Right-Blogging: Behind The Magic

Curses, part 2

This afternoon I sat in on the McCain blogger conference call at the kind invitation of Patrick Hynes. John Hinderaker was also on the call, along with Ann Althouse, Ed Morrissey, James Joyner, NRO’s Stephen Spruiell (and here), and the New York Sun’s Ryan Sager, among others (links are to comments on the call).

Recorded voice: “To join this conference, please input the code number now.”


Althouse: “…because I actually like the green ones better. They make my feet look cute.”

McCain: “Uh-huh.”

Hinderaker: “Senator, even the liberal MSM can no longer deny the links between Iraq and Al Qaeda, due to recent Al Qaeda activity in Iraq. Would you say that the failure, on the part of the left, to disprove the existence of WMDs improves the case for war with Iran, or with Syria?”

McCain, “Well, it… Um, the…”

Sager: “Whoah, whoah, let’s have something the Wal-Mart voters can understand. Senator, as a war hero and a maverick, what’s your position on Mexican people?”

Althouse: “I don’t like their version of rap, with the boom-cha-cha beat. It has only one boom, and two chas! The Arabs listen to it too, I think. Or maybe theirs has two booms and a cha.”

Spruiell: “Wow, we’re really allowed to just talk to people on the phone? Won’t Newsbusters be mad we’re, like, going over their heads?”

McCain: “To answer your question on immigration, um, Mister…”

Sager: “Sager, Ryan Sager.”

Althouse: “Answer fast: What’s your favorite show, Galactica or 24?”

Sager: “Who, me? What does that have to do with…”

Althouse: “I find it so inconsiderate and dishonest that you pretend I’m addressing you when it’s obvious who I’m addressing! I will not tolerate any intentionally hostile…”

Pamela Oshry: “Hey baby, is this the AIPAC conference call? Ew, it’s Althouse, I musta dialed tha…”

Althouse: “…interruptions! Wait, who was that?”

Hinderaker: “Senator, since ‘torture’ is defined as the causing of pain for its own sake, is it not impossible for a properly-conducted interrogation to fit such a definition — given that the object is to gain information? That is, is not the object rather to cause as little pain as possible?”

Morrissey: “Talk slower, I’m taking notes.”

Althouse: “Who was that before? Was that a woman?”

McCain: “Um, the immigration bill…”

Joyner: “Senator, I believe my position on immigration is, at a high level, similar to yours. Let me explain it and you can tell me if you agree.”

Spruiell: “Senator, can Americans shoot illegal Mexicans? If someone puts that in the bill, I mean?”

Morrissey: “Wouldn’t shooting the Mexicans mean paying more taxes? I’m a taxpayer, and I think the Mexicans should pay more taxes.”

Johnson: “Ha ha! With a varmint gun! Arriba, andele!”

Sager: “Mitt Romney likes to claim he’s a hunter — I wonder if he…”

Johnson: “Ha ha! Like those guys outside mowing the lawn!”

Althouse: “How do you know they’re Mexicans, Scott? Maybe they’re Guatemalans. I like the jewelry that comes from the…”

Johnson: “Ping! K-pew! Ay, dios mio!”

Hynes: “Peeow! Ping! Carramba, hyuu got me, amigo!”

Hinderaker: “Senator, as a war hero, were any of your captors beautiful Asian women? Because the current Miss Thailand is really something else, and I imagine there must have been some…”


Hynes: [takes notes]

Joyner: “Whoah!” [takes notes]

Hinderaker: [takes notes]

Sager: “I’ve got audio.”

Althouse: [takes notes]

Spruiell: “When someone says something, can you just report it, or do you have to wait until it’s on another blog?”

Morrissey: “Uh, wait, Senator — what about my taxes?”


Comments: 23


So, just what is it that make Althouse’s feet look cute?

I think it’s the responsibility of the S’N! writers to follow up on this burning question concerning Ann Althouse and get back to us on it.

a different brad

I’m on to you, Gavin.
You took a ten sided die and gave McCain n each wingnut a number, then started rolling.
N it says nothing whatsoever about my early adolescence that I figured it out.


