A-Wop-Bop, Bam-Bam, Who Likes A Nigger?*
Six-Meat Buffet is aiming to get bigger:
First Hogzilla II, now this?
Not to convert this place into the Dead Meat Buffet but an enormous amount of meat died this weekend and we’re all the better for it. It goes without saying that the term “house negroâ€? gets bandied about with great frequency against anyone of seemingly African descent when they are on the Right. Be you Clarence Thomas, Condoleeza Rice, Michael Steele, or J.C. Watts, you can expect a Harry Belafonte, a Danny Glover, or yes – even a Steve Gilliard to call you out for being the race traitor that you are. The sell-out, Oreo cookies who do Whitey’s bidding and put a black face on racist policies that would otherwise be rightly called out for what they are. Uncle Thomas and Aunt Thomasinas alike.
But really, who is doing whose bidding in those situations? Can Howard Dean call Condoleeza his “do right answer mammy who be smart�? Can James Carville call out Clarence for collard greens?
Which brings us to today’s marquee morbidity. The tragic, untimely death of Donk House Negro and all around bigot Steve Gilliard. Who knew that boiling bacon grease in a spoon and mainlining it into the neck vein was bad for your health?
Yes, right, isn’t the Internet a wonderful forum for opinion? Yes, aha, mm, so.
Addressing the speakers:
1) Steve was a friend of ours in ways encompassing politics, but also beyond that. We knew Steve as well as anyone could know him digitally, from hanging out and talking and from recombinant debate-sessions about things, in which others came and went and argued. We swapped recipes and comforted each other in moments of trouble. We were sometimes a tight unit, I think in large part from having been similarly fiery characters in public, while similarly polite in private. Steve was a friend who, I was sometimes reminded by photos or by certain locutions or topics he employed, was black.
2) Who do you think you are?
2.1) Who the fuck do you think you are?
2.3) Who the fuck do you think you are?
2.5) What, out of the laughing white universe of Whitey McYuk-Yuk, legacy-conservative, Reagan-worshipping, Huey-Lewis-fan, Chemise-Lacoste, provincial-college, 25-year-old debate-team FUCKERY is this?
3.0) You people (and I say the phrase, ‘you people,’ with a historical certainty inculcated with irony) like to believe that we’re ‘hippies.’ In fact, what we are is the grinning rebellio-conservative’s worst nightmare: niggers with a badge. I.e., in our case, teh misfits and punk rockers from high school, but with advanced degrees and experience, with expert friends and historical context. Other nigger mileage differs, but the average is constant.
3.5) I said ‘nigger.’ We don’t even hasten to say, anymore, that we don’t care about wordage, the cod-linguistics, the careful diction which has caused so many people so much sad-violin trouble in the past. We know what words mean, and we use the words we mean to use. You’re afraid to say ‘nigger,’ so we’ll say it. And then we’ll say this:
4.0) Who the fuck do you think you are?
4.5) We await with great neglect anything that you might say to dig yourself out of this ditch that you’ve so alacritously helped dig for the conservative movement, so-called. We have sympathy in a way, only not toward yourselves as people.
5.0) We will bury you.
* Johnny Rebel, a.k.a. Clifford J. Trahan, ‘Who Likes A Nigger,’ 1965, Reb Rebel Records
Amen, my friend.
Testify, brother!
Where do I remember this trollsite from?
I think this is, what’s the word, griefing. They’re after hits and attention. They don’t know or believe in shit, they just want the glorious, glorious hate. I almost wonder if even giving the righteous fuck off is playing into their hands.
If this is a plea for infamy it shouldn’t be answered.
Or it’s a racist asshole who thinks they’re making a statement about the dear departed’s style.
Either way I really wonder how much of this is basically a cry for attention.
Well said, Gavin.
Note that this twerp has also single-handedly destroyed wingers’ cause for umbrage about this site P’shopping sammiches into the arms of Dafydd ap Llewellyn (or whichever winger it was in that photo you guys use sometimes). An all-Cheetos diet isn’t exactly good for you either.
5.0) We will bury you.
In a big pile of neglect.
I read the comments, which were actually meager for such a deliberate flame bait. The douche just wants attention. Ignore.
