Posted on May 17th, 2007 by Brad
Shorter Jonah Goldberg: Jerry Falwell’s insane paranoia about gay people would be unjustified if THE GAYS WEREN’T SO OBSESSED WITH TURNING OUR KIDS INTO HOMOS!!!!
Jonah Goldberg, author of “Liberal Fascism” and “The Protocols of the Homos of SanFran.”
just make one small point…surely made a mistake launching that controversy the way he did…And, personally, I have no knowledge…But I always thought that
It should not detract from the basic unfairness of this bias to also concede…Nonetheless…made it seem like
Let me make it clear that I don’t know what the fuck I’m writing about but here I go anyway.
The problem with all of this was that Falwell didn’t get the idea from watching the show, he got the idea from gay people. Tinky-Winky was a campy icon of gay clubbers in London and New York long before Falwell even knew who Mr.(?) Winky was . . . everyone pretended that Falwell had come up with this thing all on his own.
So. Wait. Falwell developed his Tinky’s-teh-Gay thesis not by watching the Teletubbies and cogitating about the deeper sociological significance of handbags and purple triangles, but by hanging out in gay bars in London and New York? I did not know that.
Falwell’s operation was always on the lookout for dangerous intersections of gays and kids…
Doubleyew Tee Eff!?!?!? And what exactly might constitute such a “dangerous intersection”, Mr. Pantload?
Is it the hairstylist catting on the latest Christianist idiocy? The camp counselor standing watch over a bunch of boisterous, athletic children? The priest counseling a wayward little boy in his study?
Oh, I know. How about the parents who sexualise their children for baby beauty pageants?
Oh? Those parents aren’t gay?
Y’know, it’d almost be worth explaining it to Jonah just to see the look of horror come across his face as he realized he’s, at least, bi-curious.
You like the brand of squishy parts you like, that’s just how it is, at least for the vaaaaaaaaaaaaaast majority of humanity. If Jonah thinks recruitment is possible, well, somewhere in the back of his mind he wonders what cock tastes like.
Me, I don’t, n thus I have no issues with those who do.
Homophobia is jealousy, is my best guess.
How could anyone be so cold-hearted as to deny me the joy and fulfillment I achieve when I successfully convert children to teh gay?
Oh, I know. How about the parents who sexualise their children for baby beauty pageants?
Oh? Those parents aren’t gay?
No. Those parents are weird. With a capital “weir”.
If Jonah thinks recruitment is possible, well, somewhere in the back of his mind he wonders what cock tastes like.
It tastes like chicken.
How could anyone be so cold-hearted as to deny me the joy and fulfillment I achieve when I successfully convert children to teh gay?
Exactly. Intersect away, AkaDad.
Y’know, I’d actually read the thing, if it didn’t take so fucking long to load. Sheesh, those right wing ‘tards just don’t understand the intert00bz.
You like the brand of squishy parts you like, that’s just how it is, at least for the vaaaaaaaaaaaaaast majority of humanity. If Jonah thinks recruitment is possible, well, somewhere in the back of his mind he wonders what cock tastes like.
And that about sums it up. I remember fancying my first boy when I was about, what, 7? Girls never interested me much. And I went through a very troubled time in my twenties, when all the cool girls were lesbians: I thought about it, and thought about it, and just couldn’t bring myself to want to get nekkid with a girl. I’m so unfashionably heterosexual. I’m sure it’s warped me for life.
I still don’t understand this crap about recruitment, though. I mean, why on earth would teachers be trying to turn kids gay? And by this we must assume they’re trying to turn decent, honest, god-fearin’ Murrkin boys gay, because no-one gets too worried about lesbians. What do they think the teachers plan to do with those hordes of converts? A really flamboyant march, perhaps? The new brownshirts, or perhaps, paisleyshirts, imposing strict dress codes on random passersby? “Those shoes do NOT go with those pants!”
Are they worried that there won’t be enough Real Men who are brave enough to stick their dicks into icky girl parts, and so the glorious Murrkin fatherland will die out? Because we all know that girls are kinda weird and squishy and, well, let’s be honest, dangerous to a chap’s manhood. Why, they’re almost enough to turn a man gay all by theirselves! What’s a Real Murrkin Man to do? Girls to the left of him, gays to the right of him, pigs in front of him, and where’s that bloody six thousand?
The liberal media loves — loves! — casting evangelicals as sexually hung up prudes.
Ah’m thinking that what ever liberal media there is (blogs?) thinks of most evangelicals as a bunch of horny rejects trying their best to convince some poor young thing that redemption is served best when the sin is lust.
And afterward, they could pray for forgiveness together.
