Silly White People

Y’know, I can see why a lot of people were opposed to the preznit’s plan for immigration reform. The bill that the wingnuts defeated yesterday would have basically created a permanent underclass of “guest workers” to be exploited by companies looking for cheap labor. And while unfettered immigration is a relatively small reason why wages for working-class people in this country are in the crapper, it’s still part of the problem. At a time when people in this country are feeling more and more economically insecure, it seems silly to pass a bill that will only exacerbate the situation.

But then when I read stories like this, I realize that the bill’s opponents weren’t concerned primarily with economic justice or with stopping the race to the bottom for cheap labor. Rather, they’re just scared of brown people:

Stephanie Usrey strode up to her local Wal-Mart store the other morning with the steely look of a boxer about to step into the ring.

A stay-at-home mother of two, Usrey has dreaded shopping at this particular branch ever since a Friday afternoon about five years ago, when she said she suddenly noticed she was the only non-Latino customer.

“That was the first time I looked around and said, ‘Man, I didn’t realize how many Mexicans there were here,’ ” Usrey, 39, recalled. “And they don’t seem to feel any discomfort when they’re, like, six inches from your face and talking to each other in their language, either. I just felt very encroached upon. . . . It was like an instant feeling of ‘I’m in the minority, and if we don’t get control over this, pretty soon all of America will be outnumbered.'”

Aaaah, good old racial paranoia.

You know, I live in a neighborhood with a sizable immigrant population from Latin America. A lot of people in this neighborhood speak Spanish to one another. Many of them shop at local businesses that have window signs written in Spanish. I hear salsa music and reggaeton blasting from passing cars.

And guess what: through some incredible magic, it doesn’t freak me out. I simply do not give a shit if the people around me look different and have funny accents and play non-white-people music. The sinister Latino hordes aren’t breaking down my door at night, shoving quesadillas down my throat and making me pledge allegiance to Hugo Chavez. So stop freaking out, silly white people. You’re embarrassing me.


Comments: 78


The sinister Latino hordes aren’t breaking down my door at night, shoving quesadillas down my throat and making me pledge allegiance to Hugo Chavez. So stop freaking out, silly white people. You’re embarrassing me.

But Julio Lugo came to Boston and took all the underperforming-shortstop jobs!


That is very true. And ironically, Alex Gonzalez would have done the work better for cheaper.


Brad, don’t you know they are all talking about you in that language you can’t understand?


she suddenly noticed she was the only non-Latino customer.


“And they don’t seem to feel any discomfort when they’re, like, six inches from your face and talking to each other in their language, either.

What? Dirty foreigners not feeling ashamed when speaking their native gibberish in front of a white woman? The appalling cheek!

It was like an instant feeling of ‘I’m in the minority, and if we don’t get control over this, pretty soon all of America will be outnumbered

Well, there it is, right there. The reason behind 90% of the xenophobic bullshit in America. White people living in mortal fear of being in the same position they’ve put other people in for the last 300 years.


Gainesville is a blot.


Why just the other day, I was tricked by this Mexicano man into eating a delicious burrito – in the middle of the day!!! I felt very invaded.


The sinister Latino hordes aren’t breaking down my door at night, shoving quesadillas down my throat and making me pledge allegiance to Hugo Chavez. So stop freaking out, silly white people. You’re embarrassing me.

A-fucking-men. Do all my fellow whitey’s really want to consign me to eating white people food and listening to white people music for the rest of my life? Do they not realize how incredibly boring we white people are when left to our own devices? Freaking meat and potatoes? A palette of spices that consists of salt and pepper? Celine Dion? Country music?!!!

Between brown people and bland toast, I’ll take the brown people thank you!

verplanck colvin, pe

Mr. Tampa,

Pepper is a spice from another furriner country. I think all whitey has to himself is salt.

Now who wants a nice boiled chicken with boiled potatoes? Anyone? Anyone?


Potatoes are a New World food. We owe them to the actual Native Americans.

Have some bread. And some more bread. And some bread to go with your bread.

verplanck colvin, pe

I’d rather someone shove a quesadilla down my throat, Jullian.


