Moons Over Mark Noonan’s Hammy

Above: Sometimes contains Olestra

Gavin, Brad, you guys were right. Reading Mark Noonan is like eating Pringles; once you pop, you can’t stop:

It puzzles me that Ghandi [sic] is considered a great man. The only reason his non-violent independence movement worked is because the British simply weren’t willing to put in the effort necessary to maintain their power in India. Non-violence works splendidly when the other side is determined to not use violence.

Indeed. Why don’t the peaceniks hold the British army in the same high esteem? After all, the soldiers were the real peace activists in this equation by choosing not to mow down this swarthy hippie and his followers, whose protests upset the status quo and possibly disturbed the peace. You dig?

Had someone tried Ghandi’s [sic] tactics in contemporary Russia, Italy, Germany or Japan, they would have been shot. And yet this man, who was mostly humbug, is revered around the world – especially by our anti-war left.

Humbug? Well, Happy Holidays to you, too, Mr. Scrooge!

Gavin adds: Not only would Gandhi have been shot, but Martin Luther King would have been in great danger.

As a Christian, I am commanded to turn the other cheek – but doing that doesn’t mean what most anti-war people think it means.

Please say, “Moons over my hammy.” Please say, “Moons over my hammy.” Please say, “Moons over my hammy.”

In most Christian thinking, it has to do with mortifying the desire for revenge [Ed. note: Dang.], no matter how great the offense. For me, I expand it a bit and say that I have no actual right to self defense – if you strike me on the cheek, I am to turn to you the other. I realise that this is a minority view (heck, I might be the only person who feels this way about it), but it makes sense to me. In this, I am as non-violent as Ghandi [sic] ever was.

Flinching when someone points out an errant smudge of mustard is not technically the same as turning the other cheek, Dr. King. It’s sad, but it doesn’t make you a spiritual leader.

Be that as it may, I believe that I have a moral obligation to prevent someone, unprovoked, from striking someone else. In other words, whack me across the face to your heart’s content, but as soon as you try to strike the man next to me, you’ll find me standing in your way, fighting in defense of your target … We cannot ever allow, if we can possibly prevent it, an unprovoked attack upon another human being – however hard it might be, we must prevent such attacks, and deter people in the future from even trying such attacks.

In case you’d already forgotten, this post started out as an invective against the anti-war left, who tried to stop an unprovoked attack on Iraq and would like to prevent such an attack on Iran, which Noonan eagerly awaits.

The error of the peace movement is that while it stands safe in the west, with a phalanx of police and armies defending it against those who would shoot them for their actions, it pretends it has no moral obligation to defend those who are being attacked without cause. It is for a very narrow peace – their own peace; the peace movement doesn’t really care if their brothers in foreign lands are being mown down by the bushel, as long as here at home we have peace. Oh, to be sure, they’ll be officially outraged by such depredations, but they won’t actually agree that we should do anything about them.

I suppose this doesn’t meet the clinical standard for projection; after all, conservatives don’t even pretend to be outraged by bushels of mowed-down Iraqis, officially or unofficially. But now my head meets the clinical standard for dizzy.

Gavin adds: So can we nuke Iran yet, or is there still some sophistry to patch together? Perhaps we can erect a giant cement cheek at the border and wait for some kids to huck a rock at it.


Comments: 112


I know you are but what am I? the hell?? 100 monkeys typing could do better than this dreck. Please explain to me how people like the inestimable Mr. Moonman get paid to opine on any subject that enters their heads. Inexplicable.


Oh, come on, Mark. Nobody, I say NOBODY is buying this stinking load. As a justification for the invasion and occupation of Iraq, it is so weak that it is the least used and last resorted-to of any of the myriad reasons the wingnuts offer. I mean, if you really mean it, why do you call for attacking Iran (currently mowind down no one) rather than, say, air strikes on Omdurman or inserting a battalion of Rangers into Northern Uganda to take down the LRA? Hmm. No oil?

No, sorry, nobody’s gonna buy your compassionate genocide explanation. You’re just too bloodthirsty for anyone to believe you actually support killing on an industrial scale as a way to alleviate the suffering of your fellow man. Sure, you want to watch the real-time video as Bradleys sweep through villiages, 25 mike mikes chattering, watch the guys stop and pop a 203 round into a hut, dry your palms as a fire team moves under the covering fire of a 240 Bravo. But your excuses for why you want it are, well, wanting. Ghandi was consistent. A man of peace, demanding peace. You are a hypocrite, claiming a desire for peace while demanding endless war…


Principal Blackman

Please explain to me how people like the inestimable Mr. Moonman get paid to opine on any subject that enters their heads.

