Atlas Pam: “One Side, Costco Coulter! Them Kirkland
Krazy Kake Samples On Aisle 4 Is Mines!”


For Atlas Shrugs, “Ismail Ax” is another Gutenberg moment.

Okay, let’s see here …

ca. 1450: Johannes Gutenberg invents printing press.


April, 2007: Mainstream media fails to wildly speculate on Islamic connotations of phrase or partial phrase supposedly found written on Virginia Tech killer’s arm as reported by single news source.

I’m just not seeing it, Pam. Oh, wait! I know …

April, 2007: Mainstream media fails to wildly speculate on Islamic connotations of phrase or partial phrase supposedly found written on Virginia Tech killer’s arm as reported by single news source.


Summer, 1984: Steve Guttenberg heads crew of wacky, bumbling cops in Police Academy (and several sequels).

That’s got to be what she meant, right? Makes more sense, anyway … but Pam? Steve Guttenberg spells his name with two ‘T’s’ … you might want to fix that.


Comments: 67


pam sez “about Ismail AX. Am I nuts?” – yes pam you’re nuts. this has been another exciting episode of short answers to stupid questions.


She’s used the term “Gutenberg moment” before.


Another Gutenberg moment, and another Gutenberg moment. It’s so hard to keep track of them all!

not the senator

NPR was reporting that the parent Cho’s were devout Christians and part of the split between him and his parents, was that he wasn’t devout enough.

I wonder how that fits into the Jihad?


He used a press with movable lead type to print “Ismail Ax” on his arm?


Yous Dhimmibergs are underestimatin da evil of Steve Gutenberg.

G. W. Bailey is gonna get yous guys.

Remember da words of da great Lt. Thaddeus Harris:

“From now on, you are “D” Squad; “D” for “dirtbags.” When I say: “Hey, dirtbags.” that means you. I’m going to make you hate me for the rest of your lives. ”

Yous guys are “D” for Dhimmibergs!!!111!”

Hysterical Woman

Sure, he wasn’t born or raised Muslim, didn’t live in a Muslim country, didn’t go to any mosque, didn’t belong to any Muslim organization, didn’t live the Muslim way of life, and didn’t show any interest towards Islam, but he scawled a word that could be Arabic on his arm, so HE’S JIHAD!


I loved Pam’s earlier comment about calling Cho metally ill “was an insult to the mentally ill”–

Pam would know, right?


The one comment over there is hilarious. It suggests that he was being controlled by a terrorist (secretly of course) and that terrorist videotaped it all, then, probably in an attempt hide his identity, gave that video to the public under his own name….


Well here’s a little something to consider: Pam Atlas is pretty clearly certifiable. Is it illegal for her to own a gun? If not, why not?


has anyone seen the picture she has up..supposedly of the shooter? i ‘ve seen this picture several times on different sites since yesterday…but am the only one that can clearly tell these two young men look NOTHING alike?


oops, sorry, wrong thread. by “she” i mean, debbie, not atlas. apologies.


On the topic of right-wing paranoia about Muslims but off the topic of the Virginia Tech tragedy, here’s another Gutenberg moment for Pam to ponder.

[Agakhan] Sharief, a candidate for a legislative council seat in upcoming provincial elections, adopted “Bin Laden” as his nickname after President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo jokingly called him the “young bin Laden of Mindanao” at a public appearance in 2002. But Sharief just looks somewhat like the al Qaeda leader–dressed in white and with a long beard–he is known locally as a “peacemaker” for his role as an intermediary between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, Mindanao’s main insurgent group. Yet, Sharief has also expressed ambivalence about the other bin Laden’s involvement in the 9/11 attacks.
Via FP Passport.


On the topic of right-wing paranoia about Muslims but off the topic of the Virginia Tech tragedy, here’s another Gutenberg moment for Pam to ponder.

