Hindrocket is Back in the Fold

After being mildly disappointed with George W. Bush’s previous Iraq speech, John Hinderaker gives tonight’s State of the Union address a big thumbs up:

Above: Cry havoc and let loose the dogs of corn

A Return to the Good Old Days

I hadn’t intended to watch the State of the Union speech tonight, but my wife tuned in part way through. In contrast to his “surge” speech a week or two ago, I thought President Bush was back on his game tonight. The speech was a reminder that it’s a good thing to be President. When he offered a sentence about Iraq that ended with the word “victory,” the Democrats had no alternative but to stand up and cheer.

Apart from the ceremonial trappings, there was a good reason why so many Senators and Congressmen had to voice their approval: the President’s logic was compelling. The importance of Iraq; the disastrous consequences of failure; the grave long-term stakes in the Global War on Terror; and the need to give our new strategy a chance to succeed, are all hard to dissent from.

The President finished strong, with his introduction of a series of American heroes, the kind of thing he does best.

It was a good night for President Bush. Will it matter? I doubt that very many people who are on the fence were watching. But for the President’s long-term supporters and for all who are serious about winning the war that has been thrust upon us, it was an inspiring, confidence-renewing performance.

Pst. John. I have an awful secret to tell you. The President’s long-term supporters now comprise a whopping 28% of the American populace. Maybe it’s time for y’all to just hide away in your super-awesome treehouses for the next two years playing Magic: The Gathering while intelligent people figure out how to get us out of Iraq. Just a suggestion.

Gavin adds: Hey, like John says, the logic was compelling and many such as myself were forced to stand up and voice approval. This important thrust-upon-us war with its new strategy has stakes that are grave and disastrous with the failure and freedom with not-an-option of negotiating with madmen in the terror and generational victory of civilization in Iraq, with the Sunni 9-11 extreme Syria Shiite terror and the Hamas Al Qaeda madmen arming the Iraq terror extreme warlords with Iranian weapons to kill Americans, in an act of war which is thrust upon us of disastrous consequences, for freedom and victory.

Our oceans don’t protect us like we thought all during the Cold War, you know. Plus, like the President says, if we keep doing the same thing over and over in Iraq with this new strategy which is new, Ol’ Yeller is coming home.


Comments: 76


I’ve got crush on Jim Webb now.




Is that a pancake-wrapped sausage on a stick?


I expect a lot of folks understandably missed the speech. I just want to mention that Jim Webb’s Democratic response was marvelous. To my surprise he revisited just how stupid was the initial decision to invade Iraq and seriously took Bush to task.

Chunks of transcript below. Sadly, the text alone does not due justice to his forceful delivery.

“The president took us into this war recklessly. He disregarded warnings from the national security adviser during the first Gulf War, the chief of staff of the army, two former commanding generals of the Central Command, whose jurisdiction includes Iraq, the director of operations on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and many, many others with great integrity and long experience in national security affairs. We are now, as a nation, held hostage to the predictable — and predicted — disarray that has followed.

The war’s costs to our nation have been staggering. Financially. The damage to our reputation around the world. The lost opportunities to defeat the forces of international terrorism.And especially the precious blood of our citizens who have stepped forward to serve.

The majority of the nation no longer supports the way this war is being fought; nor does the majority of our military. We need a new direction. Not one step back from the war against international terrorism. Not a precipitous withdrawal that ignores the possibility of further chaos. But an immediate shift toward strong regionally-based diplomacy, a policy that takes our soldiers off the streets of Iraq¹s cities, and a formula that will in short order allow our combat forces to leave Iraq.”

I also strongly appreciated his comments on the economy:

“When one looks at the health of our economy, it’s almost as if we are living in two different countries. Some say that things have never been better. The stock market is at an all-time high, and so are corporate profits. But these benefits are not being fairly shared. When I graduated from college, the average corporate CEO made 20 times what the average worker did; today, it¹s nearly 400 times. In other words, it takes the average worker more than a year to make the money that his or her boss makes in one day.