Wingnut Welfare is a helluva drug.


You have polluted my magnificent brain with this crazy shit to many times, and one day I will have my revenge upon you. One day, Travis!


Well, I just made a foray into Blogs4Bush and I gotta tell ya, I was lucky to escape. It is like a parallel universe and the comments are priceless. I just took some more meds-it’s the only way to deal. I especially like the ad that cajoles you to cheer because another tree was chopped down. Where do these people live?


Trying to engage these people in a cogent argument would be like arguing with a drunk. They have a knack for contradicting themselves in a single sentence. I used to throw some comments in Clownhall just to irk them but found myself the one getting peevish so I quit. One of them called me a foolish pop-tart. The noive. A 58 yo pop-tart. Jaysus.


This is what I posted as a comment on Noonan’s site –
Without going into the substance of your post, and whether you are capable of commenting on events half a world away and before your time, allow me to ask you to at least spell his name right. It’s Gandhi. The way you have it spelled, it is the transliteration of a pejorative.

Your knowledge of India’s independence struggle seems to have a few (gaping) holes, as witnessed by your ignorance of the various acts of violence the British Raj engaged in. The British had shown a strong tendency and capability to engage in violence. The reason the British left was because the entire country of India wanted them out. There are quite a few history books that discuss this subject very effectively.

It also appears that you have no problem with one country/race/people ruling another. This seems rather strange considering you are a resident (perhaps even a citizen) of the USA.

Wonder if he’ll allow it…


Shit, yeah, those British troops sure were peaceful when they gunned down thousands of unarmed men, women and children at Amritsar.

Yes, the British general in charge paid with his head. But there many, especially in the Raj, who applauded.


Not only wingnut welfare. Have you ever read Bronson in the cinti enguirer of course you haven’t if you had your brains would be infested by maggots. Be warned the stupidity is contagious . Have you ever been knocked down in the mud and kicked in the head with a steel toed boot.

Principal Blackman

Great comment, dm, but consider yourself warned: Noonan fancies himself quite the history buff, even though most of his pronouncements about history are, well, fucking nuts. He will snidely proclaim his knowledge to be superior while making some downright ignorant statements.


He shares a (symbolic) physical feature with Lee Raymond, but I won’t specify what it is.

I have vicious vicious stomach crampz after reading that. Thanks Noonany Olestra!


He will snidely proclaim his knowledge to be superior while making some downright ignorant statements.

That’s standard operating procedure for wingnuts, from DIck Cheney to Ann Coulter to Gary Ruppert.

Buckeye Hamburger

Well hell, we’ve seen this shtick for six years now. When reality, with its well-known liberal bias, flat-out contradicts what the Bushbrains want to believe, they just make shit up.

Yeah, that Ghandi [sic] fucker lucked out that the gentlemanly British occupiers were such a bunch of non-violent little prisses. Bastard might have been shot; ya think?


Had someone tried Ghandi’s [sic] tactics in contemporary Russia, Italy, Germany or Japan, they would have been shot. And yet this man, who was mostly humbug, is revered around the world – especially by our anti-war left.

Yes, the non-violent types live dangerous lives in contemporary Germany.

And if he means contemporary of Gandhi, he’s right. They would have been shot. It’s a good thing Gandhi wasn’t assassinated because of his belief in non-violence, otherwise Noonan’s point would be mangled beyond….Oh wait.

Finally, it’s a good thing non-violent moral, economic and political persuasion had nothing in the least to do with the fall of the Soviet Union and that we had to kill every last Russian with a neutron bomb and waves after waves of armies, because otherwise, Gandhi would look like a fucking jerk.

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

Finally, it’s a good thing non-violent moral, economic and political persuasion had nothing in the least to do with the fall of the Soviet Union and that we had to kill every last Russian with a neutron bomb and waves after waves of armies, because otherwise, Gandhi would look like a fucking jerk.

Well done, that man.

Apropos of nothing, my favourite mangled saying is “The proof is in the pudding”. What, with the fucking sixpences? Never having been much of a cook, I clearly never learned that proof is an ingredient of pudding just like files are an ingredient of cakes.

Huh, four sets of tags. See how many I’ve fucked up…

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

She rides! Yes, four from four, this cat is cookin’.

Smiling Mortician

It puzzles me that Ghandi [sic] is considered a great man.

It puzzles me that anyone other than a student whose grade depends on writing a summary of this article could go beyond this sentence. No offense intended, Travis. Your willingness to take one for the team once again fills me with gratitude and awe.


