Because He Gives The Delusional What They Want

What is Rudy Giuliani talking about???


Rudy Giuliani’s answer to the first substantive question of the debate. Knowing everything we know now, good idea or bad idea to have invaded Iraq?

Absolutely the right thing to do. It’s unthinkable that you would leave Saddam Hussein in charge of Iraq and be able to fight the war on terror. And the problem is that we see Iraq in a vacuum. Iraq should not be seen in a vacuum. Iraq is part of the overall terrorist war against the United States.


You can understand why President Bush has to argue this case. To do otherwise would be to concede that his foreign policy has been a failure not just of execution but of fundamental concept.


What you can’t understand, or at least what I have a hard time with, is why somebody who is not lumbered with responsibility for the Iraq war — didn’t help plan or execute it, didn’t even have to vote for it in Congress — would voluntarily link himself to the war in this way. […] It’s not simply that the judgment of the military, intelligence, and academic worlds now stacks up so overwhelmingly against the “fight them there so we don’t fight them hereâ€? delusion. The public has turned against it too.

I flatly do not believe that Giuliani knows something the rest of us don’t know about the dynamics of Iraq, al Qaeda, or Islamic extremism in general that justifies his view.

See what I mean?:

Rudy Does It In One Sentence [Michael Graham]

It’s unimaginable that you’d leave Saddam in power while fighting a war on terror.

That’s the argument the GOP should embrace, seize and use to beat Hillary’s campaign into a coma.

06/05 07:07 PM

Rudy on Iraq [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

He is on tonight. Iraq can’t be seen in a vacuum. Exudes “I get it.”

06/05 07:09 PM

Rudy’s Straight-forward… [Rich Lowry]

…answer to the Iraq question—not a mistake—made Romney seem wishy-washy.

06/05 07:13 PM

Rudy Gets Round One [Andy McCarthy]

Yes, Iraq was the right thing to do b/c we’re in a global war on terror in which Iraq is just a part. I’m biased, and I don’t think Mitt gave a bad answer, but I think it’s more coherent and accurate to say what Rudy said than what Mitt said — arguing that it wasn’t a fair question — which seemed like he was trying to resist.

06/05 07:16 PM

Rudy [Rich Lowry]

Man, he’s in command during these debates lately.

06/05 08:11 PM

There’s America’s Mayor [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

The standing up and moving forward … that could have backfired. It didn’t. In command, indeed.

06/05 08:27 PM

Rudy [Rich Lowry]

Does anyone doubt that this guy is ready to be president of the United States? Makes almost everyone else on the stage look small by comparison.

06/05 08:32 PM

Stereotypical Rudy [Rich Lowry]

You want to talk about morals? I want to talk about foreign policy!

06/05 08:41 PM

Rudy’s a Freevangelical [Rich Lowry]

He keeps coming back again and again to freedom—spreading it overseas, believing in it here at home.

06/05 08:58 PM

Tactical Nukes [Rich Lowry]

Whoa—these guys are hawks. Plus, Rudy shrewdly tries to hit Democrats at every opportunity.

06/05 07:26 PM

Some More Debate Thoughts [Rich Lowry]


The Rise of the Hyper-Neos: I thought the presidential race would produce a Derb-style “to hell with them” hawk, someone who distanced himself from the idealism of Bush’s foreign policy and from the counter-insurgency war in Iraq. It hasn’t. In fact, it has given us McCain and Giuliani who are like Bush but only more so, and one cranky libertarian-paleo in the form of Ron Paul, but nothing in between (Romney is basically where McCain and Giuliani are, but not quite as zealously). Rudy is especially instructive. He’s the tough guy in the field, and he’s very much in favor of nation-building. […]

06/06 03:07 PM

Rudy Wins [Rich Lowry]

If any pro-choicer can win the Republican presidential nomination, it’s Rudy Giuliani. His abortion answer was bad, but what people will remember is his joking around about getting struck down by lightening during it. Otherwise, he was quick, commanding, authoritative-sounding—altogether the Big Man on stage, projecting the image of the kind of guy you can trust during a time of war. He kept taking digs at Washington, burnishing his outsider credentials, and was frank and feisty in taking it to the enemy both metaphorical (the Dems, the media) and real (Islamic terrorism). For all the invocations of Reagan during these forums, Rudy’s strength and emphasis on freedom is probably what is going to strike most voters as really Reaganesque. (All this said, I wish he cared to try to reach an accommodation with pro-lifers that would make his candidacy even stronger). […]

06/05 09:39 PM

Red Meat Rudy [John Podhoretz]

Giuliani just asked very pointedly whether the media would report that the surge is working if Gen. Petraeus says it is in September. You have to remember that this guy spent eight years getting beaten about the face and neck on a daily basis by the New York Times while he was saving the city in which the New York Times operates. Nobody hates the liberal media more than Rudy, and nobody is more ready to go toe-to-toe with the MSM.

06/05 08:29 PM

These idiots will continue to virtually fellate the candidate who sustains their fantasy of Iraq. Blow jobs for a snow job.


Comments: 94

Hysterical Woman

We’re metaphorical enemies now? What does that mean?

Retarded Donut

I think they should attach a camera to Rudy’s head, and have a Web site where all the drooling Rudy adulators can go to see what Rudy is doing and seeing every minute of every day.

And they can call it the Pander-Cam.

a different brad

On one hand, I almost hope Rudy gets the nod, so I can watch his campaign drown in his past. Rudy’s second wife could CRUSH him, almost instantly. If I were her I’d be thrilled at the opportunity to do so. His kids wouldn’t even blame her, he treated them like shit, too. Doesn’t even mention them on his website.
On the other hand, playing to the base during primary season aside, Rudy is batshit insane. Pam Atlas batshit insane. Bush is bad, but he’s just a dime a dozen substance abuser. Rudy gots issues. Deep, profound issues. Rudy scares the shit out of me.
I still half expect Newt Gingrich to end up with the nod. No, wait, I hope he does. No way that pigfucker wins a national election, Rove’s machine or no.


Lowry does make one good point. You’d think that there would be some effort among the front-runners to distance themselves from what is clearly the biggest foreign policy debacle of the last 30 years. Instead these guys are barking like mad dogs trying to out-Bush Bush.

The 28 percenters are still well over 50% of GOP primary voters, and we can expect them to be practically soaking in the Goldwater-ness of it all. As soon as the nominee is selected, though, we’re all gonna have whiplash he’ll be back in the center so fast.


You have to remember that this guy spent eight years getting beaten about the face and neck on a daily basis by the New York Times while he was saving the city in which the New York Times operates.

Oh fuck off already. He saved nothing. He had some good ideas, was unecessarily a jerk, hired Bill Bratton (then fired him for getting better press) and was able to ride a couple of Dinkins intiatives and the Clinton economy into political paydirt. He did a few things as mayor. Disgraced himself with the Christine Lagano and Judith Nathan affairs, estranged himself from his kids and sounded sane on 9/11. He ‘got’ the squeegee men and helped poison race relations. Some of the cops loved him because he let them beat the fuck out of black people and get away with it. The Firefighters HATE him because he fucked them after 9/11. And then there’s Bernie Kerik…

JPOD’s reaching here. Going for the full gobble. But whatever. Rudy’s a dick.


