I Guess Bryan Will Have To Come Over Here
Above: We were sad that this disappeared!
Apparently, someone’s quite sensitive about something. After a fairly trouble-free afternoon, in which we followed our usual policy of being collegial and nice to everyone while on sites not our own (we take this very seriously), we were banned at HotAir 1.32 seconds after mentioning the foundation money and the paychecks.
Of course, since we’re now banned from the HotAir forums, we have no way of saying anything anymore.
Oh, wait.
Because, wouldn’t it be interesting if Malkin and HotAir’s readers didn’t know that it was all a foundation-funded operation…?
If only we had Lexis-Nexis.
Um. Oh, wait…
UPDATE: Bryan put the comments back up (see screen-cap above) and said this:
So we have a lying smear artist among us accusing us of deleting comments and being paid by a foundation, both of which are false accusations. Eeeenteresting. That kind of thing is actionable, ya know.
As for “Sal,� you want to be banned? That can be arranged. But I’m content to watch you hang yourself first. I know you’re a sock puppet, and I’m pretty sure I know who you actually are. You’re not too skilled at covering your tracks. So be a good little boy and buzz off before you cross a line.
Bryan on February 9, 2007 at 3:46 PM
So, no bias in “citizen journalism” Nope, none. Not a bit. All righty then.
Move along people, nothing to see here…
Better watch out, Michelle’s little boy toy just said your accusation is “actionable”
I guess since you were banned it’s fair to say that Michelle at least implicitly approves of the messages that are there. Sounds like contest time to me, find your favorite Hot Air glennicidal comments!
Who- if anyone, pays HotAir?
-Just askin. I don’t need Big Bad Brian getting all actionable.
SHIT, RUN. He knows who you are! Terminate the mission, get out now. Code red, code red.
What’s ‘actionable’ to Malkin’s little submissive boy-kajira Bryan? You’ve made him consider picking his nose for the tenth time this hour? ‘Don’t make me go in the second knuckle, Gavin!’
“I am Bryan Preston and I approve this message” –
So some filthy towel head who cannot grasp the concept of toilet paper, is not unclean until he’s blasted with a pork-laden bullet?
Oh yeah, it’s their culture…
JackM on February 8, 2007 at 5:39 PM
Oh, my God. He may have figured out who “Sal Leno” is? He’s like, freaking psychic or something.
Does the “action” he’s referring to as “actionable” involve turning red and shaking his fist?
You kids get off his lawn!!!
Shoot – can’t link directly to comments, the above was taken from
It’s really hard to keep straight how these guys define “smear.” I thought telling the truth about people was, by Malkin’s definition, not a smear.
So wait, do they take foundation money or not? Evidence? Forgive me if I’m a little slow on this one… It’s a little tough to sort through the Malkin miasma sometimes.
Haha, accusing someone of deleting comments is “actionable.” Sadly, my law firm doesn’t have a department to handle this burgeoning field of law.
I’m pretty sure I know who you actually are. You’re not too skilled at covering your tracks.
This kills me. I mean, words almost fail me. Plainly, a “sock puppet” “named” “Sal Leno” is very concerned with covering their tracks.
His cool poise is admirable, though. He could “out” Sal, but for now he’s content to make ominous threats.
Careful, Gav. You wouldn’t want them to reveal that SadNo is secretly funded by the estate of Boots “Yakety Sax” Randolph and the San Francisco Big Canned Fruit cartels.
Now I want to know about this foundation. We need a blogger exposé. AEI? Mellon Scaife? Heritage?
Dear freind,
Yours faithfuly
Maybe Sadly, No can get on that wingnut gravy train, and “say” they will “act” like Colmes to Hot Air’s Hannity, and then when they aren’t looking, give ’em the rhetoricl shiv.
Or maybe teh General needs to join that.
I could use some actionable a bit south of my belt buckle.
Willy is waiting……
You still don’t get it, do you? He’ll find you. That’s what he does. That’s all he does! You can’t stop him!
Whatever you do, don’t talk about their front charity, The Inhuman Fund.
Off-topic, but I just wanted to wish Gentlewoman the best possible news on Monday. I hope your kitty friend gets a clean bill of health and lives many more happy years with you. My thoughts are with both of you, and I most certainly will spoil my kitties a little extra this weekend while I’m lucky enough to have them.
