Noonan World Order
You know what you want to read right now? Of course you do. You want to read Mark Noonan’s views on bestiality:
Yet Another “Last Taboo”
By Mark Noonan at 07:21 AM
This was inevitible and, indeed, predicted quite a long time ago by we social conservatives – and we were shouted down back then because, supposedly, our “slipperly slope” argument was absurd. No one, we were assured, would ever treat things like this as other than the abominations they are:
PARK CITY, Utah — “Zoo” is a documentary about what director Robinson Devor accurately characterizes as “the last taboo, on the boundary of something comprehensible.” But remarkably, an elegant, eerily lyrical film has resulted.
OK, long story short: some director makes a film about bestiality. A critic in Florida praises it. Mark decides that this is part of some grand liberal design to get our grubby genitals inside his German shepherd’s tail.
[Gavin adds: So wait. ‘Slippery slope’ argument: If we let gays get married, then soon enough, before you know it, some director will make a documentary about bestiality? Aieee!1]
For the record, I think Noonan’s initial point about bestiality is sound. I know this will spark outrage among our pro-bestiality moral relativist readership, but I think having sex with animals is pretty disgusting, not to mention highly abusive to the animals.
But as he is wont to do, Mark can’t just be accidentally right one time and leave well enough alone. No, he has to expand his argument and make it so completely fucking insane that you actually start sympathizing with the sick bastard who diddles his cat. Check it:
Some years ago there was a debate over corporeal punishment – flogging, as it were. The particular issue at that time was whether or not the government of Singapore was right in flogging a pinhead of a teenager (who happened to be American) who had vandalised some cars. As for me, I took the view then – and hold to it now – that when an offense doesn’t merit death or a long prison term, it might be better to deal out 20 or 50 lashes as opposed to locking someone up for 3 to 5 years at a large charge to the taxpayer. Men who have sex with animals – and directors who make “strange and strangely beautiful” films about them are, in my view, prime candidates for a whipping. Much as we might like to kill such nauseating people, that doesn’t fit the crime – and why should the taxpayers have to foot a bill for incarcerating such perverts and their documentarians? A whipping it should be – and we should set about it as swiftly as possible.
Uh, yeah Mark. I think the next GOP candidate for president should make beating up pig-fuckers a cornerstone of his platform. Because it’s such a huge problem nationwide that must be dealt with.
Of course, Mark’s rant gets funnier the longer it goes:
This, for me, is the last straw – the director calls it the collapse of the last taboo, but I know that there’s still murder out there, as well as necrophilia and a few other taboos which, dammit, I think we need to retain unshattered and, indeed, we should start repairing some of the taboos which have fallen over the years.
And you know what that means: no fags, no divorce, no birth control, and best of all, no fruity-assed pro-Enlightenment “scientist” types who think they know everything and want to tell us we weren’t Designed Intelligently.
It is time we start re-enacting public decency laws and start getting a bit harsh with people who wantonly flout the minimal standards of decent society – and, yes, having sex with animals or making movies about same goes against what any rational person considers minimally decent behaviour.
Uh-oh! Mark’s desire to go Medieval on the chicken-porkers is getting him so pumped that he’s started using Ye Olde Englishe Spellinge againe!
Above: Mark Noonan of These Dygytal Parchments Bestowyng Prayse Most Jubylant Vpon His Majesty King George Bush II Him Svlf.
I’m deadly serious about this – we need, just for starters, to pass laws in our cities, counties and States saying things along the lines of:
“Any person engaging in sexual activity with animals, or advocating or approving such behaviour, shall be punished with not less than 20 strokes of a bullwhip.”
Tie them up in front of the country courthouse and flog them – let them and the world know that, yes, there is a limit here in the United States. We and our ancestors didn’t fight and strive and give hundreds of thousands of lives in order that a few sickos could have sex with anmials.
As someone who is closely related to Alexander Hamilton (I come from a loooooooong line of New England WASP families, peeps), I can attest that A-Ham would have totally dug fighting a war for the right to screw his pooch. That sort of thing was ol’ Hammy’s bag, baby, yeah!
Nor did anyone out there on any battlefield at any time think, as his lifeblood flowed out of him, “Good, I’m glad to die so that some dimwit of a director can make a movies about bestiality”. We fought and continue to fight for things other than the ability of degnerates to indulge their bizarre lusts.
