Hicks, Hicks, Hicks & The Number Of The Beast

I totally agree in conclusion if most definitely not in reasoning with these wacko, batshit, evangelical Christian crackpots folks who:

…say the federal Real ID Act, which will standardize state drivers licenses and link them to corresponding national ID numbers by 2009, represents the “mark of the beast,” the devilish number 666 that is attached to the godless.

The nearly 2,000-year-old passage is referenced along with the prophetic locusts, plagues, oceans of blood and rivers of fire found in the Bible. Soon after, according to scripture, the antichrist takes control of the world and Jesus Christ returns.

In short, new national ID numbers could spell the beginning of the end, some Christians believe.

“This is getting treacherously close to prophecy in the scripture,” said Irvin Baxter Jr., founder and president of Endtime Ministries in Dallas.


“We could be tracked by machines everywhere we go,” said Guest, referring to provisions that require “machine-readable” technology in the ID cards. “This could signal the death of individual freedoms and rights.”

But Guest, who has recruited legislators from 35 other states to introduce legislation opting out of the Real ID Act, said he has received hundreds of phone calls, e-mails and letters from constituents who are more fearful about Biblical prophecies coming true if the program goes unchecked.

‘Tis true: Such laws are satanic. Scary. Creepy. A burden for the states to pay for and maintain, as the article goes on to say. And just waiting there for a Big Brother/Dear Leader to exploit — BLARGH!!! Unter glieben glauben globen!!! Nevermind all that! Seems. . .to mesmerize. . .can’t avoid their eyes. Hicks, Hicks, Hicks! The number of the beast — six six six — is the one for you and me!!! Cats and dogs, living together! Bring on the ID Card! Abortions for everyone! Child sacrifice! Buying vodka with food stamps! Hell, let’s shit on Ol’ Glory! Take it away, Eddie!!!

Gavin adds: Dammit Mencken, every time I send my c.v. out for a graphics job, you do a post with poop in it, titled something like ‘Poopy Ha Ha Satan Flag Poop.’

I’m going to come live at your house, and let’s see how you like it then. Singing along to my Rezillos MP3s at 3AM…


Comments: 38


“We could be tracked by machines everywhere we go,� said Guest, referring to provisions that require “machine-readable� technology in the ID cards. “This could signal the death of individual freedoms and rights.�

Wait, Republicans care about individual freedoms and rights now? Or just that guy?

Unless that’s part of the plan. Pretend to oppose Big Brother bullshit while secretly supporting it. At some point, the Talibangicals want the End Times to happen.


I like that video. So that’s Iron Maiden. One thing about 1980s metal videos is that the musicians could actually play their instruments and they were excited about it. Most “alt” rockers of the same time couldn’t play worth shit and spent their whole 3 minute video budget looking bored and aloof.


Real ID is an abomination that does seem creepily like what is fortold in Revelations. Whether for religious reasons alone, or those coupled with respect for individual liberty, I think that Real ID should be rejected by all freedom loving Americans.

See also SpyChips.com and NoCards.org. These are issues which affect us all.

I did not need to watch the video. 😀

Jesus H. Christ

Wha’ the fuck happen’a my wake-up call? I gotta get somewhere…


Isn’t this 666 biblical voodoo-sticks another chapter leading to the rapture the evangelicals claim to be waiting for with baited breath?

What’s it take to make the Christian zealots happy? Do they want the end times or not?


Dude in the sunglasses looks like Corey Feldman! Perfect for a post about teh anti-Christ!!!1


What’s it take to make the Christian zealots happy? Do they want the end times or not?

Don’t be silly. The correct time is for G-d to decide.


Damn. We were just talking about Blogs4Brownback, and there he is. At 4:30 in the morning, no less.


Gavin adds: Dammit Mencken, every time I send my c.v. out for a graphics job, you do a post with poop in it, titled something like ‘Poopy Ha Ha Satan Flag Poop.’

Ahh, grasshopper, my sabotage is done out of love. You simply must stay on welfare and continue to deal drugs and embryonic stem cells for a living, like the rest of us Liberals. Can’t have you out there making an honest living. But speaking of money, have you found a buyer yet for that ton of shredded Bible compost I told you about? I have to move that shit quick before the local Southern Baptists notice their pew racks are empty.

So that’s Iron Maiden.