The sinister Latino hordes aren’t breaking down my door at night, shoving quesadillas down my throat …

I wish they would, I’m hungry and tired of eating bread sandwiches.


This woman reminds me of my cousin and her husband down in Phoenix. At some point, I said that I didn’t know enough to take their side in the immigration debate (the briefest description of their immigration point of view is that they are working for the Tom Tancredo campaign). We had a series of exchanges that can be summed up very quickly:

Them: We’d like to have a thoughtful immigration debate with you.

Me: Well, OK. I don’t know much, you give me your strongest argument.

Them: OK, watch this video (

Me: OK, I have a question. This video claims essentially that illegal immigrants, which amount to a 10% growth in our population, are going to cause a 100% in the need for infrastructure like roads and water treatment plants. How do you figure.

Them: We don’t have time for this debate! Can’t you see they are talkin’ mexican down at the walmarts day in and day out?

Sadly, this commonly is the level of debate I encounter with the anti-immigrant crowd.


Oh wait, Jillian: with that bread you may also enjoy other fantastic foods native to Eurasia like turnips and beets and cabbage and onions.

There’s a lot of truth in the proposition that exploring and colonization was done in a drug-induced, taste-deprived frenzy. After all, if all I’d ever eaten was gruel and root vegetables with a little tainted meat on the side, I might be willing to do a little genocide for sugar, coffee, tobacco, chocolate, spices not to mention brightly colored and varied fruits and veggies.

Well, okay, no genocide for me. But the point is the poverty of the native Eurasian menu. No wonder these were the people who thought to distill liquor — they needed it!

not the senator

Situational xenophobia?

I happen to be surrounded by Armenians in the town that I live in. And the best restaurant in town is an upscale South American Tapas restaurant. I’m so confused. Am I supposed to hate the Armenians because there are more of them around me or are both the Armenians and I supposed to hate the Latinos?

I guess you just can’t tell the encroaching foreign menace without a program.

Incontinentia Buttocks

Well, okay, no genocide for me….


For a moment there I thought there might be some Unity08-style common ground developing between S,N! and the wingnutosphere.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

I’m pretty sure cabbage is English-y. There’s something quintessentially British about drab, dark, pokey blocks of flats full of the smell of boiled cabbage.

I suspect cabbage is the reason they need the stiff upper lip.


Sheesh, people, there’s nothing wrong with “white” food. Sausages, cheese, wine, beer, all sorts of yummy things have been produced by white folks for years, and classical music, bluegrass, caberet, etc aren’t boring. All cultures have some good stuff, and they all have boring bits, too. What I tend to find most interesting and exciting are the places where cultures rub up against each other and cross-pollinate, like rock music and jazz, or indeed food almost everywhere: can you imagine Italian food without tomatoes or German without potatoes? Indian without chiles or Thai without peanuts?


I’m probably pointing out the obvious, but what’s with the logical leap that because they’re brown and speaking Spanish they’re illegal immigrants?

I work with a lot of Latino people who were born and raised here. And on the streets of my city there are businesses owned by brown-skinned people who speak Spanish. There are police officers in my city who are brown-skinned and speak Spanish. I’m sure, when they go to Wal-Mart, some of these people speak Spanish when having a casual conversation with their families.

Why the fear, and, worse, why the jump to conclusion that they’re illegal?

The only person of my acquaintance right now that I know is an illegal immigrant is a Hungarian guy who overstayed his tourist visa and is now working off the books as a handyman.


oooh………………bread with rocks in it and raw onions! As someone of mixed Irish-Eastern European descent, I feel like I’m getting in touch with my ancestors now. (I’m serious about the rocks in the bread, too – back in the day when “stoneground wheat” was really “stone ground”, it was fairly commonplace for loaves of bread to have little bits of rock in it.)

This stuff is unbelievably funny to me, as I live in Miami. I really AM a minority here with my fishbelly-white skin. There are stores in which I cannot shop and restaurants in which I cannot dine because I don’t speak enough Spanish to be able to communicate with the owners/employees. And you know what? Big frigging deal. I don’t care.

