Yeah, Certainly — We Speak ‘House

Professor Althouse has a rational explanation for her, uh, incident of a couple of days ago. Since Babelfish does not yet offer translation services for Althousque, we offer this annotated version by way of public service.


Things I’m not talking about.

Translation: “Things I am right now talking about.”

As you may have noticed, that Bloggingheads episode I did with Garance Franke-Ruta — did you know I came up with the title “This Time It’s Personal”? — attracted a fair amount of attention yesterday.

Translation: As everybody has noticed, that bizarre, belligerent tantrum of mine during the Bloggingheads episode I did with Garance Franke-Ruta — oh look, I have cute toes! — had tens of thousands of people laughing at me yesterday.

Many characters in the leftosphere used the two-minute segment where I get mad to rake over the old flame war that I spent those two minutes saying I wouldn’t be dragged into talking about again.

Translation: During my five-minute harangue at Ms. Franke-Ruta, which lasted two minutes, many were reminded of the pivotal case of Smelt It v Dealt It, which established that cutting a big, cheesy gasser is not prejudicial if another party hostilely mentions the false charges of flatulence brutally hurled at you by desperate and vicious critics out of jealousy — and you explain with pointed finger that you are not going to tolerate their farting anymore!

I may be sorry I got as mad as I did

Because laughter has begun to haunt my nightmares.

— but I think showing some anger in an argument is not a huge deal. There’s so much repression and passive aggression out there. It’s so easy to process your emotions with those grim tools. It’s what we usually do. The notion that it’s crazy to display emotion is…. crazy.

It’s not me who’s crazy, it’s the rest of you — society, the world.

But I’m not sorry I didn’t go back into the old flamewar, either in the video, where I was tweaked about it

…through a hostile, passive-aggressive attempt to “answer a direct question” with a “factual statement” on the “same topic”…

— and reacted extravagantly — or when all those blogs goaded me about it yesterday.

Only further proving that their attackingly obsessive attempts to slander and victimize me with my own words are no match for my fierce courage and — may I say — heroism in the face of unspeakably mendacious and hostile negativity, which I will not tolerate anymore.

So, have fun grinding over the old times amongst yourselves.

My extravagant self-expression in attacking Ms. Franke-Ruta for no reason demonstrates that I have long moved on from this controversy of a hundred billion trillion years ago, i.e. September of 2006. Similarly, gratuitous talk about my current behavior only shows who is really the crazy one — for it is you and you and you.

posted by Ann Althouse at 7:54


[Hanx! Chris Clarke, J-]


Comments: 34


“Old Times”? Wasn’t the whole boob thing, like, six months ago?

So, in a nutshell, her argument goes something like, “I’m going to make up some crazy shit, then call you immature for bringing it up.”


There’s so much repression and passive aggression out there

Althouse, inciteful as usual.


1. For those who may not have seen it, Chris Clarke did a Yakety Sax on the Bloggingheads episode.

2. Whoever did the rhyme, did the crime.

Incontinentia Buttocks

To complete the picture of Althousian psychosis, be sure to check out the March 9 episode of BloggingHeads, in which Ann merrily jokes with the Ol’ Perfesser and Dr. Helen about similar topics.

In this segment she talks about how she’s developed a thick skin and no longer feels offended by things said about her online. Helen and Ann also mock Amanda Marcotte for expecting the world to be “sweet and nice” to women.

What separates Ann from OP and Dr. H is that while the latter two are miserable, hypocritical sacks of shit, Ann also has a major personality disorder.


Smelt It v Dealt It

Whenever I see this I keep picturing people with small fishes up their asses.


And though lit crit may be beyond the S,N! purview, an S,N! review of this book ( would be splendid.

Charles Giacometti

The place where I really feel for this woman Garance is when she visibly flinches at Althouse’s angry outburst. My heart goes out to her at being on the receiving end of the this.

a different brad

If someone locked Ann Althouse in a jail cell that had mirrors on every surface, would she consider it a punishment?
The only people I’ve encountered online who act like her are that griefer guy who went after boingboing and a troll in another place who’s a middle aged gay guy who goes around giving people hiv. Each does horrible shit, then acts victimized when called on it with the proper tone of disgust.


I guess that, in Ann-speak, giant flaming train wrecks that suddenly occur in plain sight of everyone “attract a fair amount of attention.”


Something very terrible happed to that woman.

a different brad

It makes me even sadder to read the comments on ALTHOUSE THE MODERATE SUPERHUMAN QUEEN OF PERFECTION’s post. People actually fall for her act. The Malkin thing’s popularity I can somewhat understand. Dumb bigots need blogs just like everyone else. But Althouse? People actually listen to her talking about herself like there’s anything but toxic narcissism in there?
Is her pretend moderate position some kind of guilt dodge that others find appealing?
What am I missing?


The thing that stands out in that sped up video is the amount of time Althouse spends looking at herself in the monitor rather than facing the camera. She can’t keep her eyes off herself when she talks.


i just wanted a pepsi

{peas fix site, peeease?}

a different brad

I guess she’s just a queen troll. Looks like her commenters are mainly into the contrarian dickery of it all.


“The only people I’ve encountered online who act like her are that griefer guy who went after boingboing and a troll in another place who’s a middle aged gay guy who goes around giving people hiv”

I don’t know about that. As I said on some other blog, she’s like Lee Siegel, Joe Klein and Jonah Goldberg all rolled into one.


Apropos of nothing, does anyone else out there think that Franke-Ruta is hot, or is it just me? She has a “girl-writing-poetry-at-the-next-table-in-the-coffeeshop” thing going on that I like a lot. Also, she has a deep voice.