It is time to call a halt to this nonsense – it is time, and past time, that we who made and sustain this nation took back our own and demand that people conform to at least a few rules of behaviour.
Someone really ought to take away Mark’s supply of Cialis. He gets far too excitable after popping just one pill.
At any rate, I think you get the point: Mark Noonan really does not like people who fuck animals. And neither do I, honestly. I just have better ways to spend my time in life than by concocting elaborate torture fantasies for them. Instead, I spend my time making fun of people who concoct elaborate torture fantasies for chicken-fuckers. I couldn’t tell you which of us is sadder. Like I said earlier, I think the sheep-humpers actually come out looking pretty good next to me’n’Mark.
UPDATE: By the way, our pal D.A. has written another fine piece that he’s asked me to post, which I’ll get to in a couple of hours. I’d just like to let Mark Noonan’s ye olde bestiality columne sink in a bit.
there’s plenty of public flogging already…. just hit the folsom street fair in san francisco. ( ) of course, you have to pay for it, but still, the precedent’s there. sadlyno! should start a fund drive to take noonan, i’m sure he’d approve of wanton displays of corporal punishment.
Doesn’t this guy know about loyal republican Neil Horsley.
All that talk about the hot bullwhip action made it slip his mind.
but I know that there’s still murder out there, as well as necrophilia and a few other taboos which, dammit
Boy, he starts off with a point that no one can attack (“bestiality is BAD!”), then goes messing it up by lumping it in with a victimless crime like necrophilia. What a maroon.
I’d say more about my thoughts and fantasies about beastiality and necrophilia, but that’s beating a dead horse.
teegee- beating off a dead horse, no?
teegee- beating off a dead horse, no?
It was a tough call between sticking to the metaphor and sticking to the euphamism. Either way, things are sticky.
Of course, Article II clearly states that the Decider is allowed to screw Barney, even if dead, in a time of endless war on terra.
but why stop the whipping with animal humpers and their documentarians? Shouldn’t film critics who praise the docmentarians also be subject to the lash? And the editors that run their criticism? I’m afraid Mark is advocating half measures here.
Why does bestiality deserve a whipping but, say, illegally invading a non-threatening country under false pretenses doesn’t?
Y’know, Brad, I think you’ve lived a bit sheltered. Let’s see, how to phrase this. Imagine you’re out in the boonies, a warm tropical nite on a firebase east of An Loc, and you’re just chillin, y’know? Got your head on a sandbag, layin on your back staring at the stars, quarter yellow moon, listening to the occasional outgoing H&I round, smoking Isweartagod the best shit anybody ever grew anywhere, shooting the shit with a bunch of guys, a fair percentage of whom grew up on farms in places like kansas, nebraska and iowa. I have to tell you, you get those kids loosened up and they start talking about their various loves and lusts. And sorry, a great deal of them were not human. It seems that for a young man growing up with farm animals (or, for that matter, melons), the idea of interspecies intercourse is not nearly as grotesque, or uncommon, for that matter, as you might assume…
Why does bestiality deserve a whipping but, say, illegally invading a non-threatening country under false pretenses doesn’t?
Because the Bible strictly forbids fucking animals. It doesn’t say anything about fucking an entire country.
It seems that for a young man growing up with farm animals (or, for that matter, melons), the idea of interspecies intercourse is not nearly as grotesque, or uncommon, for that matter, as you might assume…
Thanks. Remind me to not mention it the next time I’m chatting with a bunch of heartlanders 🙂
but why stop the whipping with animal humpers and their documentarians? Shouldn’t film critics who praise the docmentarians also be subject to the lash? And the editors that run their criticism? I’m afraid Mark is advocating half measures here.
I concur. I think Mark’s getting soft in his old age. Next thing you know he’ll have something nice to say about Galileo and will start admitting that it’s possible to sail across the ocean without falling off into space or being eaten by a dragon. It’s baby-steps, y’know? We can make him a good liberal yet!
Why does bestiality deserve a whipping but, say, illegally invading a non-threatening country under false pretenses doesn’t?
Because invading countries is macho!
Prudence Goodwife, check this out. From Horsley’s website:
This reminds me of a story in the Guardian about a french director who was showing a compilation of 12 silent porn films he had uncovered. His defense of one scene was that he didn’t see anything paticularly wrong with it as the dog appeared to be enjoying himself.,,1167044,00.html
Hey Bradass, your illustrious ancestor was a Jamaican bastard.