Wages and salaries for our workers are at all-time lows as a percentage of national wealth, even though the productivity of American workers is the highest in the world. Medical costs have skyrocketed. College tuition rates are off the charts. Our manufacturing base is being dismantled and sent overseas. Good American jobs are being sent along with them.

In short, the middle class of this country, our historic backbone and our best hope for a strong society in the future, is losing its place at the table. Our workers know this, through painful experience. Our white-collar professionals are beginning to understand it, as their jobs start disappearing also. And they expect, rightly, that in this age of globalization, their government has a duty to insist that their concerns be dealt with fairly in the international marketplace.”


The speech was a reminder that it’s a good thing to be President.

Uh, why? Because he can open his mouth and let empty rhetoric (not written by illiterate him) come out?

When he offered a sentence about Iraq that ended with the word “victory,� the Democrats had no alternative but to stand up and cheer.

Tell me they didn’t.

Well at least now that only 28% of Americans support Bush, there’s more room under the rock for Hiney and his wife.


When he offered a sentence about Iraq that ended with the word “victory,� the Democrats had no alternative but to stand up and cheer.

Yes! It was the power of his rhetoric! Or just some crappy formality that every president expects from a State of the Union address! One of those!


Dakota Blue, video of Webb’s response is up at C&L.


how long will it take the pearl clutchers to recover from mass fainting before they start
lambasting webb for being so foul-mouthed and hateful towards fearless leader?


the war that has been thrust upon us

Some are born into war, some achieve war, and some have war thrust upon them.


Great photoshop. You even got the leetle cowlick on his left rear hairline.

BTW anyone else feeling just a trifle optimistic after watching Jim Webb waste the boyking? I don’t want to get my hopes up, but, apart from corndogman, mitchiemcconnello, and the mentally challenged 28% can anyone who watched give the boyking a win on this? Plus BiggusDickus looks like he is smack in Fitz’s crosshairs. Ah God, it has been a good day.


It seems Jim Webb delivered the SOTU address.


Some are born into war, some achieve war, and some have war thrust upon them.

War’s a lot like corndogs, that way.


janefromhell, that is a corndog, a delicious treat made by wrapping corn breading around a hot dog, and widely sold at gatherings around this great nation, such as the Minnesota state fair at which Hindrocket was photographed eating one.

Or he could be sucking on a battered and fried Bush action doll. It’s hard to know in his case.


Assrocket must have noticed his absence from the nominations for The Fluffy at this years’ Kippies.

Quick attempt on his part to increase his chances of returning to the form that won him The Fluffy at the 2005 Kippies.

Principal Blackman

how long will it take the pearl clutchers to recover from mass fainting before they start
lambasting webb for being so foul-mouthed and hateful towards fearless leader?

Princella Smith is way ahead of you.


Folks, please remember at least 10 percent of that ‘disapproval’ rating is because George is not doing MORE killing and terrorizing….


From Blackman’s link.

“Wow. In the so-called spirit of bi-partisanship and unity, what a choice by the democrats for a speech rebuttal. Not only does Sen. Webb disagree with President Bush’s policies, but he absolutely despises the man.”

Yeah. Nothing says “partisan hackery” like having differing opinions. Why can’t the Dems accept bi-partisan stances of letting Bush do whatever the fuck he wants without opposition or debate.


A big thanks to Princella for reminding us of what a prat George Bush is. It’s not as if he cared, when he enquired of Webb how his soldier son was doing. He’s demonstrated on so many occasions publicly his utter indifference to human suffering. So why should Jim Webb go along with some lame duck rule of social convention and pretend that he does?

There are people in this world who deserve to have their face slapped several times a day and George Bush is definitely one of them.


The (ever decreasing) 28% approval rating reminds me of The Crazification Factor by John Rogers, a concept which I think explains a lot: no matter how batshit insane something or someone is, a minimum of a quarter of the populace will think (or can be persuaded) to agree with it or them, because a quarter of the populace are equally batshit insane in that area of life.
Note it will not always be the same quarter, depending on the issue or person. Rogers doesn’t provide more than one example of actual proof, but doesn’t that idea explain so much?
This means that Dubya is approaching the state of having no supporters other than those who he could expect simply by existing i.e. soon nobody will be supporting him for his actions. And rightly so.