Ah, but he had a point! Steve Gilliard once said mean things about Michael Steele, who was a) Lt. Governor of Maryland and b) refusing to condemn the Governor for attending a fundraiser at a whites-only club!
Therefore he can say anything he wants about Gilliard and get away with it, because it’s just turnabout being fair play, and what not.
That Gilliard was not a) Lt. Governor of Maryland or b) refusing to condemn racisim or c) alive just proves what whiny ass pissy liberals blah blah blah….
All I know is that if there is a Heaven, Steve Gilliard is watching this bemused, knowing full well that the meltdown on the right is reaching critical mass, and that this is but another milemarker in what should be a hilarious 2008 cycle.
Bury them fast. They already smell.
Gavin –
This dipshit is indeed a griefer. Same pathology as the dipshits who run riot in Second Life, WoW, or any other place where decent, normal people are having fun and they feel all neglected because they have this great big empty hole in their souls. One of the reasons they hated the hippies so much, because the damn dirty hippies were always grinning, laughing, dancing, and getting laid.
The dark pit of envy that people like this have eventually leads them to alcoholism, petty crime, menial jobs and voting Republican. Put a few cans of brewski courage into them and gather around a similar cloud of fuckwits, and watch the pointy white sheet hats come out. Their bravery exists only in groups, or in anonymous settings, such as the net, where their BS can be slung without fear of retribution.
The Internet is such a lovely place, isn’t it?
[…] bigotries is one thing. It appears that bloggers like you and me can also be savaged upon our untimely deaths. I am not enraged at this point because I can hardly be surprised at the incredible racism, […]
I really don’t have the words. I’m dead on the inside, I’m so simultaneously enraged and unsurprised. It is a game. 6 Meat Buffet in another life were broadcasting about “cockroaches ” on Radio Rwanda. It isn’t real to them because they are sociopaths.
$10 says they’re based in Sacramento.
And why is everything I’m reading on the Internets all bolded? The hell, man?
And bitches wonder why I tried to enlist. Dang.
These motherfuckers screwed the wrong pooch, methinks.
Meh. This is the worst they can do? Steve would laugh.
Yours — Ally
Now, I wouldn’t want to be accused of being uncivil, so I’ll try to keep this clean.
Fuckwit reichtard cum-gargling asshat
manboygina cunt-faced shit-picking sheep-fucking krill-vomiting dick-climbing girlscout-cookie-using-as-suppositories bunny-teabagging smegma-chewing blood-pissing auto-cannibalistic puke-ass cobag!Wouldn’t piss on him if he were a four-alarm fire.
Oh, and what you said, Gavin. Plus, what Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel said, too. Teh funny.
I honestly had no idea Steve Gilliard was black – not that it should matter. It wouldn’t have, but for vermin like Six-Meat.
we’re the misfits and punk rockers from high school, but now with advanced degrees, expert friends, and historical context.
Yup. And while the prom queens, football captains, and mayor’s kids of our generation were busy sucking up the easy, low hanging fruit that comes with winning the genetic lottery we’ve been building local alliances, learning, teaching, finding out which levers to push and how to push them.
The selfishness-is-the-greatest-good, made-for-TV bullshit of the Reagan Era died when New Orleans sank. Americans will tolerate a lot of horseshit, but blood is blood and no nation can abide seeing its citizens suffer and die while their so-called leaders sun their asses by the pool and nibble cake.
So now begins a new chapter. Its too soon to call it a name and only the broadest contours are visible, but one thing is for damn sure: that new chapter will be written by those who learned to thrive outside of the previous system.
Surprise, motherfuckers!
That shit made me mad and for that — only that — I am grateful.
Why pay attention to nobodies like Six-Meat Buffet?
a different brad said,
June 5, 2007 at 8:04
Where do I remember this trollsite from?
I seem to remember that dipshit Kevin trying to coax people there.
Which of Shakespeare’s plays has Falstaff running around on the battlefield after the fighting is over jabbing corpses with his sword and counting it as a victory?
The selfishness-is-the-greatest-good, made-for-TV bullshit of the Reagan Era died when New Orleans sank. Americans will tolerate a lot of horseshit, but blood is blood and no nation can abide seeing its citizens suffer and die while their so-called leaders sun their asses by the pool and nibble cake.
