More vagina talk

Escort-style, that is:

ABC News’ Brian Ross revealed tonight that the list of customers of an alleged Washington-based prostitution service includes White House and Pentagon officials as well as prominent attorneys.

“There are thousands of names, tens of thousands of phone numbers,� Ross said. “And there are people there at the Pentagon, lobbyists, others at the White House, prominent lawyers — a long, long list.� Ross added that the women who worked for the service, potentially as prostitutes, “include university professors, legal secretaries, scientists, military officers.�

On Friday, Ross broke the news that U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Randall Tobias had frequented the escort service. Ross added new details to that story tonight, recounting how he asked Tobias in a telephone interview “if he knew any of the young women, their names. He said he didn’t remember them at all. He said it was like ordering pizza.�

Let’s read that last part of the second graf again:

Ross added that the women who worked for the service, potentially as prostitutes, “include university professors, legal secretaries, scientists, military officers.�

What clown in DC decided to hire PZ Myers* for a night of fun, huh?

*OK, so he’s not technically a woman, but I’m sure he’d pretend for the right price. I know I would.**

**In my case, “the right price” is a bag of chips. This is probably why I couldn’t get hired as an escort by the DC Madam- I’m just too cheap of a date.


Comments: 81


When I read the Blotter story linked from Thinkprogress, I was left to wonder if Condi knows something we don’t. Take these two lines from the article:

Palfrey maintains she ran a sexual fantasy business…
…Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice praised Tobias’ work. “Randy Tobias has indeed had many roles in his life…

Am I on to something, or just on something?


From the State Department’s 4/27/07 press release:

Ambassador Randall Tobias informed Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice today that he must step down as Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance and US Agency for International Development Administrator (USAID) effective immediately. He is returning to private life for personal reasons.

Too much pizza!


When does the next white woman go missing? It’s almost Shark Attack season, too. Red Tide? Mad Cow?

This is good for a laugh, and will make a lot of important people deeply uncomfortable, but doesn’t end this stupid war.

But I bet it doesn’t hurt.


If you’re a hard-core conservative reading Powerline, does this sort of nonsense make you feel better about yourself or about your beliefs? For the uninformed, maybe it offers the assurance that things are okay. For the semi-informed, maybe it comforts them that things aren’t as bad as they may seem. At what point does the internal dissonance of those who read and write such garbage exact a personal toll–morally, emotionally, spiritually?

Oh and by the way, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Randall Tobias was in formerly in charge of the U.S. AIDS policy, where he made sure that things that worked…like condoms…were not funded, because faith-based initiatives and abstinence are so much better.

I hope some reporter asks him if he used a condom.

Smiling Mortician

OK. So this is some sort of pre-emptive schadenfreude? They happily out themselves as morally oogie (“It was like ordering pizza”) in order to take the public eye off the bloody machete they’re still wielding?


Put the moose on the table and give him a massage.


As The Good Roger Ailes said, he’s resigning to spend more time with his hookers.


In my case, “the right price� is a bag of chips.

This gives new meaning to the phrase “all that and a bag of chips”…


but I’m sure he’d pretend for the right price. I know I would.

Y’gotta remember that these hot babes were having to service a bunch of old jowly white doods. They earned every penny, seems to me. Yuck…



What’s this? Yet another moralizing creep that turns out to be a total hypocrite?

Former U.S. AID director Randall Tobias, who resigned yesterday upon admitting that he frequented a Washington escort service, oversaw a controversial policy advocated by the religious right that required any US-based group receiving anti-AIDS funds to take an anti-prostitution “loyalty oath.�

I’m totally shocked.

Smiling Mortician

Ah, the red sash brigade. At least you can count on them to be steadfast in their hypocrisy. It’s a special kind of consistency.


I’m totally shocked.

Given that they’re lords of space and time they’d never come into contact with anything AIDSy while they were hookering up a storm.


…but at least it goes to show – again – that they don’t take the religious right seriously either.

There’s a sucker born again every minute.


In my fantasy America, somewhere there’s a big book where we can keep a national record of lessons-learned so we don’t keep doing (or falling for) the same bullshit over and over. Today’s entry would be:

“Those who make a big public deal about what other people should or shouldn’t do with their corndogs and bacon sammiches are always telling on themselves.”


OK. So this is some sort of pre-emptive schadenfreude? They happily out themselves as morally oogie (�It was like ordering pizza�) in order to take the public eye off the bloody machete they’re still wielding?

Tobias could be the Bush administration’s lightning rod for this scandal.


Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice praised Tobias’ work. “Randy Tobias has indeed had many roles in his life…

Am I on to something, or just on something?