Hell, even if I did learn more Spanish (and I will, when I have time), there would still be whole portions of the city closed off to me because I don’t speak Haitian Creole. My French isn’t up to snuff, either.

Besides, the whole immigration debate is a classic example of begging the question: arguments for and against controlling immigration always end up centering around jobs/wages and public services. But the way the debate is usually framed, the questions are being asked from the perspective of how best to serve the controlling interests in the country: pro-immigration groups talk about how immigrants will do work that Americans won’t at wages Americans won’t take, and anti-immigration groups talk about the drain on our infrastructure – at a time when the tax rate on the wealthiest Americans is the lowest it’s been since WWII. The question we should be asking is not what to do with the immigrants, but why doesn’t the American economy serve those who want to be American workers anymore?

It’s funny that the tenor and content of this whole stupid debate hasn’t changed any since the days when Marx schooled everybody on the Corn Laws. As long as we keep asking the wrong questions, we’re going to keep getting the same pointless answers.


True. What’s funny is when (Yankee) white folks assume a meal consisting of pork or fried chicken (or, best yet, breaded catfish fried in lard), cornbread, sweet tea and properly bacon-greased greens (turnip or collard), mashed taters and gravy, and watermelon is a dark people thing when it’s really a regional class-based thing (which is itself based on a cultural thing, but the affluent are more easily stripped — often by deliberate choice if they are new rich — of tradition than are the other classes).

Poor and working-class Southerners, regardless of race, eat the same stuff. All our grandmas have the same kind of iron skillets. Most all of our old folks still sprinkle a little bit of salt on our watermelon slices.


I’ve been in supermarkets where I was the only white person in the place. Some were speaking Spanish, some may have been speaking in Ebonics. I find it perplexing that so many whites are scared of, well, everything. Maybe we could set aside a few of the reddest states and declare them whites only. There they could do white people things unafraid. Of course that would mean that they would have to do their own yard work and work for subsistence wages(absolutely no welfare). But it would be fun to taunt them through the fence.


“…and classical music, bluegrass, caberet, etc aren’t boring.”

Compared to Radiohead – maybe.

Phil Moskowitz, Lovable Rogue.

“with that bread you may also enjoy other fantastic foods native to Eurasia”

Wan’t bread & beer invented by the Egyptians? Anyone know what color they were?


Billy Ray Smith and his wife, Uraina, of Gainesville, Ga., said they moved out of their subdivision after it was “taken over” by Mexicans.


Billy Ray Smith and his wife, Uraina, of Gainesville, Ga., said they moved out of their subdivision after it was “taken over” by Mexicans.



As someone of mixed Irish-Eastern European descent, I feel like I’m getting in touch with my ancestors now.

You know, when I was seriously introduced to (modern, i.e. more robust and with New World ingredients) Slavic cuisine by an ex, it floored my how similiar it was to Southern food and said as much. Her response was, “well, Polish people are the rednecks of Europe.”

It’s heavy stuff — meat, dairy, cheese, taters and more of the same — but that’s how I likes it. I could eat kluski szlonski (if I spelled that right) every day.

But then I’d gladly give all of it away to permanently have a decent Chinese restaurant next door. No chicken feet for me please, but Americanized Cantonese food is a gift from God.

One good thing that comes from globalization, from my selfish point of view, is the proliferation of ethnic cuisines. Variety’s a wonderful thing (though taken too far by those nouvelle cuisine wankchefs who cross-polinate just for the sake of novelty; they can suck it).

As for people speaking different languages and etc. — good! Homogeny sucks.


she suddenly noticed she was the only non-Latino customer.

Plenty of black people notice they’re the only blacks in a Wal-Mart, restaurant, etc., and they don’t tell themselves they need to get control of anything. Hmm.


Have you traveled by air recently? We’re afraid of brown people and shoes. Oh, and liquids. Scary, scary liquids.

Lotta fear out there.


Globalization isn’t inherently a bad thing…..after all, the most “globalist” people in the world are revolutionary socialists! 😉

The question to be asked, as always, is “cui bono?”.