Does Webb dislike teh boy-king?
The smart money sez, “A-yuo, boy-howdy!”
One need only look back to last fall, shortly after the election, when at a little meet & greet with the newly elected Congress Crittersâ„¢ that looked more like the Democratic Convention, Shrub was told by his handlers not to mention Webb’s son to him ’cause Webb was feeling a bit sensitive about the whole situation. So what does C-Plus Augustus do? First thing outta his mouth is “How’s yer boy doin’?” in a crass tone. Webb almost punched him.
So, yeah, I think it’d be fair to say that Webb “dislikes” CIC Coo-Coo Bananas a wee bit. Just a tad. a touch, a spot. A pinch.Un peu.
And if anything bad happens to Webb’s son, the SS better whisk Webb off to Gitmo before he finds out. Just sayin’.


Oh wait. An example from the comments.
“27% also happens to be the percentage of the American public that still supported Richard Nixon as he was admitting his crimes, resigning, and getting on the helicopter to go into disgraced exile.”


“In the so-called spirit of bi-partisanship and unity…”

I guess I could mention Liz Cheney’s ‘all Democrats except for the sucktastic Joe Lieberman are be traitors’ editorial…again…but you all know already.


your super-awesome treehouses for the next two years playing Magic: The Gathering while intelligent people…

sigh… Brad, why do you choose to be an ignorant slut like the wingnuts? would it have been to much of an offense to you to have inserted “playing Madden 2007 (or Bully or Call of Duty 3)”, instead? or, more pertinently, “wasting your Sunday afternoons watching grown men in tights find excuses to grope each other while fondling the skin of dead pigs”?



Note it will not always be the same quarter, depending on the issue or person.

Oh I don’t know. The people who still approve of Bush seem to be the same ones who think the Grand Canyon is 6,000 years old and fossils were put in the ground by Satan, etc. In other words a quarter of the American population simply can not tell fantasy from reality, and has a whole laundry list of absurd beliefs.


the war that has been thrust upon us

I guess this makes us Malvolio (from the Italian for ill will): a Puritanical, gullible, cross dressing, fool playing little shit, who is assumed to have lost his mind.

Yup, sounds about right.


Scarborough was gushing during MSNBC’s postmortem about how the consensus inside the Repub cloakroom was that this was Bush’s “best speech since Sept. 20, 2001”. Yeah. Sort of like saying “Paulie Shore’s best performance since BioDome”


The President finished strong, with his introduction of a series of American heroes, the kind of thing he does best.

Wouldn’t it be good if “the kind of thing he does best” were “governing” or “running a war” or even “not lying”?


Completely and shamelessly off-topic:

Spocko’s Saga makes USA Today, weeth an article so truthful, she weel make weengnut cabezas pop like leetle sausages.

Joo weel no believe who gets the last word, eh?



Ha! The ole dinosaur fossil trick was always one of my favorite gags. That and the 2000 Presidential election in Florida. Actually that last one was kind of cruel even by my standards. It sure fucked over an otherwise sane super-power though. Ha!

Herr Doktor Bimler

The speech was a reminder that it’s a good thing to be President.
To tell the truth, if I were in Bush’s position, and I needed a reminder that it’s a good thing to be President, I would settle for the adulation from bloggers. Though the quid-pro-quo from cronies whom I had managed to enrich would not go amiss, either.


I have arrived. Yesterday, I got almost 15,000 hits and tonight I got noticed by Little Green Footballs‘ Charles “Onan” Johnson. Oh joy.

Apparently, Forbes made him one of their top 25 “web celebs” but they used a picture of Marty Peretz from my Assclowns of the Week and now Chuckie is squawking about it and my “moonbat site.”

