DDoSed Again
Posted on March 21st, 2007 by Gavin M.
Seb says that they’re whacking at the server again. If we go down for awhile, we’ll be back up as soon as possible, with kittens and ice cream for everyone!1
Seb adds: Seb should have been clearer in one of his many late-night cryptic emails –> What Seb said was that the latest post was sure to bring about some more of that, uh, special attention our way.
Gavin adds: You know, this is becoming a dysfunctional relationship: If they don’t attack us, I feel they don’t love us anymore.
Kittens with ice cream, mmmm.
Don’t get me wrong — I do love kittens and ice cream, and I especially love the egalitarianism that says they’re for everyone!1!
But I’d rather have SN open when I click on my most dog-eared bookmark, y’know?
the sacrificers are infesting yer tubes. time to unleash more singing muppet warriors.
Yay! I love ice cream! And kittens! I love kittens!!
How about ponies? Can we have ponies?
Boy, everytime you mention Gathering of Chickenhawks, the lights go out!
Candyman, Candyman, Candyman, Candyman, Cand-
They’ll be those butt-ugly kittens, though, won’t they?
I loves me some ugly sadno kitties.
Kee-rist. And me just three days from retirement…
Clearly you all are doing something right.
The fact is, nobody would bother to mount a DoS attack on your crappy little website. You think you matter, you do not. Those of us in the Heartland have very clear morals even if you don’t.
ice cream for everyone!1
I just knew all that screaming would work.
The fact is, nobody would bother to post a comment on your crappy little website. You think you matter, you do not….
Oh hold on.
Those of us in the Heartland have very clear morals even if you don’t.
Actually, this is true. Gary’s morals are very clear. You can see right through ’em…
Dem is some pretty crappy biker geeks…I can still access the site ya eejits.
I’ve heard tell that sunlight is the best disinfectant but that is bullshit. Public ridicule is the best disinfectant which is why they react the way they do.
Sadly, No! is the cathedral of the church of wingnut mockery and I’ll be looking out for that collection plate to come down the aisle. Stakes is high.
Are kittens fattening? Because I’m on a diet.
No evidence has come to light that anything improper was done.
Heh heh, and we aim to keep it that way.
That said, “Hotel California” was pap.
What Seb said was that the latest post was sure to bring about…
Then why do I keep getting 503 errors? Is it just me?
Kittens and ice cream? Gorramit, I picked the wrong week to become a vegetarian!
Oh, no, elendil. You are not alone. In fact I predict that when I click on submit comment, I will get just such a message.
Well, OK, that time it went straight through. But still. When I try to go back to the main SN page, that’s when they’ll try to stymie me. Mark my words.
Well, OK, that time it went straight through.
It only did that to spite you. What you have to do is express assurance that it will work, and then it won’t. Or maybe it will, because it knows what you’re up to, but then if you say that it won’t … confound that Malkin and her flying hacker-monkeys! She’s too smart for me.
I’ll get you and those Sadly, No! server hamsters next time, SM!
I always figured it was the neo-nazis, because your typical winger doesn’t have the command of syntax and punctuation to write a DDOS script. However a Malkin-obsessed teenager could have both the knowhow and spare time.
You should tell us all not to visit one day. Then post on teh Malkin. Your sole visitor’s IP address will be the ensuing DDOSer!
The thing that REALLY pisses me off is that for the last 2 days I haven’t been able to get my Sadly, No fix during lunch. Down both days. If it keeps up (and it really is their sad, dysfunctional way of saying “I love you so much it hurts”) maybe the good folks at FDL will backstop you and cross-post, like they did for the Late Nite post last night. Keep on poking your stick down that badger sett — you’ve obviously found an EXCEPTIONALLY tender spot! Keep up the good work. I miss you like a leg when you’re not there.
The unevolved have no choice but to react in a predictable and primitive manner when their mass delusion is exposed.
I had trouble accessing the site this afternoon for quite awhile. I just got through to the comments after several tries.
AGC has a plan and I like it!
The fact is, nobody would bother to mount a DoS attack on your crappy little website. You think you matter, you do not. Those of us in the Heartland have very clear morals even if you don’t.
I live in the Heartland. Please leave now.
Hit me again, Ike, and put a steak on that!