Recently had a nice bowl of Vietnamese Bun bo hue and was struck by how the fragrant porky broth with a slick of red chile oil and a big ole pig knuckle among the floating slices of onions and herbs – resembled something that could have been Polish or Spanish or Mexican.


There’s a Persian sandwich shop in Westwood I love to go to. You could take one of their sandwiches and put it next to a banh mi, an Italian sub from New Jersey, or a muffaletta from Central Grocery, and they’d all look like they came from the same kitchen.

I love this stuff!


You clearly mis-read Ms. Usrey’s statement. I don’t see any racial paranoia –instead, what I see is an aversion to shopping at a store that participates in union-busting and refuses to pay their employees a living wage.


Funny thing, as a good white folk, I seem to recall that somewhere in my family’s past, we were the non-natives speaking a foreign language. Let’s hear it for (not in any particular order) Italians, Germans, Polish, Spanish, French… And that’s only from Europe.


What kind of person is too meek to tell someone ‘i’m not used to this speaking distance, let’s try something more comfortable for me.’ ?


This reminds me of something I read sometime ago (memory is fuzzy, and without the actual name it’s hard – if not impossible – to find the original article). I was still living in Cincinnati, and there was some article about city or county money going to support the Black Family Reunion. One person was really bothered that we were self-segregating so much.

That person was identified as the head of a German-American society, one that puts on an “authentic Oktoberfest” every year, and he had an almost stereotypical German name.

The mind boggles, really.



“What kind of person is too meek to tell someone ‘i’m not used to this speaking distance, let’s try something more comfortable for me.’ ?”

The same person who is too meek to ask the person in line behind them at the ATM to please give them a little more room, but who later breathlessly convey their terror to 3d persons. The same people who lock their car doors at the mere sight of a black person. The same people who want to criminalize the act of asking another person for a quarter to buy a cup of coffee.


“Most all of our old folks still sprinkle a little bit of salt on our watermelon slices.”

Hey, dude, who you callin’ old?


Wan’t bread & beer invented by the Egyptians? Anyone know what color they were?
IIRC almost all of our domestic foods were domesticated by brown people – starting in Iraq, iran and southern Turkey. We got wheat, cattle pigs, goats, peas, barley etc from ’em.
We our our ability to live in complex urban societies to brown people who did not speak english – heck they were pretty close to Arabs!
The only foods that I can think of off hand that are white domesticates are almonds, macadamia nuts, apples and cranberries.
Anyone know of an important food source domesticated in Europe?


This should be:
We owe our ability…
One day literacy will find me.


These people just make me feel sorry for them. I’ve talked about my neighborhood before. I am by FAR the only caucasian for the better part of a square mile, (except, of course, the cops) and I really do like it that way. My little condo complex is mostly Taiwanese, with a few mainlanders and vietnamese. Behind us is the low income (section 8) apartment complex, mostly black and hispanic with a strong asian representation. The nearest shopping center has exactly zero signage in english. The supermarket that anchors it is a HUGE asian supermarket, and you have to work hard to understand what’s what when all the packaging is labeled in Kanji. I regularly go to Chinese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese and Thai restaurants where the employees collectively speak NO english. You can still eat well and have a good time. One particular Taiwanese restaurant I go to has “adopted” me, and they treat me like family. Makes me feel very good.

Look, people are people. Cultures are different, languages are different, but people are just folks. Some of them may harbor bad intentions, but that is just as likely to be true of your homies as anyone else. Treat people with kindness and respect and you’ll be the richer for the experience. React with fear and disgust and guess what? They ain’t gonna like you much. But then, neither do I…



About a week ago, I left a comment on a blog called ‘hoosierboy’, about his post (linked to and mocked by Wolcott) equating bird feeders, bird shit and immigrants.

I simply stated that what he said was offending people because what he was saying was offensive. That started a wave of anger from his one or two commenters, and he decided to email me personally to tell me he isn’t racist. Then his biggest supporter, who seriously calls himself ‘Big Dick’, jumps in and starts spouting the usual righty racist crap – upon visiting his site, I found that every other word on the blog was ‘wetback this’ and ‘wetback’ that.

funny how the righttards try to couch their racism in seemingly benign words, and then link to blatantly racist retards. much like almost every righttard out there.

here are the links, just for fun:

go say hello!


actually, salt is quite good on watermellon (and cantelope as well).