[Agakhan] Sharief, a candidate for a legislative council seat in upcoming provincial elections, adopted “Bin Laden” as his nickname after President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo jokingly called him the “young bin Laden of Mindanao” at a public appearance in 2002. But Sharief just looks somewhat like the al Qaeda leader–dressed in white and with a long beard–he is known locally as a “peacemaker” for his role as an intermediary between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, Mindanao’s main insurgent group. Yet, Sharief has also expressed ambivalence about the other bin Laden’s involvement in the 9/11 attacks.

Via FP Passport.


Not that it matters in the least, but according to many press reports, the phrase on his arm was spelled “Ismale Ax” (not “Ismail Ax”).

See, for example:

Maybe he was a jihadist who couldn’t spell?


Perhaps he was pondering if Axl Rose is a shemale?


If Pammycakes is Steve Guttenberg, which one of the Wingnut Windbags is Michael Winslow?


Omigod, he was inspired by Emmanuel Ax! America, before it’s too late, stand up to the pianofascists!


Aw, nerts, the Emmanuel Ax joke was already made. <slinks away>


Look. The connections are pretty obvious folks. I mean the shooter, Asian. Must muslims, Asian. The shooter, brown. Most muslims, brown. The shooter, male. Most musconislamoterrorfascists, male. I think it’s a pretty airtight case we’re building here. If we can place Mr. Mustard in the drawing room with the candlestick we’ve probably wrapped this one up.


Good work, Lou. Let’s break for donuts.


Every time there is some sort of national or international tragedy, the right-wingers cannot help but reveal themselves as the cruel, brutal ghouls they are. Their lust to link this tragedy to radical Islam is truly pathetic.

They are going to get crushed in 2008. A movement built on cognitive dissonance can only last so long.


I get it. I get it. I finally finally get it.

Pam’s blog is the Inter-t’yube’z equivalent of those carefully hand-scrawled conspiracy rants you see taped to light poles and bulletin boards on college campuses or on city streets where there’s a college or bohemian “element.”

All caps, in pencil, that used to deal with the Bilderburger Group or the Carlyle Group or the Tri-Lateral Commission. Unified field theories of conspiracy that are so capacious and fluid they can absorb anything that comes along–the death of Vince Foster, the Mets winning the Series, a rise in the price of Romaine lettuce, etc.

In a parallel universe, Pam is harmlessly writing labels for Dr. Bronner’s various estimable soap products. They’re always heavily edited, and most are never used, but someone has to do the first drafts, don’t they?

In a word: Jeez.


Melville. Moby Dick. First line.

The man was obviously an islamofascist right?

The Devil's Advocate

ISMALE AX (spelled as most recently reported) is an anagram for I SLAM EX.


Is it just me, or do you think Atlas Pam watches episodes of Scooby Doo and sees the following as the ending: “Why it’s old man Jenkins. He dressed up as a ghost because he was an Islamofascist who wanted to scare everybody off the land so he could buy it–dirt cheap–and add it to the global caliphate.”

“And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for you kids and your mangy love of freedom and unwavering support for President Bush”


Ah, but ISLAME AX is also an anagram for A LAME SIX, which is obviously a reference to the game of cricket, and therefore to the recently-murdered cricket coach in the Bahamas! Not just any cricket coach, but the coach of the PAKISTANI NATIONAL TEAM!!! Ther’s yuor Al Quaeda connection!

Ouch. I streched so far for that I think I pulled something…

The Devil's Advocate

Legion: I know. It’s sooooo scary! The plots. The plots!

(For the record, my anagram was I-Slam-Ex. – my whorish contribution to what will no doubt become a cult of suffering perpetuated by people like Nancy Grace and Pammy. I ~sniffles~ just wanted to be part of something bigger than myself. I didn’t know anyone at VA Tech, nor did I attend there, but it could have been meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee all the same.)


Ismale Ax

Isle Maxa

I dunno… the presence of the ‘X’ makes me think of the language of the Aztecs… maybe he was ‘gasp’ one of them thar Mexican’s who want to take back the Southwestern US.