The three pillars of the Republican Party:

– Let’s put a boot in their ass

– Fuck you, beaner*, I got mine

– Let’s put a boot in their ass

*Insert gays, women, blacks, the unemployed, liberals etc. as appropriate


And notice how thrilled Lowry was with the candidates’ threat of “tactical nukes”.

Yeah, imagine that.


Jeezus, at this rate by the fifth debate they’re gonna be standing at that podium in bloodsoaked desert camo, with a necklace of shriveled brown ears and an M4 with three duct-taped flipped mags and an M67 grenade around their neck, unshaved with dark circles under their eyes and blood blisters on their hands from changing 240 barrels…

Kill ’em all, big fellas, and let allah sort ’em out…

The American electoral process is hopelessly fucked up….



Some of the cops loved him because he let them beat the fuck out of black people and get away with it.

AKA, “Giuliani Time”.

And supposedly, that’s how the tough guy/America’s mayor cleaned up NYC. But the same trends happened in other cities, where a sadistic mayor did not unleash the police on the homeless. (Said homeless greatly increased in number, thanks to Reagan/Bush policies such as emptying the mental hospitals, among many other things.)

I know I’ve posted this before, but you got to keep from being rolled over in a tidal wave of B.S. And this is no accident, the GOP base wants someone who will unleash the police, or the army, on the brown and black people. And everybody knows it, and we all should be yelling it over and over.


What I don’t understand is why nobody’s pandering to the astrology vote. Or the sasquatch-hunter vote. Or the alien abductee vote.

Typical Republican

You are all just prejudiced against ANYTHING conservatives say just because they are all delusional.

So much for your so-called tolerance.




What I don’t understand is why nobody’s pandering to the astrology vote. Or the sasquatch-hunter vote. Or the alien abductee vote.

You’ve never seen James Inhofe (R-Batshitville) speak in committee?


Absolutely the right thing to do. It’s unthinkable that you would leave Saddam Hussein in charge of Iraq and be able to fight the war on terror. And the problem is that we see Iraq in a vacuum. Iraq should not be seen in a vacuum. Iraq is part of the overall terrorist war against the United States.

Great Zombie Jesus, that’s a almost Bushian level of jabberwocky. The weird meter, the internal rhyme, the complete lack of actual factual concent… what is this, foreign policy via Dr. Seuss?


President Fnord, I believe it is a simple error in syntax.

And the problem is that we see Iraq in a vacuum.

And the problem is that we made Iraq into a vacuum.



Rudy’s actually starting to scare me. I’m not sure we’ve ever had a major candidate who has been so openly authoritarian as dear Rudy,

The social conservatives with their abortion obsession have been the gatekeepers of the GOP for quite awhile. The gun nuts with their cold, dead hands have been pretty influential as well. Rudy is a heretic to both those groups and would ordinarily be laughed off the stage as an elitist Rockefeller Republican.

The business elites provide the money, but it’s the religious loons who provide the votes. If Rudy gets nominated, it means that the GOP faithful have made a full transition over to authoritarianism.

Davis X. Machina

“He is on tonight. Iraq can’t be seen in a vacuum.”

K-Lo is right.

This is the closest I’ve ever seen a movement conservative come to admitting the truth — that Iraq isn’t a war, but rather the world’s most expensive campaign commercial.

The purpose of the war, presuming it went the way it was supposed — no sane person could use the word ‘planned’ — to, was to do a Mulroney on the Democratic Party, to make it irrelevant for a generation.

Every bomb dropped, every round fired in Iraq had two targets, and one of them was any organized opposition to the Boy King and his Royalist party here at home.


HTML, I appreciate your stuff, ‘mano…big time. We just don’t have enough writers who can sally forth with this kind of historical depth. Don’t stop now.


We’re metaphorical enemies now? What does that mean?
Well, Hysterical Woman, it means there is now a Global War on Metaphor…

Incontinentia Buttocks

On one hand, I almost hope Rudy gets the nod, so I can watch his campaign drown in his past. Rudy’s second wife could CRUSH him, almost instantly. If I were her I’d be thrilled at the opportunity to do so. His kids wouldn’t even blame her, he treated them like shit, too. Doesn’t even mention them on his website.

Wish I could believe that, different brad.

But given that Bush’s TANG record, untreated alcoholism, and cocaine addiction seem to have had little impact on his electability, I think Rudy has at least as good a chance as any other GOP nominee to win in November 2008. And I find that very, very scary.


I just had a bad thought. What if Giuliani was to win the white house? And he didn’t even bother to put us in camps? I mean, he killed millions of people, bombed and attacked many countries, used a military solution to every problem, continued to spread fear and xenophobia and hatred and continued to tell the American people that our ONLY hope of survival is to kill them, in large numbers, men, women and children, and just fucking IGNORED the opposition. Did whatever he wanted, appointed the most totalitarian judges, forced the enaction of the most authoritarian legislation, and just let us rail against him while the core of the country cheered at his racist hatred? What would we do? How marginalized would we be? This is an ugly thought…



Just thought I’d let you know.

Used to be a occasional visitor.

Have become a very frequent one.

Thank you.


Mikey, I think you’re over-imagining things here. Clearly Rudy will put us in camps. We’re a fucking threat, no matter how marginalized, and with us in the way the damn trains will never run on time. Sure, he’ll be a total bastard internationally, but true authoritarianism starts at home.

I call top bunk.


Call Rudy insane at your own risk. He’s far from it. He’s power hungry and knows how to use people to get what they want. You know, like a gangster. You know, a gangster like Rudy’s father was.


Giuliani will not make it for a multitude of reasons.

1. Bush won with two razor-thin majorities, and was dragged across the finish line by Fundie Nation. If Giuliani is the nominee, the fundies will nominate their own third party candidate. The fundies have made it clear they do NOT want Giuliani. After eight years of having “their” guy in the White House, they’re not going to be so excited to fall in line for Giuliani.

2. His ex-wife will slay him. She has the motivation to take him down and she will have the soapbox.

3. Giuliani’s current wife Judi is a fucking nutjob. The couple won’t even say how they met, but one thing is for sure: Giuliani was banging Judi while still married to his first wife. Then there’s the whole bit about cutting open live dogs to demonstrate the finer points of surgical stapling back in the 70’s. She’s a mean-spirited, grade-A bitch. And she intends to be a presence on the campaign trail.

4. Rudy’s association with Kerik and his Italian-American heritage make him a great target for ratfucking by his GOP opponents. They’re saving the ratfucking for later in the race, but it’s coming.

5. The 9/11 first responders, the real heroes of 9/11, would probably love to stick a shiv into Rudy as well.

6. Fred Thompson is an authoritarian asshole like Rudy, but is less embarrassing and will thus cut into Rudy’s support.

7. He keeps saying the Iraq War was a good idea and plenty of other stupid shit. He’ll try to change his tone during the general election, but the existence of such things as TiVo and YouTube will make this a little difficult.

There are many other reasons why Giuliani will fail, but those are the ones that first come to mind.


There are many other reasons why Giuliani will fail, but those are the ones that first come to mind.