Sprinkle a little sugar on a fresh tomato sometime,ooh,yum. Not too much though,you take the first bite and then just a pinch of sugar on each bite thereafter.

I keep a little salt and pepper shaker IN my garden in a ziploc bag,lol. You really can never have to many homegrown veggies and fruit IMO.


And sadly,you can’t swing a dead squirrel in any direction down here in GA without hitting one of these scared,embarassing white people.

I really wish we could afford to move,it sucks here.


in Los Angeles, you can’t help but be cross-cultural. funny enough, it seems to tend to make people more enlightened and less assholish. i learned spanish here in order to help with my old job, and funny thing–i didn’t forget how to speak english at the same time!!!!!!1!!!

i know, it’s as if having people from other cultures around me and my family has expanded our horizons!!!! wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who could have thought such a thing possible?

of course, if debbie d does wingnut lives in Michigan, she is surrounded by arabs–chaldeans, pakistanis, lebanese maronites and sunnis and so on. shit man, she’s near dearborn. so her terror of her brown brothers and sisters is close to home. must give her nightmares.

people who think they should only hang out with others who look and think exactly like them are fucking losers. this much is not too complicated.


Anyone know of an important food source domesticated in Europe?


I’ve always loved the bit from Gunter Grass’s “The Flounder” about the mangel wurzel.


“And they don’t seem to feel any discomfort when they’re, like, six inches from your face and talking to each other in their language, either.

If she spoke Spanish, she would realize they are probably asking her to move back a little.

Haggis. Is there any better reason for Imperialism?
Anyone remember Kyle Maclachlan on SNL years ago, playing a Scottish dude, complaining about the food? “All of Scottish cuisine is based on a dare!”

a different brad

Shit, white people stopped being the majority in nyc back in the 90s. Soon enough we won’t even have a plurality. Still waiting for a reason to care…. Oh, I need to brush up on my spanish? My god, the horror.
N watch the radiohead cracks. Just cause you don’t get it….


Say, whatever happened to Radiohead? Did they break up after “Karma Police” or something? Y’just don’t hear much about ’em anymore…


a different brad

Well, the new album just got finished, n judging on the tour last summer, tis up to their snuff, so prepare to not hear about em much again in a couple months.
rh live is the closest I come to church, neurochemically speaking.


Bluegrass isn’t a “white only music” by a long shot. There’s plenty of vocal and musical tricks the pickers used that they took from hearing black music. It’s pretty subtle but it’s there, and it’s what differentiates bluegrass from what’s called old-timey string music and uber-honky “high lonesome” singing. I remember old folks in my community singing that stuff, and throat singing, and that shit’s weirder than hell. The funny thing is Monroe’s style of “choppy” mandolin picking had an influence of how the reggae cats played guitar (at one time, everyone listened to the Grand Ole Opry, apparently).

And about the food, I’ve done some reading recently – though I’m blanking out where – that traces the roots of Southern food and soul food to Chinese immigrants working as cooks for plantations in the Delta during the pre-Civil War days. It’s why we fry the shit out of everything and then put pork into it some way or another.


Look, I think we’re all missing the real point here. If these people start to tolerate and accept their latino neighbors, where will it stop? Next thing you know, they’ll be tolerating African-Americans, Asians, Jews. Maybe even gays! It’d be the end of Western Civilization as they know it!


During our time together, my chicana second wife and I learned a lot about our respective cultures, the most important being that I learned you’re not supposed to butter the tortilla before making a quesadilla and she learned you are supposed to butter the bread before making a grilled cheese sandwich.


But then when I read stories like this, I realize that the bill’s opponents weren’t concerned primarily with economic justice or with stopping the race to the bottom for cheap labor. Rather, they’re just scared of brown people:

Now, come on Brad. You know and I know you didn’t need to read that story to understand why that bill got flatlined. These are the same exact halfwits that turned on Bush as soon as they realized he wasn’t going to declare Mexican Hunting Season in the country.