Note to everyone on this thread. Never do a search for “My Little Pony” on the internet. No good can become of it.
Hanks for teh warning, Mr. Sphinx!
Mark Noonan:
Men who have sex with animals – and directors who make “strange and strangely beautifulâ€? films about them are, in my view, prime candidates for a whipping. Much as we might like to kill such nauseating people …
Kenneth Turan on “Zoo” director Robinson Devor:
Devor and his writing partner, Charles Mudede, live in Seattle and were stunned, as were many in the state, by a story that broke in 2005 about a local man who died after having sex with an Arabian stallion.
So there you have it, folks. Mark Noonan’s target audience is Arabian stallions.
Obligatory Big Lebowski stealing:
Mark Noonan: Those sick fucks! This whole fucking thing… I did not watch my buddies die face down in the muck so that this chicken fucking….
The Dude: I don’t see any connection to Vietnam, Mark. Besides, were you even in fucking Vietnam?
Mark Noonan: Well, there isn’t a literal connection, Dude.
The Dude: Mark, face it, there isn’t any connection.
Err……..beastiality is already illegal in most jurisdictions.
So’s necrophilia.
Although, as a “do no harm” sort of legalist myself, I can’t really see getting all that worked up over necrophilia. Sure, it’s unbelievably gross and disgusting, but I’ve never been persuaded that the ick factor is a decent reason to legislate. I’ve also never understood why people get so attached to the corpses of their loved ones that they find it necessary to dress them up and give them flowers, but I realize this puts me in a minority position, so I don’t make much of an issue out of it. If you want to have sex with a dead body, I just can’t see whom you’re really harming by doing so (questions of public health aside).
It is, I think, worth pointing out that necrophilia is not an “unnatural” phenomenon. If ducks do it, how unnatural can it be?
C’mon. Just because you’ve never TRIED it!
I knew this guy, Stu, who fucked a melon. Actually, a number of melons. Horny for horned melon, wet for watermelon…there was no honeydew he wouldn’t do.
Then he found one — a cassaba, if I remember correctly — that he said was perfect for him. Something about the shape, the texture…tried not to pay too much attention.
One day he ran off with his melon lover. Left a note saying he was going to Mexico, then if he couldn’t stop there, to find some place where he and his paramour could have a life together as a wedded couple.
A week later he was back, alone and sobbing. He never touched another melon again.
See, a melon’s a versatile fruit in the bedroom. You can hump it, you can cuddle it, with a little work you can even play with its balls.
But in running off to marry his, what Stu had forgotten was there’s one thing melons are incapable of:
They can’t elope.
Ironically, I came about this while actually working: Noonan’s Syndrome
Speaking of coitus with deceased ruminant mammals, there is this guy, whom, you will notice, is from a Blue State.
Since Noons argument is that beastiality has been normalized (based, entirely, on a positive review about a documentary on beastiality — which, of course, has existed since the dawn of man.), I fail to see his point.
As soon as dogs march for their rights to screw humans, I’ll worry about concent and the inherent liberalism of beastiality. Until then, I’ll fall back on my rule of thumb of sexuality — it’s all about the consent of the parties involved — which is, I believe the liberal position.
So take your dog fucking and torture fantasies elsewhere, social conservatives (with your slippery slopes and whipping, you sick freaks).
not less than 20 strokes of a bullwhip
Might I suggest a pizzle as a more suitable implement.
your illustrious ancestor was a Jamaican bastard
I thought Hamilton was from Nevis.
Is Mark next going to complain that this is proof inherent that Hollywood wants to turn our kids into homosexual donkey lovers?
The guy got fucked by the horse, not the other way around. Learn how to fact check.
Except for the dying part, skipper, I’m not sure that’s germaine……
The liberal position is my favorite – much better than the missionary position.
From what I’ve read, i don’t think this movie was meant to be advocating bestiality in any sense. Just the opposite. But heaven forfend this doofus do any actual ‘research’. it might get in the way of drawing faulty conclusions.
The movie is actually about the true story that happened in Washington State not very long ago. It’s about how these seemingly upstanding citizens were going out to this farm which was basically an animal brothel. The key is that these were seemingly ‘normal’ people. Like, um, upstanding Republican businessmen, maybe. I think this is why ole Mark objects. This Flicka flick hits too close to home…
Chacun à son goat, is all I can say.