What? So he was Korean. One school of thought is that the First Nation peoples came here across the Bering Strait from Asia. So there! Pfthth!


What does it mean when conservatives say:
“This changes everything!” ?


I do believe that Pammy has her tin-foil hat body-suit on today…



We’re obviously talking SQL here. isMale as in:

class Person implements Gender
{ private boolean isMale; // true means male, false means female.
private String name;

public Person (String name, boolean genderFlag)
{ isMale = genderFlag; = name;

public String sex ()
{ return isMale? “male”: “female”;

If this gets mangled it’s your own fault for having no preview button.


“ISMALE AX (spelled as most recently reported) is an anagram for I SLAM EX.”

Not to mention Islam EAX, a clear reference to the jihadists plot to infiltrate America using subliminal messages delivered via Creative soundcards.


What does it mean when conservatives say: “This changes everything!� ?

Medication regimens, mostly.


You know Costco deserves way better than to be associated with either of these two head cases. They are actually a pretty good company with a record for treating their employees well. I know Wal-Mart ruins the alliteration but surely we can find something clever to do with it. Pam’s Choice brand? Little Debbie Nut cakes? Wal-to-Wal Morans?

Oh, and let’s not forget that Steve Guttenberg had sex with an illegal alien in Cocoon. If only he were a little browner and we could send him to Gitmo too.



Who *wouldn’t* become “disturbed” if he were used as a sexual handout to beggars? Present company excepted, of course.


What does it mean when conservatives say:
“This changes everything!� ?

It means a mosque in Iraq that has been turned into complete rubble is “undamaged.”


My first thought when I heard “Ismale Ax” was that godawful body spray/deodorant, “Axe,” that every male (get it?) from middle school through college seems to be using. Stinks like you would not believe, but the company uses commercials of nubile young women chasing skeezy young men with three-day beard growth, so hey, the average adolescent freak says “dude, that could be me. Righteous. I gotta get me somma THAT.”

Nobody seems to have mentioned it, so here’s my contribution to the (anti)-lunacy.


What does it mean when conservatives say:
“This changes everything!� ?

It means “I get to tell endless lies with impunity and get a TV kid for behaving in a way that 20 years ago would have landed me a padded cell in Danvers State Hospital.”

or something like that …



He went postal.


Intel must be planting the conspiracy in their CPUs!


ISLAM EX is the upgraded trim package, which comes with alloy wheels, fog lights, heated mosques, keyless entry, and power sunroof, in addition to the side airbags, CD, a/c, power windows, power locks, power mirrors, cruise control, and 60/40 split folding back seats that come with the lower-priced LX model.


Ismail (note the Arabic spelling)

Uh, Pammy? That would be written in, you know, the Arabic alphabet? As in, not the Roman alphabet? As in, IT WASN’T AN ARABIC SPELLING, YOU BIG BALL OF NUTTY?


Pam is probably going to put this in her new screenplay, Three Men and a Jihad.


Neo-Fascist Blogger: “I’m a Clausewitzian by training as well as by inclination.”
Sadly, No: “A Santa-Clausewitzian, maybe.”

Man, I love this stuff. Which, like all things are truly funny, is grounded in truth-telling.

Comes now The Guttenberg Bible. Giddy Up!


She could have also been referring to Beno Gutenberg, a German Seismologist.

Or the German ship Guttenberg.

a different brad

Y’know, I think I finally get what Pam is doing. She’s harvesting latent anti-semitism and using it against Muslims and Arabs. Ismail isn’t a fucking Arabic name, it’s semitic.
Fuck identity politics.


Uh, Pammy? That would be written in, you know, the Arabic alphabet? As in, not the Roman alphabet?
Ismail isn’t a fucking Arabic name, it’s semitic.

Which is even funnier considering her recent wild n’ crazy adventures bikiniblogging in Israel… you’d think she’d notice details like those…


Smoking Gun has the kid’s “Richard McBeef” play available. Ummm, it made no sense…

Well, it made more sense than a Pam or Debbie post.

