Lara-Logan-Is-A-TraitorGate, Day 1

Shorter Michelle Malkin:

Lara Logan & al Qaeda: What’s the 411, CBS?

Above: Hey, where’d the ostrich go?

  • Tellingly, liberals would prefer to spread distortions about a so-called “destroyed” mosque that was merely firebombed and blown up, while “conveniently” ignoring that CBS. Has. Footage. Of. Dead. Iraqi. Soldiers. That. Also. Appears. In. An. Al-Qaeda. Video.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.


Comments: 124


Welcome to 1992, Michelle. You’re really on the TLC Tip this time.

It’s that flavor
That’s what I’m talking about
Ain’t no other way to explain it


Lara Logan is a traitorous liberal twat.


I swear I saw CNN footage of the burning Twin Towers on an Al-Qaeda training video.Therefore the traitorous left MSM must have some sort of formal content-sharing agreement with terrorist leader Obama Jamil Hussein bin Fonda Laden.

Because nothing else makes sense.

Worst. President. Ever.

Hey, Michelle, if you were talking about YOUR house, would you actually be splitting hairs about whether it had been “destroyed” or “firebombed and blown up”?

I didn’t think so.

So. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.


If Lara Logan is al-Qaeda, I’m willing to give this jihad thing a second look.


What the hell is wrong with these people? They are desperate to believe that the carnage, chaos and destruction in Iraq that they helped unleash is all some sort of terrorist-CNN joint plot to destroy America. They shriek about victory, resolve and staying the course, yet offer nothing but those shrieks in order to achieve this goal of “victory.” Does Michelle or any of the rest of them even have any sort of idea what victory is other than as a slogan? If the United States is in a life or death scenario in Iraq, shouldn’t the plan for the absolutely necessary victory involve something other than trying to figure out whether some footage used in a news report is 100% accurate or whether the wordplay in an AP story is apt or a smidgen off?


anyone watched logan’s report on malkin’s website? i just dont get what malkin is insinuating. the footage in question is only a fraction of logan’s story, and from what it shows its obvious that its taken by some insurgent group, with the close up of blown away bodies of Iraqi security forces. so if it is from al Qaeda, um, whats the big surprise, or the big lie? we know they send videos to journalists. am i missing something? other than that malkin is a retard of course.


I’ve asked CBS News’s Public Eye for comment. Stay tuned.

With all the credibility the Malkintentsâ„¢ have earned with their Jamil Hussein coverage, I’m sure CBS will be taking this whining with the gravity it deserves.


Michelle’s right. If there is Al Qaeda video in Logan’s report, it means that no one is dying in Iraq and that journalists aren’t at risk.

Smiling Mortician

OK so here’s another thing I love about this site. Every day it’s like being in the middle of the “Cool” number in West Side Story (sorry no link — guess nobody’s pilfered the DVD and uploaded it to YouTube).

Teh Guys post the day’s latest atrocity and everybody’s like “Jazz it, Daddy-O!” and “Zap!Cha!” and then every now and then one of us goes “No no no no no no no it’s too horrible no no no!” until the rest of the Jets dance the universe back into order with an “Ooh ooh, oobly-oo!”

Yeah. It’s kinda like that.


Is it me or does Michelle’s face look a little different than usual in that video still? I think she’s had her eyes done! Hey, she didn’t go to Iraq at all! She was in some cushy celeb-hideaway in Mexico getting plastic surgery! OH MY FUCKING GOD ALERT THE MEDIA!! IT’S A SCANDAL!!

Malkin will of course deny that she’s had any work done, which is just further proof that there’s a dark, dark conspiracy at work here!

Principal Blackman

um, whats the big surprise, or the big lie? we know they send videos to journalists.

Well, it proves that AQ and said journalists routinely meet to dicuss how best to destroy America. Don’t you see? This. Proves. That. Al. Qaida. And. The. Hated. Librul. Media. Are. In. Cahoots. Against. America.


Dear. Michelle.

Stop. Ripping. Off. My. Rhetorical. Moves.


Howard. Cosell.


I also like pie.


Hey Logan, how about tempering your report with something about insurgent activity?

Hmmm, now wouldn’t that be Supercalitraitorfragilistic-expialidocious ignoring all the good news and school paintings in Deer Leader’s glorious victory?


The malkin thing, Al Qaida and Lara Logan walk into a bar. The malkin thing orders a Lon’ G’island Ice Tea. Al and Lara both order scotch, neat. The malkin thing shoots the bartender…

Ummm, I’m pretty sure that’s how it goes…



Did you mean a Lawn Guyland Ice Tea, mikey?


Do Michelle and Annie hate on Lara cause they know she’s hotter than they are?


I saved a screenshot of that over there. she is going to be eating this one and hard. What a fucking idiot.


You are being gavinned. 4 mosques were not firebombed, as gavin suggests. Don’t accept lies. Don’t be counted among the easily misled. You are not sheep, people. Gavin knows he’s wrong on this issue, and is trying to make you look like idiots and support him. I know for a fact that a number of you are not idiots (well, not for a fact, per se, but I believe it based upon your comments).

Ignore Gavin’s smaller issues, and focus on the fact that the AP lied to you. Is that ok? Of the 4 mosques Gavin and the AP claims were firebombed, perhaps one was. Perhaps. Of the 6 people burned alive, 0 were actually burned to death. Yet the AP reported exactly that, and Gavin supports them, and pokes fun at people who reveal the truth. Strange, huh?

I’ll relink all of the proofs dispelling gavin’s idiocy if you want, but why the hell do I have to? *sigh* Say the word and I’ll go get the links that I’ve already posted but you are unwilling to read. It’s like I’ve become your illegal houseservant.

Still, if I can help you to avoid being gavinned (“lied to”. This addendum is soon to be removed), it’s a win.


So if Michelle is featuring the video on her site now… SHE must be al Qaeda too! The traitors are everywhere! Is there no escape?


MM is very pretty in your picture though! But it doesn’t counteract the lies you are telling your fans. Not even close.


” Of the 4 mosques Gavin and the AP claims were firebombed, perhaps one was”

Or perhaps two were, or three or, saints preserve us, four.


Seen her T-shirt BTW, two towers inside a pentagon.

She is celebrating the atrocity of 9-11! kill the evil-doer!


CBS has responded

I asked CBS News Vice President Paul Friedman about the video.