The tagline for the movie reads “We Are Not Who We Appear To Be�.
You want to read Mark Noonan’s views on bestiality
This is the kind of statement that shouldn’t be at all true yet, strangely enough, is true.
It is time we start re-enacting public decency laws and start getting a bit harsh with people who wantonly flout the minimal standards of decent society…
By bringing back the Sumptuary Laws, for a start. If any mere commoner can wear a purple-and-pink quartered tabard without fear of flogging, then there is no hope for the future.
Wantonly flout? I vaguely remember trying some, the last time we went out to a Chinese restaurant.
Some years ago there was a debate over corporeal punishment – flogging, as it were.
Mark Noonan seems to have forgotten that in earlier days, school children were physically punished for stupidity. In his ideal world, he’d be walking around a mass of welts and bruises. Weeping pitifully, of course.
I want to hear more about this non-corporeal punishment.
I prefer ethereal punishment, myself.
I would say something about the real issue with beasitiality being the impossibility of informed consent, but it descends a slippery slope into the realm of “the bitch wanted it.”
When you get into non-corporeal punishment, do you get a lot of nasty ectoplasm to clean up?
I want to hear more about this non-corporeal punishment.
Good one; I didn’t even notice. Spiritual punishment, obviously, another facet of Bush’s faith-based initiative.
directors who make “strange and strangely beautiful� films about them are, in my view, prime candidates for a whipping.
Out of idle curiosity, do you reckon Woody Allen would be covered by Noonan’s fatwa, on account of the Gene-Wilder-and-sheep segment from “Everything you Ever Wanted to Know about Sex”? Possibly that wasn’t strange enough. Or strangely beautiful enough.
We went to Tijuana, Mexico, you know? And we thought it would be fun, you know, to go to a show. Everybody says you gotta check out one of these shows. And… it’s a woman fuckin’ a horse. We get there and we think it’s gonna be awesome and… it is not as cool as it sounds like it’s gonna be. It’s kinda gross. You think “A woman fuckin’ a horse” and you get there and… it’s a woman fucking a horse. It was really giving it to her. And you know what? To be honest I just felt bad for her, we all just felt bad for her. I kinda felt bad for the horse!
Because I forgot to write it before, the shorter, animated Mark Noonan: “Talking out of turn? That’s a paddlin’ Looking out the window? That’s a paddlin’ Looking at my sandals? That’s a paddlin’. Paddling the school canoe? Oh, you better believe that’s a paddlin’.”
The director himself puts it best: “I aestheticized the sleaze right out of it.”
You’d pretty much have to, wouldn’t you? Kind of like you would if you were trying to achieve a sympathetic documentary on any number of Republican congressmen.
Much as I’d like to conjur a joke about Noonan’s wife being into bestiality, I have too much respect for the “lower life forms” to do that. How about: she must be into kissing anus because that’s what her husband speaks out of. Is there an “iality” for that?
my grandfather died in ww2 proudly in the belief that people would could have the freedom to write lousy op-ed columns about insignificant issues
Men who have sex with animals – and directors who make “strange and strangely beautifulâ€? films about them are, in my view, prime candidates for a whipping.
So is Mark Noonan planning a whipping for conservative activist Neal Horsley?
It is time we start re-enacting public decency laws and start getting a bit harsh with people who wantonly flout the minimal standards of decent society – and, yes, having sex with animals or making movies about same goes against what any rational person considers minimally decent behaviour.
A Bit Harsh: his description of the torture bill.
I wonder how many times Noonan has Googled porn on-line when the Mrs isn’t looking.
Oh, but I’m sure his masturbation fantasies are PURE!
hey, guys and gals…what did Noonan have to say about those grotesque Abu Ghraib sex-torture pyramid photographs? I bet he didn’t bat an EYELASH about that.
update this with a nose-ring and some hair dye and we have bradrocket?
If you want to have sex with a dead body, I just can’t see whom you’re really harming by doing so (questions of public health aside).
It could be argued that it’s a question of consent, much like the basic argument against sheep-humping. On the other hand, pretty clearly it’s not about the corpse, it’s about the grieving survivors. “Nobody” wants to see their loved one’s corpse being humped by some strange pervert, or even to know that someone else is humping their own loved one’s corpse. Much the same reason our earliest ancestors buried their dead, safely away from animal predation, adorned in bright paint & floral offerings. Not “logical”, but most predators that run in groups won’t eat the corpses of their own packmates except under duress, so it’s pretty deeply ingrained in our DNA.