You reminded me of a fine song by the Clash.

P.S. That’s Rudie Can’t Fail, rudy is guaranteed to fail us all. Again.


I thought the right was all about being “adult” & reasoning, & principled moral positions, etc., as opposed to moonbats who are just consumed with Bush is a Dick Syndrome.
But all I’m hearing from the NRO clowns is: “Oooh, strong leader, tell me what to do, I’m putty in your hands, oooh, you’re in command.”
And for Judy Riuliani & JPod: I’ll just bet that if Generalissimo Petraeus, say, testifies before Congress, the media will indeed report what he says. Course the media may do a little work to determine if what Gen. P. testifies is true or not, but I’m sure whatever he says will be reported.


I just figured out why Tommy won’t announce his candidacy.

“but the existence of such things as TiVo and YouTube will make this a little difficult.”

He’s avoiding the debates. If he was to do all the official stuff now, he would be part of it this early out, and trying to pander to the base would bite him in the ass later.
By staying the “macho mysterious dark horse” in the eyes of the Right, he can build up his steam without having to worry about a film trail from anything other then a pre-fab speech at the local of his own choosing.
I don’t know when the deadline is for being a candidate, but even if there are primary debates after that, he’ll hit them hard, and fresh while the rest of the RNCers are looking tired and same-y.

One could presumably make the same argument regarding Gore, except that Tommy clearly WANTS to run, weather he does or not, while Gore is pretty strongly saying that he’s sitting this one out.


If Rudy gets nominated, it means that the GOP faithful have made a full transition over to authoritarianism.

That’s the really scary scenario. Rudy is the current King of the Resentful among the Repub wanna-bes. There’s a hard core of lost souls who don’t really care about politics, or social issues, or any of the other bargaining chips we nekkid primates use to keep society more or less churning along. All they can see is, they’ve struggled along from miserable job to unsatisfactory attempts at relationships every day, while all around them other people are laughing & having sex & making money & generally being happy. Our cultural standard for this is the “Cheeto-eater living in his mom’s basement blogger”, or the vaguely scary loser at the office who everyone suspects of stealing lunches. At worst, he’s Lee Harvey Oswald or Eric Rudolph or Ted Kazinsky — dangerous guys, but limited in their reach. But you don’t have to be a sub-minimum-wage loser to cherish this kind of corrosive resentment — look at Donald Trump, or Rush Limbaugh, or Dick Cheney. Rich, powerful white males at the pinnacle of the powerful-white-maledom-empire whose only real pleasure seems to come from injuring and belittling other people.

There’s a little of that ugliness in most of us, and hard times (whether economic or social) always move the baseline Resentment Index up among both individuals and societies. When things get bad enough — say, for instance, in Weimar Germany — it’s not so much that people are looking for the Man on A White Horse, they’re just looking for somebody to take it out on. All the would-be MoaWH really needs to do is explain that “those people” (the Jews, the illegals, the gays, the progressives) are really responsible for the Resentful Tribe’s suffering. And to suggest that maybe it’s time “those people” were, y’know, made to understand that it’s not right to be happy and prosperous, or even happy and poor, or even to look like they’re striving to *be* happy. It’s not that your average German said to themselves, “Well, if we just take over some neighboring countries and slaughter a few million of our own people, things are bound to get better around here!” It was more like… who didn’t suspect that guy two houses down must be doing *something* wrong, what with those noisy all-male parties, and wasn’t it weird the way the Jewish families on the next block always kept to themselves (not that any decent person would go near them, but surely they wouldn’t be so tribal if they didn’t have something to hide). And if turning those suspicious individuals over to the new Authorities meant a small monetary reward, or a promotion, or just the chance to steal their appliances once the police had finished ransacking their house and taken them away for questioning… well, it’s only right that a good citizen should be rewarded, jah?

Karl Rove and his ratfucker are masters at playing the Resentful card — that’s what they perceive as the infamous Repub “base”. And if all the horrors that have been done to our country during Bush’s tenure have greatly increased the number of Americans struggling *not* to fall into bankruptcy, to lose their jobs or homes or medical insurance or pensions, to watch their families split up and their loved ones crack under the strain… well, from Karl’s vantage, that’s not a bug, it’s a feature. The question is whether the Resentful Tribe can be sufficiently increased over the next 18 months to give the Repubs one more chance to steal the Oval Office — and choosing Rudy as their candidate would be the best leading indicator.

Davis X. Machina

Karl Rove and his ratfucker are masters at playing the Resentful card — that’s what they perceive as the infamous Repub “base�.

The salient fact of American politics is that there are fifty to seventy million voters who will volunteer to live, with his family, in a cardboard box under an overpass, and cook sparrows on an old curtain rod, if someone would only guarantee that the black, gay, Hispanic, liberal, whatever, in the next box over doesn’t even have a curtain rod, or a sparrow to put on it.

Davis X. Machina

I left an ‘each’ out, I see…


still half expect Newt Gingrich to end up with the nod. No, wait, I hope he does. No way that pigfucker wins a national election, Rove’s machine or no.

Yeah! There’s no way the American voter would let someone that obviously unfit get anywhere close to the presidency.

signed Me on November 6th, 2000.

Herr Doktor Bimler

it means there is now a Global War on Metaphor
Meanwhile Litotes and Aporia get off scot-free.


Jeez, he brings up tactical nukes and they instantly start slap-fighting over who gets to suck his cock first. I hope in order to keep the base on board these assholes have to continue with the werewolf act all the way to election day 2008. The reasonably-sane non-wingnut 75% of the electorate will run screaming to the Dems.


Can we please, please, PLEASE invent a machine that makes hypocrites spontaneously combust every time they practiced and preached differently? I think this is an invention whose time has come and come again. The “war on terror” is as effective as the “war on drugs,” the “war on Christmas,” and the not-as-publicized “war on fried foods” (damn America-haters trying to get rid of our McDonald’s and freedom fries!!)


Can we please, please, PLEASE invent a machine that makes hypocrites spontaneously combust every time they practice and preach differently? I think this is an invention whose time has come and come again. The “war on terror” is as effective as the “war on drugs,” the “war on Christmas,” and the not-as-publicized “war on fried foods” (damn America-haters trying to get rid of our McDonald’s and freedom fries!!)


zsa said,
June 7, 2007 at 3:30
“Rudy’s actually starting to scare me. I’m not sure we’ve ever had a major candidate who has been so openly authoritarian as dear Rudy,”



Ooh, did you learn your humor from John[sic] Stewart? You know, repeat what someone says, then looked stunned by the answer, and wait for the audience to laugh at your funny stunned looking face?

“Huh????” was so funny of a line! Wish I would have thought of it. I’m still laughing (inwardly… it’s hard to see from where you’re sitting)

But the simple matter that you guys need to understand is that allowing a tyrant like S. Hussein to crush his people’s spirit and rule with terror and abuse is NO DIFFERENT than allowing the southern states to treat their dark skinned inhabitants with equal disrespect, as they did in the 1800’s. Of COURSE he had to go, as do the mullahs in Iran, the heads of state in Syria, and the scuzzballs in Sudan. Maybe even the evil bastage of N.Korea, though that one’s trickier than the rest.

