One sentence, two lies

From a Q&A with Bush-Cheney campaign chairman Marc “Mom, the other kids are being all negative and stuff” Racicot last week:

The actual job loss began before this president became president. The recession actually started before this president became president. … Well, the official celebration [sic] of the recession is March ’01 but the job loss began before ’01.

Did it Mark?

Year/Month Jobs added/lost
2000-05 +171,000
2000-06 +11,000
2000-07 -51,000
2000-08 -59,000
2000-09 +195,000
2000-10 +66,000
2000-11 +53,000
2000-12 +19,000
2001-01 +268,000
2001-02 +140,000
2001-03 -86,000

Close, but not quite. (IOW: Sadly, No!)

Thanks to Blair for the link to the Racicot interview.


Comments: 1


6 million jobs up or 2 million jobs down – what’s the difference?


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