Can’t every post be about life imitating Seinfeld?

Almost! We have but little to add to the James Lileks “controversy,” but Vodkapundit did manage to throw a little Kramer our way:

If the Strib had any institutional sense whatsoever, they’d make James the poobah-in-chief of their online division, and turn him loose. They’d have the best online paper in the country in less than a month.

Hellllllooooooo… La la la!

Kramer: Of course it’s a good idea, it’s my idea. I conceived this whole project two years ago.
Jerry: Which part? The renovating the restaurant you don’t own part or spending the two hundred million you don’t have part?

You think there’s a fortune to be made out of Gnat and Target observations? Go ahead and join the rank of wealthy online entrepreneurs. Or at least Tracts of Land Shrugs. *


Comments: 42


“the poobah-in-chief”

It’s an industry term.


Oh well, she can always market herself as Charles Johnson with Titsâ„¢.


a different brad

Goddamnit. Pammy had a protest in midtown over the weekend and I missed it?
I’d actually love to encounter her in person, if only to inspire a post on her blog that I could print, frame, and forever cherish.


first i built a castle in the swamp. it sank.
then i built another castle in the swamp. it sank.
then i built a third castle in the swamp. it burned and then it sank.
then i built a fourth castle in the swamp, and you’re standing in it today.

huge tracts of land indeed.

a different brad

I don’t mean this snarkily, but please get your python right.

“Listen, lad. I built this kingdom up from nothing. When I started here, all there was was swamp. Other kings said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built it all the same, just to show ’em. It sank into the swamp. So, I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So, I built a third one. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp, but the fourth one… stayed up! And that’s what you’re gonna get, lad: the strongest castle in these islands.”


They’d have the best online paper in the country in less than a month.

“As opposed to mine at Pajamas Media.”

Herr Doktor Bimler

“Poohbah-in-Chief” would make more sense if there could be any other kind of Poohbah.
Here I am making an unprincipled attempt to appeal to the Knee-jerk Pedantry vote.

a different brad

Off topic, I have to share this quote from Pastor Swank. bradrocket has been lax.
“There you have it: the pot calling the kettle black, no pun intended regarding African-American black Al Sharpton.”
The context is Swank calling Sharpton uppity for a stupid swipe at Mormons. All Christians are cultists.
If Al Sharpton were brilliant, he’d change his name to Uppity N****r. Not that I am in any way shape or form calling him that, it’d just be awesome for the Swanks of the world to have to refer to him honestly like that.


They’re quite the bunch, those vodka swillers.

One astute lad noted, “Lileks is perfectly capable of using his cat-like instincts to land on his feet,â€? which immediately brought to mind Carl Sandburg –

THE fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.

– – –

I guess life does imitate art.

a different brad

Or, even better, That Uppity N****r.


If I had a cyberspace kitten, with a cyberspace litter box, do you suppose Lileks would let me use his cyberspace paper as a liner????


Not that I have a real overblown self image kinda thang going on, but I’d REALLY like to think that it is I who sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches (really like that) and then moves on…



oh dear, I’ve been moderated. How sadly typical of the left. 🙁


At least at normal sites (You’d call them ‘evil’ sites or something) they either allow you to comment, or they don’t. Here, you can say what you want, but only as long as the moderators agree.

George Orwell rolls in his grave.


Kevin, you deranged sociopathic, paranoid schizoid, nothing is happening to you or your comments.

George Orwell is probably rolling in his grave. That would be thanks to the incompetent, murdering reich wing fucktards you and your fellow nazis asstongue daily.

P.S. Go fuck yourself.


Kevin makes me root for Noonan…


Hysterical Woman

Orwell rolling over in his grave at the thought that Kevin cannot post on someone else’s website. Oh the humanity!

You know, some websites don’t allow any comments. Imagine that.


Here, you can say what you want, but only as long as the moderators agree.

George Orwell rolls in his grave.

At least Orwell is rolling in his grave (as IF!) instead of tearing his way out of it and shambling in your direction to throttle the life from you for blaspheming his name.

Go read 1984 a little closer, Robespierre.

He was talking about people like YOU.


Ya gotta be a hippy to understand 1984, Pere. Give Kev a break.


Hippies! Hippies! All-One-God-Welfare-Cheats-OK! Dilute! Dilute!

Friggin’ hippies.


Hippies to the east! Hippies to the west! Hippies in the city that I love the best! I challenge them all to a Photoshop duel, which I will win, despite being not very good at Photoshop, because I am that smarter and more skilled than hippies. My friends, recognize the error of your ways and chop down trees with me! HA HA! Just kidding. I cut down trees to make money and only incidentally to piss off hippies!

Friggin’ hippies.



Sadly, due to my high-fiber diet and my lust for Mexican cuisine, my haunches are rarely silent.