If not us, who. If not now, when? The other options are of course to ‘chat’ with them, but that hasn’t worked so well in the last 50 years or so, has it? Or, we could just continue to let them suffer, as the left seems so ok with doing. That’s reason #7 of why I hate the left. Their nonchalance at other’s suffering.

Hey, here’s another way you can steal John[sic] Stewart’s schtick: Say the esscense of ‘the obvious answer is 1’ and then show a clip of a guy saying ‘the answer is 2’ and cut to you looking stunned! We shall make a comic out of you yet gavin (AKA Mr. Menken). That’s really his only two jokes though. To make you funnier, we’ll probably have to delve into the right. Let’s do it next time, ok?


Okay, this has been bothering me for a while now.

Many people like to claim that BushCo and Iraq have been successful, because there have been no terrorist attacks since 9/11.
So, obviously, they don’t think that roadside bombs and snipers killing US troops to equal terrorist attacks. Right? I mean, otherwise, that would just make no sense.

So why are they pissed about the Cole attack? It’s a US Navy destroyer. It’s a machine of war, and thus, a perfectly viable target of attack. Why does that one count as a terrorist attack, but the 3,000+ dead don’t?

And, Kevin, since you mention it: since when do we give a FUCK about Iraqis? No, seriously, since when do we give two shits and yesterday’s newspaper about them? Poor wittle babies are living under a crazy mad man? Boohoo. So is a large portion of the rest of the third world. When are we invading South and Central America? Eastern Europe? Sub-Saharan Africa? Russia? CHINA?! Come on, gang; we’re only outnumbered 20 to 1! We can free them alllllll!!

Why the fuck were the Iraqis so damn special as to be graced with our presence? Fuck ’em.

a different brad

Notorious P.A.T. & Incontinentia Buttocks-
The difference between Bush and Rudy & Newt is there was never any suggestion W plays around on Laura. If anything, quite the reverse, considering the rural legend that it was her threatening not to spread them any more that made him stop drinking.
Ok, that made me start drinking.
In any case, Rudy and Newt didn’t just play around, they have multiple ex-wives each. Rightfully angry exwives, with stories that probably could still shock even us if the full details came out. And angry children, with stories of their own.
Not to mention the various other women who’ll step forward.
Or the far more important details like, yeah, Giuliani time. I’ll bet Louima might be willing to do an anti-Rudy campaign ad.
As for Rove’s machine… I’m not giving up on John Conyers just yet, and let’s not forget last November so quickly.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

He is on tonight. Iraq can’t be seen in a vacuum. Exudes “I get it.�

Exudes ‘barking mad germs’, more like.

altogether the Big Man on stage, projecting the image of the kind of guy you can trust during a time of war.

And doesn’t America and the world so need another Big Man On Stage? The best thing for the country and the world is to have someone who’s good at projecting an image of a trustworthy guy. Someone, say, like a successful con man. They’re extremely good at projecting an image of a trustworthy guy.

It’s unthinkable that you would leave Saddam Hussein in charge of Iraq and be able to fight the war on terror.

Rudy has very limited thinking ability: I thought it just now, and I didn’t even break a sweat.

There, I thought it again. And again. Hey, this is piss-easy – give me something challenging to do.

jharp, it’s lovely to meet you.

Doktor, is hyperbole still okay? Only I need it for tonight, and I’d hate to be the subject of a war. It would just ruin my evening.


“Many people like to claim that BushCo and Iraq have been successful, because there have been no terrorist attacks since 9/11.”

No one claims that. They only claim that internal measures have allowed us to catch terrorist acts in the US. It has nothing to do with ‘bushco’, whatever that is, or Iraq.

So, obviously, they don’t think that roadside bombs and snipers killing US troops to equal terrorist attacks. Right? I mean, otherwise, that would just make no sense.”

Right, kinda. Because it made no sense to start. Bombs and snipers do in fact equal terrorism. But not on US soil. Is that the part you’re missing? Still, I agree, let’s kill them so they don’t kill others!

“So why are they pissed about the Cole attack? It’s a US Navy destroyer. It’s a machine of war, and thus, a perfectly viable target of attack. Why does that one count as a terrorist attack, but the 3,000+ dead don’t?”

Because, guy, the Cole was not attacked by a country (even though they were Yemeni), it was attacked by a group of guys who wanted 70+ whores in the everafter. To try to uncomplicate it for you… it was not an act made (directly) by a government. Even your hallowed Geneva convention labels that illegal. It leaves us no outlet for the barbarity. If we attack Yemen for it, we’re d*cks, since it’s not their government’s fault. If we do nothing, we insult our dead sailors.

If you’d be ok with us obliterating citizens, then I’d reluctantly agree with your thesis that citizens should be able to blow up military vehicles. Because that’s what Yemeni citizens did.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Iraq can’t be seen in a vacuum.

Well, if Iraq were to be put suddenly in a vacuum, it would almost instantaneously explode into it’s component parts, as every atom fled from every other atom, and it would wind up as a sort of sparse Iraq-mist dispersed equally through the container (which I’m assuming would be at least large enough to contain pre-dispersal Iraq).

So it would be hard to see it, yes.

On the other hand, if the observer (perhaps the same one who was so cavalier in their disregard of my colleague, Schrodinger’s cat) were to be put in the vacuum, they’d have a tough time seeing anything before their eyeballs exploded and their brain spurted out of their ears.

So yes, Iraq probably can’t be seen in a vacuum. Next stupid statement?


And, Kevin, since you mention it: since when do we give a FUCK about Iraqis? No, seriously, since when do we give two shits and yesterday’s newspaper about them? Poor wittle babies are living under a crazy mad man? Boohoo. So is a large portion of the rest of the third world.

It was somewhere around March, 2003? That’s when it became vital for Americans to care about the future of Iraqis. Sorry to hear you didn’t jump on that bandwagon. They’re people, you know.

When are we invading South and Central America? Eastern Europe? Sub-Saharan Africa? Russia? CHINA?! Come on, gang; we’re only outnumbered 20 to 1! We can free them alllllll!!

Well, the goal was that we would kick so much butt in Iraq, and with the full support of the American people, we would have scared the tyrants into line, like we (temporarilly) did with Libya. But I guess the hippies totally f#$%ed that up for us, huh? Way to twist the knife, liberals! The world is much worse off, but you sure did make the good guys look bad these past few years! Kudos. Don’t feel too bad though. You only really give hope to Syria and Iran. They’re almost good guys in your eyes right? I mean, compared to evil AMERICA!!!!


Qetesh, can we keep this non-quantum?


I’ll leave you guys alone after this note. It’s 50% as painful to be here as it is for you to have to read my tripe (haha, what means it’s twice as bad for you as for me!)

special Brad said: “Why the fuck were the Iraqis so damn special as to be graced with our presence? Fuck ‘em.”

Let’s imagine an intern of 1860’s Abraham Lincoln saying “Why the fuck were the niggers so damn special as to be graced with our presence? Fuck ‘em.”

For your consideration, Brad. Are you willing to keep up the good fight now?


a different brad

Will someone please take that damn dog for a walk before he pisses on the floor?


from chris rock’s election analysis on snl:

“and then we have giuliani. now giuliani’s great. he’s great…in a crisis. but in real life, giuliani’s kind of like a pit bull. he’s great when you have a burgler, but if you don’t, he just might eat your kids.”