“In other words, whack me across the face to your heart’s content…”

Now I’m getting confused. Do I have to do it with my penis?


Is Mark Noonan going to argue in the future that Martin Luther King should have been dealt with violently and shouldn’t be a revered figure for his commitment to nonviolent social change?


Ghandi [sic]…Ghandi [sic]…Ghandi [sic]

For shame, Mr. Noonan. This would not have happened if you had checked Conservapedia:


Gandhi’s last name is very frequently spelled incorrectly as “Ghandi,” perhaps because “g-h” is a common digraph in English while “d-h” is not.
It is correctly spelled G-a-n-d-h-i.

From the Mohandas K. Gandhi entry.

Incontinentia Buttocks

Non-violence works splendidly when the other side is determined to not use violence.

Actually the history of nonviolent activism in this country suggests that the exact opposite might be the case.

MLK’s strategy of nonviolence worked most successfully in places like Selma where nonviolent civil rights workers were met with violence. The violent response led to public outcry at a national level and, eventually, federal intervention.

In places like Albany, Georgia, where local segregationist authorities were clever enough not to react violently, the movement faltered.


“I expand it a bit and say that I have no actual right to self defense – if you strike me on the cheek, I am to turn to you the other. ”

If someone struck Nooner on the cheek he’d blubber like a baby.


Too much time playing video games. Sorry, it just doesn’t work like that in the real world. More likely, they’d grab him by the hair, drive a thumb in his eye, pull his head back and drive an elbow into his throat and ride him down, landing with a knee on his ribs as his head hits the floor. It’s fast, hard and ugly, don’t pretend it’s the movies or something…



Turn the other cheek indeed. Heh…



FWIW, Noonan is apparently taking more or less the same position on Gandhi that George Orwell took, though Noonan doesn’t seem to be aware of this:

klein's tiny left nut

Yes, Gandhi would have been shot . . . hmmm, I bet that never occurred to him. Oh and his acolyte King, he would have been shot too. Thank god those guys lived in India and the U.S. or something bad might have happened to them.


“The only reason his non-violent independence movement worked is because the British simply weren’t willing to put in the effort necessary to maintain their power in India.”

Christ. That’s the equivalent of saying, “the only reason Sports Team X lost was because Sports Team Y scored more points.”
And is made even more retarded by his suggestion that Gandhi wasn’t shot.

The very power of passive-resistive non-violent protest is that, by it’s very nature, it saps the oppressor’s will to use violent means to stop it.
It’s a whole lot easier to macho it up and send in the marines with riot gear when you’re dealing with punks in masks throwing Molotov’s, instead of mom sitting in a bus stop a knitting a sweater.

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

If someone struck Nooner on the cheek he’d blubber like a baby.

Neener neener Nooner!

(shakes self) I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I think this right wing lunacy is catching.


In other words, whack me across the face to your heart’s content[…]

Well! Allrighty then!

klein's tiny left nut

Isn’t Jeff Goldstein the one who specializes in face wacking?

Oh Christ I hope I don’t bring him over here.


Oops. It seems MrWonderful already made that joke, more-or-less. Today’s Blog Lesson, #4329 is, “Read the entire fucking comment thread before you post, nimrod!! BLAARRGGHH!!1″


Uh, my first comment, not klein’s tiny left nut’s joke. And, now that I’ve milked whatevah humor can be found in a st00pid Noonerz right out of this comments thread, off I go to destroy others….


Umm, thanks??


klein's tiny left nut

And I apologize to Mr. Wonderful for missing his Goldstein reference — please don’t slap me.

klein's tiny left nut

It was the Klonopin talking.


In other words, whack me across the face to your heart’s content, but as soon as you try to strike the man next to me, you’ll find me standing in your way, fighting in defense of your target …

Uhm Markie? Shouldn’t you just be there to offer up your cheeks?


Actually Solidarity did try Gandhi’s tactics in Poland and it spelled the end of communism. But let’s forget that little bit of inconvenient history.


Uhm Markie? Shouldn’t you just be there to offer up your cheeks?

Hee hee! : >


Moons Over Mark Noonan’s Hammy

Umm…what does a certain uncommon squirrel have to do with wingnut welfare? And why’s he here getting corrupted by Mark Noonan instead of R. J., like usual?


Shorter Mark Noonan: Only I can bellyfeel non-violent resistance!!!!!111!!!1!1!!!1!!11!1!1!


Had someone tried Ghandi’s [sic] tactics in contemporary Russia, Italy, Germany or Japan, they would have been shot.