They disagree (vociferously) with everything you say, and they will defend to the end of the couch in their moms’ basement their right to keep you from saying it. The war cry of the Yellow Eagle-Elephant, thirty thousand strong (give or take 29,500), a wrinkled flightless chimera repudiated by both its avian and its mammalian ancestors.
Kitten-flavored icecream for everyone? And am I the only one who’s having trouble getting to Crook and Liars?
Denial of Service, malformed packets of love
UPD acks like the cooing of a dove
Bouncing off my router like a lover’s gentle touch
If it’s the best you got, eagles, brudah, it ain’t much…
Ummm, mikey, thats UDP packets. User Datagram Protocol. Ok?
I knew that. Whaddaya got for preview button protocol?
I had a kitten once. It ate some of my ice cream. I told it that that’s not real kitten food, even if it is made from cream. Oh, look … the democrat party is overreaching. Guess I’d better close my legs. Metaphorically speaking, of course. Everyone knows dems are teh gay. Baskin Robbins anyone?
“We will not go along with a partisan fishing expedition aimed at honorable public servants,”
–GW Bush
So our honorable public servants are too, um, honorable to testify under oath? Does he realize that doens’t make any sense. It’s like a wookie oath…
No Mikey, it would unbipartisan to require Republicans to testify under oath. They are used to lying, which is OKIYAR, and having to swear in would hamper their style.
Only Democrats are required to testify under oath, especially if it is about sex. And we serious people don’t appreciate your shrillness.
Oh sweet Ignatz’ Brick. I is a heppy heppy Ket.`
I always figured it was the neo-nazis, because your typical winger doesn’t have the command of syntax and punctuation to write a DDOS script. However a Malkin-obsessed teenager could have both the knowhow and spare time.
It’s not just for breakfast anymore.
Oh sweet Ignatz’ Brick. I is a heppy heppy Ket.
That’s what I love about this place – you get some awesome paleo-pop-culture references.
Zip – Pow!
They’re probably whacking off as they whack Sadly, No!
Denial of Service, malformed packets of love
UPD acks like the cooing of a dove
Bouncing off my router like a lover’s gentle touch
If it’s the best you got, eagles, brudah, it ain’t much…
After reading this, I had to drink another 3 cups of coffee, so as to have something to spray out my nose.
Coffee-spraying and facial hair are not a good combination.
Is that why you have been posting like a mad jackrabbit on crack lately, Gavin? Make posts as quickly as possible in order to reduce strain on your poor server being overrun by “reichwingnut DDoS attacks”? That makes sense.
I guess that this has been a problem for you guys for months now, cuz you have been having 503 errors for a long time now. Or was that all the fault of the rightwingnut haxx0rs too?
And you also forgot to mention the Eagles spambot attacks that have managed to circumvent your spam filters and have been poisoning your threads of late. Damn those mischievous rightwingers!
Oh how could I forget! It is the same eagle haxx0rs who are also responsible for the loss of the preview button as well. Man, those Eagle dudes really know how to hack a web site, don’t they?
If nothing else, Limp Shoe, these fake reports of 30,000 chickenhawks, um, Eagles gathering in support of Bush’s War proves that Iraq is going great and our victory is assured! Puh-raise Jeezus!
Dead ragheads make me smile 🙂
Me too, Miss Annie, me too.
Fuck off Marita you namestealing bitch. Mdhatter likes me, sorry if that humiliated you after all the shameless flirting and Annie trashing you put on to try to get his attention.
Shlimp, I’m not making this up. If you don’t believe me I have unofficial National Park Service estimates to back me up. 30,000 DDoS attacks, all coming from Dan Rhiel’s IP. I’ve called up Smokey the Bear into action and he is handling the case; you can forward any further inquiries to him.
Easy, big fella. Public ridicule IS sunlight. First the light, then the ridicule. There is no opposition.
But seriously. Is Gary Ruppert a real person? Who speaks sincerely?
Someone say yes. If only to humor me.
Looser what?
Mr. Wonderful,
Yes, Ruppert’s real and appears to be sincere. Remember though that people namespoof to satirize such idiots. This can make it awfully hard to tell when the real one is around…
Easy, big fella. Public ridicule IS sunlight. First the light, then the ridicule. There is no opposition.
Dude, are you calling me fat?