Meh, I dunno. I still haven’t seen a real sea change of opinion. People are as selfish and as stupid as ever. John and Judy Wingnut from Oklahoma or Iowa haven’t been asked to sacrifice anything, haven’t even had to pay a few bucks more in taxes to help pay for the orgy of Brown People Killing perpetrated by BushCo. No, they’re just passing the bill onto our children. And their own.
We haven’t even begun to pay the price for our own selfishness. People haven’t even begun to learn the lesson. People don’t give one flying fuck about New Orleans. I can tell you first-hand because I’ve been there about four or five times since Katrina, and it’s still fucked up beyond belief and help isn’t coming and they still haven’t even really fixed the goddamn levees. And nobody fucking cares.
This country is bloated and spoiled and lazy and past its prime. We’re Elvis in 1975. Sometimes I fear that the inevitable toilet bowl moment is not far away.
So, Six-meat Pig Fucker. Yeah, I’m talking to you, ignorant racist shit head. You got the balls to tell us your real name and address?
Didn’t think so, no-nuts. Steve Gilliard did, but he was a man, and you are something a whole lot lower than a man. Go lick a dog’s asshole until it bleeds.
JK47, I’m not suggesting that everything is magically all better. Its not. And progress is never guaranteed. All I’m suggesting is that the right wing’s non-stop campaign to market the darker aspects of human nature (greed, bigotry, disdain, hypocrisy, etc) as cardinal virtues has worn itself out. The arguments just don’t “stick” like they used to, and those who peddle them sound more and more desperate and out of touch with each passing day.
As for “bloated and spoiled”, I just don’t see it. Outside of a very thin investor class, people are generally working harder, more hours a day, while at the same time going deeper and deeper into debt. More and more, people aren’t using credit to buy toys they couldn’t otherwise afford, they are using it to pay the monthly bills. Unfortunately, middle class pride still forces many to live a lie. People who could otherwise find strength in collective action don’t do so because they feel guilty or ashamed of having financial trouble.
Where do I remember this trollsite from?
From the Photoshop Challenge, maybe? Kevin got here from there.
Please do not feed the trolls.
I think I’m with JK47. I haven’t seen any evidence that we as a nation are any smarter or less shallow or less mean. If NoMeat had said this on TV, the news networks would’ve gotten into a bidding war to give him his own show.
I think we as a nation have jumped the shark. I just hope the rest of the world can survive our inevitable flameout…
I also am with JK47. People are obsessed with possessions to a disgusting extent. I would wager that more Americans could name the winner of American Idol than the Attorney General. People are largely intellectually lazy sheep.
Point of order:
Weren’t us lefties the cool kids in High School?
You know: cliquish hipsters wearing vintage Adam and the Ants t-shirts.
Granted, I’m from Brooklyn and a Blue State where the only uptight Christians were Barry Manilow-listening dweebs that had never had a girlfriend, who were often expelled from school for masturbating in class.
I, too, had no idea Steve Gilliard was black until I saw a picture posted with the notice of his death. I suppose I thought he was an old white guy like Juan Cole or Patrick Nielsen Hayden. This says more about my assumptions that the world is white (I have known disproportionately more pale-pink-skinned humans in my life than any of the other colours) than it does about Mr. Gilliard. His reputation preceded him by a mile, and it was, so far as I ever heard, a very good one.
Also, thank you, Gavin, for being so good at simple righteous fury.
Oh, please. Getting mad at losers like Tiny Meat is like getting mad at the dogsh*t you stepped in on your way to work. You don’t engage in a dialogue with it. You scrape it off of your shoe and get on with your day.
I suspect at least one one the meats on this buffet is the liver from Portnoy’s Complaint.
I’m a happy and committed contrarian to the whole “most people (except me and my friends) are stupid sheep” thing. Yes, I wish people were generally better at educating themselves about important matters; yes, I wish people generally cared more about what they could do for others, but starting from the notion that most people are too dumb to matter can only ever lead to where the neocons went: to a world where only the “right people” are to be trusted with power and whatever lies they tell the sheeple to get them to go along is just a natural part of doing business. No thanks.
Take the default position that people are smart and its amazing how many smart people you’ll meet.
The Class of the wingnuts always shows through.