“I can assure you this was not from Al-Qaeda,” said Friedman, who declined to identify the source. “Whenever we can identify the source of information or video, we want to do that,” he added. “There are some rare cases when we have to protect the source. In this case, we needed to do so, because it’s literally a matter of life and death.”

“The fact that same video shows up in more than one place is something that happens every day,” said CBS News spokeswoman Sandra Genelius. “We occasionally use video from an Al-Qaeda Web site and we identify it. In this case, we didn’t get it from Al-Qaeda, so we didn’t identify it as such.”


Kevin is a patriotic Murkan, bravely reporting from Jamil Hussein’s basement in Irackistan. Cheetosâ„¢ are running low, please supplement Richard Mellon-Scaife’s subsidies with your paypal contributions.

For Freedom™®©³²!!11eleven!!!



Sonic said,

January 31, 2007 at 4:08

� Of the 4 mosques Gavin and the AP claims were firebombed, perhaps one was�

Or perhaps two were, or three or, saints preserve us, four.

Stop believing your eyes, dammit.

As I wrote the other day (with supporting thoughts from the South China Morning Post’s editor in Beijing), the American right wishes the US had the equivalent of the Chinese Communist Party’s Ministry of Propaganda and State Agency for Radio, Film and Television and that they were the staff and Ministers.

When the CCP bans soap operas with divorces and affairs, you can hear Bozell and his loons cheering and wishing the US could be more like communist China. When the CCP bans coverage of “civil disturbances”, you can hear the Malkintents groaning, but secretly wishing they could ban coverage of news that placed their Party in a negative light. When the CCP puts out regulations demanding all bloggers be forced to use their real names, Confederate Yankee and Pasty and Patterico are creaming their pants wishing they had powers like that to out all of the bloggers and media stringers they disliked and have ’em disappeared and beaten and tortured like they do in communist China.


i havent been following this well enough. not that it really matters in the whole scheme of things but were 6 sunnis actually burned alive? i keep seeing malkin people saying none were, which usually just means that the US military said so, so it MUST be true. christ. but did jamil hussein retract or what? other witnesses? eh?

and in regards to the AP, uh, if they did get it wrong, well this amounts to the unspeakable crime of getting a story wrong because your source is full of shit. yea. boy. that hardly ever happens.


Michelle, you ignorant . . .


Nice to see Michelle is taking her typing rhythms from the great William Shatner.


Mail to MM

I don’t know how technical you are, but in these modern days video can be, what we scientists call, “copied”

That’s right, more that one “copy” can exist. Indeed someone could (stay with me here) give a “copy” to someone who could then “copy” it again, pass it on to Al Queda “without CBS knowing

Hopefully Hollywoods latest attack on the evil of “copying” will stop this sort of thing in its tracks.

I have a feeling this is going to be the shortest “blogstorm” in history


i havent been following this well enough. not that it really matters in the whole scheme of things but were 6 sunnis actually burned alive? i keep seeing malkin people saying none were, which usually just means that the US military said so, so it MUST be true. christ. but did jamil hussein retract or what? other witnesses? eh?

No, just the same ol’ Tarantella.

Malkin and Bryan Preston went to Iraq and visited one of the mosques that was supposed to be undamaged, and it was firebombed, riddled with gunfire, and had a big hole blown in it.

Somehow, through the magic of word-games, this became yet more evidence that the AP was lying about the mosques, the burned Sunnis, Jamil Hussein, etc.


Memo to Jesse: You might want to keep your meal ticket on a tighter leash, cuz at this rate the skank’s credibility is so shot to shit she’ll be licking Hugh Hewitt’s banana nipples for a hot meal. Just so we’re clear: I’m not suggesting that you administer an “Oberlin style” reprimand” — get me?

Smiling Mortician

Let’s see if I’ve got this: of the four mosques the AP claimed were firebombed, “perhaps one” was actually firebombed. Perhaps? Perhaps? So, what, Malkin is a member of the vast left-wing conspiracy now, doctoring photos to make mosques look like they have big gaping explosion-holes in them when they don’t? Cool.


“Or perhaps two were, or three or, saints preserve us, four.”

Sonic, you are not reading the news. Even the AP now admits that only one was ‘sploded. Read, my friend! Can I call you ‘friend’? Ask me for the link, but only if you are ready to accept the truth.

“Malkin and Bryan Preston went to Iraq and visited one of the mosques that was supposed to be undamaged, and it was firebombed, riddled with gunfire, and had a big hole blown in it.
Somehow, through the magic of word-games, this became yet more evidence that the AP was lying about the mosques, the burned Sunnis, Jamil Hussein, etc. ”

Quit gavinning people! They only photographed the one mosque that HAD been harmed (and unless you consider the ‘loss of your roof’ == ‘blown up’ then even that lie has been disproven. I for one had part of my roof sucked up by the evil hurricane Rita, but I never considered our house to be ‘blown up’. Regardless, 2 of the other 3 were untouched, 1 has not been determined since it’s name is not listed in the local mosque directory. All this matters, but not as much as the fact that 6 burned victims never turned up anywhere. Face it, they lied to you, and you bought it!

And even THAT pails in comparison to the fact that you readers who have been gavinned don’t see the worth in finding out the truth! All humor aside, you embarrass the rest of America when you don’t even TRY to find out facts.

I read the other, uh, rebuttals, but it was all “you’re dumb” crap. I’ll rebut one idiot, but that’s all. Bring facts or be ignored. I’ll blockquote it so you don’t get confused. Because I care.

“Kevin is a patriotic Murkan, bravely reporting from Jamil Hussein’s basement in Irackistan. Cheetosâ„¢ are running low, please supplement Richard Mellon-Scaife’s subsidies with your paypal contributions.”

Excellent point! From a liberal perspective at least. You taught us all something about calling people names and projecting your life troubles on them! Good job.


“Let’s see if I’ve got this: of the four mosques the AP claimed were firebombed, “perhaps oneâ€? was actually firebombed. Perhaps? Perhaps? So, what, Malkin is a member of the vast left-wing conspiracy now, doctoring photos to make mosques look like they have big gaping explosion-holes in them when they don’t? Cool.”

