Open Non-Jamil Hussein Related Thread

I understand that some of you are getting very bored with the whole Jamil Hussein story. I don’t blame you- it really is completely ridiculous.

Some friends of mine have ripped me away from the Jamil Hussein cult and are going to deprogram me with beer tonight. So I promise I will never, ever write on this again. But once you start following this story… well, it really is wingnut crack, even for a wacky hippie moonbat like m’self. I honestly don’t know what how they do it, but Mr. Hussein and his firebombed-but-not-destroyed mosques have a way of reeling you in. Cuh-reepy.

“Brad… pay attention to me, Brad… I thought we were friends.”

No, no, no, no. I am not hearing your voice. My friends say that you can’t talk and…

“You don’t think you can really escape us forever, do you?”


Anyway, use this thread to discuss anything not related to Jamil Hussein. I hear there’s a big football game goin’ on tomorrow, and I’m rootin’ fer Peyton to get his ring.

FINAL UPDATE AND THEN I REALLY AM GOING OUT TO DRINK AND HAVE A LIFE AND HOPEFULLY NEVER DISCUSS JAMIL HUSSEIN AGAIN: Once again, the NFL Hall of Fame blew it. You got six new inductees, and only one of them is a defensive player. I would personally vote in LC Greenwood, Richard Dent and Derrick Thomas in right away. This is not to take anything away from guys like Armstrong, Irvin and Thurman Thomas, who all deserved to get in this year. But there is a definite bias working against defensive players when HOF voting comes up.


Comments: 46


I ate a bagel!



Do you think Payton will destroy the Bears’ secondary, or merely blow holes in it?


I honestly would root for the Colts but for the sickening fair-weather-fans of Indiana.

Go Bears.


Who’s that speedy young slotback for chicago? You know, the guy went to ‘bama or something. Oh yeah, Jamil Hussein was his name I think…



Thers- I think Peyton will lob several firebombs to Harrison, Wayne and Clark.


My cat’s breath smells like cat food.


Da Bears (and the 7 points, mama Hussein didn’t raise no fool).

Bookies consider the coin toss a tossup.


Kitty Cheese’s breath smells like cinnamon – she was licking my cinnamon toast plate. She is an odd feline.


What’s the deal with alligators?

Do they alligate? Are they known for making allegations?

Just what the fuck are they trying to pull here?

I think we should be told.


I confess that I am afraid to smell Ganesh Bengal Cat’s breath, but I am pretty sure that it smells like chicken guts.

I further confess that it has never occurred to me to smell my cat’s breath.

Should I be worried?


Actually, GW, I gotta tellya, I think that makes you the most rational cat owner I know….



Hey there’s like 250 comments on hotair’s post about the Boston “pranksters” press conference. They’re pissed! Mostly they’re talking about how they can’t wait for the guys to get raped in prison.


Well, it seems like I always wake up with one end of the cat or the other in my face (especially since our current temeratures have been hovering around 0 and it’s been chilly in our apartment) so sometimes I find out about her breath. It’s not sniffed deliberately, trust me. lol


Flying Rodent, all the allegations against alligators are a “croc”.



Hey there’s like 250 comments on hotair’s post about the Boston “pranksters� press conference. They’re pissed! Mostly they’re talking about how they can’t wait for the guys to get raped in prison.

Goddam, that really makes me angry. Those kids did nothing wrong. Hell, they did nothing unusual. They are not terrorists. They are not “hoaxers”. They are artists who took a commission. The fact that stupid, racist uneducated haters think that somebody has to be punished for the idiocy of the Boston city managment just shows them to be the mindless narrow thoughtless pricks we already knew them to be…




Congratulations – I’m out-funnied yet again.

This happens more than I’d like to admit…


Yes, mikey, that’s exactly what they are. Bastards.

I had friends in Seattle who did a similar kind of hit ‘n run art project a couple of years ago,not for pay or advertising but just for the hell of it. I guess if they’d done it in Boston, the Boston cops would have thought it was some kind of signaling to terrorists and my friends would probably be in Gitmo now.


Thanks, Flying Rodent, but I’m still embarrassed at the way I can’t resist the easy pun. 🙂


“I need an old Mullah and a young mullah…”

Hopefully, Turner and/or [AS] are covering their legal fees. Any competent judge will throw charges out, but who knows. It may take an appeal or two.


Hey I liked your coverage on Non-Jumeil Hussein! I look forward each day to the stunning Non-developments.

Seriously. I got totally sucked in by this story. You know, it’s like a train wreck. I didn’t want to keep following it – I just couldn’t look away. And I loved your coverage of it!


I think Pam’s still drunk


I for one am glad to see that you’ve given up on the Jamil Hussein myth and moved on. It was starting to make you look very silly.


The fact that stupid, racist uneducated haters think that somebody has to be punished for the idiocy of the Boston city managment just shows them to be the mindless narrow thoughtless pricks we already knew them to be…


Somehow it reminds me of the Ambassador Wilson smear writ small.


