More Steyn
Poor Mark Steyn is simply shocked and appalled that people would interpret his remarks as pro-genocide:
I see Andrew Sullivan has now elevated me from the pro-torture right to the pro-genocide right. Eat your heart out, Jonah and JPod! He’s based this on a quote from America Alone that a chap in The Calcutta Telegraph interpreted to mean that I supported Milosevic’s strategy of “culling� Muslims in Bosnia, and the usual hysterical lefties at The Huffington Post picked up on.
My book isn’t about what I want to happen but what I think will happen. Given Fascism, Communism and ethnic cleansing in the Balkans, it’s not hard to foresee that the neo-nationalist resurgence already under way in parts of Europe will at some point take a violent form. That’s pretty much a given. Indeed, Ralph Peters and I have already argued about this: the difference between us, as I explain here , is that I think any descent into neo-Fascism will be ineffectual and therefore merely a temporary blip in the remorseless transformation of the Continent.
First things first: the thought of Steyn debating Ralph “Blood’n’Guts” Peters is about as funny as watching Dick Dastardly getting into a shouting match with Yosemite Sam. Which is to say, it’s really damn funny.
“Neo-fascism will only be a temporary blip, you miserable mut! Drat! And double drat!”
“Genocide?!! OOOOOOOOOO, I gotcher genocide right here, ya long-eared galoot!”
Second: Steyn really believes that the only two options facing Europe are a neo-Fascist takeover or an Islamic jihadi state. Wowsers. As Mark Kleiman writes:
Daniel Pipes (who ought to be Islamophobic enough to satisfy almost any taste) estimates the current Muslim population share in Europe at 5%; he says it might rise to 10% by 2020. Sound like a crisis to you?
Maybe Steyn, Lou Dobbs, and Mickey Kaus can work out a deal to send a few million undocumented Mexican immigrants to Europe. They speak a European language, and I’m sure they’d be happy to get EU passports instead of hiding from La Migra. A little easier than genocide, don’t you think?
Personally, I think it’s time for all Europe’s effete interleckshal-types to become militarized and start their own separtist nation of West Homostan. They’d roll over their Islamofascist and fasco-fascist oppressors with their armored Saabs and Volvos, while the grand Generalissimos Right Said Fred would restore order and rule over the continent with a leather fist.
Above: Meet the New Order.
But alas, because the Left is inherently weak, this brief period of homofascism would only be a temporary blip in the remorseless transformation of the continent into a crazy-white-guys-versus-crazy-Islamists warhole. Drat. And double drat.
P.S.- As Atrios notes, I’ve now made it two whole posts without dropping one F-bomb. Can I be invited to the Civlized Peoples’ Club now? Can I, can I?
Can I be invited to the Civlized Peoples’ Club now?
Fuck, no.
It is just a “given” that genocide is on the horizon. Really, there is absolutely no possibility (none, zero, zip, donut, goose egg) of people just settling down and learning to get along with one another. So don’t even try. Give it up. Just buy guns and bombs and poison and stuff. And then kill your neighbor. It is just a matter of time you know.
And the one person you should not blame for this state of affairs is Mark Steyn. Because is isn’t as if Europe is at a crossroads and can either learn to become a truly multicultural society or descend into madness. That totally isn’t what is happening. Europe has no choice, says Mark. So don’t go blaming him when the stench of rotting corpses begins to rise from Europe. Because he is just the messenger of a future historical inevitability rather than an advocate for genocide.
How come anybody who points out right wing hysteria is called “hysterical” by the righty who made himself look like a damn hysterical fool in the first place?
These people project like Linda Blair in the Exorcist.
Brad asks:
Can I be invited to the Civlized Peoples’ Club now?
C’mon, Brad, the answer is obviously no. You’re a self-professed atheist.
Is Steyn really a Canadian high school dropout?
Or am I looking at the wrong bio?
Come on, all he’s saying is that radical Islamists are outbreeding white Judeo-Christian Europeans, and that those Europeans will eventually realize this and attempt to bloodily exterminate this threat from within, but all in vain as the ullulating hordes darken the map from Prague to Paris.
I mean, what’s so outrageous about that? Just callin’ ’em as he sees ’em.
It’s personally embarrassing that this guy’s from Canada, but the smallest dogs are always the worst leg-humpers.
Well, Europe is such an upstart continent, really. Give them a few centuries to really suss things out for themselves.
“Daniel Pipes (who ought to be Islamophobic enough to satisfy almost any taste) estimates the current Muslim population share in Europe at 5%; he says it might rise to 10% by 2020. Sound like a crisis to you?”
Uhhh… no?