I don’t consider you to be an idiot Mr. Mortician, so I’ll reply. But what can I say? The AP trusted a probable sunni propagandizer who said that 4 mosques were destroyed. It turns out that he was lying and zero to one were destroyed. He said that 6 sunnis were torched, and it turns out that zero sunnis were torched. And yet you harass CY, Michelle and Bryan for exposing this? It says more about you than it says about them.


um, kevin, your refusal to provide links unless people really want the truth rather undermines your credibility. as does this:

I for one had part of my roof sucked up by the evil hurricane Rita, but I never considered our house to be ‘blown up’.

that would be because your house was not blown up, but rather suffered hurricane damage. are you seriously suggesting that the big hole in the roof of the mosque was caused naturally? perhaps the bullet-holes and fire damage were also caused naturally. they must have some strange storms in iraq.

also, you quote someone using the words “had a big hole blown in it” which does not == blown up either. this kind of basic error isn’t exactly helping especially since most of what’s going on is quibbling about word choice anyway.

finally, if the a.p. was wrong about the six burned people — which is possible, i suppose — it was because they were misinformed by someone whom they considered to be a reliable source. meanwhile, i have heard precious little outrage from you and your pals about the fact that the u.s. and iraqi governments lied to your face for weeks about the nonexistence of jamil hussein. i would be interested in hearing your source for this claim by the way. if, as i rather suspect, it turns out to be more official denials from the occupation authorities and iraqi government, well, as you say, “Face it, they lied to you, and you bought it!” and you’re still buying it. luckily, most americans aren’t any more.


Kevin. Motherfucker. Make a point. What does this tell us? Is Iraq a beautiful, peaceful place and the violence is MSM fiction? Whatt does it mean, other than reporting from a warzone is a bit sketchy?



” 6 burned victims never turned up anywhere”

They are in the graveyard numbnuts, did you expect that the charred corpses would still be lying around?

“only photographed the one mosque that HAD been harmed”

So why not the other three genuis?


Quit gavinning people! They only photographed the one mosque that HAD been harmed (and unless you consider the ‘loss of your roof’ == ‘blown up’ then even that lie has been disproven. I for one had part of my roof sucked up by the evil hurricane Rita, but I never considered our house to be ‘blown up’.

These word games, I swear.

So, did Rita blow your roof off with an RPG, and also firebomb your house and riddle it with small-arms fire?

I mean really now.

Regardless, 2 of the other 3 were untouched, 1 has not been determined since it’s name is not listed in the local mosque directory. All this matters, but not as much as the fact that 6 burned victims never turned up anywhere. Face it, they lied to you, and you bought it!

So wait. The original US report says that one mosque was attacked and three were untouched. Then Malkin visits an ‘undamaged’ one that was, in fact, attacked. This equals two untouched mosques and one ‘undetermined’ one.

In an alternate universe, which I inhabit, people are saying that one attacked mosque plus another attacked mosque equals at least two attacked mosques.

But help me out here if you can.


So, what is the frequency, Kevin?

Or, more Malkinistically:

What. Is. The. Frick. Ing. Frequency. Ken. Neth. ?.

[hey. this. is. fun.!.]


� 6 burned victims never turned up anywhere�

Lemmie see, where oh were can these specific bodies be? humm….

Thing is you see, there is just so darn many morgues to check, (never mind those that are dumped and maybe never found or bothered with) so many dead men women and children to sort through, Piled up they are in fact. Must be a virus going round. Maybe they were blown into itty pieces somehow and have yet to be collected. Happens easy, they are still finding human remains around ground zero in the states after all. Perfectly understandable…

Still, don’t let the fact that there are many many other people dead and dying right now stop you from bothering to try to prove this one case wrong, after all, if you can then all the other hard facts don’t matter and the Great War and the Dear Leader are exonerated.

Good luck with that.


Oops. Sorry. I had my head up my ass. It won’t happen again.


Kevin, my friend, I do want the truth. I do want facts. I do think the A.P can be wrong, and that they can report untrue testimony from faulty sources. But put this in context, Kevin. Look at how your comrades are dancing around the maypole about the fact that Jamil Hussein didn’t exist, whoops, I mean, not as many mosques attacked and no charred corpses found as of yet. Malkin is making a wholesale argument about the WHOLE ASSOCIATED PRESS based on this, and it’s ludicrous.

We are searching for facts, Kevin, but the problem is that the U.S. military gives us Augean stables of propaganda to clean up as well, from Jessica Lynch to the recent lying about kidnapped soldiers. The question is not whether to seek facts but where to concentrate your efforts, given the track record of all the sources there so far. The efforts of Malkin, Bryan et al., toward the end of convincing themselves that this war is not all that bad, are asinine at this point. They have yet to make the admission I made above about the A.P.– that the U.S. military has and might continue to feed them bad information.

They are shoveling ice cream sundaes down their throats while going apoplectic that we drink 2% milk instead of skim.


In a post a few days ago, Ms. Maglalang questioned whether she should get breast implants. Based on the picture accompanying this post, I give a wholehearty–


(And I give the pictured t*tt*es TWO THUMBS DOWN!)


Given the shoeing that Logan gave to Ingraham, that other weekend Iraq junketress, I don’t think she has anything to fear from La Maglalang.

(Oh, and by the way, Kevin, you’re never going to match Bryan the best blogfriend ever in Michelle’s estimations.)


Can I call you ‘friend’?

Please don’t. False bonhomie makes my skin crawl.


Kevin kinda reminds me of Cartman in the episode where he wanted mature friends, like him, and ended up joining NAMBLA. The word “argument” does not mean what you seem to think it means, Kev.


Okay okay, but like, did I not just BLOW YOUR MIND?

Okay, or at least that onion-shaped thingie on top of Kevin’s house…


Kevin is just going to have to keep sucking along at Blogues for Bush°.


Quit gavinning people! They only photographed the one mosque that HAD been harmed

That’s smart. I mean, if your goal was to document that four mosques hadn’t been harmed, I certainly wouldn’t photograph the unharmed ones. No, of course I wouldn’t.

Way to build a case over there. Yeah, I’m sure if you just shout the word “gavinned” enough, that will be a great substitute for evidence.


Lara Logan > Malkin in every way possible. She even has that cute accent thing going on.
And has spend just a few more days in Iraq then four. I think she’s on day 7 now… or more, I forget….


You gotta give Michelle credit.