Funny, the Tianamen Square guy wasn’t in any of the countries Noonan mentioned, was he.


That’s standard operating procedure for wingnuts, from DIck Cheney to Ann Coulter to Gary Ruppert.

Heh. No kidding. I was once on this message board at a certain site aimed at college students (which is currently undergoing remodeling, so some all of the relevant features are gone). Some wingnut who had sort of made a name for himself on the message board had a gay-bashing thread complaining that the APA and other profesional psychiatry associations had de-listed homosexuality from their list of mental disorders. I utterly spanked his ass from a Kantian perspective, at which point he chimes in with something along the lines of “I know Kant better than you, you stupid librul,” makes a completely asinine claim about Kant, at which point several other fellow board members jumped in on my side and gave him the Jeff Goldstein treatment. Needless to say, shortly afterward, he deleted the entire thread so that there’d be no electronic evidence of just how badly he got reamed.


The peace movement stands safely in the west, while the pro-war crowd sits safely in the west.


Non-violence works splendidly when the other side is determined to not use violence.

Makes you wonder how the hippie British took over India in the first place, being so determined to not use violence and all.

Had someone tried Ghandi’s [sic] tactics in contemporary Russia, Italy, Germany or Japan, they [sic] would have been shot.

Right, that’s the kind of “effort” the British would’ve needed to “put in” to hang onto India. Killing an unlimited number of Indians would’ve solved everything. That approach really worked out well for the leaders of those countries. If you can call an Army hanging or being shot in a shitty courtyard by some jeering 16-year-old guerillas and having your body reduced to a sack of blood and broken bones by an enraged mob “success”.


If y’all are looking for some good, good lunacy on an early Saturday morning (and who isn’t?), check this out….


Those lily-livered British starved a million Indians to death during World War II, but I guess that’s just another fact down the memory hole. The idea that the state that fought two wars for the right to smuggle opium would stay its hand out of humanism is extremly laughable.


Surprised? Then let me share with you the true meaning of environmentalism.

What is Environmentalism?
Environmentalism is an atheistic political movement advocating the establishment of an omnipotent communist dictatorship via the manipulation of scientific data, the obstruction of self-sufficient energy policies, and the abolishment of private property ownership. Intricately designed and cleverly desguised, it swallows the innocent and transfigures their very existence into an occult devotee obsessed with destroying the free-market system.

Thanks, Jillian. And now I’ll head over to the Washington Post, for some Fred Hiatt and Dave Broder mumblety-jumbo.


Gifford Pinchot, bomb-throwing anarchist.

Edward Abbey, disciple of Helena Blavatsky.

This new learning amazes me.


And speaking of “occult devotees obsessed with destroying the free-market system”…..

Has anyone else heard about the possibility that George W. Bush might be the grandson of Aleister Crowley?

My goodness, it’s a strange day.

Smiling Mortician

I didn’t get it at first, but thank goodness I stuck it out to the punchline:

There is no more powerful weapon than the truth.

Now that’s funny.


Just as an index as to socially acceptable levels of government-sanctioned violence: if modern England were run according to the Henry VIII model (not so very long ago), something on the order of 8300 thieves would be boiled to death each year. (USA under the same model, 50,000.)


Noonan’s responses to commenters (he hasn’t responded to mine, which much to my surprise, made it past the filter) give yet another strong exemplar of the phrase “blithering imbecile”. It is astounding that this guy actually made it into the US armed forces and was there for some number of years.

Thankfully, I have now realized what y’all have known for a long time now – don’t attempt to engage in conversation with somebody who clearly is incapable of participating in a conversation…


While checking out Clownhall this morning, I came across this intrguing article – ABORTED FETUS SINGS. I didn’t have the stamina to read it too early in the morning.
Mammy, oh my little mammy……


I just read it, and that’ll larn me. I’ve got to remember that “I didn’t have the stamina to read it” doesn’t mean “Triple Dog Dare Ya.”

How the hell do Gavin and Co. slog through Townhall articles — multiple Townhall articles, mind you — and not emerge punch-drunk and drooling?

Guys, I commend you on your mental fortitude. I couldn’t get through one of those things without a visit to the vomitorium.


Chairman-kudos for taking one for the team. I had to quit reading this stuff that’s written for the mentalhealth-impaired. After a while, reading these articles will cause constipation, undue stress and tooth decay.


When I would comment on that site I would say that I was a Catholic and that I resented being called a christian and that I believed in abortion and gay marriage. Whoa Nelly, the response was bombastic and really funny..


Did you tell them you ate babies and practiced devylishe black magick, too? Forsooth… 😀 Ye know how these Papistes are!