If there’s one thing funnier than people threatening to beat other people up on the internet, it’s the “I’ll sue you” bullshit. Much like the guy in the bar talking tough, I’m pretty sure that anybody who might actually sue someone would never tell them he was gonna sue them. Plus, it’s always over something so silly that I can’t even imagine what the judge would say if the case actually came before him/her. But it would NOT be pretty…
Sal Leno
Next time, try “Sally Know.�
Uh-oh! Sherlock Treacher is onto you guys!
“Now I want to know about this foundation. We need a blogger exposé. AEI? Mellon Scaife? Heritage? “
Let’s not jump the gun here. They could be earning an honest dollar so lets be fair….
-Nahhhhh, who am I kidding here? Who be the sugar daddy bankrolling these tools??!!1!1!
Could me in on the curious crowd. I never heard about the HotAir. foundation money; can you explain?
The internets have grown so sophisticated that “I’m gonna track down ur address and beat you up irl, dick” has been replaced by “IMA SUE YOU FOR LIBEL AND GARNISH YOUR WAGES FOREVER!!1!! ps My brother in law is a lawyer,” as the greatest, most frequent, hollowest threat made. How quickly you can get to “IMA SUE UR ASS” is a nice objective measure of one’s ability to reduce the other party to flatulence.
I too want to know who is bankrolling The Malkin.
Perhaps Mr. Goldstein’s team of attornies will take another case of Hot Air … pro bono, of course.
Actionable? Actionable?
Is that actionable like those GI Joe action figures with Kung Fu grip, or actionable like the action that Bryan doesn’t get?
It is hard to get any in your parents’ basement with Cheeto stains everywhere…
Maybe that should have been ‘pro boner … ‘
Don’t make me stop this car!
nim, the IMA SUE URASS theory sounds like a candidate corrolary to Godwins Law re: internet discourse tendencies.
I formally nominate it as the Nim Corrolary to Godwins Law
except i’ll spell it ‘Corollary’ on the application, and maybe even preview it.
I am objectively pro boner…
“We’re in your bases sueing your doodz” ????
What’s the proof that Malkin is being paid by a foundation?
I believe it—I just am not familiar with the charge.
The boys at Mythbusters destroy the myth that George W. Bush is even a nominally competent president and even prove that Buster would make a better chief executive.
um. i hate to say this, but this is a really stupid internet slap fight.
if hotair receives foundation money, they should certainly be forthcoming about that with their audience, but they would be in no way unique on that account. lots of groups with various purposes are foundation financed in whole or in part – so what?
if you want some foundation money, just incorporate as a non-profit, file the appropriate documents with the taxman, and plan to dedicate half your man-hours to filing grant applications. if Hotair is the kind of wingnut welfare fully-funded and staffed enterprise you imply (which i have no reason to doubt) the equation is only different insofar as they don’t have to go begging and can thus allocate their resources more effectively. but again, so what?
further, there are pretty complicated regulations regarding the application of non-profit funds to political advocacy, and further regulations that apply if that advocacy primarily takes the form of media campaigning. so, if hotair receives foundation money there has to be a trail of public documents a mile wide. why not just find and post the data somewhere and be done with it?
oh, and by the way: none of this is even remotely funny.
oh, and by the way: none of this is even remotely funny.
You can type that again.
I agree not funny in the least…..
This is infact deadly serious.
My grampaw was killed while trying to move a set of goalposts.
“My grampaw was killed while trying to move a set of goalposts.”
that seems to be happening a lot lately.
“Poor old grand-dad … “
My uncle was killed when someone knocked over a great big straw man and it fell on him…
STH, thank you for your kind words. The Scampcat and I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Ganesh Bengal Cat, OTOH…well, you know how he is.
oh, and by the way: none of this is even remotely funny.
I don’t know. I thought the re-appearance of New York Law Firm was pretty funny.