You know, out of boredom and idle curiosity, I decided to see if it’s true that the number one hit when Googling “shrieking harpy” was Atlas Pam, and ye gods, it is!


hey kevin

you are a shithead.

just wanted to get that out there.

having said that, thers, that may be the funniest thing i’ve read in several weeks. and i’ve been reading comedy scripts the entire time.

of course, to explain to an outsider why it’s funny would literally require a full day of explanation:

“you see, on the blogs…um, you know, where people discuss news…well, not really news, more news about the reporting of news…no, i mean, not totally serious, sort of, but snarky, but the MSM thing…oh, yeah, Mainstream Media…no no, the critique is that they aren’t really liberal, wait, sorry, i mean the critique of the people we are critiquing, did i mention snark? it’s like sarcasm kind of…anyway, there’s this story, well not really, it’s not really a story, i mean it was a real story but not a real STORY if you know what i mean…no, the question isn’t whether it happened but how it was described, sorry…the ap, yeah–that’s the associated press–michelle malkin…she’s this weird non-professional media critic, no no i’m very into the non-professional thing, but she’s a professional liar…i think fox pays her, i’m not sure, look the point is she…well, it’s complicated, the question is who really did or didn’t say “Destroyed”, well yes, there was damage, and no, well wait, sorry give a sec let me try to diagram this…so this site called sadly, no! is…it’s a group blog…the point is, it is a snark, shit i mean a left-ish amateur critiquer of other critiquers on the right who critique the MSM–didn’t i already say Mainstrema Media, are you even listening to me? hello? ”

(turns around, notices non-blog reading spouse suspended from pipe in ceiling via rope turning blue)


I could go for a well-done Marie’-Jon’ right now. Any word from Coach Dave? Or maybe a finely smoked Grogan…


So I googled “right wing lunatic”, and seven down, there she was “Atlas Shrugs”.

This is fun.

Well, she was quite far down the list under “crazy wingnut” but she was there.


Robert, i think my non-blogging partner just went into the bedroom and barricaded the door.

I think perhaps it’s time to bid the blogging good night and good luck.


You know, out of boredom and idle curiosity, I decided to see if it’s true that the number one hit when Googling “shrieking harpy� was Atlas Pam, and ye gods, it is!

Yes! Yes! YES!

Finally I feel like I’ve accomplished something in life! Many thanks to all of those who helped keep the dream alive!


Glad to help, Marita!



I for one am glad to see that you’ve given up on the Jamil Hussein myth and moved on. It was starting to make you look very silly.

Then again, consider the source. As you all know I’m not too well-endowed in the smarts department. And with my looks I’m lucky if I can fuck a dog in the ass.


Hey there’s like 250 comments on hotair’s post about the Boston “pranksters� press conference. They’re pissed! Mostly they’re talking about how they can’t wait for the guys to get raped in prison.

Conservative family values on parade. Keep protecting us from those savage, inhuman, reactionary Muslims, fellahs!

This could very well be the American version of that Mohammed cartoon fiasco if they keep up the feigned outrage long enough.


So doing a google search on shrieking harpy brought you to Pam’s site. How odd.


“It’s a pretty good war”
Said old Wingnut McSnore
“And the fellow who runs it
Seems proud and cocksure.”

“But if I ran this war,”
Said old Wingnut McSnore
“I’d make a few changes
And give Eye-raq what for.”

The weapons and airplanes and that kind of stuff
They have out there now are not quite good enough.
You see things like these in just any old war.
They’re awfully limp-wristed. I want stuff with more gore!

A one-barreled gun is not that big a deal.
The guns in my war have five barrels for real!
They’ll flay off the skin of an Arab tout suite
And the guy right behind him will end up chopped meat.
The kid behind that will be holy as Swiss
And send out the hearse for that lovely young miss.
The pundits back home will smell blood and be drooling
“That Wingnut’s not kidding! He’s really not fooling!”

My Gore War, McSnore War, will make people talk.
My Gore War, McSnore War, will make people gawk
At the bloodiest victims that ever did walk,
Or stagger or crawl or wheel ’round in a chair,
And my tank will just roll like they’re not even there,
Squishing their guts out with style and with flair.
The boys back at home will all wish they were killing
With tanks with neat drink holders to stop any spilling!


Ah, jeez!

I had some really good barbecue today. And spent a good day driving aimlessly around South-Central LA.

And I’m mildly drunk – well, probably not mildly as the evening progresses. And we’ve got plenty of Doritos for tomorrow. And avocados.

And the 2 dogs are sleeping. Hope they don’t start farting.

Mehitabel the Abyssinian

My house-ape’s breath smells like primate food. It’s weird what they eat. Why would anyone want to spoil a perfectly good bit of fish by smoking it?


Is the Associated Press keeping score at the Super Bowl ?


Kevin said,
February 4, 2007 at 4:00

I for one am glad to see that you’ve given up on the Jamil Hussein myth and moved on. It was starting to make you look very silly.

That would be the point of this … er … what ? … er … tube.

The tube. The point of the tube is to be here.

Thank you, no further questions …


I glued my head to my shoulder and now I have two owies.


I take it all the embedded clips in the post mean you’re trying to give up like one of those fools who tries to stop smoking by smoking so many cigarettes off that they puke?


You know what we need?

A good chuckle.

Here’s something to check out, if you haven’t seen it before…..this is a classic bit of humor from the Internet Infidels message boards. If you haven’t seen it before, it’s well worth a look – despite its location, no deities are insulted on this thread. It’s a series of photoshops and silly captions set to the safety graphics that debuted on the website a few years ago. Still pretty funny, I think.


Damn – looks like most of the graphics have died in the interim. Quelle dommage. I’ll have to hunt around to see if I can find a good archive of it.

Smiling Mortician

The remaining images were good, though, Jillian. And as long as we’ve got Righteous McBubba McBean and teh l4m3’s two owies, we shall not want for funnitude.


When are we going to run away together to some remote tropical island, Mort?


My cat has a huge hole in her onion-shaped thingy, but she’s not destroyed.


It’s a pity you guys don’t get to enjoy real football like Rugby Union, Aussie Rules or Gaelic. It must be real embarassing, what with your mothers making you wear protective padding, especially when you’re all growded-up.


(comments are closed)