That just reminded me of Mel Brooks’ History of the World. The Inquisition what a show! Actually we only drink the blood of babies and toss the rest.
Oh yeah, I’d also ask them which version of the Bible they were quoting (and they do endlessly) because the Douay version is the only true bible. The King James version came about after Henry VIII couldn’t get a quicky divorce from Rome so he just had his wives murdered, most of them anyway. It really doesn’t take a lot to rile them up.



Jillian said,
March 17, 2007 at 13:54
If y’all are looking for some good, good lunacy on an early Saturday morning (and who isn’t?), check this out….

You can always tell a wingnut by their comment policy:

Comments Via E-mail
Should you be compelled to respond to any material posted on this website, you should be aware that the body of your e-mail may be made public to all other visitors to this site. Unless you specifically request to remain anonymous, I may post your name and last initial, as well as your city, state and country. Don’t like it? Then don’t comment.

We’re right, and if you disagree we’ll tell the world who you are and where you live.


I had to quit reading this stuff that’s written for the mentalhealth-impaired.

Actually, it’s not recommended for the mental-health impaired. Just the reality-impaired.

I saw one author on the Daily Show who described Bush as a “Manichean paranoiac”–i.e., he thinks he’s in a battle against the forces of Teh Great Evil, and they’re all out to get him. I think that’s a great description of the wingnut mindset.


The fact is, whether you liberals like it or not, if Ghandi and Dr. King had had firearms to defend themselves, they both might still be hear today.


You’re right Dorothy. If you make an attempt to disagree or make an argument, they all pile on and/or start quoting the bible. So I stopped supplying ammo and hopefully they will turn on and devour each other.
As for Bush, he’s on a mission alright. If only someone would take the car keys away. Beneath that thin veneer of’ ‘Aw shucks’ is a very twisted psyche. And no doubt a very mean drunk.
Speaking of which it’s almost time to spray paint myself green and find my clogs. I have to stay in though, I am way too old to be rolling around on barroom floors.


Wait did you hear something? Perhaps a Gary Ruppert wanna-be? And who’d wanna?


they both might still be hear today.

Dood, they’re deaD, not deaF. Their biggest problem at this point is NOT their hearing…



Scuse me mista, but Real Gary spells better.

P.S. If Gandhi falls in the woods, does anybody hear him?

P.P.S. Had cops only been carrying firearms, they would have been able to defend themselves and everybody else from David Garvin, who had also just shot an innocent restaurant employee on the streets of Greenwich Village.

P.P.P.S. Oh wait.

Teh Giant Sammich

Dorothy: I saw one author on the Daily Show who described Bush as a “Manichean paranoiac�

Not just any old author, Zbigniew Brzezinski.


Ooops, forgot I was still wearing my Giant Sandwich underoos…


A sandwich is a sandwich, but a Man Witch is a meal!


Ok, sure, that’s likely fake gary, but the wingnuttian idea that gandhi should have been packin heat is hilarious and deserves recognition. I got this image of gandhi doing an endorsement on the outdoor channel for team walther…



“after 30 days of fasting, i need a gun with low recoil. the walther has the stopping power to..”


Just stopped by that Anti-Environmental site. Holy shit. I quote: “And that is why the same generation that is being manipulated via crossword puzzles on milk cartons must be educated fully on the subject of anthropomorphic climate change’. I went to the ‘About Us’ section and it seems that they (?) are not of this earth but Saturn.

Smiling Mortician

Yes, it’s wrong of me, but I am at this moment picturing kingubu’s sammich underoos.


How come more people aren’t scared and angry over what this administration has done over the last 6+ years and is still doing?


I actually don’t know anyone who isn’t scared and angry. But we’ve learned, unfortunately, that for the system to work, it requires people, at some level at least, to play by the rules. At some point, the rule of law requires restraint on the part of people with power. This administration, abetted by a horribly complicit congress and an utterly co-opted governmental administration, not to mention a cowed, terrified civil service, has proven that they cannot be stopped, not in anything resembling real time.

Fear and anger have no sway over utter powerlessness…



OK I was snickering until I started comparing Bab’s facial features with Crowley’s. Now I need a shower.


The fact is, Environmentalism is an atheistic political movement advocating the establishment of an omnipotent communist dictatorship via the manipulation of scientific data, the obstruction of self-sufficient energy policies, and the abolishment of private property ownership. Intricately designed and cleverly desguised, it swallows the innocent and transfigures their very existence into an occult devotee obsessed with destroying the free-market system.