But, mostly, gotta agree that it’s weird how The Lesser Noonan jumps straight from the “abomination” of horse-humping to an elaborate scenario about bullwhipping miscreants in public. Especially since there’s a considerable difference between 20 strokes of a cane (extremely painful, but not permanently debilitating) and 20 strokes of a bullwhip, which I believe (from what I remember of naval history) would range somewhere between crippling and fatal. Noonan’s just got a very pervy imagination, but then, nobody who would unironically associate themselves with a title like “Blogs for Bush” can be considered a model of mental health.
So is Mark Noonan planning a whipping for conservative activist Neal Horsley?
Man. That link sure attracted some odd characters. Normal Sadly, No! comments banter and then, BAM, right into “damn, brother, don’t believe I’d a told that” territory.
Gotta love the internets.
Without having seen the film, I have to say I’m a fan of Charles Mudede. Police Beat was great and his column of the same name is also quite good. I’m just afraid of what kind of woman will see it as a date (presumably not the kind of women I’d want to date). On the other hand who wants to see it alone, or worse check it out at a video store? So that leaves friends, “Hey man wanna see the horse fucker movie? What? OK, maybe I will go fuck myself instead.”
Err……..beastiality is already illegal in most jurisdictions.
So’s necrophilia.
[quickly dons Trousers of Pedantry]
There was a case in California a few years ago where a girl eloped (if that is the word) with the object of her affection. No-one could find a law against necrophilia, so she was charged instead with illegally driving a hearse.
Here in NZ, we have laws against “Offering an indignity to a body”. It’s an oddly evocative phrase. “Hey body, would you like an indignity?”
“This, for me, is the last straw – the director calls it the collapse of the last taboo, but I know that there’s still murder out there, as well as necrophilia and a few other taboos which, dammit, I think we need to retain unshattered and, indeed, we should start repairing some of the taboos which have fallen over the years.”
…does the RNCC cut his paychecks off if he brings up incest and genocide?
I’m just happy to find that all the other social ills and indignities have been banished, since we have time to devote to those (presumably) rare individuals who like to have their way with their pets.
“Flogging, as it were.” Love that.
update this with a nose-ring and some hair dye and we have bradrocket?
1.) I’m actually fairly preppyish.
2.) Yes, I’m a very WASP-y person.
Ironically, bestiality was legal in Texas all during Dubya’s tenure as governor there, and, as far as I know, Dubya didn’t lift a finger to make it illegal. On the other hand, homosexual sex was illegal in Texas all during Dubya’s tenure as governor there. Apparently, to Dubya and his like-minded people, homosexual sex was worse than bestiality.
Maybe Dubya and his like-minded people secretly harbored longings to have sex with that pooch next door.
Do me a favor if you can, please. Post my comment to the “Sadly, no” thread that you referenced earlier. I can’t get it to take. You other troops; nothing to see here, move along.
Comment follows:
“This, for me, is the last straw – the director calls it the collapse of the last taboo, but I know that there’s still murder out there, as well as necrophilia and a few other taboos which, dammit, I think we need to retain unshattered and, indeed, we should start repairing some of the taboos which have fallen over the years.â€? Hmmmmm? “retain unshattered”; exactly wtf does that mean?
Necrophilia is, I’m told, a “gateway crime”–no, not in the punning sense. It’s just that a bunch of otherwise clean-cut kids break into a funeral home after their 17th tube of airplane glue and find out how compliant a corpse can be. Next thing y’know, they’re making their own!
Caning, btw, when done by a properly trained individual with one of those wonderful tools that have been soaked in horse urine for a while can be, shall we say, a bit more serious than a slap on the fanny.
democommie™™™™®© | 01.23.07 – 5:43 am | #
Uh, yeah Mark. I think the next GOP candidate for president should make beating up pig-fuckers a cornerstone of his platform. Because it’s such a huge problem nationwide that must be dealt with.
Do you have any idea how many votes this would cost them in the rural south?
Somebody needs to tell Noonan about this Goldstein fellow. I had never thought about putting peanut butter on my dick and trying to solicit oral sex from a dog until he opened my mind to the possibility.