Yeah she’s not all that bright, she never stops digging the hole a little deeper, she’s pretty damn ugly in a ‘pug ugly’ sort of way, she hates the MSM, but craving validation, has a NYTimes quote proudly splattered across her banner. Sure you could say all those things about Michelle and more, but I’ll bet she cooks a mean adobo.


Hey now, no need for the adobo crack — my aunt and several of my friends are Filipina, after all, so I know adobo. And Michelle’s not ugly. Plain, but not ugly — at least, she has the potential to be decent-looking, were it not for the disfiguring BATSHIT INSANITY.


She even has that cute accent thing going on.

Funny, isn’t it, how lots of the people who spend months in Baghdad at a time for American media have non-American accents — Jane Arraf, Michael Ware, Lara Logan, Jamie Tarabay, John Burns?

Oh, and for the record, that smack-the-fuck-down of Ingraham.


no, i bet jesse cooks a mean adobo and michelle then brings it out to the family and claims it was all her hard work.

later, when her mom complains about the chicken liver being a bit overcooked, she blames the MSM.

Herr Doktor Bimler

CBS. Has. Footage. Of. Dead. Iraqi. Soldiers. That. Also. Appears. In. An. Al-Qaeda. Video.
Please do not encourage this way of emphasising statements. I have just wasted 5 minutes trying to wipe the fly-specks off my screen.


Since when is Laura Ingraham so…well, “butch”? Not that there’s, and so on.

Bush Admin: Why aren’t you reporting all the good news in Iraq?

MSM: Because either we’re forbidden to, because it will direct insurgent action against them, or it’s too dangerous, and we can only go where the military will take us.

Bush Admin: And whose fault is that?


Thanks for that link, ahem. I am smitten.

Notice how Michelle didn’t report on what any of the members of the US military she encountered in her junket had to say about Lara Logan’s honesty in reporting the events in theater? Nitpicker schools her on this.

I worked with Lara Logan personally in Afghanistan and, to a person, every military member she came into contact with said the stories she aired about her time with them was dead-on honest–not to mention that, unlike Malkin who spent four days “embedded” with a unit showing her the fluffiest of fluff stories, Logan was nearly killed running the Afghanistan/Pakistan border with SpecOps types.


False bonhomie makes my skin crawl.
So I was hanging out in the Tibetan ‘hood the other day, trying to blend in with the other Bon-homies…


Goldstain is wanking as fast as he can:

Of course, this being CBS, I’m not quite so willing to rule out knowing malfeasance on the part of their production and editorial staffs, however slyly they may have distanced themselves from potential repercussions by relegating the report to their website. After all, the mainstream press in this country has clearly chosen sides in the prosecution of this war, which makes much of what they do, even when their mistakes are inadvertant and the result of confirmation bias and/or reportorial laziness, rightly suspect, especially given that they now have a clearly-drawn metanarrative of the Iraq war both to (re)inscribe and protect.

And this is CBS, the network that practically canonized the “fake but accurate� maneuver—a trope I once thought would redound to their shame, but one that in the years since Rather’s humiliation seems to morphed into an acceptable weapon in the arsenal of journalists who have come to think of themselves as teaching the lessons of news rather than simply reporting on it. The Doctrine of Truthiness, if you will.


Laura Ingraham kicked cancer … but you ought to see her foot.


I can’t even read a whole sentence of Goldstein before my brain begins to gag on the smell.


That’s what his wife says, (although, not about his prose.)


Right before she tells him to close his robe.


Robe … peignoir …. depends on his mood.


Of course, this being CBS, I’m not quite so willing to rule out knowing malfeasance on the part of their production and editorial staffs

And that being Godlstein, I’m not quite so willing to rule out his being a cunt, given that he’s a cunt.


are you seriously suggesting that the big hole in the roof of the mosque was caused naturally?

No, I’m suggesting that we (Americans) don’t know how it happened, and believing the AP story is a mistake, since every other aspect of that story has been disproven. Even the guy’s frickin’ name was a lie! I don’t understand the rest of your post, Will. There is still no one named Jamil Hussein. The US government was right in saying he doesn’t exist. The AP admits that it is a pseudonym. Only the AP was misleading people here. You were gavinned by the AP.

So wait. The original US report says that one mosque was attacked and three were untouched. Then Malkin visits an ‘undamaged’ one that was, in fact, attacked. This equals two untouched mosques and one ‘undetermined’ one.

I don’t know what the original US report said :(. I have no idea if the abandoned one she visited was attacked on that day, or abandoned because it was broken on some previous day. The two untouched mosques (that was an overstatement. I understand one of them has fire damage, but is still being used today) have been viewed and reported on by others to be fine. I guess I’ll work you up some links after work to day after work. *sigh* What a pain.

Thanks S. McG. for the compliment! But he is no doubt a better Kevin than I.

Ok, thelame, I won’t call you friend 🙁

Friend Cutler said:
Kevin, my friend, I do want the truth. I do want facts. I do think the A.P can be wrong, and that they can report untrue testimony from faulty sources. But put this in context, Kevin. Look at how your comrades are dancing around the maypole about the fact that Jamil Hussein didn’t exist, whoops, I mean, not as many mosques attacked and no charred corpses found as of yet. Malkin is making a wholesale argument about the WHOLE ASSOCIATED PRESS based on this, and it’s ludicrous.

FInally, someone makes a good point! I did not get the impression that she was saying that the AP is nothing but liars because of this single article, but I can see how you would arrive at this conclusion, especially if you don’t read her regularly. I can’t put words into her mouth, but I don’t think she believes that the AP never gets it right. I will say that she believes the AP distorts facts (much like Gavin) and spins stories to make America look bad, and often uses untrustworthy stringers, who’s allegiance is unknown, based upon what she writes about them. This story is only one in a long list of stories that shows the untrustworthiness of such stringers/sources.

I don’t know how to respond to the rest of your comment. It’s quite accurate. I don’t like to be lied to either, even by the good guys. I’m more forgiving when the lie makes America look better than when it makes us look worse. Just a little though. I’m unaware of the lie they told about kidnapped soldiers, but will look into it after work.

Cutler John, you have cheered me up this morning! I’m just happy as can be that someone here is using his brain. You’re obviously not eating up the garbage that Gavin is telling you is ‘food for thought’. I’m not reading any coments below yours, because one of them is sure to bring me down with it’s shoddy logic or pointless name calling. (saying someone has been gavinned is pointFULL name calling, btw)


Good Ford, did Malkin really write “What’s the 411”?!