Re: Brzezinski

In his prepared statement for testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (2/1/07), Brzezinski used the term Manichean twice (pdf):

The war in Iraq is a historic, strategic, and moral calamity. Undertaken under false assumptions, it is undermining America’s global legitimacy. Its collateral civilian casualties as well as some abuses are tarnishing America’s moral credentials. Driven by Manichean impulses and imperial hubris, it is intensifying regional instability.


One should note here also that practically no country in the world shares the Manichean delusions that the Administration so passionately articulates. The result is growing political isolation of, and pervasive popular antagonism toward the U.S. global posture.


The result is growing political isolation of, and pervasive popular antagonism toward the U.S. global posture.

We can’t help it if other countries hate us for our freedommand our ability to spread it around, our track record, our power.

Worst. President. Ever.

our ability to spread it around

You talkin’ about Pox News, Gare-bear?


Ok, sure, that’s likely fake gary, but the wingnuttian idea that gandhi should have been packin heat is hilarious and deserves recognition. I got this image of gandhi doing an endorsement on the outdoor channel for team walther…

“How many times has this happened to you? You want to mount a peaceful, non-violent protest movement to expel foreign interlopers from your native land. But your opponents have guns, and the capacity for exceptionally brutal violence. How can you get your message of brotherhood and pacisfism across in the face of such a threat? Well, let me tell you, nothing says ‘I’m non-violent so get the hell out of my face, motherfucker’ like Smith & Wesson.”


I’ve always been fascinated by how well-educated and seemingly reasonable people can believe fervently in the most bald-faced nonsense. When I was young lad it was things like Bigfoot or the CIA killed Kennedy, etc. Wingnuts, however, take it to a whole other level. For them it’s not just enough to believe in the nonsense but they are constantly evangelizing it no less.

Ruppert: If you want to know what folks around here think of you, imagine you have a cousin that keeps writing you letters about the impending UFO takeover of America. You might be able to appreciate his earnestness but wouldn’t you be constantly flabbergasted by how anyone could believe such things?

Well here we are reading such blatant nonsense as “We can’t help it if other countries hate us for our freedommand our ability to spread it around, our track record, our power.” I mean, don’t you think it’s just a wee little bit strange that we’ve been a free nation for ~230 years and we’ve been throwing around our power on the international stage for nearly as long and yet it’s only been since Bush launched TGWOT that our international reputation has been in the basement? Why weren’t we hated in 1945 when we spread freedom/exerted power on a much greater scale than we are doing today? Don’t you think it’s strange that other free nations are esteemed? Or that other nations that have participated in TGWOT have not suffered a loss of reputation? Why can’t it be the case that the locus of the problem is the manner in which we have exerted power. I mean, is it really that hard to comprehend the big picture?


The fact is, Environmentalism is an atheistic political movement advocating the establishment of an omnipotent communist dictatorship via the manipulation of scientific data, the obstruction of self-sufficient energy policies, and the abolishment of private property ownership. Intricately designed and cleverly desguised, it swallows the innocent and transfigures their very existence into an occult devotee obsessed with destroying the free-market system.

Stunning. It’s like coming across a 30-year-old who has played Dungeons and Dragons so long he actually believes he’s a warlock.


I fixed Gary’s post:

The fact is, Bush-ism is a fascist political movement advocating the establishment of an omnipotent theocratic dictatorship via the manipulation of scientific data, the obstruction of sensible energy policies, and the abolishment of due process. Intricately designed and cleverly disguised, it swallows the innocent and transfigures their very existence into an occult devotee obsessed with destroying the world.

There, that’s better.

a different brad

I pity the history profs who had to stomach having Mark Noonan in their class.
It’d be like trying to teach Nietzsche to a neo-nazi.


if Ghandi and Dr. King had had firearms to defend themselves, they both might still be hear today.

So true. Dr. King’s Magic Firearm would have emitted magnetic NRA force field rays to sheild him from a sniper’s bullet.

Either that or he would have simply laid down a suppressing fire before stepping out his motel room door, spraying the nearby rooftops.


Stunning. It’s like coming across a 30-year-old who has played Dungeons and Dragons so long he actually believes he’s a warlock.

“I am wearing boots of escaping! I am wearing boots of escaping!”


Yes, Gandhi would have been shot . . . hmmm, I bet that never occurred to him. Oh and his acolyte King, he would have been shot too. Thank god those guys lived in India and the U.S. or something bad might have happened to them.

You all know, incidentally, that Gandhi wasn’t actually shot by the British?

