A Novel Endeavor

SANTA MONICA, Calif., Feb. 27 /Christian Newswire/

Xenon Pictures has announced today the March 13, 2007 DVD re-release of THE DA VINCI HOAX, a documentary debunking author Dan Brown’s fictional theories on the relationship between Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, the beginnings of Christianity, and the Catholic Church. This thought-provoking film, hosted by best-selling authors Carl E. Olson and Sandra Miesel, as well as Jesuit biblical scholar Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J., exposes the inaccuracies and falsehoods of the popular novel, The Da Vinci Code.

If any filmmakers would like to collaborate on a project, we possess compelling evidence of a pattern of inaccuracies and falsehoods in the novels of wingnut author Dafydd ab Hugh.

Above: Theories of ‘zombie space marines’ ripe for debunking

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to eat my lunch by running over it. After that, it’s another long afternoon of jumping on crates and gibbing noobz — work’s a bitch, hoss, but those silver keys don’t just find themselves!

Update: Several have asked about the giant sandwich now missing from the picture of ab Hugh. This is an interesting question, and it reminds me of a story.

Actually, no — we were lectured about making fun of fat people.

Our own opinion is that if someone is going to archly accuse others of cowardice for not having a military background and blogging from the war zones of Iraq or Afghanistan — as ab Hugh recently did to Eric Boehlert — then it had better not be, you know, funny if for example that person wears a red shirt (see above) and some wag shouts out “Hey, Kool-Aid!”

However, sensitivity is Job One around here, and comity our mission.

Above: Dafydd ab Hugh with a salad

There, now. Issue resolved?


Comments: 42


Where’s the sandwich? That picture just looks weird(er) without it.


falsehoods of the popular novel

No no no no no no no, a thousand times no. Novels cannot have falsehoods. They are fiction. Good day.


Next, we will examine the shocking, dangerous myths about burying your pets as described in Stephen King’s Pet Semetary!


This just shows how lame some “Christians” are. They’re worried that a shitty knockoff of “Foucault’s Pendulum” is somehow going to result in the end of their little mind-controlling cult. They’re debating the merits of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John’s works of fiction against Dan Brown’s work of fiction. Fucking geniuses.


They’re debating the merits of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John’s works of fiction against Dan Brown’s work of fiction. Fucking geniuses.

I only wish they’d spend all their time doing this, instead of taking periodic breaks to kill brown people over their works of fiction.


That T-shirt on Dafydd makes Raygun look awfully jowly.


I dun get why the concept that Jesus smecksed it up is so disturbing. He was always being so nice to those prostitutes..


Wow, so much time and money (well maybe not money) spent debunking…wait for it…FICTION.

Truly awe inspiring idiocy.


. . . debunking author Dan Brown’s fictional theories . . .

Stunning, really, the number of logical impossibilities a dedicated wingnut can cram into just a few simple words. I suspect the soundtrack to this documentary sounds a lot like wankity-wankity-wankity-wank.


SANTA MONICA, Calif., Feb. 27 /Christian Newswire/

There are Christians in Santa Monica?


Ok, I’m pissed. I’m more than halfway finished with a novel. NOW you tell me everything in it has to be verifiably true and historically accurate? Well, hell…



I hope this will provide the conclusive proof of the fish-splitting ability of Our Saviour.


Until we can get ahold of Chad Conrad Castagana’s booking photo, this shot of Dafyyd ab Hugh will serve as my favorite Photo of a Wingnut. It just works on so many levels. You can just hear him: “Are you the creator of Hi and Lois? Because you are making me laugh.”


I hope this will provide the conclusive proof of the fish-splitting ability of Our Saviour.

Which is to say, I guess, that if I was a Christian I wouldn’t be so supportive of debunking projects.


As I recall, while we were mocking this picture a few months ago, some questions were raised about the meaning/purpose of the martini glass. We now see, in the second picture that he appears to have a steel pitcher full of martini, and the glass is now full, complete with olive. I say that’s a mitigating factor…



Does one pronounce his name like huge or hew?


is reading them a requirement, or can i just make shit up?


Easters Cancelled!! They found the body!!

We still get Good Friday because that’s when they offed him.


Easters Cancelled!! They found the body!!

I better still get that day off work though…

…oh, Easters are on Sundays.


I think it’s fine to make fun of his weight as it’s clearly not a glandular problem…


Does one pronounce his name like huge or hew?


That’s as close as I can figger.


Daffy ab Hug. He’s so big and cuddly.


I can believe that Jesus had kids with Mary Magdalene, but not that Mary ran away to France and founded a dynasty. Not to mention, if Jesus had children, than possible half the world is descending from Our Lord and Savior. (See Charlemange)


So they wasted time and money making a movie to refute a book of fiction? American Xtianist are bat shit insane!


As a giant Liberal fatguy, I humbly thank you for not perpetuating the myth that being large is a marker for being a Wingnut loser. I was getting sick of having to flash my ACLU card and show people my bookshelves.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Coming soon: “The Siddhartha Hoax. How Hermann Hess made it all up.”


Easters Cancelled!! They found the body!!

We have to still have Easter, ’cause that’s when Jesus rolls the rock away from the mouth of the cave, comes out, and if he sees his shadow, we get six more weeks of winter!


He could be my twin brother – except I’m not crazy – at least not in that way.


I can’t take a guy seriously who can’t spell his own name. He claims it’s pronounced “David”. So why does he use a spelling that’s pronounced “Davuth”? I ask you.


I was gonna do a snarky post about other fictional titles to be debunked, but you can’t. They have actually surpassed the snark.

Bitching about movies, books and TV; claiming that Liberals and The Press have (obviously) caused the failure of the war in Iraq, as well as in Vietnam;

Has anybody ever bothered to explain them the concept of ‘reality’? of “Fiction”? It’s like they’ve been stuck in a college 2 AM pot-fueled bullshit session, and never got beyond the proof of existnece; the rest of their lives has been spent laboring under the impression that anything, thought, or written or viewed, has an equivalent reality.


“why does he use a spelling that’s pronounced “Davuthâ€??”

It’s from the ancient Aramaic language, which Jesus spoke fluently. Spelled slightly differently, it also means “cheeseburger.”


I can’t take a guy seriously who can’t spell his own name. He claims it’s pronounced “David�. So why does he use a spelling that’s pronounced “Davuth�?

Not to mention he’s using “ab” instead of “ap”. Has he seen any actual Welsh or is he just running off of the Anglicized “The Druids Built Stonehenge!” crap from the late 19th century? (No, dude, the Celts were not the lot tribesof Israel. Get a fucking life already.)


Cinch that much tighter and your legs are going to fall off.


Just don’t call him Daffyd Duck. He hates that.


He really claims it’s pronounced “David”?


See, now that’s funny!


D’you think his dad’s name is really “Hugh”, or did he make that bit up, too?


Jillian, I think you’ve answered your own question. If he was really using the Welsh spellng, it would be Huw. If he was doing it right, his name should be: Dafydd ap Huw. Ergo, fake Welshman.

Avedon and Dorothy – big props for knowing what you’re looking at. Welsh is hard – apparently too hard for poor Daffyydddd’s little brain. He should have spelled it ‘Daffyd’ – you know the rest of that joke!


That dark patch behind his head in the second pic: please tell me that’s a shadow on the wall, and not a ponytail…


That dark patch behind his head in the second pic: please tell me that’s a shadow on the wall, and not a ponytail…

You bastard. Stop being so god-damned observant.


You have an arrow pointing to the salad bowl, but did you not notice the equally large bowl of what appears to be ranch dressing or possibly sour cream??



(Hey, if it works for Anal Annie…)


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