What a tool. Chuckie doesn’t realize that Peretz’s picture is actually an improvement.


sigh… Brad, why do you choose to be an ignorant slut like the wingnuts? would it have been to much of an offense to you to have inserted “playing Madden 2007 (or Bully or Call of Duty 3)�, instead? or, more pertinently, “wasting your Sunday afternoons watching grown men in tights find excuses to grope each other while fondling the skin of dead pigs�?

No. But Magic is still teh lamer of the two.


The speech was a reminder that it’s a good thing to be President.

that it’s a good thing to be President.

it’s a good thing to be President.

Why does he always look terrified, then?


Oh puh-leeze. Like the shitty reasons we went into Iraq has any bearing on how to handle it now? Like the fact that we shouldn’t have ever gone in will excuse us from responsibility for what would happen if we withdrew right now?

When many Iraqis insist that they want us to leave – but not yet? They don’t want us there, true. But right now they’re more concerned about what would happen if we left. Its nice to focus on what we want to hear and ignore the parts we don’t.

Our leaders finally (three years late) come up with a plan that has a prayer of working, and the Americans would rather let the Iraqis suffer than give it a chance of working. The Sunni tribes in Anbar province are gaining momentum in their push against al Qaeda, PM Maliki appears to be allowing us to really push against some of the Shiite militias…we’re finally getting enough Iraqis willing to work towards something better, and you want to pull the rug out from under them?


They came up with a plan that has a prayer of working? Dude, that’s awesome. What is it?

You’d think they’d make it public–not sure what there is to gain by floating this cynical “surge” nonsense when there’s a perfectly good plan in the pipeline.

C’mon, Bush administration, don’t hide your light under a bushel!

Incontinentia Buttocks

Trolls….crunch as many as you like, we’ll make more!


Not only does Sen. Webb disagree with President Bush’s policies, but he absolutely despises the man.

Yes, and…?

I mean, I absolutely despise the man, but I’m not a decorated Vietnam vet who worked for the Reagan administration. Will it ever sink in that there could be a reason why so many people despise George W. Bush? (That was rhetorical.)

Oh, and spirit of bipartisanship? The prepared remarks said “Democratic majority.” In the actual speech, the President said “Democrat majority.” So they can all fold their bipartisanship five ways and cram it where the sun don’t shine.


” When he offered a sentence about Iraq that ended with the word “victory,â€? the Democrats had no alternative but to stand up and cheer.”

Yeah, that November victory was something. I’m still aroused. I’m a corndog.



The Army’s own counter insurgency (COIN) manual calls for a troop to population ratio of twenty troops for every one thousand civilians. The population of Baghdad is six million, divide that by one thousand and you get six thousand, multiply that by twenty and you get a figure of one hundred and twenty thousand troops needed for Baghdad alone.

The Iraq Army units are worse than useless for a COIN operation since they are thoroughly infiltrated by the militias and are just as likely to indulge in sectarian sectarian violence as they are to suppress it. The Iraqi Police are in even worse shape. The Kurdish units being sent to Baghdad speak neither Arabic nor English and they are deserting en masse rather than get caught between the Shias and the Sunnis who both hate them.

COIN operations are more like neighborhood policing than they are kinetic combat (what our troops are trained and equipped for). COIN operations depend heavily on interacting with local civilians and winning their trust so that they will give up the insurgents swimming among the population. One cannot conduct such operations without a working knowledge of the local language, in this case Arabic. Very few American troops speak Arabic at all, much less fluently, thus they are dependent on translators, all of whom have their own agenda which very often has nothing to do with the US agenda. Translators also have the problem of being targets for the insurgents, kill or intimidate the translators and destroy the effectiveness of the US forces in conducting the COIN operation. It’s hard to convince someone to cooperate with you when all you can do is make noises and gestures at them. Unfortunately the common tactic of Americans confronted with someone who does not speak English of speaking English even more loudly and slowly doesn’t work.