And I’m not even in a really giggly mood.
um, seriously though… i honestly can’t tell through the haze of sarcasm: what’s the point here? where would those moving goalposts have started, and, mikey, which strawman?
um… of course Hotair is a wingnut welfare smar outlet, but um… so what? is anyone surprised? are they not forthcoming about their funding with their (fucktard) audience? if not, so what? so just someone go get the fucking IRS disclosure forms – i used to have easy access to those type of document through a previous job but no longer do – and post them and be done with it. but what the fuck would that prove anyway, and to who, exactly? hotair’s audience doesn’t give a shit who funds them: these people watch MALKIN for fuck’s sake, why should truth or objectivity enter into their considerations? SN! audience is already pretty well acquainted with the workings of wingunut welfare, so why should Hotair be of special interest?
and frankly, there’s nothing particularly unique in the deleting/undeleting/banning/unbanning practices of Hotair. it’s their site, and their standards of discourse apply. is anyone surprised that they ban and delete shit they don’t like?
what exactly am i missing here?
You know, I’ll bet verbal tics like that work wonders in the courtroom when you’re prosecuting a libel case…
to whom, cs, to whom … exactly
Huh. I didn’t know that “having a comment account on a site that is not your own” is the same thing as “sockpuppet”.
“Shut up, I didn’t band you! But I COULD ban you! And if you don’t shut about me banning you, I will ban you!”
what exactly am i missing here?
Oh, and cs, the funny (admittedly slight) is Bryan’s sensitivity surrounding the issue. If you’re right, that they should feel they have nothing to hide, why the hiding?
Pee-Ess: Moreover, can you not just accept that some of us are easily entertained — often by mere jpgs of Malkin’s and Preston’s roiling faces? I didn’t take this handle for nothing, you know…
(OT at the start, then sort of on) Gentlewoman: Which feline is represented at the “thumbsnap” link? I haven’t written anything about it yet on my blog, but I lost my girl (Miss Jessica) Dec 22nd & am now without anyone to boss me around for the first time in decades (and I’m the type that needs a pretty strong paw steering the way). My best wishes to you & the cats.
http://zhakora.com/miss-jessica.jpg (she often supervised my work, you see …)
& to change the topic completely: I was just wondering — as much as I enjoy the way the SN team manages to .. er .. deconstruct many of the more inane writings / postings / miscellaneous offal that the right-wing brings us, I am not quite sure how any of you can stand to visit the sites and read the screeds and so on without getting a migraine. I made the mistake of responding to post at Confederate Yankee the other day in which, as near as I can tell, CY’s response to my comment endorsed plagiarism over the well-known uncivil discourse of the unhinged left. I was also accused of building a “straw-man” because I suggested that writers take someone stealing their work a little more seriously than someone dropping, say, the f-bomb. (Not that I ever would, of course.) More than 24 hours later, I am still nonplussed at the total inanity of the response.
I can only imagine you drink lots of beer. (?)
I, for one, am easily amused.
If you don’t like internet slapfights, this might not be the best place to hang out…
That’s not even sock puppetry. Sock puppetry isn’t just posting under a pseudonym. It’s posting under one pseudonym while talking about how your other pseudonym is the shit. If Gavin posted as Sal Leno and kept going on about how smart those guys over at Sadly, No! are, that’s sock puppetry. Posting as Sal Leno and calling Bryan a fascist is just normal internet behavior.
what exactly am i missing here?
timing, you just seem to have no sense of comic timing cs.
i dunno, maybe it’s the material.
Um, no.
I will fix that if it’s the last thing I do!
I find it all vastly entertaining, and I’ve never been to Malkin’s site, or any of the other sad denizens of the right. In fact, it’s funnier that way.
Fucking kids.
I was suggesting that you stop suggesting that there’s some foundation behind Hot Air, and that if you continue it’s possibly legally actionable. But I’m not a lawyer, just a simple godbag, so what do I know?
That’s all, nothing more. Just a polite suggestion to stand down.
“Stand down”? Christ. Even when these bastards are threatening fake legal action, they insist on sounding like an Austin Bay pamphlet.
So are you going to ask them when they plan to take action. You should put an actionable calendar up. X days since hot hair threatened action.
i don’t mind internet slapfights, i just prefer that they have some actual point ostensibly at issue. e.g. making fun of patsy is fun if it’s ’cause he threatened to out tbogg in a way that actually accomplished that outing and then pretended that he didn’t just do that and then threw a hissy fit trying to reclaim the moral high ground. that was funny.
this is just stupid. if you have proof, post it, go over there and link back to it, and call it a day. otherwise, there’s no there there – so some winger got hysterical after you went over there and antagonized them. neat. is the point that they got hysterical? that’s their entire lifestyle.