Hot, and for the reasons you list, but. . . her voice– not the depth, but the manner in which she speaks– would drive me nuts after a while.

a different brad

I dunno, Doc. The valley girl accent is a MAJOR turn-off to me, tho all this line of discussion really proves is that liberal dudes don’t like Hillary because she has a vagina.


This manner of speaking is apparently the new thing among all the progressive kids or something.

I work with a charitable organization that recruits students fresh out of college, and the vast majority of them talk this way – where every sentence is inflected as though it were a question. It’s not a girl thing – many of the boys do it, too.

My greatest charitable act with this organization is the way I refrain from braining any of the question-talkers, no matter how long I have to listen to them speak. Because it’s really annoying? When every sentence a person speaks ends on an up-tone? As though the sentence were a question? I sometimes think that it is because they are afraid of coming across in a negative or aggressive fashion, so they try to make their tone of voice sound non-assertive? But they just end up sounding like a bunch of costal stoners?

See, you want to kill me right now, and this is just text. Imagine listening to it. For hours.

I am a Bodhisattva at this point.


Check out my ,Video blogging of American Idol losers!


Next on bloggingheads: Annie Angel vs. Ann Althouse in battle of the attention trolls.


I watched a lot of that, not just the spontaneous combustion, and it was painful to watch the simpering and the primping. The hair fixing, the flirty eyes at the camera. She reveals so much more than she means to, it makes me cringe. Like IB, I think she either has a personality disorder or is very close to it. A lot of the narcissistic criteria seem to apply (grandiose sense of self-importance, believes he is special and unique, requires excessive admiration, thinks she deserves special treatment, lacks empathy, arrogant)

In her comments section, someone called her on saying conservative bloggers were nicer, and she replied, in essence, I said they were nicer to me, not in general. To Ann, what happens to her is all that matters, not what happens in general. It’s really shifting from driving me crazy to just being sad and painful.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

My greatest charitable act with this organization is the way I refrain from braining any of the question-talkers, no matter how long I have to listen to them speak.
I am a Bodhisattva at this point.

Yes indeedy, Jillian. Though there is something worse: here in Oz, there’s a lot of upward inflection in speech, as though people are saying “Well, this is what I think, but I’m not really committed to it”. So I’ve gotten used to it.

However, back when I was a kitten, I worked in a high school, teaching teenagers (a life form with few redeeming qualities, as far as I can see). At that time, rap was just hitting these shores, and so many of the more impressionable kids tried to walk, talk, and gesture like a rap star.

It’s hard to imagine anything more ridiculous than a pudgy, white, middle-class, private schoolboy in uniform, waving his spastic hands about and saying “Yo, check dis…?” It was all I could do to keep myself from bursting into hysterical laughter.


“…but I think showing some anger in an argument is not a huge deal. There’s so much repression and passive aggression out there. It’s so easy to process your emotions with those grim tools. It’s what we usually do. The notion that it’s crazy to display emotion is…. crazy.”

Alternative translation: “All I wanted was a Pepsi!”


I believe it was the prominent centrist blogger Jacques Derrida who once said, “There is nothing outside the Althouse.”


I work with a charitable organization that recruits students fresh out of college, and the vast majority of them talk this way – where every sentence is inflected as though it were a question.

When *I* worked for a charitable organisation, fresh out of high school, one of the first things they did was sit me down and tell me I’d never be able to pull any donations* if I kept talking that way.  As I understand it, it’s largely a sign of poor confidence — in effect, you’re asking for permission to continue speaking or offering an opportunity to be contradicted with every statement.

*I never was able to pull any meaningful donations consistently anyway — I don’t have the salesman’s drive that this requires to be done well.


The alternate constructs that are equally annoying are the guys who say “OK?” at the end of every phrase. O’Reilley’s an example, although he clearly has been told about it and tries to stop. The other one is “know what I’m sayin?” inserted in every pause in the word-stream. Some people get so stuck on that one they’ll use it litterally hundereds of times in one conversation. I’ve been known to type it as “gnome sane”, which could be an electronica band…



I have picked up “you know what I mean?” from my lovely wife. Also, I have picked up “like” from a roommate and everyone else. I hate the way I speak. I can’t stop it. If you have a vocal tic and are around me, I guarantee I will somehow suck it up.


Whenever I see this I keep picturing people with small fishes up their asses.

Sounds like a variant of the stinkpalm.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Some people get so stuck on that one they’ll use it litterally hundereds of times in one conversation. I’ve been known to type it as “gnome sane�, which could be an electronica band…

When I was a young kitty, working at the casino, I once spent several hours dealing poker to a table that contained a serial monologuer. He’d apparently perfected circular breathing, and maintained a steady drone of completely boring shite, to which the other table members responded occasionally with “Uh”. It didn’t deter him, nor did their leaving to seek a saner table.

But what really, really, really made me want to fillet him finely and stuff him down the drop box was his habit of saying “Point taken?” EVERY FUCKING SENTENCE. SOMETIMES FUCKING TWICE IN THE ONE FUCKING SENTENCE. And yes, the experience did deserve caps and bold. I’m sure I started to hallucinate at one point. When I left the table for half an hour for my dinner break, I didn’t stop twitching the whole time.


Althouse blogs about American Idol. At length.

‘Nuff said.

"Tits" Althouse

I would respond to your hateful, hateful ugly assassinations of me, but I’m really fuckin’ drunk.


Althouse: “The notion that it’s crazy to display emotion is…. crazy..”

Alternative Althouse: “All I wanted was a Pepsi!”


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