The new troops being sent to Iraq also lack uparmored Hummers, they are in very short supply in Iraq and there are not enough to go around already. If a new unit wishes to have armored vehicles then they will have to take them away from units already in Iraq.

Even General Petraeus has said that the situation in Iraq is “dire”. He is of course correct. There has been no change in strategy in Iraq, only a change of tactics and those tactics are almost certainly going to get a lot more American troops killed in the coming months since they involve getting out of the FOBs (forward operating bases) and in among the civilian population 24/7, thus exposing the troops much more than they have been hitherto.

I could go on for some length like this but I think maybe now you have a slightly better idea of the odds against us in Iraq. And besides, I’m tired of typing.

Good day and good luck.


Okay, Brad. First, if I tap one red mana and, like, 10 million colorless mana, I can direct a 10 million point Fireball into Iraq and target any specific Islamofascist insurgent I want to, selectively. So don’t diss on Magic: the Gathering. Give me the right 7 card draw and I can settle this war right now, bitch.

Second, okay, okay, you’re saying “Dude, in the average 60 card deck, you only have 40 land cards. Even with a Gauntlet of Power out, that’s only 80 mana. Fireball requires a mana for each extra target, so, basic math, at most you can do a point of damage to each of like 39 towelheads. That won’t get it done. Especially since some of those fuckers clearly have pump ups on them.” And I get that, I really do.

But our rightfully elected Commander in Chief has all the rare Out of Print cards, Brad. Yeah. Didn’t think of that, did you? In fact, he’s got a shitload of them, and Restricted or Banned rules don’t mean a goddam thing to the Boss. So you just stand back and watch when he lays about 400 Chaos Orbs on that god forsaken patch of sand, dude. THEN we’ll see who’s hiding in what treehouse, motherfucker. YEAH.


Oh puh-leeze. Like the shitty reasons we went into Iraq has any bearing on how to handle it now?

They should unless you were just supporting a pack of fucking lies to instill chaos and death on a nation-state for no other reason than you could.

Like the fact that we shouldn’t have ever gone in will excuse us from responsibility for what would happen if we withdrew right now?

What, an equal or greater amount of Iraqis would die each die? The PM and his various collaborators with the American regime would get kacked even quicker than normal?

What’s gonna happen if we withdraw, is more or less happening already. Some shit is just broken. We broke it, but we’re not gonna get any brownie points for hanging around and breaking more shit.

When many Iraqis insist that they want us to leave – but not yet?

You mean the U.S./Iranian puppet government officials? Cause I’m pretty sure that’s the major minority of Iraqis that want us to stick put.

They don’t want us there, true. But right now they’re more concerned about what would happen if we left.

So we’re gonna stay and KEEP BREAKING SHIT! And then we’re gonna run into Syria and Iran and break their shit! And then we’ll stick around and break more of it and then break more of it, until we can never leave!

Its nice to focus on what we want to hear and ignore the parts we don’t.

Yeah, like you ignoring that we’ve fucking lost and hearing that your leader has finally come up with a plan that’ll work (read: martial law).


If we all stay just a little longer in Iraq, I’m sure Bush will obtain victory just like he has with everything else in his life. You can trust me on that! Would I lie to you? Let’s give it one more college try everyone.


The importance of Iraq; the disastrous consequences of failure; the grave long-term stakes in the Global War on Terror; and the need to give our new strategy a chance to succeed, are all hard to dissent from.

I dissent from… three of those. And I remain undecided on the grave long-term stakes in the Global War on Theoretical Concepts because I’m pretty sure we already bungled that one independently of the Grand Guiginol of Iraq’s Bungle.


Did anyone else hear, like I did, Bush refer to the “Democrat” party in his otherwise gracious opening words of the speech? NPR just confirmed that someone else noticed, too, and that in the prepared text it was “Democratic” party.

Bet the snotty little fucker thought he was pulling something off.


Apart from the ceremonial trappings, there was a good reason why so many Senators and Congressmen had to voice their approval: the President’s logic was compelling. The importance of Iraq; the disastrous consequences of failure; the grave long-term stakes in the Global War on Terror; and the need to give our new strategy a chance to succeed, are all hard to dissent from.