Good points, Snowwy. But I am the Riehl Dave Broder. Join me and Joe Lieberman in our third way.
Who the fuck is behind the DDOS bullshit and what is up with Shempy and Annie Anal?
I know I know, but I can’t resist responding as if it were real:
Third way, Mr. Broder? To what, a different and even niftier hell than the one we’re on course to right now? Well sure, sign me the fuck up.
Hell hath no fury like a sammich spurned.
“Gavin adds: You know, this is becoming a dysfunctional relationship: If they don’t attack us, I feel they don’t love us anymore.”
How did a namestealer edit the main post???????
I am not really sure.
i’m in at c&l
Fuck off Marita you namestealing bitch. Mdhatter likes me, sorry if that humiliated you after all the shameless flirting and Annie trashing you put on to try to get his attention.
This is freaking awesome, given that it wasn’t even me posting as the aging fitness instructor upthread.
Someone is a little obsessed with me. It would be sad if it wasn’t so funny.
I also like that they’re talking to themselves while pretending to be me.
It’s like, wow, I can do that all the time, and I don’t even need a computer.
Of course it’s awesome, Martika, you got my attention focused on you. Which is obviously what you wanted. You’ve stolen my names many, many times, you envious freak.
You are obsessed with me because mdhatter likes me better than you, even though you threw yourself at him. You steal my name because you want to know what it feels like to be me, you’re SICK.
Get some self-respect!!!!
Why do you have to pretend to be yourself, Gavin?
It sounds like you have some self esteem issues. Couple that with your recent paranoid delusions and I am starting to really wonder about the status of your mental health.
Note: I put Annie and Shoelimpy on moderation tonight because otherwise I’d have to stay up and monitor their antics, with the telling people to fuck off and the pretending to be other commenters, and all the usual what-have-you.
Since I’ll be asleep, I guess I won’t have the chance to moderate the furious comments they leave calling me a pigfucker and a ‘looser.’
That’s what tomorrows are for!
I think he needs to take a break from the internets.
A wise man once said “All things in moderation.” Well, except for moderation.
Good going Gavin! The next V8’s on me.
A wise man once said “All things in moderation.” Well, except for moderation.
Good work Gavin! The next V8’s on me.
Ah, the last resort of the truly lame.
Bet the namestealers won’t be moderated.
Take it easy, Gavin. Thanks for photoshopping my picture, and for treating me like shit. It has been enlightening.
Cheers, love.
Of course it’s awesome, Martika, you got my attention focused on you. Which is obviously what you wanted. You’ve stolen my name many, many times, you envious freak.
You are obsessed with me because mdhatter likes me better than you, even though you threw yourself at him. You steal my name because you want to know what it feels like to be me, you’re SICK.
Get some self-respect!!!!
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
Warning Warning Warning
He Ho Hi Ho Fe Fo Fi Fo Fiddly Dee and Piddly Me
There once was a man named Gavin. He thought that he was tough. He had a magic sword (Spam Karma 2.0)
Unfortunately for Gavin, he didn’t know how to use it. He thought he’d kinda captcha, but he didn’t know what he was afta.
cha cha cha
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /home/.deva/sadlyno/sadlyno.com/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/SK2/sk2_second_chance.php:2
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/.deva/sadlyno/sadlyno.com/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/SK2/sk2_second_chance.php:2) in /home/.deva/sadlyno/sadlyno.com/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/bad-behavior/screener.inc.php on line 8
) in /home/.deva/sadlyno/sadlyno.com/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/pxsmail.php on line 1
Ra! Ra! Ra!
“the pretending to be other commenters”
Like Marita does to me? Like you let anyone who wants to do to me?
I’ve only ever used your name, maybe Brad’s once, and I mean I only did it cuz you said it was fine to do, it was FUN to do you said. I don’t think I’ve done it in a long time anyway, I jsut did it to prove a point, which is why it bugs you, I guess.
Hypocrite is the worst you’ll get from me tonight, baby. But I’m sure I’ll think of something better by tomorrow, that’s what they are for, after all. 🙂
Spam Karma got you down?
Akismet to the rescue! The hero of Edendale! Hooray! Hoorah!
Annie, sometimes things are ‘fine to do’ in some circumstances, but not so fine in others.