Okay, time for a new post. Surely P-Swank, Saint Marie of the Unnecessary Apostrophe, Kaye; !Grogan or the Noonan thing has some new screed that is worthy of a few guffaws.
I was suggesting that you stop suggesting that there’s some foundation behind Hot Air, and that if you continue it’s possibly legally actionable. But I’m not a lawyer, just a simple godbag, so what do I know?
Nothing. Suggesting something on a blog isn’t libelous.
Will they be using Marie Jon’ ‘s ACME Law Firm, of New York City?
For my money, which I spend
lavishlynot at all on Sadly, No!, finding out that Malkin’s got a sugar daddy is interesting and amusing. Sure, I assume it, and it’s not like those shitpile books don’t receive a big push, but knowing’s the difference.Someone flips out as a result? I like that. I have an inner troll that is unquestionably best satisfied vicariously.
Still, it’d be nice to see some kind of paper trail.
Brad R. said,
February 10, 2007 at 1:57
Nothing. Suggesting something on a blog isn’t libelous.
Nobody tell Bryan — you’ll ruin all the fun.
This is pathetic, Gavin. You clearly have no evidence (or you’re being unbelievably coy). You went on a fishing expedition. How outraged would we libs get if a winger did the same?
I will stop this car.
This is pathetic, Gavin. You clearly have no evidence (or you’re being unbelievably coy). You went on a fishing expedition. How outraged would we libs get if a winger did the same?
I don’t think it was a fishing expedition as much as a neener-neener. Gavin’s doing a little baiting, and Bryan took the bait by banning Gavin.
At any rate, ho hum. Today’s episode of wingnut blog theater has been pretty dull. Swank me, baby!
So if I wash my hands with beef fat and slap a conservative on a Friday, does he go to hell?
zhak, my condolences on your loss. Miss J. was a beautiful girl. You probably need to get a new Boss. It’s hard to work without them ‘helping,’ I know.
The thumbsnap photo is of Ganesh Bengal Cat. He sometimes comments here, but usually only in pursuit of Mehitabel the Abyssinian, his (utterly unobtainable, as she is on another continent) object of slavering lust.
And usually on a thread like this, which has already degenerated into a state of such confusion that I am unsure what we were supposed to be discussing.
Just a friendly heads-up: When Teh Felines show up, the thread is officially dead and it’s time to bail. 😉
No one can know our identities!
I’ve heard the RopeaDope Foundation is quietly helping to provide meaningless internet job opportunities to the chronically unemployable in the real world. For a generous stipend, one only has to demonstrate the ability to transcribe faxed talking points and post same with unconscionably enthusiastic endorsement. Funding is sketchy, but appears to have been established from a donation of $8.8BB received from the Republican Party back in ’04.
this is just stupid. if you have proof, post it, go over there and link back to it, and call it a day. otherwise, there’s no there there – so some winger got hysterical after you went over there and antagonized them. neat. is the point that they got hysterical? that’s their entire lifestyle.
the point
is not the point
it is the point
on top of preston’s head.
Don’t feel bad about being banned from a website. Patrick Frey (Patterico) banned me from his website for telling the truth.
The OJ Simpson Case
yeah, that’s what it was … telling the truth … yeah, that’s the ticket …
The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case
How outraged would we libs get if a winger did the same?
Honestly, if anyone were to suggest that S,N! was being funded by a liberal foundation, I would think they’d have a lot of fun with it, rather than getting defensive and threatening legal action.
Honestly, if anyone were to suggest that S,N! was being funded by a liberal foundation, I would think they’d have a lot of fun with it, rather than getting defensive and threatening legal action.
God, do I wish we were funded by a lib foundation… they’d have to be fucking idiots to do it though 😉
But Michelle says they ARE fucking idiots … especialy the Joooooo ….
As the pro-boner man-hours stand up…we will stand down.
If Bryan could get it to “stand up” he might be in a less pissy mood …
Does anybody actually ever click those Jurassicpork links?
The government funds my daily blog reading. Today I received $144 to read Sadly, No! at work.
Anyway, this post is 23.5% humorous and 95.7% useless. The ratio is not optimal but it will do. It absorbed a few minutes of my time.