“Hard to dissent from”? Except that 72% of the populace somehow finds the strength to do exactly that. Because of that list of four items, three of them are exactly the same line of bullshit they have been feeding us for four years. The only way that logic is “compelling” is if your head is fully inserted in your own ass (or Bush’s).


When a Repub president delivers a SOTU address, can’t the Dem reply be considered a STFU address? Just asking.


The President finished strong, with his introduction of a series of American heroes, the kind of thing he does best.

Great. We’re at war and we have the People Magazine President in charge.


When he offered a sentence about Iraq that ended with the word “victory,� the Democrats had no alternative but to stand up and cheer.

Tell me they didn’t.

They didn’t. I saw a tight shot on Bush, and behind him Nancy refused to clap or get up. Lieberman probably cheered, though.


Hindlicker obviously doesn’t know the difference between words and deeds. Bush has been laying his happy-horseshit speeches on us for 6 years now and hasn’t accomplished anything of value. When will sychophants like Hindlicker see this?


God damn it Redleg, just give W. one more chance. He’s bound to hit the jackpot with this one. Now, what civilization would I like to destroy next???


I doubt that very many people who are on the fence were watching

People still on the fence are like WMD — they may have been around at some point but they’re all gone now, and anything you might find on the fence now is rusted shut and useless. Everything “on the fence” either fell into 28% fantasyland, or down the other side into Reality(tm).

Can we hold a PhotoShop contest to replace that corn dog with, I don’t know, Ron Jeremy’s gift to the world? Maybe some cool flame decals on the side, and the words “Bring ’em on!”? I’d risk NSFW to see that at least once…


Hindrocket can’t be playing Magic. You have to have a grasp of basic maths and probabilities, plus at least a minimally analytical mind, to be able to play this game with some skill.


Bush, when discussing his health insurance ‘plan’, said “Instead of bureaucrats and trial lawyers and HMOs, we must put doctors and nurses and patients back in charge of American medicine.”

Isn’t that what we pro-choice people have been saying all along? That doctors and nurses and patients should be the decision makers?

Oh, wait, he didn’t mention getting state’s attorneys out of the doctor’s office, only plaintiff’s attorneys. Dang, I thought he’d become a prochoicer for a minute there.


Mr. Wonderful, yes, but it stands for Save The F*cking Union…


When he offered a sentence about Iraq that ended with the word “victory,â€? the Democrats had no alternative but to stand up and cheer… Apart from the ceremonial trappings…

Psst, John, those were ceremonial clappings…


My son, (14), was appalled by the Dems, and Nancy Pelosi in particular, clapping for things Bush said, and for giving him all the applause when he came in. I tried to explain that it is considered courtesy, mainly for the office, and also to underscore points all sides may have in common. He was unimpressed by this rationale. “Mom, it’s just hypocrisy.”

He’s fourteen and at that literal age, but you can’t really refute the hypocrisy charge.

Jeez, my boss just called, gotta go to work…


“Some are born into war, some achieve war, and some have war thrust upon them.”

Where as Hindrocket had the war thrust INTO him…mmmMMMmmm.


Hindrocket can’t be playing Magic. You have to have a grasp of basic maths and probabilities, plus at least a minimally analytical mind, to be able to play this game with some skill.

You are assuming he plays with any skill. My guess is that he won once when he was playing against his friends and has assumed from that point on that his prowess was teh awesome. After all, those thirty consecutive thumpings by his bored kid sister (who doesn’t even know how to play the game) were flukes right?


Psst, John, those were ceremonial clappings…

Could you imagine what Hindrocket would have said if they HADN’T clapped those ceremonial clappings? My guess is treasonous dems have BDS so badly they can’t even clap for victory. Of course, lost in the whole “debate” would be the fact that Iraq isn’t Tinkerbell and no amount of clapping will bring “victory” back from the grave.