Actually they’re burying themselves quite nicely, thank you.
All we need to do is put flowers on the grave of the conservative “movement”, to make sure we don’t forget what happens when political ideology trumps reality.
Wow, that is some powerfully strong stupidity over there.
I bet the next time the conservative blogs get involved in their monthly Why Don’t Them Thar Minorities Vote Republican? debate, Six-Meat Fluffer will be scratching his head and wondering why all the Negros aren’t rallying around the confederate flag.
The assholes have apparently done a redirect on your link to their excreable post, Gavin.
Amen. Steve Gilliard was a patriot.
When so many others had their heads deep up their asses, Gilly saw everything the way it was. He tried to tell us all, and we would have all been far better off we had all listened.
I didn’t know Steve at all, but I will miss his insight deeply.
P.S. Fuck all of you idiot racist fucks.
Death of A House Negro
“This site is blocked for racist content.”
What a shame…I was looking forward to taking a dump on that stupid POS redneck.
Steve Gilliard got sick, people all over the world posted to express how much his wit and the range of his intellect meant to them. A number of gifted writers & webworkers stepped up to make sure his site would stay fresh and informative. His tragic death has been eulogized widely, as an example and an incentive to keep fighting for justice.
If Six Beating Our Meats Buffett were to disappear tomorrow, would anybody notice? Apart from the supervisor who’d track the downturn in “stockroom shrinkage” at the local minimart?
Damn. I wish Steve’s blog was one of those I had found myself – BEFORE he passed away. I never knew about him. This is a hell of a way to discover him.
This idiotic asshat who posted that nonsense can rot in hell.
I can respect people on both sides of the aisle, even if I disagree with their principles. It sounds like Steve was respected in that fashion by all who knew him. I sympathize with those who knew him well and who now miss him greatly.
Nice to see that the “conservatives” have showed their true colors so quickly.
Damn. I wish Steve’s blog was one of those I had found myself – BEFORE he passed away. I never knew about him. This is a hell of a way to discover him.
Me too. I’ve been perusing his archives for the last few days and now I love his blog for a lot of the same reasons I love this blog. And he was a proud defender of NYC from all the xenophobic idiots out there, he expertly skewered Giuliani mythology and all things wingnutty, had great taste in music and baseball teams, loved soccer. What a cool guy.
Anne Laurie-
I was going to say something similar. But between the foul mouthed insults and angry epithets directed towards these conservative crack-jobs, I lost control and the post ran into the ditch, flipped over, and burned.
You see what I mean.
But you said it very directly and nicely. Well done, Well done!
Morbid curiosity compelled me to click the link and head on over to Six Meat, which I’ve never heard of until today. And may I just say…..wow.
When the author of the post started trying to draw a comparison between racist, whites-only country clubs and historically black colleges, I had to stop. Teh stupid was piling up rapidly, and the stench was becoming overwhelming.
Nobody with enough intelligence to avoid shitting on his own dinner plate could possibly be that stupid. Is this guy even for real? Could this all just be a clever parody of right-wing insanity, like Jon Swift or Jesus’ General or Shelley The Republican?
but starting from the notion that most people are too dumb to matter can only ever lead to where the neocons went . . . Take the default position that people are smart and its amazing how many smart people you’ll meet
Yeah, Kingubu — thanks for the reminder. When the BigStupidUgly happens, as it does on a regular basis at places like 6meats, it’s easy to forget that those guys are not representative of the population at large.
The ever-impressive Anne Laurie uses the english language like Sgt. Basilone used his machete. Savagely, and to great effect…
Actually, the first Gilly post I read was when he laid the smackdown on Jonah Goldberg. Goldberg had accused him of being racist for presuming to speak for black people. Gilly put up a picture of himself and said, “you’re calling me racist, motherfucker?” A couple of years later he took Jonah to town over his Katrina comments.
I miss him already. RIP, Steve.
I love the GillyTank. Go crush me some republican fools with that.
You gotta admit, the 6MB has us at SadlyNo beat on the humor front. But even though Gilly was a racist, it’s probably not a good idea to drudge his sordid past up now that he’s dead. Sure, he hated white people simply because they were white, hated Jews and hated latinos (though he offered no explanation for the last one), but he was an icon for liberals! Speaking of him badly now that he’s dead would be as unthinkable as mentioning the thousands of people Che Guevara murdered. Liberals dig that guy too, you know, and mentioning what scuzzballs they both were is not allowed!
ps. I’m glad you finally followed my link Cliffy!