From the Powerline post:

At the end of the call Senator McCain offered to make the call a weekly event if we wanted.

To which I say, in the words of James Brown, please, please, please, please.


Having reviewed the divine Ms. Althouse‘s entire collection of photographs on Flickr, I can attest to her fascination with her feet and her shoes. I cannot explain it; I can only offer my bewildered testimony.


Yas, I made an attempt to go through her flickr pile yesterday myself (hoping for more cleavage shots like the one that lead to the “will you go out w/ a younger guy” comment that was posted) but all she shoots are dead birds, architecture, classic cars (mostly just in sections) & (this is what really got me) food. Restaurant meals. Comestibles served to her on plates. Sweet blood of Jeezus, who takes pictures of their fucking meals? Who? Should I post those two bowls of cocoa crunchies I just had for dinner? Maybe it only counts if it’s served to you by a flunky at an overpriced restaurant.
I used to think it was a shame the Divine Ms. A. had given up her art student dreams to become a “56-year-old tenured law professor,” but if her flickr pile is any indication, we may be better off w/ her ruining the minds of future lawyers.
And Ann, you can say “piss” to a Senator (you probably should, actually) especially if said Senator is a potty-mouthed hothead. And that word you were trying to spell? It’s FUCK. EFF YOU CEE KAY. F-U-C-K. Not “f**k.” You’re 56, it’s OK to say (or spell) it.


My favorite (at least tonight)


‘The money shot,’ as they say. (Or immediately preceding it.)

a different brad

Speaking of the center of the universe, Althouse’s post on the call is pretty fecking awesome.

And did she answer the question? Does she date younger men?
I’m sorry for calling you transgendered earlier, Ann my love.


Ay chihuahua! Does she always flash cans like that? What a hussy!


PS–Ann, my darling, one word: “Russian.”


Well, at least she’s not standing in front of the President, right? That’d make her an intern or something.


Lining up all of McCain’s recent behavior (The Beach Boys serenade, the “get a life” response, the “fuck you” to Cornyn, this varmint thing), you think maybe he’s just going senile?


Eeeeeyah, R.L. Someone needs to stop smoking. Or wear more shirt.


I used to think it was a shame the Divine Ms. A. had given up her art student dreams to become a “56-year-old tenured law professor,� but if her flickr pile is any indication, we may be better off w/ her ruining the minds of future lawyers,

Dunno….has anything good ever come from failed art students?


Dunno….has anything good ever come from failed art students?

On the one hand, the Beatles. On the other hand, Hitler.


The B-52s, Talking Heads, Devo… (I’m not sure if these were actually failed art students, but really, how does one tell the difference?)


“Spruiell: ‘When someone says something, can you just report it, or do you have to wait until it’s on another blog?'”



Sweet blood of Jeezus, who takes pictures of their fucking meals? Who?

Twisty Faster of I Blame the Patriarchy, for one, at least used to. (She’s blogged about them, too.)

Glad I’m not the only one who finds it odd. It’s like show-and-tell for wannabe foodies.


My favorite (at least tonight)


‘The money shot,’ as they say. (Or immediately preceding it.)

Who’s that old dude with the tits? Is it supposed to be Andy Warhol or David Bowie with boobs or something?


Jim MOrrison was a failed art student, IIRC.

Jeebus, I looked at some of Althourse’s photos. What’s with the skewed angles? Did she really intend to take those photos, or was she dangling the camera by the strap from her wrist and hit the shutter by mistake? They make me want to throw up, they’re so disorienting.

And “the money shot” as they say – how drunk is she, anyway?

Incontinentia Buttocks

The term “self parody” is thrown around a lot in discussions about the wingnutosphere. Usually it just means that the person in question is entirely ridiculous. And, of course, there are a lot of ridiculous people on that side of the internets.

But Althouse really could be a self parody. I’m not saying she is, mind you. But the character she’s created is so over the top, so rich in its bizarre idiosyncrasies, that she resembles artists who specialize in playing themselves as satirical characters, e.g. Andy Kaufman or Neal Pollack.


freaking hilarious.




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