“Pizza” and “Condoleezza” aren’t all that far apart…


“Pizza� and “Condoleezza� aren’t all that far apart…

Actually, I thought the “pizza” comment was just his oblique way of declaring his love for hot Italian sausage.


Actually, I thought the “pizza� comment was just his oblique way of declaring his love for hot Italian sausage.

Or Central American bacon. Ace insists he had his iRony plugged in, but maybe he was onto something with that bacon quip.


No The war is not lost — no more than it was in winter 1776, July 1864, December 1945 or November 1950.

VD Hanson clearly comes from the Bluto Blutarsky school of military history. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell, No!

By ifthethunderdontgetya | Apr 29, 2007 11:20:53 AM | Request Removal

LOL, as they say.


“No The war is not lost — no more than it was in… December 1945.

— Victor Davis Hanson, military historian, Hoover Institution”

The funny thing is, we weren’t at war in December 1945.


I’m sure, in your defense, they had better be a GOOD bag of chips. Kettle or some such. Not that cheap Lay’s crap.


I am shocked, sir, at your attempt to get traffic from Pharyngula. I shall hie thither at once and report this unsavory attempt.


Ahhhhhh – I love DC ethics. You sleep with a hooker you’re fucked. You kill 100,000 people in an immoral, illegal and violent imperialist invasion and you’re promoted to head of the World Bank. God bless America!


I am shocked, sir, at your attempt to get traffic from Pharyngula. I shall hie thither at once and report this unsavory attempt.

What? Would that work?



100% off-topic, but goddamn funny.


Contraception belongs with elites. The masses can’t handle casual sex.

Duh. Stupid lib’rals.


Ross added that the women who worked for the service, potentially as prostitutes, “include university professors,….”

I, Ann Althouse, must come to this den of vicious, unscrupulous identity thievery and breast-oriented “feminism” to deny that I, Ann Althouse, university professor, worked for the alleged Washington-based prostitution network.

I, Ann Althouse, am well aware that I, Ann Althouse, have been the subject of many rumors in this regard in recent days. And, in a way, it makes sense, both because I, Ann Althouse, am a natural object of the depraved fantasies of those who would patronize such a service–I, Ann Althouse understand that it was largely patronized by the Clenis and similar members of the far left of the Democrat Party–and because, were it to emerge that I, Ann Althouse, were involved in a scandal like this, it would cap off the left-of-the-blogosphere’s attempt to assassinate me, Ann Althouse, and destroy my, Ann Althouse’s, leadership of the moderate wing of the Democrat Party.

But you have nothing on me, Ann Althouse! I, Ann Althouse, would no more engage in such a venture than I, Ann Althouse, would drunkenly vlog, and your accusations about one are no more accurate than your accusations about the other!

I, Ann Althouse, miss Sanjaya’s hair!

Incontinentia Buttocks

The funny thing is, we weren’t at war in December 1945.

But we’ve always been at war against Eurasia!

a different brad

Ann Althouse, who I am not, protests too much.
How did you get your tenure, Anniebaby?
*patriarchal joke implying no woman could rise to any important position based on her own merits*

….. you know I’m right.


“There’s a sucker born again every minute.”

Though the best are born in Central America, imho.

a different brad

As for Condi, tho, I doubt we can add her name to this fun, unless it was a real swingin brothel. I’d lay strong odds Condi likes girls. Anecdotally, C&L had a vid up a couple years back where a Fox anchor was interviewing Condi, then tried to set her up with a female producer at the end.

a different brad

Ah, and here’sa transcript of the matchmaking episode I was remembering.

Smiling Mortician

Just read the transcript, ADB. What I found remarkable was how graciously she hadled this blubbering Rosen buffoon’s completely impertinent questions and comments. What a maroon.


“Clap” Hanson is referring to the post-war fighting, when bands of Nazis were marauding. I’m pretty sure of this, because its been the consistent point of comparison between the Iraq war and WWII. It fits in with his thesis that the only battle is left here in the US.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Ah yes, the German resistance — a combination of Nazi dead-enders and religious fanatics — who kept up an unexpectedly ferocious insurgency for years after 1945, with the help of weapons and training from the USSR. Hence the need for an Allied occupation to prop up the fragile Adenauer regime.
These alternative-universe history books keep falling through cracks in the time-space continuum.