When I ask you to cool it a bit, you do the opposite trying to prove that you can get away with it.
That’s why you’re shotgunning comments against the moderation filter tonight — because we need some rest from the nightly clown show.
So what about the person who stole MY name tonight, Gavin?
Is that “fine to do” or what?
I didn’t steal ANYONE’S name, but Marita steals mine all the time, and even if it wasn’t her tonight, what is to make me think it isn’t??
No, you are being a hypocrite, the clown show is yours tonight, my darling.
Wasn’t Marita, I’ll tell you that. And the person who stole your name doesn’t do it every frickin’ night like you and Shoelimpy do. Give it a rest!
Jesus Christ, that’s a lot of pie!
Who’s name do I steal every frickin’ night, Gavin?
You’re losing it, truthfully.
My name gets stolen all the time and so does Shoe’s. You got a problem with SHOE stealing your name, take it up with HIM and don’t take it out on ME.
I have a right to be jsut as pissed as you when someone steals my name, you dig?
You got a problem with SHOE stealing your name, take it up with HIM
Yeah, Gav, really. Look at it this way: better your name than your credit cards.
This thread officially blows.
Gavin, regardless of what you may believe due to your obsession with us, but Miss Annie and I rarely post here. In fact the past couple of days have been the most I have posted here in quite a while. One need only look at your front page, I have posted on 5 out of the 26 posts currently on your front page, less than 20%, and that is for a heavy week of posting on Sadly, No!
Miss Annie and I are namestolen almost every time we come here. The reason you do not see us being namestolen that often is because we rarely post here. I mean really.
Yeah, Gavin. Don’t you know stealing someone’s name on a comment board is a Federal offense punishable by no less then 3 and no more the 6 years?
Shoeangel is kinda like the end of Lamb Chops Playalong, where the muppets start singing, but with less redeeming qualities for their efforts to bring joy and education to the lives of small children with PBS affiliates.
“Yeah, Gav, really. Look at it this way: better your name than your credit cards.”
Gavin thinks namestealing is fun. He doesn’t mind his name being stolen. It is part of the joy of posting on Sadly, No!
You know, when I put you on moderation saying that I want a break from the constant drone of circus noises, please, the wrong response was to sneak in through the back door and keep arguing as though I’d never said anything.
Basically, Shoe and Annie, you have two choices here: Insult us in a more creative and varied way, respecting our love for novelty, or we’ll hand out pie filters in a general disbursement and no one will hear you scream.
Worse than banning, monsieur et madame!
Hey guys, um, … I’m no part of the DDOS attack, but can ya lay off the Ptarmigans?
We’re lefty as they come, just kinda quiet at the moment.
Thanks in advance.
great grey
Miss Annie and I are namestolen almost every time we come here. The reason you do not see us being namestolen that often is because we rarely post here. I mean really.
Oh stop yer whining, you do it all the time at Atrios.
Oooooooo. Balloons!
Now where are the kittens?
Back door?
You know Gavin, you can do whatever you want, really.
Truthfully, I don’t care.
I don’t post here as much as you think.
I don’t namesteal other than that the last time you freaked out I posted with your name and my link, and I don’t really care for uncreative and unamusing breakdown you are currently undergoing and taking out on me.
Do what you feel is real, it’s all good. But don’t be looking in my eyes, I don’t have no candy for you. I’m a real person, despite your deciding whatever you’ve decided and propagated about me.
I mean, I get along with Pinko, AG is my BBF and even Timmah likes me. Why do you have to try to make me into something, and if I don’t perform to your satisfaction tell me to not be me?
It’s whacked. But it’s your board, do as you will.
Annie, just give it up.
You make up shit all the time (Best on the Net?, what net?)
You tried to trash Duncan’s site, it weathered the storm.
Now you and that thing you call Shoe are here?
Grrr, go walk the border why don’t ya.
Atrios?? I haven’t posted there in ages and Shoelimpy has been banned from there since the first time he posted.
And anyway, Ntodd loves me.
Plus I’ve been posting here for a long time, but I’m not actually “allowed” to be considered a real poster. If you’re new, I’d just watch and see.
And anyway, Ntodd loves me.
You might rethink that comment.
Annie, let me explain.
You’re very good at sowing confusion and running people in circles, but ultimately the act is merely boring.