I don’t care if Hot Air is receiving gold-plated Bentleys from Halliburton. Everything they post is embarassing, so I get a laugh out of it. Hot Air stimulates the hypothalami of wingnuts. Tis the circle of life.
Liberals without some kind of funding hate anyone, even other liberals, who do have some kind of funding. Beats work, right??
No work and pay!
No work and pay!
I’m living the dream, annie. However, I don’t need funding to hate someone. That’s just a perk.
Other than that, you’re right. Of course it beats work.
Just so there’s no confusion, the sal mentioned above is not me. But a fleeting bit of bogus internet infamy is ok.
I like pie, too, Annie!
When Teh Felines show up, the thread is officially dead and it’s time to bail.
Not that Teh Felines are the only symptoms (or causes) of Thread-Death…
is the point that they got hysterical? that’s their entire lifestyle.
Yes, poke at the righteous whenever possible. A little persecution goes a long way. I loved the shit out of this post.
Wow, there’s dense
You’re not too skilled at covering your tracks.
And then there is so dense that you have an event horizon..
Can someone pass the salt?
Oh and a foundation underwriting Sadly No? I would only buy that if the story involved a motel room, a crate of grapefruit, and some penguins kidapped from the New England Seaquarium.a
Who told you about the penguins?!?!
But I’m not a lawyer, just a simple godbag, so what do I know?
Bryan on February 9, 2007 at 5:10 PM
Fucking BINGO Zippy!
Oh god! The italics! Oh the humanity! (How do you close these things anyway?)
Is that better? Or did I not do it right?
Nope, I didn’t get it right.
Leela fools Bryan.
Gavin has teh stealth naming.
Seriously, why isn’t the pork=kryptonite ace-in-the-hole being employed against islamoterrorism both domestically and abroad?
Pardon me while I vent….
a) Because the Gen. Pershing story is a MYTH you idiots! A Muslim that dies in war is considered religiously clean. The obvious–even to a wingnut–reason is that it allowed Muslims to leave their dead where they fell on the field of battle, rather than wasting time gathering them up and preparing them ritualistically for burial. But it also has the side benefit of showing up these Cheeto-stained right-wing morons for the idiots they are.
b) If you had pig fat on it, it would melt off with the hot gas which makes the bullet fly and the gun go boom! And lastly point C….
c) It will make your gun jam!
This has been another episode of Gun Basics for Five Year-Olds and Wingnuts.
If it ever comes to a shooting war with the wingnuts, I’ll wear a kefiyeh when I fight. They’ll think I’m a Muslim, and they’ll grease up their bullets and jam their guns.
How long ’til annie and puppet arrive? We need some culture.
NY Law Firm:
Too late.
But was that the real “annie?” Or another one of Pablo’s sock-puppets designed to get everyone to lower their guard just enough for him to spring another “Ode to the Glenis?”
Hot Air stimulates the hypothalami of wingnuts. Tis the circle of life.
And here I thought it was the circle of jerk.
(La Cirque du Jerke)
Michelle’s little boy toy just said your accusation is “actionable�
Heavens! Will we hear from the New York Law Firm?
that is a good question.
Tristam, care to elulcidate?
My sock puppet is standing down in my pie (which I like)!
OK that was too much, even for me.
Come over to my place, cs
We are never funny there …
And everyone is banned until proven innocent …
Jesus fucking christ kids, go to sleep. if i hear one more word out of either of you you are both grounded for a month, seriously. and no allowance this week either.
ethel, these fucking kids are driving me fucking crazy. i’m going to the bar and getting a drink. (door slams)
All the evidence you’ll ever need:
ITALICS!!!!!! everything’s a quote now….
The fact is that “Sal” hurls these accusations at HotAir and then disappears because he is a coward. The blogger who libels under a false name, and the suicide bomber who kills himself so that he will never face justice, are cut from the same cloth.
Mrs. Hot Air,
Can Bryan come over to our yard to play today, please ?
My mother said it’s alright, so long as he poos in the house where he’s sposed to.
Dating myself a bit here but I’m wondering if Sal Leno ever got hooked up on ConservativeMatch.com?