“Our leaders finally (three years late) come up with a plan that has a prayer of working, and the Americans would rather let the Iraqis suffer than give it a chance of working”

Which “Americans” do you speak of?

The same Americans who wanted no part of the invasion/occupation/cluster-fuckup in the first place?

-Or the same Americans who wanted to “glassify” Iraq in the early stages of the war?
Now they “care” about the well being of Iraqi’s, preaching “democracy.” Bullshit!


Candy, sorry your son’s bubble got burst. However, it had to happen eventually. In this imperfect world, hypocrisy in politics is SOP.


No matter how many times I see that corndog photo it always cracks me up.


I think it’s important to point out the fact that we haven’t been attacked by Paulie Shore since 9/11.


I’ve decided that after 7 years of hating George W Bush, I am going to support him. Just as soon as I recover from this severe head trauma I recently suffered.


This may have been what switched on the lightbulb (albeit a dim one) in Mr. Goldstein’s head:

You talking about the Pound reference? Yeah, I got it—though during my orals I was an Elliot and Yeats guy. I just wanted to point out that you’re posting under various guises, so your anonymity is, let’s say, fluid.

Howsabout you just pick a name and stick with it.

Posted by Jeff Goldstein | permalink
on 01/23 at 12:45 PM

Now if you’ll excuse me, I still have a workout to finish, a kid to feed, and beetroot on line two, above.

Posted by Jeff Goldstein | permalink
on 01/23 at 12:47 PM

I have picked one. “Anonymous� seems every bit as meaningful as “Jeff Goldstein� or “Dan Collins� or “Ace� or “Retardo Montalban,� to cite but a few examples.

And lucky for you it was “orals.� Might have been embarrassing to add an extra L to the Possum’s surname. (You did mean T.S. Eliot, didn’t you?)

Posted by anonymous | permalink
on 01/23 at 12:51 PM

[That and what appears to be a failed attempt to revisit the glory days of his alleged victimization by the evil lesbian Phd.


This may have been what switched on the lightbulb (albeit a dim one) in Mr. Goldstein’s head:

You talking about the Pound reference? Yeah, I got it—though during my orals I was an Elliot and Yeats guy. I just wanted to point out that you’re posting under various guises, so your anonymity is, let’s say, fluid.

Howsabout you just pick a name and stick with it.

Posted by Jeff Goldstein | permalink
on 01/23 at 12:45 PM

Now if you’ll excuse me, I still have a workout to finish, a kid to feed, and beetroot on line two, above.

Posted by Jeff Goldstein | permalink
on 01/23 at 12:47 PM

I have picked one. “Anonymous� seems every bit as meaningful as “Jeff Goldstein� or “Dan Collins� or “Ace� or “Retardo Montalban,� to cite but a few examples.

And lucky for you it was “orals.� Might have been embarrassing to add an extra L to the Possum’s surname. (You did mean T.S. Eliot, didn’t you?)

Posted by anonymous | permalink
on 01/23 at 12:51 PM

[That and what appears to be a failed attempt to revisit the glory days of his alleged victimization by the evil lesbian Phd.]


This short film report from Iraq shows what Bush is trying to perpetuate and prolong:



J. Neo Marvin sez: “Lieberman probably cheered, though.”

No, because I think his hands were already busy.

Well, his right hand.


I miss Old Yeller. So glad to hear he’s on his way. Now, what can be done about Bambi?


why do I always have to clean up around here?!

Smiling Mortician

Good job, Kathleen.

all who are serious about winning the war that has been thrust upon us,

Gawd I love the passive voice.

When I find the bastard that thrust this war upon us, he’ll suffer! The bastard!

(OK, but it helps if you read that last bit using Kevin Kline’s voice in A Fish Called Wanda.)


(OK, but it helps if you read that last bit using Kevin Kline’s voice in A Fish Called Wanda.)



(Apropos of nothing I suppose, but my favorite line in the whole movie.)


Sounds rather sad when one of Bush’s few remaining supporters only reluctantly watches his SOTU speech.


(comments are closed)