That was about six months ago.
As part of my court mandated community service I’d like to apologize one last time for past support of one, and only ever one, of the pie twins.
Princess, seriously, limp has made you lazy. He’s got a vested interest in keeping you happy, he’s not an impartial critic. Your every random fart is not interesting. Instead of textbook troll “but i have feelings and friends” tactics, why not simply try harder?
*end transmission*
What act Gavin? If I try to join the conversation to politely voice my opinion, I am called horrible names, and if I react, then people say, SEE!!! SHe’s HORRIBLE!! She’s a tranny! She’s really a man! She’s jsut the worst thing ever around!!!
Then the namestealing starts, the funny ones too, like analannie, annietrannie, really creative and amusing might I add.
Cuz you know, Im not a real person. What should I do when someone calls me a tranny, Gavin? Say thankyou?? I usually IGNORE most of the crap that people say about me on here because it is only meant to be demeaning and cheap shots come from cheap minds.
I take WAY more than I dish out. I cna’t help it if I have a strong personality, Gavin and why the HELL should I supress it? So that men don’t sneer at me and call me names? Should I flirt and suck up to people?
Tell me, WHAT SHOULD I DO to be accepted as a person with the right to be treated as a person? CUz like most of the SHIT I dealt with when I first came here had nothing to do with ANYTHING I did here, but rather on my own blogs.
THen it was dogpile on the rabbit. Fun stuff.
Tell me, WHAT SHOULD I DO to be accepted as a person with the right to be treated as a person? CUz like most of the SHIT I dealt with when I first came here had nothing to do with ANYTHING I did here, but rather on my own blogs.
Act like a rational person would be a good start.
Like Jesus, Annie is jsut> alright with me.
Oh shit.
Yes, that’s a good imitation of a wronged person who is misunderstood and indignant.
Just for example, the sudden 180-degree personality shifts and alternate-reality statements of past events aren’t helping. Also the meanness and the special zeal for attacking other women.
Time didn’t start five minutes ago when you decided you wanted to politely voice your opinion and be respected as a real person.
Some crazy weird shit goin’ on over here, I see.
annieangel implodes once again.
Time didn’t start five minutes ago when you decided you wanted to politely voice your opinion and be respected as a real person.
Applause, nicely done Gavin.
I hardly post here Gavin. When I do, women here attack me. First time I came here, celtic girl was all over me. Jillian tells people not to talk to me or they will be shunned. Marita was trashing me ten ways till Sunday to make mdhatter stop talking to me, and when he didn’t she started namestealing me.
You seem to have a personal problem with me that overflows into making it a requirement on this board that everyone esle have one too.
Picking on me is encouraged. I took all your bullshit with good humor, Gavin. And yet you are so hateful toward me that you will twist anything I say to make it look like I am a horrible person. And your “real” commentors just tag along and trash me like it’s a job.
Then why stay here and whine, annie? Enough of the whinging already.
Gavin, why are you taking what I did out on Annie? What perceived wrongs has she done to you? Why do you have to pick on a woman, when she has done you know wrong? What has she done on this thread tonight other than defend herself against someone stealing her name? Absolutely nothing.
I’m defending myself and my character, that is not whining.
I’m defending myself and my character, that is not whining.
You have no charachter.
I’ve watched you for 2 years now, don’t get all flattered, but you have none.
You do more harm to the causes you espouse than you do good.
Now, go ask for your account to be deleted.
And doing a damn poor job of it, annie. Best to fall silent; every word you utter proves the case of those who castigate you.
Or keep on spouting off, it makes me no never mind.
What’s the real problem Gavin? I wasn’t actually around enough for you and your buddies to kick so you created a situation where you all could trash Annie some more?
I’m mystified.
What’s the real problem Gavin? I wasn’t actually around enough for you and your buddies to kick so you created a situation where you all could trash Annie some more?
I’m mystified.
Ahem,…. reputation mean anting to ya?
And Barry from Alaska, or Great Grey, yes I know it’s you, you’re just mad that you lost that bet almsot a year ago on Atrios, when you said that your site would be busier than Blogging Points, right before I wrote Good Christian Wife.
You never paid up, either.