Ok, my mom (who’s upstairs, I’m in the basement) said I can stay up late and argue with you guys! Is that good news, or what?! It’s going to be rough to get up in time for ITT Tech school, but you guys are worth it!

Special Brad, when you say, “Will someone please take that damn dog for a walk before he pisses on the floor?”, are you merely implying that I’m absolutely correct in my analysis, and rather than say as much, you decided to berate me like a typical progressive would do? If so… success, my friend! Message received! Minor point: when your argument is disproven as it was in this case, it would be better to not only say that I’m an animal, but to suggest that I smell funny. Animal/smelly is a big humor win in the liberal world. No fart jokes though. They don’t get them. Just a ‘head’s up’.

I’d like to apologize for ranking on you Brad. I hold no grudge against you, but that girl who’s name started with an ‘n’ was right. If you talk to me, I’ll talk back. Sadly, even if you don’t talk to me, I’ll talk back, until Gavin blocks me or apologizes for suggesting he could pshop with quality anything like 6MB. But that’s another story.

It’s too ridiculously easy to punch holes in ‘progressive thinking’ (it may be easy to punch holes in conservative or libertarian thinking too, but that’s your job, not mine) for me to quit without Gavin admitting the 6MB are wildly better at pshop than him (heck they’re better than me, and I’m MUCH better than him!).

So please don’t think I’m picking on you, Special Brad, and I hope you win those Olympics! I’m really just picking on Gavin, for a crime he has yet to apologize for.


The cognitive dissonance is just stupefying. Let me see if I can wrap my head around this piece of wingnut mobius strip logic:

The Iraqis were oppressed people who needed to be freed from a bloody tyrant. “Freeing” these Iraqis was a key part of the war on terror. Once the Iraqis were “freed” and the Mission Accomplished banner sign was hung up, something bad happened. The Iraqis who were so thirsty for their freedom all of a sudden became terrorists who want to kill Americans… because they hate our freedom.

We have to stay in Iraq and make sure the Iraqis get their freedom, which is being delayed by terrorists, who are… Iraqi. Oh, and the terrorists would have quit a long time ago, and the world would have learned not to fuck with the good ol’ US of A, and the mission would have really been accomplished, but the jealous liberals sabotaged the whole thing because they hate America and hate freedom.

This is what they’re trying to sell. The shoe is on the other foot this election cycle. This time it is the ReThugs who will be twisting themselves into pretzels trying to explain why the Iraq War was such a good idea. The “hippies” that Kevin rails against have a much simpler argument: “We told you so.”


Is this the best you can do, “cheetoh-boy.” Make a few ridiculous comments, attempt to rebut the challenges to your ridiculous comments with ridicule and then stand on the empty cheetoh cases with your hands on your hips in a supermany kind of way and smugly extol the superiority of your brain over, I don’t know, over something or somebody. In a sane world this would be a delusion of grandeur, in our zippy the pinhead world people like this are called “adults.”
Oh, BTW Kevin, we told you so…

Herr Doktor Bimler

Iraq can’t be seen in a vacuum.
An element of wishful thinking, there. “If Iraq were in a vacuum, no-one could see the mess.”
She might have got things muddled with the slogan for Alien. “In space, no-one can hear the explosions!”


Blah blah blah hippies.

You still didn’t answer my question. And your Civil War/slavery analogy is lame and historically in-accurate to point of not meriting even a half-assed response.

You had your chance to “scare the tyrants into line”. Tyrants don’t scare easy. Soviet Russia wasn’t scared by what we did to Germany and Japan. Neither was China, North Korea, or the NVA. The colonial states weren’t scared of Briton, and neither was Ghandi. This whole “rule by fear” thing is such incredible bullshit, it’s almost sympathy inspiring that you would even suggest it.

BushCo (yep. I’m using it, Cry about it.) was told what they would be required to have to “Kick so much butt” in Iraq. They brushed it off and fired the people who said it. And they did it with a solid Republican congress AND the whimpering support of many Democrats, and the support of a landslide majority of the American people. So I’m not sure how “we” fucked that up. But whatever you need to sleep at night.

Every damn Republican is saying that we’re “at war” with the terrorists. I could argue all day how retarded that is, but let’s take it at face value for now. Hell, some have been saying we’ve been at war with them since the 70s, which would require trials of High Treason for certain Reagan staffers, but let’s continue. We’re “at war” with “the terrorists”. That would make a Navy Destroy “fair game”.
And I’m still not sure why it’s better for Americans to be killed at Point A rather then Point B. Iraq has done nothing but made it easier then ever for Al Qaeda to kill us.

You also seem to confuse me with Brad. Learn how to recognize different writing styles. It’s a useful skill.

Anyways, I must go donate more money to NOW and the ACLU. And I feel much better now that I’ve worked out game frustrations. Lame-ass over-powered PoWs….


Animal/smelly is a big humor win in the liberal world.

Coming direct from Mr “The French are monkeys who eat smelly cheese.” Etc.

Extracted from 31,460,000 words of defensive dribble:
Well, the goal was that we would kick so much butt in Iraq, and with the full support of the American people, we would have scared the tyrants into line, like we (temporarilly) did with Libya. But I guess the hippies totally f#$%ed that up for us, huh? Way to twist the knife, liberals! The world is much worse off

And there you have it. The world is much worse off. Straight from the cheetoh-smeared horse’s butt. Thanks, conservatives!


I think Propagandhi said it best in the song “Ska Sucks” (a great parody of ska, done in ska style!)::

Rudy, a message to you rudy, a message to you rudy.
Fuck you rudy!


but what people will remember is his joking around about getting struck down by lightening during it.

It does surprise me that Lowry doesn’t know how to spell ‘lightning’. Yet he’s supposed to be one of their intellectual powerhouses.


The two biggest seemingly-inevitable bloodbaths of the post WWII era are notable in that they didn’t take place. The two biggest triumphs of freedom (or at least something better over what had prevailed) took place precisely without everything Bush, Cheney, PNAC, and the ten foaming Republicans onstage stand for.

Ie, the end of the Cold War and, even less probably, the end of apartheid.

Compare Bush and Cheney, and their foreign policy deftness and skill, their reading of history and how people can be swayed, with Mandela (and, who’d a thunk it, Botha) and Gorbachev.

Compare and contrast the raving Rudy, whose “analysis” would get him a D in any high school history class, with half the worthies at this very site.

We should be able to mount a class action suit against the Republican Party for incompetence, lunacy, and general menace to the commonweal.

“Exudes I get it.” No, exudes (pace Qetesh) I need it, viz., Haldol.


You’ve gotta love NRO. In it’s own way it’s a higher concentration of true blue wingnuttery than even WND or Townhall. The latter are general nuts, of which the wingnuttiness is just one manifestation. The lunacy of NRO pundits is almost entirely confined to their slavish adherence to the Conservative Movement’s particular obsessions and bugbears, no matter what the facts, no matter what other conservatives/Republicans are doing. Who would have predicted Mormon, former liberalish Romney’s or pro-choicer Giuliani’s popularity among Republican primary voters, unless you read NRO first? Luckily they’ll both be steamrolled in the general election.