They were so good. Always regreted not seeing them live, but I was a bit too young to go with the older friends who did see them, I think on the Seventh Son of a Seventh Son tour… They can’t write a song for shit now and Bruce’s voice is about shot, but in their day, Dave Murray and Steve Harris especially were teh shit. Sure, they were cornball — but it all was back then, and it was in good fun.

Hail Satan!


Hey, Psycheout is my new BFF!1! Seriously. We’re having a dialogue. I tell him about the Vast Leftist Conspiracy, he gasps in awe at my candor.

Seriously, it’s all in good fun (and of course I tell him nothing but the gospel truth) and he seems like a good guy. I think it’s only fair that, before we Libs orchestrate the great muslimexihomocommie take over of America, we tell folks like Psycheout exactly what’s up, what we’re thinking, what our values are.


Mr. Mencken, I have cleared you for commenting on our site, but I advise you to watch your language in the future. With free speech comes responsibility.

So what did you do for Water World Day?


“This is getting treacherously close to prophecy in the scripture,� said Irvin Baxter Jr., founder and president of Endtime Ministries in Dallas.

If you send a donation to Endtime Ministries and the world, like, doesn’t end, do they send you a refund? Or at least like a gift certificate or something?


Holy fucking shit, Psycheout, I don’t even remember cursing in the comment! Which cuss word(s) did I use?

And for Sam, every day is Water World Day!!


And Psycheout, I’d feel much more comfortable visiting your site if you had a shiny new American Flag there for me to POOP ON.

Geez, what happened to hospitality?


i watched that entire miserable iron maiden vid.
SOMEONE owes me the whole BBC doc on harry partch.
part one. (of six)

yeah, so brownback and some christians are not entirely blind to reality, and haven’t adopted the fightin’ jesus of death gospel, and, yes, we probably can’t have ALL of them rendered into animal feed, but what’s your point?

give me a good gay microtonal hobo any day, i say!


Holy freaking crap, Psycheout, I don’t even remember cursing in the comment!

How soon they forget. You seem to have the gift of humor that G-d has given you. Why do you pollute it with needless profanity?

I look forward to more a more wholesome post in the future which even my father could chuckle at. I know you have it in you. Good luck!


Psycheout’s site is one of the greatest I have ever seen. I am *so* voting for Brownback now. The dude just makes a good case!

Brownback supports clean drinking water. This separates him from his opponents.


I look forward to more a more wholesome post in the future which even my father could chuckle at.

I gotta second that.


I’m just a lowly co-blogger over there much like HTML is here. But I’m glad you like the site and and are considering supporting Senator Brownback for the GOP nomination.

Now I realize that most of the people who frequent Sadly No probably will vote for whoever the Democrat party vomits up (Clinton, bleargh), but hopefully they want the other side to have a candidate who is a principled man. After all, there’s always the chance that the Republican will win. I think if Sadly No gives this serious consideration, they, like me, will support Senator Brownback for the GOP nomination.

Liberals like to root for the underdog don’t they? Remember Mike Dukakis? Remember John Kerry?


Psycheout, sorry, just got to ask. what’s “great” about pam oshry?
besides the funbags, that is.


I think you Sadly No guys do have a grasp on “teh funny” but if you’d take a look at IMAO and Day by Day you might elevate your comedy from “meh” to funny. Good luck! And good night.


Awwwww….they got us a shiny new troll to play with. Is that part of the “new and improved”?

Thanks guys!


Not much point in conversing with someone who thinks Chris Muir could recognize Teh Funny if it whacked him upside the head, so I’ll turn to this:

One thing about 1980s metal videos is that the musicians could actually play their instruments and they were excited about it. Most “alt� rockers of the same time couldn’t play worth shit and spent their whole 3 minute video budget looking bored and aloof.

Two words: Yngwie Malmsteen. I’ll take Bob Mould over that Swedish asshole any day of the week.


Psychout is a pamatlas fanboy.

I would like to think of something mean to say about him, but I can’t come up with a better insult than that.


Hey, it’s no longer 666…seems that all those centuries went by without someone actually checking the math. It was recalculated recently and the true Number of the Beast is 616 (IF you believe that omnipotent invisible sky-being shit.)

Add that to the heap of stupidity that is Christian thought: Intelligent Design, Young Earthers, The Bible as the Perfect Word of God…you get my drift.