Whatta tool…


I can’t put words into her mouth,

Or anything else, in spite of your deepest wishes.

Of course, if Iraq were safe enough for bureaux not to need stringers, La Maglalang would have a motherfucking point. Pretzel logic once more.


“I will say that she believes the AP distorts facts (much like Gavin) and spins stories to make America look bad”

To what end? What’s their margin in this?


spins stories to make America look bad

Let’s get something clear here: America looks bad, AP or no.

Carry on.


So, has Kevin begun to convince anyone with his epic postings of high school debate society sophistry?

No? Shocking!



Unless it distills to “fire-bombed, torched and bullet-riddled=/=destroyed,” or “the government told us that no group of six burned bodies ever turned up, as far as they know,” I, for one, would love to see links to show that the AP story has been “disproven.” At the risk of getting into a pointless semantic spiral, which as a winger you may feel quite comfortable doing, I, for another, set a pretty high bar when it comes to something having been “disproven,” particularly if it is then made to serve as a foundation for the wholesale disregarding of the AP, who are thick on the ground in Iraq, in favor of those cheerleaders who were there four, or even eight, days.

I do have to say that the look on Lara Logan’s face has never been more beautiful than when she broke into that rueful smile upon hearing that Laura Ingraham had been in Iraq eight whole days. Hey, maybe you can wipe that smile off her face, Kevin, and you seem like a reasonable sort, but still, you’re gonna haveta bring some “proof.”


Has anyone found a version of the AP story that explicitly said “destroyed?” I still han’t seen one. As best I can tell, the word “destroyed” appeared in the initial wire report for a half hour before being corrected, and that’s it. Anyone? Bueller?


Even the guy’s frickin’ name was a lie!

Given that the guy would be beheaded, shot in the face and then tortured if his identity were known you can understand why they would use an alias?

As for the rest of the story, what exactly are your people saying is a lie these days? I can’t/won’t keep up with the moving goalposts.


I did not get the impression that she was saying that the AP is nothing but liars because of this single article, but I can see how you would arrive at this conclusion, especially if you don’t read her regularly

Kevin, you’re a fucking idiot. If you don’t think she’s going to use this (or is already using it), despite the fact that she’s been wrong every step of the way, to question the credibility of every single AP report that she doesn’t like from here to eternity, you’re delusional. So yeah, she’s basically saying that the AP is nothing but liars, as long as they say things that she doesn’t like.


I can’t/won’t keep up with the moving goalposts

Their goalposts move like the hammers in Pink Floyd : The Wall: marching in formation, Riefenstahl-esque.


Even the guy’s frickin’ name was a lie!

You mean like ‘Michelle Malkin’, a name you won’t find on any official documents carried or filed by the proprietress of


I did not get the impression that she was saying that the AP is nothing but liars because of this single article […]I will say that she believes the AP distorts facts (much like Gavin) and spins stories to make America look bad, and often uses untrustworthy stringers, who’s allegiance is unknown, based upon what she writes about them.

I seem to recall the quote “If the AP was wrong about the damage to the mosques, what else are they wrong about?

In fact, I seem to recall that being the quote that Gavin picked on to start this whole blogstorm. Gavin complained that Malkin’s refutation of the mosque story lacked substance, and that she was wrong to use that as an indictment against the AP in general.

Gaven claimed nothing nor did he “distort” any facts. He simply demonstrated that Malkin’s facts in no way disputed the story she was questioning.

Here’s how it works:
If you want to disprove a claim that four mosques were damaged by gunfire and explosions (exactly how much damage constitutes “blown up” or “destroyed” is a subjective judgement, and you can’t fault the AP for having different criteria than you–ask your insurance company or FEMA for some guidelines), then you have to show evidence that at least one of those mosques is undamaged, or perhaps demonstrate that the damage was not caused by warfare-related-program-activities.

Visiting one mosque that clearly shows damage consistent with the reported story does not constitute refutating evidence; if anything, it is supporting evidence–see how that works?
Repeating words of a third-party spokesman who may or may not have seen evidence himself is at best hearsay and is therefore not refutating evidence. (The trustworthiness of the spokesman is not actually relevant.)
Here’s a handy guide to evidence sourcing, in order from “most useful” to “least useful”
1) Visiting all four mosques and taking pictures (of at least one of them) from all angles, inside and out, showing no damage
2) Visiting the mosques and not being able to take pictures but being able to provide detailed descriptions that can be independently verified
3) Getting refuting pictures from a non-aligned eyewitness (the provenance of said pictures and the credibility of said witnesses are always going to be an issue, so you have to be careful there).
4) Interviewing non-aligned eyewitnesses
5) Interviewing the original sources in the story and demonstrating errors in their story or other credibility issues.
6) Talking to an official spokesman from an involved party who denies the story
7) Listening to your gut, which says the story just doesn’t “feel right” but doesn’t know why
8) Reaching inside your ass and spreading the collected shit all over you blog with a headline like “PWNED!!” and “Neener neener neener!”
9) Linking to a blog that regularly practices number 8.


I did not get the impression that she was saying that the AP is nothing but liars because of this single article […]I will say that she believes the AP distorts facts (much like Gavin) and spins stories to make America look bad, and often uses untrustworthy stringers, who’s allegiance is unknown, based upon what she writes about them.

I seem to recall some quote like But at least one story he told the AP just doesn’t check out: The Sunni mosques that as Hussein claimed and AP reported as “destroyed,� “torched� and “burned and [blown] up� are all still standing. So the credibility of every AP story relying on Jamil Hussein remains dubious.
In fact, I seem to recall that being the quote that Gavin picked on to start this whole blogstorm. Gavin complained that Malkin’s refutation of the mosque story lacked substance, and that she was wrong to use that as an indictment against the AP in general.
Gavin claimed nothing nor did he “distort” any facts. He simply demonstrated that Malkin’s facts in no way disputed the story she was questioning.

Here’s how it works:
If you want to disprove a claim that four mosques were damaged by gunfire and explosions (exactly how much damage constitutes “blown up” or “destroyed” is a subjective judgment, and you can’t fault the AP for having different criteria than you–ask your insurance company or FEMA for some guidelines), then you have to show evidence that
at least one of those mosques is undamaged, or perhaps demonstrate that the damage was not caused by warfare-related-program-activities.