Economics was just a red herring to gain support from dupes; so that they could more effectively secure and perpetuate racial hatred and xenophobia for the next generation of honky/cracker/blue-eyed devil motherfuckers.

And if left to whitey’s own devices, we’d be fucked. Can you imagine what would happen to Ireland if all of its immigrants had to go back to the motherland without potatoes? It’d be easily ten times worse than the first famine that kicked all us Irish immigrants out.


Eh, so the reporter talked to a bunch of old farts and heard some bigoted opinions. That would happen anywhere.

Not saying the reporter’s thesis isn’t correct, but a half dozen random anecdotes don’t really make the point one way or the other.


Bet you $100 that Stephanie Usrey identifies herself as a Christian!!


Bet you $100 that Stephanie Usrey identifies herself as a Christian!!


And an Evangelical one, at that.

I wonder how these so-called Christians rationalize to themselves belonging to a faith that was founded by brown people. That is, unless the honkies all just moved out of the Middle East after the crucifixion.


‘Man, I didn’t realize how many Mexicans there were here,’ ” Usrey, 39, recalled.

Actually, they might just as easily be Dominicans, Columbians, Hondurans, Guatemalans, Peruvians, Panamanians, Nicaraguans, El Salvadorans, Argentinians, Uruguayans, Paraguayans, Spaniards, or heck, even Portuguese or Brazilians (assuming she can’t tell the difference between Spanish and Portuguese). Did I miss any?

Alternatively, they may have been, um, Americans. This chica better stay away from the Southwest, where the original lingua franca was Messikin.

“And they don’t seem to feel any discomfort when they’re, like, six inches from your face and talking to each other in their language, either. I just felt very encroached upon.

Wait, let me get this straight: they are talking to each other? Has anyone here ever heard of any culture where people regularly get “six inches from your face” when they are talking to someone who is not you! This entitled bitch is feeling “encroached upon” because they are speaking to each other and she can’t understand them?

It was like an instant feeling of ‘I’m in the minority, and if we don’t get control over this, pretty soon all of America will be outnumbered.’”

Yes, because “all of America” = “WASP”.

Geez. This woman needs to take a ton of laxatives and try to shit that giant stick out of her ass. ‘Cause I’m pretty sure her head is stuck up there behind it.


Well the good and the bad guys
They never work past noon around here
They sit side by side in the Cantina
Talk to senoritas
And drink warm beer…



I thought this HAD to be an Onion parody…

Sadly, no.


In Space no one can hear you hate.


Let’s hear it for (not in any particular order) Italians, Germans, Polish, Spanish, French… And that’s only from Europe.

What I find interesting (and sad, really) is that a brown-skinned person who has been in this country since forever would get eyed, stupid people wondering if they’re one-a them illegals, but I, a white chick who is the granddaughter of immigrants (BOTH sides of my family, my parents are the first generation born here)? No one would think my family came here recently.


Er, I meant a brown-skinned person whose FAMILY has been in this country since forever. That would be a really old person if they personally had been here forever. I’d probably eye them too.


pretty soon all of America will be outnumbered.’”

… other Americans.


prozacula said,

June 29, 2007 at 18:38

[…]here are the links, just for fun:

Please, please next time you provide links to the basest of the base warn us that there is a big hairy dude yanking stuff. I am officially traumatized and must now go spork myself in the eye.



sjofn, I was thinking along the same lines. 100 years ago, she’d’a be complaining about my great-grandparents and all them greezy wops speaking Eye-talian.



That’s exactly what always goes through my mind when someone starts talking about how there are too many Mexicans, or there are too many “illegals”, in the country. I start to reflect that if this was 1907, they would be saying very similar things about my mongrel clan of ancestors- the Sicilians, Italians, Luxumbourgers, Czechs, Germans, Poles, Ukranians, Lithuanians, and the Irish.

I don’t say that to the person who is speaking, usually. But it serves to remind me of the historical context of what they are saying.


The sinister Latino hordes aren’t breaking down my door at night, shoving quesadillas down my throat and making me pledge allegiance to Hugo Chavez.

