Have You Driven A Sadly Lately? Campaign Launch ’07
Above (l-r): Present hosting solution which sucks and blows up and is bad; New servers gleam sparkle hooray!
We’ll be relocating to a new host tomorrow, with no more of that 503-error folderol that’s been afflicting things so badly lately. (Besides the DDoS unpleasantness, our host has been throttling our traffic — apparently because the dozens and dozens of visits per hour have been overwhelming their array of 1200 baud modems.)
There are also other changes going on, some of which y’all might be very happy with. But I ought to get out of here before Seb pulls the handle and the site and archives, et cetera, start lumbering off like the building at the beginning of that Monty Python movie.
Seb adds:Â Well, everyone might want to hold on to their tuques as it looks like the move will be delayed until the “RegisterFly Debacle” has been resolved or until we manage to get the domain moved to a new registrar or until we can log into our RF account and update the DNS servers. We blame Gary Ruppert.
See the Fatherland/
In a DOS attack van…
Gotta get a new server. The hamster in the wheel died.
Alas, poor Sparky. We knew him well.
Dare we hope that our little Previewie will come home, too???
Incidentally, if you guys want to pass the hat to pay for the transition, I’d gladly throw some coins in.
Eh, I got beyond the need for the Preview Button. Like training wheels, once you don’t need it anymore, you can start to really RIDE!!!!!
I gotta say, you guys got a helluva lot of mileage out of that snap-together server you found in the box of cracker jack that day. Who new Longs Drugs even MADE computers, eh?
How about a nice game of chess?
I pray that the archives make it over ok. Just think how devastated the downstairs Nazis would be if their Prussian Blue shrine vanished!
This is making me seriously consider trading up on the old Commodore 64.
I hope the changes will include some new built-in controls for the protection of trolls.
I get the free speech thing, as indicated in my statement about the case now going to the US Supreme Court, referenced here:
Bong Hits 4 Jesus
Dr BLT (c) 2007
but shouldn’t a modicum of protection be granted when it comes to verbal abuse directed at unsuspecting trolls?
Make sure you move the LONG THREAD correctly, please!
I’d cry if anything happened to it.
You could save a bundle by NOT moving the Pie Twin Posts.
Anybody who would miss ’em?
Ah, that Atari diskette provoked sudden nostalgia, and had me fumbling in the junk drawer for my old AOL v.1 5 and a quarter inch floppy.
Now, where in hell did I put my Convergent Technologies WorkSlate?
Dude, in the mid eighties I was working at Polaroid making 5¼ and 8 inch floppies. A little under two million a month of each…
What, no punch cards?
(Besides the DDoS unpleasantness, our host has been throttling our traffic — apparently because the dozens and dozens of visits per hour have been overwhelming their array of 1200 baud modems.)
I’m sure that Nazi knife fight in the basement wasn’t helping.
Will the new place have plastic on the couch, a vending machine, a preview button, and some html tools we can click on to bold, italicize, blockquote and link? And celery?
Too bad ya can’t run servers on trollspew. All that pie and none of it any use in the blogsphere.
Yeah, I know we should be grateful — if they ever figure out how to harness trollspew, certain Larger Generic Fields will be selling energy back to the electric company. And that would only make them richer, and even more insufferable.
“…changes going on, some of which y’all might be very happy with”
Oooh. I’m excited now. Does that mean twatface Annie & saddo Shoelimpy will be banned and there’ll be a preview button?
And is there honey still for tea?
This would normally be the point where i would post that scene in HHGG where the computer bank they’re hiding behind form the cops explodes.
But i can’t find it.
It’s all piffle without Naugahyde.
I like pie!
Can anyone here whistle the theme song from “The Rat Patrol”?
“Can anyone here whistle the theme song from “The Rat Patrolâ€??”
No, but if you hum a few bars…
Lesley: ” Will the new place have plastic on the couch, a vending machine, a preview button, and some html tools we can click on to bold, italicize, blockquote and link? And celery?”
That reads like my Xmas list! 🙂 Well, except for the plastic on the couch. I like to be nude when I’m sitting on the couch, and plastic is clammy and you stick to it.
Lesley: � Will the new place have plastic on the couch, a vending machine, a preview button, and some html tools we can click on to bold, italicize, blockquote and link? And celery?�
What, no big sammiches? Why the hate for big sammiches?
Can’t we all just get along?
You walk through the mall wearing a GIANT SAMMICH and just see what kind of reaction you get!
Look, if you want to make fun of the Fatties its no skin off my salami; but quit dragging us into it, okay? Seriously, have you no respect for the many contributions to history and culture made by GIANT SAMMICH-Americans?
I did it. My Mac SE with black and white graphics and hypertext tried to have sex with the Sadly servers.
Once the coal company makes a delivery I will be able to fire up my Wordstar program and give you nice Sadly No! folks an upgrade estimate on my reliable 700 pound dot matrix printer terminal.
Disk 1 of 1
720k. I hear MS Vista is slightly larger.
sammiches made with wonderbread, spam, and velveeta comin’ riiiiiiiiiight up!
Dammit!! Now what am I supposed to do?
I bet you could find work at the Whitehouse. They are pretty desperate for a ‘Timeout’.
Hurrah! Hurrah! Shiny new servers, and ponies, and honey for tea!
Someone mentioned punchcards: the year I started university, the computer science department changed over from punch cards to individual computer terminals, with black-painted sharp-edged metal casings that ripped holes in more than one pair of undergraduate trousers. Luxury terminals, I might add, in a fashionable all-in-one design, with lovely green cathode ray monitors that could show text, hurrah! Made of dots, hurrah! And we wrote Pascal programmes, hurrah! With text output, hurrah!
None of this GUI/WIMP nonsense for us, youngster. We were real computer scientists.
MIkey, that 5 1/4 experience marks you out as an afficionado of The Goode Olde Days.
BAH!! Why settle for 5 1/4″ when you can have the pleasure of the full 8″!!
Size DOES matter!
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I’m sooo glad not to see 503, at first I thought it was just my new computer being nice, and now I see that it’s pretty new server stuff. Very good!
This might be too late for Sadly, No! but DreamHost is offering RegistryFly refugees a year of free hosting if they move to DH:
“If you’ve got a domain registered with RegisterFly now, you can transfer it to us, and get a year of our CDI hosting plan absolutely free!”
The CDI (Crazy Domain Insane) is what I have and I lurve it.
SGI Irix machines, I love em.
Why use new fangled floppy disks when you can use cassette tapes?!?!11!
Ah, I still remember playing TRS-80 Trek on the Model I.
[…] But I ought to get out of here before Seb pulls the handle and the site and archives, et cetera, start lumbering off like the building at the beginning of that Monty Python movie. 3xc3|si0r! Seb adds: Well, everyone might want to hold … – More – […]