Visiting one mosque that clearly shows damage consistent with the reported story does not constitute refuting evidence; if anything, it is supporting evidence–see how that works?
Repeating words of a third-party spokesman who may or may not have seen evidence himself is at best hearsay and is therefore not refuting evidence. (The trustworthiness of the spokesman is not actually relevant.)
Here’s a handy guide to evidence sourcing, in order from “most useful” to “least useful”
1) Visiting all four mosques and taking pictures (of at least one of them) from all angles, inside and out, showing no damage
2) Visiting the mosques and not being able to take pictures but being able to provide detailed descriptions that can be independently verified
3) Getting refuting pictures from a non-aligned eyewitness (the provenance of said pictures and the credibility of said witnesses are always going to be an issue, so you have to be careful there).
4) Interviewing non-aligned eyewitnesses
5) Interviewing the original sources in the story and demonstrating errors in their story or other credibility issues.
6) Talking to an official spokesman from an involved party who denies the story
7) Listening to your gut, which says the story just doesn’t “feel right” but doesn’t know why
8) Reaching inside your ass and spreading the collected shit all over you blog with a headline like “PWNED!!” and “Neener neener neener!”
9) Linking to a blog that uses number 8


You mean like ‘Michelle Malkin’, a name you won’t find on any official documents carried or filed by the proprietress of



What’s this I see? Michelle Malkin and her blogging Jag Bags re-jumping the shark?

Even Fonzie didn’t attempt it twice.

Kevin seems like he is revving up and heading straight for the ramp as well.


One day Lara Logan will be my wife. She and I will eat pie and drink Lawn Guyland iced teas together as we watch the explosions from our hotel balcony in Iraq. One person who will not be drinking Lawn Guyland iced teas is malkin and I don’t want to hear anymore of that bullshit or someone could be in for a cock-slapping. We do not want to be associated with her. I have repeatedly apologized for my region producing o’reilly, hannitty and billy joel and once again I’m sorry but can’t we just move on?


I’ll relink all of the proofs dispelling gavin’s idiocy if you want, but why the hell do I have to? *sigh* Say the word and I’ll go get the links that I’ve already posted but you are unwilling to read. It’s like I’ve become your illegal houseservant.

Where’s that link that Kevin keeps talking about? I missed the first time around.

I guess someone needs to actually ask for it… so… consider it done. Links, please.


Ignore Gavin’s smaller issues, and focus on the fact that the AP lied to you. Is that ok? Of the 4 mosques Gavin and the AP claims were firebombed, perhaps one was. Perhaps.

Michelle said IN HER NY POST PIECE that at least two were firebombed. Those also happened to be the two she visited. She said the others were not firebombed, but DID receive fire damage from small arms fire. She never went to inspect those mosques herself.

Stop. Lying.

Of the 6 people burned alive, 0 were actually burned to death.

Proof, please? The wingnutosphere’s “evidence” in this case is simply that gov’t sources say it didn’t happen. That is not proof. That is accepting press releases at face value. Utterly pathetic.


Kevin- here is the DIRECT QUOTE from Malkin’s piece:

One of the mosques identified by the AP, the Nidaa Alah mosque, had been abandoned and vacant at the time it was hit with small-arms fire, say Iraqi and U.S. Army officials. Two of its inside rooms were burned out by a lobbed firebomb, according to an Army report.

Three other mosques in the area – the al Muhaymin, al Mushahiba and Ahbab Mustafa mosques – sustained small-arms fire damage to their exteriors; the Mustafa mosque also had two rooms burned out by a firebomb.

That’s TWO, Kevin. T-W-O TWO. And Malkin never actually visited the ones that weren’t firebombed. And oh yeah, those ones that she says weren’t fire-bombed DID receive small-arms fire damage. To me, this validates the AP’s reporting that the mosques were burned and blown up. If Malkin’s reporting is indeed accurate on this matter, then the AP perhaps should have said “burned OR blown up.” But that’s a pretty minor quibble to make.


I have repeatedly apologized for my region producing o’reilly, hannitty and billy joel and once again I’m sorry but can’t we just move on?

Until a full accounting includes the Baldwins and this repellant hagbeast there shall be no moving awn.



As far as I can tell, that’s it: one word used in one story for about 30 minutes, and the whole house of cards that is the Associated Press has be made to tumble. Well, that, and a few who-us’s from government guys whose default setting is to stonewall.

I was kinda hoping Kevin would set us straight, but apparently the labor involved to compile all of his dis-proofs is as taxing as he made it out to be (as if anyone here claimed that pulling things from one’s ass is a simple matter). I’ll give him a few more hours–it’s the workday after all–and check back. My advice to him, though, is that his time would perhaps be better spent taking Dorothy’s comment above and crafting a how-to manual for his winger buddies.


So many miss so much so often, curse of being a sarcastic, nihilist, self-obsessed liberal blogwannabe. The salient point with regard to Laura is not that it used their footage but rather that it presented al Qaedas point of view as if it were just some jay-walking interview on the street with an average Iraqi. I mean, I’m not surprised that Sadly No bloggers don’t like the fact that they share al-qaeda’s sentiments on half their issues and are ‘tolerant’ of the rest to be public, I’m just pointing it out in disgust because that’s what I do. Or I guess I should say “that’s how I roll” if I’m to come off as sufficiently sardonic and counter-counter-anti-hip.


We all realize, of course, that the entire point of Malkin’s little exercise isn’t about “getting to the truth” or “setting the record straight.” Rather, it’s about:

a.) Cowing the press from reporting on subjects that might reflect poorly on right-wing ideology as manifested in the Iraq war.

b.) Controlling information and thus controlling the national discourse.

These guys realize they made a huge mistake in supporting the war, and they don’t want anyone to know about it. Thus they are trying in ever-more desperate ways to pin blame for their folly on the people who are reporting how badly they’ve screwed up. They know how discredited they are in most peoples’ eyes. Attacking the media is a way to get some of that credibility back.

I’ll have (much much) more on this later.


If you want to disprove a claim that four mosques were damaged by gunfire and explosions (exactly how much damage constitutes “blown up� or “destroyed� is a subjective judgment, and you can’t fault the AP for having different criteria than you–ask your insurance company or FEMA for some guidelines), then you have to show evidence that at least one of those mosques is undamaged

Excellent post.