Dude, you so have got to move to East Harlem. You are seriously missing out on the fun shit. I swear to god, that used to be the scene at my place like every night.


White folks don’t do exotic, huh? Here’s a fine recipe for boiled parrot by Marcus Gavius Apicius, for the benefit of a typical 1st century Roman household:

Pluck the parrot, then wash and truss the drawn bird. Place in a pan and well cover with water, to which may be added vinegar and a little dill. When partly cooked, make a bouquet of leek and coriander and boil with the bird. While the parrot is cooking, put pepper, caraway seed, coriander, rue, asafoetida, and mint in a mortar and pound to a paste. Moisten with vinegar, add dates well shredded. Remove parrot from pan, and use water remaining to thin the sauce. Thicken with corn flour. Pour thickened sauce over the bird and serve immediately. The same recipe can be used for flamingo.


“I simply do not give a shit if the people around me look different and have funny accents and play non-white-people music. The sinister Latino hordes aren’t breaking down my door at night, shoving quesadillas down my throat and making me pledge allegiance to Hugo Chavez. So stop freaking out, silly white people. You’re embarrassing me.”

Hey, I agree. But I start giving a fuck when non-skilled people with funny accents that play non-white people music who are here ILLEGALLY start taking skilled labor away from people like me who have been busting my ass as an American citizen for twenty years and can’t get ahead by playing the game legitimately because of the financial burden I have to bear by doing things on the up-and-up. And before you call me a racist, I’m fucking embarrassed at the amount of my fellow “white” Americans who are guilty of encouraging this shit by hiring said illegals and settling for shitty, substandard work.

And it is happening as we speak.


with that bread you may also enjoy other fantastic foods native to Eurasia like turnips and beets and cabbage and onions…

And lutefisk! Let’s not forget the lutefisk! Saurkraut and lutefisk — you can live a long healthy life on those two, and it will seem even longer!

Viking longboats carried barrels of lutefisk and saurkraut, plus a sheep or cow (for entertainment purposes). Living on lutefisk & saurkraut gave them that notorious berserker edge. And when the livestock started looking better than the memory of their womenfolk, they knew it was time to stop raiding and start a new colony at the edge of the known universe.


If the stoopid beyotch would just learn Spanish she would see that the Mexicans aren’t really talking about her at all.

Herr Doktor Bimler

The same recipe can be used for flamingo.
You’ve inspired me. Dinner tonight will be more than a takeaway curry after all!


Mark, let’s not forget that the problem you’ve outlined isn’t the fault of illegal immigrants. As you pointed out, it’s primarily caused by the Americans who hire illegal immigrants. They’re the ones exploiting the needs and desires of impoverished foreigners, thus creating incentives to commit a crime.

Why anyone raises a fuss over illegal immigrants- who labor in hazardous situations, make less than minimum wage, lose touch with family members, face the psychological stresses associated with fear of capture, and forfeit thorough protection of the law in cases of murder, blackmail, etc, because they are afraid of being deported- when they could blame the smug, selfish jerks who won’t hire fellow citizens at fair and reasonable wages because they’d make less profit is beyond me.

Focusing the immigration debate on race is just playing divide and conquer with workers.


Fine by me.

It’s what Europeans did to the true Americans in the first place.



Why is everybody beating up on whitey? Racism isn’t just a white problem. The community in which I live has become increasingly Latino over the past decade or so. My family has welcomed all with open arms. My daughter dates a wonderful young Latino man…..his mother HATES my daughter because she’s white. Can’t we all just get along?


i don’t care where their from as long as they come here legally..otherwise,they’re nothing but effing trash to me!!!period!!!
and why is it btw that so many of these latinos are in their 20’s and 30’s and older and can’t speak english(like so many of the walmart customers)??? you think they’re just visiting??? they’re here illegally..thank god there’s so many people in this country that oppose amnesty(over 70%).i don’t care if they eat tacos or hamsters as long as they are here in america legally. AND as long as they obey our rules and laws and not break them for the reason that they don’t think they’re “fair”/..this is still america/.come here legally or stay the hell home


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