But I can occasionally manage a little something that creeps in on little cat feet.


What is Kevin’s obsession with hippies anyway? And if he really wanted to insult the S,N! crowd, wouldn’t you think he’d find something that might actually, you know, insult us?

Kevin, don’t you have a lawn to mow or something? Run along now…


Hey retardo, thought the fields had dried and you were off to plant?
You are not really a farmer, eh?
No worries, mate, i still admire you for your obnoxious trolliness.

Hippies to the east! Hippies to the west! Hippies in the city that I love the best
That stupid has already done better, by people with more talent.


Say, this isnt a retardo post is it?


don’t panic Kevin. you said you wouldn’t be back for four months so we took your name off the guest list. just wave a badly photoshopped picture of mount rushmore at the bouncer and show a bit of thigh and he’ll let you through.

doesn’t one traditionally spin in ones grave? rolling would require an extremely wide grave and cemetaries dont have room for that sort of thing any more.


heh, you should take it easy mate. you’re starting to see retardos everywhere.

charles pierce

Tracts of Land Shrugs is the most obscure reference in the history of the Internets tubes.


celticgirl, let me see if I can explain. This is, mind you, just a hypothesis.

Shorter Kevin: I desperately want a slightly hirsute earth-mother reeking of patchouli to rock my world.

(Beltane envy)

Qetesh the Abyssinian

doesn’t one traditionally spin in ones grave? rolling would require an extremely wide grave and cemetaries dont have room for that sort of thing any more.

And that’s without even considering pitching, yawing, and heaving! Lordy lordy, once we let the nautical references on board, there’s no telling what would happen – it’ll be heave ho old matey and buggering the cabin boy before we know it!

Tracts of Land Shrugs is the most obscure reference in the history of the Internets tubes.

I love it to bits. Plus, it means they avoided the temptation to say Jugs Shrugs.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Actually, it’s not that obscure. I recall many occasions where friends would describe someone as ” she’s got ‘uge tracts o’ land with the appropriate knuckling motions.

Perhaps that says something about the sort of people I associate with…

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Sodbuckets! I did mean to put closing quotes in there, honestly. But the evil islamexihomocommiefascists hit the button before I could correct!


We’ll forgive you Qetesh. Typing with paws as opposed to fingers is more difficult…

kenga: I think you may be onto something there. Beltane envy indeed!


if you were buried at sea then you’d have room to roll as much as you want. was orwell secretly buried at sea, leaving just an empty casket beneath his gravestone as inspector gadget claimed? we may never know.

yeah, go on celticgirl, make excuses for the cat. typical bloody liberal. “ok she fucked up, but didn’t she try really hard? that’s the most important thing and there are no real winners anyway…” blaarg!

if cats hadn’t decided to move theit thumbs halfway up their legs so they could ping rubber bands at people they wouldn’t have this problem. so who’s laughing now? me, that’s who (moo hoo haa haa)


I suspect Orwell is rolling over in his grave, but just to get comfortable and go back to the rest of his eternal dirt nap.


if cats hadn’t decided to move theit thumbs halfway up their legs so they could ping rubber bands at people they wouldn’t have this problem. so who’s laughing now? me, that’s who (moo hoo haa haa)

If cats had opposable thumbs and didn’t need inferior species to open the food tins and clean the litter pans, all of you, house apes and handmaidens included, would be meat.

So laugh it up, monkey boy.

Also, the correct term is Grand Poobah:

Ignorant gits.

*goes back to napping in the sun on the fuzzy cushion on the windowsill*


As long as it comes with the hat.


Great Big Tracts of Land: “Jimmy Carter . . . threw the Shah out with both hands. PUSHED HIM OUT – our guy. It was Kissinger that saved the Shah and got him out of the Bahamas.”

I bet that bastard Dhimmi Carter didn’t lift a finger for Anna Nicole in the Bahamas, either.

GBTOL “Carter is responsible for every Iranian foreign legion, Herb’Allah, Hamas, a rogue Syria . . . ”

Hey, whatever happened to ol’ Herb Allah and the Tijuana Brass?

GBTOL: “Jimmy Carter was resposnbile for the Beirut barracks bombing in1983.”

What’s that? Der Statue of Liberty ist kaput? Well THAT’S disconcerting.


That woman has absolutely zero grasp of modern history, does she?

Frightening that she can operate a motor vehicle.

Mehitabel the Abyssinian

The full line is something like “She has huge [gestures suggestively]… tracts of land.” Does HgsTOL work as an acronym?
preserves dignity while falling absentmindedly off windowsill


Monty Python, Aussie Faculty Rule #4: No not drinking after lights out.
George W. Bush on Iraq, Spring 2007: Victory is not no violence.


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