Those two are spinning so hard to make this guy into a muslim. Even the stuff about the Albourghati kid who shot the video is now being turned into him being some terrorist. One of Debbie’s commenters noted his name was close to some famous terrorist & now that’s the meme.


My God, bemused, you might be right. I hadn’t thought of it before, but as I was reading your post I felt overcome by a sense of incredible irony. After reading his “screenplay” can it leave any doubt that he may have, indeed, been that shallow? Or maybe he was just a really bad speller, or maybe he had a moment when he wrote that on his arm that nobody else can interpret.


Me, I’m taking the math angle.

Mathematician M.E.H. Ismail did work with Bessel functions of the form J+ax relating to the functions asymptotically approaching zero.

So he’s in sympathy with zero.

“Please allow me to introduce myself
I’m the additive identity….”

OK, maybe not.


The first actual photo of “Ismail” turns out to be “Ishmael” – signed on the Fed Ex package Cho sent to MSNBC (available for viewing at

Pam actually has a picture of that Fed Ex package up on her blog, with the return address CLEARLY signed “A. Ishmael” … and STILL she’s tweaking on about “Ismail Ax” and the great MSM conspiracy to hide the JIHADIS! ARE! EVERYWHERE! angle of this story.


I notice on the package he sent NBC, which Pammy kindly features, he spells it “Ishmael”. OH MY FUCKING SWEET JEEBUS!! He became Jewish in his last days!1!


In a parallel universe, Pam is harmlessly writing labels for Dr. Bronner’s various estimable soap products

I wouldn’t smear Dr. Bronner’s by even theoretically associating his rants with Pammy. At least his soaps is useful, which is something she’s not.

As regards nutburger rants, I saw a doozy the other day – something about the dangers of predatory adulteresses or something. I should have grabbed one and kept it.


Y’know, here’s something I wonder about…..

I thought that things in Baghdad were no worse than any other major American crime-ridden city.

A couple hundred people were killed in car bomb attacks in Baghdad today, which is way more than were killed at VT. So why are the righties making a big deal out of VT? I mean, this is normal for an average American city, right? Why is it even newsworthy?

a different brad

Olbermann tried to make that point last night, sort of.

I think Pam and Debbie and Dan Riehl n so on have to make the shooter into a jihadi because otherwise he’s just like them; a fucking stupid, hateful, murderous sociopath.
From his juvenile and barely literate plays to the little NBC has released to the wrong address on the package it really seems like the guy was plain dumb.
Dumb and hatefilled….. who else does that describe.

a different brad

Or, to use an actual word, hateful.
I know, me play joke on meself.
mongo only pawn, in game of life

a different brad

Also seems Mr Asshole Shooter portrayed himself as a christ-like martyr in his “press release”.
And Debbie Schlussel has a simply awesome post ranting at Olbermann for calling her out on being racist.


Ahh, c’mon. Some fuckhead crazy asswipe gets a couple guns and is so disassociated that he can kill thirty plus people before flipping his switch. Why do we have to dwell, or even care? This little motherfucker says it’s everybody’s fault, that some nebulous “they” MADE him do it. Knolw what? Fuck him. In todays disconnected, violent, well armed society there’s nothing we can do to prevent this shit. But we don’t have to make the sad, crazy asshole into anything other than the messed up murderer he is.

You gotta look inside to your internal radar for this one. What does it mean? It means there are some fucked up individuals out there, and they will cause suffering on their way out. Let’s be careful to recognize that meaningless horror is nothing more than that. To try to get meaning is to somehow validate the act. Fuck him. He was a pussy who couldn’t operate in society, so he made himeself famous? I’m not gonna play…


Smiling Mortician

I think Pam and Debbie and Dan Riehl n so on have to make the shooter into a jihadi because otherwise he’s just like them; a fucking stupid, hateful, murderous sociopath.