Noonan’s a fool; non-violent protest worked fine against the Nazis. German women protested against the policy of sterilising children regarded as “mentally deficient”, and the policy was stopped.
It’s just that there weren’t enough Germans who gave a damn about any of the other victims.


Nonviolence campaigns have been waged at different points in history for the purpose of shaming one’s own government from a given course of action. Noonan insinuates that the anti-war left wishes to substitute nonviolence protest campaigns for a military defense. This is ridiculous. Just because one wishes to avert, say, war with Iran doesn’t mean that one wants to and substitute moral posturing for an actual military. Did Gandhi try and desuade India from developing its own military after the British left? Did MLK work try to disband the US military? Of course not. The two things have nothing in common.


the peace movement doesn’t really care if their brothers in foreign lands are being mown down by the bushel, as long as here at home we have peace. Oh, to be sure, they’ll be officially outraged by such depredations, but they won’t actually agree that we should do anything about them.

So say the same people that opposed sending US troops to Rwanda, Bosnia, and Kosovo.

Klein's tiny left nut

Jesus, Ajay, of course I know that Gandhi wasn’t shot by the Brits, but rather by a Hindu extremist (Who by the way fancied themselves as Aryans — indeed were arguably the true Aryans).

And I know MLK wasn’t shot by NAZIs.

My point was that both of these men took extraordinary risks in the pursuit of non-violent change and that the premise that Gandhi only did this because the Brits were soft (not to mention Bull Connor and the boys) is a silly statement. Would Gandhi’s tactics have worked with the NAZIs? No. Would he have feared to try such tactics because his death would likely ensue — I don’t think so.

Hysterical Woman

g, the idea of MLK shooting up everything as he walked out for fresh air gave me the giggles. Ahh, guns as self-defense. An armed society is a polite society (dead people aren’t rude).


Whenever someone brings up the idea that we’d be a lot safer if everyone were allowed to pack a firearm, I always think of people I know – dear as they may be to me – who posses a hairtrigger temper that becomes enhanced when drunk or when their masculinity is challenged.

I have one friend whose history while drunk is a litany of confrontations with anonymous individuals over parking spaces, imagined slurs, and spilled schooners of beer.

My friend would leave a trail of corpses behind him if he were allowed to pack a firearm as Gary and certain NRA folks advocate. And he’d be very, very contrite afterwards.

He actually recognizes this about himself, and ten years ago sold the handgun he used to keep in the nightstand drawer.


The error of the peace movement is that while it stands safe in the west, with a phalanx of police and armies defending it against those who would shoot them for their actions

what, exactly is this idiot saying here? that the reason cops are at protests is because they are just barely stopping people on the right from shooting us?


Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

Actually, I think the practice of solving things with war is a good one, provided that it’s done by my rules. And my rules are these:

1) The UN provides a sort of SuperDome arena for the conduct of wars, and an itty bit of every nation’s UN fees go towards building and upkeep;

2) All armies must fight completely naked, greased with vegetable oil (to avoid offending against any religious beliefs), with a feather stuck in their bottoms, and armed only with cabbage;

3) Anyone who loses his cabbage, his feather, or his temper must quit the field;

4) Armies must be led by their commanders-in-chief;

5) Said commanders-in-chief will have to fight the first bout, upon completion of which the winner has the option of terminating the conflict, or proceeding to full melee;

6) The winner is the team which has collected the most feathers by the end of timed play;

7) In the event of a draw, there shall be special overtime of no more than three minutes, during which time the two commanders shall engage in a sudden-death playoff;

8) This playoff will consist of all players sticking their collected feathers in the bottom of the commander, who must then run a lap around the field without losing a feather.

Personally, I think war conducted under these simple rules would solve a lot of things, as well as providing highly entertaining television.

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

Hey, who took away my 8 and put those bloody sunglasses there?


The error of the peace movement is that while it stands safe in the west, with a phalanx of police and armies defending it against those who would shoot them for their actions

For the most party, peace activists, and especially those who advocate non-violent protest, used tactics like sit-ins.

So this idiot saying that the police protect peace activists from those who want to shoot them is tacitly acknowledging that it’s OK to shoot people for doing things like…..sitting at lunch counters and marching.

wonder how he views the guy who stood in front of the tank at Tianamen Square?

Principal Blackman

It’s like coming across a 30-year-old who has played Dungeons and Dragons so long he actually believes he’s a warlock.

Like Tom Hanks in the fine documentary film Mazes & Monsters!

wonder how he views the guy who stood in front of the tank at Tianamen Square?

My money’s on “atheist commie who only did it for self-glorification.”


