, I’m just expressing my desire to see the recent troll infestation stop. I obviously have no control over what anyone does. I’m just tired of 200-comment threads that are poisoned by the likes of you. I love the discussion at this site, and you are making it harder to enjoy. Obviously, that doesn’t make me happy.

In this case, you DO have control. I have to say that the 200 comment threads are more often CAUSED by me (or my ilk) than not, since, how can 200 people write comments about a post that all agree with each other? Kinda boring… but anyway, you do have the power to silence me, if you see fit. But put the note (I dunno…. ‘shut up kevin’?) on your livespace nonfriends page though. Too many fakers here for me to trust a comment with your name on it. I promise I’ll abide.

Self-Righeous Bubba, exactly as tolerant as I expected! High fives all around :).


Guess I survived the cut! *phew*

meaningful wanker, painfully versed

Posters here would probably like to see you moderate yourself, Kev, in deference to to ‘tude of the blog. The S,N audience is much more interested in S,N than you.


[…] Sadly, No! » She Likes The Guys With The Cars That Go Boom[Extended … Just how much does a holo cost? a different brad said, … Dallas? Kevin said, June 30, 2007 at 15:55. Take the bet then, republic … The 39-page document outlining the “Gas Limos Project” was … […]


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