Ah, but the true irony is that, as a jihadi, he’s even more like them: a fucking stupid, hateful, murderous sociopath who’s doing it all for the glory of the one true god. (Yes, I know they’ve twisted the definition of jihad — I’m going with their definition here.)


You know, I’ve always wondered if any of these shooters end up living, and what they say afterwards.

I don’t recall any of them living, and I think it’s a little unfortunate. I’d really like to know.

At the moment before they decide to turn the gun on themselves, what do they feel? Like they succeeded? Like they “showed” everyone? Or is it a big fucking let-down – are they feeling like it didn’t do for them what they thought it would, and in fact, it made things so much fucking worse. How do they feel when they shoot the first person – do they feel good or do they realize how final death is. Do they feel like suddenly it’s real instead of fantasy? Do they regret? Do they mourn?

How do they feel a few years later, sitting in jail – would they feel it was the thing to do? Do they think their actions improved the desparate situation they thought they were in? Or do they realize how fucked up a choice it was?

It’s paradoxical, but I wish one of these shooters would live and gain some redemption by speaking up and telling kids, Don’t do this! You won’t find the satisfaction you were hoping for.

It’s so horrible, because we have this guy’s testimony on video from the grave, feeding future kids’ rage – but death prevents us from seeing any despair, or regret, or pain, or shame, or disappointment (if there is any) that might counsel against it.

I mean, maybe I’m wrong, Maybe these guys go to their death feeling a big rush and satisfaction – but I just can’t believe in the human race without believing that some of them die realizing the futility of what they did.

Herr Doktor Bimler

“Ismail Ax� is another Gutenberg moment.
This proves that Marshall McLuhan is to blame. Not quite sure exactly how, but I blame him for a lot of things.

Disinterested Observer

Good, I’m the first to notice this perceptive comment over there:

“Just to clarify the killer was in the English program and liberal professors are known for teaching hate. ”

I think that Professor Berube (sorry no accent) needs to be informed at once.


The “Guttenberg” moment referred to here is actually 3 Men and a Baby, though nobody can really explain why, least of all Pam.


Ah, shit. Sorta beaten to my joke. And, that’s the second one in this thread. It’s said that things come in threes, so someone else is destined to repeat a joke in this thread.

Jillian, people who peddle that false equivalence make me see red. Iraq has less than a tenth of our population, so a truly equivalent number of deaths in iraq to the VA Tech shootings would be… 3. And that’s kinda rounded up.
I’m not saying in any way that the situations in iraq and the US are comparable. they aren’t. They’re in the midst of a low-level, religious civil war, which is something we’ve never even been in. No, not the civil war part; of course, we had our little “War Between teh States.” But very little of it can be described as “low-level,” or “simmering.” Nor was it over something as intractable as religious differences.
Yesterday, in Iraq, roughly 183 people were killed by multiple car bombings. Now, this was an extraordinarily bad day in Iraq, deaths-wise, and if you scale it up to its true US-sized equivalent (multiply it by 12.5, though this is only rough), you get 2,287, which is inching close to 9/11-scale and certainly would qualify as a pretty damned bad day.
What I’m saying here is often, an unsophisticated wingnut will look at, say, 32 deaths in Iraq, and if they can empathize at all with the dead Iraqis (HA!), they tend to think of it as, “Oooh! What if 32 people were blown-up in teh US?” whereas the real analogue would be, “Ooh! What if 400 people were blown-up in teh US?” It’s an entirely different order of magnitude.


Oops. Gotta keep my tenses, um, straight. I wrote this:

…of course, we had our little “War Between teh States.â€? But very little of it can be described as “low-level,â€? or “simmering.â€? Nor was it over something as intractable as religious differences.

Of course, since I was referring to a war that’s over a century old, it shoulda gone:

…of course, we had our little “War Between teh States.â€? But very little of it could have been described as “low-level,â€? or “simmering.â€? Nor was it over something as intractable as religious differences.

There. More-or-less all better.


(comments are closed)