Gandhi never wore shoes which gave him thick callouses on his feet. He did not eat much so he was frail. He was a religious leader, and his odd diet caused chronic bad breath. In other words, he was a…

Super calloused fragile mystic hexxed with halitosis.

I don’t care who you are, that’s punny right there. Git ‘er done!

Herr Doktor Bimler

and the abolishment of private property ownership

And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour, since the envelope turned out to contain the word “Abolishment”, which is an abomination in the eyes of the LORD.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Italic tags are also an abomination.

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

The error of the peace movement is that while it stands safe in the west, with a phalanx of police and armies defending it against those who would shoot them for their actions

what, exactly is this idiot saying here? that the reason cops are at protests is because they are just barely stopping people on the right from shooting us?

Because, you know, all those Iraqi insurgents who want us to get the hell out of their country don’t like hippie peacniks stealing their thunder. Anyone carrying a placard saying something like “Out of Iraq NOW!” is marked for termination.

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

Would Jesus use italics tags?


Also re: Brzezinski–

Well he should over-use the word “Manichean”. He’s the guy largely responsible for initiating the CIA’s actions in Afghanistan, leading to the arming of the Mujaheddin, all in the name of fighting the Soviets.

So is our evil twin Communism or Islamism? he seems to have claims on both.


And Qetesh–

How many cabbages am I allowed to bring onto the field at any one time?

Herr Doktor Bimler

Ah, Cabbage Field Theory.
The answer depends on whether cabbages are bosons or fermions.

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

Hey, Fermi was a wimp.

Doc, you can bring as many cabbages as you can carry. Remember, though, you’ve got no pockets, since you’re buck nekkid. Other than that, go for it, my man. I look forward to the slow motion replays.

“And look at the excellent cabbage-handling by number 19, DocAmazing. Have you ever seen such skill with the big green ball?”

“Not in the last ten years, Dave. And I’ve certainly never seen anyone put such spin on yer basic brassica, have you? I think we’ll see much more of that boy in the coming years.”

“Ooh, no, could be trouble, I think he’s run out of cabbages. Good game, mind you, he’s taken down their star player with a tight young cabbage to the right ear, and he’s got plenty of feathers, which’ll help his team a great deal.”

“Hang on, where the hell did he pull that one from? Werrrll, that’s a surprise move and no mistake. They’ll be talking about that one for many years, don’t you think, Dave?”

Absolutely, Kevin, absolutely. Ohhh, I pity that poor number 7, I wouldn’t like to have copped that right in the teeth.”

“Well, Dave, war is a dirty game.”


A sandwich is a sandwich, but a Man Witch is a meal!

Hey! Stop stealing my lines, goddamnit!1!
Oh, well. In honor of St. Patty’s then:

Irish Spring®!
Manly, yes,
But I like it, too!!1!


I just found this site, and now I’m excited! You see, I’m a regular poster on the B4B site (under a different tag). A deep troll, you might say. Why do I do it? Sometimes I think it’s because I have multiple severe psychological problems myself. But the short answer is… I find it fascinating! I can’t believe so many people can be so off the wall, yet actually believe they’re being “fact based”. So in my own gentle way I try to use actual logic and see what response I get. Apart from that I do so love to tease Mr. Noonan, and see how gigantic a hole I can blow in his arguments without him (or others) catching on to what I’m up to.

I’m glad I found this site. And if you guys know any other anti-Noonan sites I’d love to know about them.


I love you people. I just love you to pieces. Cabbages, Fermi, The Giant Sammich… I adore you.

…yeah, that’s all I’ve got. Carry on.

Herr Doktor Bimler

you can bring as many cabbages as you can carry. Remember, though, you’ve got no pockets, since you’re buck nekkid.

But, but, but Brussels sprouts… No. Must not think about the possibilities of Brussels sprouts. Must think of other things.

Qetesh the Shaved Abyssinian

But, but, but Brussels sprouts… No. Must not think about the possibilities of Brussels sprouts. Must think of other things.

“Will you look at the rapid fire brassica action from number 29 there, Kevin!”

“Very impressive, Dave, very impressive. And I must say that, ever since the military replaced ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ with ‘Show us yer stuff’, we’ve done a lot better in the sprout section. Wouldn’t you agree, Dave?”

“Absolutely, Kevin, absolutely. It’s one of God’s little miracles, what that boy can do with a handful of Brussels.”

Principal Blackman

And if you guys know any other anti-Noonan sites I’d love to know about them.

It’s not an anti-Noonan site per se, but Hell’s Handmaiden often slaps the shit out of Noonan’s dumber statements/arguments.


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