Same James Rosen who did the wonderful obit of Vonnegut?
Hey, how about less vagina talk & more vagina action? Please?


i’m surprised no-one’s brought up the most shocking and potentially damaging part of this scandal. the prostitutes appear to have been women. heterosexuals in the republican party? they’ll never live it down.

and why have none of the prostitutes complained about these allegations that they’ve slept with politicians? being linked to such sleazy disreputable sexual perverts won’t be good for their social standing.


so, um, a major freeway collapsed in Oakland. commuting in and out of SF is not looking good. Yikes.


The tanker carried 8,600 gallons of unleaded gasoline. The fire burned for about three hours after the 3:41 a.m. crash, heating the exposed steel girders on the underside of the skyway ramp.

While structural steel melts at 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit, the metal in the ramp was already under stress from the concrete roadway. It folded like taffy on to the ramp below.

I sense that this was an inside job planned at the highest levels of the White House.


I, Ann Althouse’s Right Breast, denounce the previous Ann Althouse’s posts as being argumentative, incompetent, irrelevant, & immaterial, & without proper foundation.

Do you think the pizza’s had anchovies? I wonder if Sanjaya likes anchovies? Some of my students tell me I smell like anchovies! I wonder what they mean by that?


“military officers”? That reminds me how is Jimmy/Jeff doing?

a different brad

Off topic-
Fuck George Tenet.
He should be sent to Turkish prison to be gang raped for the rest of his life.
And fuck 60 Mins for letting him use them.

a different brad

And while I’m passing out random fuck yous, fuck Dick Durbin. If he knew the country was being lied to why did he vote to authorize the war?
Drove me nuts watching him pander to the cameras this week.


Well, if the Oakland mess wasn’t caused by the White House, I suppose it was Terrists, we just couldn’t see their planes cuz it was 0341.
No, wait, cutting off San Francisco, must’ve been Whitey’s House.
Or was it a Chinese/Korean/Muslim national? Any word on just what ethnicity the tanker driver was? Please tell me ASAP, I don’t want to fly off the handle with any unfounded accusations for another five minutes or so.

a different brad

Ok, i’m stupid. Durbin did vote no. For some reason I thought he voted yes. My bad.


Yeah, a different brad, but they (Democrats who knew better) still sucked for letting CheneyCo. lie us into war.

How about, look my fellow Democrat Senators, I’m on the intelligence committee. I can’t tell you everything they let us see, but I’m voting against the AUMF. Hint hint, get it, know what I mean? Nudge, Nudge...

Of course, the actual war criminals (CheneyCo.) are much worse. They so deserve war crimes trials at the Hague.


My right breast is engaged in unscrupulous character assassination! Pay no attention to it! It has no idea what it’s like to maintain a blog!

Glenn and Helen have been so warm and kind to me! Why is the left so vicious?


You guys clearly do NOT understand the commute environment in the valley. Those of us both WEST and SOUTH of the collapse of the 880 link to the bay bridge are not terribly unhappy. Thousands of cars will not be on the freeway between fremont and san jose, or between san francisco and points south. I’m pretty sure that the net outcome of this whole nightmare is that MY commute tomorrow morning will be easier, and for that I thank the tanker truck driver…



My Left Breast is viscous, not vicious! You must have confused it with Michelle Malkin’s Left Ovary, which is vicious as all get-out, due, in no small part, to MM’s tight-fitting cheerleader underpants.


Well, we don’t know for sure what Durbin did or didn’t do. For all we know he did try and nudge his fellow senators. For all we know he did and they (for their own political reasons) ignored him. There was a lot of willful blindness going around Washington in 2002. If you listened to Moyers interview Russert, Timmeh was all, “Well gee I wish I had called somebody to check out what Cheney was saying. Ooopsie.”

The thing of it is, everyone* figured that Saddam was cheating somehow and the war was going to happen, so it wasn’t worth getting into the middle of the storm. The thing that really pisses me off, was that the WMDs weren’t really the issue. It was whether the US could actually pull off an unprovoked invasion of the heart of the Middle East and establish this magical neo-Jeffersonian utopia. And by that everyone* didn’t question at all.

*not really, but they think they are the only ones who truly matter

S. T. D. Hanson

Clearly there was a copy-editor’s mistake.

My younger twin brother was writing about 1945 BCE. The Middle Kingdom, people? (What passes for a proper education these days? Oh right, political correctness.) It was a heady time, when it looked like the Ninth Dynasty would not be able to unite the whole of the Nile under a single throne. In December of 1945 BCE, Mentuhotpe II had perished from a disease (the historical records indicate only that it was connected with his bowels), and a squabble had broken out over who would act as regent for young Nebtawyre. Simultaneously, the coerced hordes of Merikare were knocking at the gates of Thebes. It looked like civilization might collapse.