The great thing about the Republican nominees all being such loony hawks is that when the eventual nominee gets crushed in 2008, it will finally cause the Republican poobahs to purge the neocons. For ten years or so, anyway.

Phil Moskowitz, Lovable Rogue.

“But I guess the hippies totally f#$%ed that up for us, huh?”

Too bad the hippies aren’t on our side. Can’t we ship some of ’em around the world so they could destroy some other countries internally; more Chinese hippies please.

And the Civil War bullshit-At what point do you think it would have been alright for France to have invaded the US to abolish slavery, or for to Canada sweep into the America to destroy Jim Crow. Do you think only white people can fight for their own freedom or is it pure paternalism?

Qetesh the Abyssinian

You had your chance to “scare the tyrants into line�. Tyrants don’t scare easy. Soviet Russia wasn’t scared by what we did to Germany and Japan. Neither was China, North Korea, or the NVA. The colonial states weren’t scared of Briton, and neither was Ghandi. This whole “rule by fear� thing is such incredible bullshit, it’s almost sympathy inspiring that you would even suggest it.

Nice work, Some Guy. One other point is that the US has done far more pandering to, and cozying up with, tyrants, and scaring democracy activists into line, than just about anything else the US has done ever. And when I say “scaring democracy activists into line”, I mean bombing the bejeezus out of them and providing the tyrants with guns to shoot them with. That has been the dominant thread in US foreign policy for at least the last 50 years.

In fact, I’m not sure I can recall when the US last “scared a tyrant into line”. Can anyone help out here? Real world, not wingnut fantasy world.

Too bad the hippies aren’t on our side. Can’t we ship some of ‘em around the world so they could destroy some other countries internally; more Chinese hippies please.

Nicely put, Phil M. Amazing how hippies supposedly have all this power, isn’t it? What with sitting around all day smoking dope and wearing grandma’s old crocheted cardies. Especially given that there are three hundred, possibly three fifty, of the poor aging lambs left in the world. And that none of them have any influence on public policy. Unlike, say, the barking mad war-crazed aging adolescents who were running the government, and the frightened pack of sheep who made up most of the populace who were also baying for blood.

At what point do you think it would have been alright for France to have invaded the US to abolish slavery, or for to Canada sweep into the America to destroy Jim Crow. Do you think only white people can fight for their own freedom or is it pure paternalism?




Hey, let’s not forget installing the tyrants in the first place.

Who was it that supported Saddam Hussein in Iraq, in order to scare Iran?

I forget. Maybe it started with an A.

Gosh that worked out well.

Personally, I think if there were more hippies in the world, we’d all be much better off. Hippies have been right about more things than authoritarians.


Hell, think of the improvements if HTML would be SecState!


Question: in the next debate, which candidate will be the first to tear off his shirt, haul out an M16 and start shouting, “Ki-i-ll! Ki-i-ll”? ‘Cause that’ll be the 2008 nominee for sure…


Dr., It’s Tommy Thompson’s only chance!

Phil Moskowitz, Lovable Rogue.

“first to tear off his shirt, haul out an M16 and start shouting, “Ki-i-ll! Ki-i-llâ€?? ‘”

That was enough to disqualify Arlo Guthrie from the Army, why doesn’t it work that way for Pres. candidates too?


Phil Moskowitz – In Alice’s Restaurant, the “I wanna kill!” thing earned Arlo a medal and “you’re our boy”.

It was telling the recruiting sergeant he had a lot of damn’ gall for asking if he was moral enough to join the army, burning women & kids’ houses and villages, on account of being a litterbug that got him disqualified.


“Just kidding 47′ said

The Iraqis were oppressed people who needed to be freed from a bloody tyrant. “Freeing� these Iraqis was a key part of the war on terror. Once the Iraqis were “freed� and the Mission Accomplished banner sign was hung up, something bad happened. The Iraqis who were so thirsty for their freedom all of a sudden became terrorists who want to kill Americans… because they hate our freedom.

Ouch. The mobius strip must have been too much for your mind to handle. The trick is that the piece of paper flips! That trickiness confuses lots of liberals, so don’t feel bad. Regardless, here’s the lowdown on Iraqis. Sadly, a minority of them (as well as a significant minority of almost ALL muslim nations) decided freedom for the masses was not a good idea, and started bombing civilians to enforce their opinion. It had nothing to do with a ‘mission accomplished’ banner, and even less to do with the 90% of Iraqis who want to be free. I’ve often said that the new left is a self-centered narcissistic lot, but rarely have I seen a better example than what you just said, Just Kidding 47. Because some small percentage of Iraqis decided terrorism is a good idea, you assume the bulk of Iraqi’s don’t want freedom and even worse, want to destroy our freedom?

Sick. You must really hate the typical Iraqi to be willing to abandon them to the terrorists, huh? I can’t hang with you. These are people. Don’t abandon them to oppression or death, Jk47. It’s inhuman.

Herr Doktor Bimler

All this talk of invading every country where there is a theocratic regime rather than a democracy, and where the status of women has not advanced since the dark ages…
They must be losing some sleep in the Vatican.


Hey, could someone mention pie, and then me, with a knowing nod or wink? I don’t actually get the humor (I’m just a conservative), but it makes me feel at home. Thanks in advance!

Surreptitious Brad,

… But I did answer most of your questions! would you be kind enough to re-ask the ones I didn’t? Putting numbers next to them would make it more expedious for both of us. Again, thanks in advance!

You had your chance to “scare the tyrants into line�. Tyrants don’t scare easy. Soviet Russia wasn’t scared by what we did to Germany and Japan.

Could that be because we were buds with the tyrants in the USSR in the 1940s? I’m not sure, knowing what I know now, that I would have supported the Democrats in power who said that the USSR was funkengroovy, but that’s useless hindsight. However, I challenge your idea that ‘tyrants don’t scare easily’, in two ways. The first is, they kinda do. Libya wussed out, as I’ve said before, and N. Korea is so petrified that they’ve been on a war footing for 50 years! If China wasn’t protecting them, even a liberal like yourself would be forced to admit that N. Korea would now be part of South Korea, living in the free world.

I’ve no idea what to do about Russia or China destroying the freedoms of it’s people, but I’ve got a crystal clear idea on how to fix Iranian/Syrian/Yemeni/Saudi Arabian/Sudanese oppression. Hint: it involves bombs.


Animal/smelly is a big humor win in the liberal world.

Coming direct from Mr “The French are monkeys who eat smelly cheese.� Etc.

Extracted from 31,460,000 words of defensive dribble:
Well, the goal was that we would kick so much butt in Iraq, and with the full support of the American people, we would have scared the tyrants into line, like we (temporarilly) did with Libya. But I guess the hippies totally f#$%ed that up for us, huh? Way to twist the knife, liberals! The world is much worse off

And there you have it. The world is much worse off. Straight from the cheetoh-smeared horse’s butt. Thanks, conservatives!