And let’s keep in mind, shall we, that a photograph taken from across the street does not even approach the level of evidence to “prove” that a building is undamaged.

Are Michelle Malkin and her Boy Wonder structural engineers, perhaps, that they can diagnose, like Bill Frist, at a distance whether a structure is inhabitable? If a building’s facade walls are visibly upright, does that rule out the possiblility that critical structural members might be gone?

If a place of worship or religious institution is firebombed and yet the structure is “still standing” , it does not necessarily follow that the congregation and heirarchy of the institution is equally intact.

If a place of business is firebombed and all its assets,and documentation destroyed, you could hardly blame the proprietor for considering his business “destroyed” despite the fact that the four walled shell of the structure remains.

Oh, and finally – so, OK, maybe of all the buildings in Iraq that are bombed and flattened and “destroyed” there ae 4 that are…..not as badly destroyed. And 6 deaths that are ….unconfirmed. I guess that means everythings going great in Iraq!

What fucking tools,


The salient point with regard to Laura is not that it used their footage but rather that it presented al Qaedas point of view as if it were just some jay-walking interview on the street with an average Iraqi.

It presented “al Qaeda’s point of view” in the segment? Do tell. Really, do. I just watched the segment. I saw nothing that could be specifically be attributed to al-Qaeda. I saw some Iraqis who harshly criticized the American government. But (and I do hate to tell you this) that is fairly representative of:

a.) Most people in America (see Bush’s low-30s, high-20s approval ratings for proof)
b.) Most people in Iraq
c.) Most people in the world.


I mean, I’m not surprised that Sadly No bloggers don’t like the fact that they share al-qaeda’s sentiments on half their issues

Huh? Say what? You’ve got a bunch of pro abortion, pro sex, pro gay, pro civil rights, feminist, progressive, inclusive, diverse, atheist lefties over here and you look at us and see radical islamic extremists? Dood, you don’t need glasses, you need to come visit this planet, just even for a short vacation. You know who sounds almost identical to the taliban? The evangelical christian right, that’s who. I mean, think about it. Who more likely shares bin Laden’s worldview, Michael Moore or James Dobson? Open yer freakin eyes, asshat…



Sadly No bloggers don’t like the fact that they share al-qaeda’s sentiments

I like this! Not only do we share Al-Qaeda’s sentiments, but we DON’T LIKE the fact that we do!!!

Boy, Kevvie, baby, what a sharp psychoanalytical mind you have!! You’re just as good at remote diagnosis as Bill Frist!


Dear borneo–can I call you dickweed? Thanks–look, dickweed, it would help a lot if you could explain to me how the source of a video, or the use of one video by two parties, equals shared sentiments? Was it in the Terms of Use that came with the vid? Or are you claiming the video is false, or faked, or a staged propaganda deal, or what? Was it Intelligently Designed? Or is it just that anything except clapping louder is Al Qaeda-like? As Mikey noted, the malkinbeast is a whole lot closer to AQ in outlook, desires and reaction to opposition than the gang around here. And, by the way, dickweed–I’d appreciate you’re refraining from telling me what I like and don’t; ’cause you don’t have a clue.


I went to the Sadly, No! comments section as a “friend” and they all spit on me
and called me names so that proves that they’re al-Qaeda!1!


Borneo doesn’t like the fact that he shares his cannibalized victim’s CJD.


Michelle Malkin is a treasonous hack, and so is her hubby. Lara is obviously HOT and Malkin, Coulter and Ingraham are green with envy. Lara is also a real journalist. Malkin, Coulter and Ingraham are yellow hack shills.


Only Michelle fucking Malkin would wear a commemorative T-shirt of 9/11.


I now declare this bridge, er thread, kevinned

Thenk you.

*royal wave*


Can we laugh about Bush driving a Caterpillar instead?


I must have video of that.


Who can else can I expose on my blog so that they might be killed ?


My bad. I told someone here that even the AP admitted that 4 mosques were not destroyed on that day, and in fact only one was damaged. This turns out to be wrong. Today they said that “the AP has confirmed damage at three of the four mosques, including burn damage at two and slight damage at a third.“. I believe them now, since everyone agrees that the abandoned one has damage, and Michelle has previously stated that another one had a burned out room. And that the third one has slight damage is also believable, since every mosque in Bagdhad probably has slight damage. It is, after all, a war zone. It’s sad that they now claim they said the mosques were ‘burned or blown up’, since evidence shows they said ‘burned and blown up‘, but whatever. They would have had to admit a mistake if they didn’t change the wording, and we can’t have that.

Cutler John, I thought more about your comment.
We are searching for facts, Kevin, but the problem is that the U.S. military gives us Augean stables of propaganda to clean up as well, from Jessica Lynch to the recent lying about kidnapped soldiers. The question is not whether to seek facts but where to concentrate your efforts, given the track record of all the sources there so far. The efforts of Malkin, Bryan et al., toward the end of convincing themselves that this war is not all that bad, are asinine at this point. They have yet to make the admission I made above about the A.P.– that the U.S. military has and might continue to feed them bad information.

I bet a good part of this whole argument is based upon who each of us want to believe. With no other information, if conflicting reports came out about something, I would instantly believe the military report over the AP report. Would any of you? Given my position, it’s clear that I would spend more of my spare time debunking AP articles than military ones. Most of us on the right don’t want to be lied to any more than you do, John. It’s just that the left is all over anything that makes Bush look bad (making the military look bad makes Bush look bad it seems). Since anything that makes Bush look bad is covered, it frees all of the right up to find gavinners in other places.

Again, excellent opinions. We will no doubt never be friends, but you’ve increased the number of liberals I respect by 20%. No doubt that means little to you, but it means a lot to me.


Kevin (somewhat chastened) writes:

With no other information, if conflicting reports came out about something, I would instantly believe the military report over the AP report.

And therein lies your problem, kid. Get some help.

Rene Magritterpillar

Can we laugh about Bush driving a Caterpillar instead?

Ce n’est pas un tracteur.



“making the military look bad makes Bush look bad it seems” is a wish. It’s not the military that looks bad in the Malkin/AP issue, it’s either AP or Malkin. It’s also not the military that looks bad in the disaster that is Iraq, it’s Bush.