Young Nebtawyre proved he was not another Jimmy Carter; he was willing to risk the lives of Egyptian soldiers when his enemies would have laughed at his offers of peace. Young Nebtawyre seized the throne, claiming the title of Mentuhotpe III, and saved the imperiled nation–and imperiled civilization–from savages who would do it in.


I, for one, prefer my vaginas without anchovies. Sometimes ham and pineapple are okay.

Oh, who am I kidding, Stick with the classics, Hershey’s syrup and Reddi-whip.


Both of my older brothers are confused.

December, 1945 refers to the Second Age of Middle Earth

Tar-Ciryatan was the twelfth king of Númenor, but the time of Tar-Atanamir the Great, hostile to the Valar, was coming.

S. T. D. Hanson

Please go back in your cage, Genny. You embarrass the family and yourself when you reveal that you don’t know that Tar-Ciryatan was the eleventh king of Númenor, and that the crisis had already passed once he had ascended to the throne.


So, this guy was responsible for this?


Au contraire, mon frère!

According to the Holy Wikipedia, which can never be wrong:

1869 – Tar-Ciryatan becomes twelfth king of Númenor.

Perhaps you’ve suffered exposure to some penicillin? You really ought to get that checked out.

S. T. D. Hanson

According to the Holy Wikipedia, which can never be wrong

I suggest you check again.

Maybe you should refer to the much more reliable Conservapedia, which of course does not allow that ghost and goblin Satanic garbage.

Zachary Hanson (the cute one)

I hate when my brothers fight.

Guys, can’t we just sing a bad song or something?


Zachary Hanson (the cute one)

Zachary? That’s a boy’s name. Who’d do that to such a hot-looking young girl?


I feel like I should go immediately to the public health office and tell them all the blogs I’ve visited in the last 30 days….


Zachary Hanson (still cute)

Somehow I sense you’re all making fun of me, which is not really very inclusive of you.


zachansonlover (2 weeks ago) marked as spam
honestly very good job.
Always when I watch a “zac-video” I end up crying, zac, you have to stop being so damn hot.
You’re the worlds greatest.
(Reply) (Spam)


well as long as your commute’s ok, mikey….

we’ll have to compare notes tomorrow. I thnk it is going to be ugly no matter where you are going. Fremon-Sj maybe excepted, but otherwise… I mean, last I saw, North Bay-East Bay people were being advised to Ferry into SF, and then take BART over to Oakland. crazy.


Remember, when you read a comment on a blog comment thread, you’re reading every blog comment thread that commenter has ever commented on. Please, practice safe commenting.


Those of us both WEST and SOUTH of the collapse of the 880 link to the bay bridge are not terribly unhappy. Thousands of cars will not be on the freeway between fremont and san jose, or between san francisco and points south. I’m pretty sure that the net outcome of this whole nightmare is that MY commute tomorrow morning will be easier, and for that I thank the tanker truck driver…

Mikey, the detail that stuck with me: According to the late local news here in New England, the misfortunate tanker driver took a cab to a nearby hospital for the treatment of second-degree burns. Just how bad are public services in the SF area, if someone who’s just dumped a flaming tanker photogenically through an overpass decides, “Stuff waiting for the paramedics or the police to show up — I’ll just take a cab to the hospital”?

Or is this one of them “signs of the End Times” that all the Kewl Kidz are discussing?


“Michelle Malkin’s Left Ovary, which is vicious as all get-out”

Actually, the reason it is so vicious is that it is on Teh Left, and therefore unhinged.


Not that cheap Lay’s crap

Frankly, if he’s in for a bag of chips he’s the king of cheap Lay’s.


Anne Laurie–

Speaking as a physician who practices in the Bay Area–yeah, things are pretty bad. We never recovered from Prop 13 (the taxpayers’ revolt, which cut services to the bone), and a lot of local politicians deferred increasing tax increases to pay for services during the boom, figuring free money would be falling from the virtual sky forever. Most of the area hospitals have been bought out by one or two chains and consolidated (which, since I didn’t go to business school, I think means “effectively closed”).

Here’s the bad news: if history’s any indication, you’ll be gettin’ the same treatment pretty soon. In the past, stupid shit hits California first, and we do the beta testing and release it on the rest of you. You all do remember Nixon and Reagan, right?


the misfortunate tanker driver took a cab to a nearby hospital for the treatment of second-degree burns.