I’m sad that the French eat cheese that smells bad (I was unaware), but you are thanking the wrong crew, Jade. We conservatives did our part. It was the ‘progressives’ who gayed out and started whining about “Ooh, war, causes death!?!? We didn’t know that! Our collective p*ssy hurts!” Quit whining and let the men save the world, huh? (And a lot of tough women too.)

Also, please refrain from smearing cheetos on horse’s rear ends. That’s just nasty!


All this talk of invading every country where there is a theocratic regime rather than a democracy, and where the status of women has not advanced since the dark ages…
They must be losing some sleep in the Vatican.

Don’t worry, quantum guy. It’s not ‘all this talk’. It’s just me. And the Vatican is on the list, though it’s at the bottom. Mostly because they aren’t killing people lately. Islam is, though! Have you heard?


Mmm. A big ol slice of Shameless Pie. Extra-flaky crust with idiotic bigoted filling. As always, tastes like ass. Or should I say “cello”?

Phil Moskowitz, Lovable Rogue.

SamFromUtah- Thanks for the correction. It’s been a while since Thanksgiving and I probably shouldn’t try to funny so soon after waking up.


You must really hate the typical Iraqi to be willing to abandon them to the terrorists, huh?

The “typical Iraqi” wants the US out, and they have since about 20 minutes after the fall of Baghdad.

That’s a simple fact.

There’s no point to the continuing occupation, unless we want to start getting all geo-political and resource scarcity-ish.


Alright already! We are exhuding, “I get it.” Is there anyone here who doesn’t feel the love. I can think of no better way to save the babies than to bomb the ever-loving shit out of those theocratic Islamic fascists. Hell, by changing Islamic to Christianist we could carpet bomb the deep south and get to some real “baby-saving.”
Smug does not even begin to describe this troll. What scientific method do you believe is being used to support these statistics of Kevins. I am leaning towards the “double blindfolded throw the dart in the dartboard” method, but the “pulling it out of your ass” method is a close second.

Provisional IRA

Nope, murderous extremists never blew up anyone in the name of Catholicism.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Mmm. A big ol slice of Shameless Pie. Extra-flaky crust with idiotic bigoted filling. As always, tastes like ass. Or should I say “cello�?

Rasp, rasp, slurp, rasp. Did someone call?

Can people stop taunting the crazy person, please? It’s leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

Rasp, rasp, rasp…


Kevin said,
June 7, 2007 at 8:21

“I’ll leave you guys alone after this note.”

But it goes on…and on…and on….please shoot me.


But it goes on…and on…and on….please shoot me.

Can’t we shoot the troll instead? Dang, it’s times like these that I almost regret hanging with the non-violent side of the argument. I understand philosophically why our generous blogging hosts hew to their non-banning standards, but as Qetesh says, “Rasp, rasp, slurp, rasp… “

The salient fact of American politics is that there are fifty to seventy million voters who each will volunteer to live, with his family, in a cardboard box under an overpass, and cook sparrows on an old curtain rod, if someone would only guarantee that the black, gay, Hispanic, liberal, whatever, in the next box over doesn’t even have a curtain rod, or a sparrow to put on it.

Davis X. Machina, I love you. Succint and yet pointed.


Kevin’s love for the Iraqi people is really touching. I’m sure he’s just as concerned about human rights abuses in Darfur and Uzbekistan. It’s all about human rights, not about defending a hideous clusterfuck of a failed president that Kevin undoubtedly voted for twice.

Go join Amnesty International, ya fuckin’ dirty, Birkenstock-wearing, Kumbaya-singing hippie.


mmmm… pie. jk47, I have no special love for the Iraqis. Other than they’re people, and I’d like to see the good ones saved. Same with Darfur. Not Uzbekistan though. Don’t know anything about it, so don’t have an opinion.

But if you are willing to send troops into Darfur, knowing full well how the hippies on the left will whine, then I’m with you. Let’s do it!

It’s all about human rights, not about defending a hideous clusterfuck of a failed president that Kevin undoubtedly voted for twice.

Go join Amnesty International, ya fuckin’ dirty, Birkenstock-wearing, Kumbaya-singing hippie.

Yup. It is all about human rights. I’m not defending Bush in the slightest. In fact, I actively voice my discontent with him. Sure, he is a hell of a lot better than Kerry or Gore would have been, but his outrageous support of slave labor from the latin countries proves he’s not a conservative… rather, a pseudoliberal in the mold of Nixon, Biden, or Schwarzenegger. so yeah, I voted for the lesser of two evils, but was never happy about it.

Birkenstock’s are worn by hippies?! I thought they wore sandals. In any case, what a great ad campaign for them you’ve discovered!

“Birkenstocks… They’re not just for lesbians anymore.” Do hippies wear flanel now too? ‘Cause…


Karl Rove Junior said:

“But it goes on…and on…and on….please shoot me.”

If you want to go back to your peaceful world of ignorance, I’ll be happy to leave you to it! All you have to do is to get Gavin to admit that he was way out of his league when he challenged 6MB to a photoshop contest.

Otherwise, I’m forced to continue to expose you to the lies your liberal handlers are telling you. Don’t blame me, young Karl, blame Gavin. Or society. Both are good.

Anne Laurie said:

“Dang, it’s times like these that I almost regret hanging with the non-violent side of the argument.”

You’re hardly on the non-violent side. You are just on the side that’s non-violent to the enemy. To the good guys, it’s a different story. Apparently, from the dozens of videos I’ve seen of the left’s protests (Here‘s one!) they’re extremely violent, but mostly against Americans. Yes you’re on a ‘different’ side, but not a ‘nonviolent’ one.


Still boring, Kevin.


There is little doubt where Rudy’s, Mitt’s, and McCain’s talking points are coming from – lawyers working for big business. As long as the business community can capitalize on the war it will do so regardless of morality, legality, or practicality. There is money in it, and that is all that it cares about.

Unless progressives can come up with a plan that refutes the concepts advanced by the Project for a New American Century followers, the arguments contained in “A Clean Break,” and the business community can see a way to make money off of peace there will be no change in U.S. policy.

The arrogance of the fascist right is ingrained in the belief that it can manipulate reality so that its opinions are reflected in the media, and people will follow. It will not move off the dime until it is forced to, or an alternative plan for economic stimulation is plainly put forth by progressive foreign service personnel, the intelligence community, and Wall Street investors. Until then the U.S. owns the concept that the Iraq invasion must be won, not negotiated.

Our nation’s leaders went in to Iraq to liberate its resources for British and American investment. The numbers favoring this crime are huge. Leaders believe that a half-trillion dollar investment for a $14 trillion return is well worth tolerating a vocal population unsupported by national leaders and improperly represented in the press.


Purp, keep in mind that ‘big business’ is what makes America great. And those of us who work often work for big business. I agree that lawyers (like John Edwards) suck. But after that, you lose me.

“The arrogance of the fascist right is ingrained in the belief that it can manipulate reality so that its opinions are reflected in the media, and people will follow.”

Uh, do you have your left and right hands confused? You’re one of those conspiracy theorists, huh? Like, Bush did 9/11 on purpose, and hid it, since the US gov’t is so good at keeping secrets, and it’s all like some big scam?

Man I hope even the left is embarrassed by you.


And they don’t embarrass easily. They still kinda support the murderous racist human rights violator Che Guevara!