Gary Ruppert said,
February 10, 2007 at 10:10
The blogger who libels under a false name, and the suicide bomber who kills himself so that he will never face justice, are cut from the same cloth.
Satire ? Parody ? ” Douchebaggery ?” Perhaps only Paddy knows ….
The blogger who libels under a false name, is not the true blogger.
If you meet the blogger on the road, ban him, because the blogger is not the way.
and to think that all I had to do to get banned was to call them on “Jamilgate”. How’d you get back on?
Well Marita,
It doesn’t look like Patrick Frey (Patterico) wants to debate me. Maybe if you can add Steak and Lobster (Punch and Pie) to the party he”ll come over here and debate me, but probably not. Oh Well.
The OJ Simpson Case
Gary is so precious. A totalitarian trapped in a democracy, uselessly ranting about the inequity of it all; the inability to force others to conform.
You were not ever banned. Comments at HotAir are frequently delayed before they appear.
Stupidest. Post. Ever.
i think that was a fake Gary. The real gary isn’t one to use death metaphors as far as I can tell. Who the fuck can tell. Persoanlly, i can’t be assed to check IP addresses.
or spelling
I, for one, welcome the addition of “assed” as a new past tense verb.
Ted, the Brits have been saying “can’t be arsed to fill-in-the-blank” forever.
Gentlewoman: That is tragic news about your companion’s impossible dream. I would suggest showing him an atlas, but it’s been my experience that the information flow with felines is decidedly one way — from them to us, and almost never the other way about. I suspect that if we didn’t have thumbs, they’d have no use for us whatsoever.
Are “teh felines” the chaps that occasionally make an appearance in blog posts here? A handsome white fella driving a VW, et al? In any case, thanks for the heads up. I don’t post often anywhere these days. (Though I think Brad is sort of a neighbor …)
Your fella looks both handsome and greatly superior — & I truly do hope that all goes well for you & yours.
Are “teh felines� the chaps that occasionally make an appearance in blog posts here? A handsome white fella driving a VW, et al?
Well, I am handsome.
As to white-ness, well…
Oh dear. I didn’t mean any offense, EGN, truly. (If you look at Miss Jessica’s link, above, you’ll see that she wasn’t very white either. In fact it seriously pissed her off to be a member of multiple long-suppressed minorities & gosh, don’t get me started on her mood around Halloween. Boy howdy!) I was referring to occasional blog posts featuring cats, who make food runs for the SN! crew so that they can carry on the good fight while typing typing typing & almost never leaving their lairs … one of those cats was a white boy, if memory serves.
Zhak, you are thinking of the Kitty Minions who spend their time labouring in the SN research laboratories. Occasionally they are brought out en masse during cuteness wars with the Poorman Institute, when they swarm through the interducts like so many — umm — flying simian things.
They should not be confused with us, however. If you make the same mistake again, I will track you down and drool on you. I will sink my claws deep into your knee, while wearing an expression of such entranced bliss that you will convince yourself that I am doing it out of misplaced affection.
You are probably used to this from Miss Jessica.
Thanks Ted, though ‘assed’ is definitely a british verb.
It’s not popular here because conjugation of it is illegal in some states.
My comments at Hot Air frequently seem to disappear upon posting, and then, after some interval, which I don’t really check, they re-appear. For all I know, maybe some of them don’t.
Presumably there is comment moderation going on, either automated or manual. It never would have occurred to me to care.
The notion that your comment was malignantly deleted and then, under your fierce documentation and ‘calling them out,’ reinstated is trivial and unfounded and just bizarre. Do you regularly get into shouting matches with random strangers on the bus because “they were looking at you funny?”
That’s the level you’re at here.
Sal Leno is the screenname of Scott Lemieux. It used to be “Sadl Leno” before Ann Althouse castrated it.
whats hotair? I never heard of em. Not likely I’ll be finding out either. In solidarity, I will ban myself from their little snake pit or blog or whatever it is.
Oh, damn, now I remember. Hotair, I’ve heard of them. There’s no foundation to any rumor about them not being on the up and up. I mean, really, you question Michelle Malkin?
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[…] Disappearing Pages? By Sean Paul Kelley, on February 9th, 2007 Is a prominent winger-website disappearing webpages? Sadly No! has been engaged in a serious fight with the Malkinites and are winning. Visit the site, […]