Bush and his defenders use the military as cover. They claim that all criticism of them is criticism of the military and legitimate criticism of the military is actually political criticism of them. Also, since Iraq has been dumped entirely on the military, with NO dipolomatic support, no national sacrifice, no expansion in the size of the Army or Marines four years into the war, the administration feels free to simply blame the last General just like they blamed the one before him. All hail to the new General(s)!

It’s spin. It’s pimp-talk. Bush LOVES his military. All of them. Equally.


I would instantly believe the military report over the AP report.

So: the right is constantly telling us that government is always wasteful and crazy. You believe the government side of this equation.

The right is constantly telling us that the market solves all. You disbelieve the business side of this equation.

Kevin, you’re not a right-winger. You’re one of a tribe and you’ll wave any flag they hand you.


Okay, Kevin, I don’t hate you. But still…

It’s just that the left is all over anything that makes Bush look bad …

Here’s another problem for you: nobody has to be all over anything. Just by dint of certain things not being covered up, quashed, or otherwise silenced, Bush looks bad enough as it is. Seriously, we don’t need to amplify. Pay close attention to the tenor to this blog, and its commentors, and you’ll see a preponderance not of ragging on Bush but of ragging on people who are always trying to make Bush look great and golden despite the fact that he screws everything up.


Man, I’ve never seen someone get bitchslapped so hard, repeatedly, and still be as eager to come back for more as this Kevin joker is.


With no other information, if conflicting reports came out about something, I would instantly believe the military report over the AP report. Would any of you?

What you’re missing is, you obviously think this makes you more patriotic than any of us, but it just makes you dumb.

With the media, when an agenda takes precedence over the truth, it’s a bug. When the same thing happens with the military, it’s a feature. Propaganda is explicitly a part of the military’s mission, and if they were to make spreading the truth their highest priority, they wouldn’t be doing their job.

Now maybe you think it’s your duty as a good American to believe the propaganda. Fair enough. But I think you’ve used up your quota of telling people they’ve been “gavinned.”


Anonymouse writes:

Kevin (somewhat chastened) writes:

With no other information, if conflicting reports came out about something, I would instantly believe the military report over the AP report.

And therein lies your problem, kid. Get some help.

Actually, therein lies our differences, it seems. I’m all for not trusting the government without proof, but I feel the exact opposite when it comes to the military. I’m disappointed to hear that you don’t share that view. It’s what I expected though :(.

Bullsmith said:

“making the military look bad makes Bush look bad it seems� is a wish. It’s not the military that looks bad in the Malkin/AP issue, it’s either AP or Malkin. It’s also not the military that looks bad in the disaster that is Iraq, it’s Bush.

Like John, another extremely reasonable post! I commend you (and apologize for it too, since my approval will hurt you more than help you here in lala land). But that same AP report stated that the ISF saw this all happening and did nothing to stop it. It is likely that this is untrue as well as most of the original report, but it nevertheless paints the ISF in a bad light. Our troops trained those guys, so it does indeed make our military look bad, if it is true.

So the AP in a single stroke of the pen painted the ISF as condoning the destruction of ‘enemy’ (sunni) mosques, and made our military look bad because we taught them, and made Bush look bad because his best efforts created this uncaring ISF. This is the most important reason to prove the AP story to be the lie that it was. I’m glad that they’ve retracted some of it, but I think the damage is done. People who only give a cursory glance to the news will assume that the ISF is nothing but shi’ites who are totally into destroying Sunnis. I don’t believe this. I hope you don’t either.

Good Lord. Bubba writes:

I would instantly believe the military report over the AP report.

So: the right is constantly telling us that government is always wasteful and crazy. You believe the government side of this equation.

The right is constantly telling us that the market solves all. You disbelieve the business side of this equation.

Kevin, you’re not a right-winger. You’re one of a tribe and you’ll wave any flag they hand you.

You just don’t get me, do you :). Yes, the government is always more wasteful than the private sector, but I don’t think it’s the type of entity that you can ascribe the word ‘crazy’ to. Yes, the invisible hand will indeed solve almost all problems, as long as you issue the smackdown to monopolies, or regulate them when monopolies are required (such as distribution of electricity). I can’t say I follow your belief that our military is just an extension of our government though. They clearly don’t parrot what the commander in chief says, as proven by the calls for more troops, less troops, not invading iraq at all, etc. If any military personnel says something, I will believe it, unless I have proof that it’s not true. It’s that simple.

The lame said:

Here’s another problem for you: nobody has to be all over anything. Just by dint of certain things not being covered up, quashed, or otherwise silenced, Bush looks bad enough as it is. Seriously, we don’t need to amplify. Pay close attention to the tenor to this blog, and its commentors[sic], and you’ll see a preponderance not of ragging on Bush but of ragging on people who are always trying to make Bush look great and golden despite the fact that he screws everything up.

I disagree with you, and feel like everyone has to be all over everthing to make sure we’re not being gavinned. True, Bush looks pretty bad, and his domestic policies (‘cept for tax relief and nominating a couple of guys who take the Constitution seriously) have made him a foe of mine as well. It’s your right to rag on people who support Bush if they are making stuff up. It’s fine to rag on people who rag on ANYONE who is lying to you about anything. It’s just that in this case, Michelle, Bryan, and the Confederate Yankee haven’t lied to you. I’m suggesting that it’s not ok to rag on them because of this.


Kevin give it up.


Actually, therein lies our differences, it seems. I’m all for not trusting the government without proof, but I feel the exact opposite when it comes to the military.

I’m going out on a limb here, but I’m guessing a large proportion of the citizens of Germany from about 1935-1945 felt the same way about the military, too.

Sorry Kevin… did you REALLY just say you are for trusting the military without proof?


If any military personnel says something, I will believe it, unless I have proof that it’s not true. It’s that simple.

Well, we’ve been saying you’re that simple, so we agree.


All of this kevinning.

We are not amused.


I thought Malkin was staying in Iraq. WTF?!


How does a somewhat obvious thread (no offense, G.) about the Malkin Collective get 122 comments (which I haven’t read yet, so perhaps it’s made obvious way, way upthread)? IT IS A MYSTERY!!1!!!one!


Ah. Now I see. An infestation. Carry on.


The Malkinese yapper just jealous because Logan is smarter, hotter, and has tits. Logan thinks for herself unlike the bar-girl gone pundit.


(comments are closed)