Memo to self and others, Jade= Kevin. Jade now need go walkies!
Way to own up to your roots here, you shitty little troll.
Crud, sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. I was making a comment on another thread showing jade how weak it is to use another’s name when commenting, and forgot to change it back.
For the record, I’m against stealing other people’s identities, and am quite ashamed that I actually did just that. Sorry Jade. Hope you accept my apology.
I tried to follow the link and read the punk-ass bitch’s site but got re-directed to what has to be one of the greatest oxymorons to which i have ever borne witness:
“Conservative Thinking”
Really, giving these little turds any attention is just what they want, just like the kid who throws his orange soda on the floor to get noticed by mommy. They’re just pathetic little cowards who hope to gain some quick attention by making fun of somebody only once he’s safely dead. You didn’t think they dared to attack Steve when he was still alive to respond did you?
Martin’s right, it’s just a really pathetic attempt at attention. And we’re also talking about the target audience for Delta Farce here.
It’s like the world isn’t swirling down the shitter quickly enough, these guys feel the need to stick their hand in and stir it faster.
should have just said something like this? to the 6mbuffoons
“And I hope that you die
And your death’ll come soon
I’ll follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I’ll watch while you’re lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I’ll stand o’er your grave
‘Til I’m sure that you’re dead”
long time lurker, first time commenter.
Long time-lurker, 70th time commenter. Can’t we get more support from the left for this rascist? He hates people because of their color! Isn’t that enough to garner a liberal’s support anymore?
Hey, now that this racist is dead, we don’t have to lay down our racist ideas. Louis Farrakhan is still alive! Thanks to him, hurray, we can still hate other races! Steve Gillard’s memory can live on!
Gilliard was House nothing. He was independent as the day is long.
He ate neocons for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner, plus he excoriated GOP black poodles relentlessly.
Neocon hatred and slime proves it.
Right fuckin’ on.
While on the one hand, yeah, this asshole is just looking for attention, you know that, and that was one righteous smackdown. There are times to ignore idiots and there are times to smack ’em down, and if Steve were my friend, I’d probably do the same.
cokane said,
June 5, 2007 at 20:42
should have just said something like this? to the 6mbuffoons
“And I hope that you die
And your death’ll come soon
I’ll follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I’ll watch while you’re lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I’ll stand o’er your grave
‘Til I’m sure that you’re dead�
copy. paste. repeat.
we got: bobby zimmerman
they got: ……….pat boone? = nuthin’
fuck them. we will march on a road made of six-meat-buffet-bloggers.
Where are OUR DDOS people?
I really miss Steve. : (
The blog in question may have a redirect on the S,N! link, but:
Check this out- some lamebrain at the ABC affilliate in Nashville actually gave that steaming piece of shit an Instawanker-style endorsement.
Bravo Gavin, bravo.
P.S. Ban that fucking idiot Kevin already. Nobody cares about his love for pie.
How sad. I don’t think people like Kevin understand that there’s another human being outide of himself…anywhere.
I gotta update the greasemonkey script here at the office. That prick kevin’s glee at the passing of a good human being disqualifies him for membership in the human race…
“Louis Farrakhan is still alive!” said, Kevin/Jade up there. Yes, indeed he is. He’s a religious fanatic convinced that his religious principles should guide public policy. He doesn’t believe in government helping redistribute wealth. He calls for black folks to create an independent economy, that unfettered capitalism is the solution to all social problems. His organization has given aid and comfort to Holocaust denial and other far-right causes.
Pray tell, what about Louis Farrakhan is supposed to make him a liberal? He’s a rightwinger from a long line of black rightwingers that stretches all the way back to Marcus Garvey and Booker T. Washington.
Well Fardels, he may not think that the government’s job is to take money from someone who works and give it to someone who can’t be bothered to, but that’s not really liberal is it? That’s socialism or communism.
Louis Farrakhan’s claim to liberalism is, just like Steve Gilliard, he hates people of other races! Liberals flock to this type of person. Not sure why, but they do. Just look at the support Steve gets on this thread if you doubt me.