“‘big business’ is what makes America great.”

Some might say that the Constitution make America great, or the belief that all men are created equal, with unalienable rights.

Some might say that a prosperous middle class and widely available education have made America great.

Naturally, Kevin thinks big business has made America great.

Would those be the big businesses headquartered in the Bahamas? Or is that Dubai?


Some might say those things! The people who say “a prosperous middle class and widely available education have made America great” should be considered noble, yet uninformed of history, since the middle class only appeared in America in the late 1870’s. And America was great long before education became ‘widely available’. These are both great things! But they are benefits of America being great, not causes.

For those who say, “the Constitution make[s] America great, or the belief that all men are created equal, with unalienable rights”, again, I say it’s a noble thought. But yet again, America was great long before we actually meant what we wrote. Business is what made it possible for the smarter and more humane of our ancestors to be affluent enough to end slavery. If the north wasn’t big on industry in 1860, there is no way they would have even considered destroying the south to end slavery, much less been capable of accomplishing it. Industry ended slavery! This is often too complicated of an idea for the left to understand, but at it’s core, it’s fact. Yes, business is that good.

Tsa, when you ask, “Would those be the big businesses headquartered in the Bahamas? Or is that Dubai?”, it makes me think you don’t understand the value of businesses at all. Those examples are exactly what will make America NOT great, and are doing so with alarming velocity.


Let’s review, Kelvin.

K: “‘big business’ is what makes America great.�

Z: “Would those be the big businesses headquartered in the Bahamas?”

K: “Those examples are exactly what will make America NOT great”

Hmm, so we agree that your first statement is horribly, mindlessly misguided.

I’m glad we see eye-to-eye on this. Clearly you are arguing for nationalizing Accenture, among others. I hadn’t figured you for a Chavez-type, and frankly, it’s further than I care to go, but party on, amigo.

You actually do have a minor point in the industry-slavery bit. You could just as easily argue that the absence of slave labor led to industrialization. And then we could kick that around a bit before coming to the conclusion that history does not usually lend itself to simple generalizations.

Keep in mind, son, capitalism is an engine. Like in a car. Powerful stuff. The car can take you to distant places. Or it can run over your neighbor’s kid. Kind of depends on the driver, huh? The driver is a human being. The car is a machine. The human judiciously applies the gas and the brake in guiding the car to safely arrive at the desired destination.

Note carefully what the human does not do. The human does not bow down to the car and worship it as the solution to all human problems. The human does not let the car drive itself all over the damn place at high speed.

In this way, the human avoids charges of vehicular homicide.

I have to note as well that the human does not let the gap-toothed rednecks from the trailer park at the other end of town get all liquored up on grain alcohol and drive around in the car. Sorry.


Kelvin was a great man! The father of absolute temperature, if I’m not mistaken. Thanks for implying that I’m as smart as him! But…

K: “‘big business’ is what makes America great.�

Z: “Would those be the big businesses headquartered in the Bahamas?�

K: “Those examples are exactly what will make America NOT great�

Hmm, so we agree that your first statement is horribly, mindlessly misguided.

No, we don’t agree. We might agree that relocating businesses to locations outside of America is bad for America, but that’s for you to decide. For my part, I certainly agree with that last statement. Do you agree?

“I’m glad we see eye-to-eye on this. Clearly you are arguing for nationalizing Accenture, among others. I hadn’t figured you for a Chavez-type, and frankly, it’s further than I care to go, but party on, amigo.”

We clearly don’t see ‘eye-to-eye on this’. I’m unsure what ‘Accenture’ is, but I’m not advocating nationalization, and would actively support anyone opposed to the nationalization of anything. Anything.

“You actually do have a minor point in the industry-slavery bit. You could just as easily argue that the absence of slave labor led to industrialization. And then we could kick that around a bit before coming to the conclusion that history does not usually lend itself to simple generalizations.”

Uh, that is EXACTLY the point I’m arguing. Kick it around a bit if you’re bored, but intelligent minds have already come to this conclusion. Join us!

“Keep in mind, son, capitalism is an engine. Like in a car. Powerful stuff. The car can take you to distant places. Or it can run over your neighbor’s kid. Kind of depends on the driver, huh? The driver is a human being. The car is a machine. The human judiciously applies the gas and the brake in guiding the car to safely arrive at the desired destination.”

Will do, my child. But let’s remember that it made us as prosperous as we are today, huh? Business keeps us affluent. Heck, it keeps us from starving! India, China, even Vietnam have realized this. Africa, for the most part, hasn’t. Where are people starving these days, btw? Thoughtless self-absorbed hippies might not be able to make the connection. Narcissistic pseudo-intellectuals are also often hamstrung.

The rest of your comment appears to be nothing more than a slam at the southern part of your country. None of us ‘bow down’ to our machines, and most of us don’t live in trailer parks. Try to not be bigoted, zsa.


L-e-t m-e s-p-e-l-l i-t o-u-t f-o-r y-o-u, K-e-t-i-n.

You say “‘big business’ is what makes America great.� I point out that lots of big American businesses put their headquarters overseas. You agree that this is not helping America. But still these businesses are making America great? Even though they pay their taxes in Dubai or Hamilton? As a thoughtless, self-absorbed, dirty fucking hippy and narcissistic pseudo-intellectual, this makes absolutely no sense to me.

“I’m unsure what ‘Accenture’ is”

Really? I mean, seriously? You’re fucking with me here, right? You and your compadre Hugo Chavez and your dreams of nationalizing the means of production.

Ever have one of those moments where you realize you’re arguing with someone who’s just so boneheadedly ignorant of general facts as to make the entire argument futile?


zsa, everything you’ve ever said to me you’ve ‘spelled out’, since we don’t talk. No need for dashes. I hate to get serious with you for a second, but I’d be interested to know what you understand about economics, and your opinion of the world order as it stands today.

Because it’s pretty clear that when a person making $50/hr is replaced by a person in another country making $20/hr doing the same job, that’s bad, right? Are you sure? Globalization is about making the whole world wealthy, not protecting overpaid Americans. You’ve got to pick one or the other. Keep the non western world poor, or share the wealth, and take some hits. I for one, stand with globilization, since it will make others rich and want to buy our goods. But to act like such a dramatic change in the world could be completely painless… that’s just liberal thinking. You know, hope, dream, etc. But no plan.

ps. I’ve still no idea what ‘accenture’ means. Are you going to make me look it up? ‘Cause I won’t. What is it, like some hippie movie saying Che Guevara was all into peace, love and grace? Or is it a song? Ac Cen Ture, mylord, Ac Cen Ture. No thanks. Accenture is yours!


zsa, before you mention it… yes we are ALL overpaid in America, myself included. Well, I mean the 40% of us that work. And even the rest of us who choose the dole instead or are children of those people on the dole. But if we continue to work hard, we won’t lose affluence. Instead, the rest of the world will catch up to us.

Are you still convinced sharing the wealth (aka outsourcing) is a bad thing? Bet you are :). It’s more ‘faith’ than ‘fact’ huh.


[…] goes on — and, if possible, expanded. Giuliani, in his view, is the most electable candidate whose policies would best deliver that result. Media […]


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