Someone on another Sadly No thread said it best: “it makes me throw up in my mouth a little”…
qetesh, you actually read it?
strong stomach, my man. my dog actually ate his own vomit today, vomit that i’m pretty sure contained a vole or maybe some kind of rat. but he gobbled it right back down the tube from whence it had so recently been up-chucked.
and that’s nowhere near as gross as ingesting one of jonah goldberg’s ideas into my precious mind. not even close.
Okay. now I really am throwing up in my mouth.
thanks RG.
Did anyone read Goldberg’s column in the LA Times today? I can’t quote or link it here becayse my geriatric malamute is having a medical crisis an, frankly, I can’t fucking waste the time on this shit.
But the headline was something like, “Why are Democrates so insane?”
He is a fucking nutcase. He “analyzed” the Democratic response to some stupid poll questions, and then went into a diatribe about how the results indicated how nutsy Dems were. He didn’t bother to tell us what the Republican responses were to the same question……
Fuck him. He’s an asshole.
On the other front, I think that our geriatric Malamute is seriously ailing. He collapsed on the back stairs, crying, as his back legs stopped working. My son and I helped get him to a comfy place, and then about 1/2 hour later he came up the front stairs to go to bed. He froze – he couldnt make it. We carried him up and then he settled in.
I am worried that we will be losing out ten year long friend this weekend. He is a great dog. A good soul.
RG, no, I didn’t. The sodding thing took far too long to load for this kitty. I have better things to do with my time, and I’m late for my afternoon nap as it is.
Just one more thing, though, RG: I’m not your man nor anyone else’s man. I am, in fact, female. Just so you know.
And thanks ever-so for your lovely dog vomit anecdote. It’s things like that that serve to remind people of the clear superiority of cats.
Qetesh – please save some feline good will for my poor old malamute.
Wolves in the wild upchuck their recent kill/meal for the pups to eat. Icky but practical.
Wolves in the wild upchuck their recent kill/meal for the pups to eat. Icky but practical. Kind of “reminds you of the underlying sadness of Life” (Woohouse)
Wolves in the wild upchuck their recent kill/meal for the pups to eat. Icky but practical. Kind of “reminds you of the underlying sadness of Life” (Woodhouse)
So sorry to read of your dear canine friend’s situation. In my teens, we had a malamute. His name was Bo. Really good dog. Beautiful too. He came down with colon cancer. It was such a blow. Such a loss. It was a long time ago, but I still miss him when I think of him. Good dog. But…I already said that.
Take care. These times always hurt. Take him to a vet to do what you can about any pain he may be in.
I think that our geriatric Malamute is seriously ailing. He collapsed on the back stairs, crying, as his back legs stopped working. My son and I helped get him to a comfy place, and then about 1/2 hour later he came up the front stairs to go to bed. He froze – he couldnt make it. We carried him up and then he settled in.
Oh dear, G, I hope your vet can reassure you that it’s “just” an orthopedic problem… and then I hope that you’re physically strong enough to support your beloved Mal’s rear when he needs to walk, or at least when he needs to walk up & down stairs. It’s not uncommon for big dogs to lose muscle control in their back legs as they age, and as my own aging hips & knees will attest stairs are Teh Enemy of Legs. Assuming (I pray for you) it’s just orthopedics, vet supply catalogs carry special slings so you can hold his back end up while his front end walks, but my friends who live with big dogs have had good results jury-rigging fanny packs to do the same job, sometimes for several years. Our own eldest dog — she’ll be 16 in August — hasn’t been willing to climb the half-flight inside our house for the last couple of years, and she’s starting to balk at the three brick steps leading from our back door to the yard. But Mousie doesn’t weigh much more than a bag of sugar, so “flying” her several dozen times a day is more tedious than strenuous, except for the first trip in the morning when it’s hard to bend over & pick her up without my own joints locking…
Good thoughts coming your way, g. So far all my panicky-hysterical vet moments have ended with the vet patting me on the shoulder and telling me to relax in a slightly condescending manner. I’ll hope the same for you.
Let me make it clear that I don’t know what the fuck I’m writing about but here I go anyway.
And be fair, Bubba. I say that all the time, though I usually say it exactly that way and don’t try to hide it under the mountain of fertilizer Jonah used here.
the lookout for dangerous intersections of gays and kids
We’ve got one of those down the road where Rintoul Street branches off Riddiford Street. Gays hooning down the round in their mauve 2CVs… kids on the way home from school, paying no attention to traffic… really, it’s a recipe for disaster. It needs a pedestrian crossing. Or more lookouts.
One of these days I’m going to write a cookbook based on my various culinary exploits, called “Recipes for Disaster”.
Would one of those “dangerous intersections” between gays and kids be all of those gay people out there who are parents? Because there are apparently lots and lots of those.