HuH??? The middle-aged straight guy with the multiple sockpuppets is here feeding a steady stream of pie to the regulars? *sigh*
And Barry from Alaska, or Great Grey, yes I know it’s you, you’re just mad that you lost that bet almsot a year ago on Atrios, when you said that your site would be busier than Blogging Points, right before I wrote Good Christian Wife.
Stay away from the brown acid.
Just something I learned a long time ago Annie.
WTF are you talking about?
Get some help annieangel….seriously. I don’t do a lot of posting here, but I read these threads quite a bit. You aren’t a normal RW disruptor. You got some psychological issues that require professional help. Posting under multiple sockpersonalities is starting to erode your primary personna’s grip on reality. Perhaps the stress of seeing your pResident becoming the incredible shrinking decider is having a deleterious effect on your ability to post coherent and interesting thoughts. Please get help…I fear we’ll soon see a complete mental breakdown and the emergence of a new personality, posting as sybilangel…….or worse, michelleangel.
What? The brown acid is the best… or was it the ones with Illuminati on them?
And taking large quantities of it might be only way to decode the pie that the middle-aged guy with the multiple sockpuppets feeds people.
Now how did rorschach sneak in here?
Point of clarification: I only warned the board about AA after having witnessed the rather spectacular/craptacular alcohol fuelled implosion at The General’s sometime previously. Of course, by ponting out our new interloper, she turned her full venom on me and hasn’t quit since. She’s patricularly fond of me being a pagan – just ask her.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
There must be something in DSM-IV for her/it.
Now how did rorschach sneak in here?
Why are you at the German bar with the Phlips running it?
Gavin knows where I am, he knows where Shoe is and he knows that we are in two different places.
Barry, you know exactly what I am talking about. But deny it all you want, I really don’t care aobut you as much as you obviously care about me.
Night everyone, don’t let the fact I’m not here stop the bash fest.
I really have no problem with you Gavin, when you don’t go all crazy. I’m actually quite easy to get along with if I’m shown respect. But I don’t take shit from idiots when it’s not meant in fun. Nor should I have to.
Ban me if you want, I really don’t care. It’s up to you.
Try to chill out a bit.
Now how did rorschach sneak in here?
Dudeete, it’s not us that need to chill.
Get a puppy.
Wow, Limpnanny is getting desperate for someone to call him names.
All those tales of ‘bannings’ must be true.
You might want to be careful Limpnanny or you’re going to have to go back to having to pay someone to call you names.
Did I sneak? I thought I was skulking.
celticgirl – the middle aged guy with the multiple sockpuppets is particularly fond of anything potentially controversial aka flamebait. It’s not fond of any particular issue or stand on an issue, it’s fond of the flamebait. If it needs to exploit some flame bait that one sockpuppet is ill suited for, then it dons another persona to stir up the flame wars.
“Did I sneak? I thought I was skulking.”
Skulking? I’m going to need to see your skulking permit.
Oh TDTL: If I only had a nickle for every time it called me a “Christ-pisser” or told me I was going to hell, needed to repent, etc.
Just watch – AA will have loads to say about what happened both at the General’s and when she first showed up here. Unfortunately, it will have nothing to do with reality.
Gavin, I really like the idea of that pie scrip. In fact, I was going to suggest it myself a few days ago. I say go for it.
Previewie! Here boy! Come back, we miss you soooooooooooo!
Just watch – AA will have loads to say about what happened both at the General’s
I’m sorry, was out, but did AA take a dump at Jesus’ place tonight too?
Man, shoelimpy must have gotten a new Rovian grant.
celticgirl – unfortunately it gets a nickel (or the psychic equivalent) every time someone responds to its low information insults.
Which is why the pie script is a great thing. (except that the add-on isn’t available yet for 3.0a3)
Which is why the pie script is a great thing. (except that the add-on isn’t available yet for 3.0a3)
Spelling Tom, and it’s version 3.14
I thought the pie script was a greasemonkey script, which filtered all of the bogons, like a roll your own scroll troll filter.
works with:
Firefox 1.5 – 2.0.0.* ALL
not with Firefox 3.0a3
You know, I can only take so much pie. More fun and entertaining would be a rotation, say something like a permanent AA/Limpdick comment filter:
“Awwwwwww, kittens!”
“Ponies for everyone!”
“Mmmmmmm, Pie!”