I saw this too. Struck me as odd. 4 o’clock on a sunday morning I could always attract a bunch of cops even without the towering inferno…



We never recovered from Prop 13 (the taxpayers’ revolt, which cut services to the bone)

I’m always impressed with the heft of the voter information delivered to households. It’s nuts that someone has to assemble an opinion to be sure to vote the right way on cougar round-ups or whatever the issues are.


mikey, you should sell that service. Advertise yourself as teh Cop Magnet. More effective than alarms! Faster than 911!


There’s an untapped resivoir of teh funny to be had in Harlan Ullman, being the first guy outed in the whole Palfrey thing.

Harlan Ullman

The guy who gave us shock and awe. According to wikipedia

“The doctrine of Shock and Awe was developed by Ullman and James. P. Wade and was a product of the National Defense University of the United States. It technically is known as “rapid dominance” and is a military doctrine based on the use of “overwhelming decisive force,” “dominant battlefield awareness,” “dominant maneuvers,” and “spectacular displays of power” to “paralyze” an adversary’s perception of the battlefield and destroy his will to fight.”

I apologize if I made anyone throw up a little in their mouth just now.


It technically is known as “rapid dominance� and is a military doctrine based on the use of “overwhelming decisive force,� “dominant battlefield awareness,� “dominant maneuvers,� and “spectacular displays of power� to “paralyze� an adversary’s perception of the battlefield and destroy his will to fight.�

Maybe the quality of enemy soldiers has declined over the last couple decades, but in my experience the bad guys were entirely unimpressed by “dominant maeuvers” and spectacular displays of power”. We found repeatedly that the only reliable way to “destroy his will to fight” was to shoot him multiple times or drop a few thousand pounds of high explosives on his ass.

I think the problem in Iraq must be that nobody there read Ullman’s book…



I think the problem in Iraq must be that nobody there read Ullman’s book…

Hee hee hee

I’ve always thought the whole “Shock and Awe” idea was pretty telling. That is, that it was written by and approved by people who would crumble and piss themselves at a show of force, and would therefore assume that anyone else would do the same, not having bothered to check with anyone but cowardly yes-men about whether it’d work.


*OK, so he’s not technically a woman, but I’m sure he’d pretend for the right price. I know I would.**

**In my case, “the right price� is a bag of chips. This is probably why I couldn’t get hired as an escort by the DC Madam- I’m just too cheap of a date.

[file for later use….]

Brad! D00d! The “DC Madame” fronted for actual male escorts as well! Strangely enough, the agents from Justice were only interested in the names and phone numbers of the female escorts. What, isn’t it about time for another prominent conservative (or twenty) to forcibly be ejected from the closet? I mean, it’s been months!
Also, just wonderin’: how many of her male escorts were listed by profession as “journalists”?


Here’s the bad news: if history’s any indication, you’ll be gettin’ the same treatment pretty soon. In the past, stupid shit hits California first, and we do the beta testing and release it on the rest of you. You all do remember Nixon and Reagan, right?

DocAmazing, (very bitter) LOL! Here in New England we’ve had some of the same fallout in miniature. One advantage of being as congested as we are is that each 10-mile-square township or city (there is *no* unincorporated land in the entire state of Massachusetts, I’m told) has at least two or three contingent towns to share its misery. Also, if you have to take a cab to the hospital, it’s a shorter ride.

Of course we have our glorious “Live Free or Die Trying” neighbor to the north proceeding stubbornly on its quest to become the true libertarian utopia. But all the yuppie scumsuckers… I mean, financial analysts & software technologists… who moved to New Hamster in their quest to avoid all contact with people not just like them are busy discovering that basing the state’s entire operating budget on property taxes has its limits once they have kids who need educating or elderly parents who need regular medical attention. It’s anecdotal, but I know of several cases where the same loudmouths who couldn’t shut up about the virtues of Right-Minded NH ten years ago are quietly relocating back to sorry old Taxachusetts. Or trying to do so, because all those jerry-built no-zoning condos in mushroom clusters an hour north of Boston are the very model for the Bursting of the Housing Bubble…

I’m always impressed with the heft of the voter information delivered to households. It’s nuts that someone has to assemble an opinion to be sure to vote the right way on cougar round-ups or whatever the issues are.

Bubba, as I understand it, the jagoff responsible for Prop 13 *intended* to make it impossible for the average voter to keep ahead of a wave of competing single-interest issues. He wanted to twist Norquist’s famous remark about “a government small enough to drown in a bathtub” and ensure that no responsible legislation could be passed by drowning the voters in a sea of trivia. In their eyes, it’s not a bug, it’s a feature.


Beltway belles du jour?


Just caught the info re male escorts – Can it be that a very certain jowly former gym teacher/wrestling coach, now on the Hill, can be somewhere on the client list? Hmmmm


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