They act as if bestiality is something new. Without the constant traffic of conservative types, Tijuana Donkey Shows would be totally out of business. Just sayin’.
I’m going to write a book about how you libruls are all objectively pro pig fucking.
It… I… okay. Look. If I have an otter, and I feed the otter, and I clean up after the otter, and I take the damn otter to the vet when it gets hurt or sick and I pay its frickin medical bills, then when I want to fuck the otter, that otter is gettin’ some dick. That’s just how that is. Property rights, bitchez!
And while I expect that basic concept to utterly baffle a namby pamby cheese eating goddam San Francisco gay marrying butt sex in the backseat of a non-domestic convertible having liberal-progressive like y’all, by the JESUS I would expect a conservative of Mister Mark Noonan’s standing to get it.
If I own it, I can fuck it. WHENEVER I WANT. Vaseline entirely optional.
Christ it just makes me want to blubber like a little girl. All you goddam panty waist pussy whipped feminazis already took away my god given right to pork my wife and/or my daughters any time I want — women not property? THIS IS SHEER INSANITY! The Bible says very differently, my friends, and someday, the taste of eternal hellfire against your tonsils as you scream your atheistic lungs out for a mercy that will not be forthcoming will tell you all you need to know about that. Oh yes it will.
But, okay, you’ve passed your stupid little laws and brainwashed even the decent Christian police into seeing it your way, so fine, fine… I do not treat the women in my household as property.
As far as you know.
But to try to extend this absurd principle to pets, farm animals, and other living, breathing domesticated chattels is just madness, and I will fight it with every breath in my body, or yours, preferably.
If I own it, I can fuck it. AT WILL. That is how a real man rolls, homiez.
Now, I do agree that making movies about sex is gross and sick and should be punished with defenestration at the very least, because sex is not a spectator sport. Unless it’s between two chicks. In which case, that’s VERY different, my not so moral friend. VERY DIFFERENT INDEED.
Excuse me, I’ve mislaid my inhaler.
Hey, a Seattle man died after sex with a horse and they’re trying to forbid people from having sex with animals?? How about the horses? Are they going to get off scot free?? I’m watching my ass they next time I walk into a barn, believe me.
Excuse me, I’ve mislaid my inhaler.
Exqueeze me, but that is some funny shit.
I bet BRad is more OASP than WASP.
What is it with wingnuts and zoophilia? Frickin’ Bodil Joensen spent less time thinking about bestiality than these freaks.
there is nothing in the world that wingnuts can’t completely misinterpret, is there?
and the beating a dead horse thing made me laugh with my head on my desk for like five solid minutes. commenty gold!
But it was wagging its tail, acting sexy
Scene: a theater showing the bestiality documentary. A small, sparse audience is viewing the film, including Mark Noonan…
Mark Noonan: …fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap…
Usher: Sir? Um, sir? You can’t… sir? You’re not allowed to do that in here.
MN: What‽‽
U: You’re not allowed to do… um, that in here.
MN: What’s this then? […fap, fap…] I can’t wank in here?
U: Uh, no.
MN: […fap, fap…] But, this film is clearly pr0n0graphic–! […fap, fap, fap…] And, stop looking at my mighty love bone!
U: I’m NOT!! And, this movie isn’t pr0n! It is, in fact, a documentary.
MN: [fa–] W00t‽‽ A documentary‽‽‽ [-goosh, goosh…]
U: Yes. And, if you continue to spank your monkey right out here in the general seating, I shall be forced to ask you to leave.
MN: Well, no worries there, mate! You’ve turned my wood to wood pulp!
U: [to self] don’t look, don’t look… [out loud] Aaagghh! I looked! Gaahhh!!
MN: […goosh, goosh, goosh…]
He’s REEEEEEEAAAALLLLLLYYYYYY getting excited by this whipping thing.
You occasionally come across stark glimpses, seen as if illuminated by a flash of lightning, of another man’s psyche. And it often makes you cringe. I know it does me.
Methinks the man doth protest too much.
What is it with wingers always ranting against movies they’ve never seen, never will see, and have no desire to see?
Why don’t they at least see the fucking movie first before calling for people involved in it to be publicly flogged?
[…] That’s mostly because we’ve run out of puns like ‘High Noonan,’ ‘Noonan World Order,’ and ‘Darkness at Noonan.’ But as you can see, we just thought of another one. […]