G, I do so hope your malamute is just suffering from cranky joints or something orthopedic. I’ve known a couple of big dogs who have joint problems, so hopefully it’s just that. Just give him plenty of love, whatever you do. We should never miss an opportunity for cuddles, that’s always been my motto. The handmaiden manages a reasonable quota of cuddling and petting, although she does sometimes need reminding.
The fact is, gay people cannot reproduse. So they must recruit. This is self-evident and yet the logic is beyond the grasp of liberals. How surprising. You cannot read Goldberg’s column because you are like vampires who cannot survive in the sunshine.
you are like vampires who cannot survive in the sunshine.
That is so not true! The only reason I cannot survive in the sunshine is that children shout out “Look at the hairy white thing!” and throw stones. OK?
Rasp, rasp, rasp, slurp, rasp. This is so much more fun than pie. Why don’t you all join in?
Hey, this recruiting gig, I get it now: that’s why there’s so many stoopid people around! The stoopids are so good at recruiting, but they also breed, so there’s squillions of the buggers. And if we don’t stop them, they’ll take over the world!
Hang on, let me try that again: If ve don’t schtop zem, zey vill take over ze vurld! Hahahahaha!!!
Nah. Back to the cello. Rasp, rasp, slurp, rasp.
Just a question about the title, guys: woof? I mean, is that the noise Jonah makes when you squeeze him or something?
Okay, fake Gary, if you’re gonna tell such a bad joke, you have to get the punchline right.
Say it with me, class:
“Gays Can’t Reproduce; They Have To Convert.”
Otherwise, a drop dead impersonation of a nonperson. Bravo. That’s difficult, I know.
Why do all these wingnuts get photos taken while they are doing “open arms?”
And what was Lucianne trying to turn little Jonah into?
And did she get what she wanted in grown-up Jonah?
Heh. The idea of Jonah – Jonah! – as “sunshine.”
Malamute is tottering around OK today.
Surely: Jonah Goldberg, author of “Liberal Fascism” and “The Journal of the Working Boy”.
“…gay people cannot reproduse. So they must recruit.”
Yeah, I’ve seen the YouTube videos and ancillary print materials. Pretty tasteful, if you ask me. They offer a decent incentive bonus, too. I’m a little curious myself as a result.
That’s good news, g. Geriatric pets are oldies but goodies. Give him some big hugs. Try to take him in for a check-up. There is a good chance some medicine or a change in diet can help. Hey, it doesn’t hurt to check it out. At least you would be armed with information.
Jesus Christ. It’s a wonder that he’s smart enough to breath without detailed instructions. Lots of gays have a “thing” for Betty Davis, but that did make her gay, now did it?
You wanna know how to freak Doughy Pantload the fuck out? I’d introduce him to my boyfriend, and tell him this interesting little fact about him: Teh Pantload has exactly the body type that my boyfriend goes for.
The only reason I cannot survive in the sunshine is that children shout out “Look at the hairy white thing!� and throw stones.
Also the reason Jonah Goldberg cannot survive in the sunshine.
We’ve got a geriatric 112 lb mixed breed (we think she’s great dane and black lab) with hip problems that started off like yours – stopping on stairs, refusing ot move legs, crying etc. We feed her one 81mg buffered asprin and a glycosimine pill every morning and she does just fine.
I’m not saying that this is right for your malamute, just pointing out that there’s hope and possibly inexpensive hope at that.
This is self-evident and yet the logic is beyond the grasp of liberals.
That may be because it’s absolute bullocks.
Yeah, I’ve seen the YouTube videos and ancillary print materials. Pretty tasteful, if you ask me. They offer a decent incentive bonus, too. I’m a little curious myself as
Do they offer Dental?
I’ve no memory of how or when it started, but I and some I know say “woof” with the same meaning as “oy vey”.
Yeah, I say that too.
also, when a hottie passes by.
but that’s just me.
“Woof” is also the sound that intelligent people make when blindsided by the incredible burning stoooooopid that is “gays hafta recruit!!!112357!”, or when most people get punched in the stomach. Same idea, really.
g – My family had a geriatric German shepherd with many of the same symptoms — turned out she had dysplastic hips. The vet prescribed Rymadil and it made a huge difference in her quality of life. Add me to the list of people thinking good thoughts for you and your friend.
I always thought of “Woof” as a “the stupid knocked the wind out of me and I’m speechless now” noise.
g, glad to hear your buddy seems better today.
Cripes! Can’t Jonah come up with anything better than the old “recruitment” saw? *yawn* Quick–! Somebody* Photoshoppeâ„¢ a Giant Sammich©™ into his chubbyâ„ little fingerz!