“Pay attention to MEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Rinse, repeat.
Gavin, your attempt at reasonable dialogue with the trolls is admirable, but it’s really past that point by now, isn’t it? I mean, this isn’t Chamberlain at Munich anymore….it’s more like Chamberlain at Stalingrad. Or Inchon. Or My Lai. Or Tikrit.
There just comes a point where not only does explaining not help, it actually starts to hurt, I think.
The fact is, you liberals are not allowing reasonable discourse by banning and ridiculing quite reasonable conservative viewpoints, such as mine and those of missannieangel and shoelimpy. It’s OK for liberals to use profanity and hurl insults, but when you get it back you can’t take it and result to Nazi techniques to quell free speech. Those of us in the Heartland are wise to your tactics.
Tell me, WHAT SHOULD I DO to be accepted as a person with the right to be treated as a person? ”
Um, you are not a person. You are a pair of legs on a pic and a fantasy gurlfren of LimpDicky. That is all.
The fact is, explaining is bipartisan. And Gary is right. When you make fun of statements like the earth is flat, then they don’t seem so reasonable anymore. Which is like, totally partisan.
Our national discourse needs to take all views into account…the earth is flat, Jesus loves bombing foreigners, the earth was invented 6,000 years ago, torture is acceptable, and trees cause pollution.
(Of course, our national discourse doesn’t really need to take liberal viewpoints into account, because they’re not serious…not like mine.)
“What act Gavin? If I try to join the conversation to politely voice my opinion, I am called horrible names, and if I react, then people say, SEE!!! SHe’s HORRIBLE!! She’s a tranny! She’s really a man! She’s jsut the worst thing ever around!!!”
annieangel is Ann Coulter? this is a turn upforthe books. major kudos Gavin, for the celebrity endorsement
Being DDoS-ed by these losers really should be seen as the highest accolade for this here snark site. It means that you are witty and funny enough to really get on their weak-ass nerves.
OT: Watching Kimberly Kagan, wife of Fred Kagan and sister-in-law of Robert Kagan, on CSPAN. I’ve never seen her in action before. She is completely unhinged. First, she’s a major shouter. Everything comes out with a raised voice and furrowed brow. She’s hocking her “Iraq Report,” which appears to be a heavily footnoted but entirely empty bit of administration fluffing. The overall performance reminds me of a somewhat clever, but angry and poorly informed, undergraduate.
Of course she’s an ancient historian (so many of the wingnuts think they are), so there’s no particular reason for her to know anything whatsoever about Iraq.
I love watching pie burn…burn pie, BURN!
Gavin, your attempts to engage on the human, okay-no-bullshit-for-a-minute level with the negative attention trolls is admirable but misplaced. They are not here to discuss, debate, criticize, or entertain; they are here to disrupt; to derail and filibuster.
Perhaps I’m reading too much into all this silliness, but it seems to me that The Pie Twins vs. SadNo exemplifies a larger, systemic problem that we more liberal types have when it comes to negotiating the rules of debate. We start with the desire for (and presumption of) fairness. Suppression of dissent and disagreement is anathema to us and if we are going to use our power, it is going to be on the side of the Little Guy, the unpopular view. We understand how crucial free expression is and we bend over backwards to ensure that every pain in the ass gets to have their say. This is doubly true when we have the technical or institutional power to ban and suppress– we take the responsibility for making sure that no one gets bulldozed very seriously and shutting people down is always the last resort.
The problem is that many on the other end of the ideological spectrum do not share this commitment to fairness. They have no qualms about pulling the plug on someone who disagrees, or who says things in a way that they don’t like. Worst of all, they prey on our fears of becoming the oppressor. When called to account for disruptive behavior they scream “oppression!” and “I thought you Libruls were all about inclusion and Free Speech!!!” They cynically use our best intentions against us, knowing that we will always stop and check ourselves (and often withhold consequences) to make sure we aren’t really oppressing them.
Unfortunately, the pattern plays out like clockwork: Liberals advance a position that seeks to offer the greatest freedom to the largest number of people, authoritarians mine that position to find the rough edges that take away their ability to dominate and scream about how unfair it all is, Liberals roll back on their heels, second-guess themselves and defer. This manipulation of our core value of fairness is how, ultimately, America is in the state its in now: where a tiny minority of those with far-right authoritarian views dominate the national discourse.