“Maybe Steyn, Lou Dobbs, and Mickey Kaus can work out a deal to send a few million undocumented Mexican immigrants to Europe. They speak a European language…”
Wingnuts: putting the exterminate in xenophobia.
but the smallest dogs are always the worst leg-humpers.
too goddamn funny
As Atrios notes, I’ve now made it two whole posts without dropping one F-bomb.
Your job as blogger in chief for the Edwards campaign awaits.
As long as you’ve never made any posts making fun of christianists…
I’d just like to apologise on behalf of the Commonwealth for Mark Steyn’s existence.
Personally, I think it’s time for all Europe’s effete interleckshal-types to become militarized and start their own separtist nation of West Homostan. They’d roll over their Islamofascist and fasco-fascist oppressors with their armored Saabs and Volvos
This is my cue to make the joke about the Return of the Pink Panzer.
If you can get Rick Mercer a regular show on Comedy Central all will be forgiven.
Oh and a couple of Tim Horton’s south of the border too. Thanks.
Civlized Peoples’ Club? Bossy doesn’t want to join anything that would have her as a member.
Of course, the Civilized People’s Club serves Canadian Clubâ„¢.
You know, if they aren’t advocating genocide as a means of solving the
JewishMuslim question, then what exactly are they advocating anyways? To my knowledge there isn’t a product on the market called, “I can’t believe it’s not genocide.”It is just a “givenâ€? that genocide is on the horizon.
I recently heard a wingnut argue that genocide is part of our evolutionary nature. Even though they don’t believe in evolution.
It is just a “given� that genocide is on the horizon.
But I thought it was Marxists who dealt in ‘historical inevitablity’?
Riverbend is back
To my knowledge there isn’t a product on the market called, “I can’t believe it’s not genocide.�
Ah, but there is! Milosevic’s Ethnic Cleanser was a fabulously effective product, but it was removed from the shelves in the 90s. It has been sporadically replaced by the less-powerful Settler’s Pride product in a smaller—yet much more euphemistically rich and sociopolitically acceptable—bottle.
Recent years have seen the splashy re-launch of Outtasite Outtamind, which, after suffering a Rwanda-wide recall, is all the rage in Chad and the Sudan.
And fans are still banking on the long-awaited, new-and-improved War on Terra!!1! Version 3: Fall of Persia.
Aren’t you too sexy for the Civlized Peoples’ Club?
Stop the pigeon
stop the pigeon…
since it worked so well in 1915 and the 1940’s i can see why genocide is the answer of choice to the niggling problem of racial purity in europe.
as to the obviously sarcastic approach that kleinman proffered, it has no chance of being accepted by the pj media, because it doesn’t involve somebody else killing somebody else while the pj’s sit in their mom’s basement satisfying themselves.
Shorter Mark Stain:
“Just because I shout “fire the ovens!” while wearing a snazy black uniform picked out by tasteful silver deathsheads along with an adorable pair of glossy riding boots does not mean I condone genocide.”
You think Stain goes to bars and asks:
“Hey baby, want to see my swagger stick?”
Yoshida and Stain – O, Canada!
Wait a sec–this asshole’s Canadian? What’s he doing using words like “chap”?
Yes, the genocidal blood lust of these creeps make me sick, but their pretensions also drive me nuts–the Greek pseudonyms, the constant condescending tone, the name-dropping and showing-off-of-vocabulary. Jesus. All that whining about “liberal intellectuals” and they’re just panting to be seen as actual smart people.
Here’s a news flash for ya: you can use “eschew” all you want, idiots; it isn’t going to make you William F. Buckley.
Can I be invited to the Civlized Peoples’ Club now? Can I, can I?
Why on earth would you want to? So you can munch cocktail weinies with people like David Broder or the oh-so-kewl MoDo? Yech…
Riverbend is back.
Thank FSM.
She goes so long between posts, I start to worry that she’s been killed. Every time she writes, she undoubtedly makes yet another enemy among the various warring sides, including our “allies” like Maliki.
[…] around for the last post, I found something that ties it in to Bradrocket’s last […]
Personally, I think it’s time for all Europe’s effete interleckshal-types to become militarized and start their own separtist nation of West Homostan.
I will not warn you twice, rebellious cur! Pakistan way have let Bangladesh go free after years of bloodshed, but the Republic of Fagistan will remain whole and inviolate. I will crush any separatist movement in West Homostan with the fury of a drunken Putin on a Chechen bender. Rise up and be buried!
Viva Fagistan!
These people project like Linda Blair in the Exorcist.
Marco, I call that “projectile projection.”
Yeah, I heard those Right Said Fred guys were totally gay. No word yet on whether or not they still are.
And I totally agree about Tim Hortons! Killer donuts.