A racist with a crew. That’s what he is (you guys are the crew).
Gavin, I’d also like to suggest you ban this disgusting troll. Is he contributing anything? Being a source of amusement? Or is he just causing good people to leave the thread in disgust?
Seems to me there’s enough ugliness all around without inviting it into our homes.
Well, look at all the mean things the liberals are saying about that Senator from Wyoming who died.
But that’s OK because he’s a Republican.
You selfish, selfish hippies are a bunch of hypocrites. And you hate black people. And you hate Muslim women.
And you hate fat people too. And you’re mean and you suck, not like nice, sweet, pearl-clutching conservatives who are always honest and civil.
Liberals. Hmmph.
Yeah, ban Kevin. He was annoying enough as an attention starved mediocrity. As a race baiting asshole he has no business being here.
The best thing to do with trolls like Kevin is ignore them.
They are trying to upset you. If you let them, they win.
It’s really simple – just never, ever, ever respond to anything they have to say. Eventually, the retarded-monkey-on-crack nature of their endless “look at me! look at me!” posting will start to become obvious even to them, and they’ll go away.
He’s still boring.
Why pay attention to nobodies like Six-Meat Buffet?
We fight back.
Godspeed Mr. Gilliard.
[…] like to see Gilbert sufficiently punished for failing to protect you and your readers from Smantix’s bullshit. And yet, it’s not Gilbert’s job to protect you from Smatix’s bullshit (as I […]
Dear tiny cat pants person,
You’re full of shit.
Was it smart to give a non-factor site like Mini Me Buffet this kind of exposure? As web-addicted as I am, I never heard of them before.
The Visigoth said,
June 5, 2007 at 15:00
Point of order:
Weren’t us lefties the cool kids in High School?
You know: cliquish hipsters wearing vintage Adam and the Ants t-shirts.
Perhaps you were. I wasn’t. I really think that your popularity in school has nothing at all to do with your politics. Or, actually, anything at all in your adult life.
It’s really simple – just never, ever, ever respond to anything they have to say. Eventually, the retarded-monkey-on-crack nature of their endless “look at me! look at me!â€? posting will start to become obvious even to them, and they’ll go away.
Amen to that.
Haha! Apparantly someone has hax0r3d the 3 meat-beater site.
It now redirects to Melissa Etheridge’s site.
Don’t let it upset you too much. Six Meat Spanker is just pissy because of the fact that a black man was smarter and more eloquent and more logical than he. So he took glee in his death, you know, the way that scared little bitches get all brave and start talking shit when their feared opponent is incapacitated or otherwise unable to fight back.
So, when you read between the lines, it is clear that Six Meat Spanker’s rant is nothing more than a subconscious acknowledgement of SG’s intellectual superiority and bravery. It is a subconscious admission that, in life, SG would have beat the meat out of old mister Six-ham.
Way back when I was at a southern university, a classmate (not a friend, I want to make clear) and I hitched a ride with a friendly old black man, very cheerful. When we got out, my classmate said, “now that’s a good nigger!” Clarence Thomas, Michael Steele, et al, are “good niggers” to these guys. They’re still racists, as was my classmate, who did not have to pretend otherwise.
I so miss Steve. I bookmarked his site after he wrote about the right, “I want them to hate my opinions.” Just so.
[…] If anything, the FFF incident has shown us that. And this time was no different. Some people leapt to his defense. Some people decided to go after other […]
I note, without comment, that Six Meat Fuckwad was not only too cowardly to dis Gilly when he was merely hospitalized and incapacitated. No, no, there was the danger that Gilly might recover. So, Sux Meat Spunkbank waited until Gilly up and died (mighty sportin’ of Steve there!). That’s what I admire about the Right–their unfailing bravery! OK, so I commented. A little.
[…] Fuck Yourself” Cheney. No wonder Jules Crittenden of the Boston Herald happily linked to a racist diatribe against Gilliard. “It’ll will be interesting to see what kind of treatment “combative […]
[…] Fuck Yourself” Cheney. No wonder Jules Crittenden of the Boston Herald happily linked to a racist diatribe against Gilliard. “It’ll will be interesting to see what kind of treatment “combative […]