Oh, and wouldn’t you expect doomsday prophesies from the “founder and president of Endtime Ministries”? Hard for him to be objective when he plants his philosophy in his group’s title.


per usual, the importance of individual freedoms is only an issue when it affects them. these same people want abortion outlawed, prayer in schools, creationism taught in science class, etc, etc, and none of these things infringe on others’ personal freedoms.
but national id cards do?


Qetesh the Abyssinian

Add that to the heap of stupidity that is Christian thought: Intelligent Design, Young Earthers, The Bible as the Perfect Word of God…you get my drift.

Hey, how does the bible get to be the perfect word of god when it’s been edited all to buggery? Haven’t the christianist wingnuts ever heard of the Council of Nicea, circa 322? The apocrypha?

Geez, they’re all as dumb as that dude who declared, in refutation of a move to have compulsory second language teaching in schools, “English was good enough for Jesus, and it’s good enough for me”.



1. Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Spain. They all got ’em. It ain’t the end of the world.

2. The Sadly, No! crowd and the IMAO get along pretty well, if I recall correctly. There was a friendly exchange a few months ago when Gavin issued a photoshop challenge.

3. Sadly, No! and Day by Day go way back. Gavin makes the cartoons funny and more comprehensible.

4. But, but Yngwie is the Paganini of the Pickup, or don’t you remember? I’ll never forget.


Thers: If you send a donation to Endtime Ministries and the world, like, doesn’t end, do they send you a refund? Or at least like a gift certificate or something?

Store credit only.

Cheap fuckers…


Well, don’t worry too much about it….if the rapture does happen, they’ll be able to send you an email explaining why they cannot refund your money.


Brownback supports clean drinking water. This separates him from his opponents.

On the Republican side, this has a disturbing amount of truth to it.

But you guys gotta realize that End Times Eschatology is not homogeneous. Many of the modern premillenial dispensationalists (Rapture freaks) do want to force God’s hand, especially through promoting further war in the Middle East. The postmillenial Dominionists, meanwhile, would welcome such national identity documents, since America is to be turned into a Christian theocracy which would require stringent social controls on those ungodly who haven’t yet been executed for blatant perversions. But there are also those who distrust all man-made government, and who take Saint John at his word (from his epistles, not Revelation) about there being many antichrists all the time. (Think of the Millennium Group, before Chris Carter completely fucked up his own concept.) The last group can actually be allies on creeping authoritarianism, as well as church-state separation (Beware the “camel’s nose in the tent.”)


Two words: Yngwie Malmsteen. I’ll take Bob Mould over that Swedish asshole any day of the week.

As a guitarist, Malmsteen was a great athlete. I’ll give him that.

Testing video embed tag in comments:

[video] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX0bcZjnjaM [/video]


Testing video embed tag in comments

Wow, that video sounds just like the Malmsteen interview I read in Guitar Player back in the mid 80s. I’m glad to see he’s stayed consistent.


As much as I hated 80s pointless guitar wankery, that shit at least required some thing resembling talent and skill. Lots of what’s on the radio now takes neither, except on the part of the audio engineers.

Think of, say, Sean Paul’s and Justin Timberlake’s hits, and then blanch when you realize that the fricking Ramones are more musical. Not to mention lots more fun to listen to.


Thers: If you send a donation to Endtime Ministries and the world, like, doesn’t end, do they send you a refund? Or at least like a gift certificate or something?

Store credit only.

You get an “I survived the Rapture and all I got was this lousy t-shirt” T-shirt.

Satan luvvs Repugs

Damn it! Wake up, everyone!

The Beast is already among us, exerting his vile influence worldwide, for well over 50 years now!

Yes, a Beast. Not human. But HE IS RECOGNIZED ALL ACROSS THE GLOBE, more than *any* human, living or dead, is recognized.

Mickey Mouse. The Beast. If you’ve ever worn a Mickey Mouse watch, or a hat, you carry his mark on your hand or your forehead. Devilish bastard, he went for the kids first.

Who’s the leader of the cult
that rules both you and me?
Mickey Beast (of revelation!)
Mickey Beast (of revelation!)
Forever let us chant his number high
So come along and chant the song
and set the evil free
Now it’s time
to say goodbye
to all humanity
see you in Hell
why? because we’ve GOT you!

His primary lair in Orange County CA, is in a heavily republican area, of course.

Rodent of Revelation

Satan luvvs Repugs, that song brings back memories! We really need to get in contact with each other!

BTW, have you been to http://www.losdisneys.com ? The knowledge has spread!


(comments are closed)