My point is this, Gav: you will never negotiate a fair social contract with someone who has no interest in fairness. Your aversion to pulling the plug on the Pie Twins is a credit to your character but you’ve done more than enough already to accommodate them and they will never meet you half way. Hell, its not even fun anymore to watch the SadNo regulars (all of whom should know better) flap around like chickens everytime Shoeangel pinches a loaf on the rug.
Enough already. End it.
Hell, its not even fun anymore to watch the SadNo regulars (all of whom should know better) flap around like chickens everytime Shoeangel pinches a loaf on the rug.
Not seeing much of this anymore. When they show up, I sigh and go read a book for the duration. Lots of missing names in this thread indicate I’m not alone.
The fact is, you liberals are not allowing reasonable discourse by banning and ridiculing quite reasonable conservative viewpoints
. . . says the guy whose name links to a site that screams “You are not authorized to comment.”
My two cents, adjusted for inflation. I have been offended, appalled and irritated by those idiots. Then along came John Galt, and the Greasemonkey script, and I no longer was subjected to their innanities, banalities and provocation. But then I noticed another dynamic, probably there all along, but concealed by the sturm und drang of the very assholes that created it. And that is this Thread Derailment Syndrome ™. One of the proprieters puts up something of interest, the commentariat begins to party with it, sharing views and making teh funny with people we enjoy interacting with, and along comes bennie and the jets or whatever, tipping over the furniture and crapping on the rug until the entire discussion is about them, what they are doing, what we should do with them, them them.
Sadly, No is part of my daily entertainment. Like Cspan or the giants or blogger or books or magazines or whatever. As such, these fucking idiots have it within their power to disrupt a part of my life, and that kind of pisses me off.
Seriously. Your open comments position is admirable. But it’s substantially reducing the quality and value of the product. Sometimes you need to go out of policy to fix a crisis. Just ask the people who brought you tylenol…
That Greasemonkey script is truly a thing of beauty.
The pie thing could be fun. But I like PZ Meyer’s approach at Pharyngula. The more egregious trolls have their posts disemvoweled–don’t know how that works, but it’s a charm.
Smilin’ Mort: Not seeing much of this anymore. When they show up, I sigh and go read a book for the duration. Lots of missing names in this thread indicate I’m not alone.
Probably true. I suspect there are casualties of Teh Great Sandwich War that haven’t wandered back, too.
Gavin, regardless of what you may believe due to your obsession with us, but Miss Annie and I rarely post here.
That Annie Angel moron could well be solely responsible for the server going down.
my cats breath smells like ice cream
camel’s breath tea is really yummy… my cat’s breath isn’t.
What? I’m delirious with exhaustion… again.
The pie thing could be fun.
It IS fun. Having your trolls say something cheerful and agreeable is quite nice. It’s then that you realize, however, that your nemeses are the people that the trolls can hook.
But I like PZ Meyer’s approach at Pharyngula. The more egregious trolls have their posts disemvoweled–don’t know how that works, but it’s a charm.
Since this is some kinda laff-riot blog, why not enpooperation? Replace all vowels with “poop”. That’d be classy.
Since this is some kinda laff-riot blog, why not enpooperation? Replace all vowels with “poop�. That’d be classy.
After enpooperation:
Spoopncpoop thpoops poops spoopmpoop kpoopndpoop lpoopff-rpooppoopt blpoopg, why npoopt poopnppooppoopppooprpooptpooppoopn? Rpoopplpoopcpoop poopll vpoopwpoopls wpoopth “ppooppoopp�. Thpoopt’d bpoop clpoopssy.
That is good. I’ll have to see if I can automate that.
Y’know, I think I’d go with “poo” instead of “poop” so that my four-year-old would have a better time reading it:
Spooncpoo thpoos poos spoompoo kpoondpoo lpooff-rpoopoot blpoog, why npoot poonppoopooppoorpootpoopoon? Rpooplpoocpoo pooll vpoowpools wpooth “ppoopoop�. Thpoot’d bpoo clpoossy.
oh. my. lord.
that is awesome
I’m warning you, if you keep this up, I’m going to have to repeat an old joke about ‘irritable vowel syndrome’.